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It is a great honour to propose the vote of thanks on this memorable occasion

let me first of all start with the almighty god for making today's occasion a
resounding success.
First and foremost I thank our chief guest D r . T . S h a n m u g a n a n t h a m
who despite his busy schedule has found time to grace the occasion thank you
sir and I express my heart full thanks to our CEO - Sri Sai Prakash Leo Muthu,
principal Dr.K. Porkumaran, our HOD deen acadamics Dr. Raja and, Ms. V
REMYA MTTS Student Branch advisor for their valuable support towards this
I would like to extend my thanks to our IEEE captain & IEEE SB counselor Dr.S.
I wish to thank the society members who worked hard to ensure that this
occasion become a memorable success
last but not the least I wish to thank the staff and friends for their cooperation in
making this event a grand success once again I thank all for your attention

thank you

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