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Q1. Export the store openings table from a .csv file to a table in the Tables Practice geodatabase.


Q.2 How many stores are there? Where did the first one open? Where did the latest one open?

Answer: Total Stores: 3176

First one open in 7/1/1962 (AR)

Latest One Open 1/31/2006 (WV)

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3. Examine the table and the metadata for the table. Is the latest date reported in the previous
question the youngest store in the United States? Why or why not?

Answer: No because data has only stored records from 1962 to 2006. The latest on opened in
Moundsville WV

4. Create a table that lists each state and the number of stores that it contains. Which state in this
table contains the most stores? How many does it have?

Answer: State = Texas

with 315 Stores.

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5. Determine the number of stores per 100,000 people in each state, using the POP2014 field. Which
state has the most stores per capita? Which has the least? (Hint: In a joined table, only the target table
fields may be calculated.)

Answer: Highest most stores AR with Per Capita 2.70421

Lowest with per capita CA 0.417103

6. Capture a map showing the number of stores in each state; include a legend in the map. Also
capture a map showing the number of stores per capita in each state. Compare the two maps and
discuss what they could mean.

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Answer: By Looking into both maps, we can conclude that, In Number of stores in each state map,
maximum stores are in Texas followed by Florida, California and North Carolina.

Whereas in Number of stores per capita map, maximum are in Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, Kentucky

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7. Use a chart to examine the correlation between POP2010 and the number of stores in a state.
Capture the chart and refer to it in a discussion that covers these points: How good is the correlation?
Which state has a much higher number of stores than one would expect? Which two have much lower


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8.Create a table that contains the minimum and average opening date of stores in each state. Which
state has the latest average opening date? What is the average date?

Answer: Table created by using Summary statistics tool

Latest Average Opening: CT with average date: 7/10/1999 9:00am

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9.Read the Help Section in Help> Maps > Time and learn how to set up and operate the time
properties and slider. Use it to examine the spread of stores over time based on the earliest opening
date in each state. Discuss what you learn. Capture a map showing the states with stores by the
beginning of 1975 and again at the start of 1985.

Answer: Store in the beginning of 1975: Kentucky and Mississipi

Stores in the beginning of 1985: Colorado, Florida, and Wisconsin

Time Slider is very useful; it allows us to visualize temporal data. It is easy to find the data on any county ,
state or country by sliding through different years.

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10. Find a table on the Internet that includes x-y coordinates or a field that allows it to be joined to a
spatial data set, such as counties. Format the table so that it can be read in ArcGIS and create a map
showing data from the table. Capture the map with a brief explanation of the data set and the
conclusions that can be drawn from it. Include a citation for the table.

Answer: Excel sheet with covid cases and deaths data from Internet.

After downloading, I used the tool called Excel to Table to convert it into a Table, as Excel sheet is not Arc
GIS Pro friendly, one needs to download a Microsoft driver for that.

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Map Showing Covid-19 cases per State, using Graduated Color Scheme.

I tried to play and generate another map showing Covid-19 deaths using Proportional Symbol Scheme.

Data Used from: United States. Worldometer. (n.d.). Retrieved March 25, 2022, from

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