Detailed Lesson Plan Hilario Marvin S g11 Science

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School: Balsik National High School Grade Level: 11

Teacher: Mr. Marvin S. Hilario Learning Area: Science
Teaching Dates November 18, 2022 (9:00 to Quarter: 2nd
and Time: 10:00)


I. OBJECTIVES  Discuss asexual and sexual reproduction
 Discuss internal and external methods of
 Describe the advantages of sexual to
Asexual reproduction
A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of
how animal reproduction
B. Performance Standard The learners should be able to value life by
taking good care of all beings, humans, plants,
and animals
C. Learning Competencies Describe the different ways of how
representative animals reproduce
II. CONTENT How representative animals reproduce?
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Page
2. Learner’s Material Page
3. Textbook Page
4. Additional Materials from Learning Earth and Life Science (initial release) Exploring
Resource (LR) Life Through Science: Earth and Life Science
(Phoenix Publish House)
5. Other Learning Resources
Teacher’s Guide Student’s Guide
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting new

Let us all stand up for the prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy
name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on
earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily
bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we
forgive those who trespass against us; and lead
us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.
Hail Mary, full of grace.

Good morning class!
Good morning, sir!

Checking of attendance
Are there any absent in our class?
No one sir!

Very good! I’m glad that you are all here in our

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

Class are you familiar with the game 4 pics 1
word? Yes Sir! we are familiar to that game.

So here, I prepared an activity, and the only thing

that you need to do is to focus on the pictures and
try to guess the word behind these pictures. You
can use the blank and the definition as the hint.
Make sure if you know the answer raise your hand. Yes Sir!
Are you all ready?
Here are the pictures, the first one:
_ Sexual!

HINT: The process in which the male and female

gametes fuse together to form a new individual.

What is it class?
Next one:

It’s Asexual sir!

mode of reproduction in which a new offspring is
produced by a single parent.

What is the answer?

Very good! You are so fast!

This one?
That is reproduction sir!

HINT: the action or process of making a copy of

I bet you know this also.

Internal, sir!
Three more to go, next picture!

HINT: characterized by sperm fertilizing the egg within External, sir!
the female
What is this?

Very good!
We are now second to the last!

_______ We all know that sir! That is fertilization
HINT: Fertilization that occurs outside the body of an

Good job!

And for the last one!

HINT: The fusion of a haploid male gamete
(spermatozoa) and a haploid female gamete (ovum)
to form a diploid cell

Bravo class! You got it all correct. I think you are

ready for our lesson.
C. Presenting examples/instances of the new

Based on the activity that we had, what do you

think is our lesson for today class?
It is all about how reproduction.

Very good! You almost got it correct. Any idea?

None, sir.

For today’s lesson, we are going to discuss how

representative animals reproduce.

So now, I want you to lend your ears to me and try

to participate to our discussion. If you want to
answer, please raise your hand. Is that clear class?

Yes sir!
Before we dive into our lesson, let us define first
what is reproduction. Can you read please?

Okay, to your past lesson you all know that *The student read the presentation*
reproduction is the process of producing
individuals of the same kind. Most organisms
reproduce by mating, which increases the genetic
variability of the organism.

The males and females have separate reproductive

organs known as gonads. These gonads produce
gametes that fuse together to form a single cell
called the zygote. Few animals such as
earthworms, snails, slugs, etc. are hermaphrodites
and possess male and female reproductive organs
in the same organism.

Do you get that class?

Yes, sir.
Let us talk about the importance of reproduction.
There are three major importance that I listed
Can you read it?
*the student read the presentation*

 It plays a role in evolution as it creates

variations via genetic recombination
 It helps to increase the number of species in
the ecosystem.
 ensures the continuity of the species and
keeps it from becoming extinct

Could you imagine a life without reproduction? It

is hard because all animals might get extinct.

Now, we are going to talk about the modes of

reproduction, the first one is Sexual reproduction.
*the students give different ideas about sexual
Do you have any idea what is it?

Very good, class!

The sexual reproduction is the process in which the
male and female gametes fuse together to form a
new individual is called sexual reproduction.

Let us have a brief account of the human

reproductive organs. We are not going to deepen
our discussion to this because you already tackled
this lesson.
Yes, sir!
You already know these parts, right?

If you still remember, can you give me some basic Testes

parts of male reproduction?

sperm duct

Very good! You got it all correct.

Here are the parts of male animal reproductive

*Presenting the images presentation* *Everybody reads the different part of male
Can you read? everybody read. reproductive organ*

And for the female parts, can you give me some Vagina
basic parts of female reproduction?


Very good! You got it all correct.

Here are the parts of male animal reproductive
*Presenting the images presentation* *Everybody reads the different part of male
Can you read? everybody read. reproductive organ*

Yes, sir!
Did you get it class

Next to our topic is Fertilization, do you have any

idea what is fertilization? * The students give different ideas what is

Very good!
So, like what your classmates said, fertilization is
the process of fusion of sperm with egg (ovum) to
produce a zygote. We have the two types of
The internal and external fertilization but first, let
us talk about the internal fertilization. this is easy
to comprehend because when we say internal
fertilization, it refers to the fusion of gametes
inside the female organism during sexual
reproduction. Meaning this Internal fertilization is
characterized by sperm fertilizing the egg within *the students read the presentation*
the female.
Can you read?

There are three methods of internal fertilization, it

includes: oviparity (egg laid outside female body),
Yes, sir!
ovoviviparity (egg held within female), and
viviparity (development within female followed by
live birth).
Is it clear?

Yes, sir.
To familiarize these three here are the charts that
shows the differences of these three.
Do you get it class?

*the students gives different ideas*

If you really understand the differences of these
three, can you share your ideas what are the
differences of these three?
External fertilization, sir.

For the next mode of reproduction, the opposite of

internal is what?

Good! The external fertilization is characterized by

the release of both sperm and eggs into an external Yes, sir!
environment; sperm will fertilize the egg outside of
the organism.

Is that all clear class?

Now let us talk about the asexual reproduction. It is

the process in which a new individual is formed by
the involvement of a single parent without the *the student read the presentation*
involvement of gamete formation.

In asexual reproduction we have five types: first is

Binary fission. *the students read the presentation*
Can you read?

Good! The binary fission is the method of asexual

reproduction, there is a separation of the parent
cell into two new daughter cells

Next, is the Budding, can you read? *the students read the presentation*

Budding it remains attached to the parent until it

matures. After maturation, it detaches itself from
the parent and lives as an individual organism.

The third one is? Can you read? *everybody reads the presentation*

Good! Fragmentation breaking into pieces or

being divided into parts. It can also refer to the
state or result of being broken up or having been
*the student read the presentation*
Down to the fourth one, everybody read please

Very good! Regeneration occurs when a part of an

organism, like an arm, detaches from the parent
body and grows into a completely new individual.
Lastly, is the? Can you read?

Yes, sir!
Good! Parthenogenesis it is where the egg
develops without fertilization. Parthenogenesis has
been observed in a few vertebrates such as None, sir!
hammerhead sharks, Komodo dragons, and
blacktop sharks when the females were isolated
from the males.
*the students repeat all five types of asexual
Is that all clear? reproduction.

Do you have any question regarding to these?

Can you repeat all the five types of asexual *the student read the presentation*

The last topic that we are going to discuss is what

are the advantages of sexual reproduction over
asexual reproduction. I listed three advantages *the student read the presentation*
here, the first one is the…

Can you read please?

*the student read the presentation*

Variation Due to recombination and crossing over,
sexual reproduction brings about variations in
species. Variations are essential for the
individuality and evolution of species.

The second is better adaptability Increased

variability due to sexual reproduction helps in
better adaptability of species. Yes, Sir!

And the last one, Evolution It helps in the evolution Yes, sir!
of species. Harmful traits can be removed by the
selection of better-adapted individuals or maybe None, sir
not be expressed due to the reshuffling of gene

Do you get it class?

Is that clear?

Do you have any question regarding to our topic?

I hope you learn something new today about our
lesson. By that, I prepared several activities that
will surely test your knowledge about our topic for
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new
skills number 1

For your individual activity, get a one fourth sheet

of paper and answer the following:
*the students will get a one fourth sheet of
Direction: Write the word SEXUAL if the paper*
reproduction is sexual and write the word
ASEXUAL if the reproduction is asexual. Do you
get it class?
Yes, sir!

*the presentation starts to project*

*the students starts answering*
1. Two parents needed
2. One parent needed
3. The genetic is diverse among their
4. offspring are identical to the parent.
5. occurs in more complex organisms.

Are you all done? Yes sir!

Double check your answer, We are done double checking our answers, sir.

Kindly exchange with your seatmate and let’s 1. SEXUAL

check it. 2. ASEXUAL
What are the answers? 3. SEXUAL
Kindly bring it back to the owner. *The students will raise their hands according to
their scores
In this activity, we have 5 points overall. Who got
5? 4? 3? 2 and below?

Great! I am happy because you understand our

lesson today.
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new
skills number 2

For your next individual activity, use the back

sheet of your one fourth sheet of paper and answer
the following: *the students will use the back side of their one
fourth sheet of paper*

Direction: Write IN if the fertilization is internal

and EX if the fertilization is external. Is that clear?
Yes, sir!
*the presentation starts to project*
*the students starts answering*

1. What type of fertilization occurs in this

2. What type of fertilization is happening

3. What type of fertilization is occurring here
in this chicken?

4. What type of fertilization is this picture


5. What type of fertilization occurs in a

marine sea urchin?

Yes sir!

We are done double checking our answers, sir.

1. IN
Are you all done? 2. EX
3. IN
4. EX
Double check your answer, 5. EX

Kindly exchange with your seatmate and let’s

check it.
What are the answers?
*The students will raise their hands according to
their scores*

Kindly bring it back to the owner.

In this activity, we have 5 points overall. Who got

5? 4? 3? 2 and below?

Great! I am happy because you understand our

lesson today.
F. Developing Mastery (leads to formative
assessment 3)
In the next activity, you are going to form two (2)
groups (divide the class into two). Then, designate
one member to represent your group because
he/she will serve as the team leader. Is that clear?
Yes, sir!
*the class will group into two groups.

What we are going to do is to play a game entitled

“put me in my proper place. This game will test
your knowledge about the methods of internal
fertilization. I prepared some pictures of several
animals and I want you to guess what animal this
is and labeled them accordingly as oviparity,
ovoviviparity and viviparity.

I will give you 5 minutes to brainstorm then we will

start the presentation. After that, the leader will
briefly discuss the group’s answer in front.
Yes, sir
Is that clear?
None, sir.
Do you have any questions about our activity?
Yes, sir!
Is that clear? *the students start to collaborate*

Are you all true?

*Each representative will present their work in
Kindly present your work in front. front*

I am so astounded by what you presented! Give *the students clap their hands*
yourselves a round of applause.
G. Finding practical application of concept of

For our last activity, I want you to look around and

draw one animal. Classify this animal based on
their modes of reproduction (sexual or asexual)
and the types of their fertilization (internal or
external) Yes sir!
Is that clear class? *the students start to draw and classify their
chosen animals*

Yes sir!
Are you true?
*the student will raise their hand and explain
Kindly present what you did in front. Any
their work*

I’m so glad that you give your best to this activity,

all your drawings are beautiful. Give yourselves a
big hand.
H. Generalization and Abstraction

Before we end our lesson, let us give a quick

overview to the lesson that we had discuss.

*the teacher give an overview to the topic and

students recall the lesson.

1. What are the differences of asexual and

sexual reproduction? Asexual reproduction generates offspring that are
genetically identical to a single parent. In sexual
reproduction, two parents contribute genetic
information to produce unique offspring.

2. Cite some differences of internal and

external methods of fertilization
External fertilization is a mode of reproduction
in which a male organism's sperm fertilizes a
female organism's egg outside of the female's
body. It is contrasted with internal fertilization,
in which sperm are introduced via insemination
and then combine with an egg inside the body of
a female organism.

3. Describe the advantages of sexual to

Asexual reproduction
Sexual reproduction produces genetic variation
in the offspring. the species can adapt to new
environments due to variation, which gives them
a survival advantage.
Is it clear?
Yes sir!
Great job! Now, you already mastered how
animal reproduce. I am looking forward to share
to other people what you’ve learned from this
I. Evaluation

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

Is that clear?
Yes, sir
1. In asexual reproduction, all the offspring
a. Physically Identical
b. Genetically Identical*
c. Physically and Genetically Identical
d. Not Identical

2. A hydra reproduces when an outgrowth, or

bud, forms and continues to develop until it
falls off the parent. This is an example of:
a. Binary Fission
b. Sporulation
c. Budding*
d. Vegetative Propagation

3. How many parent(s)are needed for asexual

a. 4
b. 1*
c. 9
d. 100

4. What are some of the facts about asexual

a. Takes only one mate to reproduce and
takes a longer time to reproduce
b. Takes a shorter amount of time to
reproduce and it takes two mates to
c. Reproduces diverse offspring and takes a
longer time to reproduce
d. Takes only one mate to reproduce and
takes a shorter time to reproduce*

5. Sponges are simple animals that when

crushed, their fragments can be able to
reproduce to another individual. What do
you call this type of asexual reproduction?
a. Fragmentation*
b. Cloning
c. Binary Fission
d. Regeneration

6. Sexual reproduction requires _____

parents and asexual reproduction requires
___ parents
a. 1,1
b. 2,2
c. 2,1*
d. 1,2

7. Where does an offspring get its traits in

asexual reproduction?
a. From both parents
b. From only one parent*
c. From neither parent
d. There are no traits handed down

8. A rabbit receives half of its genetic code

from the father and half from the mother,
this means the rabbit is similar to both
a. True
b. False
c. Maybe
d. K lang

9. What is an advantage of sexual

a. Allows genetic variation*
b. Only needs one parent
c. Happens very quickly
d. Offspring are exact copies of parent

10. Complete the sentence with the correct

Viviparous animals _. We are done reviewing our answers.
a. give birth
b. lay eggs
c. both Yes, sir
d. dikona alam.

Kindly review your answers.

1. b
Are you done class? 2. c
3. b
Exchange with your seatmate and let’s check it. 4. d
What are the answers 5. a
6. c
7. b
8. a
9. a
10. a
Kindly bring it back to the owner.

Who got 10? 9? 8? 7, 6, 5 and below?

Very Good! You all did a great job!

J. Additional Activities for Application

For your assignment, get your notebook and copy

and answer this question. Answer this question
with 50-100 words.

Can hermaphrodite fertilize themselves?

Why or why not?

Goodbye, class! See you tomorrow

Thank you, sir!

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well?
Why did these works?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to share with other
Prepared and submitted by:

Marvin S. Hilario
Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Science

Maam ayan nalang po kinaya ng utak ko whaahaaha

.ibahin konlang po kungmay papa revise po kayo, Salamat po maam <3

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