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ISSN 1063-7842, Technical Physics, 2006, Vol. 51, No. 1, pp. 68–77. © Pleiades Publishing, Inc., 2006.

Original Russian Text © N.M. Ryskin, A.M. Shigaev, 2006, published in Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoœ Fiziki, 2006, Vol. 76, No. 1, pp. 72–81.


Complex Dynamics of a Double-Cavity Delayed Feedback

Klystron Oscillator
N. M. Ryskin and A. M. Shigaev
Chernyshevsky State University, Saratov, 410012 Russia
e-mail: RyskinNM@info.sgu.ru
Received April 8, 2005

Abstract—The complex dynamics of a model double-cavity delayed feedback klystron oscillator is consid-
ered. The self-oscillation and stationary oscillation conditions are analyzed theoretically. The results of numer-
ical simulation of the self-modulation and chaotic regimes are presented, and routes to chaos at the center and
boundaries of the oscillation zone are studied in detail. The effect of space charge forces on the oscillator
dynamics is discussed.
PACS numbers: 52.80.Pi
DOI: 10.1134/S1063784206010117

INTRODUCTION ing-wave tubes [11–13]. There are grounds to believe

that it is also inherent to DF klystron oscillators.
In recent years, great interest has been shown in
studying and applying complex, including chaotic, In this work, we report the results of detailed inves-
oscillation conditions in microwave electron devices. tigation into the dynamics of a double-cavity klystron
These devices as sources of noise-like chaotic micro- oscillator the model of which was suggested in [6]. Sec-
wave radiation are very promising for data processing tion 1 gives a mathematical model of the oscillator and
and data transfer systems based on dynamic chaos basic results of its theoretical analysis. In Sect. 2, the
[1−4], radar [5], electronic jamming, microwave heat- results of numerical simulation are presented. Routes to
ing, etc. Delayed feedback (DF) self-excited oscillators chaos at the center and boundaries of oscillation zones
based on drift klystrons, which offer a high output and are studied. In Sect. 3, the effect of space charge forces,
efficiency, seem to be the most appropriate for such an issue of practical importance, is considered with an
applications. Earlier [6–8], mathematical models of efficient technique based on the Solntsev approximate
double- and multicavity klystron self-excited oscilla- nonlinear wave theory [14, 15]. It is shown that space
tors in the form of sets of delay differential equations
were suggested. It was shown by numerical simulation charge forces may suppress the self-modulation and
that, as the beam current or the amount of feedback quench the oscillation.
grows, the system tends to chaos, the basic route to
chaos being a sequence of self-modulation period dou-
bling bifurcations. Furthermore, the performance of a 1. BASIC EQUATIONS AND THEORETICAL
multicavity klystron oscillator was studied experimen- RESULTS
tally [6, 8, 9], and the experimental results were in qual-
itative agreement with the theory. It should be noted, Consider a double-cavity klystron where the input
however, that the results reported in [6–8] do not give a and output cavities are connected via a wide-band dis-
full indication of the behavior of the system in a wide persionless transmission line including a controlled
range of control parameters. Specifically, the analyses attenuator and a phase shifter to control the amount, ρ,
performed have touched upon only the center of the and phase, Ψ, of feedback. A signal passes through the
oscillation zone. At the same time, it is known that self- feedback loop for some frequency-independent time
excited oscillatory systems with delay feature an interval δt. For simplicity, we assume that the cavities
extremely complex and diversified nonlinear dynamics. are identical and that their Q factors (Q), characteristic
As a rule, as the basic control parameters vary, multiple impedances (K), eigenfrequencies (ωe), and modulation
alternation of regular and chaotic self-modulation factors (M) are the same. It is also assumed that the cav-
oscillation regimes are observed and the system tends ities are matched to the feedback loop.
to chaos following different scenarios (see, e.g., [10]).
Such behavior is also typical of many other distributed As was shown in [6, 8], an oscillator of this type is
systems, such as backward-wave oscillators and travel- described by a set of two ordinary differential equations


one of which has a delay, α (a)

Ḟ 1 + γ F 1 = γ F 2 ( τ – 1 ),
F (1)
Ḟ 2 + γ F 2 = – 2iαe
– iψ
J 1 ( F 1 ) -------1-. 5
Here, J1 is the Bessel function of the first kind; 3
M A 1 ( τ – θ 0 )θ 0
F 1 ( τ ) = -----------------------------------
-, 1
2V 0
ρM A 2 ( τ )θ 0 –iω0 δt ω
F 2 ( τ ) = ---------------------------
-e (b)
2V 0 2
are slowly varying normalized complex amplitudes A1, 2 π/2
of voltage oscillations across the gaps; τ = ωet/ψ is the
dimensionless time; 0
ρK M I 0 θ 0 ψ
α = -----------------------------
- –π/2
4V 0 2
is the excitation parameter of the oscillator, which is
essentially the gain times the amount of feedback; I0 –2π –π 0 π ψ
and V0 are, respectively, the current and voltage of the
beam; θ0 = ωel/v0 is the undisturbed transit angle of Fig. 1. (a) Boundaries of the self-excitation and self-modu-
electrons in the drift space; l is the length of the drift lation zones and (b) oscillation and self-modulation fre-
quencies. The thick lines show the theoretical ψ depen-
space; γ = Ψ/2Q is the damping parameter; and ψ = θ0 + dences of αst and ω. The filled circles indicate the values of
ωeδt + Ψ is the total phase advance for the time the sig- αst and ω obtained by numerical simulations; empty circles,
nal takes to propagate through the feedback loop (it the values of the threshold and frequency of self-modula-
tion. The bistability areas are hatched.
depends both on the time electrons take to transit
between the cavities and on the delay time in the feed-
back loop). Here, ωn are the roots of Eq. (3), which are numbered
It is now appropriate to discuss the conditions of from zero on (i.e., ω0 is the eigenfrequency nearest to
self-excitation of oscillations. The associated analytical zero).1 However, it can be shown that only those roots
technique is described in [6], where only the case ψ = should be taken into account for which cos(ωn + ψ +
2πm – π/2 (the center of the oscillation zone; see below)
is considered. Omitting details of calculations, we will π/2) > 0, i.e., the roots with even numbers [6, 8, 10].
give here the basic formulas. Linearizing Eqs. (1) and Relationships (3) and (4) show that the self-excita-
seeking a solution in the form F1, 2 ~ epτ, we come to the tion threshold periodically depends on ψ; that is, oscil-
characteristic equation lation zones characteristic of distributed DF self-oscil-
– ( p + iψ ) latory systems are observed [6–10, 12, 13]. At the cen-
( p + γ ) = – iαγ e
. (2) ters of these zones, where ψ = 2πm – π/2, the phase
This transcendental equation has an infinite number advance of the signal for the time the signal takes to
of complex roots; that is, there is generally an infinite propagate along the feedback loop equals 2πm (the
number of eigenmodes, which is typical of distributed shift –π/2 is introduced by the modulating cavity [8]).
self-oscillatory systems. Taking into account that p is At the center of the zones, self-excitation occurs at the
purely imaginary at the stability boundary (p = iω, frequency ω = 0 (in other words, exactly at the eigen-
where ω is the oscillation frequency), we obtain from frequency of the cavities) and αst = γ. Figure 1 shows
(2) an equation for eigenfrequencies, the self-excitation boundaries and oscillation frequen-
π cies constructed by formulas (3) and (4) at γ = 1 (a typ-
-2 = tan ⎛ ω + ψ + ---⎞ ,
---------------- (3) ical value of this parameter for realistic parameters of
ω –γ
2 ⎝ 2⎠ the oscillator, as will be shown below). As α grows, the
and an equation from which the excitation threshold for oscillation zones expand and eventually overlap. In the
an nth eigenfrequency can be found, hatched zones in Fig. 1a, multistability may arise:

γ + ωn
2 2 1 Recallthat we use the equations applicable for slowly varying
α st = -----------------; n = 0, ± 1, ± 2, … . (4) amplitudes, so that the zero frequency corresponds to the eigen-
γ frequency of the cavities in the initial variables.

TECHNICAL PHYSICS Vol. 51 No. 1 2006


y (a) ance of new stationary regimes is presumably due to

1.0 1 multiple electron overbunching in the drift space: the
basic nonlinear effect in devices of O type. Let equilib-
+ + +
0.5 P2+ rium states be designated as S n and P n , where S n and
P1+ S2+ 2 +
P0+ S1+ P n refer to the roots of Eq. (5) in the ascending and
0 descending branches, respectively, of the Bessel func-
5 10 15 20 +
S1+ F0 tion (Fig. 2a). Designation S 0 corresponds to the trivial
–0.5 P1– zero-amplitude solution.
3 As readily follows from Fig. 2, higher stationary
states appear via hard excitation, and the thresholds of
their appearance can be found analytically. The associ-
F0 (b) ated values of amplitude F0 are found as the roots of the
10 equation
8 S1+ J 1 ( F0 )
- = J '1 ( F 0 ),
--------------- (6)
P1– F0
6 P1–
S1– S1– where J '1 = dJ1(F0)/dF0.
P0+ Hence, for P 1 and S 1 , we found that F0 ≈ 8.417 and
+ +
S0+ it follows from (5) that
( ω + γ )F 15.5 ( ω 2 + γ 2 )
2 2
5 10 15 20 25 30
α α = ----------------------------0 ≈ --------------------------------- . (7)
2γ J 1 ( F 0 ) γ
Fig. 2. (a) Graphical solution of Eq. (5): (1) curve y = In addition, there exist equilibrium states that corre-
2J1(F0), (2) curve y = (ω2 + γ2)F0/αγ, and (3) straight line spond to the portions where the Bessel function is neg-
y = –(ω2 + γ2)F0/αγ; (b) α dependences of the stationary ative. Here, the oscillation frequency is found from
solutions at the center (thick lines) and boundaries (thin
lines) of the oscillation zone at γ = 1. Nonstationary solu- Eq. (3) as before but it is now equal to one of roots ω±1
tions are shown by the dashed lines. depending on phase ψ. Instead of Eq. (5), we have
( ω + γ )F 0 = – 2αγ J 1 ( F 0 ).
2 2
either of two neighboring modes may be excited
– –
depending on the initial conditions. Designate these equilibrium states as S n and P n ,
Analysis of the stationary regimes, which corre- respectively (Fig. 2a). They also appear via hard excita-
(0) (0) tion, and their appearance threshold is calculated from
spond to the solutions F1, 2 = F 1.2 eiωτ, where F 1, 2 are
the equation
constants, leads to an equation for the stationary oscil-
lation amplitude, J 1 ( F0 )
- = – J '1 ( F 0 ),
--------------- (9)
( ω + γ )F 0 = 2αγ J 1 ( F 0 ),
2 2
(5) F0

whence, it follows that F0 ≈ 5.52 for P 1 and S 1 and,

– –
where F0 = | F 1 |.
instead of Eq. (7), we have
Note that | F 2 | = F0 1 + ( ω/γ ) and the oscillation
( ω + γ )F 8.11 ( ω 2 + γ 2 )
2 2
frequency is again defined by relationship (3). Hence, it α = – ----------------------------0 ≈ --------------------------------- . (10)
follows that, as excitation parameter α grows, the fre- 2γ J 1 ( F 0 ) γ
quency remains unchanged and equal to the corre- For example, from (7) and (10), we find that, for γ =
sponding eigenfrequency determined from the linear + +
theory. As a rule, this is frequency ω0 , except for mul- 1, P 1 and S 1 appear at the oscillation zone center at
tistability zones, where oscillations may also be excited α ≈ 15.5 and P 1 and S 1 , at α ≈ 22.233. Note that one
– –
at one of frequencies ω±2 (Fig. 1).
should substitute the fundamental mode frequency ω0 =
Transcendental equation (5) is convenient to ana- 0 into (7) and ω1 ≈ 0.42π into (10). The excitation
lyze graphically (Fig. 2a). It is seen that the number of thresholds of higher stationary states far exceed the
roots increases with α, new and new stationary states +
appear, and so oscillation multistability will appear excitation threshold of “ground” state P 0 (αst = 1).
even at the fundamental eigenfrequency. The appear- However, away from the center of the oscillation zone,

TECHNICAL PHYSICS Vol. 51 No. 1 2006


the excitation thresholds of states P 1 and S 1 decrease,

of α at which self-modulation takes place,
since frequency ω1 approaches zero. In particular, at the
γ +Ω
2 2
boundary of the zone (ψ = π/2), we have α ≈ 8.11, α sm = -------------------------. (12)
which is only three times higher than the self-excitation 2γ J '1 ( F 0 )
threshold (αst ≈ 2.74). The excitation thresholds of
It should be taken into account here that F0 , in turn,
states P 1 and S 1 , conversely, increase to α ≈ 42.51.
+ +
depends on α according to (5). Substituting (5) into
Figure 2b plots the α dependences of the amplitudes of (12) yields (it is remembered that we are considering
± ± the center of the oscillation zone, where the fundamen-
stationary states P 0, 1 and S 1 constructed by formulas tal frequency equals zero)
(5) and (8) at the center and boundary of the oscillation
zone. As α grows, the solutions tend to the correspond- F 0 J '1 ( F 0 ) γ +Ω
2 2

ing zeros of Bessel function J1 . It is seen that the above - = -----------------

------------------------ - , (13)
J 1 ( F0 ) γ
theoretical threshold values are in good agreement with
those presented in Fig. 2b. and relationship (12) simplifies to
It is also important to clarify the stability conditions γ F0
for the stationary solutions. In the general case, com- α sm = ------------------
-. (14)
prehensive stability analysis is unfortunately infeasible. 2J 1 ( F 0 )
One can, however, show that equilibrium states S n are Since the self-modulation frequency at the center of
± the oscillation zone equals eigenfrequency ω1 , we find
always unstable, while states Pn
are stable if the self- from (13) for the case γ = 1 (see above) that F0 ≈ 2.90;
excitation threshold is not too much exceeded. With hence, αsm ≈ 3.87. This value is totally coincident with
increasing α, the states lose stability as a result of the the result of numerical solution of initial nonstationary
Andronov–Hopf bifurcation, limiting cycles (periodic equations (1) (Fig. 1a).
self-modulation regimes) arise in their vicinities in the
phase space, and the output signal starts oscillating From relationship (12), it is seen that instability
about the steady-state value. occurs when J 1' (F0) is large and negative, i.e., when the
At the center of the oscillation zone, where fre- amplitude response of the amplifier has a steeply
quency ω0 = 0, stability analysis greatly simplifies. The descending portion. Physically, the descending portion
equations for amplitude perturbations and phase pertur- arises because of kinematic debunching, which takes
bations separate out and so can be treated indepen- place when the oscillation amplitude is high. In this
+ case, we deal with the amplitude mechanism of self-
dently (see [10]). Analyzing the stability of states P n modulation [10, 11, 16].
and S n , one can obtain a characteristic equation for As for phase perturbations, the analysis shows that
amplitude perturbations, the steady-state solutions are neutrally stable against
these perturbations, which is an obvious consequence
( iΩ + γ ) = 2αγ J '1 ( F 0 )e of the invariance of solutions to set (1) under phase
2 – iΩ
, (11)
shift. This is a general property of the systems describ-
where Ω is the self-modulation frequency. From this able in terms of slowly varying complex amplitudes
relationship, it follows that, for equilibrium states S n , (see [10, 17]).
– –
for which J '1 (F0) > 0, there always exists the root iΩ = Considering equilibrium states S n and P n leads us
λ of characteristic equation (11), where instability –
to the same inferences: S n is always unstable, while P n

increment λ is a real positive number. Thus, all solu- loses stability at large α because of the Andronov–Hopf
tions of type S n are unstable with the perturbation bifurcation. In this case, the fundamental oscillation
growing exponentially (aperiodic instability). frequency is equal to one of roots ω±1 of Eq. (3) and the
self-modulation frequency, to root ω0 .
For equilibrium states P n , for which J '1 (F0) < 0, it
follows from relationship (11) that frequency Ω satis-
fies Eq. (3). However, one should now take the roots for 2. RESULTS OF NUMERICAL SIMULATION
which cos(ωn + ψ + π/2) < 0, i.e., roots ωn with odd Equations (1) contain three control parameters: α, γ,
numbers. Clearly, the self-modulation threshold is the and ψ. Let us make several estimates for typical cm-
lowest for the modes with numbers 1, the frequencies of range klystrons (emphasis will be on the multicavity
which are the closest to the eigenfrequency of the cav- klystron that was experimentally studied in [6, 8, 9]).
ity. If the Q factor of the cavity is sufficiently large (γ < We assume that wavelength λ equals several centime-
π/2), it can be shown [6] that the self-modulation fre- ters and the length of the feedback loop is several
quency lies in the interval γ < Ω < π/2; if (γ > π/2), π/2 < meters, so that the electric length is about 100 wave-
Ω < γ. Then, from (11), one can find the threshold value lengths (cf. 105 wavelengths in [9]). Thus, for time ∆t

TECHNICAL PHYSICS Vol. 51 No. 1 2006


Fout(τ) (a) S, dB modulation appears), against ψ. The bistability zones

12 0 near the boundaries of two oscillation zones are dis-
tinctly seen. When parameter ψ varies smoothly, hard
transitions from one zone to another accompanied by
9 –10 hysteresis take place. All these observations are typical
of delayed self-oscillatory systems [6–10, 12, 13].
The transition to chaos may follow several scenar-
6 –20
ios. At the center of the oscillation zone, chaos is estab-
lished through a sequence of self-modulation period
3 –30 doubling bifurcations, which is characteristic of sys-
tems with the amplitude mechanism of self-modulation
[6–11, 16]. The picture as a whole is similar to the
0 Feigenbaum classical scenario [18–20]; specifically,
12 0 universal quantitative laws inherent to this scenario are
confirmed. It should be noted, however, that the
sequence of period doubling bifurcations covers a nar-
9 –10 row domain in the parameter space. Next is a multiple
alternation of periodic and chaotic self-modulation
regimes. This stage was described at length elsewhere
6 –20 [6] and here is not considered. We only note that there
are two types of periodic regime. In one case, the spec-
3 –30 tral component at the fundamental frequency domi-
nates; in the other, the fundamental mode is suppressed
and two spectral components symmetrically offset
0 3 6 9 12 –1.0 –0.5 0 0.5 1.0 from it have a maximal amplitude. The related spectra
Fout(τ – ∆τ) Ω/π and phase portraits are exemplified in Fig. 3 (hereafter,
Fout = |F2(τ)|. Similar behavior is observed in many
Fig. 3. Phase portraits and spectra in different regimes of other DF systems, among which are ring optical lasers
periodic self-modulation at γ = 1 and ψ = –0.4π. α = [21–23], distributed parametric DF oscillators [24], and
(a) 15.25 and (b) 15.75. others. The appearance of two modes instead of the fun-
damental one has been named “mode splitting” [23]. It
is noteworthy that the limiting cycles related to periodic
the signal takes to propagate in the feedback loop, the regimes are of complex shape: specifically, they have
phase advance is ωe∆t ~ 2π × 102. For a drift space many loops the number of which grows with α.3
length on the order of several centimeters and a reason- The effect of mode splitting can be accounted for as
able value of the accelerating voltage, transit angle θ0 is follows. Consider the situation at the center of the oscil-
much less than ωe∆t and so one can estimate ψ as ψ ~ lation zone, where ψ = 2πm – π/2. Then, one can con-
2π × 102.2 For a loaded Q factor of the cavity of Q = centrate only on the pure real variant of Eqs. (1),
100–200, we find that γ equals several unities. As fol-
lows from the simulation results, the dynamics of the Ḟ 1 + γ F 1 = γ F 2 ( τ – 1 ),
system remains qualitatively the same when γ varies in (15)
the interval 0.3 < γ < 3.0. For definiteness, let γ = 1. Ḟ 2 + γ F 2 = 2αJ 1 ( F 1 ),
The results of numerical simulation are totally con- where the oscillation amplitudes are also considered
sistent with the results of theoretical analysis presented real. Since Eqs. (15) are invariant under the substitution
in Sect. 1. Above the self-excitation threshold, the sta- F1,2 –F1,2, they can have solutions of two types:
tionary state with amplitude P 0 is established at funda- either the solutions exhibit this symmetry or they are
mental mode frequency ω0 . At α > αst, the stationary asymmetric but appear in pairs that are symmetric to
regime loses stability and softly changes to periodic each other. It is easy to understand that, in the former
self-modulation. In this case, the spectrum exhibits two case, the oscillation spectrum is akin to that depicted in
satellites symmetrically offset from the fundamental Fig. 3b (the fundamental mode is suppressed). Virtu-
frequency. At the centers of the oscillation zones, the ally, the oscillation phase changes periodically by π in
satellite frequencies coincide with frequencies ω±1 . discrete steps under such conditions. Following [21,
Figure 1 plots the threshold values of α, as well as the 23], we will refer to the mode splitting regime as the
fundamental oscillation frequencies and the frequen- 3 Itshould be remembered that here we are dealing with the signal
cies of self-modulation satellites (at the instant self- envelope dynamics. Actually, stationary oscillations correspond
to limiting cycles and not to equilibrium positions and periodic
a specific value of ψ is needed only to find the dissipa-
2 Certainly, self-modulation (i.e., quasi-periodic motion with two incommen-
tion parameter. In the simulation, ψ was varied from 0 to 2π. surate frequencies), to 2D tori and not to limiting cycles.

TECHNICAL PHYSICS Vol. 51 No. 1 2006


symmetric regime. In the latter case, the mean oscilla- Fout(τ)

tion amplitude is other than zero and the zero-fre- 12 (a)
quency spectral mode prevails.
Exactly at the center of the oscillation zone, the sit-
uation is degenerate. At an offset from the center as
small as desired, the variables can no longer be consid- 9
ered real and one cannot speak of symmetric and asym-
metric regimes in the strict sense. Yet, the behavior

remains qualitatively the same. As before, one can dis- P1
criminate between the regimes where the fundamental 6
mode dominates and those where it is suppressed and
two modes with roughly equal amplitudes that are equi-
distant from the fundamental frequency are present.
3 P0+
The dynamics of the oscillator is substantially
affected by the appearance of new stationary states P n
(see Sect. 1). At the center of the oscillation zone, state
+ – 0
P 1 is the first to appear, while at its boundary, state P 1
12 (b)
is (Fig. 2b). As was already noted, these states arise via
hard excitation and appropriate initial conditions are
therefore needed to excite them. As parameter α varies
smoothly, self-modulation and a sequence of doubling 9
bifurcations on the basis of these stationary states are
observed. In some range of α, the regimes based on P 0

± P1
and P1 first coexist (they may be single-frequency, 6
multiple-frequency, or chaotic oscillations depending
on the parameter values) and then combine. The phase
portraits illustrating the bistability and subsequent
merging of the attractors are demonstrated in Fig. 4. 3 P0+
After integration, the output signal waveform repre-
sents a random sequence of switching from one regime
to another, i.e., chaotic intermittency. With a further
± 0
increase in α, regimes based on state P 2 appear, etc.
Similar behavior for a simpler model that is described 12 (c)
by the single first-order equation with delay
F(τ – 1)
Ḟ + γF = 2αe J 1 ( F ( τ – 1 ) ) -----------------------
– iψ
F(τ – 1) 9

was described earlier [25].

Of special interest is the route to chaos at the bound-
aries of the oscillation zone, where the competition of 6
two eigenmodes with close self-excitation thresholds
has an appreciable effect. The bifurcation map on the
plane of parameters ψ and α (Fig. 5) shows the bound-
aries of self-excitation (SE), self-modulation (SM), 3
period doubling (T2), period quadrupling (T4), quasi-
periodic motion (Q), and chaos (Ch). The boundaries
between two neighboring modes, which are shown by
the continuous lines for one mode and by dotted lines 0 3 6 9 12
for the other, are symmetric to each other about the Fout(τ – ∆τ)
straight line ψ = π/2. Here, a scenario other than that by
Feigenbaum is observed: a number of doublings is Fig. 4. Phase portraits in different regimes of periodic self-
finite and decreases as the oscillation zone boundary is modulation that are based on equilibrium states (a) P 0 and
approached. In a narrow zone near the boundary, quasi- –
(b) P 1 at the same values of the parameters (γ = 1, ψ = 0.3π,
periodic self-modulation and quasi-periodic route to and α = 12.25). (c) Combined attractor arising when α
chaos are observed. reaches 12.32.

TECHNICAL PHYSICS Vol. 51 No. 1 2006


α mittency. If, however, we move over the parameter

12 plane so as to remain under the periodic self-modula-
SYM SYM tion conditions, the asymmetric regime will softly
transform into the symmetric one. In this case, the spec-
T4 Q T4 tral component that has the highest amplitude shifts
10 Ch Ch away from the eigenfrequency of the cavity and its
amplitude declines. The frequency of one of the satel-
T2 T2 lites, conversely, approaches zero and its amplitude
8 grows.
Merging of attractors based on neighboring modes
SM SM is also observed in other DF systems, for example, in
6 self-excited oscillators with cubic nonlinearity [10].
The difference here is that, in [10], partial attractors
merged into a fully developed chaotic attractor rather
4 than into a symmetric limiting cycle. Fully developed
SE SE chaos exists in a narrow range of α, and then the solu-
SE SE tions become unstable and tend to infinity. This may be
2 because the steepness (amplitude) of a cubically non-
0.45π 0.50π 0.55π linear characteristic infinitely grows in magnitude,
ψ while in the klystron, the steepness depends on J '1 (F0)
and alternately increases and decreases. As a result,
Fig. 5. Bifurcation map on the plane of parameters α and ψ chaotic and regular regimes alternate.
near the boundary of the oscillation zone. Shown are the
boundaries of the self-excitation (SE), self-modulation Thus, bistability in the SYM domain (Fig. 5) disap-
(SM), period doubling (T2), period quadrupling (T4), and pears. As α grows further, a sequence of symmetric
quasi-periodic motion (Q) domains. Quasi-periodic route to cycle doubling bifurcations followed by chaos and then
chaos is marked by Ch, and the domain of existence of the –
symmetric cycle is marked by SYM. by the periodic regime on equilibrium state P 1 is
observed. The periodic regime exists in some range of
Fmax α. Next, as α goes on increasing, a new attractor (simi-
lar to that shown in Fig. 4c) covering both equilibrium
states arises. The situation is illustrated by the bifurca-
tion diagram (the maximal amplitude of the output sig-
nal versus α) constructed for one of the modes when α
6 smoothly grows and the initial conditions are inherited
(Fig. 6). Seen are the range of quasi-periodicity (α ≈
9.25), a narrow resonance range, transition to chaos
4 (α ≈ 9.5), the formation of a symmetric cycle (α ≈
10.0), cycle period doubling bifurcations, and the tran-
sition to the condition based on state P 1 (α ≈ 11.3).



7 8 9 10 11 12 CHARGE FORCES
It was assumed above that space charge effects are
Fig. 6. Bifurcation diagram near the boundary of the oscil- negligibly small, so that the well-known formulas from
lation zone (γ = 1, ψ = 0.4875π). the kinematic theory of the klystron are valid. Actually,
however, space charge forces may be appreciable. The
approximate nonlinear wave theory developed by
As α grows, the attractors on neighboring eigen- Solntsev for O-type devices seems to be the most suit-
modes merge together: a single limiting cycle arises, able for modification of the space-charge-free model
which can be identified with the symmetric regimes [14, 15]. In this theory, the electron phase is expanded
discussed above (the domains marked by SYM in into the Fourier series in initial phase (by virtue of the
Fig. 5), since its spectrum is virtually symmetric about periodicity of the associated dependence) and then
the zero frequency. The formation of this cycle with equations of motion for individual electrons are
increasing α proceeds in different ways. If it is pre- replaced by equations for Fourier component ampli-
ceded by the quasi-periodic regime, the transition takes tudes (i.e., nonlinear waves). Without going into
place by softly suppressing incommensurate frequen- details, we will make use of an expression for the first
cies; if it is preceded by the chaotic regime, via inter- harmonic of the bunched current, which is obtained by

TECHNICAL PHYSICS Vol. 51 No. 1 2006


taking into account only one Fourier harmonic [14, 15]. Fst
Then, Eqs. (1) can be recast as 4
Ḟ 1 + γ F 1 = γ F 2 ( τ – 1 ), 4
(17) 3
F 3 2
Ḟ 2 + γ F 2 = – 2iαe J 1 ( B ) -------1-,
– iψ
F1 1
where parameter B is found by solving the nonlinear
oscillator equation 2

d B
--------2- + θ p Q ( B ) = 0.
(18) 1
Here, z is the coordinate normalized to drift space
length l, θp = ωpl/v0, ωp is the plasma frequency, and 0
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

J n ( nB ) α
Q( B) = 2 ∑ - ( J n – 1 ( nB ) – J n + 1 ( nB ) ). (19)
n=1 Fig. 7. Stationary oscillation amplitude vs. α at γ = 1, ψ =
−π/2, and space charge parameter θp = (1) 0.001, (2) 1.0,
Formula (19) is written for the simplest case of an (3) 1.5, and (4) 2.0.
indefinitely wide beam (a reduction of the plasma fre-
quency is disregarded). The boundary conditions to
Eq. (18) have the form parameter αp becomes negative, which is equivalent to
the shift of the feedback-related phase by π.
dB ( 0 )
B ( 0 ) = 0, --------------- = F 1 ( τ ) . (20) Figure 7 plots the output signal amplitude versus α
(running from the self-excitation threshold to the self-
When numerically integrating Eqs. (17), one should modulation threshold) at different θp under the station-
additionally perform numerical integration of Eq. (18) ary oscillation conditions. It is seen that, while the self-
at each step in the domain 0 ≤ z ≤ 1 and substitute B (z = excitation threshold rises substantially with the amount
1) into the second equation of set (17). of the space charge, the self-modulation threshold
It can be shown [14, 15] that, when B ≤ 1 (overtak- remains almost unchanged. In other words, the range of
ing is absent), Q(B) = B and the oscillator behaves as a parameters where single-frequency oscillations may
linear element. Then, a solution to Eq. (18) can be writ- occur shrinks. The amplitude reaches a maximum near
ten in the form the self-modulation threshold. In this respect, the
klystron oscillator is similar to the backward-wave
sin θ oscillator [26] and differs from the DF traveling-wave
B ( 1 ) = F 1 -------------p , (21)
θp tube, where the amplitude reaches a maximum far
before the self-modulation threshold [13]. Interest-
that is, we arrive at the result well known from the lin- ingly, an increase in the space charge parameter causes
ear theory of space charge waves. an increase in the output signal maximal amplitude.
Let us discuss the effect of space charge forces on Similar behavior of backward-wave oscillators was
the oscillator self-excitation condition. Linearizing observed by Rapoport as early as in 1958 [27].
Eqs. (17) and taking into account (21), we get the char- Let us now turn to simulation of self-modulation
acteristic equation and chaotic oscillation conditions. As in the previous
( p + γ ) = – iα p γ e
2 – ( p + iψ )
, (22) sections, we will be interested in the sequence of bifur-
cations that takes place when parameter α, which is
where αp = αsinθp/θp. responsible for excitation of the oscillator, increases. It
should be noted that, in experiments, α can be
Equation (22) differs from characteristic equation (2) increased by either increasing the amount of feedback
derived for the kinematic case in that the oscillator exci- or the electron beam current. In the kinematic model,
tation parameter is renormalized. Thus, since αp < α, there is no need to consider these ways separately. Now,
space charge forces will increase the starting current. however, the model is characterized by one more
The results of simulation of the self-excitation regime
parameter θp, which is proportional to I 0 but is inde-
exactly coincide with the theory. However, for the com-
parison to be correct, one should take into account that, pendent of the amount of feedback. Thus, if the situa-
for θp meeting the condition sinθp < 0, the centers and tion to be simulated suggests an increase in the amount
boundaries of the oscillation zones change place: at the of feedback, one should increase α, keeping θp constant
center, ψ = π/2; at the boundary, ψ = –π/2. Indeed, (the results depicted in Fig. 7 were obtained just in this

TECHNICAL PHYSICS Vol. 51 No. 1 2006


Fout α/α st ). It follows from Fig. 8 that, as the current

8 (a) grows, the stationary oscillation regime is changed to
periodic self-modulation. Near its threshold, the self-
4 modulation is quasi-harmonic. Then, the self-modula-
tion period expands noticeably and the time depen-
dence of the signal envelope takes the form of relax-
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 ation oscillations. Finally, at high currents, when θp
8 (b) approaches π, the oscillations are quenched (α = 7.645,
θp = 2.765). Period doubling and chaos are not
observed. This effect has much in common with the
effect of self-modulation suppression by space charge
forces in backward-wave oscillators [26]. However,
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 since beam–field interaction in a klystron takes place,
in essence, discretely (in the gaps of the cavities), it is
much stronger than in backward-wave oscillators and
therefore not only suppresses self-modulation but also
4 (at an unfavorable distribution of the bunched current)
quenches the oscillations.
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
In this work, we studied a double-cavity delayed-
4 feedback klystron oscillator whose model was sug-
gested in [6]. The diversified nonlinear dynamics of the
device with various order–chaos and chaos–order tran-
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 sitions following different scenarios was discovered.
τ The detailed theoretical analysis of self-excitation con-
ditions and stationary oscillation regimes was per-
Fig. 8. Output signal waveform envelope in different formed, and the self-modulation threshold was esti-
dynamics regimes at different beam currents: (a) α = 2.2 mated. Routes to chaos that are observed when the elec-
and θp = 1.483, (b) α = 4.5 and θp = 2.121, (c) α = 7.5 and
θp = 2.739, and (d) α = 7.575 and θp = 2.752. The other tron beam current or the amount of feedback increases
parameters are the same as in Fig. 7. were numerically simulated in a wide range of relevant
parameters. At the centers of the oscillation zones, the
transition to chaos follows the Feigenbaum scenario,
way). If, however, it is assumed that the beam current which is typical of systems describable by delay differ-
will increase, an increase in α should be accompanied ential equations [6, 7, 10, 19]. Next comes a compli-
by an increase in θp in proportion to α . cated sequence of alternating regular and chaotic self-
modulation regimes. New and new periodic regimes
The simulation showed that, in the former case (α arise to which limiting cycles of more and more
increases, and θp is constant), the behavior of the sys- involved shape in the phase space correspond. In these
tem is qualitatively the same as in the kinematic case at regimes, either the fundamental mode dominates or two
least at a not too large value of space charge parameter modes equidistant from the suppressed fundamental
θp (θp < π/2). If, however, the beam current is taken as mode that have roughly equal amplitudes prevail (the
a bifurcation parameter (i.e., α and θp increase simulta- mode splitting effect). In each cycle, the transition to
neously), the behavior of the system changes qualita- chaos may occur either through period doubling or via
tively. In fact, as θp grows, the self-excitation threshold hard excitation.
also grows, tending to infinity at θp π, as follows At the boundaries of the oscillation zone, the com-
from characteristic equation (22). Accordingly, the self- petition of two eigenmodes greatly complicated the
modulation threshold and the threshold of going to dynamics. The number of doubling bifurcations here is
chaos also rise. As a result, with an increase in the cur- finite: the nearer to the boundary, the smaller the num-
rent, the system shifts to the domain below the self- ber of the bifurcations. Then, we sequentially observe
excitation threshold and the oscillations are quenched. the inverse transition to the periodic regime, quasi-peri-
Figure 8 shows the envelopes of the output signal wave- odic self-modulation, and transition to chaos through
form at different beam currents. At the parameter val- quasi-periodicity breaking (or through resonance cycle
ues indicated, self-excitation takes place at αst = 1.242 doubling on the torus). The sequence of bifurcations
ends in the merging of attractors based on different
and θ p = 1.115. In the course of numerical simulation,
modes. Unlike the self-excited oscillator with cubic
we increased α and simultaneously θp (by a factor of nonlinearity [10], here, instead of fully developed

TECHNICAL PHYSICS Vol. 51 No. 1 2006


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