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Jaci Commons <


Fwd: Visible Learning Award Application

1 message

Emily Clarke <> Fri, Oct 28, 2022 at 7:14 PM

To: Jaci Commons <>

Here we go Jaci! I have replied to Shane and thanked him for affirming our hard work. There's a link here so you can
check out the process and evidence we need to submit. It still seems we're not quite there when looking at it all but
hey, let's take it if we can get it! 

We can look over it Monday xx 

---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Shane Crawford <>
Date: Fri, Oct 28, 2022 at 12:16 PM
Subject: Visible Learning Award Application
To: Emily Clarke <>

Dear Emily, 

I hope that you are well. I have just sent your School Capability Assessment to Lyn for her final review
but want to start the process regarding celebrating the work you are undertaking. 

You may be aware of the Visible Learning+ School Awards which were launched in Australia in early

These Awards are offered globally to schools as a way to acknowledge the exemplary practice of
schools that develop visible learners and recognise their success in being evaluators of their own impact.

Our team is continually impressed with the quality of implementation of Visible Learning practices in the
schools we partner with and believe St Alipius fits the criteria to be considered for the highest School
Awards level, as a Visible Learning+ Certified School. I’d like to take this opportunity to strongly
encourage you to submit an application.

 You’ll find all the guidelines and information on how to apply here CLICK LINK.  As well as providing an
opportunity to recognise and celebrate your Visible Learning journey with your school community, there
are also some material benefits of being awarded such as complimentary conference registrations and a
selection of Corwin titles for your school.    

We’ve tried to make the application process as quick and simple as possible, and you’ll find the
application forms at the link above to see the evidence you would need to submit. 

Please let me know if you are interested in applying and if you’d like to arrange a phone call/ZOOM to
address any queries.

Kind regards,

Shane Crawford 
Shane Crawford 
Professional Learning Engagement Specialist
Corwin Australia


M: +61 0418 776 585 

Every student learning – not by chance, but by design

 Please consider the environment before printing this email

Emily Clarke
St Alipius Parish School 
Ballarat East

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