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EvalCommunity “Bratuaion JOBE Free Online Courses in Monitoring and Evaluation There are several organizations and platforms offering free online courses in Monitoring and Evaluation (MBO, These courses can help {you gsin valuable knowledge and sls to further your carer inthe fel Here are some options to consider Results-Based Project Management: Monitoring and Evaluation (Coursera) The course "Resuts-Based Project Management Monitoring and Evaluation” offered on Coursea, provided by the University ofthe \Wirwatersrand, This couse sims to teach leamers how to design and implement effective monitoring and evalution (MALE) systems for ‘thei projets, and itis part ofthe Resuts- Based Project Management Specialization In his course, you wil lear: 1. Tae key components of Results-Based Project Management 2, How to design a monitoring and evaluation system 3. The fundamentals of data collection and analys's 4 How to develop logical famework (Logframe) for project planning and monitoring 5, How to identify relevant indicators for measuring project performance 6.The role of evaluations in project management and haw to plan for them 7. How to use ME findings for decision-making and project imarovement The course is structured into four weeks with each week covering a specifi topic 1. Week 1: Introduction to Resuts-Based Management 2. Week 2: Designing a Monitoring System 3, Week 3: Data Collection, Analysis, and Reporting 4, Week 4: Evaluating Projects The course inclides vdeo lectures, readings, qulzzes, and peer-reviewed assignments to help learners engage withthe material and apply their knowledge to real-world scenarios. You can access the course fr fre by selecting the “Audit” option, which allows you to view the course materials without participating in graded asignments or earing a certificate. I you wish to receive a certificate and participate in graded assignments you can enroll in the paid version of the course Heres the link tothe course: tps. courseraorglleam/pvaject-management-monitarng evaluation wr ty te Cee er Se eye eeery Measuring Health Outcomes in Field Surveys" isa free online course offered by edX and provided by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, This course teaches students haw to collect, analyze, and interpret health outcome data from field surveys, with 1 focus on the Demographic and Heath Surveys (DHS) ana the Muttinle Inicatar Chister Surveys (MICS) The course coves the following topics 4. Health indicators and the DHS and MICS survey instruments 2, Health outcome measutes in various fields such as maternal and chi health, nuttion, reproductive health, and mortality 3. Data collection methods, including interviews, anthropometry, and biomarker testing 4. Analysis and interpretation of health outcome data 5. Use of health outcome data for policy development and program planning The course is slt-paced, allowing students to progress through the material at their own speed. conssts of video lectures, readings, and quizzes to help learners understand and apply the concepts discussed in the course While the course is free to audit, students also have the option to pay fora veified certificate to demonstrate their completion of the course. The verified certificate is not required to access the course materials. Hewes the link tothe course: Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (Philanthropy University) Monitaring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL}” etre online course offered by Philanthropy University. The course is designed for professionals working inthe social impact sector, including non-profit organizations, NGOS, and socal enterprises. It ims to help learners develop a strong understanding of MEL processes and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their programs. The course covers the following topics: 1. The purpose and importance of MEL.n the socal impact sector 2. Key MEL concepts and frameworks, such a the logie model and theory of change 3 Developing MEL plans and ide ing appropriate indicators 4. Data collection methods and tools, including qualitative and quantitative approaches 5. Data analysis, interpretation and visualization 6. Communicating MEL findings and using them for decision-making and continuous improvement ‘The course is sel-paced and takes approximately 9 hours to complete includes video lectures, readings, quizzes, and practical exercises ta help learners apply the concepts they learn to real-world situations, Wile the course is free to access, you will need to create an account on Philanthropy University to enllin the cours, There s no charge fo the cetficate upon completion ofthe course. Heres the link tothe course: tps /ohilanthvony ore/courses/monitoring.wvalation eatsined Diploma in Project Management (Alison) Alison offers a free online course called “Diploma in Project Management.” which covers various aspects of project management Including project initiation, planning, execution, control and closure. The course is suitable for professionals who want to learn more about project management or improve their existing sil inthe fel. a 2. Project life cycle and its stages 3, Project intition and planning, inching project scape, time, cost, and quality management 4, Project execution, monitering, and conte, including risk management, communication, ang stakeholder management 5. Project closure and evaluation ‘The course isselepaced and consists of 10 modules, each focusing on a aiferent aspect of project management Each module includes video lectures, readings, and quizzes to help learners understand andl apply the concepts discussed in the course, While the course is ree to access, Alison offers an optional certificate upon sucessful completion ofthe cours, which requires a fee. To earn the certificate, you wll need to achieve at least an 80% score in exch course assessment Here fs the lik tothe course: tpsi/alison com/course/diplamasin-preet-managemen Monitoring and Evaluation for Global Health Programs (Global Health eLearning Center) Tre Global Heath eLearning Center offers free online course called “Meritoring and Evaluation’ as part of thei broader Global Heath Learning program. Tis course aime to provide an introduction tothe cancepts and methods used in the monitoring and evaluation (MBE) of global health programs The course covers the following topics: 1. Overview of MEX, including its importance in global health programs 2. Key elements of MAE, including indicators, datasources, and data collection methods 3. Developing an MAE plan 4. Implementing MBE systems and processes 5. Analyzing, interpreting, and using MAE data for program improvement 6. Communicating MBE results to stakeholders ‘The course is sel-paced, andi includes combination of video lectures, readings, quizzes, and case studies to help lamers understand the concepts and apply them to real-world scenarios. Wile the couse is ee to acces, you will need to create an account onthe Global Health eLeaming Center website to enrol course, Thare is no certfste offered for completing the course Heres the link tothe course: htps//wru olobalheathleaming orq/program/monitering-and-valuation Introduction to Monitoring and Evaluation (BetterEvaluation) BerterEvalation is an online platform that provides guidance and resources for inalvduals and organizations involved in monitoring and evaistion (MA) activities. While nota structured course, the website offers a wealth of information and resources related to Vstious MSE methods andl approaches, inckiding monitoring ‘Te monitoring section on BetterEvakation covers the following topics: 1. Definition and purpose of monitering 2 ilferences between monitoring and evaluation 3. Key elements of monitoring, such as indicators, datasources, and data collection methods a7 BerterEvauation ala provides link to adtonal resources, such as articles, case studies, tools, and templates related to monitoring in cifferent contexts and sectors. This makes it a valuable resource for professionals seeking te enhance their understanding of monitoring practices and apply them in their work, While etterévaluaton is free to access, it does not offer a certfcate of completion, ait is not 3 formal course. Here isthe lik to the monitoring section on BetterEvaluation: tos: voi betterevalistion org/method approaches/themes/monitoring M&E Fundamentals (MEASURE Evaluation) ‘The MEASURE Evaluation project offers a free online course called “MALE Fundamentals: A Self-Guided Minicourse” that introduces the basic concepts and principles of monitoring and evaluation (MAKE) in the context of health programs. MEASURE Evaluation isa USAID- funded project that focuses on strengthening health information systems and improving the qualty of data for better decision-making in global health The MAE Fundamentals minicourse covers the following topes 1. Overview of MEE and its importance in health programs 2. Key M&UE concepts, such as indicators, datasources, and data collection methods 3. Developing an ME plan 4. Implementing MBE systems and processes 5. Using MLE data for decision-making, leaming, and accountability, ‘The course is sel-paced and consists of five interactive lessons each focusing ona cifferent aspact af MAE, Each lesson includes a combination of text images, and audio narration to help learners understand the concepts and apply them to real-world scenarios. Wile the course is fee to access, you will need to create an account on the MEASURE Evaluation website to envlln the course, There is no cortifcat offered for completing the course, Heres the link to the MBE Fundamentals minicouse: https /Awww measureevaluntion arg /resources/newsroom/news/i fundamentals Atm EvalPartners Elearning EvalPortnets is an intemational intativ aimed at strengthening the capacities of individuals and organizations involved in evaluation Their eLeamning platform, EvaPartners eCourse, offers a variety of fee online courses related to menitoring and evaluation (MALE), as well as other relevant topic in the field of development evaluation, The EvalParners eCourses platform covers tops such as 1. Introduction to evaluation 2. Equiy-focused and gender-responsive evaluations 3. Evaluation approaches and methods 4.Data collection and analyss for evaluations 5. Evaluation management and communication ‘Te courses ae self-paced and designed tobe interactive, featuring a combination of vdeo lecture, readings, quizzes, na case studies The platform encourages learners to engage withthe material, discuss with their pears, and apply the concept in their work, an ” Heres the link tothe EvalPartners eCourses platform: tps /ecourses evalparinerso75/ Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) in Emergencies aya, the online leaning platform ofthe Humanitarian Leadership Academy, offre free online course ttleg “Monitaring, Evaluation, ‘Accountability and Learning (MEAL) in Emergencies.” This course sims to provide leamers with an understanding ofthe essential components of MEAL in the context of humanitarian emergencies The course covers the following topics: 4. Importance ané purpose of MEAL In emergencies 2, Developing a MEAL plan for emergency response programs 3. Key principles and components of MEAL, including monitoring, evaluation, accountability, and learning 4 Data collection methods and tool suitable for emergency contexts 5. Using MEAL data for decision-making, earning, and accountability in emergencies “The course is self-paced and includes a mix of videos, readings, quizzes, and casestudies to help learners understand the concepts and ‘pply them to real-world scenaris, The estimated ime to complete the course is 6 hours Wile the course is ree to acces, you will need to create an account an the Kaya platform to enroll inthe course. Upon successful completion of the course, you can download a crtfiate of completion. Heres the lik tothe "Monitoring, valuation, Accountailty ané Learning (MEAL) in Emergencies” course on Kays 1 2, Design, Monitoring, and Evaluation for Programming in Fragile Environments (Kaya): hos Wavaconnect org/course/into pp? 08 3. MBE for Results An Introduction (World Bank ttos/olc orldbank orq/content/monitoring-and-evalation-esuls= invaduction-calf-onced 4. Planning for ME&E (World Banks hitas/alcworldbankorg/content/planning-manitoring-andes stesso 5. Project Design, Monitoring and Evalation (ReliefWeb): hisa://relefueb intaining 2OG0872/grnject-desion-manitoting-and. valuation 6 Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability, and Learning (MEAL) (ReliefWeb): btins/rliefueb in/training/2960910/monitoring= valustion-accountabilty-and-legening- mes! 7. Monitoring and Evalation for Climate Change Adaptation UN CCie-Leam):htps//unecsleam org/course/view ph ida 8. Introduction to Results-Based MBE (UNICEF Agora}: htts//agora uncetorg/course/infs phoTid= 14494 9. MBE for Food Security and Nuttion Programs (Food Security Information Network}: biseeAw fincon netfilesdmin/user uplosd/fin/docs/resources/t FSIN OnlineCouree pot 10, MEE: Data Quality, Compliance, and Use (Global Heals Leaming Center bitas/Aww globalhealthlesrning org/course/monitoring-evalustion-dsta-qualiy-compliance-and-use 11, ME: Data Use Global Heath Learing Cente hntps//www olobalbealtlearing ove/course/monitring-evaluaton-datauss 12, MBE: Fundamentals of Heath Services Monitoring (Global Health Learning Center: isos JA globalhealthlearning ora/ourse/monitring-evaluaion.fundamentak-heslth-services.monitorn {wu globalheath earning org/course/monitoring-evalation-how.conduct-performance. evaluation 24, MAE: Performance Indicator Selection Tool (Global Health Learning Center: ites globalhealthearningora/course/monitoringevaluaion-performanct 25, MBE: Performance Monitoring (Global Health Leaming Canter httos//vaolobalhealbleaming.cra/course/ovontoring: valuation. performance-manitring 26, ME: Performance Monitering Plan (Global Heath Learning Centen htips ww all valuation performance-monitoringeplan 9(course/monitaring- 27. ME: Preparing for an Evaluation (Global Health Learning Center: htipsww globalneathleanin valuation. preparing-evaluation 28, MAE: Using Evaluation Results (Global Heath Learning Center) hitas/wy olobalhealtnearning oc /course/monitoring: svalustion-using evaluation-esule 28, MBE: Conducting Rapid Health Assessments (Global Health Learning Center} bites Awe globalhealthlearnin ora/course/monitaring-evaluation-candueting -apid-heaWs-assessmen 30, ME: Measuring Behavior Change in Nutrition Programs (Global Health Learning Center: bs oballalthlearnin.o7g ous 9-2akation -bohavines nto Keepin mind that some ofthese courses may offer 3 paid option for 2 verified certifiate, whl stil allowing you to access the course ‘materials for free. Make sure to check each course's details on their respective platforms to determine whether you need to pay for a certicate of not. 1. Coursera:Coursera offers a variety of free online courses related to MBE, often provided by top universities and institutions. Some. courses may requte payment for graded assignments or cetifieates, but you can sill acess course materials for fee. ‘+ Results-Based Project Management: Monitoring and Evaluation: ips: courseraorg/leaen/projeclmanagamant-montoring- valuation cedX edXis another platform offering free online courses from top institutions. Although you may need to pay fora verified certicte, you can still audit the courses for fee. ‘+ Measuring Health Outcomes in Feld Surveys: bits/sec org/course/measuting-health-outcomes-in-eld-surveys Philrthropy University: Philanthropy University offers free online courses specifially designed for individual working inthe social sector. They have a course on MAE that covers the basis ofthe fel ‘+ Monitoring. Evalation, and Learning: hiips//ohlanthvoqws org/courses/monitoring- evaluation learning 4. Alison: Alison i platform offering free online courses on various topics, including MALE. Ther courses are sel-paced and awilabe to anyone interested in earning more about the subject. + Diploma in Project Management: htpsd/ (Ths course includes a section on monitoring and evaluation) Global Health eLearning Center (GHel}:The Global Heath eLearning Center, developed by the USAID Bureau for Global Health, coffers fee online courses focused on global health topics including MBE. “+ Monitaring and Evaluation for Global Health Programs: htpss/wny lobal-heal roorams Remember ta check the course details on each platform, as some may offer a paid option fora verted certificate, while stil allowing you to access the course materials for free or © We use cookies to improve your experience on cur website. 8y browsing this website, you agree to our use of cookies 182023 ALLAIGHTS RESERVED Sign Up For Newsletter a

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