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CoCubes Test 1 (ECE)

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 2021_TCS_NQT_Coding 1
Single Questions Group Questions Draft Questions

2021_TCS_NQT_Coding 2

2021_TCS_NQT_Coding 3
MCQ - Single Correct ,

 2021_TCS_NQT_Mock Te…

2021_TCS_NQT_Mock Te…
Subject: Aptitude   /   Topic: Reasoning Ability   /   Subtopic: Direction

Q1 Bharat has started from his house, walked 12 m towards North, took a right turn and

then walked 5 m to reach his of ce. Find the shortest distance and the direction of his
2021_TCS_NQT_Mock Te…
of ce with respect to his home.
2021_TCS_NQT_Mock Te…

1.  17 m North-west
2021_TCS_NQT_Mock Te… 2.  13 m South-west

2021_TCS_NQT_Numeric… 3.  13 m South-east

 2021_TCS_NQT_Numeric…
4.  13 m North-east

2021_TCS_NQT_Numeric… Automatic Di culty: 0/10 Blooms Taxonomy: -

No.of Attempts: 9 Avg time taken: 5.75sec Right: 66.66% Wrong: 11.11%

Skipped: 22.22% Partially Correct: - Last Edit By: - Last Edit At: -

Tests added: CoCubes Test 1 (ECE)


MCQ - Single Correct ,
2021_TCS_NQT_Verbal A…
Subject: Aptitude   /   Topic: Verbal Ability   /   Subtopic: Synonyms
2021_TCS_NQT_Verbal A…

2021_TCS_NQT_Verbal A…
Q2 Select the most suitable synonym

1 2 3 accolade

1.  desire

2.  laurels
3.  criticism
4.  anger

Tags: CST

Automatic Di culty: 9.42/10 Blooms Taxonomy: -

No.of Attempts: 9 Avg time taken: 8.56sec Right: 44.44% Wrong: 44.44%

Skipped: 11.11% Partially Correct: - Last Edit By: - Last Edit At: -

Tests added: CoCubes Test 1 (ECE)

Programming ,
Subject: Programming   /   Topic: C Programming   /   Subtopic: Strings

Q3 Given a string S, nd the longest substring which is a palindrome. For example, if the
given string is “Helloworld”, the output should be "owo".

Automatic Di culty: 0/10 Blooms Taxonomy: -

No.of Attempts: 9 Avg time taken: 136.08sec Right: - Wrong: 66.66%

Skipped: 33.33% Partially Correct: - Last Edit By: - Last Edit At: -
Tests added: CoCubes Test 1 (ECE)

Fill-Ups ,
Subject: Engineering   /   Topic: Computer Science   /   Subtopic: Computer Networks

Q4 Suppose 'A' and 'B' are on same 10 Mbps Ethernet segment and the propagation delay
between two nodes is 275 bit times. Suppose A and B are on two ends of the wire and
tries to send a frame at time t = 0 and frames collide. Then at what time (in bits) they
nish transmitting a jam signal. Assume 48 bit jam signal. _________

Automatic Di culty: 5/10 Blooms Taxonomy: -

No.of Attempts: 9 Avg time taken: 5.50sec Right: - Wrong: 88.88%

Skipped: 11.11% Partially Correct: - Last Edit By: - Last Edit At: -

Tests added: CoCubes Test 1 (ECE)

MCQ - Single Correct ,

Subject: Engineering   /   Topic: Computer Science   /   Subtopic: Databases

Q5 Consider the following schedule:

S: r2 (A), r1 (B), w2 (A), r2 (B), r3 (A), w1 (B), w3 (A), w2 (B)
How many minimum number of moves (where a move consisting of changing the
position of one of the operations) are required to convert S into a con ict serializable

1.  1
2.  2
3.  3
4.  4

Automatic Di culty: 9.06/10 Blooms Taxonomy: -

No.of Attempts: 9 Avg time taken: 2.70sec Right: - Wrong: 77.77%

Skipped: 22.22% Partially Correct: - Last Edit By: - Last Edit At: -

Tests added: CoCubes Test 1 (ECE)

MCQ - Single Correct ,

Subject: Aptitude   /   Topic: Reasoning Ability   /   Subtopic: Visual Reasoning

Q6 In the following questions, two pairs of problem gures marked A, B, C and D and four
answer gures are given. Select the best answer gure to substitute element D in the
problem gures so that element C is related to element D in the same way as element
A is related to the element B. To establish the relationship, consider maximum aspects
of the gures (i. e., size, shape, movement etc.). The number of that answer gure
which can be substituted for problem gure D, is your answer. If it is not required to
substitute any of the four answer gures, then mark your answer as (5).





5.  No substitute is required

Automatic Di culty: 3.11/10 Blooms Taxonomy: -

No.of Attempts: 9 Avg time taken: 28.43sec Right: 55.55% Wrong: 33.33%

Skipped: 11.11% Partially Correct: - Last Edit By: - Last Edit At: -

Tests added: CoCubes Test 1 (ECE)

MCQ - Single Correct ,

Subject: Aptitude   /   Topic: Verbal Ability   /   Subtopic: Synonyms

Q7 Select the most suitable synonym

magni cent

1.  carping
2.  grandiose
3.  eloquent
4.  verbose

Tags: CST

Automatic Di culty: 9/10 Blooms Taxonomy: -

No.of Attempts: 9 Avg time taken: 1.63sec Right: 33.33% Wrong: 66.66%

Skipped: - Partially Correct: - Last Edit By: - Last Edit At: -

Tests added: CoCubes Test 1 (ECE)

MCQ - Single Correct ,

Subject: Engineering   /   Topic: Computer Science   /   Subtopic: Fundamentals

Q8 Arithmetic logic unit

I. perform arithmetic operations
II. store data
III. perform comparison
IV. communicate with input devices of the above the correct one is

1.  I only 
2.  II only
3.  I and II only 
4.  I and III only

Automatic Di culty: 0/10 Blooms Taxonomy: -

No.of Attempts: 9 Avg time taken: 4.59sec Right: 88.88% Wrong: 11.11%

Skipped: - Partially Correct: - Last Edit By: - Last Edit At: -

Tests added: CoCubes Test 1 (ECE)

Programming ,
Subject: Programming   /   Topic: C Programming   /   Subtopic: Arrays

Q9 Count the number of pairs in integer array whose sum equals given sum (all elements
are unique)

Automatic Di culty: 5.29/10 Blooms Taxonomy: -

No.of Attempts: 9 Avg time taken: 314.17sec Right: 11.11% Wrong: 22.22%

Skipped: 66.66% Partially Correct: - Last Edit By: - Last Edit At: -

Tests added: CoCubes Test 1 (ECE)

MCQ - Single Correct ,

Subject: Engineering   /   Topic: Communication   /   Subtopic: Communications

Q10 The spectral density and autocorrelation function of white noise is

1.  Delta & uniform
2.  Uniform & delta
3.  Gaussian & uniform
4.  Gaussian and delta

Automatic Di culty: 0/10 Blooms Taxonomy: -

No.of Attempts: 9 Avg time taken: 2.42sec Right: - Wrong: 66.66%

Skipped: 33.33% Partially Correct: - Last Edit By: - Last Edit At: -

Tests added: CoCubes Test 1 (ECE)

MCQ - Single Correct ,

Subject: Engineering   /   Topic: Electrical   /   Subtopic: Control Systems

Q11 Determine the break away and break-in points of the given system :-

1.  –2, –3
2.  –3, –2
3.  –0.634, –2.366
4.  –2.366, –0.634

Automatic Di culty: 2.5/10 Blooms Taxonomy: -

No.of Attempts: 9 Avg time taken: 1.75sec Right: 33.33% Wrong: 22.22%

Skipped: 44.44% Partially Correct: - Last Edit By: - Last Edit At: -

Tests added: CoCubes Test 1 (ECE)

MCQ - Single Correct ,

Subject: Aptitude   /   Topic: Quantitative Ability   /   Subtopic: Ratio and Proportion

Q12 A and B provide Rs. 52,500 and Rs.17,500 for business capital. B receives 20% of the
pro ts as manager, interest is then paid at 4% on the individual capital, and the rest of
pro ts are divided equally between them. If A receives Rs. 3,934, what does B receive?

1.  4200
2.  4329
3.  5123
4.  4151

Automatic Di culty: 0/10 Blooms Taxonomy: -

No.of Attempts: 9 Avg time taken: 11.75sec Right: - Wrong: 44.44%

Skipped: 55.55% Partially Correct: - Last Edit By: - Last Edit At: -

Tests added: CoCubes Test 1 (ECE)

MCQ - Single Correct ,
Subject: Aptitude   /   Topic: Reasoning Ability   /   Subtopic: Direction

Q13 In search of his lost purse, Gopal travelled 9 m East, took a right turn and walked 10
m. Further he took a left turn and walked 11 m. Further he walked 4 m North and
walked 28 m to his left. There he found his purse. At what distance and in what
direction from the starting point was the point where he found his purse?

1.  50 m North-west
2.  10 m North-east
3.  10 m South-west
4.  50 m South-east

Automatic Di culty: 4.35/10 Blooms Taxonomy: -

No.of Attempts: 9 Avg time taken: 28.38sec Right: 33.33% Wrong: 44.44%

Skipped: 22.22% Partially Correct: - Last Edit By: - Last Edit At: -

Tests added: CoCubes Test 1 (ECE)

Fill-Ups ,
Subject: Engineering   /   Topic: Engineering Mathematics   /   Subtopic: Set Theory & Algebra

Q14 What is the total number of generators of a nite cyclic group of order 18 ? _________

Automatic Di culty: 5/10 Blooms Taxonomy: -

No.of Attempts: 9 Avg time taken: 3.19sec Right: - Wrong: 88.88%

Skipped: 11.11% Partially Correct: - Last Edit By: - Last Edit At: -

Tests added: CoCubes Test 1 (ECE)

MCQ - Single Correct ,

Subject: Engineering   /   Topic: Electrical   /   Subtopic: Control Systems

The open loop transfer function is   then nd the phase cross over
frequency (quad/sec)

,10.66 dB
,-20.55 dB
, 10.66 dB
, 20.55 dB

Automatic Di culty: 3.15/10 Blooms Taxonomy: -

No.of Attempts: 9 Avg time taken: 45.10sec Right: 22.22% Wrong: 33.33%

Skipped: 44.44% Partially Correct: - Last Edit By: - Last Edit At: -

Tests added: CoCubes Test 1 (ECE)

MCQ - Single Correct ,

Subject: Aptitude   /   Topic: Quantitative Ability   /   Subtopic: Time, Speed And Distance

Q16 In a car race, two –third of B’s rate was equal to three – fourth of A’s rate. If the race
was of 1080 km and the speed of A is given as 120 kmph, in what time would B nish
the race?

1.  12 hrs
2.  9 hrs
3.  10 hrs
4.  8 hrs

Automatic Di culty: 5/10 Blooms Taxonomy: -

No.of Attempts: 9 Avg time taken: 31.67sec Right: 33.33% Wrong: 33.33%

Skipped: 33.33% Partially Correct: - Last Edit By: - Last Edit At: -

Tests added: CoCubes Test 1 (ECE)

MCQ - Single Correct ,

Subject: Programming   /   Topic: C++ Programming   /   Subtopic: Pointers

Q17 Which one of the following is not a possible state for a pointer.
1.  hold the address of the speci c object
2.  point one past the end of an object
3.  zero
4.  point to a tye

Automatic Di culty: 9.62/10 Blooms Taxonomy: -

No.of Attempts: 9 Avg time taken: 8.46sec Right: 22.22% Wrong: 77.77%

Skipped: - Partially Correct: - Last Edit By: - Last Edit At: -

Tests added: CoCubes Test 1 (ECE)

MCQ - Single Correct ,

Subject: Programming   /   Topic: C Programming   /   Subtopic: Data Types

Q18 What is the output of this C code?

#include <stdio.h>
void main()
int h = 8;
int b = 4 * 6 + 3 * 4 < 3 ? 4 : 3;
printf("%d\n", b);

1.  3
2.  33
3.  34
4.  Run time error

Automatic Di culty: 5/10 Blooms Taxonomy: -

No.of Attempts: 9 Avg time taken: 19.13sec Right: 22.22% Wrong: 66.66%

Skipped: 11.11% Partially Correct: - Last Edit By: - Last Edit At: -

Tests added: CoCubes Test 1 (ECE)

MCQ - Single Correct ,

Subject: Engineering   /   Topic: Electronics   /   Subtopic: Digital Electronics

Q19 The execution time of program in terms of T – state is

MVI C, 05H
1.  81 T
2.  82 T
3.  85 T
4.  80 T

Automatic Di culty: 8.21/10 Blooms Taxonomy: -

No.of Attempts: 9 Avg time taken: 17.38sec Right: 11.11% Wrong: 44.44%

Skipped: 44.44% Partially Correct: - Last Edit By: - Last Edit At: -

Tests added: CoCubes Test 1 (ECE)

MCQ - Single Correct ,

Subject: Engineering   /   Topic: Communication   /   Subtopic: Communications

Q20 Which of the following is used as a de-emphasis network?

1.  Lead compensator
2.  Lag compensator
3.  Low pass lter
4.  High pass lter

Automatic Di culty: 3.62/10 Blooms Taxonomy: -

No.of Attempts: 9 Avg time taken: 3.92sec Right: 33.33% Wrong: 33.33%

Skipped: 33.33% Partially Correct: - Last Edit By: - Last Edit At: -

Tests added: CoCubes Test 1 (ECE)

MCQ - Single Correct ,

Subject: Aptitude   /   Topic: Quantitative Ability   /   Subtopic: Percentages

A sells his goods 10% cheaper than B and 10% cheaper than C; how much percent are
C’s rates lower than B’s?

1.  17.3%
2.  15%
3.  19%
4.  18.2%

Automatic Di culty: 9.66/10 Blooms Taxonomy: -

No.of Attempts: 9 Avg time taken: 32.50sec Right: 11.11% Wrong: 55.55%

Skipped: 33.33% Partially Correct: - Last Edit By: - Last Edit At: 10/09/19 10:29

Tests added: CoCubes Test 1 (ECE)

MCQ - Single Correct ,

Subject: Aptitude   /   Topic: Verbal Ability   /   Subtopic: Vocabulary

Q22 The Home Minister has ______the Prime Minister at his of cial residence to discuss
the rehabilitation of the displaced people of Kumaon.

1.  called upon
2.  called on
3.  called off
4.  called in

Automatic Di culty: 0/10 Blooms Taxonomy: -

No.of Attempts: 9 Avg time taken: 3.56sec Right: - Wrong: 100.00%

Skipped: - Partially Correct: - Last Edit By: - Last Edit At: -

Tests added: CoCubes Test 1 (ECE)

MCQ - Single Correct ,

Subject: Aptitude   /   Topic: Reasoning Ability   /   Subtopic: Flow Chart

Q23  Study the ow chart given below and answer the questions that follow

1.  55
2.  48
3.  44
4.  34

Automatic Di culty: 2.8/10 Blooms Taxonomy: -

No.of Attempts: 9 Avg time taken: 25.25sec Right: 44.44% Wrong: 33.33%

Skipped: 22.22% Partially Correct: - Last Edit By: - Last Edit At: -

Tests added: CoCubes Test 1 (ECE)

MCQ - Single Correct ,

Subject: Aptitude   /   Topic: Quantitative Ability   /   Subtopic: Time, Speed And Distance

Q24 Two trains are travelling on parallel tracks in the same direction, at speed of 50 km/hr
and 32 km/hr respectively. The faster train crosses the last boggy of the slower train,
measuring 18 m in 18 seconds. The length of the faster train is

1.  144 m
2.  0.072 km
3.  720 m
4.  1.44 km

Automatic Di culty: 6.58/10 Blooms Taxonomy: -

No.of Attempts: 9 Avg time taken: 43.79sec Right: 22.22% Wrong: 44.44%

Skipped: 33.33% Partially Correct: - Last Edit By: - Last Edit At: -

Tests added: CoCubes Test 1 (ECE)

MCQ - Single Correct ,

Subject: Aptitude   /   Topic: Verbal Ability   /   Subtopic: Antonyms

Q25 Identify the one which is opposite in meaning (antonym) to the question word and

1.  pollinate
2.  urge
3.  submerge
4.  pollute

Tags: CST veri ed

Automatic Di culty: 0/10 Blooms Taxonomy: -

No.of Attempts: 9 Avg time taken: 2.33sec Right: 33.33% Wrong: 66.66%

Skipped: - Partially Correct: - Last Edit By: - Last Edit At: 27/09/19 12:00

Tests added: CoCubes Test 1 (ECE)

MCQ - Single Correct ,

Subject: Aptitude   /   Topic: Quantitative Ability   /   Subtopic: Percentages

Q26 A reduction of 33 % in the price of oranges would enable a purchaser to obtain 8


more for a rupee. What was the price in paise, per orange, before the reduction?

1.  5.50
2.  6.25
3.  6.00
4.  5.75

Automatic Di culty: 1.42/10 Blooms Taxonomy: -

No.of Attempts: 9 Avg time taken: 18.81sec Right: 44.44% Wrong: 22.22%

Skipped: 33.33% Partially Correct: - Last Edit By: - Last Edit At: 19/09/19 15:52

Tests added: CoCubes Test 1 (ECE)

MCQ - Single Correct ,

Subject: Aptitude   /   Topic: Quantitative Ability   /   Subtopic: Average Speed

Q27 A train travels from Calcutta to Burdwan at the rate of 50 kilometres per hour and
returns from Burdwan to Calcutta at the rate of 40 kilometres per hour. Find the
average rate for the whole distance.

1.  45.00
2.  44.44
3.  43.00
4.  43.75

Automatic Di culty: 2.71/10 Blooms Taxonomy: -

No.of Attempts: 9 Avg time taken: 9.35sec Right: 55.55% Wrong: 33.33%

Skipped: 11.11% Partially Correct: - Last Edit By: - Last Edit At: 19/09/19 16:07

Tests added: CoCubes Test 1 (ECE)

MCQ - Single Correct ,

Subject: Engineering   /   Topic: Computer Science   /   Subtopic: Fundamentals

Q28 The Boolean expression A'.B + A.B' + A.B is equivalent to

1.  A + B
2.  A'.B
3.  (A + B)'
4.  A . B

Automatic Di culty: 9.15/10 Blooms Taxonomy: -

No.of Attempts: 9 Avg time taken: 32.93sec Right: 22.22% Wrong: 77.77%

Skipped: - Partially Correct: - Last Edit By: - Last Edit At: -

Tests added: CoCubes Test 1 (ECE)

MCQ - Single Correct ,

Subject: Aptitude   /   Topic: Reasoning Ability   /   Subtopic: Direction

Q29 A starts from his house and walks 15 km towards South, then he turns right and
walks 16 km. Further he walks 14 km to his left followed by 12 km to his left and
reaches his friends house. How far is he from the starting point in the horizontal

1.  28 km
2.  18 km
3.  12 km
4.  4 km

Automatic Di culty: 5.88/10 Blooms Taxonomy: -

No.of Attempts: 9 Avg time taken: 28.35sec Right: 11.11% Wrong: 55.55%

Skipped: 33.33% Partially Correct: - Last Edit By: - Last Edit At: -

Tests added: CoCubes Test 1 (ECE)

MCQ - Single Correct ,

Subject: Aptitude   /   Topic: Quantitative Ability   /   Subtopic: Time and work

Q30 If 60 guns ring 5 rounds in 6 min will kill 350 men in 1¼ hrs, how many guns ring 7
rounds in 9 min will kill 980 men in 25 minutes at the same rate?

1.  430
2.  616
3.  540
4.  534

Automatic Di culty: 2.27/10 Blooms Taxonomy: -

No.of Attempts: 9 Avg time taken: 45.08sec Right: 33.33% Wrong: 33.33%

Skipped: 33.33% Partially Correct: - Last Edit By: - Last Edit At: -

Tests added: CoCubes Test 1 (ECE)

MCQ - Single Correct ,

Subject: Engineering   /   Topic: Electronics   /   Subtopic: Digital Electronics

Q31 Consider the following program

After execution of program, the decimal equivalent of data present in 2450 H is :-

1.  45
2.  44
3.  46
4.  47 /
Automatic Di culty: 5/10 Blooms Taxonomy: -

No.of Attempts: 9 Avg time taken: 5.63sec Right: 33.33% Wrong: 22.22%

Skipped: 44.44% Partially Correct: - Last Edit By: - Last Edit At: -

Tests added: CoCubes Test 1 (ECE)

MCQ - Single Correct ,

Subject: Engineering   /   Topic: Electronics   /   Subtopic: Networks

Q32 Find the short circuit admittance parameter of the circuit shown below





Automatic Di culty: 0/10 Blooms Taxonomy: -

No.of Attempts: 9 Avg time taken: 0.80sec Right: - Wrong: 55.55%

Skipped: 44.44% Partially Correct: - Last Edit By: - Last Edit At: -

Tests added: CoCubes Test 1 (ECE)

MCQ - Single Correct ,

Subject: Aptitude   /   Topic: Quantitative Ability   /   Subtopic: Ratio and Proportion

Q33 In a certain state, the army was originally organized in battalions, each of 1500 men.
After calling up a further 10000 recruits the army was rearranged so that there were
2000 men in each battalion and the state claimed that it had reduced its army by 50
battalions. What was the number of battalions originally?

1.  110
2.  220
3.  330
4.  440

Automatic Di culty: 6.45/10 Blooms Taxonomy: -

No.of Attempts: 9 Avg time taken: 34.19sec Right: 22.22% Wrong: 44.44%

Skipped: 33.33% Partially Correct: - Last Edit By: - Last Edit At: -

Tests added: CoCubes Test 1 (ECE)

MCQ - Single Correct ,

Subject: Engineering   /   Topic: Electronics   /   Subtopic: Digital Electronics
Q34 The duty cycle of clock is 50% then what is the duty cycle of output Y?

1.  50%
2.  25%
3.  75%
4.  40%

Automatic Di culty: 6.29/10 Blooms Taxonomy: -

No.of Attempts: 9 Avg time taken: 12.58sec Right: 33.33% Wrong: 33.33%

Skipped: 33.33% Partially Correct: - Last Edit By: - Last Edit At: -

Tests added: CoCubes Test 1 (ECE)

MCQ - Single Correct ,

Subject: Aptitude   /   Topic: Verbal Ability   /   Subtopic: Antonyms

Q35 Identify the one which is opposite in meaning (antonym) to the question word and


1.  praiseworthy
2.  regretful
3.  blemished
4.  delinquent

Tags: CST veri ed

Automatic Di culty: 0.18/10 Blooms Taxonomy: -

No.of Attempts: 9 Avg time taken: 6.94sec Right: 88.88% Wrong: 11.11%

Skipped: - Partially Correct: - Last Edit By: - Last Edit At: 27/09/19 14:24

Tests added: CoCubes Test 1 (ECE)

MCQ - Single Correct ,

Subject: Engineering   /   Topic: Electronics   /   Subtopic: Digital Electronics

Q36 For the serial in parallel out shift register, the initial context of register is
0011(Q3Q2Q1Q0) then the context in register after third close pulse is

1.  (0101) 2

2.  (1001) 2

3.  (0100) 2

4.  (1010) 2

Automatic Di culty: 6.83/10 Blooms Taxonomy: -

No.of Attempts: 9 Avg time taken: 25.73sec Right: 22.22% Wrong: 33.33%

Skipped: 44.44% Partially Correct: - Last Edit By: - Last Edit At: -

Tests added: CoCubes Test 1 (ECE)

MCQ - Single Correct ,
Subject: Aptitude   /   Topic: Verbal Ability   /   Subtopic: Antonyms

Q37 Identify the one which is opposite in meaning (antonym) to the question word and


1.  rigid
2.  proven
3.  pallid
4.  mature

Tags: CST veri ed

Automatic Di culty: 5/10 Blooms Taxonomy: -

No.of Attempts: 9 Avg time taken: 1.93sec Right: 55.55% Wrong: 33.33%

Skipped: 11.11% Partially Correct: - Last Edit By: - Last Edit At: 27/09/19 11:47

Tests added: CoCubes Test 1 (ECE)

MCQ - Single Correct ,

Subject: Engineering   /   Topic: Communication   /   Subtopic: Communications

Q38 In a DSB – SC system, fc = 500 kHz and modulating signal (t) has uniform PSD band
limited to 4 kHz. The DSD-SC signal is transmitted over a distortion less channel with

a noise PSD, S n(ω) =   = 5π × 10–12 ω/rad/sec. The useful signal multiplied by 2 cos

ωct and the loco pass ltered to obtain S 0(t) + n0(t). The output SNR (in dB) is

1.  8
2.  7
3.  9
4.  10

Automatic Di culty: 4.38/10 Blooms Taxonomy: -

No.of Attempts: 9 Avg time taken: 2.98sec Right: 22.22% Wrong: 33.33%

Skipped: 44.44% Partially Correct: - Last Edit By: - Last Edit At: -

Tests added: CoCubes Test 1 (ECE)

MCQ - Single Correct ,

Subject: Engineering   /   Topic: Electrical   /   Subtopic: Control Systems

Q39 The steady state error resulting from input r(t) = 4 + 6t + 8t2 for given system as
shown below

1.  0
2.  2
3.  2.4
4.  Not possible

Automatic Di culty: 0/10 Blooms Taxonomy: -

No.of Attempts: 9 Avg time taken: 10.54sec Right: - Wrong: 66.66%

Skipped: 33.33% Partially Correct: - Last Edit By: - Last Edit At: -

Tests added: CoCubes Test 1 (ECE)

MCQ - Single Correct ,

Subject: Aptitude   /   Topic: Quantitative Ability   /   Subtopic: Time and work

Q40 A man and a woman do a job independently in 24 days and 36 days respectively.
They work together for 10 days and then a boy joins them. They nish the work in
three additional days. How much time would the three of them have taken to do the
job if all three started at the same time?

1.  11 11 days

2.  9 9 days

3.  9 9

4.  none of these

Automatic Di culty: 0/10 Blooms Taxonomy: -

No.of Attempts: 9 Avg time taken: 10.71sec Right: - Wrong: 66.66%

Skipped: 33.33% Partially Correct: - Last Edit By: - Last Edit At: -

Tests added: CoCubes Test 1 (ECE)

MCQ - Single Correct ,

Subject: Engineering   /   Topic: Electronics   /   Subtopic: Networks

Q41 The power associated with 30 V source of given network is _____ :

1.  Delivers 395 watt

2.  Absorbs 395 watt
3.  Delivers 495 watt
4.  Absorbs 495 watt

Automatic Di culty: 9.21/10 Blooms Taxonomy: -

No.of Attempts: 9 Avg time taken: 49.38sec Right: 11.11% Wrong: 44.44%

Skipped: 44.44% Partially Correct: - Last Edit By: - Last Edit At: -

Tests added: CoCubes Test 1 (ECE)

MCQ - Single Correct ,

Subject: Engineering   /   Topic: Computer Science   /   Subtopic: Fundamentals

Which of the following technique provides dedicated communication channel
between two stations.

1.  switch network 
2.  circuit switching
3.  packet switching
4.  none of these

Automatic Di culty: 9.24/10 Blooms Taxonomy: -

No.of Attempts: 9 Avg time taken: 3.71sec Right: 33.33% Wrong: 66.66%

Skipped: - Partially Correct: - Last Edit By: - Last Edit At: -

Tests added: CoCubes Test 1 (ECE)

MCQ - Single Correct ,

Subject: Aptitude   /   Topic: Verbal Ability   /   Subtopic: Sentence Correction

Q43 The sentence is divided into parts 1,2,3 and 4. Identify the part with error and if
there is no error mark 4 as the answer:

Due to me being a new comer (1) / I was unable (2) / to get a good house (3) / No
error. (4)

1.  1
2.  2
3.  3
4.  4

Tags: CST on-hold

Automatic Di culty: 0.48/10 Blooms Taxonomy: -

No.of Attempts: 9 Avg time taken: 6.88sec Right: 88.88% Wrong: 11.11%

Skipped: - Partially Correct: - Last Edit By: - Last Edit At: 03/10/19 12:08

Tests added: CoCubes Test 1 (ECE)

MCQ - Single Correct ,

Subject: Engineering   /   Topic: Communication   /   Subtopic: Communications

Q44 Let PeI and PeQ be the probabilities of symbol error for the imphase and Quadrature
channel of a narrow digital communication system. The average probability of
symbol error for overall system is


2.  1 – PeI – PeQ

3.  Peq + PeQ – PeI

4.  PeI + PeQ

Automatic Di culty: 9.04/10 Blooms Taxonomy: -

No.of Attempts: 9 Avg time taken: 2.77sec Right: 22.22% Wrong: 33.33%

Skipped: 44.44% Partially Correct: - Last Edit By: - Last Edit At: -

Tests added: CoCubes Test 1 (ECE)

MCQ - Single Correct ,

Subject: Aptitude   /   Topic: Quantitative Ability   /   Subtopic: Time, Speed And Distance

Q45 A train has a journey of 320 km to run. After going 1/5th of the distance, the engine
breaks down and it can only run the remaining part of the journey at 3/4th of the
original speed. If it arrives 2 hrs 40 min late, what is its original speed?

1.  24 km/hr
2.  32 km/hr
3.  48 km/hr
4.  64 km/hr

Automatic Di culty: 7.83/10 Blooms Taxonomy: -

No.of Attempts: 9 Avg time taken: 32.88sec Right: 22.22% Wrong: 33.33%

Skipped: 44.44% Partially Correct: - Last Edit By: - Last Edit At: -

Tests added: CoCubes Test 1 (ECE)

MCQ - Single Correct ,

Subject: Engineering   /   Topic: Electrical   /   Subtopic: Control Systems

The open loop transfer function is G(s) =  . Find 'k' such that the steady
state error due to unit ramp input is 0.40

1.  25
2.  50
3.  75
4.  100

Automatic Di culty: 0/10 Blooms Taxonomy: -

No.of Attempts: 9 Avg time taken: 2.10sec Right: - Wrong: 55.55%

Skipped: 44.44% Partially Correct: - Last Edit By: - Last Edit At: -

Tests added: CoCubes Test 1 (ECE)

MCQ - Single Correct ,

Subject: Aptitude   /   Topic: Reasoning Ability   /   Subtopic: Blood Relations

Q47 How is my husband's mother-in-law's only daughter's son's father related to me?
1.  Brother-in-law
2.  Father
3.  Brother
4.  Husband

Automatic Di culty: 0.84/10 Blooms Taxonomy: -

No.of Attempts: 9 Avg time taken: 7.88sec Right: 55.55% Wrong: 22.22%

Skipped: 22.22% Partially Correct: - Last Edit By: - Last Edit At: -

Tests added: CoCubes Test 1 (ECE)

MCQ - Single Correct ,

Subject: Aptitude   /   Topic: Reasoning Ability   /   Subtopic: Visual Reasoning

Q48 In the following questions, two pairs of problem gures marked A, B, C and D and four
answer gures are given. Select the best answer gure to substitute element D in the
problem gures so that element C is related to element D in the same way as element
A is related to the element B. To establish the relationship, consider maximum aspects
of the gures (i. e., size, shape, movement etc.). The number of that answer gure
which can be substituted for problem gure D, is your answer. If it is not required to
substitute any of the four answer gures, then mark your answer as (5).





5.  No substitute is required

Automatic Di culty: 7.56/10 Blooms Taxonomy: -

No.of Attempts: 9 Avg time taken: 31.75sec Right: 22.22% Wrong: 66.66%

Skipped: 11.11% Partially Correct: - Last Edit By: - Last Edit At: -

Tests added: CoCubes Test 1 (ECE)

MCQ - Single Correct ,

Subject: Aptitude   /   Topic: Verbal Ability   /   Subtopic: Vocabulary

Q49 I could easily ______that the inspection team were displeased with the security
arrangements made at the airport.

1.  make off
2.  make away
3.  make out
4.  make off

Automatic Di culty: 0/10 Blooms Taxonomy: -

No.of Attempts: 9 Avg time taken: 1.84sec Right: 88.88% Wrong: 11.11%

Skipped: - Partially Correct: - Last Edit By: - Last Edit At: -

Tests added: CoCubes Test 1 (ECE)

MCQ - Single Correct ,

Subject: Aptitude   /   Topic: Reasoning Ability   /   Subtopic: Direction

Q50 One morning, Rahul observed that his shadow is falling to his right. Which direction is
he facing?

1.  East
2.  North
3.  South
4.  West

Automatic Di culty: 5/10 Blooms Taxonomy: -

No.of Attempts: 9 Avg time taken: 13.17sec Right: 33.33% Wrong: 44.44%

Skipped: 22.22% Partially Correct: - Last Edit By: - Last Edit At: -

Tests added: CoCubes Test 1 (ECE)

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