Stakeholder Communication Strategy

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Stakeholder communication strategy:

task: develop a communication strategy to stakeholders on reading engagement saturating

crisis on uplifting effective literacy(Rescue- L),“PAGKAT-ON SA PAGBASA DIHA SA PANIMALAY
The ability to read well is one of the most valuable skills a person can acquire. Any field of
endeavor necessitate reading. Thus, it is always in the heart of the Department of Education the
goal of making every Filipino child a reader. The result of this Rescue-L Program as stipulated in
the Division Memorandum no. 235, s. 2021 have been positive and encouraging, a validation of
efforts for teachers and community stakeholders to uplift the level of reading ability of the
learners in school.

Here are some steps and guidelines to help in the compelling content:

Step 1: Identify Stakeholders

This activity shall be participated by the teachers of the Department of Education, learners,
parents/guardians, barangay officials, local government units and other stakeholders.

Step 2: Analyze Stakeholders

Promoting effective literacy and reading engagement, especially in times of crisis, requires a
concerted effort from parents and various stakeholders. Here are the roles and responsibilities
of both groups in this important endeavor:

Roles and Responsibilities of Parents:

1. Create a Reading-Friendly Environment: Parents should establish a home environment

that encourages reading. This includes having a well-stocked library or bookshelf and
setting aside time for family reading.
2. Serve as Role Models: Parents should model reading behavior by regularly reading
books, magazines, or newspapers themselves. Children are more likely to engage in
reading when they see their parents doing it.
3. Read Aloud: Parents can read aloud to their children, even when they are older. This
not only promotes literacy but also strengthens the parent-child bond.
4. Provide Access to Books: Ensure that children have access to a wide variety of reading
materials, both fiction and non-fiction. Utilize libraries and community resources.
5. Encourage Choice: Allow children to choose their own books and reading materials
based on their interests. This autonomy fosters a love for reading.
6. Discuss and Connect: Engage in conversations about what children are reading. Ask
questions, encourage critical thinking, and make connections to real-life situations.
7. Limit Screen Time: While not directly related to reading, reducing excessive screen time
can free up more time for reading and other educational activities.

Roles and Responsibilities of Stakeholders:

1. Advocate for Literacy: Stakeholders, including schools, community organizations, and

policymakers, should advocate for literacy programs and policies that support reading
2. Provide Resources: Ensure that schools and communities have well-funded libraries and
access to a variety of reading materials, including digital resources.
3. Professional Development: Offer training and professional development opportunities
for teachers and educators on effective literacy instruction and reading engagement
4. Support Parents: Provide resources and workshops for parents to help them
understand the importance of reading and how to support their children's literacy
5. Collaboration: Encourage collaboration between schools, libraries, and community
organizations to create a seamless network of support for literacy and reading
6. Identify At-Risk Readers: Identify students who may be at risk of falling behind in
reading and provide targeted interventions and support.
7. Celebrate Reading: Organize events, contests, and celebrations that promote a culture
of reading within the community. This can include book fairs, author visits, and reading
8. Research and Evaluation: Conduct research to understand the specific needs of the
community and evaluate the effectiveness of literacy programs and interventions.
9. Funding and Resources: Advocate for funding and allocate resources to support literacy
initiatives, including the purchase of books and technology for reading programs.

In times of crisis, such as a saturation of information overload or distractions, these roles and
responsibilities become even more critical. By working together, parents and stakeholders can
help rescue and uplift effective literacy, ensuring that children have the skills and love for
reading that are essential for their future success.

 Step 3: Develop Communication Content

 Progress Reports: individual reading progress must be reported regularly to provide

teachers with valuable information on the progress and achievements of the learners.
 Stakeholder Updates:
 Providing feedbacks to parents/guardians regarding the learner’s progress is one of the best
ways to involve them in the reading-learning evaluation and follow-up process.
 Communication Preferences
a.Utilize the LTR-Reading tool, English Reading tools, big books, and other reading materials
to struggling readers.
b.Implement Drop Everything and Read at Home;
c.Extend reading assistance through Volunteer Pal/Peer Coach;
d.Prepare 30-40-minute video documentation of the activity.

Step 4: Choose Communication Channels

Teachers should conduct communication to parents through messenger group chat and video
calls, phone text and calls. Hence, learners are also enjoined to fill-out their journals to provoke
more their learnings and reflections.

Step 5: Create a Communication Schedule


School Implementation of Rescue-L S.Y. 2023-2024

Schedule/ Activity Responsible Target Output

Time Persons Participants
August 1-3, Planning of school reading teachers Engagement
2023 Reading coordinator, school in planning
(8:00-12:00) Activities head the activities
(1:00-5:00) and materials.
August 4- Preparation/ School reading Learners/ Materials are
8,2023 printing of the coordinators, parents ready for
(8:00-12:00) materials to be teachers distribution.
(1:00-5:00) distributed to
the parents
August 9- Dissemination of School reading Learners/ Parents/
10,2023 information to coordinators, parents guardians are
(8:00- the parents teachers well-informed
12:00) about the about the
Brigada Pagbasa activity.
August 11, Distribution of teachers parents Reading
2023 the materials to materials are
(1:00-5:00) the parents already
distributed to
the parents.
Aug. 14- 28, Implementation Parents/guardians/ learners Filled-out
2023 of the reading volunteer coach journals, and
(8:00-12:00) activities improvement
(1:00- 5:00) of learners’
reading level.

Step 6: Monitor and Adapt

To ensure the success of this intervention, the school reading coordinator must implement 30-
40-minute activity for documentation through video presentation as evident of the conduct of
reading implementation.
The conduct of monitoring is through messenger group chat and video calls, phone text and
calls. Learners are also enjoined to fill-out their journals to provoke more their learnings and
reflections. Whereas basis and to keep track on the reading progress of the learners,
particularly the non-readers, each teacher should fill-up and submit a copy of Individual
Learning Monitoring Plan to the next grade level adviser. The end means of Rescue-L as a
national movement for reading is worth with the collaborative efforts of the Department of
Education, parents, learners and its stakeholders.

Step 7: Evaluate and Report

The "Reading Engagement Saturating Crisis for Uplifting Effective Literacy" (Rescue-L) initiative
is a comprehensive program aimed at addressing the declining reading engagement among
students and promoting effective literacy skills. This report provides an evaluation of the
Rescue-L program, focusing on its impact, effectiveness, and areas for improvement.

1. Background: Rescue-L was launched in response to the alarming decline in reading

engagement among students, which was identified as a crisis impacting literacy rates.
The program sought to address this issue by promoting reading habits, enhancing
literacy skills, and creating a supportive reading environment.
2. Methodology: The evaluation of Rescue-L involved a mixed-methods approach,
including surveys, interviews, and data analysis. Participants included students,
teachers, and parents from various schools and communities where the program was
3. Findings:
a. Positive Impact on Reading Engagement:
 Rescue-L succeeded in increasing reading engagement among students. The
program's interactive reading sessions, book clubs, and incentives for reading
were particularly effective in sparking interest in reading.
b. Improved Literacy Skills:
 The program had a positive impact on students' literacy skills. Reading
comprehension, vocabulary, and writing skills showed noticeable improvements
in participating students.
c. Community Involvement:
 Rescue-L successfully engaged parents and the community in promoting literacy.
Parental involvement in reading activities and the establishment of community
libraries were key factors contributing to the program's success.
d. Challenges:
 Some schools faced challenges in implementing Rescue-L due to limited
resources and overcrowded classrooms. Addressing these resource gaps is
essential for broader program success.
4. Recommendations:
a. Expand Program Resources:
 Allocate additional resources to schools to facilitate the implementation of
Rescue-L. This could include providing more books, technology resources, and
trained personnel to support the program.
b. Continuous Professional Development:
 Provide ongoing training and professional development opportunities for
teachers to enhance their skills in promoting reading engagement and literacy.
c. Monitoring and Evaluation:
 Implement a robust system for monitoring and evaluating the program's
effectiveness. Regular assessments and feedback from learners, teachers, and
parents will help identify areas that require improvement.
d. Community Outreach:
 Strengthen community outreach efforts to involve more parents and community
members in supporting literacy initiatives. Organize events, workshops, and
awareness campaigns to foster a culture of reading at home.
5. Conclusion:
The Rescue-L program has made significant strides in addressing the reading
engagement crisis and improving literacy skills among learners. By expanding resources,
providing ongoing professional development, and maintaining a strong focus on
community involvement, Rescue-L has the potential to uplift effective literacy across a
broader spectrum of schools and communities.

The program's success lies in its ability to engage learners, teachers, and parents in a collective
effort to promote reading and literacy. With continued support and refinement, Rescue-L can
play a pivotal role in enhancing literacy rates and fostering a lifelong love for reading among the
younger generation.

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