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1Components of a computer system and modes of use

A “computer system” is made up of hardware and software.

Computer = laptop / phone / tablet / billboard / car / microwave / …

The hardware is the physical electronic and electrical components that make up the computer

Peripheral devices are hardware devices that are outside the central processing unit (CPU).

Peripheral devices

Input device Output device Processing device Storage device

Transmits data from Conveys the result of Central Processing Can store data outside the
the user to the processing from the Unit (CPU) processor. When a
computer processor. computer processor computer system is
to the user. switched off, data in the
Eg: keyboard/mouse processors are lost. Data
Eg: monitor/ speaker that are needed for future
use must be saved to a
storage device.

Eg: USB hard disk, USB


Software is the set of instructions that make the computer hardware usable.


Operating system software Generic applications software

Operating system software
Operating system software is the set of instructions that make the hardware of the computer
available for use.

It includes programs:
1. That allow the user to communicate with the computer
2. That control the movement of data around the computer
3. That turn instructions that people can understand into instructions that a computer can

Every computer has OS (Operating System).

Only one operating system in one device.

Eg: MacOS, Andriod OS, iPad OS, iPhone OS, Window OS

Generic applications software

Software that can be used for many tasks is called generic applications software or general
purpose applications software.
Eg: Microsoft Office  Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint

Other applications software carries out a specific sequence of tasks.

Eg: A calendar app can only collect calender datas.

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