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School: Balsik National High School Grade Level: 11

Teacher: Mr. Marvin S. Hilario Learning Area: Science
Teaching Dates May 17, 2023 (10:30 am to 11:30 Quarter: 4th
and Time: am)


I. OBJECTIVES  Explain the propagation of light using the
wave model.
 Explain reflection using the wave model of
 Explain refraction using the wave model of
A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of light
B. Performance Standard The learners should be able to design and create a
useful product that uses mirrors and lenses for
practical purposes.
C. Learning Competencies Describe how the propagation of light, reflection,
and refraction is explained by the wave model of
light (S11/12PS-IVf-59)
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Page Use the PhySci TG/MELC
2. Learner’s Material Page
3. Textbook Page
4. Additional Materials from Learning Resource Earth and Life Science (initial release) Exploring Life
(LR) Through Science: Earth and Life Science (Phoenix
Publish House)
5. Other Learning Resources PowerPoint presentation, visual aids,
Teacher’s Guide Student’s Guide
A. Reviewing the previous lesson or presenting a
new lesson

Let us all stand up for a prayer to be led by Renz.
(a student will lead the prayer)
Dear Lord,
Today, let me see the right things. Let me say the
right words. Let me hear no wrong. Guide me to the
right ways. Keep me safe from harm forever and
ever. Amen

Good morning class!
Good morning, sir!
Checking of attendance
Are there any absences from our class? Let us hear
from Group 1. Group 2. Group 3. Group 4
We are glad that there is no absence today, Sir.
Very good! I’m glad that you are all present.

Before we start our new topic, pass your assignment

Class, do you have any questions regarding your
assignment? None, sir.
It’s nice to hear that.

For our review of the past lesson, we will be having a

game called “Memory Test!”
Can you read the instructions, Juan? 1. Divide the class into 4 groups.
2. The group should recall the past lesson.
Anyone in the group can answer.
3. Each group’s answer must be written on the
whiteboard or illustration board.
4. The class will be given 1 minute for each set
of questions to complete the activity.

Be Fast! Is that clear?

Yes, sir.
For number.
1. These are the waves that need a medium to
Mechanical waves

2. These are waves that propagate in a vacuum;

examples are visible light, microwaves, radio
waves, infrared, etc.
Electromagnetic waves

3. The number of waves it produces in each

amount of time. Frequency

Good! I am glad that you mastered our topic review

on waves.

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

To boost your energy, we will be playing the game
“2 Truths and 1 Lie”. Are you familiar with this
game? Yes Sir! We are familiar with that game.

I have prepared a game of 2 truths & 1 lie. Kindly

read the instructions, Maria. 1. Divide the class into 4 groups.
2. The group must guess which statement is a
3. The answer of the group must be written on
the whiteboard (letter only)
4. The class will be given 40 seconds for each
set of statements to complete the activity.

The fastest group that writes the correct answer will

win the game. Is that clear? Yes, sir.

Let us start...

1. A. If light gets Faster, it bends Away from the

B. If light gets Slower it bends Towards the
C. Light will travel completely vertically until it
hits an object. C. (Light will travel in a completely vertical line
until it hits an object.)

2. A. Light refracts whenever it travels at an angle

into a substance with a different refractive index
(optical density)
B. Refraction is simply the bouncing back of
light when it strikes the medium on a plane.
C. Refraction can be defined as the process of
the shift of light when it passes through a B. (Refraction is simply the bouncing back of light
medium leading to the bending of light.  when it strikes the medium on a plane.)

3. A. Objects include mirrors (reflect)

B. Glass of water with a spoon in it (refract) C. (foil (refract))
C. foil (refract)

4. A. When light travels from a less dense to a

denser material, it gets slower and bends toward
the normal. (e.g., air to glass.)
B. The greater the change of speed, the more
the light is bent or refracted. C. (Reflection is when light waves bend after
C. Reflection is when light waves bend after passing through different materials.)
passing through different materials.

5. A. Light is faster than sound.

B. Light travels faster in the air than in a B. Light travels faster in the air than in a vacuum.
C. Refraction of light can produce mirages.

Yes, sir!
Thank you, class, for participating. Are you ready to
listen to our discussion?
C. Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson.

Before we proceed with our discussion properly, I

want you to observe these images. Can you tell if the
light is reflected or refracted? If you want to answer,
raise your hand to be recognized.
Is that clear?
Yes, sir.
Let us start…




Very Good! It seems that you have an idea of what

reflection and refraction are.
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new
skills number 1
Now, do you have any idea what is our topic for
(the student will give an idea)
Our topic for today is all about the propagation of
light, reflection, and refraction, as explained by the
wave model of light. Do you have any ideas about
this? (the student will answer the question)
Good! Now, these are the main objectives of our
lesson. Can you read? 1. Explain the propagation of light using the
wave model.
2. Explain reflection using the wave model of
3. Explain refraction using the wave model of

The wave model of light describes the propagation of

light as an electromagnetic wave that travels through
space. It is also described as an electromagnetic wave
that transfers its energy from one point to another. Show an image.
Again, what describes the propagation of light in the
wave model?
Ether was a hypothetical substance through which Sir, it is described as an electromagnetic wave that
electromagnetic waves travel. travels through space.
Question? What do you call the hypothetical
substance through which electromagnetic waves Sir, it was Ether.

This theory was proposed by Christian Huygens. He

compared light not with water waves, but with sound Show an image.
Again, who proposed the wave theory?
It was Christian Huygens, Sir.

According to him, light is a longitudinal wave

propagating in all directions at constant velocity in a
homogeneous medium. Show an image.

Do you get it, class?

Yes, sir.
Is that clear?
Yes, sir.
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new
skills number 2

Proceeding to Reflection and Refraction in the Wave

Model of Light.
First, we have reflection, the angle of incidence is
equal to the angle of reflection.

This follows the law of wave reflection. The angle at

which the object hits the surface is equal to the angle
at which it leaves. The reflection of light waves
results in image formation.

On the other hand, the refraction of the light wave

theory of bending when it passes through two
different mediums will be experienced.

When light waves pass through two different

mediums, they will experience bending. Light or any
other wave.

Again, what do you call it when the light bounces

When light bounces back that is reflection, Sir.
back in the opposite direction?

Correct! How about when the light bends? Sir, that is a refraction.

In conclusion, The wave model provides a detailed

understanding of how light behaves, and it has been
extremely successful in explaining a wide range of
phenomena in optics and other areas of physics.
Good! Do you have any questions? None, sir!

By that, let us proceed to our next activity.

(End of discussion)
F. Developing Mastery (leads to formative
assessment 3)

Here is the game, “Pass the message challenge,” and

here are the mechanics, can you read Juan?
1. Divide the class into two groups. We will be
needing only 6 representatives per group.
2. The last person will get the question from the
teacher at the back. (30second interval) After
that, the teacher will give them the “go”
3. The message to the team can be answered by
anyone as long as their answer is written on
the board.
The first group to get the highest/most points will
win the game.
Are you all ready? Let’s start.

The first one, (Easy round) - Experience bending when it passes through
two different mediums.

The second one. (Average round)
- Described when an electromagnetic wave
transfers its energy from one point to another.

Propagation of light

The last one (Difficult round)

- states that "the angle of incidence is equal to
the angle of incidence for a smooth flat

Law of wave reflection

Very good! You were able to remember our lesson.

(End of the activity)
G. Finding practical application of the concept of


For this activity, be creative because you will do
these things. Can you read John?
1. Look around and imagine the
propagation of light, reflection, and refraction
as the wave model explains. It can be a
reflection or refraction of an object, nature, or
2. Make a simple drawing/sketch about this
then make a brief explanation about your
3. After that, some students will present
their work. This activity is given only 5
Here are the rubrics:
 Creativity and originality: 30%
The uniqueness and personal expression in
the artwork.
 Explanation:30%
The quality of how concrete context of the
 Overall impact:20%
The emotional impact and overall impression
of the drawing.
Total of 100%
Is that clear?

Kindly present your work upfront. Any volunteers? Yes, sir.

Good job! All your drawings/outputs are beautiful. (Several students will share their work)
Give yourselves a big hand.

H. Generalization and Abstraction


Our last activity was called “WE MATCH”

Can you read the instructions, John?
Complete the diagram by putting the corresponding
definition in its proper place. The group will be given
only 5 minutes to finish this activity.
Is that clear?
Yes, sir.
Let us start.

(The students start to do the work)

Are you all done?
Yes, sir!
(End of the activity)
Kindly exchange worksheets with the other group

Property of light Wave model of light

Propagation of light Light rays as the
direction of the travel of
the wave.

an electromagnetic
wave that travels
through space.
Reflection of light Angle of incidence is
equal to the angle of

occurs when light

encounters a surface and
bounces back in the
opposite direction
Refraction of light Experience bending
when it passes through
two different mediums.

when light passes

through a material with
a different refractive
index, such as air and
Who got the perfect match? Good! glass
(the teacher will read the summary).

(end of the activity)

I. Evaluation
For your quiz, I want to evaluate what you have

Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

Do you have any questions?

None, sir.

Let us begin.
1. Which of the following occurs as a light wave
bends when it passes from one medium into
a. constructive interference
b. refraction
c. destructive interference
d. reflection
2. I. Rene Descartes compared light with sound
waves. II. He also believes that light was a
mechanical property of a luminous object and
a transmitting medium.
a. Only the first statement is correct.
b. Only the second statement is correct.
c. Both statements are
d. Both statements are
4. Which explains why the
fork looks different
a. light can't pass through the glass.
b. the wavelength of light lengthens.
c. the number of light increases when going
through water
d. Light is refracted at an angle.

5. Refraction may cause your image in water to

a. Bent
b. darker
c. lighter
d. smooth
6. A hypothetical substance through which
electromagnetic waves travel
a. Ether
b. light
c. reflection
d. refraction
7. He proposed the wave theory of light.
a. Chirstiaan Pantig
b. Christiaan Bautista
c. Chirstiaan Huygens
d. Chirstiaan Hagens
8. It explains the Light rays as the direction of
the travel of the wave.
a. Propagation of light
b. Refraction of light
c. Reflection of light
d. None of the above
9. In the reflection of light, the angle of
incidence is equal to the angle of refraction.
a.true Yes, sir.
b. false 1. B
c. maybe 2. B
d. saks lang 3. D
4. A
This quiz is given only 5 minutes. 5. A
6. C
Are you done, class? Exchange papers with your 7. A
seatmates 8. B

Who got 8? 7? and 6 below? Good!

J. Additional Activities for Application /Homework

For your assignment, get your notebook and copy

this. Answer this question with 100- 500 words.

“Do you think the proposed wave theory of light of

Christian Huygens is still relevant up until this day
and age? Explain your answer.
Here is the rubric.
1. Content and Understanding: 10 pts.
 Demonstrates a clear understanding of the
topic and accurate answers.
2. Writing Mechanics: 5 pts.
 Uses proper grammar, punctuation, and
3. Critical Thinking: 5 pts.
 Analyzes the topic critically and objectively.
Goodbye, class! See you tomorrow. I hope you learn
something new today. Thank you, class.

Thank you, sir!

Prepared and submitted by:

Marvin S. Hilario
Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Science

Checked by:
Mrs. Evangeline D. Tala
Cooperating Teacher

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