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Ink Paintin ~

TheArr ofSumf-e
. .

Naomi Okamoto

II stmblg
Publiobing ce.,IDe. New York
Uhutd by 1:1
Tt111 tsabtth E. Rtlnrrstf\J.nn

Okamoco.Saord. 19' 1-
Uap;anlsc:M Tuschnuk rd ft!r EinmiatT. t:nltish)
t1ng: thc=art of sumi-r-' N.tOml Ob m
j ' pl ndr ink p;&1n
p. em.
Includn icdtx.
L Swnit- Trchniqur. I. 'rule.
:'\OH62 .03813 1995
" I. ... 252-dc2 0 9+-1-.

10 987654)2 1

Pub1lWd 199' by S.. dmg PublW1ln& 0>_ . 1=

381 PIne t'a'tn\1e Sowh.NfWYork. N.Y. 10016
Orlllinall)' publUh<dby "-"" \',~ Aupbu'll
t.mdu tht UtleJap:tnlslMTluthlltQltm ji, Euutttp.
Ellt ~!al.b l'f ilt ltupftfn
C>1993 by w,w,; ld \'rrlag GmbH. ~
£n&lWt tN-wdan C 1995 ~. Str rbns Publl!hma Co.• Inc
Diftnbtntd in C.r.»da b)' SltrlmS Publishing
% Canadian Mandt GroL1p . Ont At1cu1c"" 'f lU)( . s..dtt 10'
Toronto. On:ario. CtJu,r;b M6K 3F.7
Dlltn1Mrd In Gm.t Briuin md F..wopt b)' Cusdl PLC
\'1ll1trJ. HOUH . +lIi 1 Sl'tUld..l.ondon WO N '5J£' EnPr .d
f>l5tributtd in Aw:.-alll b}' Capricorn u nk (Au:st ralia) Pt).
P.O. Box66'1 . BauUchamHWs. SualusJ Cenree.
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Pri"lrd 411dimlld 1ft HongK.oftJ
All rfA'!ts Ttm\yJ,

Sttrilns ISBN G-8069.()83l ·7

" L'ffilO DliCTION. .. .. ... ... . .. 6 ring'h, Handk oj ,he Bru' h
RolO J9
THE &ISICS.. .. . . . . .. .. .. . .. . 8 The Crocus 39
Tulip iO
"nd and Em"",
8a<"xro oj Magnolia 'II
]apttnt:$(Ii'll! Alfnril'lg . . . . . . .. 8
LaWArtas Pclnud in Two
PcIinri'lS Uttl'l$lls 10
- hi 5,roJru . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'fJ
mI Olum<
. Tht Bru..h . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . 10
I", 'fJ
Grinding Ink 11
Anthurium 4.5
Ink- The L1quld Produced
!tomthe Ink Srick 1J RoughOudlJ'l t withOnt Srroltt 46
AdditionalAlds " 12 Promont ory 7
TittPGiMfng SurJac.c
- PA1:-<'TlliG OBJECTS 48
Choroc""" lcs and effects . . . . 1J Srill LlJ'I . r~ !IllnrinS' 48
Paper '" 13
Landscapesin 'n_ Paintings 56
P'p<' 0' Suk. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . 13
How Ink 8<ho"e. on A Srudyof Trees '7
Thd lUdr of Rocks _ 62
Untreated Gucn-shi 16
Spacetn • Ltndscar. ' 61-
\\brill. s wl,h 1. ~ and Brush 18 The Composition0 a Plinring 64
• Grinding and Preparinglnk 18 Rdlcctions in the Water 66
FUling the Brush. .. . .. . .. . .. 19 SDO"SClpt.... ....••.. .. ..•• 66
Brush Con"" I-II ow to Hold Mort' Landscapes . . • • • . . . . • • • 70
the Handleor a Brush .. 19
FromSkttddng CD A:ri
nriftg 73
Brushje ehntque 19
PAINTING TECIll\~QlifS 22 PAll\'TlKG WITH COLOR . . . . . . 77
PracticingLints. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 111
, Rol, oj Colo' . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 77
The First StrokeSteorne! il
Fish 23 WhIchColo' Is Appropria,, ' . . . .. 78
The Second Experiment:The PR.ICT1CEMOTIFS 82
Orchid 2'
the ThirdExperiment: ~::;M:'riJ'. a~~. M• .~u. 87
BlUllboo . . . . . . • . .. .. . .. • . • 27
}IOlJl\'TlNG A Fll'< lSHED
The Fourth Experlmenr. The
Plum-Tree8nnch 30 PA"'\'Tl:-lG 90
Pro<uce 32 MOlmtfn g InstnlCrio,lS 91
Excmsa Jo' C""ring Spo" J7 How to Can·t 4 Stal 92
Wflh LhtSnuh Held 41 an Angle. IVhcrt 10 PIac, rltt Stol 9J
AI ' f lo, on rlt' !Ill'<' J7 My Scols 9J
Poppy J7
"" CONCLliSIO:-l. . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
","'D ElC .. . . . .. . .. .. • . . . . .. . . . 96

Some tlme ~'O. 1 decided thai J cheerful; rather; it is the result of a indMdually what seemed unlamiIW
"~.mted to write a bookabout j apa- mental process. &e: aut)· is • gift of and by transforming and bl<nding It
nese ink painting. also knooi\-
" as rn•. presem "~ry day. gmngJo}' "1mthe traditional. In order for
,.umf-f. In the beginning. I thought I and hope to life. It cxpreS5tS tht )"OU to gain access to this sryle of
..-ouJd fi", d,,~lop my own 51)i < characte r of the artist ; it Is JO\"t
. painting. you " iII eeed dear in-
and use the pictures I painte d in This subjtcti\ -e undcl'$tanding of the nructicms. t believetha t it would be
that .5[}-k as a means of introducmg il6thni cs of beauty has a!v.'l}" been helpful for me to shue "ith }"OU the
the art of JapaDC'Kink painting to at the hem of DJ)' work. IS a Stu- expeneeces and InsightsI "" ..
people of Other cultures. E\"tn dent of West ern painting and even gained. They will SCI'\'t as guidesas
though manythought dl!s couldn't before t began Illy Intense in\'Oh-r- }"OUcontinue to de\-elop rour an . l
be done. 1bt lir\yd it was possible mtnt wah ink palmJng. I am con· lfke to compare this process to a
b)' pointing to w-hatJapanese ink seemly U)ing to IncrtI.K my under- growing bamboo tree tha t de\'t.lops
painting lw in common ..... hh other standing of the secret of beauty." new nodulesas it gTOW'S.
.t}i .. of palntlng and by pali ng at-
tendon to our subjecdve tmpres- Allthis started when t rcaltud tha t In this spirtt, the knowledg. of
in the:absence of anistic skillsand sumi-t that 1 have gained 50 far is
. ions. Mer all, paintlng is basically
an immediate expression of the sub- beauty, p3indng lU it Lspresently contained in this book. It is my
jecdve: human feelings art not all pra used in the West can onl )' be wish that the discussions that £allow
that different. &tsldcs. the Spon tll- seen a5 an expresstcn of eccentric be received by your heart. 1hope
necus. expreestve character and the Ideas and a deplcdon of problems. yeu will be able to develop a 5C:Nt
•• visual ..esthedcs oCink painting such as the portrayalof the superfi- of the Intuim-c process as you be-
ctsl. On the othe r han d, I am aware come mort and more familiarwtth
make it \'fl') ' accessible to the mod-
that in the West. too , people long thl" an form.
em Western\1e-wer . 1 believethat
suml-t ,,111continue to stem str' for quiet, freedom. harmon).. and
!>taut)"as antidotes to the alienation Let', be on our wayl
115long as we try to understand It
su:lcd)' from an Intellectual, rhecrer- so prevalent in our ttchnological se-

I k al point of vt ew. In addition to its

d et}·. In spue of the Ca lorthat our
subjccd\"t Sfnsld\1t).. ItS p ee and
culturalbackgro unds are differtnt
and Wt }"OUapproach art from a
btll Ut)' (sdUof great significance in
the Japanese culture} could be the difJ'ertnt viewpo int . rou. tOO. are
common ground on which to meet. fascinated b)- the d ear forms that
t am comin ct d th::uwhatever seems are created in the empdness of
foreign in ink ~In rings can be space. ccnr'q i ng the presence of
~"trcomc b)' diKo.-rring rheir In-
eternal quit t. Regrettably, I tun't
herent bta ut)'. been unablt to find mr cen form
of expresstcn. Xt\'t rthdw . t ha\'t
• A japa nese philosophu cnce said. been able to create paintings OUt to
"Beauty is not only wh.n looks Japanese culture b)' incorpor.ating On fist \\ 11)'
g it


, 7
ptct OO\\-er5.
birds. and landscapes
THE are:so popular.
This SlYle of painting. heavlly Influ-
dons, mirroring the intenstt)· of the
interest the painter brings to the
work. In a sense, it is tht procns

BASICS enced by Zen Buddhism, uses only

black ink. Hcwever , according to
Oriental undemand ing. black Ink Is
that gi\"essvmf.c its expresslonistic
In addition. the "itite: surface of the
not simply black. It has IIWl)" dif- pictur e is DOt simply an open space
Background ferent shades. representing the
highestlevel of color stmpllficadcn.
le&after the theme of the picture
has been is often the
and Essence of Differtnt degrees in tone do not
represent different shades of Ughtor
case in Western paintings. instead.
it is an essential pan of the:pleturt.
Japanese Ink brightness: rather. they produce an
P":I.rtnUS of color b). creating.
White surfaces come alh-e and pin
depth when thq. become one with
an object and a tt chnique. crnting
Painting contrllJt..ith the:..-bitesurface. This
is what gl\-e:s• painting the appear-
a form.
ance of color. The tones also S(J"'e For example. supposechatas you
In order to get a clear KnK of 15 an immediate expressionof eree- ....-atch a wild flower your heart 15
what ink painting Is all about..I
th ink It is US(
ful to look at th e dif·
ferences between this style and
\\~stcm paind ng. The gOli of clas-
steal W~tcm paintingis to depict
the world and its objects as rulisti .
all) ' as possible. To aeblece thar
goal. it has developed a prectse
structure of foreground. background.
and central object. creating a three-
dimcrislonal perspective . This style
of painting needs Ught. shadow.
and. most of all color. Ink painting
uses none of these aids . Even
it . 100 . dep icts a of the
I. \;C'\\ '
world. irs goal is not to produce a
fu 1istic picture of it. but rather lin

expression of the perception II
painter wan ts to coD\"t)" . It is an at-
temp t to capture. in condensed
form. the 65C'n c of an object, a
, or a landscape as seen
th.rou&h the' q 'cs of tht patnrer, For
that reasce, "'ggatlon pb).. . ke)'
role. Suggestion and simplification
in a painting impl)' reality.
In Jl pm t:St ink paintings "'C!«
the traditionalaesthetics of stmpllc-
it}' combined '\lith a distinct em-
phasis on intuitive ~xp res!ion. A
sense of harmon)'. so t)l' ical in -j ap-
anese culture. J)([\"3 d 6 every scene.
This explains why paintings that de-

TH l B ASI C S 9

touched 1» ' Its \1ta1ll)" As the raeli· "whi te space" Is a direct expression the distance. Thi5is a moment
ante:of the ink I.suansfe:rre:dco the: of Taolsmand Zen 'Buddhlsm. The when you btgin to become one
paper "'iUtcht strOkeof a brush. understanding of tTlO\-e ment. of the with the newer.
the I lewer in )"OUl'p iCWR seems to "real" nCM ing and d.Issohi ng InfO
"breathe," and this breath begins to ··nothingncss.·· and the existence of Or think of music. Landscapes,
birds , and rocks an: notes created
till the white space sunounding it. "emptiness ' are of central signUi.
in nature. First )0'00 study the notes.
just as It docs In nature. in ink cance to both beliefs.
paintings. a line docs not represent
next you practice on }'0Uf instru-
The essen tial character of ink paint . ~nt. and then }"OUremotionsplay
the contour or W outer edge of t
Ing. expressingthe d)'tWll1cso( !Ue, these DOtrS .
form: rather; it represents the inner
is. quit e pcwlbl}". a forc:tgnconcept
JXW'"tt of tht painted form itself. It When )'OU experiencehowthe
for Western artists. because }"OU
represents soul.spirit. and life gentle , ten der shades of the ink and
have to become one \\;t h the object
rhythmill at once, a simplt lint , created from a state
in the palnung, 1n Western pain t.
Aher this an form arri\-edin Japan ing.s.)"OU.arc not the ~·er. HO'o' " of Inner quiet. ere tramformed and
f",m ChIna, It ..... hca\11yInDu· ever, picture )'OUl><lCpain ting OUt · expttSSthe most po'IIo -erfule.ntrgy.
)'00 \\;ll ha\~ • sense of what these
enced 1»'Taoism and cspccla1Iy by stde. Sense the nl)'S of the .sunon
Zen Buddhism.The concept of )"OUt skin; let )"OW' C)'Cs get lnt o
philosophies arc ill ahouL
10 J " P" %'I

The Brush "'P ,.ssIoll than oth<' btu5b<s.

Painting However; in a pinch, it is okl}' to
US< a collJ&ra pby brush.
Utensils A supple brash allav."5 )"OU to ex-
pr6S in visual form almost ID)-ming Paindng and calligraphy brushes
your heart can feel. The rype of made In the Or ieru come In differ-
Nothing Is compUcatedabout the brush and the way it is used . 110\\' ent shapn. lengths , and t)'P" of
rtUltcrlals neceuary Cor lnk painting. you to exprells many difftr~t nu- hair. Goat. sheep, horse. badger,
and they are Inexpensive. Hu e is a ances in one Hne, something not deer, weasel. bear. wolf, and rabbit
short list: possible wtth crdmary brushes. You hair are used. Usuallywhite-haired
can create different tonal \" lues as brush" are made from sbeep. goar,
well as change the shape or form. and horse hair. Brown-hadred
all \\ithln one stroke. It is l1'UC that brushes are made from harK.
• warercclcr brush made from mar- badger, bur . weasel. wotl, and detr
Ul<milr ten ha ir can also be quite hand)·. hair. Halr from the' sununt:rfur of
Hcweve t , rh1stype of brush. 1>< - all .n lrn. !s is sdfftr than that from I
1. pcli.rbnull cause of its com uuetion . dotS not winter fur. Shte p and goat blir are:
2. inJtsto"~ or grindfng SlOnt
3. hs. sdd
hold enccgh Ink and 15toO springy
for ink painting.
both C<lIlSld So
.ttd soft.",",,
""', stif-
fer is hair from the weasel and
... wartT})owfJ-
badger. Consld. rably stiff" 15hair
, . "mon cloth It ts tmportam to use brushes s~cif­ from mountainhorses.
6. platt Ically made Cor sumi-e. because
7. paptrwdghf these Shoe)'OU a greater range of Brushc:s made from SO£t hair art

---....- -
.;- ----


more difficult to handle. Therefore, tends to 10Kink \"I:1J qui kl)'. Be- ink stone dun is :lpproxlm:,ucly 3 by
1 recommend that begin ncrs UR a cause the ink has to be replaced 5 Inches (8 by 13 cm) and deeper
stlfferbrush. Althoughnunl' differ- more frequently. there is ohcn 1U\ on one end is very practical. Most
ent brushes on the market often uneven and "restless" appearance stones are made from :I particular
look tempting. 1always ccme back to the paindng. On the other hand. kind of slate and art of different ,
to the brush that alL:m., me to ae - the lazgeslbrush Is tlCl quit< as qualllY.depending on the grid of
ate shapes ranglng all the ""l - from elS)' to handl e. H(J\\'e\'t r, It is pesst- the surfa ce. The mos t famous Slone
a thin halrUm:to a broad stroke. ble to draw with it the vtr}' finest is the Chinese Tan-hi .
line 1U\d to 6ll in large spaces. Ad,
ditionally. this brush lasts for a long
If the surface of the stone is t OO
J"l""'OK Choryu B".. h rough.the p'.gment panicles hom
This Is one of th< trall1rlona1lnk tim e. In the beginning, we art in -
the stick will not dissol\'t prcperly,
brushes. Usuall)', It Is made from terested in learning 10 master the
and the ink loses its brilliance.
sheep or goat hair.occasionally, tools. I eeueve we learn fasterwhen
somewhat stiffn badger, berse. or a too! is not quite IS eas)" to handle.
deer hair Is ustd. Thisbrush has Thus. I recommend thaI th< begin-
soh. pliable bristles and a good ner Stan wuh the largut brush. Ink - The Liquid
abilit),to hold wa ter. HCM'(\ 'er. be- The bristles of a new brush an CC'o'- Produced from the Ink
cause of iu softness, the shape of a ered uith I coat of glue. Thiscoat- Stick
line:tnJ}' change when prtl5UR is Ing Is remeced b)' clipping the brush
applied to the surface, Becauseof a in cold wa ter and squeuing tht The soul of the ink is the po'Yt
'er oC
brush's excellent absorbmC).. it is bristles gendr between the fingers. its brilliance and Its rich numces.
often difficult to control the amount Soap is not necessary. Do not It.l\'t Sunil.. primarily dlsdngutshcs be-
of water In the bristles, the brush Stan ding in water. or the tween blue and brown ink sticks. .
bnsdes " ill bend and separat< from The so-calledblue ink Is made from
Japa nOK Muuyoma BruJIl the shaf~ Aft<tthe glue has been the SOOt of burned pine wood, In
(Gyolturm) rt.mO'+'edL"Omthe bristles. gentl)· the process of burning, blue ink
Usually. this brush Is made from th< shape the end of the brush into a sticks are ccntamlne ted with rough
belly halr oCa horse with an addi- tip. Let the brush dry by laying II panicles that leave scratches on the
don of badger, sheep. and deer hair, down or b)' hanging it with the surface of the ink stone. However.
It 15firmer thanthe Ororyu and has bristles polnring downv.'ards. When this alsoincreases the amount of
• slight point , making It Id.. l for the bristles are dry. store the brush nuances in blue ink. The finer, sof-
creatingshapes, HO\\'(\"Cr.this brush in a place where it will receive ter bl'O\\'I1
ink does not have as
is not yee I\-..Ilable in all areas. some air and make sure It 15pro- many nuances. Becauseblue ink
rected against moths, doesn't reflect Hghr very well. It lip-
ChlnOK Ran-clllku B"..h pears to be black with a bIU( hue.
This brush. made from badger hair.
When you purchase. new brush. a
sleevececers the bristles. This Blue ink is \'try popular in Japan.
lw less capacitYto hold water and sleeve Is 001)'p rorectlcn and not Brownink Is usuallyproduced from
is somewhatstiffer than the two the soot of rapeseed 011.The pig-
meant for permanent use.
brushes discussedabo\'t. It is ~..ell ment particles an: much smaller
suited for cnadng shapesIn rough thanthese in blue ink and reflect
outlincand Cor suong, bony OUt- more Ilgh~ This Ink has • brown
lines. Grinding Ink tint and seems to be warm and
'. Chinese painters and calligra-
All three brushes discuss<dhere The best Ink for Ink painting is phers are \-ery fond of b~l1 ink.
come in rhree dlffen:ntsizes, The made from pigments that art
length of th< hair Is 11" Inches (t prC55Cd into a stick. The srick is In addition to pigment particles, ink
em) for lazgebrushes, 1V. Inches ground. combined v.ith water. and sticks alsocontain animal fats that
(3.' em) fot mtdium brushes, and mixed into • usable liquid. Ink are usedas glues. These animalCal!
aboul 1 inch (3 em) for small .stones. or grinding stones. come in absorb humld!')- ' ''lj' quickly. whlch
brushes, The smallest of the:three 15 different shapes. from round to 0'0"11 malus them susceptible to mUdew,
\'Clj ' handy but, because of It! see. to rectangular. for the beginner. an rendering them useless. It is impor·
12 J AP AN l SE I w," P AI N ti NG

WU (0 dry and ""lap an ink.suck tatian. CorrecrionsJrt almost im- I'tId

aft.. It has been used. Ink sticks are possible to make afterwards. For The best material to use Cora padis
higbly sees I", .. . They can dry out, that nason, it is important to lcna;v Celt. HO'o·ew:r. )'0\1 an alsouse an
be orne brtrde. and eeen burst prcclsc!ywbat and how )"OUw-ant to old piece of • rug. Since the Ink-
apart, Becaust of the fat cement, 1£ paint before )'OU .... ch for the water mixturts )'0\1 usc are easily
a sdclc.rrmains moist for a long pe - btuSh. absorbedby the relam..lythin pa-
riod of timt. it will stick to a sur- per• • hardersurface wccld create
Isee, for instance that of the ink The tmeese brtlliance of the ink is
the mtdium with wh ich }"OU m.nsftr puddleson the surfaceof the pad.
SlOCr. The stone must at\\"')., be and that is not \'el')~ helpful Fur-
)'OUt own energy into the painting.
cleaned under nmning water. Make th'rmore• • hard pad makesIt more
sure that all ink particles art Its varied shadingsare tht expres-
sion oCyour heart . Do yeu want to diffi ~t for deUa te bristles to tnCJ\"C
remceed. acrcss the paper. causing the ink ( 0
exchange these Cor the sakt oCcon-
Do !lOtuse liquefied Ink that has \-enience? run sld~'I)'S.
been standing around for some
rime, because the pigment will sep- Pqerwdght
arate from the water. This can hap. A paperweight is necessary to keep
()(n relam'tly quickly during the the p.per In place. In Ucoof • pap'
sumln<r. Old Ink becomes dull and Additional Aids erweight, you can also usc small
Ios<sit< brilll>ncc. Alwaj'SStart rocks• • metal wdght. or any other
fra h U any length of time has Watn Conta i..... suitable hem.
elapsedbetween painting sessions. You need a containu to clean yecr
brushesand a container to grind
In addidnn 10 the [\\' '0 types of inks tht ink. M.akesure theft conmint:rs
di.scuskd 50 far. there an ready- don't hav... harp edges that could
made liquid Inks av..tlable. They are damagethe bristles of r our brushes.
less expeesh.. than Ink sticks and Furthumo rt . the containers have to
~rc no preparation time . These be absoIurcly fr•• of lll) ' grease.
Inks .... usually used In calJIgnphy. When Cat coma in ccmecr '\\ith
where only the most intense shades brtsdes. tM bristles separate. and
are needed . Pigment panic les In the brush loses it< tip. In addition.
ready-made liquid Ink ... larger It becomes difficult to echrece subtle
than thost in ink made on an Ink shading.
nee e, bUI for tha t reason they art
less:reflective and appear to be rNly ColtO. Rags
black. This Ink Is ''' Id of . U nu- A cotton rag . Uow, }'O
u to control
ances. When compared to ink made the smount of Uquid In )"OUr brush,
on an ink stone. this type of ink ap· Immerse the rag in water and wring
pears to be less three-d imens ional it OUt well. It is easier to control the
and, therefore, fiat. amou.ntor ink in your brush with a
U yeer goal t.s10 dtscccer the soul damp rsg than with . drr one.
of ink painting. t saongly reccm-
mend that r oo grind }'our own ink. Wltiu PIau
The prottSSstems cumbersome. A white plate is used to dilute and
but the monotony of gtindlng as mix di.B'trmt.shades of ink. A ,,-bitt
pan of the preparation Is hclpfulln plate is usedbecauseit Is e:&S}'to
pining ,,.Juable Inner quiet, OutIng see zheshape of the tip of the brush
the processof gtindIng.roomight and to judge the intensity of Ink on
want to "isualiu the picture that is • "'hite swfa e. in order to ha\'t
to be paimed. As )'00 " ill quickl)' enoughspace to worle..use a plate
di5c~"er. W actual process or that measures at least 6 to 8 inches
~ nting must proceed without hest- (15 to 20 em) in diameter .

Paper f($Wu from the same brand of pt.

The Painting per, In addition. because of ccn-
cerns for the emironmrn t. other
Surface- The papar used for Ink paintings is
somev.-"ha t difficultto handle. 1M raw materials are nov.' bring lIdde:d
duringtht mam'facnuing rrocw
faCt that it is cumbersome to tranS·
Characteristics pon and to store tacreases its COSL E\'tn if the bran d name 0 a paper
has not changed for hU:ldreds o£
In the pas" papar for Ink painting
and Effects has beee difficult to ccme b)' in the run: . it lJ not a given that the-
product bas not changrd. So. .. leer
Wen. parti<:uIarI y if a painter bad
certain requin mentt. Hav.·t\-er.
thebti t from v.:hat is :n.. ihabk
things ba\.. Imp_d . and paper Plptr made for sumi-t is a\"a iluble
from China and Japan is now more sized. uerre a ed, and in diffem\t
reactil}'" ..Ilable. Paper made specif- thicknesses. If a paper is rough lind
Ically for Ink palnlings is as ,..luable feltllke, the Ink disperses rapidly
In Asia as handmade papcr is. and appean: duU and lifeless. If. on
the other hand. tOOmuch sw ng has
Finding the right paper is difficult.
been appUed to til< paper. It wt ll be
The:number of manufacturtrs that
make pape r for ink painting is rela-
smooth and shin)'. On this type of
til.. ly small and. because many dU-
paper. ink will ccllecr in puddles.
be absorhed only .lowly, and It " ..
Ierem "rt d pe'" arc used. then arc
many t} 'pes of papar on the nwltet . unIntended dark 'po lS and edges.
Since ink is \'ef)' RM ltn-eand Watercolor paints . howe\'er. retain
l'JIt tfftca o} 1M Oil cfiffnvlt l)"PC' reacts cUffe rend}' to \"i1}in g degrees mort of their bnlhance on this pa-
oj po".. of humidit)·. don' t c:xpc:ct the same per rhm. the) ' ....·ould on a more ao.

b) )apantSt paptr ....

1rn mfnimKm sltfn8 r) Japanrs<"'& "."..

4) Castn ".".. e) SlanJr:newsprin"


scrbent paper. The best paper Cor Paper or Silk

Ink palndngs r<tains the brilliance
of the color of 1Mink as well as its In the bcglnning. manyInk paint -
trtnspa.rtncy and the nuances of irs Ings""ere done on silk. Silk pre-
shades. pared",th a layer of glue Is well
suited for paindng fine lines and
Such paper is called Gast1HJii, It is
details and for Cttl dng gentle tran -
l\"1ilablefromJapan as well as from
sitions. For this rt l5On .
China. Traces of brush serokes.. -
ICl'>'f:to use silk when painting ani·
main \is iblc on Gcum-sni. The dU·
Ierent shadings and th< brllliantt of mh and birds (espccWlytheir fur
the Ink at< also appar<nL ChInese and leathers) as WtUas landscapes
paper Is mort absorbent than shroudedIn fog.
Japanese paper.
T,,"Oother fl\'Oritc papers art Kozo-.
sill and ,\fa-mi. Brosh strOkesare
not as easUyvisible on these pa-
pers. and they absorb wateras
quickl)' as a blotter. Both types of
paper art particuLu{y sutred to
painting in powerful, dry suckes or
co palndng in several layers.
If you at< lookinglor IlOI1Ib$orbcnt
paper for dttailtd ".. rk, U5t the pa-
per called Torinol:o-sh L This paper
has an eggshell color and a smooth
surface. You can blend contours and
create gentle transi tions. HO'I\'C'·u.
)'OU will sacrifice the intense. bril-
liant. and uaasparent qualirit5and
the minute shadings of me ink. The
paper is stmtlar co fine.grainedwe-
tercclcr ~per.
When in doubt. experiment whh
blank newsprint or absorbentcern-
purer paper. In general. alWl)"J
paint on the smooth side of the

Pint tree on paptr

THE BA St e S 15



Hohtn.:ollt't1l Castle Fin t. the whole surface ""&5 mois- seemed particularly important. I
(em .iI~) tened 'Aim a large brush. Then. blended the contours of the m e-
whtle the surface WIS still wet. the tops in order to create rDa\"t
outlines were pain ted in ink. blend- maldng it seem 15 if th~· were
mg the cOtlrours immediately wtrh a U)1ng to reach out to the castle.
hard and dry brush. Afterthe silk
had dried. the roughcentours of the
castlewere filled in wtth a fine-
tipped brush. For this step. 1used a
very Ught shade of Ink. liUIng In
with darker shades those pans that
T HE B A5 1CS 17

How Ink Behaves on

Untreated Gasen-shi
Here art:a few charming effects
that can be achieved on Gastn-shl:
I. Dark ink palmed on • "oct, CD
1iglutrshade of Ink
2. Ughter shade of Ink on a dark.
wet ln1c.
3. Ught shade of Ink added repeat-
-t. Traces l~ft by • brush where the
bristles havebeen spread OUt
The dnt\lo ing below shews how indi-
,'iChWp<ta!Ja.. created by out1ln- (!)
ing them in lighter shades of ink..
This separatesthem, creatin&a
thrte-dimensfanal effect. The edges
are painted b)' O\"t'.rhtp
ping the Ink. F.fftttJof inlton Gasen·shi
a hnle less when the ink is dark.a
lhde more when the ink is lighter.
This unusualeffect. bececer , can
only be:achieved on untreated

P<""y (on Gurn -shl)


Working with
Ink and Brush

Grinding and
,-U already discussed. lor best re-
sultS. make)'OUt own ink. using an
ink Stick:and I.nkor grin clin&S{on~ .

Put II (t\\ , drops of Wiler on the

s~· pan o( an Ink steee. B)' the .
wny. the shaU(M' pan is called
"Land" and the deep pan is called
the "ocean,"
Stand the end 01 the stick uptight
-e the stick in a
in the water and mao.
"i de. circular marion ""u the stont
un ril )"OU tm."tan even. smooth Hq-
uid. Pushthis Uquid IntO the deep
pJ.n of the stone and repeat the
procedure . lidding water to the shal-
l"'" end and grinding the Ink stick
O\'!:f the surfaceof the stone. In this
" 11)', ~'OU
prtpart the darkest.
blackest ink in highly concentrated
form for UK in mixing the many diI·
{trent shades. The success of your
painting depends to 11pa t degree
on ~, well you ha\'t ground your
inkl Ink tha t i.s tOO past}' will have
1051muchof its life.
p, riodlcaIly, replenish the dad<ink
in the "ocean.' because. O\-ef time.
be dilutedbv wet bristles
it "'ill
coo:.swu1r dipped imo h. It DU)'
alsc become past)' dueto low
hUmldlry, '

Tulips (lnscrucrian on'f0)

T il E B ASI C S 19

- Fill the whole bl"U5h

wi th water; among three things: the grip (or

!., - Adj USt me al'tXJ\l.D.t

b)' wi ping the
brush O\~r a dampccncn rAg..You
need mere water if the .surface
~, to ho ld the handle of the
brusb): rhe direction the brush
5 in relation to tht p;ainting

I )'00 tntend 10 paint is large; ror a

mull sur£i e. )"OU need ve ry uute.
surbce . :It an angle or verucally;
and the \l"J.}' in which the tip of the
Alwars ~'t the brush ccer the- bristles touches the surface. It is
rag in the dim:tion of the bristles. w onh noting that it is It"SS lmpor-
- Dip the tip of the brtbh in the tint ho\\' the brush IDO\'n than tuM'
' ka, shellowportion of the e cee and the briseles make ContilCt with the
- - +- - - " '4Ur
only takeenough Ink Cor the fim paintingsurface, and this depends
third of the bristles to darken on hugely on the pressure du t is ep-
one side. plied when p;tinting. Different pres-
- Spread the ink to the base of the sure creates different shapes.

', , Jr-- - Llghl ln'

brush by d"gging the bristles
tightly O\~ r the pil le,
li )"OUnotice that the Ink becomes
100 light. repeat the process.
Let', start with how to hold the
handle or the brush. In rho begin-
ning. holding a brush will fed
rather Strange. if you hesitate, rour
- Dip the up of the brush IntOthe painting strokes will leek shaky and
darkest pon ton of the ink one unsure. Therefore, hold the handle
mou rime.
securely \\ith out interfering wtth the
mobilil) ' Or)""" hand, Don', .urren
To sumnu.riu the most lmponant
- - - - - Mai'l lol
m fnk up because the bristles of ink
pctms: brushes are not as deeply anchored
- The ink on the stone should al- in the handle as are those on water-
""a)"Sha\y the most intense con- color brushes. Ink brushes a~ vt'C)'
sistcDC)', Dillgen e during the smooth, panku!a rl)' when rhe)' are
grindingprocess 15absoluttlr nrc - held "poilu. This I)'" of brwh al-
- - - - - Llo
'*""1M essary for success. lov."S)'0Uf inner emotions to M
-Refill )"O\Ir brush as liule as possi- transferreddirectly lO the paper.
ble and paint as much15 you can There are two differencways to
wi th each filling.
hold ' be handle, regardless of
- Be patient when tr)1ng to deter- whether the brush is held vertically
mine the propcr amount of Wet -
or on an angle. In the beglnnlng. ,
ness. for brushes hon-ea great ca- recommend that )"OU use the Sohou
padty to hold water.
Strle. Later. when you M-e become
- If you ha\-e lost patience, ycu will more &miltar with the technique.
ha\-e lost it all.
)'ou can practice rotating the brush
Filling the Brush between your fingers. Thl.sllljcalled
Brush Control-How to the TanJrou style.
Man)' beginners complain that it is
hard to load • brash wtth tak, ThU Hold the Handle of a
complaint is not warrarned. You arc
DOt supposed to N5h. Rather, learn Brush Brush Technique
to be gentle when takingup ink. In
O<hetwords, if )"O\Ihave • problem When we talk abou, holding and SWIlI-<brush technique Includes the
Iilling)""" brush, )"0\1 simply 1m IlXA1ng a brush. w'e di5ti:ngo
.Ji5b posi_ of the brw h in your hand
not takingenough time.
Try to followthese sups as clcsely
as pcsstble:
20 J A ' AN 1!S! I N K P At NTI N G

and the method of applying ink to If )'OU wan' to chang. from (lilindng
the (lilper. wming '0 lo. d • brush a wtder to a nartO\\'cr line, rotate
proper!)' and usinggood brush the brush between )'OUt 6ng...
DJO\'ctntnts wt1lenable }'OU to ere- (. round lIS own axis). reduce the
Itc lnk in many difftrtnt ,hades pressure. and continue(lilintlng
and to paint ~l)'thing from dots to "i th the brush sdll in a '-e.ntcaJpo-
tines to spaces. "don (.),
, I
Holding1MBrusItat an Angle Pllshing 1MBrusItAcross
When creating. space , the brush is
broughtIn contact with the-paper wbee you push rhe brtsdes of the
brush across the paper and sense a
and l'DO'~d O\"U it at an angle. The
dp of the brush Is a1W2)'Skept in certafn resistance (as the bristles
the sam. pcstdcn. If the brush has begin to bend), the Ilne tha' is ere-
been load~ in threedi!dna con- . ted wUl. ppear 'mms- p"",.rful
and hea't')'. Very lnterutin g textUrtS
centrations (liglu. medium.and
dark Ink), IS outlined on page 19, • within a line can be created. This
grip lin. wUllook like (.) on (lilg. 21. If JnO\-e.ment is used for pain ting
)'OU ja, -e dipped the brush int o the
brm ches and tree mmks.
Lt, ,II<...""" oj dot hnu!I mI oF""
your "ngjingtr , Mldi"g it btCWml d1t" water again,after it lw been ters summarizethe most imponant
Inda and middlefifI8US. Ktq it in load.d. It wUllook like (b). The points:
pLIu with )'Our Mlim". This willan- width of the palmed Un. "il l de-
pend on the length of ,he brlsdes -e-Pressure.speed, and the wetness
chor rht &nuh StC\IfT fy '1'1 , MM.
YOIA oCthe brush tnfluence form and
that havebeen in contact vdth the
paper, This can be chang.d by ad- appearance. Take noteof these
time po in ts and practice them
justing the pressure tha t is applltd.
to the-brush.
until )"0\1 arc p1'06dcDL This rech-
roque:b also Vtt)' effecti\'e in cee-
A lin. painted "ith the brushheld 110IIin g the nowof ink 00 the
at an anglt will \"It) ' more in its paper.
width, ha\'t a more carted shading . - If a brush Is roo wet, IDO\"t it O't'C
and look smoother and mort ..ert'k). the paper quicklyand "1m ''ery
donal" than one rhat is pai nt ed Ught pressure.
wleh the brush held in an upright - If the brush is nor wet enough.
posirion . 1nO\"t it ccer the paper slowly and
. pply more pressure,
- The mc,vemenr of )"OW' brush
Holdingr1t~ Handlein r1t~ 'um In your heart , goes through
\b1icall'ositlan your ann. through)'our fingers, all
If . brush Is held v'e rtiaJ1}'. the the " '2)' ' 0 the Up 01 the brush,
"1dth of • uee can be chang ed by Don't rest r our elbow on the table
''af)ing the pressure applied rc the or the now of this tnO\'emtm "ill
brush (c). As the brlsdes bend. the be hindered,
tip remainson the center of tht - Try to paint with a "lq breath,"
line. Sucha lin. will look posid'.. , Instead of llWl) ' ,mall blOk.n
TanJcougrip SlIQOg. and p""..n ul. lb. brush is linee. Try to outline obj<c" In
Let dK 114ndItrnr /JpUrlSt)'Ollr middIt r'QCI'.'ed from one side to the other. broad strokes. changingthe 1DO't"t.
fingtr. whllt noldirl&Ie.btrwttrl your In- Use this rechnique when painting meat of the brush as little as pos-
GJId Uuul'lb. n isgives)'"(tll
da ji lfgtr sttms or t\f,igs to cree e • clear, sible. Heslradngand p.intlng in
vtrUmDbfliJ)'.1M mlddlt jtJ1gcrcarl bt liv.. 1y lin. (d). while keeping an stop-and-go strokes disconnects
ustd tU supporfJnrmbthind. evenwidth . )'OU from the inner depth. inllu-

endng tht' and harmonyof

the whole. ~"J}" k.'XWo ' what }"O\l
wan t to paint before you Start . As
soon as j 'Oll 12k<th< brush In
your hand. all"'" it to guide you.
let go of "thinking: '

t.t:aming to trUSt the processis dlf·

ficult, but it also builds confidence.
-E \"tf)' mc mem existsjust once,
This is also ece for e\ '!:ry line you
paint. •t\ brush is so scn5ith"t, so
agile that ir mirrors C\~I')' eree-
tion . and.therefore. the same sit·
b) _ _ -",= uadon can never be repeated, Try
to l\'Otd correcting a line. or ID) '
cnhc.rCormfor tlw: reaner. As

u often happt ns in our 0'4 '1\ 1h"tS,

we lose if we askfor mort'.
- It is intcmnn g ro note that even
}'OUt VCI')' first atte mpt has I cer-
taIn ItInd of beauty. ttg;ardk» of
the tcd mica1 shon cominp thou
are present. Therefore. if )'OU II) '
to make corrections in the belief
c) that this will impl'O'o"t
your tech-
nique , }"OU will never paint I
beaurlfulptceure. It is much mort'
important to let your vision come
to lifc on the cam'15from a place
of inner peace and trUSt . 1 keep
tr}in g until 1 am sal15fied
. And it
"ill happen. all of a sudden. usc-
all)' when 1 !un. Itt go of ID}' ob-
St.S5ion wah perfectten.
,. -:;7z =rrxn:: O'"V ' Q

1 do not eelteee that this a ceind ·

deuce. t alv."I}"Stell my studentS.
"Each painting has its own beaut}'
and each subsequent ptcrure wtll be
even more:beautiful··

Practicing Lines Wheo painting nod.... and
branches . practice cfrI\\.ing eesa-
and circularUoes. using the tip of
thebrush When pushing a brusb
pact. suang. "igorouslines v.ith the aa05S the paper. U)1ng to create
Th. first Un. Will Iltcomt tip 01the brush strOng,rf8ld Unes.speed and pres-
A fWt sure:are the importan t CactOTS.
This is an exercise In holding a n. fo urdl ExerclK: Pracdceuntil the:ink creartng the
brush vcmeally.The goal is to ex- Plum-TreeBrAnch branches and ""igs does nor bleed
perience the special feel of working Here )'00 wtll practicestrongCUI'''td toO heavil)' lnto the paper.
with ink brushes, paper, and ink.
Bk ndlng water and ink on paper
creatCSmany diffemu shades. In
spite of the fact that ink is black. it
is not I sober. cold. inorganic black.
15 is the:case with the blacks of wa-
tercc lcr and oil paint . Ink has a
panicular \dnd 01warmth: it

11teSecondExercise: Orcllfds
This Is an esectse In ~iJlg a Une
with a certain kind 01rhythm.
Whtn palnting the leave s. the goal
is to draw a curvedline that looks
as if it were brought [0 life by a
long breath. It is carried OUt in a
S\\i h rr:lO'
-e. alternating the pressure
that Is applied to the bNSb. Prac-
tice lmm Idt to right and righ' '0
k it until )'OU feel that the brusb Is
alCIY lng acr055the paper without
any hesitation. Alsopractice alter-
nating the speed with which )'00
""".. thebrusb.
11teThird Exercise: B4mboo
This Is an exerctse In holding the
handle 01the brush uprtglu and at
an angle'. The goal is to practice
d_in g sU2igh, shapes and lines.
Om\ ing • bamboo stem lends Itself
wen to painting in different shades.
<a\dng up additionalliquid, appl)iJlg
\'U)'in& pressure. and choosingthe
proper speed. fJshdon't bww IInydtilll
When ~ing leaves, experiment t <!Itwind blowing.-
. ...
using different brush pressures. troewater


PaIn ting Iry NtIJIlIlers by ~ and Incorporating for-

The First Stroke
I, Is nor eesy '0 uodtnund til< ~'aY ei8"inIIuenccs.Th<"'I'rnsion of Becomes a Fish
a tDta1Jy lorrlp culture vt<ws Its 0f18inal lorms or !d<as in til< fine
an. Even though,In the put. "<st. ~ Is lIO< Taluedas bIghIyIn Japan I Vo'U sitting in front of a large piece
em an schools taught anisdc tech- as U 15 In scree otht:r coanmes . of blank paper. My muter reached
Dlqu<sby r<qUiringmulents to ~lue:h more unporunt :' the genu· lor tIl). hand andguidedthe brush.
copy old masws expms toda). mcness of what the-mt is ex- alread}'filled wlrh lnlc. "You don',
hmtate to traeb " by tilt numbers." pressing and 'tltbether or DOt 1M ha\-e ro be afraid," he said to me.
H~'er. this is still tht most dl'ec- artist touehts chc:heart DCthe 51",,'1)'. .fits' the rlp and then the
dYe teachingmethod in the Orient. viewer, Of course, artisdc creaD\'iry body of the brush made contaCt
this Is portic:ularl)'the cue wh<n lllll5t aJsobe presem, with the ~pcr. ink and water be-
unfamiliartechniqutSand ae:sthniC5Your awn emotionalreaction and gan to flow ont O the paper. and as
arc being tauglu and when (01)'• acceptanet of the originalprecedes rhtj' began '0 blend. the head 01
limited _ .Is aval1a ble. Under the act 01copying.and the palnring the fish appeared. then the body.
rhese cond1nons. 1 belit'\"t this is }"ourO\\'D. perscnel interpretation and finally the tail, aUcreated with
method Is a 5<IlJIb l< and dlec"th.. 01It. listening '0 the language01 a s\\1ft eeeemem of the-brush
one. To, be able to punt cxacu)' as the brush gJ''ts cxprnsion to )"OUJ' acl"O$S the paper. I had an instant
shorm In the examples. )"OU must internal voice. sensation-mr feet, Instead of the
Ihud)' ha\'t mastered tM tech- fish. had just touched the water .
1...._ I constantlycome ICr055 eeeele
r r
r r After the second fish ""&5 drawn on
""" are caregorical1)'opposed to rhe paper. I sensed rhe sparial ex-
DurIngmy studies. til< mamr this Icmd of lurning and ttaeb\ng panse-that rtl) . master had cra ted.
te acber would paint a pIaure in our method . Tbey u.."Y'say. " I must This is hov.· I experienced my first
presence. ~ tried 10 duplkate bIs paint &.ell' and simplj' expert- contact with creadng an ink
pamdniuntil the mamr !ald. ment," I am ama:edma, people painting.
"Good. Now I wiI1paint the next bdle>'e rhe)' a1read)-know ..·bat rhe)'
cx:m1plc ." In addition to lum ing must freerhf:mschu from and ~. Hold in }"O\D'mind 's eye ,,-hat )'0Uf
Ihrougb this method.reproducing to pracrlc:e.Howerer , It Is nor all palnring Is supposed to be. this win
aD ink painringor a calligraphy is that long 110 WI I entertained lim · allov.·)'0\1. to experience the pantC\t+
\i ewe d cliffetrntlrin the Orlene In I!arnorions and freed tIl)"S<1I from Jar rele ma, brush, paper. and lnlc
general. Japanese culture Is shaped similarcom..nrlonal rhinIcmg. pla). in ink paintings .

51tl"f or paindng a)Uk Body

First. load r oue blUSh with the three
dillerem ,hades 01Ink. II you hold
the bnub upright and draw a Une.
)"Ou will create a narrow body; U
you hold the brush at an angle. a
somewhat wider body with dukn
edges will emerge. Complete the
bod}'by drawlng the second ",11fin.
Place rhe brush at the but 01 the
tall and pull the brush swlldy
to'l'-a.rds and e cee tht edge of the
paper. 00 the same wtth the side

r Con",,1the wetness 01 til< bristles
SO that the tip is drier and becomes

.tlf!tr. This assures thar the tip 01 leased the fragrance of the orch! brush slov.·ly ever the paper, alter.
the brush widens " .. nly. Draw the and that the-ink Stone Itself Vi ruting the pressure. First reduce the
eyesand mouth "ith a suang line. 1IU an orchid field. pressure. then Increase it. and then
reduce it again. Draw Viith this
leaves rh}'lhm. ron lOO 1og "'ith a soft
The Second Experiment: Fill. or load. l"'" brush and bold
CUl'\~ • •~t the'end of the leaf. me

The Orchid brush is pulled acrossand be)-ond

the handle upright. Start by apply- the-paper as if its tip .....
ere reaching
ing pressure onlrat the tip of the
Many 01 the old masterpiecesde- bristles. so that the-stem of the Jed' gend}' Into the:distance.
pictingorchids were painted b). looks as if it Wert rooted in the The second Une. the K COnd leaf.
wo men, Thesegraceful p:ainrings earth. reel the force of a'lQl,~mmt tosses eve r the first. The third line
are exprw;tons of their hidden in the tip of the brush. This repre- cresses O\'er both tilt first and the
emotions.Behindthe restrained, or
sents the eners>' grov.'lh. Use it to second. cUliting • counterbalance
gentle forms of the orchid. wemen create the HnesWt wtll become to both. Add the fourth line. Cress-
were hiding their pride and their the whole leaf, Continue to pun the Ing the lines creates space.
poassion. tn the old days. people be-
lleved that the ink women usedre-

Sr.qnfor paJlltfrtgGn orrhid

--- •• p


1n order to pull the base of the flower St.... cpeeed their heere , like the 10'0
leaves together. paint the fifth and Continue '\1o"Orking
with the brush in mirrored in the eyes of a woman.
sixth leaves on the outside. Paint an upright position and paint the
from abcce down 10 the base. You EvalWltlon
stem In a gentle shade. Start at the
may add more leaves. but try to tip and go down to the base. as if - Did you remt resting your elbow
d creating chaos. Althoughthe
lI\'Oi the stem were embraced renderly on the table and. instead. let your
leavesare different in length, width, by nowerpetals. arm and brush tnO'o"e as one. 50
dlre ction, and shadings, together that roowere able to draw strong.
they should create a harmonious n""ing line.1
whole. Often "less" expresses -\\~ re you able to create suflktent
"more." Expres.sing many emotions shadings that achieve d the neces-
with only a fewstrokes was the Stamen 5.1')' three-dimensionaleffectto
teaching of the old masters. allow the Ilcwersto breathe freely
Fill the up of the brush wi th dark in the white space?
ink. The stamen is paint ed by
Flowen -Does the alternating pressure )'OU
touching the paper with the tip of U5<dwhen moving the brush
Add a little more dark ink to the the brush and pullingback again,
tip of the bristles. Holding the han- acrossthe paper make it look as
similar to the Chinese characterfor ere mcMngits wings?
if a bird .....
dle of the brush upright, paint the " he art, "
petal! from the outside to the cen- - Does the stamen. made with ltnle
ter. When )'ou aher the pressure After roo have placed lttde. gentle d015, appear as if the flowerwere
you apply to the brush. lines will dcts inside. the flowers will look shlMing her heart, as eyes ex-
change to a three-dimensional form. radiant and alive. as if they hln~ pressing emotions?


\\ '
I ~

f I

I ~


The Third Experiment :


• bmlboo sdckis often compared

bfe. Each segment oCthe:weedy
• ~ has • disdne:tbeginning and
- end. a " hello" and • "good-
e .' as it were. Growthcontinues
the matare segment. (orming a
e that is the hue for the next
r segmcn'. In J. panese. the
~ "nodule" ls ",-rtuenb)' using
51gn for ·'moderation.·' Modera-
l.5 CSKndalif life is to flourish.
k of moderation ant es prob-
.. is, tht suoog branch of a baud -

~ bambcc plant could SU\"t as an

pie of pow.rful beginnings and
oea. tifuIendings.

TIt. BambooDru m
Ihe brush is loaded ..itb the three
~!o.;ldes or tnk and set on the paper
wah the brlsdes flauened OUt. The
..."ldth of the Stem depends on hO'N
~<:h of the brisdu are in COD UIet
wnh the paper. Push the brush in
tile dirtction of the &m.r.'lhof the
".rn. finishingthe aegmen' by ap-
, l)ing bgh' pressure to the brush.
Continue this techntque fnr the
...-hole Stem. The:brush will lose
:mtt:h of ItSmoiswreu it ls pushed
:J wards, The bristles become
frayed," cre.ring It dry, only
~:.ghtly colored segment, as if light
'OR " ,hinlng ,hrough. This Image
"::10 be eentrelled by Increasing or
.mUting the amountof moisture in
Ct. brush and by changingthe pres-
sureand the speed with Which the
rush is guided ",..r the paper.

hape a sUgbdymoist bNSh into a
uaightap on theplait or a rag _
and dip the Up In,o dark ink. Hold l\li(
the handle of the brush . prtglu and
!c:t only the tip come:In CClI1t&ct

with the p3p<r. The tip ,,;11look The amount 01pressureyou apply Srrpsf or pof.dng """' boo
like a hook. Pull sideways and en - determines the width of the ltl\"n .
dude by increul nx the pressure.
letting the brush Tna\~ off the paper EvallUltimt
in an up or dO'llo"swinging motion.
- Are Stems, branches. and lCI\"t5
ng the ink to fade into the
a1looo\i sufficientl)· shaded so ther express
white space. This win create It stem
life in its dh'trs lt)'?
wtth dea rly defined nodules. - Old )'OU gt\"t each stem a distinct
beginning. expressing its abun-
Brandt es dant strength?
Branchesgr'O'o\ing OUt from the nod- - Did you Ieel rbe Ught. the depth.
ules art painted wi m a very dry and the quietness of the whitt
brash, purring I... pressure on the space?
paper, - Wert )"ou able to grve each nodule
the appearance of st3bilif)', and
z..aves did }'OU gi\'( each one clearl)' cit-
Add moistl1R to the bristles of the fined accents?
brush af" r It Ius hem I""dtd ,,; th - Art the branches strong t~ to
three different shades. 1told the eatT) ' a hta\·y load of 51\0\\
handle upright and quickly pull the
brush In one sweepingmotion ecer
the paper. UK pressureonly as the
brush lnidall)' toucbes the paper.
n. Moon
To paint bamboo I.., 'es , apply the
same technique you usedin paint-
ing the bamboostemsand
branches, a proc<ssthat may be dif-
ficultfor >'00. Try to sense the
moon in the sk)'. Exprc:sm't'ness
"ill no t be di mjn;she d if )'00 hee .
in one stroke, palmed a perfect circle.


The Fourth Experiment :

The Plum-Tree Branch
Plum-tree blossoms. which appear
in ~bl'UM)', the ccldese momh in
JlI.pan. art. together Withpine and
bamboo trees. symbols of sta.bility
lind of goodluck Cor the new )'u r.
The new )'Uf is also a ctlC'bratloo
of wclcomL'lgspring. Tbe dellcate,
Cragran t. plum-tree blossoms. break-
ing forth from old. gnarled branches
despite the cold temperatures, art
ngers uf spring. hope. and the
energitt of lift.

Large STanch..
lAullhto: bristles of the brush ....'trh
ink. Pu.;J} the brush. held at a more
or less steep angle, 5\\ifrl )' as roo
paint one segment after the other.
erfa cing bran hes tha t bend in dif-
ferenr dlrecrtons. Jeel the:tmsion in
the:bristles uf )'OW' brush 1U )' OU
"t t the: ~ pt r. This tension to;
tn..nsferred. milking the branches
mang and alive. It is helpful if the
np of the brush is bent at an t.ngk
as the brtstl arc pushed forward
or sidew:l)'5. You C" oln also rotate the
handle:between rour fingers as the
tip IDO\~ along the edge:cr e
brunch. lill~i ng the branch lO be-
come 1\;ltTO\\'cr ss It "grows ."

Therip of rbe bl\lSh.comalning 1<55
liquid and held uprigh, ts post-
rloned ill the branch and pulled
swiftl)· and " i th even pressure 1I"1l)'
Ircm It. Do not let the l'nd of a [\lig
blend into the paper, U lI\"esome
space fur blossoms you mighr wane
to paint late r,

Wlu tt ph,m·rrtt blossomJ


Supsfor pclinring plwm-rr« bra-"' Jw


When painting white buds IU1 d pet·
als. load the bristles with the three
different shades of Ink and hold the
brush handle uprighc The diflerenr
shlding wit hin a blossom is created
b)' increasing or lcSRning the pru.
$UTe on the brush as )"OU paint th<
indh"1cluallintS. The shape of indi-
'i dual petals should nur be empha-
bel lOOStrong!)-.
When painting pink-cclcred bios.
5OtnS . the brush is filled \\1m three
shades of \"t ry light lnk. Paint the
mdMdual pt tlllJ wi th one:"dab of
the brush for each one. This creates
diffell'nd)' shaped blossoms.all
pointing in difi'trent directions.

Redplum'l rtt blOSSDmJ


\\~llIow willi ,,,r;un

Sepm art the eeeeeedees bctwun
bl05somsand "'''8' . Load rll<brash
with the darkest ink. The bristles
should be almosr dry. As soon as
lit. tip bastceched tho paper, pull
the brush awllYwith a swift motion.
the same "''I) ' )'OU did when palnt-
ing the stamen of an orchid.

Gh"t the tip of the brush IS 6ne a
poin t as roo can, and load thebris-
tles with 1.$ little moi5tureas pesst-
ble. Although lht tip is fine. each
line must be palnted with II ruol Ult'
stroke. U,lng dark ink. add ltnle
dots aba.-e or below meline.

- Did the energyof liCe 00\\' into
the t\\1gsand branches. so the')'
radiate strength lind \1tality?
Plinting (JI.~r a pl'e\wusly patnred
surface robs lr of this flow.
-Estab lishina cea rrast between •
gentle tlo" petal and a rough
branch or N ig createsa beautiful
blO55Om. CJ.n)'0\1 detect in the
branch the man)' years of us
growth.a sign of lIS Iif<?
-Did the white 5p;lC~ gain in depth
becauseof the li\'tl)' crisscrossing
of twigs lind branches?

Additional Practice
At first sight ... 'hat seems to be :a
rather diffil"'Ulr task-painting. the
o tkins-hu been done successfully
eeen b)' beginners. With. brush
that is loadtd with somewhat ecre
water and \\ith lin ink that is not
too dark.painr lit. catkins by lhb-
bing lit. brush on rho pap<r. Us<•
drier brush and darker ink for the
sepal and paint the twi gs as we dis-
PAI NTIN G T eC lI NIQ U r:s 33

Branches of ptne U'«S bevea cern -
plerely di£f'~rcnt cb:anc(tr dun
these of plum Itt es. !hq ' p"" 1d<
goodpractice Co r paintingbranches.
These:branches art painted \lith
the bru5hhdd at I n Ingle, Twigs
arc painted tht same:\l"a}' as plusn-
eee t....igs . fromthe:largu. recgher
branches (0 the smaller eaes. Pine:
needles ere painted w1th II brush
''''''Is almost dry, held l imos, up'
righ'. Conclude by painting 'he
bark " 1th an l imos' dry brush Ind
darklnk. To create 11.solid Itne,
pushthe brush forward,

SllPSfor pain ling II phlNr« bnmc




Bird on a Branch dry. Conclude by painting the feet Stepsfo ' pai'U'l'l • bin!
When paintinga bird. we usually and clews, using a dry brush filled
Sta rt with thebeak. first with the with dati<Ink.
upper half and then the lower. The 1, is helpful to paint the wholebody
position of the beakdeterminesthe oCthe bird In a lightershade and
position of the btrd'shel d and then ",.. rIaythe "ing> and the ta
body. Paint the btak and the 'l '" wi th darkerink.Thisprevemsun-
with a still, dr)' bNShcontaining evennessthatcan etherwisedisturb
dark Ink. Thewaythe 'l'<S an the finishedpainting. Only after the
pain ted determines the expression. whole bird is ~d do )'oupaint
Use the darkesr shade Cor the pup- the branchon which II I.ssitting.
ils. Continueby painting the heed,
then the body, Collow«! by the tail
Ceathm . For the <bestand belly,
UK a lighcershade . l1Ra darker
shade for ,he " ings and the tail.
Pain, these bereee the pm i"",l)'
painted. lighter pans ha-.. btgun to

Btrd on cl brandt and10''tof nature.reech for dKir

BIni and flown Palnlln, bNShcs.go outSide. and use these
There an: ,....0 typ<S of ink paint - motifsin their painting.sto capture
Ings. The lint Is landscape palndng. their emotions.
In Japan. this Is known as moun-
tain and water painting. Theother A painting of a bird docs no< ahnys
is referred to as bird and flower
n:vul whetherthe painter is se-
cretly longing for freedom.or If he
....nts to remainin a warmnest.
Th< latt<rconslsu of paindn&> of Howt\"tr. sometimes OM ormystu·, trees, and an1ataIs.ThIs dents may subconsciously gIYC
type of painting .mplwlus eee- apress ion to a lonwngby the ex-
tras«s betweenstillnessandmotion prcsm.. ""l' he paints • bird. Ibm
and betw-een 5Oftt1C$$ and 5lm>gth. 1ha\.. to smile. In general, human
S<iIIncss.. represented by ..... and beings KC111 IlI.IChbappi<rwile..
flowers: motion. by , nimals. suth as they are than they think they are.
birds. Coluns e make a pic""" Most rcallydOll', wan, to le... their
come alive. Painters, in admiration nests.


Exercises for Poppy
Creating Space als
1 , -as Cascinattd the delicate pet -
of the poppy came a1h" through
pressureon the pape.r. decrt"ui ng
the pr<S51U< as the brush is pulled
d't brillwu color of metnk. it d O'\ll and off the paper. The "" -
With the Brush Held at seemedas if butterllic:swert rum- men is pafnted with \y ry dark ink..
bling about. At the same lim<. I
an Angle, A lmost Flat thoughtof the Acropolis. an Infi- Stmt
on the Paper nitely deep. uure blue .k)'. and the Finc eslAblish the wldth of the
imet15t.lyb rilUant colon of pcppjes Stem by using 1M appropriate pres-
in bloom! sure. When the right width is
achieved. pull the brush oo..·nwanh .
FIowrr Pmls
loa d }'OUt brush wtth the three dif- Hair
ferent shades of ink. pushing il O"U We use a special technique for
t:ht paper in the order given in me painting hair. Begin by pushlng J""l
drawings below. the tip of the upright brush 011 the
ink plate, then rDO\oing it l».ck lind
ne Centn of rltc FIowrr fonh In the Ink. The bristles \\, 11
With the dp of the brush, make lit- become Cray td and take up \'ft:ry lir-
tle dots In the shape of a triangle. de Ink. Hold the Craj 'ed bristles be-
For the poUen. usc the da:.rkestink twe en )"OUf thumband index linger
possible. so as to Corm a rin)' "brush" with
shen "bristles." Use these bristles
Suzmm to add hair to the Stem. pu11ingthe
The .wn<nis palnled by dabbln& bristles Po"l}' from the stem to the
the tip of the brush \\,th .light outSide.

,. (!)

. ~
i/ @

e 4,
+ _lI

SlqI f or pabta.s• poppy

P AINTI NG T ~ C " Nt Q U I!5 39

Rotating the Handle Crocus outer leaves , proceedingas )"0\1 did

ith the pctal ln the center.
of the Brush A silht to behold! A yellow crocus
on a green mcadow. a magnificent SI....
hlac-cclcred crocusstill surrounded Set the dp of w brush underneath
by 5DOW. PaInting smalldabs of lrlk er and pull do.....
the nOYo' nwa rd! .
on the " SDO'I\'" aIlov.
'Sus to sease
the warnuh of the earth and the vl - !Lava
taIity of the crocus. Start at the tip of the leaves, using
In practlc.a1terms, painting a cnx:us the tip of the brush. Pull the brush
Is eae _ of practlcing rota ting a down as )'OU Increase the pressure,
btwh llO\lIld its own axis. ThIs entng the 1t:a\ 't:5 .
means -mg the brush lts<1fas it .,
across the paper. In one
is JnOlo'tC! ~ H~ In 11KSnow
swift motion. )"OU &R' able to create Add \'tl) ' atered-dcwn ink around
the shape).... "''lnL E'= thou&h the place here th.t1t:a\'t:5 "grow"
this is SODW1>1lat cumbe.rsom e in out of the ground.
the beginnln& )'OU can immediatdy
see the <!feetof the .hape).... ha\..

f'1lr«r Bud
r Stan ....ith the petal in the center.
Guide the brush on In Ingle ....ath
the tip in an upv.-..rdmotion, Rotate
the brush to the left md outSlde.
Pullthe brush downwards as )....
decrease the pressure. Youjus t
painted the left half of • pelll1!Con-
timlt with the right hill in the same
fashion. The handle of the brush
D'lO\"t5 to the right. Add both the Supsf or pail'ltiPlgQ. CJ'OCIU

® C!J


@) I

Croau in tM Snow SUM Leavts

Tulip posite direction. Pain, the thlrd Ital.

in ali&hter shade. behind aod be-
E,..'Y rime spring rollsaround. I am tween the6m t'A'O.
inspired to paint rulips.The lush
green I""... an Ut<nJIybursrlng SteIII
wirh mergy. Myobsts51onwtrh cre- Wirh the handit held upright,
ating dyna.m1c DlO\"erDrnt In ODe pull the bMh hom rhe base of the
Strokeoftenmeansthe lcavesI flower dOlAnto the edgeor the
pain, appear to beRill and r!&ld. paper.
And one v."OU1d think thattulips are
Dowers of such simplicity aod In..• UCIV<S
liness! Paint the lU\'U in one:5U'Oke from
the tOp d""", . usiog 6m the rip of
TheFIDwer thebrush. Atthe place wherethe
Hold rht brush, loaded wtth the lee eesincrease in wtdth, rotatethe
threeshadesof ink, on the paperat brushsidev. -->'Suntil j[ rem flat on
an angle:and rotate the handle the papet. Use rht ...hole length of
towards the outside. lkgin the sec- the bristles.
end strokeat the:tip. somev.'hat off-
set, and rotatethe brushin the'cp- Sr'l'Sf er ".. . dng. "'lip


A magnoliatree, with blO55Olll! that
look 1ik<candles. Is simply oee of
w most b<audful sWus in aIlof
nature. Lookingat this tree ~
bloom aIv.'a)'S "' minds ""t of w
expruslon on ",!"bl w r', Iace
w'hen she talktdto us aboutthe
moment whtn our magnoliatree
began to burstinrobloom.

Il<gtnwith w outormoso.ldt petal.
Pull w brush from the oIIlick- .
wJ w inside while rowin g in o
left. Thepetalin the cente r is
painled in 0\'0 stages. The brushrc-
talt5 and Is pulled from the ou_
to W inside . Add the right petal.
FollO\lingthe samesequence. add


__ 0. .. ' #

the petab in ,he back. b<hind the

other two. Conclude by dabbing in
(hr. stamen 'With dark ink.

nt the buds the same " "lilYas v..e
have discussedfor the b rg< nowers.
using two or dun strokes.

Add sepals at tht base of the flower
or llt the bud. Makesure thllr the
slw:leof the .RpW stands in con-
trast to that of the petals of the

In order to give ure to the StCITt5
and twigs. take the moisture out of
the brush and fill the tip of the
brush with darlcink cnly. Draw the
st em from the baseof the Ilower
r",,'IUdsthe n\;g .

When pain ting the large tec es.
stan at the point where thc')'
emerge from the twi gs and tDO''t up
to'o\'1rds the tips of the ICl \'tS . Paint
th e sman leaves wit h the tip of the

Large A reas Painted

in Two Strokes


@ @)
t ~

We dminguish between iTiKs Wt
• 'f
are shan uved, which have dis-
tinctly shaped lelnu . and the other
irises. with thdr mort gently Supsfor pcrhrrhtg an Iris
shaptd leaves. £\ 'U )' rear on the
fifth of May. the !'<as, of ,h. Bo)'.
the:latter t)-pc of iris. together with
a picture:of the armor of a samurai,
is U5td for decorating. Its upright
shape and slrong gf'O\\ 'th best s}'m-
bolue the Ideal of the samuraI.
Flawu Sepals.too, are painted In tWO reload the brush wilh a lltrle bit of
Stan . i th the pee l Wt extends mge •. Each time, pull the b"" h dark ink and. as you hold your
down from thecenter. In order to nd",'1)~ while rcuung th' handle. breath. pull down rewards yuu. Your
make the seam, created by ~"O 1£you hav.. used light Ink. the lin. breath should stay in your belly,
tJ\"trlapping Unt5. les, obvious, load between the 1\\'0 sepal! will be'visl-
When painted in this way. the rips
the brush with the three different ble. In this case. that is the effect
you warn to achieve because it of the leaves become dark. giving
shades of the ink and follow this the Impl"t5ston that the leavesare
.h",,~ the proper. curlingshape of
seam. UK the tip of the brush. al- reaching. growing. towards the sky.
lowingthe darkerinlt to ron to the the sepals.
The proc~ss began in sullness, but
inside. If a dtrlc area O't'!:rlaps
an- the .Ughdy curv.. d ups speak of
other dark are•. the seam will Sum bursting encrg)·.
hardly be nodteable. This is the Hold 'he brush uprigh' and. begin.
method to USC'when cO\"ering • ning It the base of the Dower, pull
large. uniform area. The petals ex- down to the edge of the paper.
tending to the ! idu art painted b)'
alt.ring the prmure and by tot2 dog Leaves
the handle of the brush, The three Holdlng the b"" h uprlght and. with
•mall pew.and thosethat grow be- ccndmscusly increasingpressure•
n de each of the lat<rol pew.are Stan at the dp of the leavcs and
abo painted by tolldog the handle tnO\ "t the brush dO\\'fl\\"Ird.s
. BefOrt
of the b""h. painting the le~"t:S that nand erect,
Anth urium
wheneeer 1 look at an anthutium.I
think of a kit< soaring gracefullyIn
th<sky. and L too . want 10 ny.
To paint th< llov.-er, load }'OW' brash
only J1lghtly"'th Ink (In three
shad<> . of course). Hold your bNSh
al an angle and push the brlstks
downund! one-third of th< Itngth
of the brlsdesis in contactwith the
papar. W1thoul h. sitadon. pull the
brush. whlleroladng the !landle,
,,,,fdy upwardsto the Ji8ht. With a
secondstroke.and In iI lighter
shade. paint the underside.
Load)-our brush\lith ink that is
",latn~ly datk. but maintain thn:.
shadts. Paint each leaf in twO
RagU . With each SU'O
ke. the dp of
the bnah rDO\'eS alongthe center at
an angle from the top [0 the base.
Wlltn the Ink is a1mo> l dry. pain t
In th< ,'tins with clark Ink.
Patnt the SIemsin a lighter shade
and 1'nO'o'C brushfromthe base
}"OUr Srqsfor pcUn
tin8 GnGnthurium
of the nowerdown to the edge of
th< papar.

lmtForeYrr nest tea ceremonies . where the portant thaneach indMduaJline. in

Time and againtbe:question arises. centralmeaning lies in the umque- skmi-t t\"tt')" brushstroketDU5t be
"Is it possible 10 com et a shape ness of the moment . In order for rightbecause correcncn is not pas.
that has alrudy been paln lt d on this unique encounterto be fully sible. Each lnclividualline t<lls lilt
papar?" My answ< r. " No low 51}" experienced, the shapeand course story or the Pl'OCtss. Eachline is
thatyou are not allowtd to do u,' of each individua l modon or JDO'L'e- eeeeeeed to the m xt and to the
H"" .... r, }'OU will qulcldykam that mcnt is determined beforehand. In whol~; eachline is important as It
whtn }'OU. fur InsWlCt. add anothtr similarfashion. th< process of appaarsOIl the l'"ptr. nc h lint is a
lint to COITttt the one already on paintingis reducedto its essential mJrrorof theIttrndm. energy. and
th< papar. som<tldngirTetM'lhk miniDJJ. m. and a painterpractices the soul of th< paln lt r. What Is lOSt
has been Iosr,",~n if }'OU Ita-. Im- th< """= of the brush on pa- in tr)inB to make • tiDemorebeau-
p",,~ on th< orIgIna1 form and tlfu1is the " Imslon of the siItnct
per until the form crtattd is IS nat- :·
madt ir:mort bnudfu1or mort ural as possible. In contrast to thea place of puri !)', wiltre th< eeelIY
rulistic . concept as practiced in Western an. or silence:is prae nt. Thatis what
Thiseeecepe also applies 10 Japa- "u'" the end productis mo", 1m- WdnattSand DICJtoti me.

Rough Outline with Promontory

One Stroke A student of mine. returning fromI
"Icationon the MediterraneanCOU t
in southernFrance~ told me that he
broughtback with him the Image
for the painting he wes doing In trl)'
class, He literallyexperienced the
Mediterraneancoast15 l't aUty 'Iao
he 'Iao"U
paintins. O''t'rjO}-ed.
I am sun:that at some time. some-
where. you ha\"~ seen a pmIOontol) '
similar to the one on thispage. Try
to makea roughoutline of It wtrh
one stroke. E\'t'rythingthatisn't es-
Hntialls left OU t. The 6SCnrialsare
given form and shape. Add only
these detailsthatere important to
Load the bnah sparinglj' .. 1rh the
rhree shades of ink. D<r.rmlnethe
line at the hort:on.The brushlies
Oat and is pulledhorizonllllly om
the paper. The dp of she bnah be,
comes thetip of the promontory .
1£the promonwI)' features some-
thinglike I mountain range. pull

the brushsomt\\-N.tmore to the •

right. "'la dng i' 50 tha' <hedp of
thebI'U5 h creates the edge of the
mountain. U )"oo \\'II1tto ··plant'·
trees, hold <hehandle of <hebrush
It an upward ansle . pulling I, hod -
zon<ally with a '1bnd ng morlon . 1l
crute a greaterspace
}"OU"';tnt to
or produce tDCIl~nt in an ether-
w15e'la de painting. add a bird and
makeit seem u i£it is Dyingto a
_ ..,. place.

5"", Jor""huh,S . P""""' lDry

deeper nature that ai5rs within. A
PAINTING Still Life in Ink sdll life ink paintin&has tbree-dl-
mensional qualities, but it doesn't

OBJECTS Paintings makeUS< of light and shadow. be-

cause these are changeable:and
temporary. it also does not U5C her-
As an In form. still life expresses
i:ontal imagesor objectS such as a
the essence of ink painting partlcu-
tabletop for placement. and. most
Iarly well. Wblle in Japanese the of all. it does not US< a bacltp>untl.
phrase " sdll life" is writteD in the
for "qW lI1tSS " and
"object," it is understood that this
in a sdl1life. the space is the..-hoI.
cosmos. Youarc DOt trying (0 con-
an form doesn'f represent an ar- quer it; rather, )'00 create it by lcs-
nng ement of "dead" objcctS. 15 in ing )'~U in that space. It Is •
Western an ; rather. a still life is an space where everydaylife becomes
arrangement that ui.esto cOQ\ q the: one with eternity. The cosmos is


a!l·lnclusM:but nol limited; h Is

AfterI saw the !till Ufe palnl1DgJ01
the h. 1ian palntu ." d gnaphlc ._
Motllndi (1890- 1964). and after I
Imtnersed tll)-.df In Ink p>indng. it
bc:cm clear 10 me "'bat 1 badnot
nodced before: his Is the\\W<m.
artificially enclosed space. created
by using Ji&ht. ,W ow. ." d beck-
In s~m l-(, a still life is not an I t·
tempt to describe an object';rather.
it gives reality to an object. repre-
senting yoursubjecuve. emotional
perception . in contraS t to Western
paintings. wherea painter triesto
capture reallt)' by Iddlng deWis. In
Ink paintins only presents the es-
sentials, with as fewbrush strOkes
IS possible. bringingthe palntins to
Ufe by finding Its energy.

Widrt TlIrn

Abovl CoIIIposltlons:
Those pans that are dense, hu\ -y.
HGnnDfty ad Coll_ dark.large.and close representthe Sran wirh ,he pcar in <he middle.
Load}"O ur brush with threeshades
In ink pUndnp . composition de", r· fullness; thosethataresparse, of ink. Hold the handleat an angle,
mines the harmonious rtladonship bright. light. small.and far away paintingthe left hall 01 <hepear
and dlsdncdm that exists between representemptiness. While empti. fuse Male<surethat the dp 01 <he
emptiness and fullnessand be- ness and £ullnwcreate COfttl'U t.
brush g\\-es shape to the ower con-
tween a sur andtbt support:iD&thc}.ltIIl5t complement each 000 toUr of the lrule RDtating<hehandIc
ICtOr. and exist in hannony.
01 <hebNSh..111gtve <heIov. .. r half
The area in which }'OU work is di· YoultIIl5t makeclear wldch object lIs width. The wldrh 01 <hepear is
\idtd into the emptiness . ..rbeee 15prlmary and ..illch 15seccedary, deremdned b}' <he Iensth 01the
the'" is nothing. and the spoce that Paintthe pnmaryobject firstand btistles . Coadnue by painring <he
is filled, ,,'he'~ }'OU paint. In order <hen,he s<coadary . If . composi· right half 01the fruit.again. ,tarting
to create C0mra.5ts . the-painttd tion consisu 01rht<e objects . pUnt at the top and tl>JV!llg the bNSh
SJ>I"CIIlll5t be spmc and dense, them in tht order of "guest. host. dov.'m\
'lMs. Thesecondpear. which
hnvy and lish~ dark and briah' . and servant," Therelationshipbe- is p1a}ingthe suppcmng role, is
and ccetaln big and small things tween ob].... gi\-.s • paintingliIe lighter. bu, the ink abo contains all
and distant anddose objectS. and balance. three ,hades, I, is okaylor <heI,ch
side 10 O'o'trlapthe firstbecausethe
P AI NTI N G a _J Ee rs

darker ink is domlnant, maldng the

lighter arta appear to be behind It.

SltpJJor prinling • chrysGn"""."

in 4 VlUt

a."..... tlIcm.....
w1th the bamboo.orcbld. and pressureand pull the brushto the
plum tree. the cluysan the= Is cemer of the OCft'~r, In this way.
one or the "rouraristocrats." de- each petal tip Is somewhatpmml-
scribed In the MllS14rd·Stc4 GGrdtn, nent and thru-dimlnslonal. Forthe
• Chinesetextbook from the seven- lU\u. use darkerink. Pulleach tn-
ttendt century.Chrysanthemums dividualbrush stroke from the OUt·
ere symbolsorautumn.Theyare side to the center, creating each
elseS)'Inbols of lo)"ahy and dese- whole leaf In one Stroke. Wockfrom
tion. the tip to the base.
Begin br painting the central petals The,.... Is painted In swift brush
lim, worlcing)'OUC way from the re Strokes",mthe handle held up-
to the outSide. Loadthe brush ..,th tigbt, using three IIgbt sIwI... The
three. hades of IIgbt Ink. Dnw the CODO'Ut between the white sun.ce
owline in rA'O separate brush and the Ink makesthe ,.... appear
.-.. . holding the hand1<upriabt to be made of gJus.
and pullingthe brush from the OUt -
side to the Inside. HOO',",u, male< Finalir
. with datk Ink.add ,'tins to
sure that the petals are not anthe the 1eI\ U and to the eemer of the
same width. As )"'" did when paint- blDasom.
Ing the bamboo nodu! es, set the tip
on the paper with a lInle bit of
J "''' NlU INK P " INT1NG

Sttpsfor paintinga CtGpot anda bowl

The knob OIl the tid is drawnwnh
the of the brush.Rotaterhe han-
dle 0 the brush.staningat the top.
Ma."eto the left and downand Im-
mediately go back again to the
startingpoint. mcM ng the brush to
the right and downwards. To paint
me lid. hold the brush horizontally.
pu!llog !l to the right while rotating
the handle of the brushto the OUt -
side. The base of the lid is painted
with the brush In an upright pest-
tion. Do likewisewhen painting the
Itandle. Hold the handle of the
brush uprighL For the belly of the
pet. hold the brush ot on angle. For
the bottom. hold the brush upright
again.To paint the mouth of the
pot, Stan at the bellyand tnIJ'"t the
brushto the left and OUt. for the
bowl, load the brush wim three
shades of inkand hold it at an an-
gle. Start with the rip of the brush
at the left side and, with a rotating
motion, swildy paint. broadarea,
ending with the brush In an upright
position. drawingthe bottom of the
To paint (he underside o( (he mush-
room. ha\'crourbrush loaded v.'i(h
three shadu o( ink. Ikgin by ~uin&
the rtp of your brush on lhe paper.
Pull the brush sloIoiyto the right
wohile applyingpressureand rotating
lile handle. Conclude this stroke
wi th the lip of the brush. The upper
pordono( (he mushroo m is painted
in the sameway,The l.amtllae on
me undersideo( the mushroom are
painted by loading the brush ..1lil
v.. ry light Ink and . starrtng at the
base of the Stem, pu11iIlg the rip of
the blUSh qulcldyto the outSide.

SrqsJorpaintinga mwhroom

",1th Buddhistpaintings. Theywert

Landscapes in Landscapeswe'" painted in nonh-
ern ChJnain Sl)'Uud form as early S)-mbols of Ideas and a means to
IS the ttnth and.tlt\"tnthcenturies. honornaNn . Forthat
Ink Paintings Distinct lines dominate these paint- ,,-as impo tun t to create tnOUnuins.
iJl&s. md<s. and ee.. as Iifdik< as possi-
ble. Tbls"'ISICCO mplisbedwith
Clas5icallancbcapepalnllnp have
'''rr suong brush strokesand, in
occupied a '''rr specW place contrastto Western paintings. by
amonginlc palnllnp . in Japan. they a\'Oldingt specificpoint of focus.
a", called SoJuuI.,: (mountain and
waterplctu.rt.s). However . Sansvi
V1sualformsseemed to gJ'O'A ' &om
within the Un.. ..... ting a palndng
paintings Itt distinctly dlff,""'t of the unl\..". .
from today's landscape palntings. In
andent rimes. it wu thou.ght that A Sansulpainting did not attempt
mountainsand riverswere the to be I representation of the mani-
plac.. where the gnds resided. One fold objects present in nature or to
belleee d in the greatpower of na- COI1\'t)' a personalimpressionof a
ture . Sa""'! paintingsare found on particularpart of nature froma par.
tht walls of temples side by side: ticular\'aJttage:point: insttad.tht
painterUStdmountainsand".. ter
in an attempt to reconsuua the
uM-etK . As thistype: of an deeel-
oped we e time, it became more and
You Itt not ",qulred to adoptthis
"hae" p.inting if
type: of
)"0\1 prtCtr a more spatial represen-
udee . By this1 man. ink painrlngs
in which lessdefinedoutIin.. of
objectSart used. Painringsthatuse:
more dlfIuse contoUrSdeseleped in
the milderand mort humidclimate
in the southern pans of China. (An
exampleof thl>sryle I> the painting
on page 6'1.) Neve nhe l.. s, by ger-
ting to knowthis st)'ilzed l)'pe of
painting. you will learn how to ere-
atespatialeffectSwithout the use of
light and shadow.

14U Mcnmtai" Top

oo . Not Mmn!
10 8< C1

A Study of Trees
1f)"OUwant to eruct I mmk'Aith a
Oallook. sun where the thlcUs'
branch beginsaml pull the brush
d""", to tit< base. wbe e outUn1nga may mcJ\"f:yourbrushIn
any dlr<ctlonyou Iik<. Try to draw 1ft<lmi •• • _ .r
lines without hesitation. in one C - -t- oJ D"ttS
brushstroke. Do not use sman
suokes.u you would in a pcn·llnd-
ink drawing.Try lO g;.. tit< aunk
an Irregularwidth as the brush
the paper.
Twlp and BnIlIChts
Pain, the branches 6m, then tit<
lW1&S . Genually speaking.lW1&S and
brancheson the left side of. tree
... painted Ircm the top to the bee-
tom and bom left to rtgIu. The
...;gsand brancll<son tit< rf8Iu
side of the tree are painted from the
bottom up and from ri&h t to 1.&.
la\"CScan be paintedrIo'O dift' uent
"'.ys. Theonhodox methodin\'Oh -es
pain ting only tit<cutlln e. In the
cdier way. whicll developed later.

th. Ink is dabbedon the paper whh
the tip of the brushwithoutclear
outline. l.e.a\-eswith serrated edges
aredabbed on the paperwtth an
old brush tha, has shon brtsdes, ~
'n of the
Before you paim the CI'09o
eee, paint the trunk.tit< lW1&S
. and
thebranches . In order to createan
ap ansn.. view, sun dabbin& !rom
de to the center of the
the OUtSi
crown. 50 thatthe lea\ti m more
deese en to p and the outside than
thosethatarccloser to tht trUnk
and theinside. Darkness '-ersus
Ii&h ' and "... surfaces \"eJSUS dry
spaces,when propertydistributed,
will gl\.. dynamicen<TBY to tit<
tree , When painting a &JllUP of
(fCU. alWl)'S 5Wt withthe one
Wt is closestto )'0\1.

Trus In du<I'ldd
Thisis an exercisein paintingtrees.
If)'0\1 wantto painta groupof
trees. make.surethat)"OU\'11)' the
Unes of tho blUlI:OOand twIp .
There art: thost thal arc dr). and
old; ethers art 11m and )'OU!li-
Some art thick and dark; othm art
thIo and Ughte r, Mak<sur. that the
skeletonsof the trees. the trunk,
twtgs.andbranches. ha\'t an ex-
pansh-echaracter. Three-dimea-
siorWeffectSart achievedanda
painting COme:5 ali\-ew.flenstrong
lines andbroaderbrush strokes are

f it'" '" Winttr

f idei in

Rulity GIld
It ......
magical ."""lIen ee. Sud-
denly, 1_ sum>UIld.dby du: soft
Ugh,of spring, 5<1UInB rho cool alt
on mycheeks. II WU IS if I wert
walldngalong• m..r, Mcmow
fromthe put seemedto come alive.
r was addinglinle dabsof ink IO a
branch, indicating the sproudng of
n.... leaf buds 011 the barebtaOcb<s.
1 felt SWltIUtIcI<dby bunri&!! Ugh,.1
.....wa1l<iIli alongtha' m.r I3'inI
Ink on whitepaper,in a Wet or dry
srat<. can ... ke imagesof UgIuand
01 dlflum, shades of cclee, auting
• W<>nd<rfuJ mnospb<tt. Til<ex·
ptasicns creased ill ink paintings
are b:nmediate and true . B1ack·ed·
white photoscan never hopeto
«!lin< du: ..... cl£<ets .

Riverhi Summer

~ngWiDow looks IS if h might""do;

but IS you the tnillng branch<sIt the trunk.
Whenpainting the uunkof a weep- continue to JJ:¥:7- 'e upwards . rotating where1h<yate thid<er. and end It
Ing willow. pull your blUShltom 1h< the han dle and pushing die brush, dleIr tip. where 1h<ybecome in-
tcp down to 1h<baseor the trunk. I die bristles begin '0
spread apart. <rU!ingIy chinnu,
do not recommend5tartlngat the makingit difficultto decreasethe
baseor die trunk and painting up- ,,'ddl or the trunk. IS It does natu-
wards . initially. by holding the han - rally ",hen It in hcighc Stan

'. _s
dle of the brushI t an angle. it
A taU end tts short.
Ululqll iIandtnWpmnt,
of fall.


, • I


1 •
, I j
!I f\•
- I
/ \

Mount Pujl-1lIe Holy

Mountain (witlI pl~ IT_>
This '''''Ypopular moll!has been
paIn,ed by anI$U we r and "'''''
again. I, Is almost the symbol of Ja-
pan_Singularl y bu urlfu\, Moont fuj i
Is the hl8b<st mountainIn jepen,
risIn& eeee-sbaped from a wide
baJewith ekpn , proporrlons-This
mountain reachesa bcI&hr of _
12,500 feet (3800 m), and k con-
suntly chanacs Its appconnce, de-
pendilli on the wu ther, the \ight at
a si''<ntim< of day, and the season
of the yur . Today. MDUnrFujlls a
5)'lllboIof buuty and of Japanese
Togetherwith the pine tree . the
5)'tllbol of long ille. Mount FUJI Is
Wo the symbol for luck. During the
month of January, a picture of this
mount21n, lncludilli the pine tree ,
decorates the TlMon 0?n4alca.oein
""''YJapanese becse. lDoking at
buu tlful Mount FUJI mal<csmy
hean skip a buc

1lIe Stages of Paintin g

Mount Pujl
Set ,he rip of the brmh on the pa-
per and begin by push!lli k at an
ang1cfromriglu to left In an up-
ward morton . W1thDU'Slopping.
continuein an up-and-downmove-
ment to the t od of the left tdgt of
the summi,. From ,hat poin' OIl,
pull the tip of the bNSh dov.'D and
OIlt e cer the left edgt of the paper.
The painted line dlsappcm s1DwIy
Into the white spact .

stroke. Hov.'C\"t1'.make sure that the moo.-ement must ha\

The Study of Rocks painting shO'A'S the three-dlmen- cause 'Aim t\'U}' hesitation. ink
In addition co depicting objectS in •
slona1. hard. solid. and ~}' char- buildsup In the tip and n...~ out
acter of the roclt. This is achieeed suddenly ..rhen}'OU ccmtlnut. mak-
naturalistic5t)ie. svlfti-t .lso shows by \"U)ing the amount of pressure ing a line appear to be " .tak,. This
objeeu abstractly. HO\\'e\'f.r. abstract
obJttts never appear to be dud. usedwhile paln:l
and by using if -
rem shadings,
means)'OU must kncr.\' the:.-bole
outline of)'OW'rock befcre )'OU even
inorganic. or gecmemc; rather. their and d1fft:n:ntbrush IDO\-emcnts
. In
essence is life and energy. reach for the brush.
order for the stone to come woe .
for inscance, a rock is glcen life make sure the brush strou has \i -
t!uouBhthe d}-naml c usc of • brush taliq.'. ror that. of course. }'OU
r hand

Till """&<
oj SlI:"U''IU gnw
is 011that is Iefl
oj tkt warrfDr'sdream.

Basic ""TIft
Of0 1lDc/r tating the handl e between ycur fin-
gers sideways and tncreastng the
care depth or shadows. A mon:
compaCt Une looks darker. indicat-
While a a pan orthe moun-
tain. it is alsothe mountain 's basic
pressurewhile _in g the brush ing shadow, U necessary, emphasize
componcnL Try to givesparialchar- upwards.When you reach the up- pan 01 the ItU by paintingwith
acter to the basteshape. per portion 01the rock.pull the the brush held at mort of 10 angle.
bNSh down, " i th the rip 19ain It
It would be """derful il you could an angle. allcwtng the line first to Small dots added '0 foldingUnes
gl\'< I thrt e-dimetulooa1 qualityto I become wider, by rotatingthe represent mossgrowingon the rock.
stene with one S'ltt'ift
stroke of the brush. and then narrower, As the Dots painted close togt'thcr will
brush. because ...-ben a line is dnrwn brush is pushed sld", 'Ij"S.the brts- make the ink 01)';\'togt'ther. gMng
....ith one brush .stroke. you ha\<e des ",111spread OUt and ",hite the surface of the rock a damp
gr.'tn it Strength. and vitality. spaces will be created. When pain t- look. as if the whole surfacewere
Stolt by - ioa the brush . ..i rh the ing a group of roc.ks, al ""ll)'S paint eeeered 'Withmoss. In general. the
tip It an angle and with sIlght p res- the one in the Icregrcundfint and dots that indicate moss growing on
sure, tc the left. I'<>Uow through,rt>- men those in back. 1£a rock 15un- the rock are used15 accents or srm-
..-.n!}' shaped and bas panku1arly pi)' as drcomion. U the dots appear
,trong contours. stilt by painting I hard and grainy. the stone wi ll look
roughoutline. Condnue to pal nt rough.Make sure your painting con-
..;th sbcn, alternating. ",-erlapplng \"e)"S vitality. as well as ton e and
Eblndl'lgIN basicJhapt oJ G roc" Unes (callt d loldlng lints ) tha t lndi· rb}'thm.

ill: R«b pointedbdl lnd OIl< """, .'" (I. 2. 3)

U: Willi two
bnuh , ,,",,,,

II: For G compli Gltd , mort unn't nly shapedroclr G/wG,Y

outlint tht rough. lw lcf ormfirst.

1M CLuslcGl. ImaginGI)' Tht intention was to deepen the Space in a Landscape

LandscGJ¥ space b)' reduclnathe numberof
In northern ChIna.waeee the c11· objectSdepicted In the pain ting and In conUUt to Western paintinp,
by crealing more opm space. Zen
mate is harsh.painting is clear, pre- ..obichw'!:a pe:rspecti\"tfrom one
cisco linear. and rather obj«ti\ -e.monkspalme d In this sty le , puticular vtewpcint, space in ink
On the other hand.paindngs &om lJsinllthe clw1aJ elements )1lU pain rlnp Is a!wa)~ viewed&om... .
southem ChIna.where light cond!- ha\-ebeen IOught50 far. try to ere- eral points . This Is called the three-
dons are mo", favorableand bumld- ate a lyrial landsa pe &om your distance methDd. This methDdIn·
tty Is Ju&h, are much richer In thetr jmlgination. cludes hortzanw dIstances, &om
nuances. The paintings appear more rish'to left or &om left to ri8ht.the
spacious with mon: differentiation distance that representsdepth. and
in shadings. These paintingsIrc the \'u tlc:aldistance from metop of
much more I)'lical and expressive, the picture to the bouom, or vtce
\"trsa. By ex. mining the distanCeof
I mountainfrom aboveand from
belew, the art1st not only deter-
mines the height of the mountain,
but a1soits ", lume.

The Compositionof a
eom ..ntlotla1paintings Itt created
by dMding the area of the pietute
into fonground . middle ground.and
baclrgtounclIt Is on easy woyfor
you to ac:hiC'\'t:
depth and to au.te:
a narunl spatla1ItnptWlon. But
this Is DO'the only rule of the
game. YoumightI...... Out the mid·
dle ground. tr)"OW' main intereSt is
in the background. you can high.
Ugh,It by "'i ng darlt Ink.
Once 19ain. 1want to emphasize
that an ink painting is not necessar-
tly meant to produce a naturalistic.
realistic pictUrt: rather. it is an at-
ttmpt It find1na the essenceof an
object or landK:apt. as ,,-ellas your
0"'Il personalperception.

Grr walkfng-
.... 10"1 th<""'" is
IIItll .... iTem rhegrass
oj th<field.


For du t reason.alwaysStart 'li th space. whlch gives depth [0 me between primary objects and ob-
da t which represents your primary paindng. Cor nrasttng objects should jeers that are secondary, etc.
focal poin t. OCcourse. a p. inting alsohave a harmoniousre:lationship In ll»' fanlllS)' landscape on the
will look more natural if ebjecrs in to tach othe r. literally and mentally; page [0 the left, 1 painted [he cabin
the foreground an: larger and for instance. contrast between de- first. 1 "sal" myselfin the plcture at
painted in darker shades. and ob- tails and whole re:presenradons. be- a cable. men I "planted" the trees
jects in the background an: smaller tween moo. 'emenu seemingly origi- and rocks and sprinlded sand ever
and punted in lighter shades. Ide- nating from and leavtng the them. I concluded the paindo g by
ally. COntrasting objects in a com- painting or coming from the outside adding the seashore and the moun-
position should occupy the 'l-hite and meMnginto the painting, and tains in the distance.

DlffnmalS In Ol_ that g&\'C me a sense of total happi- painted does DO [ exist. Did }"OU eeer
ness. All of us feh the buut}· in the observe something like it in na-
and J"l"'- Ink PalntlJ18S presence of tha[ flower. ture?" This "observing with the in-
tellect" is an objcctive attiNCk, as
I am oCten asked Ibout the differ-
In comrast. the style used to pain t wh en a painter expresses in words
ence between j apanese and Chinese
that orchid wasnot what my many of the theories and principles
ink paintings. The roots of j apanese
Chinese master undemood an ink tha t are to be adhered to when crt -
ink painting80 back to the four- ating Q. painting, These the ories and
teenth century. The)' came from painting should be. For him the or-
chid must be created in a clear, dis- principles ha\.. been handed down
China where, as already meadcned.
tinCtform IlS required b)' Chinese to us. They exlst:in Chinese paint-
two different styles al.Radyexisted.
tradi tion . For that reason. he made inS' . in contraSt to Japanne onn.
These were the objective,distinct,
• pencll sketch to shov.' me what where observations are much morc
and sry1izedlines of nonh em China influenced by subjecm't (eclings,
and the subjective, lyrical, and ex- the orchid looks llke in nature.
preestcestyle of southern China. E\'<ntho lllYt.ryliu d Chinese inIt In addition to a more objective. log-
~tings are, to be sure. ncr realis-
The latter style came to Japan [ 0- ical depiction, Chinese ink palmus
gether with Zen Buddhism. The tic representadcas of nature, like a also admire the claril)' expressed in
japanese aesthetic sensibilities an: photograph, they are very naturalis- dj'namic lines. 11SOIll<thin8 Is
clearly expressed in these choices. tic studies of nature. This is a style meant to be hidden. Chinese anisa
as well as in the way sumfof subse- that bas as its underJ}'i. ng concept a depict it in sym bols, whlle japanese
quent!)· d" -eloped in Japan. desire Cor idealization and does not ink patmers often UK symbolismor
necessarily depict nature in a prob- suggestive nuances of mood. Japa·
My Japantse teacher. as • way of lematic sense. nese ink paintings require:a "being
int roduc tion , \\'lIS painting an orchid
inside ," When M)' japannc master
in absolute sueace and extreme an- A German student proudly showed painted a Dower.this ROWttWI5
dctpanon, using only a few brush our Chinese master his painting rcacbins out towards light, towards
strokes that were almost iDYtsib le. which depicted a bare, d)'ing pine the open space. and the lmA
Another student, watching in tree on '. mountain. The muter im- flaw tnl O
and reaching out liI."OUld
amazement, exclaimtd that It was mediatel}' reached Cor his brush and the while space. My Chinese IJII5ter
difficult Cor her to describe the painted needles on the branches , to was ponraying what he was point.
beaury she sensed in the painting. shO\!o'
hew strong and enduring the lng. When he painted trees . chey
WhIle only a hint of inIt touched pine tree is. The student was would stand arrogandy apinst the
the paper the "breath" of the or- speechless and then outraged that white space, which they perceleed
chid seemed to touchour faces, his depiction of the destruCtionof to be a bltsSing from bej'ond.
quieti)'. delicately. The O""",r was nature was discounted and changed.
only I shimmer oCUCeemthe paper. However;Cor the Chinese master. When 1inoked at the painting rrrcs
but the space $W'l'O'UDding it was bound by his tradition, it was un- in Doyligh, by the ltalim painte ,
11k<a large protective .. u. The pee- thinltable that the pine tree . the Morandi. I was immediatelyre-
als of the orchid became the center symbol of long life. wouldshed its minded of trees as my Cbinrsc
oCthe cosmos. It was an experience needles, He said. "No. what you master painted them.
66 JA'AN!5 ~ bue PA1N TIN G

Reflections in the Monee In his piClUra. just u In Ink When painting • picture thatcon-
palntinll'. he wu oIwoystrying to Wns reflectionsin water. stan wiq.
Water becomeone with Dawn:. Thereflec- the tr ees. Thosethot are close by
non of the sky In his palndD&> re- sbou1d be larger and pointed in
Ink palndD&> lend lhtmseh", well \'Ca15
depth and eternity. wblch. darktrshades thanthosethatare
to painting ttflec:donsin the:\\'1ur, eeen thoughIt Is painted In dy. farth.r ...-.y. wblch should be
sincewater is pan of me Dowof namicbrushstrokes . appearsto me smallerand In %bter ,hodes. Then
Ink. The _ ponlon Ilong lht paint the rtfieetion of the trees in
to be similarto W ",bitt spacein
edge of the water. createdby ever- ink palndD&> . the W&W'. Whllt the inkis 5tiDwet ,
lapping tw O brush "",kos. gi\'" lht paint the shore and then the shore-
palnrlng I senseof tulity . Whatis In contraSt10 Monct's 'A-ondcrful
line reflectedin the ... ter,
£a.scinatingto me is that the space symphonyof color, Ink palndD&> re-
Ippom to beeeee rulIy large £rainfromthe use of worldly colors.
throughthe repedtlon of the reflec- Wuhow:color. the &tmOIphcre of
tions, whichStemsto evokefeelings sdllnessand radiantpeacefulness is
of etemity. Thisthemealwlys te- Intcmified. HarmonyIn the painting
mindsme of the paintingsof .... ter Is .... ted by the U)'DUllCtricII bol·
lili .. by the f,. nch Impressionist ance of rcolityand Illusion.

Snowscape painted spaces. In the beginning.

choose simple shapesfor ,.'our snow
Snaw. symbolizingpurlty and rran- 1,ndsctpe5. suchas the one below.
sitoriness. is a Cawritt mot1£for ink so that you become familiar with
painters. SROW in a landscapeis not the technique. You shouldaIsoex-
"painted ," of course. Rather. spaces periment with clilferen'typeS of
art left unpainted and white. That paper.
which is not snow15painted, To
""'aid haM CcmtOUl'S. the wet brash,
fiUed ..1m three ,bad es of 10k, Is
guided a!otl& the edge of the 5IlOW
with O'owppingstrokes . Whenus-
lng Gasen-sJU paper. ",...u pping
strokespreven t the harshtramldons
often created by usingdifferent
shades. lmlSitlons dlsliItedby man)'
mists. Paper wtth • hJ&h glue cce-
tent. suchas TorInoJro. or watercclcr
paper. Is Idealfor achievingsoft
COI1toUl5 andgentletra.D51tions be-
tween different shades. as '1;
cU as
transitionsbetween paintedand.un-


• ,
I •


Fint SMW

'trtd cabin


More Landscapes mtght try )'ourhand at a Western

landscape. HC""'t\ -er. 1£you begin
I get ""ry sad when I hear people expe~ndng with Westernmotifs
Sly that bamboo and other so-called too soon.)'00 mightend up "'ith
Oriental motifsarc the best for ink picturesthatlook like Wtstem--st) 'lc
paintings. Wubout question. bam- black-and-"'ilit< photos painted In
bootrees and Chinex mountains inkwith . pen. Yourpaintingwill
are of grtat imporunce in ink be missingthose:fine nuances re-
paintings. Aftera1I,these motifs ated by proper .shadingas well as
"" .. a!wa)~ been I <Ita!pan of the inruith"t character of painting.
these paintings. Using\\au~rn motifs for ink plllnt.
tngs too carly ",ill not makethem
ss. whyinsist W t West·
Ne\>-enbtle ink palntings.
em landscapes or other motifsnot
be U5CdIn ink palntings11fyou
W'f sufficient experience. )'00

Anclloml _I
whe n paintin& the boac start by
pullingthe tip of the brush from the
frontto the bock edge. then push.
Ing to the end of the bock edge. In
this ..-.y. )'0\1 gi\.. the boat vluUty .
From there, proceed to the ow r
ob]ecl5. Cloudsare pai nted by hold-
Ing the hantfie of the brushat an
• and _ing it holizonuUy
-r.r the paper.

1- /

PAIN TI~ G a lJEen 73

From Sketching have answered that. Then beginto

simplifythe form, redudng it to the
chalkIn my hand """ ... almost by
itst lL lht lin es appear on the pa.
to Painting absolute essentials. per. etU dng the sbape of th< body
on the ernpt)'past . It is interesting
~stlUfy to note that I ITlO\ Td tht chalkas if
Since ink paintings do not anempr l am Iilsdnattd by the po! "'"' of it werea brush, so~times eerti-
to depict obJ<ct5 In photolllc<real- the woman, particularlythe open ca1l)'
. scmeumes al an angle.and
Ism, )'OU do OOt need to be toull) ' space surroundingthe closed . and even rotatingit bt-tv ..eee D'l)' fingers.
occupied with the re 1atIoIW11 p be- at the samt dmt liu anawl na.lints. The lines on the paper are rich In
tween the s1u of objects or wtth b<gInnIng!tom below and Oooing nuances, sensual,d}'<a,h-
light and shadow, N....errhel... . )'OU upwardseeer the back into the ing. It Is tII) ' hope tlw the lines ex-
need to hin-e a clear idea of what right shoulder. While nI) ' eyes fol- press DOt only what 1 see butabo
youwant to paintbeforeyou reach low the outline of the model the ",-hacl feel
lor )'our brush. ThereIore, always
makea sketch or )'OUr palmina first.
A sketch. comparedwith a photo.
produces a muchmore intense and
clearptcnae .
For Ink pain tings . It Is partic:pJi.rl
helpful to malt<a sketch fint. ThIs
can be usedas a clrafror as • re-
mindel'.Youarethen freeto follow
)"OW' inspiration
. becausejust one
line in a sketchwill determine if en
object is • srcne or a potato. The
5tn1ctUa and the c:harac uristlcs of
an object lmlS t be c1<arlyd<finedIn
order to paint in deliberate and de-
termined brush strokes. Evm more
impotUnt is the enthusiasm and the
positk-e attitude)'0\1 bring to the
proe... of pain ting aOOto the mo-
tlf, Sk<teh onlywhat has touched
your lmaginadon. Only then cake a
closer look and makemore de-
Olched ObstlVll-'. caprurlng the
essential charact er or the object.
Sk<tehing an object will help in de -
termining how roo",'&n t to tlCprtSS
youridea in )"OW'painting. how to
divide the space andthe lM'o"tment
~1th1n the pictUt<. how to hold the
brush, what the lines shoWd look
like. including how wide. long. and
In what shadingthey should be.
AfttlWUtls. think about what It Is
that roo wenr to express. ~torr:
often than no... sketch will a1mdy
Jlht cha~
Nwlt sRtu

D1nd.UOll5b looming 011 I carpet
of grass, eh.ttfuI and Ih"ly. like lh-
de children- this impression of sim·
ple and jo)fu11ire is wher I want to
expressin ink. Before I evenbegan
to sketch the:I lcwers, I knewex-
l ed)' what they looked like and why
the le:l\"'tShad suchan unusual
shape. How exuaonlinary are those
serratededgesof dandtllonleaeesl
After 1had painted the blcssces . I
added the 1-.... uc h one with I
swiftstroke of certafnry. To add lift
to theplant,the smallerOOW'
u \\'1.S
pcstdoned more to the left. 1 kept
oJ . d4>l4t1
1o. e space on the rightside.
mort ",'bit


The TOWIIof HddeIberg

I dMded the space lor thls painting
into 1Mforeground\\'ithtrees and a
sloping Incline ,,h.
mlddl. ground
wnh the buildings of lb. old """n.
and tilt mountainrangein tilt
My intenIia:I 1Io'lSto create I con-
trast between thetrees in the Icre -
groundand the old castle. In che
beginning, l lookedonly at the cas-
de. then at the trees andthe:moun-
lain range. and finallyintO chedis-
tanC.far beyond.
I was imagining. 10'''(• story, piaur ·
ing the ri\~r. chenlined castl. 01.
pov.'Crfulruler.all of ir mortal.Ir is
a motif (ba ( is as nu:h • symbol or
chepast as I, Is orlocby.

.... -
t\"try existing color as well as light If you paint pink-colored plum-tree
PAINTING and dark.color lw always been
used in paintings. ucc pt in zee
blossoms. thc).should. when con-
rrasted to the (wigs and branches.

WITH \\'000 . PaintlDp that Ind udt color

... only called ink paintings wthen
ink i5 alsoused.
apptar eve n more detrcare. mort
'fragrant"' and graceful. and the
branches should look even monger
and mort m-ely. even if ink p1:t} '5
COLOR Howeve:r.I believe that Ink, with its
pecuUarchara cte ristics, mu5t pb}'
anIy• se cedary roI<. A 5<Udt
\\-nohas been studying wtth me (or
the most impo rtan t rote in a pictutt:
some timt told me that he feels
if a painting is to be called an lnk
The Role of pain ting. It is important that the
mort comfortable. mort sure. and
safer when he U5t5 the "color" he
color not be put on th e paper in
Color la)'tl'S. Rather. it is used the same
creates with ink. in spitr of the b et
dw . in the beginning. he did use
"'Tf 15 ink.. In order to bring Ilfe to
cOD\ "e.ntional color in his .." rk.
the painting, the Un.. , hould ha-...
Ink palndnS' ""'" spatial quallt)'.
fluenced by Zen
its ' 'U)'ing shades, ItP color. In In any case. if rOIlII>< color. mak<
ocher v.'ords. there is no ''' 'Oddly'' SUl't the outc ome is more beautiful
II>< of colored paints. E,'<Othough than if )'OU had eeee til< palnling In
onhod ox Odnese:ink painters imis t ink anIy. Ink and color should en-
that she lnt<nsItj' of Ink can p..... hance t ach ether.

A palftlilt,(do>lt10 lot .-4pczlnr

lng dOM \rim~cHtTColor


First paint wim

otor. . . . .. d!m addUte 1M

blue; cadmium )-ella.\o;anddtlD1um

Which Color Is _ of their so"",,,",, loud
color. I do not use either Gcmsaior ,,"hil
waterco lor paints. 1 prefer gouache
Appropriate? and\\:estem""lutolo r pain[$..
80th\\'atem watercolor and
gouacht paInts app<a<dull on ab-
Paper wtth good absorbing quality sorbentpaper. Theylose IIlllChof
Tradi tionalwat ercclcr inksare maintains Ihc brilliance of ballt their brilllance. However, if )"OU
made by mlxlng colorfastpigments. Gcmsa i and Chinesewatercolor h1\'"tloaded the threediffertnt
u well as mtneral and plantpig. paintsbetterthan\ \'n tem paints. shades of color in yourbrushcare-
mcntsand pulveriaed shells. with It is perfectly okayto use normal fully and cleanly. your palnlingwI1l
glueandwater. For delicatc shades. watercolors thatare sold In sncks still tum OUt "'trybeautifully . Dar-
1recommendplant and earth pig. or in liquid form. Color sucks. orlg. ing mounting(see page 90). some
ments that arc .,... tlable in flake inally made from pwe _etal pig' of the:brillianceof the colors may
formor aresold in small ccn- mene , todayha\'t seeeral ether be restered.
Wnet$. components. You aeed a separate After1'OUha\.. comptete d the
Toc:b. )', Western wa eercclcr pameJ. Eding stoae made from porcelain llowu . .... Ink to paInt lit. leav... .
caruaf. palnts or Chine:stwarercc- tor each color. Thtname "color Follow thi>b)' adding the "' i85 whh
lor paints areused. HO'O\·t\~r. tht) . Ink.. · only mum that Ihcy arc chrlcInk and the stems of Ihc llow.
arc not war erprecl. Thisoften CR · \\'1tuproo f. e.. "i llt lighie r Ink. Us<dry. suoog
ales a problem ,,-henusingthe we r- linu. Addtht stemSthatare wind-
lappingmethodor whenthe paint. WimI14 ing aroundthe twigs . \Vb<n the
ing is bting nXnmtN. H(M'e'\'tr . II. as In the example """ ... lite Ie" ... arc almost dry. draw in Ihc
these problems can be elJmJnaled Ilewer is the " main actor" and 15to \'<ins . To add \i tallty to Ihc paInt·
b)' ..... "'Proofing the paints "i llt a be created in color. paint it fim. I ing. )'OU might".. nt to l*nt Hrde
glue specifically mad. for this used Ihc foll""ing colo.. of gouache dotson the t'\1gJ. If) "O\Iwantto
purpose. paine cadmium red. uJ""·OO\1' lone down the ccntrasrbetween

color and ink. mix a hlm of color

on the Ink. or a hint or ink on tht

Iris (OIlsiud paper)

The picture or the iris was painted
on sittd paper. Gouachecolors DOt
onl}' adhere beau to paper that has
been sized. they JR also mort
ly: lnk, beeeee r, loses some of
ill fine. subtle qualities.

ror the chr}-..nth<1D.lIDI useda
mixture thaI contain ed Justa hint of
ink and the rollowingwatercolors:
carmine reel cadmium red. and co-
balt blue. By adding ink to tM water -
color and using Gum -.shi paper Cor
this palntlng each ",-.da pping
stroke crn.tU a white edge. givin&
the Dowera thrtt -dim<nslona1ap-

(hili and WdW'tD

80 J APANE SE I N K P A 1 ~ TI N G

Mount RuIrlhomIn lite AUgau

1£~'OU want to assignmajor empbe-
sis to the ink and use color only to
enhance your painting. stan by
painting\\1m ink and then with
color. Thissequence. is necessary
because when the color drles. the
paper ""illbecome "'To 'Y. making it
difficultto cirrar eeueaeelines and
StrOngshapes. You can only work
p"'pt r!y with eeee shades of ink
ohm.thepaperis dry.
•\0- In this mmp

• •• -_ -
le. 1 first painltd the
foothills In bread seekes . .dding
the mountainrangein W distance .
snd then tht focal pain. Mo.nt
Rubihom. After 1had sm:...rully
palmed the foothillsand tht focal
point. 1 added Em pine trees in the:
• fOr<grDWl d. Only then did 1 paint
tht accents with indigo blue: .
Fint (M Ink . . .

lfound It fasclnadngto observe

how • fewsuokts of blue instantl)· \
turnedthe,,1lJtt. empty spacesinl O
ill thts picture of LakeAmmersee. 1
U5< d colorwith • mong. broad
bna b sm>kc. after 1painted tho
bolt and the mountain in ink. The
color expressesthe diminishing
wamub of tht day J&"lnst tht cool
breeze of tht appn>aclUng ....,ing.

- • StiU.....
For thts picmre I underscored tht
",ilig!u mood It duskby lI5Ing
highlydiluttdwatercolors to create
the space bej'Ol1dtht Ink painting.

PRACTICE t SP ' these rwe CO\\'5 on • meadow
duringa moment of absolute quiet.

MOTIFS Only the sound of !hdr ruminadom

betrayed theirexistence . Theyare
sucll curious creatures , not easily
Intimidated. This picturecomes
WhatfoUO\\'" arcexamplesora Jew am.. becauseof the unity of the
popularlllOlils. I MY<not Included lines and spaces.The qualiryof the
any d\recdons . Try to paint lhem Unesis an attt:mpt to comer the
using what you ha\.. learned so far.
hu\-inessof the cows. nuscompo-
JUSt let )"OWStU get Into lhe mood sition is lhe result of the Ii",
with the help of the accompanying impression I Iwl when I clisc",'e red
P t ACT I C! MOT IfS 83

Somebodypointed OUt to me dw
cats area frequentmotifIn J.p'.
nese pain tings. Might the re...,., be
that th< fur or .. many Is black and
white?Or 15it becausetheyare
Io.-.dl A cat in such a post appeals
eeea to me.
In her dream, the eat 1m .... back
to the ' 'e ry beginnlngor exls<e""•.
The seal SI}" . " Drutn$ are my

I CyclalllDl
F1...-ersdancing on the "globe of
leeves ." Thisis mym'O ri~ OO\\'U ·
iIlg plan,. Birth and death meet on
the mrrry-go-roun d called nature.
The cyclamennever 1os<sits

The most beautlfulpan of ' his
_-. ....
paintingis the whitespace. It ap-
pun to be Infinite . The lightat the
bdg}\( or the summer seasenis 50
brigh~ I' ol!en a g1lmp5< InlD
eternity. In ,he mldday quie~ the
present becomesone "ith infinite


AbstTaaLan~ " ink," and san-sui means "land-

Using Motifs As a child. my dream was to fly scepe.' in a general sense ; in tht
,,'th the douds. In this picture. I narrower sense, it means "mountain
and Materials fU'Stpainted the "direction" in and. water.' Hatsubob is a Itch-
nique for subjeCID"e,spontaneous,
which the cloudswere moving. You
Playfully ' may follow this by adding cumulus and expressbe creations.
cloudswith I wet brush whose as with the we t-en-we t method
edges are blended into the whitt In watercolor painting. you begin by
space. douds CODlt alivt and moistening and then pouring "ery
"mcse " throughthe marks left by lightInk on the paper. After the pa-
bristles that spread OUL per has dried. you add other .1.-
menta. such II mountains . birds .
Hatsuboku ..... -sui !'lllnkd on and trees. letting the ink usedfor
W,"ercolorPrIper them blend in naturally.
HatsUbokuon WGttrcolorpaper Maull means " pouring on." bo"" is
l ~ __ - '"

- -

(pafnted 0" ShUd-shtOil: G goJd-coloml

PaA CT1 CE M OT I fS 89

farewdl (on Shlk!·sh! papa ) Nude 8""" ~h Thebrush "knew" ho9,. it wanted to
This is a combinationor c1lS5ical In a corl\'tnticmalsketch. the .rtist. be mcced. The picture was finished
and modem mot1fs . Many paindngs when sketchinga body on (lilper. in no rime.
done duringthe slxttenth and !CV - usuaIJjr uses many separate brush
entr:enmcenturies usedpapa cov- suobs. HO\\' different is this ink
ered with gold le. l <,'e n if the in- sketch!Heft, almostin a single
tent was punly to add a deccradve saoIct.the brush """oedlrom head
toucll.the dfea or the rdl<cdon to toe, turningalternately to the Id t
and the space see min&Jybursting and the rlgbt. and resting only tem-
..ith bril1lant Ii&bt
is truly enchant- porarily on a few pIa es to create
in&-The imge or tlUDil) · comes lO thr shape. Thearm"''as paint«l
mind. with tM second stroke. Starting It
the .houl der.

1 am sure you havebeen dtsap- tht .mazing lmproeement, you will
MOUNTING pointed when a finishedPlctu.rt
looked differentafterthe ink drted.
undertakethisjob mort often. Spe-
cialistsknow a lot of dif[crent meth-

A 1£you workedwith a lot of water.

W paper, DO doubt, became" 'IV)'.
Thatis one of the cha.ractcrtsdCS or
odsCormountinga painting. How-
ever, for beginners. t recommend
th< Coij"..ingmethod. It yIddsgood
FINISHED paper. It gets mort or less unC\'t.11
when it becomeswet, no matter
Hut is what you need:
PAINTING how thick or thin th< paper b . Gte)·
tones seem to be dullerafter the I. ll>per. Us<an In~ . ...hi te,
Japaneseor Chinese paper. Un~
ink bas dried. I'artlcW rly when the
differencesIn the shades of the ink der no circwnstl DC6 shouldyou
arc minimal, or when thc~ is no use \\Utun paper with a high
dark ink anywhereIn the painting. glue ccasent, The paper should
th< painting look> Iifd... . In other 1><largeetlDU@h 10 m end I '/. to
words, it does not look as nice as it 1'1>inches (3 to i em) be)'Olld
did when it " wee the edges of the painting.
2. Glue. The besr glue15....upaper
Much can 1><corrected by mounting paste the sameconstmncy IS
the paintingon paper. In the pro-- that usedto prepare a wall,
cess. the paper wlll 1><'moothed 3. Brush. 1IKa Vlide one with soCt
out. and "life" be restored. Mount- bristlesto brushthe paste ontO
Ing abo protects th< palnring. TbeR the back of the painting.
are good reasonsfor mounting a i . Bna h. This one ..ill 1><usedto
painting.ecea if the process$Cems press the painting on the paper.
to be cumbersome and timt<on · Youtnl )' use I clothes brush.a
suming. an opinion shared by paperhangingbrush.or setae-
many. This 15the reason framlng thing slm1\ar.
ink paintingsis a eraIt alll ts own. S. Spraybold<. This 15for , praying
requiringspecial tralnlng. reels, and the paintingwith v..alec. You can
a lot of experience. In Japan. most use an ironin g sprayboule or I
artists bring their paintings to a 'pray bottle used for house
,peclal!)' shop. becausemy few plants.
people have the courageto tackleit 6. Old cau,,"ragsor pt:pCTtowtlJ.
themselves. E\'crybod) ' knov.'5 hO"o' These will keep your work art.
easily paper a n tear. panicularl) ' clean.
when it is stillwet. 7. A smoothsur/au, This can be a
On closer examinadon. mounting.I windowpane or I mirrorused 15
,mall palming 15not aU lbat d1fli· • surface for dryingafterthe
cult. After you h2\-cmounted a paintingbas been mowned.
paintingJUSt once, and experienced


supporting paper Is gluedto tit ail under the painting. Un

Mounting the back of the poindng. Bub- the paper olr .,.,.fuIIy and let
bles and all) ' une\"t.nness more air enter. or blaa' air imo

Instructions remo<.. d by carefuli)'lapping
the brisdes of the bnah on !he
the pocket.
8. The paintingmaybe'dJ)'within
1. Pb.. the paintinglactdov.."on an hour;however, il is wise to
• •mood>and eleanllIble. 6. Uft the painting olr !he llIble• let it dl'}' a.-emigbt.
2. Spray !he bad< oCthe pointing using the uPP" edges. It you 9. WhenrtJlllOri ng the painting
IigIulywUh...... t £rom!be ha-.. problem>. slide • 5CWing from the g1w . lin ir carefully
. pray bottlt. B<.,.,.ful l It ch< needle along the edge. Hold b).""
0 corn ers. U it don not:
paper amtOO wet. it will tm- the edge be", -een )..... fingers seem ro Iifr olr culI) '. 5Iid. the
mediatdy become_" . mak- as the papercomes loose. Be- edge or tip o( a knifeunder the
ing It difficult for you ro .."Om fore )"OU p Ut the painting bad< poper loop (the on. ext.nding
wUhIt- pasr the edge), Ioo5<ning the
3. Car<fulIylin the paintingolr paper around the edges from
the llIbl. and ..;po olr any ex- the g1IS5ourface. Glue and pa.
cess ......rer. Placrthepainting per Teh011the gIw are easily
bad<on the dry llIblc. rett'Oo-ed withwater.
~ . With !he bnah • • ppIj' the glue 10. RetnO'o"t:the excess paperfrom
or pute to the backof tbe: around !he painting with. pa- from the:em - pet cutter. if} "OUwan t to
ter and.... "orkln' OUt to the the picture. Ieeveenoughof the
cd&cs- Apply . Iinle pru5U1C '0 suppcrttng pap« around the
5IDOOl:h OU t any W1t'\ l!:n, wa\y painting. ThIswtll make I.....
opotS. ier to position the paperaccu-
5. Glue the oupportlng pope' ro rately when framing. It is not
!he back of the paJntina.Take necessaryto use passe-panout
the supportingpoper in 1'OUr when framing a painting. Man).
ler. band and let il hang doo.'II. tim6 it is tOO heavy fot a eeu-
Hold .he brush in I..... right cate ink painting.
hand. Inorderto center the on the table. makesure tha t
.upporting poptr proptrly. 1« the .w .. Is cl.. n. Applyglue
the fint 1'1, inches (~ em) of ro thaI pm of the 5Upporting
the pop« _ 011the llIb!e and paP" that .",ends beyond the
lowe' It olowlydown"' .. r the edge of the painting. Attach.
ba.k oCthe palndng. Make5UrC POP" loop under the edg. of
thatthe smoothside of the the 5Upportingpaper This Is ,
U5Cdro ur . the whole palndng GI ,,
olr !he mIrtoror gIw .Ct., It
has dried. The POP" .hould be
11/ . to 1111inches (3 to .. em)
7. The palndng Is nowglued .0 •
gIw or mirror for drying.Hold
!he painting by two eeeeers.
presoingtheglued edgesto the
_ e. Make5UrC there Is ...e.
Iide", ail be", -een the gIw
ourface and !he painting50 thaI
.. tbe glue dries, the paper
doesnot tear. If there is too lit-
enhance the ",e rall composidcn of
THE SEAL-THE lit. painting.

ARTIST'S SIGNATURE Since andent times. the material

used for se:alshas been ccllecred
from famous mountains in China..
such as the ]lWlft Of Shridol stone.
" f ragrant Grass" WlU the name choice of letters is concerned. For HO'\\
'C\'t r. you can cenainly use a
gi\"tn to me by my master. Nothing instance, the Japanese S)ilabar)' simple soapstone or even I piece
very speclal: most people think h iJ kana. as well as modem Chinese of wood.
• weed. but it I.s• fragrant weed l lettering and even Latin script. art
Later on. he ga \"e' me the name in use today. Tht letters are carved \\ith spcda1
" Unit Elegance." This name and a kni\u that h.\-e twO finished sides.
seal ...ere a gih (rom him. It Vo'U an In the put. it ""IS CUS toDW'}'to HO\\'C\"tr, )'Ou can alsouse an etch-
prcduce ,,-hitt leners on a red back- ing needle or a ,,'OOd-caningknife.
exd ting momcnt when he told lilt
tha t he "'115 about to choose my
ground(n'P O\" ) lor oRiehl and in-
stitutionaluse and red lerrers on • The ink Wt is usedhas lite con-
name, because this is the equh'alcnt sistency of thick boney. It is made
"'hite ba<1tground(posim. ) lor lite
of a cutificatt bestowed only after
the conclusion of a long apprentice-
ship. It means tha t one ha5success-
slgnanue of an artis L But even this
rule no longer applies to an artist's plant libres, The _.raJ
from ,"trmillon. certain oils, and
contained in me ink assure I beau-
fullycompleted ooe's stUd)' and is seal. The:surface of a sealmJ)' be
square. rectangular. oblong. a.'t1. or tiful, """ fading. durabl. Ink wilit
read)' to continue the journey as In goodadhesn.. properties. Because
round. In times past. anists chose
artist. AddldOlUlly, I thought lit. of lite difficult)' in producing it, lit.
oblong sealswith texts written ver-
name the mastcr would gh-r me ink is not cheap. HOW t\"tf, you can
dcally in lite upper right side. O\'l!
would be an indication of hO\\' he substitute aliter ch. mlcally pro-
and round seals often contatned
.sawme! WeU. "Llrtle Elegance" is duc.d palDtsor inlu.
congratulatot')' teXts . Later, textS
also the title of the oldest collection
chcsea by lite artlsc such as a Hne
of Chinese lyric poe try,
from a poem. were used. 10 the
In ancient ti1'n6 . only rulers and In- past. a seal not on1)' Idendlled lit.
stitutions such as temples cweed artist. but alsothe own er of 1M
sellls. It \\'U not until the fourteenth
century in China that indhidual an -
painting. wee e someone bought a
painting or caJllgnphy, • sea1
How to Carve
!SU. suchas painten and callign'
phers. usedstats to !ign their work.
printtd on it identified ownership
and was a sign of hew much the a Seal
This practice was not begun in Ja- painting meant to the new own er. It
was a kind of signature. If a poem
1. The surfaceof the stone 11tU$( be
pan until the seeemeemh century. smooth and even. If it is DOt.put
or praise was added ( 0 the painting.
The sur!ace of the seal represents a the person would sign his DImeas a piece of sandpaper on • fbt
small cosmosand. in a W.t}'. is a well as anach his 0\\'t1 seal. Man)' surface.hold the stone "miea lly.
picture in Itself.Th15pietUR oftt n famouspainrlngs havea great num· and 1110\" it eeer lite sandpaper
5Ct'\'n as an accent or a balance to in large. drcu1ar tnO\'fments. ap--
ber of sealsprinted an them. slgni -
tht dng in har- f}ing how much they were apprect- plying unlform pressure tiuou&h -
mort)' within lite palndng. V.ry spe- out.
IUd ceer time b)' thdr respecdee
cific characters. SCK&1led seallet- 2. The letters art carsed into the
O't\"DUS .
ters. are carved intO the' surfa~ of stone in mirror image. ThIscan
tional sals .
cOt1\"e:n If )'00 want to create )'our 0'\\ 'J:l. stal, be accomplish.d by copying
look for I text that expresses )'OW' memonto the stone from a
Since the end of the ZhonDynast )'. own perscnaliry . If)'ou want to piece of paper that has been
from about 300 s.c. until lit. mid- M\-e several seals. )'OU may do so. turned righr-stde down.
dle of the sixth century A.D.. a ,.. ri- Choose the one that seems suitable 3. Theleners are CUt into me stone
ety of seal letters was used. Toda)'. for a particular painting, or choose with lite Clr'1ng knife. Make
there arc:no limitations as far u the it h a shape or methat "ill
a seal 'fA sure that the lines art DOt too


..-eu. Here, tOO, d}""mics are and where the seal seems to now 10. "The dream is al) ' home"
appreciated. A balance between into space. It !Ill)' alsobe placed 11. " A colorful room"
the carve d and Iree space of the where an object in the painting 12. "Sounds in the ink"
se11Is Imponane needs a counterbalance in the space 13. "Lonely Bear" (Loner)
on the paper, 14. " Evt n in me distance there 15
Wh<n the S<a1Is finished. the 5eal
mak<, dd1bera" I)' ..damages" lines fragrantgrass"
15. "Fnagranr grliSSin the dis-
and edge. to mak<tIl<in1moguLu .
ThIsmak<stil< se11appear '0 be
old and ''mc nble. Don't worry
My Seals ranee"
16. "Calmness makes ching<
when )_ lines t romble • bie 1. " LluIe Elegance" 17. "Wake up"
2. " f ragrant Grass" 18. "f ragrant Grass"
3. " N.. m1" (true. .. tural, beau- 19, " A finish<drccm"
Where to Place tiIul)
i , "f '"8"" t grass in the dIs-
20. "In til< &D til< " .. te r gets
the Seal eace '
5. "Uttle Elegmt'"
6. '"TNt/\'
1DSmeraL• Ka1t1'IJSt I1n'U inter- 7. " CWiry"
Jere with whot IllS been poin" d. A 8. "Somtthlng Dille","t"
S<a1Is usua1lyused in • place where 9. "The tra,~Ie, Is gettlngold
)"OU M"e tried to create nxr.~t quitkJy..
IN CONCLUSION efrom hI\-enot broughtgood re-
sule. j apanese culturehas a _ to
lotgh'O. 1£}'OU meant well and trled
I wish th is boo k could ~'O been me 10 j apanese ink palntlng . This )'OUt best, at the \"Cry least good
called My) .. "'9 In'" tit, Art oj mustbe true for you. too. Re.ading
"ill and the effortSexpended re-
J_ 1M !\llndng. By " My Jour- and workingwith this book roade maIn.
ne)',.. 1 mcIJ1 mine and the one )"ou us pmners, together explOringthe
undenook when youbegan. 1often an Corm of japlinese ink painting. In conclusion,I ,,'Ouldlike to thank
think it would be wonderfulto bave My bope is that this book has an those who tOl<ra lCdroy blind
Ii\"CtIin <heolden days.when tradt - helped you to findan anchcr; Pre- enthusiasmbecause<heY WClC
don was stilla constant put oCour sentingthe ancient, traditionalst)1e. ... 'Itt 01 roy goodwill.Speda!
culture.when the GrandMuter. a 01ink palndngs in prlnlCdform thanksto Mr. Braun &omAuaustus
w1se manas well u a grandfather . could be seen as an affrontagainst V, rIag,without whoseengagement
knew <heroad. and one could stUdy this'"ttIerab le an form.Should Ul) '. and.eM.ct, so patiendy given. this
[or a wholelifetime, How wong one interpret it in thisway. or if my book \\'OU1d eeeer ha\-ecome about.
and PlOlCetedone would feel when
surroundctlby "" dition!ThisIs be-
comingclearer to me every day. I
feel Cll\}' and j«l ousybecause I 11-
IO'A-cd rD)x lf to Ic&\'t my master
tmlChtoO early. finding111)... 1£''''Y
alone on thisroclcy toi d between
EastandWC$l .
On the other hand.frommy
Chincx maste r I knowthe pressure
can become hn\') ' when an artistis
bound by tradttions . Fh'Ohundred
)'carsago. Japan.unencumbered
and free. had no uadltion in suml-t.
Artlsts were £1'«to employand ere-
ate somethingthat becametotally
their 0'0\'11. Now. ' 00 yearslater, it
is yourturn. Be unencumbered and
free. Since Western cultureis 50 far
rt IDO\'t d from Jlpane$(culture , it
will be • bit more difficultfor }"OU
to adaptto the Chineseculturethan
it was forus. But this dlstancc
might also haveits . ch,nfl&"_You
are [rete (0 experiment because )'OU
don't haveto be aCraldof or be in-
dmldated by the ink and the brush,
and intimidatedwe were. from
TM goalis not to learn paintingin
the old style 01j apanese ink paInt -
ing.or the old or ncv.' Chinesestyle
01ink paInting. Whal I "..nt to
achl.,'O Is to be able to be ptoU<!of
roy artwork. ThaIIs what blO\\ght

About the Author - Since 1986 . tauaht

ink painting in
mort than 150 coursesof Contln·
- Born In Tok}'O. Japm. in 19' 1. u1ng Educationfer Adul.. (mu-
-StudJcd palnliJl&,callignophy. us- KWDS . communitycolleges. erc.).
thelks, hlscory01 art, and 0'... • -In 1987 and 1988. togelher wilh
lUI< . the Chinese master U Geog.
-Studied under famousJapmese taUghtsptda1e0un<5 in ink
and Chinese mast ... 01Ink paint- painringat the InsoNlc of An in
ItJ&. MllnSttr . Gennany.
- llu v.'Orlcedwith dlfl<r<nt tech- - In 1990 and 1991. ta"&httnlt
ni'l"" . both from the w.o t and palndng at the Summer AcId.ttI)·
East (oU..... tereelee , pastel. tnlt). in Waclgwt nlSutlan d. Gtnnany .
- Exhibited In Tok}'O.Bonn, Mom-
ter, NaaoJd. Hambutg.Maonheim.
and Dommmd.

Notes Concerning the

The preferredfonnat Icr the ttttI!1 .
gularpictures in this book is 9- 10
inches (22- 24 em) and Ii- I'
inches (3i-36 em). Sometimes you
can determine the degree of reduc-
_ by looking at the 5<11 . All pte-
tures in this book-e\~n those thai
are shO'o\'ll
in black-and·whltc-h a\'c
been printed In color in order 10
shaw the tnllDces Ind exqul5ltene ss
of the brush strokes.
A=poIb. )7 bnn. 6, 26 pI1Ilotopby
aocllmcdboot.71 H~ 75 pine cee. 33
anthwtum..., Hoftta:Dllml CAStle. 16 plum-trtt branch. U. 30-32
~'9 lmpraslorllst polnWf. 66 poppy. 37-40
_ H Ink. 11-12. 18-19. 22 praa\drl& lius . 22-3'
bomboo.e, 12. 27-29 . 70 1nk_ 10.12 prmoontory. 46-+7
buies ol lJUtll-t. 8-2 1 Ink ecee, 10. 11 rip . 10
bUd one!a..... po!nlinl- ), inner pace . 21 ."tu!.- 9
bltd an a branch.3+. J' _ 9.62 -6 )
b<nb.8 mnz1~ upmsioa. 8 -. ldtal or.4J
block Ink.8 iris. -+3 Sbn f-p. '6
boot.8-l japan<x aUtun. 8 ..... . 92-9 3
bN!ha. 1~ 1l S1Itidnlm . 92
ja pan<x """'" b...... 11
"",m>iond 6IJloc. 19-21 Japanese""'"'JIlI"lI bMh. 11 piper. 89
.... 8) JI.Cl::su:nc.92 oUk.H
CIWoaeInk po!ndnp. 56 Ko:MId.H <impIicOy.
aDdJ' pIJ2at 0QtS., difWmces..65. 17 Ulltr AI\'tII'tM« . 81 """&-1)
CIWoae....., Alb bnah. II bnd"...pc:paindc J . 8. 9. 3' . '6-7 0 olmdmlg.. , . 73-75
chf)"Mntbc Dl.ltrl.. 5] SXM-.:ape. 68
obsuoct.8 7
douds. 71. 87 c1'uJctJ, 64 -.. bnuh "Jl<. 19
color. 77-8 1 lin, v.1<Ith.
19-20 spact . cnacina.
37- +7
ccachmoa. 9i Unle Ekpnc , . 92 sabIlliy.oymbolsor.
COUOQrap. 12
21. ..,
-"'- .1....2 5llll ur..48-"
Mw•.dst,. Ii subcoaliciouslcn&inP
. 3'
. 82
COiIo'S , ...... 66 Tall Mcnuum"UlJ'. Not Mault to It
q_ 8. moon, 29 ClfMbd, ' 6
. 7i rAdoMbrush q-lf., 19
Egp/<w. '8 ::xNnWn and waitt painWlJ."
Morandi. 49. 6' Taoism, 9
"empdnw ." 9 ttl C~rmlCIl)'. J~ . ..,
fuft~lI. 88. 89 MoLmtFuji, 61
Mount Rubihom.eo tnpor. 54
be tclI'ltcOt of ink. 12 1lIt IWnt Riwr. 9'
FuM of the Boy. -+, moundng pamlinp. 90-9 1
tM t-distanee rnnbod. 64
felt. 12 mushroom. " To'ron Olft4,6 1
~mok RUdy . 7) MustIrd-Sttd Garden. '3
rorf~s1I l, 1... 68
fioh. 23 " nothi ngnus ," 9
uees, 57-'8
nude. 89
f ishhI, BOllt.i6
bert . 8. 3' emlJit Rhln, Rh..,r. 70 wllp. 39
1't'ttf Daylight. 6'
fl'.p.l'lt Gmt . 92 0111M""'Y .6 v.'Ittr. rd1ecdonsin. 66
GalU4i. 78 ordtlds. 22. 2' -26 watt r camaine.ts. 12
~~f. 14. 17. 68 pod. 12
'4'1t~rcolor plptr. 68. 87
good luck. 'l ...... ~ of. 30 polnl1n& ", . numbe" . 13 v.,ttrcctors. 13
J'IndlniInk. 11-12. 18
polnl1n& ","" , . 13-17
painWl&tK!ulJqua . 22-47
WUPUlsv.iIIow . 60
\\Ul: t m p' inrinc. 6
&Mclinl stone. 10 painting \Itm.Jlls. t 0- 12 one!Ink poln""I- 8
G\lcst, Hest. 'M $m1l1l.t. 50 pipe r, B - 17 _'hiu platt . 12
.... 11 rn.akm& and the t D\itun mcnt. 13 whitt surfau. 8
haodmod<paper. 13 po",<W<>gIu. 12 Wh!tt rumip. 49
lwmoay .8 pima . 19 v.iUcM ·, 32
and CCC1trUt.~ pun; , 50-5 1 '41steria. 78
Hamt bob"$lJt4v. f., 87 ",nmloa. ......... oith. 21 un Bnddhism, 8, 9. 6' . rt


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