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Section I: Background and Environmental Analysis

Section II: Problem Analysis
Section III: Proposed Solution
Section IV: Expected Improvements of the Business Case

Team BEAM – Trusty Carpets 

Table of Contents

I. Background and Environmental Analysis................................................................................2

A. Background..........................................................................................................................2
B. Environmental Analysis.......................................................................................................2
1. Business Vision, Strategy, and Objectives........................................................................2
2. Business Processes or Technologies.................................................................................3
3. Competitor Products or Processes.....................................................................................3
4. New Technology Trends...................................................................................................4
5. Commercial or Operational Trends Driving Change........................................................4
6. Statutory and Legislative Changes....................................................................................5
II. Opportunity Analysis................................................................................................................5
A. Business Opportunity Summary..........................................................................................5
1. How the Opportunity was Identified.................................................................................5
2. How the Opportunity Aligns to the Business Strategy or Vision.....................................6
3. Supporting Evidence to Prove Opportunity is Real..........................................................6
4. Timeframe When Opportunity Will Exist.........................................................................7
5. Positive Impact of Opportunity on Business.....................................................................7
B. Reason the Opportunity was Chosen...................................................................................7
III. Proposed Solution.....................................................................................................................8
IV. Expected Improvements...........................................................................................................9
A. How the Proposed Solution Addresses the Problem............................................................9
B. How the Proposed Solution Aligns with Business Strategy or Objectives..........................9
C. How the Solution Benefits the Organization.......................................................................9
1. Financial Benefits..............................................................................................................9
2. Non- Financial Benefits..................................................................................................10
D. Other Value the Solution Might Gain for the Organization..............................................10
V. Alternatives Analysis..............................................................................................................10
A. Status Quo..........................................................................................................................11
1. Solution Description........................................................................................................11
2. Major Cost Elements and Total Estimated Cost.............................................................11
3. Feasibility of the Solution...............................................................................................11
4. Top Three Risks..............................................................................................................13
5. Major defining Issues......................................................................................................14
B. The Proposed Solution.......................................................................................................15

Team BEAM – Trusty Carpets 

C. A Different IT Solution......................................................................................................15
D. A Change of Processes.......................................................................................................15
E. Comparison of Alternatives...............................................................................................15
F. Justification for Proposed System......................................................................................16
VI. Feasibility Analysis................................................................................................................16
A. Economic and Financial Feasibility...................................................................................16
1. Current Economic Environment......................................................................................16
2. Financial Capability........................................................................................................16
3. Length of Time to Recover Costs in Implementation.....................................................17
B. Organizational and Operational Feasibility.......................................................................17
1. How Solution Will Resolve Problem..............................................................................18
2. Integration into the Existing Business Processes............................................................18
3. Additional Staffing..........................................................................................................18
4. Reduction in Staffing......................................................................................................18
5. Reorganization Requirements.........................................................................................19
6. Retraining Feasibility......................................................................................................19
C. Technical Feasibility..........................................................................................................19
1. Assurance System Will Perform Functionally................................................................19
2. Compatibility with Current Technology and Architecture.............................................20
3. Difficulties with Implementation....................................................................................20
4. Difficulties for Employees to Learn New System..........................................................20
5. Difficulties in Managing the System...............................................................................20
VII. Statements of Requirement.....................................................................................................21
A. Functional Requirements...................................................................................................21
B. Data Requirements.............................................................................................................21
C. Technical Requirements.....................................................................................................22
D. Security Requirements.......................................................................................................22
VIII. Context Diagram................................................................................................................22
IX. Project Management Plan (Nick)...........................................................................................23
X. Acquisition Strategy..................................................................................................................24

Team BEAM – Trusty Carpets 

I. Background and Environmental Analysis
This section lays the groundwork for this business case, encompassing both the historical
context and insights related to environmental analysis. Trusty Carpets is seeking to
establish a business presence that resonates with the evolving community. To maintain a
relevant position, Trusty Carpets must establish a vision, set a business strategy, and
create objectives that is digitally available, highlights environmentally green partnerships
and initiatives, maintains market competitiveness, and operates within all regulatory laws
and guidelines.

A. Background
The town where Trusty Carpets was established has transformed from a quiet small
town to an up-and-coming suburban center. The town council has created a focus on
protecting heritage architecture and attracting “clean” businesses to increase local tax
income provide some motivating factors driving Trusty Carpet’s modernization. The
business has some in-house IT (Information Technology) support for minor issues but
has a clear need for professional help increasing and maturing their digital footprint
and interaction with both customers and suppliers. Business maturation also extends
to incorporating Trusty Carpet’s acquisition of Metro Carpets and the consolidation
of their former carpet installation partner into one entity.

B. Environmental Analysis

1. Business Vision, Strategy, and Objectives

 With the new expansion planned by Trusty Carpets there are various
changes to the business vision. The vision of the company is now to be
environmentally friendly and provide services across different platforms.
The objective of the company is to increase sales, decrease costs,
minimize waste, and promote partnerships.
 Therefore, for Trusty carpets to achieve their goals, they need to have an
online presence to optimize sales and reach a broad range of customers
and establish new relationships. An online platform would give the
business more credibility, ease of access for customers, a portal for digital
marketing, and developing a well-known brand (Kaplan, 2020). It will
also provide Trusty Carpets with different options to highlight and market
that they are environmentally friendly and for business partners.
 Furthermore, the website portal for business partners will make it easy for
home builders to reach out to Trusty. The portal will provide different
offers that Trusty has for partners and provide a variety of information. In
addition, using websites and the interior design skills that Ann has, a
variety of pictures could be listed to show how each carpet would look in
different households. This would give customers and business partners a
more pronounced view of what products are being offered. Overall, to
accomplish Trusty Carpets’ vision and objective an online marketing
strategy and platform should be used.

Team BEAM – Trusty Carpets 

2. Business Processes or Technologies
Many corporate procedures and technological advancements can degrade in effectiveness
over time. Here are a few examples from Trusty Carpets:
 Relying on manual data entry can be time-consuming, error-prone, and
ineffective in an age where automation and digitalization are pervasive.
Processes for entering data can be made more efficient by implementing
technology like optical character recognition (OCR) or data integration
 Paper-based processes: Historically, paper-based processes have been
sluggish and laborious, which has caused delays and inefficiencies. Digital
processes and document management systems can boost accessibility,
productivity, and teamwork.
 Outdated communication systems: Organizations that still use fax
machines or pagers may have connectivity issues and delays in the flow of
information. Communication and collaboration can be improved by
switching to contemporary communication methods like email, instant
messaging, video conferencing, or cloud-based collaboration systems.
 Traditional file storage: Relying on on-premises servers or physical file
cabinets might restrict accessibility, impede collaboration, and provide
security problems. Version control, remote access, and improved data
security are all benefits of moving to cloud-based platforms for file
storage and collaboration.
 Poor client experiences, lengthy response times, and lower satisfaction can
all be caused by outdated or ineffective customer support procedures.
Enhancing productivity and enhancing customer service can be
accomplished by integrating customer relationship management (CRM)
software, putting chatbots into use, or embracing omnichannel assistance.
 Businesses should frequently evaluate their procedures and technological
capabilities to find any areas that may be ineffective or outmoded.
Businesses may maintain their competitiveness and increase operational
efficiency by embracing digital transformation and staying current with
technological improvements.

3. Competitor Products or Processes

 There is only one other known competitor within the same township as
Trusty Carpets, this being the now-defunct Metro Carpets. Fairly recently,
Metro Carpets was acquired by Trusty Carpets, and as such Trusty Carpets
was able to acquire an additional 20,000 square foot warehouse, filled at
approximately 50% capacity with a mixture of low to high grade carpet in
a variety of colors and patterns ready for immediate instillation. Along
with the warehouse there is a showroom with two display rooms, one for
high end carpet and another for mid-low end. Along with the building and
carpet stock, there are five previous Metro Carpet employees, three in
sales and two in the warehouse, that have been retained after the
acquisition. The previous fiscal year Metro Carpet was able to generate $3
million in sales with a 12% profit totaling $360,000, which is in line with

Team BEAM – Trusty Carpets 

industry standards. The total breakdown of product types sold were: 10%
low-grade, 50% mid-grade, and 40% high-grade. Despite the amount of
revenue generated, the previous owner of Metro Carpets was very
disorganized, preferring to keep all records and inventories in hand-written
ledgers. As such, there is no IT infrastructure at the warehouse or the
showroom locations.
 Industry standards for customer service and customer interactions, sales
processes, inventory management and regulatory adherence are some of
the processes and practices that a flooring company must give heed to.
Trusty Carpets must be able to expertly handle customer interaction
through the phone, in-person, and via digital means like email or through
their customer website or portal. Competition that does not maintain the
widest possible approaches to communication will be missing avenues of
accessibility. Processing working orders and allocating project materials
will require inventory management. Materials must be kept at working
levels to avoid over or understocking of flooring materials. Government
regulations for material standards that Trusty Carpets and competitors
alike must adhere to. Robust IT solutions can maintain regulatory
guidance as it becomes available.

4. New Technology Trends

The as-is marketing process does not utilize the current marketing technologies.
There are many online databases and marketplaces where Trusty Carpets can
advertise their products and reach a larger audience. Trusty Carpets can reach a
global consumer base by utilizing the internet and creating a simple shipping
system (Veleva, 2020). Simple off-the-shelf software, barcode scanners, label
printers, and an electronic scale will enable trust carpets to begin shipping
internationally and expand the clientele. A cloud-based enterprise resource
planning (ERP) system will also connect multiple locations' databases as Trusty
Carpets continues to expand. Cloud-based ERP technology will allow Trusty
Carpet to manage and store financial and inventory data to make strategic
decisions that are aligned with company objectives (Rabaya, 2019).

5. Commercial or Operational Trends Driving Change

The current business environment trends are a focus on avoiding allergens, high
fashion at a low price, and long-lasting goods (Herilihy, 2018). Products for
carpeting that are hypoallergenic and will not aggravate allergies are sought after
by customers. Customers also want a carpet product that is fashionable and
affordable at the same time (Ebert, 2021). A product that lasts longer and is more
durable is the final trend. Carpets made of natural, renewable materials like wool,
sisal, and seagrass will become more popular when it comes to current trends
(Ebert, 2021). Customers want a product that does not wear out like regular
carpets over time, giving it a longer lifespan.

Team BEAM – Trusty Carpets 

6. Statutory and Legislative Changes
The statutory elements that the city council will enact to attract “clean” businesses
to the town are not well known. Trusty Carpets has also identified and has been
reviewing the impact of EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) WARM (Waste
Reduction Model). The regulation's intent is to reduce greenhouse emissions by
recycling materials. Federal law also requires Trusty Carpets suppliers to comply
with flammability standards and with additional requirements, including those of
the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008 (CPSIA) (USCPSC,
n.d.). This means that manufacturers and importers of carpets and rugs intended
for general use must certify in a General Conformity Certificate (GCC) that the
carpets and rugs comply with the applicable standard after the carpets and rugs
have been subjected to testing or a reasonable testing program to ensure
compliance and/or are properly labeled in accordance with the standard
(USCPSC, n.d.). Legislative changes would necessitate a major shift in their
product sourcing and might increase their costs due to potentially higher prices for
eco-friendly materials. Updates in marketing strategy to highlight their
commitment to sustainability would also increase their visibility to both the city
council and the expanding community.

II. Opportunity Analysis

The business opportunity, its identification process, and its connection to your overall
business strategy are all covered in this section. The reason we chose this opportunity and
the positive effects it has had on the business are also discussed in this section. To ensure
that the proposed solution meets all stakeholder needs, it is necessary to identify business
opportunities that the project will address.

A. Business Opportunity Summary

 The organized effort of individuals to produce and sell for profit goods and
services that meet society's needs is referred to as business, an economic activity.
The basic function of a business is storage, which enables the organization to
store surplus goods that are not wanted now but can be sold later. Customers are
the resource upon which the company's success is dependent, and they are the
most significant individuals in any business.
 Because the value of existing customers is even more important than the cost of
acquiring new ones, it is critical that Trusty Carpets keep its current clients. There
are opportunities to expand Trusty Carpets' customer base and sales and to
allocate warehouse space for recyclable carpets, with Metro Carpets' acquisition
on the other side of town.
1. How the Opportunity was Identified
The business opportunity was discovered through a lengthy interview process
with the proprietor of Trusty Carpets. Finding measurable indicators like sales and
inventory levels and comparing them to competitors or other businesses in the
same industry helps determine the need for process enhancements (McQuerrey,
2017). It is possible that Metro Carpets' procedures were more effective than
Trusty Carpets, and that Metro Carpets earned more money than Trusty Carpets
did. It is impossible to imagine a scenario in which this will be a successful

Team BEAM – Trusty Carpets 

method of managing the business in the future because the three parts of the
business currently operate in completely different ways. The need to standardize
across the merged businesses presents an opportunity to simplify management and
enhance the existing procedures for accounting, inventory management, sales, and
human resources.

2. How the Opportunity Aligns to the Business Strategy or Vision

 The executive level business leadership needs to lay out a phased strategy
to align IT with the business (Pucciarelli & Strohlein, 2019). The
emerging market that Trusty Carpets now finds itself in coupled with the
acquisition of Metro Carpets and the merging of their installation services
into one entity will require a new approach on how business processes are
conducted and how they engage with their customer base. Trusty Carpets
The acquisition of Metro Carpets does not provide any additional means to
support Trusty Carpets existing limited IT infrastructure.

 As stated in the supporting documentation, the city council has created a

focus of attracting “clean” businesses, and the Trusty Carpet enterprise
also must take considerations to the EPA WARM initiative. The low
inventory held by Trusty Carpets and the 50% utilization of the acquired
Metro Carpets warehouse will allow a realignment in focus to supply and
install certified eco-friendly materials. Sustainability will become an
increasingly important business factor to Trusty Carpets to maintain a
good relationship with the city council and in compliance with federal
3. Supporting Evidence to Prove Opportunity is Real
 Businesses that possess an online presence from international
relationships. Currently, Trusty markets gains customers through
newspaper ads and word of mouth. By developing an online presence,
Trusty Carpets can reach their target niche audience of homeowners
regardless of their location. An online presence and core customer base
will also allow Trusty carpets to maintain consumer loyalty, increasing
profit (Kampani, N, 2020).
 Once core customers are acquired it is vital Trusty carpets have an
efficient and scalable information system in place. This information
system must connect customer information from both locations and online
interactions to allow Trusty Carpets the ability to make strategic business
decisions. When developing, maintaining, and innovating the new system
a customer centric approach should be implemented (Microsoft, 2009).
Use cases or key scenarios should be used to understand the customers'
needs and perspective when interacting with the system.

4. Timeframe When Opportunity Will Exist

Team BEAM – Trusty Carpets 

 Now that the merger is completed, a consolidation of the two businesses
must be achieved. Given the lack of any IT infrastructure at the Metro
Carpet location, it will take approximately three months before the
network is fully functional. The building of an infrastructure from the
ground up will require a planning phase of network design, procurement
of all necessary hardware (Ethernet cabling, switches, desktops, monitors,
access points, a router, etc.), setup and installation of hardware,
establishing data storage and network security, setting up software and
application, as well as final testing and optimization. However, the
primary business of selling carpets may commence as soon as the new
staff, previously of Metro Carpet, are able to be fully on board with Trusty
Carpets. In the interim, before both businesses can be completely
integrated, the employees at the new location should continue business as
usual while the Trusty Carpet team continues to work towards migrating
much of the enterprise to Floorzap.

5. Positive Impact of Opportunity on Business

Trusty Carpets has multiple opportunities that can benefit the business due to the
merger with Metro carpets. One of the opportunities is tapping into Metro
Carpets' customer base. Trusty Carpets have their own loyal customers, but they
will get an additional customer base which will increase sales. In addition, having
an online presence would mean that more people would know about Trusty
Carpets, which will also be a way to increase orders from different customers.
Additionally, with the development of an online order tracking system, Trusty
will gain access to analyze different customer trends. This could be which carpets
are selling more to which types of houses do they get orders from. This will allow
Trusty Carpets to make a more educated business decision that could turn orders
and data into profits. Furthermore, the merger offers a strategic opportunity gives
Trusty access to new resources and further strengthens what they have to offer.
Overall, this opportunity provides different ways to make returns on investment
and a way to utilize resources and assets more efficiently, which could be
profitable to the company (Pahwa, 2022).
B. Reason the Opportunity was Chosen.
 Business Vision: The corporation is aware of the need to display environmental
conscience and link its vision with the changing community. Trusty Carpets seeks
to connect with its target market and get a competitive edge by adopting a green
strategy and extending services across various platforms.  
 Trusty Carpets: Several goals, including boosting relationships, cutting expenses,
decreasing waste, and growing sales. The creation of a website is recognized as a
solution that supports these goals by boosting credibility, helping the creation of a
well-known brand, offering quick access for customers, and enabling digital
 Technological developments: The examination focuses on Trusty Carpets' current
use of out-of-date and unsuccessful business practices and technologies. The
business can improve efficiency, productivity, and customer service by embracing
digital transformation and implementing innovative technologies like OCR

Team BEAM – Trusty Carpets 

(Optical Character Recognition), data integration tools, digital processes,
document management systems, modern communication channels, cloud-based
file storage, and CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software.  
 Products or methods: Trusty Carpets recently bought Metro Carpets, opening the
door to market expansion and consolidation. Trusty Carpets can improve its
product range and optimize operations by utilizing the assets it has acquired, such
as warehouse space and staff. 
 New Technology Trends: The report highlights how Trusty Carpets could broaden
its consumer base and increase its reach by utilizing internet databases,
marketplaces, and international shipping systems. As the business expands,
implementing a cloud-based ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system can
simplify data management and assist strategic choices. 
 Commercial or operational trends: Key trends include consumer desires for carpets
created from natural and renewable materials that are durable, trendy, and allergen-
free. By utilizing these trends, Trusty Carpets may provide goods that meet
consumer wants and set themselves out from the competition. 
 Statutory and Legislative Amendments: The analysis refers to EPA
(Environmental Protection Agency) rules requiring carpet recycling to cut down on
greenhouse gas emissions. To maintain compliance, Trusty Carpets recognizes the
importance of regularly monitoring government news and business developments.
In addition to complying with legal obligations, changing their product sourcing
and marketing approach to highlight sustainability will boost their exposure and
appeal to the growing community. 
III. Proposed Solution
The main goal is to produce and implement an IT solution that will boost profits and
return on investment in a predetermined amount of time. Additionally, the project will
attempt to improve productivity and modernize business practices. It is suggested that
one approach to achieving this goal is to make use of the Floorzap Flooring software. The
company will be able to achieve its goals and increase revenue thanks to this solution.
Floorzap Flooring Software - Floorzap is a CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
system that organizes and streamlines flooring industry procedures in a cloud-based
stage, permitting businesses to require control of their trade. The system makes it
conceivable for businesses to oversee client information, underpins deals administration,
coordinating with social media more viably, and makes it less demanding for
representatives to communicate with each other and work together. Floorzap's Lead
Administration instrument and client notes and assignments make client administration
simpler. Through social media-integrated promotion campaigns, these highlights
empower businesses to keep records of past and future necessities and create unused
potential trade clients (Floorzap, 2023). Trusty Carpets will too be able to effortlessly get
temporary worker accessibility, track stock, and create client cites all from the same area
on the site. The product's security and access-controlled archive capacity highlight is
utilized to keep vital information like installment history and receipt history. Floorzap's
system will be able to help the company.

Team BEAM – Trusty Carpets 

IV. Expected Improvements
The expectations for a project that incorporates a multitude of variables, such as business
mergers, acquisitions, and an IT modernization is that the solution will provide will pave
the way for resolutions, as opposed to giving rise to further complications. The following
section will highlight how the proposed solution is advantaged by the business
opportunity, how the proposed solution aligns with business strategy or objectives, how
the solution benefits the organization, and other value the solution might gain for the

A. How the Proposed Solution Addresses the Problem

Floorzap will help define metrics that identify key customers and similarities between
core customers. This will help Trusty Carpets cater to the necessary demographics
with intentional marketing and adjust business practices to maximize profit. Floorzap
also provides a cloud-based environment to align data from multiple sites and
improve collaboration. Floorzap ability provides long term business opportunities for
Trusty Carpets by providing a scalable foundation for future expansion.

B. How the Proposed Solution Aligns with Business Strategy or Objectives

The SaaS solution proposed, Floorzap, is a cloud provider specifically created to be

used by enterprises that deal with carpet sales and installations. Given the current
need to create a more efficient method by which to manage Trusty Carpets and its
newly acquired showroom, warehouse, and carpet installation provider the best
solution is to utilize a cloud-based solution. Floorzap offers a wide array of services
including customer manager to keep track of client information, inventory
management, document storage, invoicing, quoting capability, material ordering, as
well as payment (both debits and credits). Having a central resource that can be
utilized by all employees of Trusty Carpets will create an effective method of
management that can facilitate all major facets of the business, i.e., sales, inventory
management, bookkeeping, and carpet installation. This consolidation will ensure the
ease of management of the ever-growing enterprise without the need to increase the
current number of employees to accommodate the increased workload (Floorzap,
C. How the Solution Benefits the Organization
The proposed solution is essential to achieve the objective and outcomes sought by
the organization. It will allow the company to have a manageable internal system that
ensures employees can manage tasks in an effortless way while also ensuring the
satisfaction of customers. Furthermore, ease of use, like additional payment methods,
and an inventory system which allows customers to know which items are out of
stock will create more engagement and orders. This provides more revenue and good
financial outcomes. Additionally, it will also provide non-financial benefits by
increasing Trusty Carpets' company image and customer satisfaction (Schmidt, 2023).

1. Financial Benefits
 Increased Sales and Revenue
 Cost Savings 

Team BEAM – Trusty Carpets 

 Competitive Advantage 
 Brand Reputation and Customer Loyalty 
 Operational Efficiency 
 Expanded Market Reach 

2. Non- Financial Benefits

 Enhanced Branch Image
 Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty 
 Competitive Advantage 
 Employee Engagement and Morale 
 Community Engagement and Partnerships 
 Regulatory Compliance and Risk Mitigation 
 Innovation and Adaptability
D. Other Value the Solution Might Gain for the Organization
By digitizing their interactions with company resources, the proposed solution will
increase the value of the business for their employees, customers, suppliers, and
partners. Stakeholders will be able to streamline and improve their experience with
relevant resources through digitization. By promoting the alignment between IT and
business procedures, organizational structure and strategy, the proposed solution will
boost the overall business value.

V. Alternatives Analysis
Trusty Carpet’s increasing growth has led to a significant expansion and a need to
efficiently manage newly integrated components of its business operations. One of the most
important opportunities identified in this business problem was to simplify and modernize core
business operations such as accounting, sales, and inventory management. After analyzing the
business problem and the nature of business the company is involved in, a cloud-based flooring
system that focuses on flooring procedures named Floorzap was proposed. Floorzap organizes a
multitude of operations ranging from client management to invoicing and inventory management
in a single cloud-based environment. This aligns well with Trusty carpets’ business goals while
also accounting for the carpet business and its management needs.

Although the proposed solution has several benefits that befit the business problem,
analyzing alternatives will provide a comparative view of its benefits, shortcomings, and cost. In
this document, four alternative solutions to Floorzap will be analyzed for their feasibility to cater
to Trusty carpets’ business problem. For a thorough overview of viable solutions, here we will
consider other solutions with different characteristics such as not being cloud based like in-house
software and other customizable options.

The solutions that will be considered here are:

 QFloors: provides customer support, invoicing, inventory, and human resources
management focusing on the flooring industry (Cluff, n.d.).
 Broadlume: a flooring management software that integrates accounting, inventory
and job management with the option to integrate (Broadlume, n.d.).

Team BEAM – Trusty Carpets 

 Quickbooks enterprise is software that allows for inventory management, pricing,
and financial reporting with cloud access available (Quickbooks, n.d.).
 Odoo: is a cloud platform with various enterprise planning applications allowing
user chosen to set of functionalities (Iordache et al., 2020).

In this section, each solution is thoroughly analyzed to identify its feasibility to the
business problems. To this end, the complete description of each solution is provided followed
by its benefits, cost components, feasibility assessment, risks, and major defining issues. Finally,
a comparative analysis is provided for a parallel perspective of the alternatives with justification
for the proposed solution selected from the alternatives.

A. Status Quo

1. Solution Description
 Floorzap: Floorzap provides inventory management by tracking all inventory,
sales, and products orders and providing an efficient ordering system. Floorzap
also handles customer invoicing in-store and online. Floorzap records and manages
all payments in one convenient location for bookkeeping. Floorzap also manages
customer relationships and needs in a cloud environment connecting all Trusty
Carpets locations.
 QFloors: Qfloors is easily scalable, and cloud based. Qfloors can also be used as a
customer relationship manager, accounting, financial business, and labor reports,
third party software integration, inventory management, and payment processing.
System updates are done in the background and security is maintained by QFloors.
 Broadlume: Broadlume is a customizable cloud-based software that performs
integrated accounting, inventory management, job casting, and reporting and
payments management.
 QuickBooks: Quickbooks is a great accounting software for small businesses.
QuickBooks provides easy access to all the common financial statements like
balance sheet, profit, and loss (P&L) statement, cash flow statements and taxes
filed. Quickbooks helps with inventory management and assists businesses in
managing taxes.
 Odoo: Odoo is a suite of business management software tools including CRM, e-
commerce, billing, accounting, manufacturing, warehouse, project management,
and inventory management to name a few.

2. Major Cost Elements and Total Estimated Cost

 Major Costs: Materials ($2085), Labor ($150), Recurring Monthly

Expenses ($269)
 Total estimated cost: $2504.00

3. Feasibility of the Solution

The overall viability of the proposed solution for Trusty Carpets is
considerable. The proposed solution effectively tackles the various challenges and
opportunities the company faces and possesses the necessary technical feasibility for
Team BEAM – Trusty Carpets 
successful implementation. The proposed solution is also economically viable, as it
has the potential to yield cost reductions and sales growth for the company.

Three factors make the proposed solution viable:

 The proposed solution is per the goals and objectives of the company. Trusty
Carpets aims to enhance its environmental sustainability practices and expand
its service offerings across multiple platforms. The company can attain these
objectives by implementing a cloud-based Enterprise Resource Planning
(ERP) system, reorganizing its sales and marketing department, and creating a
more environmentally friendly range of products.
 The proposed solution demonstrates technical feasibility for implementation.
The organization currently possesses internal IT support capabilities and can
recruit additional personnel to facilitate the execution of the proposed
solution. The proposed solution also aligns with the company's preexisting
systems and processes.
 The proposed solution demonstrates financial feasibility. Implementing the
solution will be offset by cost reduction and sales growth savings. This
solution will help the company expand and attract more customers.
In general, the feasibility of the proposed solution for Trusty Carpets is high.
The proposed solution effectively tackles the various challenges and opportunities
faced by the company, demonstrating both technical and financial feasibility for its
implementation. Trusty Carpets can strategically position itself for long-term success
by implementing the proposed solution.
Several additional factors may influence the feasibility of the proposed
solution warrant consideration.
 The extent of support provided by the management team of the company.
 The accessibility of resources, including material, financial, and human
 The level of receptiveness exhibited by the company's employees towards
embracing change.

The solution's success depends on management support and implementation

resources. However, if the management team doesn't support the idea or the company
doesn't have the resources, it may fail.
The level of receptiveness exhibited by the company's employees towards
change is a significant determinant. The potential difficulty in implementing the
solution may be exacerbated if the employees resist change. However, if the
employees demonstrate a willingness to adapt, the execution of the proposed solution
is likely to proceed with greater ease.
In general, the solution for Trusty Carpets exhibits a high feasibility level.
Nevertheless, several variables may influence the viability of the proposed solution,
including the extent of endorsement from the organization's managerial personnel, the
accessibility of resources, and the disposition of the company's workforce toward
embracing change.

Team BEAM – Trusty Carpets 

4. Top Three Risks
In this sub-section, possible risks that can come from adapting each of the
proposed enterprise planning and management systems are highlighted.
Specifically, the possible financial risks in relation to instantaneous and long-term
pricing, possible IT risks with respect to compatibility with existing systems and
migration from previous software and organisational risks regarding adapting for
users and scalability are considered. The risks are summarized in Table 1.

Alternative Financial risk IT risk Organizational risk

Qfloors Qfloors requires a Qfloors runs on Qfloors provides
continuous payment to windows or server 9 unlimited free training in
provide maintenance operating system with the first year of purchase
and customer support low memory and disk allowing integration of
after the first year of requirements. However, the system into the
purchase (Cluff, n.d.). it has compatibility company. However, this
This can pose a financial issues with wireless requires proper time and
risk as consistent fees connections, VPN resource allocation
are required for the connections and existing without disrupting
proper functioning of software already workflow. Qfloors also
the system. installed such as has an enterprise version
QuickBooks (Cluff, that could be adopted to
n.d.). This can pose a accommodate expansion.
compatibility risk However, the adaptation
making the integration of such a change may
into an existing network pose organisational risks
and system. if the upgrade requires
significant changes.
Odoo Costs can vary based on The system One of the most
the complexity of the requirements of Odoo important caveats of such
company need such as are not vividly clear in system are the need for
the functionality of the documentation. This training and education for
additional software creates significant IT users. Although odoo
packages that are risk as possible provides customer
integrated in the main compatibility issues with support within its picing,
enterprise planning existing systems and this doesn’t explicitly
system (Odoo, n.d.). The issues with migrating state the provision of
subscription-based fee data from previous extensive training which
also incurs continuous platforms such as may need to be
costs that cover Microsoft. Furthermore, accounted for by Trusty
maintenance and external expertise maybe carpets with proper
customer support. required too successfully allocation of time and
QuickBook Additional costs are Quickbooks requires Quickbooks has different
s needed to include windows systems higher versions that can scale up
certain customization. than the windows 8 and to a certain number of
For instance, the most do not accommodate users and an upgrade

Team BEAM – Trusty Carpets 

basic plan doesn’t Linux systems between different
include advanced (Quickbooks, n.d.). Its versions aids scalability.
inventory, payroll and integration with email However, given the quick
pricing functionalities. and other Microsoft growth of Trusty carpets,
Furthermore, expanding packages also requires the business could
to accommodate more versions later than 2013 outgrow the software’s
users also incurs for compatibility. This capabilities and require a
additional cost to the poses IT risk of complete replacement of
company. integrating into existing the ERP system.
systems and require
thorough examination.
Broadlume Broadlume also operates Broadlume’s current The adaptation of
on a subscription-based software architecture is Broadlume, as a
fee incurring continuous relatively difficult to standalone integrated
costs over time. assess due to availability system with several
Furthermore, pricing is of information being software functionalities,
based on complexity and limited by vendors. As will require expert
can scale up depending such, the software poses knowledge and proper
on the company needs as significant IT risks due training for users.
outlined. to compatibility issues Furthermore, the
with existing system scalability of the erp
platforms. Furthermore, system can pose a
data migration significant risk as the
challenges might occur company continues to
due to incompatibility expand with time.
with previously used
database systems.
Table 1. Financial, IT and organisational risks
5. Major defining Issues
 Cleaning that is automatic: Floorzap provides automatic cleaning, doing
away with the necessity for physical work. When compared to
conventional cleaning techniques, it can work independently and save time
and effort.
 Effective and Timesaving: Floorzap's unique robotic cleaner is made to
clean floors effectively and swiftly. It is perfect for locations that need to
be cleaned frequently or have time restrictions because it can cover big
areas in a reasonably short period of time.
 Floorzap adheres to predetermined cleaning patterns and procedures,
ensuring consistency in cleaning performance. It can keep a steady
cleaning schedule and produce trustworthy results, giving a floor surface
that is consistently clean and beautiful.
 Floorzap is simple to use and requires little user involvement. Once set up
and designed, it can run independently, freeing up users' attention for more
important duties or giving time for other tasks.

Team BEAM – Trusty Carpets 

 Expense-effectiveness: Although Floorzap may need a larger initial
expenditure, it can result in long-term expense savings. It lessens the need
for chemical cleaning agents, cuts down on labor costs related to manual
floor cleaning, and lessens the possibility of damage or accidents brought
on by human error.
 Floorzap can help keep an area clean and hygienic while also contributing
to safety and hygiene. It can efficiently clear away dirt, dust, and debris
from floors, lowering the danger of slip-and-fall incidents and raising
standards for general cleanliness.
 Scalability: Depending on the size of the space or the amount of cleaning
required, Floorzap can be scaled up or down. Multiple Floorzap devices
can be deployed concurrently to effectively cover the required areas,
whether it is a small home area, a large commercial building, or a public
 Innovations in technology: Floorzap may have cutting-edge features
including sensors, AI algorithms, and mapping capabilities. These
capabilities improve the device's capacity to clean, adapt to various floor
types, and identify obstacles.

B. The Proposed Solution

C. A Different IT Solution

D. A Change of Processes

E. Comparison of Alternatives
The table below shows a list of all the positive and negative aspects of each solution.

Name of Positive Aspects Negative Aspects

Floorzap  User friendly.  Power outage might
Flooring  Attract potential affect business.
System customers.
 Track inventory.
 Improve connections with
 Create customer leads.
Maintaining  No additional fees to set it  No additional reward.
the Status up.  No increased revenue.
Quo  Business will keep getting  Will only support
money and be able to business short term.
keep running smoothly.
 Prevent getting into a

Team BEAM – Trusty Carpets 

damaging conflict with
other businesses.
Business  Increase customer  There is a lot of pressure
Process relationships. on IT resources.
Redesign  Improve inventory  More operating costs.
(BPR) control.
 Increase/Improve sales.
RFMS system  Managing inventory.  Does not support what
 Increase the number of Trusty Carpets needs.
potential customers.  Hard to learn/comes
 No need for extra with a lot of long
infrastructure. training.
 Gives permission for
everyone to use/access.

F. Justification for Proposed System

VI. Feasibility Analysis

Assessing the feasibility of implementing a new information system is crucial for Trusty
Carpet’s as a small business that is expanding. It involves evaluating the economic and
financial, organizational, operational, and technical aspects of the proposed system. By
conducting a comprehensive feasibility analysis, Trusty Carpets can make informed
decisions about whether to proceed with the implementation or explore alternative
solutions. Economic and financial feasibility focuses on analyzing the potential costs and
benefits associated with the new information system. Organizational and operational
feasibility examines how the proposed information system aligns with the organization's
structure, culture, and processes (Altamony, 2016). Technical feasibility evaluates the
technical aspects of implementing the new information system. A thorough analysis of
these aspects ensures that the system implementation aligns with the business's goals,
resources, and capabilities. It enables businesses to make informed decisions, minimize
risks, and set the stage for a successful implementation that supports their growth and
expansion endeavors.

A. Economic and Financial Feasibility

1. Current Economic Environment
Trusty Carpets is currently operating in a favorable economic environment. The
economy is experiencing growth, accompanied by an increasing demand for
carpeting. This implies that Trusty Carpets possesses a favorable prospect for
expanding its business.
2. Financial Capability
Trusty Carpets possesses the requisite financial resources to execute the proposed
solution effectively. The corporation exhibits a favorable cash flow situation, and
it possesses the ability to secure debt financing. The estimated cost of

Team BEAM – Trusty Carpets 

implementing the proposed solution amounts to $1 million, a financial burden that
Trusty Carpets possesses the necessary resources to cover.
3. Length of Time to Recover Costs in Implementation
• It is anticipated that Trusty Carpets will be able to recoup the expenses
associated with implementation within two - three years. An annual expense
reduction and revenue gain will save $500,000. The company will recover
implementation costs in two - three years. The Trusty Carpets solution is
financially viable. Trusty Carpets has the financial resources to implement the
proposed solution, and it is expected to repay the costs within two - three years
due to the current economic climate.
 The economic and financial feasibility of the solution may be influenced
by several additional factors that warrant consideration.
 The degree of competition within the carpet industry.
 The accessibility of financing options.
 The inclination of customers to invest in environmentally sustainable
 If competition within the carpet industry is elevated, Trusty Carpets may
be compelled to reduce their prices as a strategic measure to remain
competitive. The potential outcome of this scenario is a decrease in the
company's profits, posing challenges in recouping the expenses associated
with the implementation process.
 In the event of restricted access to financing, Trusty Carpets may be
compelled to internally fund the implementation of the proposed solution
using its cash reserves. The company may have trouble recovering
implementation costs. Trusty Carpets may struggle to expand sales enough
to cover implementation costs if customers are unwilling to pay for
sustainable products. The Trusty Carpets solution is financially viable.
However, various elements may affect the solution's economic and
financial sustainability. These variables include carpet industry
competition, financing choices, and customer interest in environmentally
friendly products.
 Overall, Trusty Carpets' offered solution is viable. Technically and
financially feasible, the solution meets the company's goals. The company
can implement the solution and succeed long-term. However, various
other aspects that could affect the solution's practicality must be
considered. Management support, resource availability, and employee
willingness to adapt are important factors. The solution may fail without
sufficient support, resources, or staff receptivity.

B. Organizational and Operational Feasibility

1. How Solution Will Resolve Problem
The proposed solution will allow for a more centralized method of conducting
business. With the acquisition of Metro Carpets and its warehouse space, Trusty
Carpets is in a prime position to greatly expand its operation. With the new
location and the new addition of the installation company, Trusty Carpets will be
able to act as a singular entity that can advertise, conduct sales, schedule carpet

Team BEAM – Trusty Carpets 

installation, and conduct installation with all facets of the enterprise being
managed from a central application. With the adoption of the SaaS solution
Floorzap, Trusty carpets will be able to reduce costs, expand sales, and boost
overall profit.

2. Integration into the Existing Business Processes

The company employs different data entry and analytical methodologies. By
integrating Floorzap into the existing process it will be much easier to review
sales data and automate processes. Furthermore, secure storage for business
transactions will also optimize the business order with its storage options for
invoices and different documents.

3. Additional Staffing
There will not be any need for additional staffing. Floorzap is a SaaS solution, as
the maintenance of the software will be handled by Floorzap. Ben will be
responsible for any onsite issues with the physical hardware.
4. Reduction in Staffing
The number of workers needed to do floor cleaning duties could perhaps be
reduced because of implementing Floorzap. Less manual laborers may be required for
this job within the firm as the robotic equipment assumes the floor cleaning
responsibilities. The organization may have both positive and bad effects from this
workforce reduction:
 By using fewer employees to clean floors, the company can cut labor costs
like salary, benefits, and training costs.
 When compared to human cleaning, Floorzap automated cleaning method
may cover larger areas in less time. This increase in productivity might result
in greater resource usage and overall productivity.
 Employees can be reassigned to more value-added jobs within the business by
removing or minimizing the necessity for manual floor cleaning. They can
concentrate on tasks that call for human judgment, imagination, problem-
solving, or relationships with clients.
Negative Effects:
 Employees who were once in charge of floor cleaning may experience job
displacement or be required to take on new responsibilities within the
company. Concerns about job security and potential workforce disruptions
Staffing reductions can affect a person sense of job satisfaction and morale,
particularly if they believe the changes to be a threat to their future employment.
These issues should be proactively addressed by organizations through open
communication, training opportunities, or transitional support.

5. Reorganization Requirements
To account for the shifts in floor cleaning tasks brought about by the
implementation of Floorzap, the workforce may need to be reorganized. The
following elements could be a part of the reorganization:

Team BEAM – Trusty Carpets 

 Job redesign: It could be necessary to reassign current employees who were
once in charge of floor cleaning to new positions within the company. It may
be necessary to modify team structures, reporting lines, and job duties.
Training and skill development: Employees impacted by the reorganization may
need to participate in training or skill development programs to get ready for their
new positions or responsibilities within the company. This will help to guarantee
a smooth transition. This can assist them in gaining the information and abilities
needed to succeed in their new roles.

6. Retraining Feasibility
The viability of retraining employees depends on a number of elements, such
as the nature of their existing jobs, the difficulty of the new tasks, and the resources
available to the firm. Here are some things to think about:
 Determine whether individuals have transferable abilities that they can use in
their new positions within the company. Determine whether their current
knowledge, experience, or skill sets can be modified to meet the demands of
the new roles.
 Examine the organization's capacity to offer the impacted personnel the
appropriate support and training. This includes giving staff members enough
time to learn the necessary skills and access to training courses, instructors,
and training materials.
 Consider the employee’s ability and capacity for learning. While some people
might find it easier to learn new skills and adapt to new tasks, others might
find it more difficult. The viability of retraining can be determined by
evaluating individual talents.
 Consider the organization time and financial resources when deciding whether
to invest in thorough retraining programs. It is crucial to weigh the expense of
retraining against any potential advantages, including better employee
performance or more work satisfaction.

C. Technical Feasibility
1. Assurance System Will Perform Functionally
 Floorzap’s subscription plan includes free updates that continue to
advance the software to keep up with emerging technology (Floorzap,
2023). Furthermore, even currently Floorzap provides software packages
that are integrated with state-of-the-art technology that is cloud-based
platform. This indicates that this software will continue to advance and
provide competitive and efficient enterprise platforms that keep up with
 Another assurance of Floorzap’s capability is the industry experience they
have had in the 20 years of running this business. A reputable brand is an
important indicator of trust-worthy products and the amount of success a
company has had is an attestation to that. This is especially important in
transferring skill since such enterprise software often require extensive
training for seamless utilization by users. Floorzap provides continuous
customer support with no overhead price while maintaining a 90-day trial

Team BEAM – Trusty Carpets 

period where money can be returned if the client is not satisfied (Floorzap,
2023). All these sums up to provide optimal reassurance for Trusty
carpets’ business goals.

2. Compatibility with Current Technology and Architecture

 The Floorzap software runs on a cloud platform and only requires regular
computer devices with standard operating systems to work. Since all
software packages with versatile functions ranging from invoicing to
material tracking, different parts of the company need to have access to
the platform. This can be achieved by direct connection from each device
but building a local area network (LAN) system is useful for security and
management of all local devices connected to the system.
 For the case of Trusty carpets, thus, the existing in-house IT support can
be tasked with developing this system to handle the integrated
characteristics of the software. This might add some overhead costs
accounting for necessary purchases and additional work hours in the IT
department. However, this is an investment that has long-term benefits for
other tech-based ventures the company might venture into.
3. Difficulties with Implementation
 As a growing company that just acquired another one, the technical
expertise of Trusty carpets’ staff can vary significantly between
departments. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare the staff with the
necessary skills to work with Floorzap. Fortunately, Floorzap integrated
enterprise training for all staff free of charge within the software
subscription (Floorzap, 2023). This provides significant support and since
Floorzap has strong experience with the software it will allow for smooth
implementation of the system.
 However, regardless of Floorzap training support, the training will need to
be implemented in parallel with daily work to ensure business continues as
usual. This puts significant planning and resources to account for lost
personnel time and ensures continuous production. Another hurdle to
smooth implementation is its acceptance by the staff. Depending on what
the employee’s previous experience is with similar tech, it can take longer
to adapt business processes to the new enterprise system. Overall, these
challenges can be accounted for with a thorough work plan of the
transition period and sufficient budgets for the required resources.
4. Difficulties for Employees to Learn New System
The solution being recommended will not be hard for employees to learn and use.
The solution has easy-to-use screens and help that works automatically. Floorzap
provides a free training session that lasts for four hours to help users get
acquainted with its technology (Floorzap, 2023).
5. Difficulties in Managing the System
Floorzap helps organizations with managing their solution by providing technical
support. Floorzap offers a cloud-based service that takes care of maintaining and
managing the software. This helps to reduce the extra work and cost involved in
keeping the software up to date (Floorzap, 2023).

Team BEAM – Trusty Carpets 

VII. Statements of Requirement

The system requirements phase of design cycle ensures that all the user's requirements are fully
understood and specified in sufficient detail and accuracy, so that the systems design and
systems implementation will be successful. These system requirements will allow system
designers to and implementers the blueprint of establishing a successful project and increase the
chance of a successful initiative. These requirements also allow the organization to create a
realistic budget and ensure a return-on- investment. Functional, data, technical and security
requirements will be addressed. Functional requirements tell what the system must do. The data
requirements determine what data will be input and output from the system. Data requirements
will also address how system data will be stored. Technical requirements will specify the system
performance expectations. Lastly, security requirements will address the system, data, and
transaction security.

A. Functional Requirements

 The system shall provide Use an internet marketing plan to build the reputation of Trusty
Carpets and its line of sustainable goods.
 The system shall provide a strong online presence, make use of a variety of digital
platforms, including search engine optimization (SEO), social media advertising, content
marketing, and email marketing.
 The system shall provide a safe and user-friendly partner portal on the website, making
contact and collaboration with business partners easier and home builders.
 The system shall provide a cloud-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) system to
manage financial and inventory data across numerous sites.
 This system should provide real-time visibility into crucial business KPIs and facilitate
strategic decision-making that is in line with organizational goals.

B. Data Requirements

 The system must store the user’s information in a cloud database.

 The system must require the user to enter personal information and shipping addresses.
 The system must provide the customer with order confirmation details.
 The system must provide the user with access to their order history.
 The system must provide options for the user to save their payment information.

Team BEAM – Trusty Carpets 

C. Technical Requirements

 The system must be able to accommodate all the current staff of Trusty Carpets and any
future hires.
 The system must be user-friendly so that it can be used immediately by Trusty Carpet
 The system must be usable on end user devices such as tablets, smartphones, and
 The system must be able to reliably maintain all data housed on the cloud servers.
 The system must adhere to a service level agreement of 99.9% uptime, this is equivalent
to outages lasting no longer than a cumulative 8.77 hours per year.

D. Security Requirements

 The system shall implement strong access controls to ensure only authorized individuals
can access sensitive data or perform system administration tasks.
 The system shall maintain secure verification frameworks by requiring users to provide
two-factor verification, such as a one-time password sent to their mobile device or a
biometric scan.
 They must have a robust interruption detection and counteraction framework to
distinguish and alleviate unapproved access. This will help to react to any potential
 The system must encrypt all sensitive client data. Data is encrypted into unreadable
ciphertext that can only be decrypted with the correct encryption keys. (Indiani & Fahik,
 The system must monitor and detect suspicious or fraudulent transactions. It must have
fraud detection algorithms and techniques. Conditional information monitoring aids in
the identification of unusual anomalies or inconsistencies that could indicate fraudulent
exercises (Ghelani et al., 2021).

VIII. Context Diagram

The context diagram in Appendix A shows a high-level overview of Trusty Carpets, their
customers and how the Floorzap PaaS will interact and share information. Floorzap provides a
large number of support services to include website design, advertising generation and
optimization, and training support. Trusty Carpets staff will interact with a system that
streamlines and consolidates the majority of their working processes into the IT solution.

Team BEAM – Trusty Carpets 

IX. Project Management Plan (Nick) 

Develop your opening statement. This section of the business case provides a summary of the
team's plan for managing and implementing the proposed project. Its purpose is to convince the
decision-maker(s) that the project will be managed effectively, so that the stated objectives will
be met within the time and budget allocated to the project. A complete “Project Management
Plan” would be separately developed and contain much more detail than is required here. This
section should begin with a brief introduction followed by three subsections (A, B, C.), with a
lead in statement for each: 

A. Project Management (Rahel & Ifedayo) 

Write a description, using a paragraph for each, explaining how the following aspects of the
project will be managed: 

1. Project Scope (Rahel) 

2. Test and Evaluation Plan (TEP) (Rahel) 

3. Time and Schedule (Rahel) 

4. Cost (Rahel) 

5. Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) (Ifedayo) 

6. Communications Plan (Ifedayo) 

7. Stakeholders (Ifedayo) 

B. Project Team (Ifedayo) 

List the members of the project team by their roles (not by name). 

C. Schedule (Thao) 

Provide a schedule that lists the major tasks involved and how much time they require. The
schedule should be detailed enough to cover all the important activities, but does not need to
include a Work Breakdown Structure. 

The schedule (“C.” above) should be developed with the understanding that when the business
case is approved, many of the project planning and analysis and design steps will have been
completed. So, using the information previously documented in the business case, the team
should identify the major steps that remain to fully implement the project, and determine
reasonable timeframes for them to be accomplished. The schedule should be presented as a table
with tasks, duration, and participants, including the person who has the lead for that activity. The
following table may be copied and used, if so desired: 

Team BEAM – Trusty Carpets 

Task Duration Leader Participants 

Task 1 

Task 2 


Remember to include your identification line here. 

Approach to Developing this Section 

As a reminder, remember to add a single line space between each section and subsection. The six
management areas listed come from the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) list
of about ten knowledge areas. Use the resources provided in the Week 6 Content to fully
understand what is to be included for each of the above management areas. 

In developing the list of the project team members, keep in mind the scope and resources for the
project, including both people and finances. The project team 

should have all the required skill sets, but team members may function in multiple roles. In order
to keep costs low, the team should be as small and efficiently designed as possible. The team
should include both functional (business) and IT personnel. 

X. Acquisition Strategy (Nick) 

Develop your opening statement for this major section here. This section provides a
recommendation and rationale for how the enterprise solution will be acquired. Often a
combination of acquisition strategies are used, especially when both end-user hardware and
enterprise systems are part of the solution. Then, determine which categories below apply to your
solution, adding others as appropriate to your solution. Be sure that everything that is needed is
included. (The explanations for the sub-sections numbered 1-3 follow the list.) 

A. End User Hardware (Riya) 

This includes all hardware to be used by the individuals who will use the system. 

1. Scope 

2. Infrastructure 

3. Contract(s) 

B. Proposed System (Brian) 

This is the proposed system – how it will be acquired for use by your client’s organization. 

Team BEAM – Trusty Carpets 

1. Scope 

2. Infrastructure 

3. Contract(s) 

C. Connectivity to Proposed System (Blake) 

This includes whatever is needed for the end users to connect to the proposed system (both from
the business locations and remotely, as appropriate). 

1. Scope 

2. Infrastructure 

3. Contract(s) 

Remember to add a line-space following each ABC section, showing a transition has occurred.
Then, for each category of components, include 

the answers to the following questions that are applicable to that item (remember not to use the
question-and-answer format, but include the information in paragraph form, using the terms of
your client): 

· Scope of what to buy: 

What items in this category need to be acquired (list)? Buy as a product or service? (Some items
may be purchased and others may be acquired as a service). Commercial-off-the-shelf (including
open source) or custom? Will in-house staff or external contractors support custom development,
integration, or sustainment? Ensure your project scope describes the limitations or boundaries of
work to be performed (services) or product to be provided. 

· What infrastructure will need to be acquired? Will system hosting services be needed? How
will connectivity be made available? What security considerations should be included in the
contracts? Will any specific hardware or software need to be acquired to provide security? Will
Business Continuity requirements need to be included in the contract(s)? Will separate Business
Continuity solutions or components need to be included or acquired? Are there any data
management considerations to be included in the acquisition(s)? Not all of these responses are
for one specific “Infrastructure” response. 

· What type of contract(s) should be used? Purchase order? Local commercial purchase?
Subscription? Service Level Agreement (SLA)? Lease? Subscription? Service Agreement?
Competitively awarded contract? Time and Materials (T&M) contract? Firm Fixed Price (FFP)

Approach to Developing this Section 

Team BEAM – Trusty Carpets 

Before beginning this section, read the "Basics of Defining Information System Acquisition
Strategies," in the Week 6 Content. It explains how to approach acquisition planning and will
help in responding to the questions above. That document provides a guide to completing the
documentation for a full acquisition strategy plan, which would include many of the same topics
as are included in this business case. 

For this section, focus on responding to the questions above, as they apply to what will need to
be acquired for the system you are proposing. Be sensitive to the given logical order, and not
mixing end-user hardware, the proposed system, and connectivity. In the same way, do not allow
any contractual Ts and Cs (terms 

and conditions) to bleed into the other two areas of each subsection. Multiple acquisition
strategies may be identified for the proposed solution. For example, some components may be
purchased outright by corporate credit card or purchase order. Other products or services may be
leased or available by subscription or service contracts. If such is the case with the proposed
solution, all of the applicable questions for each type of acquisition recommended need to be
considered and responses should be provided if they apply to what is being acquired. 

Do not illogically intermix elements of this template. Simply address each element in order.
Some questions may not apply to the component being acquired (e.g., there does not need to be a
data management strategy identified for a printer that is to be purchased). Keep in mind that the
full security requirements and solution will be covered in Section XII (yet to be developed), but
your solution should have identified what security hardware and software would need to be
acquired, and you should include here any security requirements that should be included in
contracts or service requests associated with your solution.  

Team BEAM – Trusty Carpets 

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Team BEAM – Trusty Carpets 


Appendix A Context Diagram

The chart below depicts the flow of information and inputs into the system and what the outputs
back into the solution will be.

Appendix B Risk Matrix

Team BEAM – Trusty Carpets 

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