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Income from business

Employee training and facilities Intangibles [s.24] Bad Debt [Sec.29]

(1) A person shall be allowed a deduction for a bad

debt in a tax year if the following conditions are
A person shall be allowed for expenditure (other satisfied: Debtor xx
than capital expenditure) incurred for- (a) The bad debt was- Sales xx
Facility [(a) educational institution or hospital in (i) Previously included in the person income
Pakistan established for benefits of employees and from business or Bad debt xx
their dependents; (ii) for a money lent by a financial institution in Debtor xx
training [(b) institute in Pakistan for training of deriving income from business

industrial workers recognized by federal, provincial, (b) the debt or part of debt is written off in the
local government; account of person in the tax year; and
training [(c) the training of a citizen of Pakistan, in (c) there are reasonable grounds for believing that
connection with a scheme approved by the board. debt is irrecoverable
(2) The bad debt deduction for a tax year shall not
exceed the debt written off in the accounts of the
(11) in this section, -
•"cost" in relation to an intangible, means any

expenditure incurred in in acquiring or creating the
intangible, including any expenditure incurred in
improving or renewing the intangible and

•"Intangible" means any patent, invention, design

or model, secret formula, or process, copyright,
trademark, scientific or technical knowledge,

computer software, motion picture film, export
quotas, franchise, license. intellectual property,
contractual rights and any expenditure that provides
an advantage or benefit for a period of more than
one year ( other than expenditure incurred to
acquire a depreciable asset or unimproved land) but

•shall not include self-generated good will or any
adjustment due to any accounting treatment Bad debt Recovery

(3) Where bad debt deduction has been allowed in a

tax year and in a subsequent tax year the person
Intangible eligible for amortization Method for computation of amortization Tax Gain/(loss) on disposal recovers any amount the following rules shall apply:-

charge: (a) Where the bad debt recovery is greater than
(1) An amortization deduction shall be allowed on (8) on the disposal of intangible no amortization the difference between:
intangible- (3) the amortization deduction for a tax year shall shall be allowed in the year of disposal and- • Actual bad debt and
(a) that are wholly or partly used by the person be computed as follows:- (ref Example 3) (a) if the consideration exceed the WDV, the • the amount previously allowed as
in deriving chargeable income from business; and A/B excess shall be chargeable under the head income deduction
(b) that have a normal useful life exceeding 1 where- from business the excess shall be chargeable under the head
year. A is the cost of the intangible (b) if the consideration is less than the WDV, the "Income from business in which it is received
(2) No deduction shall be allowed if full cost of
intangible asset is allowed as deduction in the year
of purchase.
(3) the total deduction allowed during ownership of
intangible shall not exceed the cost of the intangible.
B is the normal useful life of intangible in
whole years
(10) An intangible that is available for use on a day
( including a non-working day) is assumed to be
used on that day
(4) where the useful life of an intangible is not
ascertainable, the useful life will be taken as 25
years; (ref example 3)
difference is deduction under the head "income
from business" (ref example 5)

(9) (a) The WDV at the time of disposal shall be

calculated as follows- (ref example 7)
(b) Where the bad debt recovery is less than the
difference between:
• Actual bad debt and
• the amount previously allowed as
the shortfall shall be allowed as deduction under the
head "Income from business in which it was received
(5) where an intangible is used partly in deriving
income from business and partly for another use, the
amortization will be allowed on proportionate basis
(ref Example 6)
(6) if an intangible is not used whole of the tax year
the deduction shall be computed as follows-
A x B/C

A is the amount of amortization

B is the number of days in the tax year the (b) the consideration received on disposal shall be
intangible is used in deriving income from business determined under section 77
C is the number of days in tax year

(Ref# example 4)

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