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Sultanate of Oman

University of Technology and Applied Sciences

Department Stamp
Higher College of Technology
For Educational Purposes Only

Semester No.1/Academic Year:2021-2022

Student Name ID #
Section # Day/Time S1: Sunday (14:00-16:00)
S2: Monday (14:00-16:00)
S3: Tuesday (14:00-16:00)
Lecturer’s Name: Laila Almaqbali Office Hours: Wednesday 9:00 to 11:00 Last
21/22 –
E-mail Address: Version No. Date of 23/9/2021
Approved By: Specialization
Program 25.09.21
Coordinator’s K. PARAMESWARI Signature Date
Verified by: Section CAE

Committee Theonette Ruba Maribojoc Signature Date 23/09/21

CECE 2110N Applied Mechanics

Course Description

Applied Mechanics
2 hrs /week

Prerequisites: Physics 1200

Goal To equip the student with an in-depth understanding of the principles of

statics and dynamics and to provide him/her with the foundation necessary
for other engineering courses.

Objectives Outcomes

The course should enable the student to: The students should be able to:
1. To provide a thorough understanding of the 1. Apply Newton’s Laws and mathematic
basic principles of the equilibrium of rigid bodies principles to solve static problems.
and its importance for the design and analysis of
2. Calculate the forces acting on bodies by using
equilibrium conditions.
2. To provide a basic understanding of the
3. Determine the stress, strain and the
structural responses of various simples structures
deformation due to loads which act on bodies.
subject to static loads including trusses, frames,
machines and beams. 4. Calculate the second moment of area, flexural
stresses, and deflection of beams.
3. To provide the basis for an understanding of the
internal forces developing in statically loaded 5. Calculate the internal and external forces for a
simple structures and their relevance to the body.
integrity and soundness of such structures.
6. Resolve forces into their components and find
4. To assist students in gaining understanding of the resultant of several forces.
principles of motion of particles and bodies.
7. Resolve a system of forces into an equivalent
5. To train students to identify, formulate, and solve force-couple system or an equivalent single force.
models in engineering design setting.
8. Calculate torsional forces on bodies.
6. To help students understand the importance of
9. Statically analyze frames, trusses and
verification and validation of engineering
computations through simple analytical models.
10. Apply the principles of Newtonian and
Eulerian models of motion of particles and rigid

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CECE 2110N Applied Mechanics

After successfully completing this course, students should be able to manifest the following ticked
College Graduate Attributes (GAs):

o Effective Communications;
o Scholastic Rigor and Practical Competence;
o Team Work;
o Lifelong Learning;
o Autonomy and Accountability;
o Innovation; and
o Entrepreneurship.

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Table of contents
General Principles ........................................................................................................... 1
1 Introduction to Mechanics ............................................................................................. 1
1.1 Divisions of Mechanics .............................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Fundamental Concepts .............................................................................................................................. 2
1.3 Idealizations ............................................................................................................................................... 2
1.3.1 Newton’s Three Laws of Motion ........................................................................................................ 3
1.4 Units of Measurement................................................................................................................................ 4

1.5 Numerical Calculations ............................................................................................................................. 5

1.6 Problem Solving in Statics ......................................................................................................................... 6
1.7 Exercises: ................................................................................................................................................... 6

FORCE SYSTEMS.......................................................................................................... 9
2.1 Forces and Their Characteristics .............................................................................................................. 9
2.1.1 Effects of Forces ................................................................................................................................. 9
2.1.2Characteristics of a Force.................................................................................................................... 9
2.2 Principle of Transmissibility .................................................................................................................... 11
2.3 Classification of Forces ........................................................................................................................... 11
2.3.1 Force System ..................................................................................................................................... 12
2.4 Resultant of Concurrent Forces .............................................................................................................. 12
2.4.1 Components of a Force: ................................................................................................................... 15
2.5 Moment..................................................................................................................................................... 15
2.5.1 Moments and Their Characteristics ................................................................................................. 15
2.5.2 Principle of Moments (Varignon’s Theorem) .................................................................................. 16

2.6 Couple....................................................................................................................................................... 17
2.7 Examples: ................................................................................................................................................. 17
2.7.1 Resultant of Force: ........................................................................................................................... 17
2.7.2 Moment of force(s) ............................................................................................................................ 18
2.7.3 Varignon’s Theorem ......................................................................................................................... 20
2.7.4 Moment of a couple........................................................................................................................... 21
2.7.5 General Exercises ............................................................................................................................. 22

CECE 2110N Applied Mechanics
References ...................................................................................................................... 25
Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies ........................................................................................... 27
3.1 Conditions for Rigid Body Equilibrium .............................................................................................. 27

3.2 Free Body Diagram (FBD) ..................................................................................................................... 27

Forces Acting on a Body: .......................................................................................................................... 27
3.3 Reactions at Supports and Connections................................................................................................ 28
3.3.1 Procedures for solving problems on equilibrium ............................................................................. 29
3.4 Beams: External Forces .......................................................................................................................... 29
3.4.1 Distributed Loads .............................................................................................................................. 32

3.5 Examples .................................................................................................................................................. 32

3.5.1 Free Body Diagram ........................................................................................................................... 32
3.5.2 Reactions ........................................................................................................................................... 33
3.6 Exercises................................................................................................................................................... 35

Equivalent Force/Moment Systems ............................................................................... 41

4.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................................................. 41
4.2 Equivalent Force –Couple System .......................................................................................................... 41
4.2.1 Resolution of a Force to a Force – Couple System .......................................................................... 41
4.2.2 Resolution of a System of Forces to a Force and a Couple............................................................. 42
4.3 Examples .................................................................................................................................................. 43
4.4 Exercises................................................................................................................................................... 46

Structural Analysis of Trusses & Frames ...................................................................... 49

5.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................................................. 49
5.2 Simple Trusses ......................................................................................................................................... 49

5.2.1 Design Assumptions .......................................................................................................................... 50

5.3 Method of Analysis .................................................................................................................................. 51
5.3.1 The Method of Joints ........................................................................................................................ 51
5.3.2 The Method of Sections .................................................................................................................... 52
5.4 Zero-Force Members ............................................................................................................................... 53
5.5 Examples .................................................................................................................................................. 56

5.6 Exercises: ................................................................................................................................................. 58

Moment of Inertia .......................................................................................................... 62

6.1 Centre of Gravity and Centroid for a Body ............................................................................................. 62

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6.1.1 Centre of Gravity ............................................................................................................................... 62
6.1.2 Centroids and First Moments of Areas ............................................................................................ 62
6.1.3 Centroids of Common Shapes of Areas: .......................................................................................... 63
6.1.4 Centroid of Composite Areas ............................................................................................................ 63
6.2 Moment of Inertia .................................................................................................................................... 64
6.2.1 Parallel Axis-Theorem (Transfer Formula) .................................................................................... 65
6.3 Examples .................................................................................................................................................. 66
Centroid ...................................................................................................................................................... 66
Examples: Moment of Inertia........................................................................................................................ 69

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FIGURE 1-1 DEFINITION OF MECHANICS ........................................................................................................... 6

FIGURE 1-2 NEWTON'S FIRST LAW ILLUSTRATION ............................................................................................ 9
FIGURE 1-3 NEWTON'S SECOND LAW ILLUSTRATION ........................................................................................ 9
FIGURE 1-4 NEWTON'S THIRD LAW ILLUSTRATION ............................................................................................ 9
FIGURE 2-1: RESULTANT OF CONCURRENT FORCE SYSTEM ............................................................................ 41
FIGURE 2-2: FORCES WITH THE REPRESENTATION OF THE DIRECTION .............................................................. 46
FIGURE 2-3: REPRESENTATION OF CHARACTERISTICS OF FORCES .................................................................. 41
FIGURE 2-4: PRINCIPLE OF TRANSMISSIBILITY ................................................................................................ 11
FIGURE 2-5: CLASSIFICATION OF LOADS ........................................................................................................ 12
FIGURE 2-6: PARALLELOGRAM LAW............................................................................................................... 13
FIGURE 2-7: TRIANGLE LAW .......................................................................................................................... 13
FIGURE 2-8 RECTANGULAR COMPONENTS ..................................................................................................... 20
FIGURE 2-9 FORCE COMPONENTS ................................................................................................................. 21
FIGURE 2-10 FORCE (F) ABOUT POINT (O) .................................................................................................... 16
FIGURE 2-11 MOMENT M AGNITUDE ................................................................................................................ 16
FIGURE 2-12: RESULTANT OF FORCE............................................................................................................. 13
FIGURE 2-13 RESULTANT OF FORCE .............................................................................................................. 24
FIGURE 2-14 MOMENT OF FORCE .................................................................................................................. 25
FIGURE 2-15 MOMENT OF FORCE .................................................................................................................. 16
FIGURE 2-16 MOMENT OF FORCE .................................................................................................................. 16
FIGURE 2-17: MOMENT OF FORCE ................................................................................................................. 13
FIGURE 2-18 MOMENT OF FORCE .................................................................................................................. 25
FIGURE 2-19 RESULTANT MOMENT OF FORCE................................................................................................ 26
FIGURE 2-20 MOMENT OF THE COUPLE .......................................................................................................... 16
FIGURE 2-21 RESULTANT OF FORCE .............................................................................................................. 16
FIGURE 2-22 RESULTANT OF FORCE .............................................................................................................. 28
FIGURE 2-23 RESULTANT OF FORCE .............................................................................................................. 16
FIGURE 2-24 MOMENT OF THE FORCES .......................................................................................................... 16
FIGURE 2-25 RESULTANT MOMENT OF FORCES.............................................................................................. 30
FIGURE 2-26 MOMENT OF FORCES................................................................................................................. 16
FIGURE 2-27 RESULTANT MOMENT OF FORCES.............................................................................................. 16
FIGURE 3-1 FORCES ACTING ON A BODY......................................................................................................... 30
FIGURE 3-2 STATICALLY DETERMINATE BEAMS.............................................................................................. 30
FIGURE 3-3 STATICALLY INDETERMINATE BEAMS ........................................................................................... 31
FIGURE 3-4 COMMON TYPES OF LOADS AND FORCES FOR BEAMS .................................................................. 31
FIGURE 4-1 EQUIVALENT FORCE .................................................................................................................... 48
FIGURE 4-2 FORCE ACTING DIAGRAM ............................................................................................................. 49
FIGURE 4-3 RESULTANTS OF A FORCE AND COUPLE SYSTEM ......................................................................... 42
FIGURE 5-1 TRUSSES JOINT CONNECTIONS.................................................................................................... 49
FIGURE 5-2 TRUSSES JOINT CONNECTIONS.................................................................................................... 49
FIGURE 5-3 BRIDGE TRUSS ........................................................................................................................... 50
FIGURE 5-4 ROOF TRUSS .............................................................................................................................. 50
FIGURE 5-5 TENSILE AND COMPRESSIVE FORCES .......................................................................................... 51
FIGURE 5-6 TRUSS EXAMPLE......................................................................................................................... 53
FIGURE 5-7 TRUSS INTERNAL FORCES (LEFT SIDE) ........................................................................................ 53
FIGURE 5-8 TRUSS INTERNAL FORCES (RIGHT SIDE) ...................................................................................... 53
FIGURE 5-9 ZERO-FORCE MEMBER................................................................................................................ 54
FIGURE 5-10 TRUSS INTERNAL FORCES ......................................................................................................... 55
FIGURE 6-1 MOMENT OF INERTIA ................................................................................................................... 64
FIGURE 6-3 A & B CENTRE GRAVITY ............................................................................................................... 62
FIGURE 6-3 CENTROIDS FOR IRREGULAR PLAN ............................................................................................... 62
FIGURE 6-4 CENTROID OF COMPOSITE AREAS................................................................................................ 63
FIGURE 6-5 MOMENT OF INERTIA ................................................................................................................... 64
FIGURE 6-6 PARALLEL AXES THEOREM ....................................................................................................... 641

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TABLE 1-1: THE FOUR FUNDAMENTAL QUANTITIES ......................................................................................... 4

TABLE 1-2: UNITS USED IN ENGINEERING MECHANICS ..................................................................................... 4

TABLE 1-3 PREFIX TABLE................................................................................................................................ 5

TABLE 1-4: CONVERSION FACTORS ................................................................................................................. 5

TABLE 2-1 FORCES WITH REPRESENTATION OF THE DIRECTION ..................................................................... 10



Chapter 1
General Principles

This chapter emphasizes on apply Newton’s laws and mathematical principles to solve static problems.

Figure 1-1 Definition of Mechanics


1. Review the fundamental quantities used in 1. Apply Newton’s laws and mathematical
mechanics. principles to solve static problems.
2. Provide an introduction to the idealizations of
3. Review Newton’s laws of motion.
4. Present a general guide for solving problems.
5. Solve weights of bodies.

At the end of the chapter, students are expected to satisfactorily meet the following course objectives
and learning outcomes:

CECE 2110N Applied Mechanics

Chapter 1

General Principles

1 Introduction to Mechanics

Mechanics is a branch of physical science which is concerned with the state of rest or motion of
bodies that are subjected to the action of forces.

It is subdivided into three divisions: rigid-body mechanics, deformable-body mechanics, and fluid
mechanics. Applied Mechanics treats only rigid-body mechanics since it forms a suitable basis for
the design and analysis of many types of structural, mechanical, or electrical devices encountered
in engineering. It also provides part of the necessary background for the study of the mechanics of
deformable bodies and the mechanics of fluids.

1.1 Divisions of Mechanics

a. Rigid Body Mechanics:
Rigid Body Mechanics is subdivided into two branches:
 Statics: deals with the equilibrium of bodies, that is, those that are either at rest or move
with a constant velocity. (∑F = 0).
 Dynamics: deals with the study of how forces affect moving bodies (∑F = m.a).
The dynamic branch has the following divisions:
o Kinematics: study of the geometry of motion (displacement, velocity, acceleration and
time) without considering the forces causing the motion.
o Kinetics: study of the relation existing between the forces acting on a body, the mass of
the body and the motion of the body. It is used to predict the motion caused by given
forces and to determine the forces required to produce a given motion.
b. Deformable Body Mechanics:
It is concerned with the study of solid bodies that undergo changes under applied loads.

c. Fluid Mechanics:
It is concerned with the properties of compressible fluids such as gasses, or incompressible fluids
like liquid.

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1.2 Fundamental Concepts

The four quantities that are used throughout mechanics are:

1. Length (L): The measure used to describe the size of a physical quantity.
2. Time (T): The interval between two events.
3. Mass (M): The quantitative measure related to the amount of material in the object. It is a
measure of the inertia of a body, which is its resistance to a change of velocity. It does not
change from one location to another.
4. Force (F): In general, force is considered as a “push” or “pull” exerted by one body on another.
This interaction can occur when there is direct contact between the bodies, or it can occur
through a distance when the bodies are physically separated.
Weight (W): The weight of a body is the force of gravitational attraction distributed over its
volume and maybe taken as a concentrated force acting through the center of gravity. It is
calculated as
W = m.g (1.1)
g = gravitational acceleration = 9.81m/s2

1.3 Idealizations

Models or idealizations are used in mechanics to simplify application of the theory.

Two of these idealizations will now be defined as:
1. Particle: A particle is a body with a mass of negligible dimensions. It is often analysed as a
mass concentrated at a point.
2. Rigid Body: A rigid body has a mass and a size (shape) but it is assumed that any changes in
shape can be neglected i.e., the geometry of the body is taken into account but any deformations
(changes in shape) are ignored.

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1.3.1 Newton’s Three Laws of Motion

 First Law: A particle originally at rest, or moving in a straight line with constant velocity,
will remain in this state provided the particle is not subjected to an unbalanced force.

Figure 1-2 Newton's First Law Illustration

 Second Law: A particle acted upon by an unbalanced force F experiences an acceleration

that has the same direction as the force and a magnitude that is directly proportional to the

Figure 1-3 Newton's Second Law Illustration

 Third Law: The forces of actions and reactions between bodies in contact have the same
magnitude, same line of action, and opposite in direction.

Figure 1-4 Newton's Third Law Illustration

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1.4 Units of Measurement

The International System of Units

Table 1-1: The Four Fundamental Quantities

Unit SI Units U.S Customary Units

Quantity Unit Symbol Unit Symbol

Mass(m) kilogram kg Slug slug

Base meter m Base Foot Ft
Units Units
Time (t) second s Second Sec

Force (F) Newton N Pound lb

Table 1-2: Units Used in Engineering Mechanics

Quantity Symbol used Unit Name Unit symbol

Acceleration a Meter per second squared m/s2
Area A Square meter m2
Density ρ Kilogram per cubic meter kg/m3
Energy or work E or W Joule J = N.m
Force F Newton kg .m /s2
Length l, b, d, h, s Meter m
Mass m Kilogram kg
Moment M Newton meter N.m
Moment of Inertia I (meter)4 m4
Plane Angle α, β, γ, θ, Φ Radian rad
Time t Second s
Torque τ Newton meter N.m
Velocity (speed) v Meter per second m/s
Volume V Cubic meter m3

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Table 1-3 Prefix Table

Prefix Symbol Exponential Form Real Number

Tera T 1012 1,000,000,000,000

Giga G 109 1,000,000,000
Mega M 106 1,000,000
Kilo k 103 1,000
Centi c 10−2 0.01
Milli m 10−3 0.001
Micro μ 10−6 0.000001
Nano n 10−9 0.000000001

Table 1-4: Conversion Factors

Length Mass Force

1lb = 4.448 N
1 inch = 2.54 cm 1 slug = 14.594 kg 1 kip = 1000 lb
1000 Ton = 9.81 MN

1.5 Numerical Calculations

Scientific Notation:
It is often necessary to express numbers in scientific notation which is a method of expressing
numbers in terms of a decimal number between 1 and 10 multiplied by a power of 10. It takes the
form 𝑎 × 10𝑛 , where a is called the base and n is the exponent.
 The scientific notation for 10,492 is 1.0492 × 104
 The scientific notation for 0.000 012 is 1.2 × 10−5

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1.6 Problem Solving in Statics

In statics, as in all engineering problems, a precise and logical solution should be presented to
obtain the answers of given problems.
The following steps are suggested in dealing with worded problems in static to understand the
1. Read the problem.
2. State/list/enumerate/write the given data.
3. Identify/write the desired result(s).
4. Develop the solution:
5. Draw appropriate diagrams when necessary.
6. State/write the governing principles and/or formulas to be used in the solution.
7. Calculate as required ensuring consistency of units.
8. Check the answer in terms of magnitude, direction, common sense, etc.
9. State/point out the answer(s) clearly.

1.7 Exercises:
1. Determine the weight in Newtons of a body whose mass is 1400 kg.
Answer: W = 13,734 N

2. What is the mass of an object with a weight of 5.2 MN?

Answer: 5.3x105 kg

3. An I- beam has a mass of 100 kg/m. The length of the beam is 6 m. determine the weight in
Answer: 5,886 N, 5.886 kN

4. Write the following without any prefix and express the answers in scientific notation.
i) 150 MN
ii) 6 580 000 kN mm
iii) 89 000 MPa
Answer: i) 150 x 106 N , ii) 6.58 x 106 kN mm ,iii) 8.9 x104 N/mm2

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1) Hibbeler, R. C. (2007). “Engineering Mechanics Statics”. Pearson Education, Inc..

2) Meriam, J.L. (2013). “Engineering Mechanics Statics”. John Wiley & Sons, Inc..

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CECE 2110N Applied Mechanics

Chapter 2
This chapter emphasizes on resolve forces into their components and find the resultant of
several forces

Figure 2-1 Resultant of Concurrent force system

At the end of the chapter, this course should enable the students to:


1. Define force, moment & couple. 1. Apply Newton’s laws and
mathematical principles to solve static
2. List and describe the characteristics of problems.
2. Calculate the internal and external
3. State and explain the principles of forces for a body.
transmissibility and moments.
3. Resolve forces into their components
4. Identify/list and describe the different and find the resultant of several forces.
types of force systems.
4. Resolve a system of forces into an
5. Resolve a force into its rectangular equivalent force-couple system or an
components. equivalent single force.
6. Determine the resultant of several 5. Select appropriate methods to solve
concurrent forces. models.
7. Determine the moment of forces and
moment of a couple.

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CECE 2110N Applied Mechanics

Chapter 2


2.1 Forces and Their Characteristics

Force is defined as the action of one body on another. The action may be the result of direct
physical contact between the bodies, or it may be the result of gravitational, electrical, or magnetic
effects for bodies that are separated.

2.1.1 Effects of Forces

The action of a force on a body can be separated into two effects, the external and the internal
effects. The external effect is the tendency to change the motion of a body or to develop resisting
forces on the body. These are applied forces or reactive forces. Applied forces are forces applied
externally to a body. Reactions are self-adjusting forces developed by other bodies which are in
contact with the body under consideration. The internal effect is the tendency to deform the body.

2.1.2Characteristics of a Force
The properties needed to describe a force are called the characteristics of the force. The
characteristics of a force are its magnitude, its direction (line of action and sense),
Its point of application.

1) The magnitude (positive numerical value) of a force: is the amount or size of the force.
It is expressed in Newtons (N) or Kilonewtons (kN) when the SI system of units is used
and in pounds (lb) when the US customary system of units is used.

2) The direction of a force: is the slope and sense of the line segment used to represent the
force. In a two-dimensional problem, the slope can be specified by providing an angle as
shown in Fig. 2.1 or by providing two dimensions as in Fig 2.2. The sense of the force
can be specified by placing an arrowhead on the appropriate end of the line segment used
to represent the force. Alternatively, a plus or minus sign can be used with a magnitude of
a force to indicate the sense of the force.

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3) The point of application of a force: is the point of contact between the force and the
body to which the force is applied. A straight line extending through the point of
application in the direction of the force is called its line of action.

Figure 2-2: Forces with the representation of the direction

Table 2-1 Forces with Representation of the Direction

Upward 
Downward 
Towards the left 
Towards the Right 
Upward to the Left
Upward to the Right
Downward to the Left
Downward to the Right

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The three characteristics of a force are illustrated on the sketch of a block as shown in Figure 2-
2. The magnitude of the force is 100N which is applied at point A (point of application) and is
directed upward to the right at an angle of 300 with the x axis.

Figure 2-3: Representation of Characteristics of forces

2.2 Principle of Transmissibility

The principle of transmissibility states that the “external effect of a force on a rigid body is the
same for all points of application of the force along its line of action.” For example, an object can
be moved by pushing it at A or pulling it at B as shown in figures below

It should be noted that the external effect, remains unchanged. The internal change of a force may
be greatly influenced by a change in the point of application of the force along its line of action.

Figure 2-4: Principle of Transmissibility

2.3 Classification of Forces

Forces can be classified under two general headings:
1. Contacting or surface forces, such as a push or a pull produced by mechanical means.
2. Non-contacting or body forces, such as the gravitational pull of the earth on all physical

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Forces may also be classified with respect to the area or volume over which they act.
1. A force applied along a length, over an area, or over a volume is known as a distributed
2. Any force applied to a small area compared with the size of the loaded member can be
assumed to be a concentrated load

Figure 2-5: Classification of Loads

2.3.1 Force System

When several forces of different magnitude and direction act upon a body, they constitute a
system of forces. Force systems are classified as follows:
1) Coplanar force system: If all the forces in a system lie in a single plane.
2) Concurrent force system: If the action lines of all forces in a system pass through a single
point. Concurrent force systems can act on a particle or a rigid body.
3) Parallel force system: All the forces are parallel to each other.
4) Collinear force system: If the action lines of all forces lie along a single line.

2.4 Resultant of Concurrent Forces

Any concurrent system of forces can be replaced by a single force R, called the resultant, which
will produce the same effect on the body as the original system of forces.
The resultant of two forces is determined using the
1) graphical method
2) analytical methods.
 Graphical Method: consists of the parallelogram law and the triangle method.
The parallelogram law of vector addition states that the two vectors A and B are equivalent to the
vector R that is the diagonal of a parallelogram constructed by using vectors A and B as the
adjacent sides. According to this law, if A and B are the two forces acting on a body as shown in

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Figure 2-5, the resultant force can be obtained by constructing a parallelogram in which the sides
A and B represent the forces. Then, the diagonal represents the resultant R.

Figure 2-6: Parallelogram law

When the triangle law is used to determine the resultant R of two vectors A and B, vector A is
drawn to scale first then vector B is drawn to scale from the tip of vector A in a head to tail manner.
The closing side of the triangle, drawn from the beginning of the first vector A to the tip of the
second vector B is the resultant of the two vectors as shown in figure below:

Figure 2-7: Triangle Law

R=A+B (2.1)
 Analytical Method: consists of the law of sine and law of cosine and by rectangular
Law of Sine and Law of Cosine: Numerical values for the magnitude and direction (length and
angle) of a resultant force are obtained using trigonometric methods based on the law of cosine
and the law of sine in conjunction with sketches of the force system as shown in Figure 2-7.

a. Law of Sine:

sin  sin  sin   

  (2.2)
c b a

Force triangle

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For the general triangle, the law of cosine and the law of sine are:
𝑐 2 = 𝑎2 + 𝑏 2 − 2𝑎𝑏 cos 𝜃 (2.3)
b. Resultants by Rectangular Components:
In the general case, the magnitude R of the resultant of several forces can be determined using
the rectangular components of a force.


Figure 2-8: Rectangular Components

For any system of coplanar concurrent forces such as the one shown in Figure 2-10, the resultant
is calculated as follows:

Step 1: Compute the x- and y components of the resultant.

Draw the x and y - components of the forces.
Solve for the x and y- components of the forces.
Add all the x-components to get the value of ΣFx.
ΣFx is the x-component of the resultant, Rx
Add all the y-components to get the value of ΣFy.
ΣFy is the y-component of the resultant, Ry
Note: Don’t forget to indicate the correct sign of each component.
Step 2: Compute the magnitude of the resultant.
R 2  Rx 2  Ry 2 (2.4)

R  ( Rx ) 2  (( Ry ) 2
R x   Fx  F1x  F2 x  F3x  F4 x
R y   Fy  F1y  F2 y  F3y  F4 y

Step 3: Compute the angle θ, which specifies the orientation of the force.
 Ry 
  tan 1 
 (2.5)
 Rx 

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Step 4: Write the sense of direction of the resultant’s line of action by looking on the signs of the
∑FX and ∑Fy in Step 1.

Step 5: Determine the point of application or location of the resultant force.

2.4.1 Components of a Force:

The most common two-dimensional resolution of a force vector is into rectangular components.
It follows from the parallelogram rule that the vector F of Fig. 2.11 may be written as
F = Fx + Fy ( 2.6)
Where Fx and Fy are vector components of F in the x-and y-directions. Each of the two vector
components may be written as a scalar times the appropriate unit vectors i and j and thus we
F = Fxi + Fyj ( 2.7)

Figure 2-9 Force Components

Fx and Fy are calculated as:

Fx  F cos  , Fy  F sin  (2.8)

2.5 Moment
2.5.1 Moments and Their Characteristics
The moment of a force about a point or axis is a measure of the tendency of the force to rotate a
body about that point or axis. For example, the moment of a force F about point O in Figure 2-8
is a measure of the tendency of the force to rotate the body about line A-A. Line A-A is
perpendicular to the plane containing force F and point O.

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Figure 2-10 Force (F) About Point (O)

A moment has both a magnitude and a direction and adds according to the parallelogram law of
addition; therefore, it is a vector quantity. The magnitude of the moment M is defined as the
product of the magnitude of a force F and the perpendicular distance d from the line of action of
the force to the axis. Thus, in Figure 2-9, the magnitude of the moment of the force F about point
O is
𝑀𝑜 = 𝐹 × 𝑑 (2.9)
Point O is called the moment centre, d is called the moment arm, and line A-A is called the axis
of the moment.
The direction of the moment in a two-dimensional problem can be specified by using a small
curved arrow about the point, as shown in Figure 2-12. If the force tends to produce a clockwise
rotation, the moment is assumed to be positive. When the force tends to produce a counter
clockwise rotation, the moment is negative.

Figure 0-11 Moment Magnitude

2.5.2 Principle of Moments (Varignon’s Theorem)

The principle of moments (Varignon’s theorem) states that the moment M of the resultant R of a
system of forces with respect to any axis or point is equal to the vector sum of the moments of
the individual forces with respect to the same axis or point.

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2.6 Couple
A couple refers to two parallel forces equal in magnitude and opposite in direction and separated
by a definite distance.
The characteristics of a couple are as follows:
 The sum of the forces forming a couple is zero, since they are equal and opposite which
means the translatory effect of the couple is zero.
 The rotational effect (moment) of a couple about any point is a constant and it is equal to the
product of the magnitude of the forces and the perpendicular distance between the two
Since the only effect of a couple is a moment and this moment is the same about any point, the
effect of a couple is unchanged if:
 The couple is rotated through any angle.
 The couple is shifted to any other position.

2.7 Examples:
2.7.1 Resultant of Force:

1. Determine the x and y-components of each force.

Solve for the x and y-components of each force:

x-component y-component
700 𝑄𝑥 = −260𝑁𝑐𝑜𝑠20 𝑄𝑦 = 260𝑁𝑠𝑖𝑛20

𝑄𝑥 = −244.32 N 𝑄𝑦 = 88.9𝑁
P=200N 5 12
5 𝑃𝑥 = −200𝑁 𝑃𝑦 = −200𝑁
13 13
Figure 2-12 Resultant of Force 𝑃𝑥 = −76.9𝑁 𝑃𝑦 = −184.6𝑁

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2. Determine the x and y components of each force acting on the gusset plate of the bridge
truss. Show that the resultant force is zero.

Figure 2-13 Resultant of Force

Solve for the x and y-components of each force:
Force x-component y-component
𝐹1 𝐹1𝑥 = −2 𝑘𝑁 𝐹1𝑦 = 0

𝐹2 𝐹2𝑥 = 4 𝑘𝑁𝑐𝑜𝑠36.9 = 3.2𝑘𝑁 𝐹2𝑦 = −4 𝑘𝑁𝑠𝑖𝑛36.9 = −2.4𝑘𝑁

𝐹3 𝐹3𝑥 = 3𝑘𝑁𝑐𝑜𝑠53.1 = 1.8𝑘𝑁 𝐹3𝑦 = 3𝑘𝑁𝑠𝑖𝑛53.1 = 2.4𝑘𝑁

𝐹4 𝐹4𝑥 = −3 𝑘𝑁 𝐹4𝑦 = 0

𝑅𝑥 = Σ𝐹𝑥 = −2𝑘𝑁 + 3.2𝑘𝑁 + 1.8𝑘𝑁 − 3𝑘𝑁 = 0

𝑅𝑦 = Σ𝐹𝑦𝑥 = 0 − 2.4𝑘𝑁 + 2.4𝑘𝑁 + 0 = 0

𝑅 = √𝑅𝑥 2 + 𝑅𝑦 2 = 0

2.7.2 Moment of force(s)

For each case illustrated below, determine the moment of the force(s) about point O.


500mm 𝑀𝑜 = 𝐹 × 𝑑

Figure 2-14 Moment of Force

ENGG_CC_LECTURE NOTES_01Sep2020 𝑀𝑜 = 160𝑁(0.5𝑚) = 80 𝑁𝑚
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2. 400mm

𝑀𝑜 = 𝐹 × 𝑑
Figure 2-15 Moment of Force
𝑀𝑜 = −160𝑁(0.1𝑚) = −16𝑁𝑚
420 200N
240mm 90mm 𝑀𝑜 = 𝐹 × 𝑑
Figure 2-16 Moment of Force

𝑀𝑜 = 200𝑁(90𝑚𝑚𝑡𝑎𝑛42) = 16.2 𝑁𝑚

0.2 m
𝑀𝑜 = 𝐹 × 𝑑

0.4 m 300
𝑀𝑜 = 400N√0.2𝑚 sin(90 − 30 − 26.6)

Figure 2-17 Moment of Force

5. 𝑀𝑜 = 98.6Nm

0.2 m Answer:

0.4 m 200N
𝑀𝑜 = ∑𝐹 × 𝑑

Figure 2-18 Moment of Forces 𝑀𝑜 = −200N(0.2m) + 346.4N(0.4m)

𝑀𝑜 = 98.6Nm

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2.7.3 Varignon’s Theorem

1. Find the resultant moment of the forces about A using two methods.

6N 10 N

8N 36.9

2.3 m

AO 2.2 m
2m O A O

Figure 2-19 Resultant moment of the forces

Method 1: The vector sum of the moments of Method 2: The moment M of the resultant R
the individual forces about point A, of the system of forces with about point A,
𝑀𝐴 = ∑𝐹𝑑 𝑀𝐴 = 𝑅𝑑
𝑀𝐴 = ∑𝐹𝑑 𝑀𝐴 = 𝑅𝑑

𝑀𝐴 = −6N(2m) + 8N(2.3m) 𝑀𝐴 = 10N√9.29sin12.09 = 10N(0.64m)

𝑀𝐴 = 6.4Nm 𝑀𝐴 = 6.4Nm

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2.7.4 Moment of a couple

1. Determine the moment of the couple forces.



5KN 4m


2m x

Figure 2-20 Moment of the couple forces


𝑀 = ∑𝐹 × 𝑑

𝑀 = −5kNcos60(3m) − 5kNsin60(2.5m)

𝑀 = −18.3kNm

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2.7.5 General Exercises

1. Determine the x and y components of F1 and F2.
Answers: F1x= -100N, F1y= 173.2N, F2x= 240N, F2y= -100N




Figure 2-21 Resultant of force

2. Determine the magnitude of the resultant R and the angle between the x-axis and the line
of action of the resultant.


Figure 2-22 Resultant of force

Answer: R=1142.8 N, θ = 130.8⁰

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3. Determine the magnitude of the resultant R and its direction, measured counterclockwise
from the positive x-axis.



300 3
4 850N

Figure 2-23 Resultant of force

Answer: R = 546 N, θ = 253⁰

4. For the given truss.

a. Determine the moment of the 70 KN force about C and D.
Answer: 𝑀𝐶 = 84𝐾𝑁𝑚 𝑀𝐷 = 84𝐾𝑁𝑚

b. Determine the moment of the 24 KN force about C, B & D.

Answer: 𝑀𝐶 = 84𝐾𝑁𝑚 𝑀𝐵 = 168𝑘𝑁𝑚 𝑀𝐷 = 0

c. The moment of the forces about C.

Answer: 𝑀𝐶 = 168𝐾𝑁𝑚

A 70 KN

1.2 m
3.5 m 3.5 m

Figure 2-24 Moment of the forces 24 KN

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5. Determine the resultant moment of the forces about O.

Answer: Σ𝑀𝑂 = 130𝑁𝑚 𝐶𝐶𝑊

160N 200NO


250mm 250mm 125mm

Figure 2-25 Resultant moment of the forces

6. Determine the moment of each force about point A.

Answer: Σ𝑀𝐴 = 1.259.4 𝑁𝑚

200N 100N
A 600



Figure 2-26 moment of the forces


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7. Determine the resultant moment of the forces shown.
Answer: ΣM = - 640 Nm

400 𝑁 400 𝑁

3𝑚 2m
200 N
0.8 𝑚
200 𝑁

Figure 2-27 Resultant moment of the forces


1) Hibbeler, R. C. (2007). “Engineering Mechanics Statics”. Pearson Education, Inc..

2) Meriam, J.L. (2013). “Engineering Mechanics Statics”. John Wiley & Sons, Inc..
3) Riley, W.F., Sturges, L.D. and Morris, D.H. (2002). “Statics and Mechanics of
Materials”. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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Chapter 3
Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies

This chapter emphasizes on how to calculate the forces acting on bodies by using equilibrium

Figure 3-1: Forces Acting on a Body

At the end of the chapter, this course should enable the students to:
1. State the conditions for the equilibrium 1. Apply Newton’s laws and
of a rigid body. mathematical principles to solve static
2. Draw the free-body-diagram (FBD) of a
rigid body. 2. Calculate the forces acting on bodies
by using equilibrium conditions.
3. Solve equilibrium problems using the
condition for the equilibrium of a rigid 3. Calculate the internal and external
body. forces for a body.
4. Solve for the reaction forces. 4. Resolve forces into their components
and find the resultant of several forces.
5. Select appropriate methods to solve

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Chapter 3

Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies

3.1 Conditions for Rigid Body Equilibrium

A rigid body is said to be in equilibrium when the external forces acting on it form a system of
forces equivalent to zero, i.e., a system which has no resultant and no resultant couple.
The necessary and sufficient conditions for the equilibrium of a rigid body in two dimensions
a. Force Condition:
o The algebraic sum of all horizontal forces equals zero.
o The algebraic sum of all vertical forces equals zero.
b. Moment Condition:
o The algebraic sum of all the moments of all forces about any point equals zero.
The conditions in equation forms are as follows:

ΣFx = 0, Σ Fy = 0, Σ MO = 0 (3.1)

3.2 Free Body Diagram (FBD)

In solving a problem concerning the equilibrium of a rigid body, it is essential to consider all of
the forces acting on the body and to exclude any force which is not directly applied to the body.
The first step in the solution of the problem should be to draw a free-body diagram (FBD) of the
rigid body under consideration. The free body diagram is a sketch of the body separated from a
system showing all the forces acting to it. The term free implies that all supports have been
removed and replaced by reactions that they exert on the body.

Forces Acting on a Body:

In applying equilibrium equations to a body, it is necessary that all forces acting on a body should
be considered.
The different forces acting on a body maybe classified as:
 Applied Forces: are the forces applied externally to a body. Each of the forces is having
contact with the body.
 Non-Applied Forces: are self-weight and reactions.

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3.3 Reactions at Supports and Connections

In addition to the forces applied to a structure, the reactions exerted on the structure by its supports
need to be considered. A specific reaction is associated with each type of support. As a general
rule, if a support prevents the translation of a body in a given direction, then a force is developed
on the body in that direction. Similarly, if rotation is prevented, a moment is exerted on the body.
The reactions exerted on a rigid two-dimensional structure may be divided into three groups,
corresponding to three types of supports, or connections.
1. Reactions equivalent to a force with known line of action. Supports and connections
causing reactions of this type include rollers, rockers, frictionless surfaces, short links and
cables, collars on frictionless rods, and frictionless pins in slots. Each of these supports and
connections can prevent motion in one direction only and involves one unknown, namely,
the magnitude of the reaction. The line of action is known.
2. Reactions equivalent to a force of unknown direction and magnitude. Supports and
connections causing reactions of these types include frictionless pins in fitted holes, hinges,
and rough surfaces. They can prevent translation of the free body in all directions but
cannot prevent the body from rotating about the connection. Reactions of this group
involve two unknowns and are usually presented by their x- and y- components.
3. Reactions equivalent to a force and a couple: these reactions are caused by fixed
supports, which oppose any motion of the free body and thus constrain it completely.
Reactions of this group involve three unknowns, consisting usually of the two components
of the force and the moment of the couple.

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Table 0-1 Different Supports for Rigid Bodies Subjected to Two-Dimensional Force Systems.

Figure 3-2: Different Supports for Rigid Bodies Subjected to Two-Dimensional Force Systems

3.3.1 Procedures for solving problems on equilibrium

The actual procedure for solving problems on equilibrium of rigid bodies consists of the following
essential steps:

1. Decide which body or combination of bodies is to be isolated and analysed.

2. Prepare a drawing or sketch of the outline of this isolated or free body. Label all the

sketches. Be sure to include all relevant angles and dimensions on the sketch.

3. Represent all forces; known and unknown that are applied by other bodies to the isolated


4. Choose the set of coordinate axes to be used in solving the problem and indicate these

directions on the free-body-diagram.

5. Apply the condition of equilibrium and solve for the unknown.

3.4 Beams: External Forces

Beams: are structural members designed to support loads applied at various points along the
member. The loads are perpendicular to the axis of the beam and will cause only shear and bending
in the beam.

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Beams are classified according to how they are supported as the following:
1. Simply supported beam: a beam with two supports, one is a roller and the other is a hinged
2. Overhanging beam: a beam with two supports also (one is a roller and the other is a hinged
support) but with either one or both ends overhanging.
3. Cantilever beam: a beam fixed at one end and free at the other end.
4. Continuous beam: a beam having three or more supports.
5. Propped beam: a beam with two supports also but on one end is a fixed support and the other
support is a roller or a hinged support.
6. Fixed-ended or restrained beam: a beam with fixed supports on both ends.
For beams (1) to (3), the number of unknown reactions is equal to the number of independent
equations of equilibrium. It means that for any given loading the reactions can be determined by
using the equations of equilibrium alone. These types of beams are known as Statically
Determinate Beams and are illustrated in Figure 3-1. For beams (4) to (6), the number of unknown
reactions is more than the number of available equations of equilibrium. These beams are known
as Statically Indeterminate Beams and are illustrated in Figure 3-2.

(1) (2)


Figure 3-3 Statically Determinate Beams

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(4) (5)


Figure 3-4 Statically Indeterminate Beams

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

P w w1 w2
w1 = 0

Hinged Support

Common types of loads and forces for beams:

a. Concentrated load
b. Rectangular load or UDL
c. Triangular load
d. Trapezoidal Load
e. Couple

Figure 0-1 Common Types of Loads and Forces for Beams

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3.4.1 Distributed Loads

The distributed load is replaced by a resultant load R which is represented by the area formed by
the intensity w and the length L over which the force is distributed. The resultant passes through
the centroid of this area.
Once the distributed loads have been reduced to their equivalent concentrated loads, the external
reactions acting on the beam may be found using the conditions of equilibrium.

3.5 Examples
3.5.1 Free Body Diagram
1. The 500 kg uniform beam is subjected to the three external loads shown. Draw the FBD of
the beam.

15 kN.m 3 kN

1.2 m 1.8 m 1.8 m1.2

1.4 kN

Solution: The beam has a fixed support at point A, therefore it has three reactions. It has
a weight of 4.9 kN which acts at the midspan of the beam.

15 kN.m 3kN
MA 300
2.4 m
1.2 m 1.8 m 1.8 m
Ay 1.4 kN

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3.5.2 Reactions
1. The 500 kg uniform beam is subjected to the three external loads shown. Compute the
reactions at the support point A.

15 kN.m 3 3kN

1.2 1.8 m 1.8 m

m1.2 m
1.4 kN
Draw the FBD of the beam.

15 kN.m 3kN
MA 300
2.4 m
1.2 m 1.8 m 1.8 m
Ay 1.4 kN

1. Apply the Equations of Equilibrium: ∑M = O, ∑Fy = O, ∑Fx = O

a. For the horizontal component of the reaction at point A, Ax
Take summation of horizontal forces equal to zero, ∑Fx = 0:
+Ax - (3 kN × cos 60) = 0
⸫ Ax= 1.5 kN→
b. For the vertical component of the reaction at point A, Ay
Take summation of vertical forces equal to zero, ∑Fy = 0:
Ay + 1.4 kN – 4.9 kN – (3 kN × sin 60) = 0
⸫ Ay = 6.1 kN↑
c. For the couple at point A, MA
Take summation of moment about point A equal to zero, ∑MA = 0:
+MA – 15 kNm – (1.4 kN × 1.2 m) + (4.9 kN × 2.4 m) + (3 kN × sin 60 × (4.8 m)) = 0
MA= -7.6 kNm
⸫ MA=7.6 kNm CCW

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2. From the double-end overhanging beam shown below, solve the reaction forces at the
1N 4N
50 N
w = 2 N/m
100 N m

2m 6m 2m 2m

Draw the Free-Body Diagram (FBD) of the beam.
16 N 4N 50 N
4m 100 N m

B C Cx D E
2m 6m 2m 2m
By Cy

1. Apply the Equations of Equilibrium: ∑M = 0, ∑Fy = 0, ∑Fx = 0

a. For the vertical component of the reaction at point B, By
Take summation of moment about point C equal to zero, ∑MC = 0:
(-1 N × 8 m) + (By × 6 m) - (16 N × 4 m) + (50 N × 2 m) + 100 Nm = 0
By = - 21.3 N
⸫ By= 21.3 N ↓

b. For the vertical component of the reaction at point C, Cy

Take summation of moment about point B equal to zero,∑MB = 0:
(-1 N × 2 m) – (Cy × 6m) + (16 N × 2 m) + (4 N × 6 m) + (50 N × 8 m) + 100 Nm = 0
⸫ Cy = 92.3 N↑
Or take summation of vertical forces equal to zero, ∑Fy = 0:
-21.3 N + CY – 1N – 16N - 4N – 50N=0
⸫ CY = 92.3 N ↑
c. For the horizontal component of the reaction at point C, Cx
Take summation of horizontal forces equal to zero, ∑Fx = 0
Cx = 0

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3.6 Exercises
1. A fixed crane has a mass of 1000 kg and is used to lift a 2400 kg crate as shown the
figure below. It is held in place by a pin at A and a rocker at B. The center of gravity of
the crane is located at G. Draw the FBD of the crane.

2. Draw the FBD of the followings:



3 50N
3m 3m

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50kN 4m





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3. Determine the resultant force of the distributed load shown and draw its location from the
𝐀𝐧𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐫: 𝑅 = 36𝑘𝑁 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑑 = 2 𝑚 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑙𝑒𝑓𝑡 𝑠𝑢𝑝𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡.

12 KN/m


4. Determine and locate the resultant R of the distributed force acting on the beam.
𝐀𝐧𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐫: 𝑅 = 180 = 180𝑘𝑁 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑑 = 5.25 𝑚 𝑡𝑜 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑟𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝐴.

30 kN/m
10 KN/m kKN/mKN/m



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5. Solve for the reactions at the supports of the beams shown.

a. 𝐴𝑥 = 0 . 𝐴𝑦 = 48𝐾𝑁 ↑ . 𝑀𝐴 = 96 𝑘𝑁𝑚 𝐶𝐶𝑊
b. 𝐴𝑥 = 0 . 𝐴𝑦 = 75 𝑘𝑁 ↑ . 𝐵𝑦 = 105 𝑘𝑁 ↑
c. 𝐴𝑦 = 30.625 𝑘𝑁 ↑ . 𝐵𝑥 = 0 . 𝐵𝑦 = 79.375 𝑘𝑁 ↑


12 KN/m



30 KN/m
10 KN/m KN/m
KN/m A B



20 KN


2.5 m 2.5 m 3m

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1) Hibbeler R.C. (2007). “Engineering Mechanics Statics." Prentice Hall Pearson Education,
11th Edition.
2) Meriam, J.L. (2013). “Engineering Mechanics Statics”. John Wiley & Sons, Inc..
3) Riley, W.F., Sturges, L.D. and Morris, D.H. (2002). “Statics and Mechanics of
Materials”. John Wiley & Sons, Inc..

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Chapter 4
Equivalent Force/Moment Systems

This chapter emphasizes on how to calculate the internal and external forces for a body


Figure 4-1 Equivalent Force

At the end of the chapter, this course should enable the students to:


1. Resolve a system of forces into an 1. Apply Newton’s Laws and
equivalent force-couple system or an mathematical principles to solve static
equivalent single force. problems.
2. Calculate the internal and external
forces for a body.
3. Resolve a system of forces into an
equivalent force-couple system or an
equivalent single force.
4. Select appropriate methods to solve

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Chapter 4

Equivalent Force/Moment Systems

4.1 Introduction
In this unit the effects of forces exerted on a rigid body are discussed and the concept of replacing
a given system of forces exerted by a simpler equivalent system is introduced. The analysis will
be based on the principle of transmissibility that was introduced in unit 2.

4.2 Equivalent Force –Couple System

4.2.1 Resolution of a Force to a Force – Couple System
In many problems in mechanics it is convenient to resolve a force F into a parallel force F and a
couple C (called an equivalent force-couple).
In Figure 4-1 (a), F is force acting on a body at A. Any force F acting on a rigid body can be
moved to an arbitrary point o provided that a couple is added whose moment is equal to the
moment of F about O.


A = =
O Mo

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 4-2 Force acting diagram

Now it can be shown that F at A may be resolved into force F at O and a couple of magnitude M
= F×d, where d is the perpendicular distance from O to the line of action of F through A.

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By applying equal and opposite forces F at O the system of forces is not disturbed. Hence the
system of forces in Figure 4-1 (b) is the same as the system given in Figure 4-1 (a). Now the
original force F at A and the opposite force F at O forms a couple of magnitude F.d. The system
in Figure 4-1 (b) can be replaced by the system shown in Figure 4.1 (c). Thus, the given force F at
A is replaced by a force F at O and a moment Fd.

4.2.2 Resolution of a System of Forces to a Force and a Couple

 Reduction to a Force - Couple System:
A system of forces may also be replaced by a collection of force-couple systems as shown in Fig.
4. 2.

Figure 4-3 Resultants of a Force and Couple System

When a rigid body is subjected to a system of forces and couple moments, it is often simpler to
study the external effects on the body by replacing the system by an equivalent single resultant
force acting at a specified point O and a resultant couple moment.

R  F (4.1)

M O   M C   Fd (4.2)

The first equation states that the resultant force of the resultant force of the system is equivalent to
the sum of all the forces and the second equation states that the resultant couple moment of the
system is equivalent to the sum of all the couple moments plus the moments about O of all the

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4.3 Examples
1. For each case illustrated below, resolve the given force into a force-couple system at O.
100 N 100 N


MO = 200 Nm

3m MO = 37.5Nm

O = 50 N

0.75 m
50 N

2. Three loads are applied to a beam as shown. Where does the resultant of the three forces act?
800 N 720N


200mm 250mm 250mm


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1. Force summation:
ΣFx = 0
ΣFy = −800N + 1200N − 720N = −320N
2. Solving for the magnitude of the resultant force:
R2 = ΣFx 2 + ΣFy 2
R2 = (0)2 + +(−320)2
R = 320 N
3. Solving for the direction of the resultant force:
R= 320 N↓
4. Moment summation:
∑𝑀𝐴 = (∑𝐹𝑑)𝐴
ΣMA = 800N(0.2m) − 1200N(0.45m) + 720N(0.7m)
ΣMA = 124Nm

R = 320N

5. Using Varignon s Theorem:
(𝑅𝑑)𝐴 = (ΣFd)𝐴
320𝑁(𝑑) = 124𝑁𝑚 A B
𝑑 = 0.39 𝑚 d

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0.7 m
3. Replace the loading system acting on the beam by an equivalent resultant force and couple
moment at point O.

0.2 m 300 200 N.m

1.5 m 2m 1.5 m


1. Force summation:
The resultant force has x and y components of
ΣFx = − 450Ncos600 = −225N
𝚺𝐅𝐲 = +𝟐𝟎𝟎𝐍 − 𝟒𝟓𝟎𝐍𝐬𝐢𝐧𝟔𝟎𝟎 = −𝟏𝟖𝟗. 𝟕N
2. Solving for the magnitude of the resultant force:
R2 = ΣFx 2 + ΣFy 2
R2 = (−225)2 + +(−189.7)2
R = 294.3 N
3. Solving for the direction of the resultant force:
θ = tan−1 = 40.10
4. Moment summation:
ΣMO = +200Nm − 200N(3.5m) + 450N sin 600 (1.5m) − 450N cos 600 (0.2m)
ΣMO = 39.6 Nm

0.2 m


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4.4 Exercises
1. Replace the loading shown in the figure by an equivalent force - couple system at point A.
Answer: 𝑅 = 107.7. 𝜃 = 68.20 . Σ𝑀𝐴 = 270𝑁𝑚


3 50N
3m 3m 4

2. Resolve the system of forces into a force-couple system at O.

Answer: 𝑅 = 1.9 𝑘𝑁 . 𝜃 = 38.90 . 𝑀𝑜 = 4.2 𝑘𝑁𝑚 𝐶𝐶𝑊

15 kN.m 3kN
1.2 m 1.8 m 1.8 m

1.4 kN

3. Replace the loading shown by an equivalent force-couple system at point A.

Answer: 𝑅 = 78.1 𝑘𝑁 . 𝜃 = 870 . 𝑀𝑜 = 100 𝑘𝑁𝑚 𝐶𝐶𝑊.





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1) Hibbeler R.C. (2007). “Engineering Mechanics Statics". Prentice Hall Pearson Education,
11th Edition.
2) Meriam, J.L. (2013). “Engineering Mechanics Statics”. John Wiley & Sons, Inc..

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Chapter 5
Structural Analysis of Trusses & Frames
This chapter emphasizes on how to analyze trusses.

Figure 5-1 Trusses Joint Connections

At the end of the chapter, this course should enable the students to:


1. Define truss. 1. Apply Newton’s Laws and
mathematical principles to solve static
2. Enumerate the main assumptions in the problems.
analysis of truss.
2. Calculate the forces acting on bodies
3. Identify zero force members in a truss. by using equilibrium conditions.
4. Statically analyze trusses and frames. 3. Calculate the internal and external
forces for a body.
4. Resolve forces into their components
and find the resultant of several forces.
5. Statically analyze trusses.
6. Select appropriate methods to solve

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Chapter 5

Structural Analysis of Trusses & Frames

5.1 Introduction
A truss is a structure composed of members joined at their end points and loaded only at the joints.
The members commonly used in construction consist of wooden struts or metal bars. The joint
connections are usually formed by bolting or welding the ends of the members to a common plate
called a gusset plate, as shown in Figure 5.1(a) or by simply passing a large bolt or pin through the
members as shown Figure 5.1 (b).

(a) (b)
Figure 5-2 Trusses Joint Connections

Trusses are commonly seen supporting the roofs of buildings, television towers, antennas,
aircraft frames, and highway bridges.

5.2 Simple Trusses

A simple truss is a planar truss which begins with a triangular element and can be expanded by
adding two members and a joint. For these trusses, the number of members (m) and the number
of joints (j) are related by the equation m = 2 j – 3.
Planar Trusses
Planar trusses lie in a single plane and are often used to support bridges as shown in Figure 5-2
and roofs as shown in Figure 5-3.

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Figure 5-3 Bridge Truss

Figure 5-4 Roof Truss

5.2.1 Design Assumptions

In designing the member of a truss, it is often necessary to determine the forces in each member
when the truss is subjected to a given loading. This is called the force analysis of a truss.
The following assumptions are made in the analysis of trusses:
1. Members are connected at their ends only.
2. Members are connected by frictionless pins.
3. Trusses are loaded only at the joints.

The result of the first two assumptions is that forces act only at the ends of the members. Also,
because the pins are assumed to be frictionless, there is no moment applied to the ends of the
members. Therefore, each member in a simple truss is a two-force member supporting only an
axial force (tensile or compressive axial forces) as shown in Figure 5-3.

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(a) Tension Force (b) Compressive Force

Figure 5-5 Tensile and Compressive Forces

For general two-force members, the forces act along the line joining the points where the forces
are applied. Since truss members are usually straight, the forces will act along the axis of the
member. Figure 5.4 (a) is an example of a simple truss and the forces acting along the axis of each
member are shown in figure 5.4 (b). Forces that pull on the ends of a member are called tensile
and tend to elongate the member. Such forces are called tensile forces and the member is said to
be in tension. Forces that push on the ends of a member tend to shorten the member. Such forces
are called compressive forces and the member is said to be in compression.
It is important to distinguish between truss members that are in tension and those that are in
compression. The long slender members that make up a truss are very strong in tension but tend
to bend or buckle under large compressive loads. Truss members in compression either must be
made thicker than the other truss members or must be braced to prevent buckling.

5.3 Method of Analysis

5.3.1 The Method of Joints
In order to analyse or design a truss, we must obtain the force in each of its members. If we were
to consider a free-body diagram of the entire truss, then the forces in the members would be internal
forces, and they could not be obtained from an equilibrium analysis. Instead if we consider the
equilibrium of a joint of the truss then a member force becomes an external force on the joint’s
free body diagram, and the equations of equilibrium can be applied to obtain its magnitude. This
forms the basis for the method of joints.
The method of joints involves the application of the equilibrium equations to free body diagrams
of individual joints (pins) of the truss. The method therefore deals with the equilibrium of
concurrent forces and only two independent equilibrium equations are involved.

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 Procedure for Analysis:
The following are the procedures for analysing a truss using the method of joints:
1. Find the reaction(s) of the truss:
If the support reactions are not given, draw a FBD of the entire truss and determine all the support
reactions using the equations of equilibrium.
2. Select a joint with two unknown member forces:
Draw the free-body diagram of a joint with one or two unknowns. Assume that all unknown
member forces act in tension (pulling the pin) unless you can determine by inspection that the
forces are compression loads.
3. Apply the equations of equilibrium, Σ FX = 0 and Σ FY = 0, to determine the
If the answer is positive, then the assumed direction (tension) is correct, otherwise it is in the
opposite direction (compression).
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 at each joint in succession until all the required forces are
5. Draw the free body diagram of each joint of the truss.

5.3.2 The Method of Sections

The method of sections is used to determine the loadings acting within a body. It is based on the
principle that if a body is in equilibrium then any part of the body is also in equilibrium. For
example, consider the truss shown in Figure 5-5. If the forces within the members are to be
determined, then an imaginary section indicated by the vertical line can be used to cut each member
into two parts and thereby expose each internal force as external to the free body diagrams as
shown in Figure 5-6 and Figure 5-7.
The method of sections can also be used to cut or section the members of an entire truss. If the
section passes through the truss and the FBD of either of its two parts is drawn, the equations of
equilibrium can then be applied to that part to determine the member forces at the cut section.
Procedure for Analysis
The forces in the members of a truss may be determined by the method of sections using the
following procedure:
1. Find the reaction(s) of the truss.
2. Draw the free body diagram of the identified left or right part of the truss.

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3. Apply the conditions of equilibrium, Σ FX = 0, Σ FY = 0, Σ M = 0 and solve for the member



Figure 5-6 Truss Example




Figure 5-7 Truss Internal Forces (Left Side)



Figure 5-8 Truss Internal Forces (Right Side)

5.4 Zero-Force Members

Frequently, certain members of a given truss carry no load. Zero-force members in a truss
usually occur in one of two general ways.
 The first is:
When only two members form a non-collinear truss joint and no external load or support reaction
is applied to the joint, then both members must be zero-force members.

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(a) (b)
Figure 5-9 Zero-Force Member

The truss shown in Figure 5-8 (a) is an example of this condition. The free body diagram of pin
C is drawn in Figure 5-8 (b). The equations of equilibrium for this joint,
FX  0 :
TBC  TCD cos 30 0  0
FY  0 :
 TCD sin 30 0  0

TBC  0
TCD  0
 The second way in which zero-force members normally arise in a truss is as follows:
When three members form a truss joint for which two of the members are collinear and the third
forms an angle with the first two, then the non-collinear member is a zero-force member, provided
no external force or support reaction is applied to that joint.
Such a condition arises, for example, when the load of Figure 5-8 (a) is moved from pin B to pin
C as shown in Figure 5-9 (a). The free body diagram of pin C is drawn in Figure 5-9 (b) and the
equations of equilibrium for this joint are

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FX  0 :
TAC  TB C  0
FY  0 :
 TBD  0

TBD  0


(a) (b)
Figure 5-10 Truss Internal Forces

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5.5 Examples
1. Use the method of joints to determine all the member forces of the truss shown.
400 N

4m 4m 4m

900 N

Solve for the reactions.
Draw the FBD of the truss and apply the conditions of equilibrium.


400 N

Ax C E
4m 4m 4m

900 N
Ay Gy

𝛴𝐹𝑥 = 0
+𝐴𝑥 = 400 𝑁 ←
𝛴MG = 0
(Ay × 12 m) − (900 N × 4 m) + (400 N × 3 m) = 0
Ay = 200 N↑

Σ𝑀𝐴 = 0
(−𝐺𝑦 × 12 𝑚) + (900 𝑁 × 8𝑚 ) + (400 𝑁 × 3𝑚) = 0
𝐺𝑦 = 700 𝑁 ↑

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Member Member force

AB 333.3 kN ( C )

AC 666.6 kN ( T )

BC 0

BD 533 kN ( C )

BE 333.3 kN ( T )

CE 666.6 kN ( T )

DE 700 kN ( T )

EG 932.3 kN ( T )

DG 1166 kN ( C )

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5.6 Exercises:
1. Determine the zero-force members in the truss shown for the given loading.

8 KN
4 KN


F 3m
6 @ 2 m = 12 m

2. Calculate the force in each member of the loaded truss.

𝐴𝐵 = 𝐵𝐸 = 𝐶𝐷 = 1 𝑘𝑁 (𝑇) . 𝐴𝐸 = 𝐵𝐷 = 1.414 𝑘𝑁 (𝐶) . 𝐵𝐶 = 2𝑘𝑁 (𝑇) . 𝐷𝐸 = 1𝑘𝑁 (𝐶)

2 KN

3m B 3m

3. Determine the force in members BC, EF and BE of the loaded truss.

Answers: BC = 4.13kN C, BE =0.90 kN T, EF = 3.38 kN T

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4. Use the method of section to determine member forces CD, AC and AB of the truss
shown. Answers: 𝐹𝑐𝐷 = 40𝑘𝑁(𝐶). 𝐹𝐴𝐶 = 44.7𝑘𝑁 (𝑇). 𝐹𝐴𝐵 = 0

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1) Hibbeler, R. C.(2007). “Engineering Mechanics Statics”. Pearson Education, Inc..

2) Meriam, J.L. (2013). “Engineering Mechanics Statics”. John Wiley & Sons, Inc..

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CECE 2110N Applied Mechanics

Chapter 6
Moment of Inertia
This chapter emphasizes on how to calculate the second moment of area and flexural stresses
in beams.

Figure 6-1 Moment of Inertia

At the end of the chapter, this course should enable the students to:


1. Locate the centroidal axes of a given 1. Apply Newton’s Laws and
plane area. mathematical principles to solve static
2. Calculate the moment of inertia (second
moment of area) with respect to a 2. Determine the stress, strain and the
centroidal axis. . deformation due to the loads which act
on bodies.
3. Calculate the second moment of area
and flexural stresses in beams.

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Chapter 6

Moment of Inertia

6.1 Centre of Gravity and Centroid for a Body

6.1.1 Centre of Gravity
The centre of gravity G: is a point which locates the resultant weight of a system of particles.

Figure 6-2 Centre gravity

X W   x W (6.1)

Y W   y W (6.2)

6.1.2 Centroids and First Moments of Areas

The centroid C: is a point which defines the geometric center of an object.

Figure 6-3 (a) centroids for irregular plan

The concept of the first moment of an area is used to locate the centroid.
xA   x dA  Q y
 first moment wit h respect to y
yA   y dA  Q x
 first moment wit h respect to x

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6.1.3 Centroids of Common Shapes of Areas:

Rectangle Triangle Circle Semicircle


ℎ ℎ

𝑏 𝑥 𝑏
ℎ ℎ
1 1 1 1 𝐶(𝑟. 𝑟) 𝐶(𝑟. )
𝐶( 𝑏.𝑏 ℎ) 𝐶( 𝑏. 𝑏 ℎ) 3𝜋
2 2 𝑥 3 3

𝐶(𝑟, 𝑟)
1 1 Figure1 6-31(b) Centroid of Composite Areas
𝐶( 𝑏, ℎ) 𝐶( 𝑏, ℎ)
2 2 3 3
6.1.4 Centroid of Composite Areas
𝐶(𝑟, )

Figure 6-4 Centroid of Composite Areas

Location of centroid:
̅ 𝚺𝑨 = 𝚺𝒙𝒊 𝑨𝒊

𝚺𝒙𝒊 𝑨𝒊
̅ =
𝚺𝑨 (6.3)

̅ 𝜮𝑨 = 𝜮𝒚𝒊 𝑨𝒊

𝜮𝒚𝒊 𝑨𝒊 (6.4)
̅ =
𝜮𝑨 - - - (6.3)

̅. 𝒚̅ )
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- - - (6.4)
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6.2 Moment of Inertia

The second moment of area, also known as the area moment of inertia, moment of inertia of plane
area, or second moment of inertia is a property of a cross section that can be used to predict the
resistance of beams to bending and deflection, around an axis that lies in the cross-sectional plane.
The second moment of an area with respect to an axis in the plane of the area is:


Figure 6-5 Moment of Inertia

I y   x 2dA
I x   y 2dA (6.6)

 Moment of Inertia of Regular Shapes:

𝑦̅ - - - (6.5)
- - - (6.6)
ℎ 𝑥̅

ℎ 𝑥̅
𝐼𝑥̅ = 𝑏ℎ3
1 (6.7)
𝐼𝑦̅ = ℎ𝑏 3

ENGG_CC_LECTURE NOTES_01Sep2020 - - - (6.7)

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6.2.1 Parallel Axis-Theorem (Transfer Formula)

The second moment of an area with respect to an axis in the plane of the area is equal to the second
moment of the area with respect to a parallel axis through the centroid of the area added to the
product of the area and the square of the perpendicular distance between the two axes.

d1 x

Figure 6-6 Parallel axes

Ix  I  Ad 2
I x  I  A(d1 ) 2
1 x
 Moments of Inertia for Composite Areas:
A composite area consists of a series of connected “simpler” parts or shapes, such as semicircles,
rectangles, and triangles.
The moment of inertia for the composite areas equals the algebraic sum of the moments of inertia
of all its parts.

Procedure for Analysis:

o Using a sketch, divide the area into its composite parts and indicate the perpendicular
distance from the centroid of each part to the reference axis.
o The moment of inertia of each part should be determined about its centroidal axis, which
is parallel to the reference axis.
o If the centroidal axis does not coincide with the reference axis, the parallel-axis theorem
should be used to determine the moment of inertia of the part about the reference axis.

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6.3 Examples
1. Determine the location of the centroid with respect to the coordinate axes and plot the


𝐶(60𝑚𝑚 . 40𝑚𝑚)

100mm x 𝐶(33.3𝑚 − 16.7𝑚𝑚)

y 30mm

𝐶(75𝑚𝑚 . 60𝑚𝑚)


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120 mm
25 mm 𝐶(60𝑚𝑚 . 87.5𝑚𝑚)


x 𝐶(200𝑚𝑚 .115.1𝑚𝑚)

r = 200 mm

2. For the plane area shown, determine the first moments with respect to the x and y axes and the
location of the centroid.

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1. Divide the area into a triangle, rectangle, and semicircle with a circular cutout.
2. Calculate the first moments of each area with respect to the axes.
3. Find the total area and first moments of the triangle, rectangle, and semicircle. Subtract
the area and first moment of the circular cutout.
4. Compute the coordinates of the area centroid by dividing the first moments by the total

3 3
 x A  757 .7  10 mm
X 
A 13.828  10 3 mm 2

X  54 .8 mm

3 3
 y A  506 .2  10 mm
Y 
A 13.828  10 3 mm 2
Y  36 .6 mm Page 68 of 86
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6.4 Examples: Moment of Inertia

1. A rectangle has a base of 100 mm and a height of 200 mm. Determine the moment of
inertia with respect to the centroidal axes. 𝑦̅


200mm 𝑥̅


I  bh 3
x 12

 (100 mm )( 200 mm ) 3

 66,666 ,666 .67 mm 4

 6.67 x10 7 mm 4

1 3
I  hb
y 12

 ( 200 mm )(100 mm ) 3

 16,666 ,666 .67 mm 4

 1.67 x10 7 mm 4

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2. Determine the moment of inertia of the shaded area shown with respect to:
 The centroidal x-axis
 The centroidal y-axis.
 All units are in mm.






 yiAi (50 )(150 )( 75)  (150 )(50 )(175 )
y 
A 15000
y  125 mm

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a .I  I ( A1 )  I ( A 2 )
xx x
I ( A )  (150 )(50 ) 3  (150 )(50 )(50 ) 2  2.03125 x10 7 mm 4
x 1 12
I ( A )  (50 )(150 ) 3  (50 )(150 )(50 ) 2  3.2812 x10 7 mm 4
x 2 12
I  ( 2.03125 x10 7  3.2812 x10 7 ) mm 4  5.3125 x10 7 mm 4

b.I  I ( A1 )  I ( A 2 )
y y y
I ( A )  (50 )(150 ) 3  1.4062 x10 7 mm 4
y 1 12
I y( A )  (150 )(50 ) 3  1.5625 x10 6 mm 4
2 12
I y  (1.4062 x10 7  1.5625 x10 6 ) mm 4  1.5625 x10 7 mm 4

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3. Determine the moment of inertia with respect to the centroidal x-axis.

60 60



280 x

I  I ( A1 )  I ( A 2 )  I ( A 3 )
x x x x

I ( A )  (60 )( 200 ) 3  (60 )( 200 )( 20 ) 2
x 1 12
I ( A1 )  44 ,800 ,000 mm 4

I ( A )  (60 )( 200 ) 3  (60 )( 200 )( 20 ) 2
x 2 12
I ( A 2)  44 ,800 ,000 mm 4

I ( A3)  (160 )( 60 ) 3  (160 )( 60 )(50 ) 2
x 12
I ( A3)  26,880 ,000 mm 4

I x  116 ,480 ,000 mm 4

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4. Determine the location of the centroid of the area shown. Plot the centroid.
Answer; C(175 mm . 158.3 mm)

150 mm

20 mm
350 mm
50 mm

30 mm 30mm x

50 mm50

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5. Determine the centroid of the plane area shown with respect to the y-axes. All units are in

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6. Determine the moment of inertia about the centroidal axes for the shaded area.

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1) Meriam, J.L. (2013). “Engineering Mechanics Statics”. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
2) Beer, F., Johnston, E. and Dewolf, J. (2007) “Vector Mechanics for engineers Statics &
Dynamics”, Mc Graw Hill


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