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FURIOUS MAGIC Some arcane side-effects cause Drain. This is levels of
Fatigue. Drain can only be removed by resting, it is never
affected by Healing or powers like relief. One level of Drain is
Magic in Savage Worlds depends on Power Points.
removed every 24 hours, unless the hero spent
The core book provides the alternative No Power
most of their waking hours performing
Points Setting Rule, yet that still relies on
strenuous activities. A regular workday
the underlying structure of Power Point
provides enough resting phases to recover.
cost and makes upper Rank powers
Drain can cause Incapacitation, which
highly unreliable in use.
usually results in a few hours of
Furious Magic is built from the
unconsciousness. However, Drain from
ground up to provide magic use with
Critical Backlash may kill the caster instead.
no reliance on or reference to Power
Point cost. Basic spellcasting stays
fast and reliable, while Power DURATION
Modifiers bring difficulty and the Powers cannot be maintained in Furious
potential of consequences for using Magic. Instead, their basic Duration is equal
more powerful magic. In Furious to the caster’s arcane attribute die in minutes.
Magic, spellcasters can choose For example, the protection power of a Gifted
between easy casting of basic spells or caster would last their Spirit die minutes. When
risking higher chances of failure and the Duration runs out, the power ends and must be
Backlash for additional effects. In the same spirit, duration of activated again. The caster may end the power as a free action
powers works differently and becomes a conscious choice at any point during the Duration.
between short use of duration powers or the benefit of long-
running powers at a price. This leads to an overall increase in EXTENDED DURATION
power (pun intended) of arcane heroes and we highly
A caster may choose to activate a power with an Extended
recommend setting-specific limitations like restricted power
and Power Modifier lists for each Arcane Background. Duration. This requires a normal arcane skill roll to activate
the power, including all penalties for Power Modifiers. On a
successful arcane skill roll, the power remains active for a
ARCANE ATTRIBUTE number of hours equal to the caster’s arcane attribute die.
Furious Magic references the arcane attribute. This is the Every active power with Extended Duration inflicts a
attribute linked to the arcane skill. For example, a Weird cumulative –1 penalty to all arcane skill rolls. When the
Scientist’s arcane attribute is Smarts, while the arcane attribute Extended Duration runs out, the power ends, and the caster
of a Miracle spellcaster is Spirit. suffers Drain. The caster may end the power at any point
during the Extended Duration, but if the power was active
ACTIVATING POWERS longer than the regular Duration, they suffer Drain regardless.
Activating any power is unchanged from Savage Worlds
and requires the caster’s arcane skill roll to result in a 4 or POWER MODIFIERS
higher. Some powers may activate but don’t achieve the goal Adding Power Modifiers causes the arcane skill roll to
of the caster. For example, hitting a target in Dim Illumination suffer penalties and carry a chance to inflict Backlash.
with a Bolt requires a roll of 6 to hit, so if the caster rolls a 4 Increasing the number of Power Modifiers used when
or 5, the power activates, but the Bolt goes wild — this is activating a power also increases the penalties and Backlash
always fun with fireballs as they would Deviate. A Critical chances. Casters can change Power Modifiers with each
Failure always causes Critical Backlash. activation of a power, with the exception of Weird Science
devices. The Weird Scientist must choose the Power Modifiers
when creating the device (see Arcane Background (Weird
Science) below).

This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at
Savage Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission. 1
Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product.
POWER MODIFIERS Furious Magic allows a caster to use Power Preparation as
–1 to arcane skill roll, roll of 1 on described in the No Power Points Setting Rule in Savage
1 Worlds.
arcane skill die causes Backlash
–2 to arcane skill roll, roll of 1 or 2
on arcane skill die causes Backlash
Furious Magic does not use Power Points in any capacity,
–X to arcane skill roll (X=number
so Shorting and Limitations do not apply and cannot be used.
of Power Modifiers), roll of 1,2, or
3+ The following Edges cannot be taken, as they rely on Power
3 on arcane skill die causes
Points, or options which are handled differently in Furious
Magic: Artificer, Channeling, Concentration, Extra Effort,
Holy/Unholy Warrior, Power Points, Power Surge, Rapid
Some Savage Worlds Power Modifiers, like Armor Piercing, Recharge, Soul Drain. The drain power points power is
come in multiple tiers. These count as multiple Power unavailable.
Modifiers for higher tiers.
Some of the arcane Edges need adjustment to work with
Furious Magic. Arcane Backgrounds also work slightly
AP2 1 differently.
AP4 2
Arcane Background
AP6 3 Taking an Arcane Background grants the hero access to the
double range 1 respective arcane skill as per Savage Worlds. They also gain
an amount of starting powers (see below). The Arcane
triple range 2 Background Edge allows the caster to only take Novice Rank
other common Power powers, irrespective of the hero’s Rank (see the Higher
1 each Spheres Edge below).
MODIFIER THIS COUNTS AS This Edge grants the hero 2 additional powers. These can
beast friend Size above only be Novice Rank powers, unless the caster also has the
+1 per +1 Size
Rank Higher Spheres Edge (see below).
blast SBT area 0
blast LBT area 1 This Edge allows a Weird Scientist to spend a Benny to
zombie creature Size 1+ +1 per +1 Size above 0 create a gadget. This gadget is created and works like a device,
but can use any power allowed for Weird Science. It is limited
+1 per additional zombie to one regular Duration, or, for non-duration powers, a number
additional zombie creature
creature of same size of activations equal to the arcane attribute die of the Weird
MBT area effect 1 Scientist.
LBT area effect 2 Wizard
half arcane attribute die Using the effect of the Wizard Edge inflicts a –1 penalty to
1 the arcane skill roll instead.
additional recipients
up to full arcane attribute
die additional recipients
other specific Power
1 each

Writing and Layout: Manuel “ManuFS” Sambs (Veiled Fury Entertainment)

Thanks: the VFE Discord feedback group 2
Art: Dean Spencer (illustrations) and Lord Zsezse Works (page background)
NEW EDGES Modular Devices
Requirements: Veteran, Arcane Background (Weird
Science), Weird Science d8+, Repair d6+
Higher Spheres
Modular Devices allows a Weird Scientist to create devices
Requirements: Seasoned, Arcane Background, Arcane Skill
which can change their modifiers without the Weird Scientist
having to rebuild the device. The changes have to be done by
The caster obtains a better understanding of the arcane
the Weird Scientist and take 1 minute per modifier.
workings of their Background. They may
now purchase powers of Seasoned Rank
Improved Modular Devices
and gain 1 power of Seasoned or
Requirements: Heroic, Arcane Background (Weird Science),
Novice Rank.
Modular Devices, Weird Science d10+, Repair d8+
This Edge may be taken again at
The devices of this Weird Scientist can now change their
Veteran and Heroic Rank, gaining the
modifiers very quickly. It only takes 1 Action and can be done
hero access to powers of that Rank
by anyone using it.
and 1 power of the respective Rank or
below when taken.
Focused Effort
Requirements: Veteran, Arcane Background other than Volatile Magic (Major): Arcane side effects for this hero
Weird Science, Arcane Skill d8+ are worse than for others. Any Backlash they suffer is
When an Extended Duration power ends the hero does not considered Critical Backlash.
suffer Drain if only a single Extended Duration power was
Magic and Psionics
Requirements: Heroic, Arcane Background other than
These Backgrounds each start with 3 Powers of Novice
Weird Science, Arcane Skill d10+
Rank. Magic and Psionics are rather similar in how they affect
This Edge halves the Penalties from using Power Modifiers
the world around them. Magic users draw their power from the
when activating powers of a Rank lower than the caster’s
world’s magic surrounding them, while psionics tap an inner
(rounded up). They also get a free reroll on the Uncontrolled
well of energy to create supernatural effects. For this reason
Magic table.
their regular Backlash is rather similar.
High Capacity
Requirements: Seasoned, Arcane Background (Weird
Priests, preachers, and other workers of actual divine
Science), Weird Science d10+
miracles start with 3 Powers of Novice Rank. Their regular
High Capacity allows this Weird Scientist’s devices to work
Backlash is tame compared to other users of arcane power, but
with Extended Duration. To calculate the maximum duration
they have to follow a strict set of rules defined by their faith.
use Smarts of the Weird Scientist. The Extended Duration
Every hero using Miracles needs to specify a code of divine
penalty affects the person using the Weird Science device and
laws. Breaking these laws will inflict dire consequences,
applies to activation of additional Weird Science devices, and
ranging from penalties on arcane skill rolls, over the inability
their own spellcasting, should they be a caster themselves.
to activate powers, up to being forsaken by their deity until the
They don’t suffer Drain when the Extended Duration power
hero atones for their sins.
Rapid Prototyping
The Gifted are a specialized breed of arcane users and start
Requirements: Heroic, Arcane Background (Weird Science),
with 1 Power of Novice Rank. Their abilities manifest in a
Weird Science d10+
limited scope, which needs to be defined by each Gifted when
The Weird Scientist chooses two powers they know. They
taking the Arcane Background. Examples are pyromancers,
gain a second device for each of those powers. They may
illusionists, or necromancers. Due to their focused powerset
choose the same power twice. This Edge may be taken again
they suffer less severe Backlash.
at Legendary Rank.

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Weird Science BACKLASH
These tinkerers of the arcane start with 1 Power of Novice
Backlash is when a caster uses more arcane energy than
Rank. They may only have 1 device per power they know.
they can handle. The caster may activate the power
Their devices can be freely given away and used by others (the
successfully, but still suffer the strain of using that much
Artificer Edge is not used). Devices for Duration powers can
arcane energy. The result of the Wild Die is irrelevant — the
only be used with regular Duration. When creating a device
power may activate, but the caster still suffers Backlash.
the Weird Scientist has to choose which Power Modifiers to
Backlash effects are different for every Arcane Background.
apply. This cannot be changed later without fully
reconstructing the device. Building a device requires access to
components and takes 1 hour per Rank of the power. ARCANE BACKLASH EFFECT
caster is Shaken, caster and everyone in
When using Furious Magic some powers have different MBT are Distracted
Rank requirements compared to Savage Worlds and/or caster is Shaken, caster and everyone in
required changes to work with Furious Magic. Psionics
MBT are Vulnerable
Summon ally and shape change unlock more options as the
hero grows in Rank, but the higher Rank options do not inflict Gifted caster is Shaken
any penalties (only Power Modifiers do that). Miracles caster is Stunned
Growth/shrink makes the caster grow or shrink one Size
step per Rank. For example a Seasoned caster can change their Weird Science User of the device is Shaken, the
Size by up to –2 or +2. device becomes damaged and requires
Beast friend allows the caster to speak with and guide the a Repair roll to fix
action of 1 creature of Size 1 or smaller per Rank. This can be
“combined” to affect bigger creatures. For example, a Veteran
caster could guide 3 wolves (Size –1) or sharks (Size 1), or a
single bull (Size 3).
The healing power was split and its greater healing and
crippling injuries modifiers are now separate powers.
When using the zombie power’s Permanent Power Modifier
the duration is considered Extended Duration, but it does not
end unless the caster ends it, the power is dispelled, or the last
zombie is destroyed. Only one instance of the zombie power
can be active if used in this way. Zombie creatures may be of
Size up to 0, or up to a Large Swarm.
All other powers and their Power Modifiers are unchanged.

Novice Powers: arcane protection, beast friend, blind, bolt,

boost/lower trait, burrow, burst, confusion, darksight,
detect/conceal arcana, elemental manipulation, empathy,
entangle, environmental protection, fear, havoc, illusion,
light/darkness, mind link, protection, relief, smite,
sound/silence, speak language, stun, summon ally, wall walker
Seasoned Powers: barrier, blast, damage field, deflection,
disguise, dispel, farsight, growth/shrink, healing, mind
reading, object reading, sloth/speed, slumber, shape change,
telekinesis, warrior's gift
Veteran Powers: banish, fly, invisibility, greater healing,
teleport, zombie
Heroic Powers: crippling injuries, divination, intangibility,
mind wipe, puppet, resurrection

Writing and Layout: Manuel “ManuFS” Sambs (Veiled Fury Entertainment)

Thanks: the VFE Discord feedback group 4
Art: Dean Spencer (illustrations) and Lord Zsezse Works (page background)
If a caster rolls a Critical Failure on their arcane skill roll
they have to deal with Critical Backlash. They suffer the
regular Backlash of their Arcane Background and in addition
have to roll on the Uncontrolled Magic table.

Arcane Vortex: the worst that could happen
will happen, as declared by the GM; maybe
spirits in the vicinity take offense to the caster
and attack them and their friends, a Weird
Scientists device explodes violently causing
3d6 damage in an LBT, or a random power the
caster knows activates every turn without them
controlling it
Feedback: the caster is cut off from magic for
Overload: the hero suffers 1 Wound which
cannot be soaked
Fatigue: the caster suffers Drain; if this
6-8 incapacitates the caster they are considered
Bleeding Out and may die
Frizzle: the hero suffers a cumulative –1
penalty to arcane skill rolls for 24h
Short Circuit: the attempted power fails and is
11 unusable for 24h (repair/rebuilding attempts for
Weird Science devices fail during this time)
Backfire: the power activates with a raise, but
the effect is the opposite or hostile; attack
powers hit friendly targets or the caster,
benevolent powers activate for an enemy and
stay active for their full Duration, or other
effects declared by the GM

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