Personal Skills - Developing Self - Awareness

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Extroverted / sensor /thinker/ perceiver



Self Awareness people are more effective in most areas. But many lie to themselves believing
are self-awarded.

Came to Job satisfaction.

Self analysis can sometimes trap us when we are stuck bout what has happened instead of
moving forward.

The way we are perusing the awareness changes the results. Why? Do not as Why? Because we
invented answers and often they are wrong.

People tend to choose on the right side.

Asking why creates alternative facts even if they are no so relevant.

Think about yourself different.

Change why? to what?

Do not ask why? Ask What for? What can I do to…?


Work related stress

Dr. Gordon Parker

At work, talk to your employee, it is extremely important. But you are not a doctor, so just in a
friendly way.

The 6 Demand:







When your employees are absent because of health problems/mental problems, you might
have to stay in contact with them. It is not easy but you have to be empathic but do not be
intrusive, just be empathic to understand what is the barriers are.

Individual vulnerability, we are not the same, some people are tend to be more overwhelmed
than others, we all have different experiences.

The stigma by being off because mental problems.

Three simple phrases to say:

Being at work is healthier than being without work in most of the senses.
Communication: Maintain contact to your employees is better than none, because they might
feel ignored. When to get a break from work, when to come back. Offer at some point training.
Managing training, Mindfulness training.

All of this is to reduce the risk in the long term for the employee and the company.

How to make work-life balance work | Nigel


So many people talk rubbish about work-life balance.

“The reality of the society is that there are a lot of people living lives of quiet, screaming
desperation, where they work long, hard hours at jobs they hate to enable them to buy things
they don’t need to impress people they don’t like. “

Government is not going to solve this problem. This is our responsibility. If you don’t solve this
problem, someone will solve it for you.

Even good intention companies will take as much as possible from you. We have to be
deposable for the bordering our life and time. But we have to be realistic; we can’t do
everything in one day.

Looking for balance doesn’t mean a dramatic upheaval in your life. With small changes you can
influence in the quality of your relationships. We can change society definition of success

What is Eustress And How is It Different than

moderate or normal psychological stress interpreted as being beneficial for
the experiencer.
The golden age of the welfare state brought increased leisure time and growing criticism towards work.
Thus, the Western world acknowledged stress only recently.

The idea that “stress is bad” is problematic, if not harmful, to our health. Belief plays a vital role in
shaping physiological responses. Stress helps us survive. It can heighten our senses and improve our
performance with a given task or assignment. If we change the negative perception of stress, we have
the potential to transform our lives.

The notion of “stress” had been used for centuries in physics to explain the elasticity of a metallic object,
and its capacity to endure “strain” (as for instance in Hooke’s Law of 1958).

By the turn of the 20th century, negative ideas of stress were widespread, largely due to the forces of
industrialization and urbanization, since these forces shaped the collective psyche of Western society.

the famous Hungarian endocrinologist Hans Selyen in 1974 redefines the terminology to establish a
clarification between two different types of stress: eustress, and distress. Combining the Greek prefix
eu-, (meaning good) with stress, eustress became the term used to define “good stress” in opposition
with “bad stress.”

According to Selye, eustress actually has emotional and physical health benefits.

It only lasts in the short term

It energizes and motivates

It is perceived as something within our coping ability

It feels exciting

It increases focus and performance

On the other hand, distress, or negative stress, is characterized by:

Lasting in the short as well as in the long term

Triggering anxiety and concern

Surpassing our coping abilities

Generating unpleasant feelings

Decreasing focus and performance

Contributing to mental and physical problems

The stress response activates the sympathetic nervous system, flooding the body with hormones such as
cortisol and norepinephrine (McGonigal, 2008).

A neurological cocktail of hormones and the over activation of brain areas causes a burst of energy and
focus, coupled with emotions such as anger, aggression, and anxiety.

As the figure above indicates, eustress can lead to focused attention, emotional balance and rational
thoughts. Distress, on the other hand, can cause impaired attention, boredom, confusion, apathy,
excitement, burn-out and disorganized behavior.

So the question lingers – is it possible to transform distress into eustress? The short answer to this
question is yes.

Listen to your body – because what feels good often does good.

control theory (Spector, 1998), which suggests that the experience of stress is conditioned by an
individual’s perception of control to the stressor.

To summarize, this theory argues that subjective perception plays a big role in determining the type of
stress that will result from an environmental stressor, as well as a person’s emotional response to it.

Here, the more control a person has over the environment in which the stressor is located, the less likely
that his response to it will be negative (and take the form of ‘distress’, along with the physical symptoms
that characterize that type of stress response).

Ted talk: How to make stress your friend | Kelly McGonigal

- Stress makes you social / oxytocin, it is a stress hormone just like the adrenaline. It is
healthy; it helps you to notice your soundings. It works on your brain and your body. It helps
cells to regenerate. If you come to help someone, you generate oxytocin, so you recover
faster from bad stress. To conclude then, that, a healthy pill to recover is helping people
´because you will get this satisfaction by generating oxytocin.

30,000 interviews: do you believe that stress is harmful to your health?

Those who had replied “yes” (nearly 186 million U.S adults), exhibited worse health and mental health
outcomes than those who had answered “no” (Keller et al., 2012).
This approach, she argues, works best. Over time, they can develop a mindset equipped to deal with
challenges rather than fear them. This acceptance builds resilience.

Eustress: a situation which feels stressful but you feel like you can handle it, despite feeling challenged;
it makes you have positive thoughts about life and yourself. Distress: a situation that feels overwhelming
and unlikely to result in satisfactory outcomes; you feel like your health is deteriorating and have
negative thoughts about life and yourself.

Solving Problems creatively

Stop thinking

Two types of thinking - 1.- Diverging/diverge 2.-Converging/ converge

Diverging/diverge - creative thinking wildcard principal

It creates quantitative

See novelty

What is going to work based on the environment we work to

Make the list / what can we reach / what we don’t know versus what we don’t know

Make choses by getting close where we want to go

Tolerate for complexity

We need to make it up as we go

Where are you? Where do I want to be? What am I going to do for it?


Sensitive environment

Navi Radjou: Creative problem-solving in the face of extreme limits

Clear solution born in diversity

Do more with less

Take what is most abundant and be creative

It is come the point when investors cant afford to keep creating or furthermore, it won’t be remunerable

Optimize energy for solutions

Keep it simple, do not try to impress customers with elaborated solutions

Think and act horizontally
Positive Psychology in the Workplace

What is wrong and what needs to be improved

Once the management team has a clear idea of the situation and understands the downfalls and
barriers, they are ready to develop a clear vision

In order to develop powerful, motivating strategies, organizations need to go beyond traditional

management tools.

Ask positive questions

Ask new questions

This article encourages leaders to tap into the positive core of the organizational system for strategy

meeting people by interacting and communicating

photography projects souls and it is also communication

What is Assertive Communication? 10 Real-Life Examples

Assertive communication is defined as “The ability to speak and interact in a manner that considers and
respects the rights and opinions of others while also standing up for your rights, needs, and personal
boundaries” (Pipas & Jaradat, 2010, p. 649).

Direct eye


Tone of voice

Facial expression

Timing – choose the best moment

Nonthreatening, non-blaming language

Speak with Clarity, what do you mean, no general ideas

Positive language – when asking for a request to change certain behaviors, come with a possible
effective solution

Language without criticism of one’s self or others.

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