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The Road of Dread

In the peom the The Road of Dread by Lorna Goodison, it can clearly be seen that she uses a mixture of
creole and Standard English, to some this might be an odd choice, and it can be hard to combine the
two, and make it work perfectly, but that is exactly what Lorna does, and by doing so she manages to
bring out the life, and language of Caribbean people, not only that by choicing to use this mixture, the
themes of Racism, Sgeratation, Death, Colonization are clealry brought out, as thes the Caribbbean
people's life journey. Her poem also brings out various poetic devices, my favorites being Simile which is
clearly seen in the lines "The sky calm like sea..." and "or the man that find a stream that pure like baby
mind..", another d

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