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Amongst the economics in the world, tourism represents one of the great sources
of income for many countries which could contribute to their development of
infrastructures and sustainability as a whole. On regards of this, tourism is of paramount
importance for many regions across the globe. However, by encouraging tourism in
regions, this focus of particularly Juan Fernandez Islands in this article, it carried many
pros and cons under the issue of tourism.
Often referred as one of the global jewels of biodiversity, the island comprises
various unique flora and fauna for the world. However, tourism can cause immediate
and irreversible loss of this biodiversity in this habitat. While some may argue truthfully
that tourism is of paramount importance to sustain the current population or more,
Miguel Schottlander, the head of natural resources protection department warned even
special-interest tourism, restricted to small groups, could damage the ecology if it’s left
uncontrolled. This followed by many scenarios such as the introduction of goats,
domestic cats, coati, rats and mice from jumped ships to the island or bringing the
seeds of the island’s destruction threatened the island’s unique biodiversity and led to
irreversible erosion.
Despite the cause of irreversible loss and harm to the ecology, it verges onto
instability as the population continues to grow. It has raised concerns that the island
can’t sustain a large population and thus, tourism is of importance for local people.
Again, while it may seem true for tourism to be a reliable local economy, this can cause
the basic factor of harm and loss to the ecology. However, it is believed tourism has
played an essential role in creating a strong local interest in biodiversity. Tourism has
raised awareness of their surrounding and a realization of what a treasure their
archipelago is. Moreover, tourism remained to be a major source of income.
Arguably, tourism has had both benefits and destructions to the island. However,
on the tips of various expertise, it is believed by being it done correctly on an
appropriate scale, tourism could be helpful as it would raise awareness and benefit the
local economy. To reinforce this assertion, it may work out by restricting with the
introduction of laws and order as it is carried out strictly. By doing so, we can conserve
the nature as well as raising knowledge of the unique biodiversity to sustain the living in
this island – hitting two birds with one stone.

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