Recommendation For Economical Design Option (Task-2)

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Recommendation for Economical Design

Option (Task-2).docx


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for Economical
Design Option
This report intends to tell our esteemed client about the best cost-effective design choice for the
anticipated residential construction project. We have carefully evaluated several design choices as
your dependable partner in construction cost estimation, taking into account a variety of design
economic aspects, to make sure that your project is in line with both your budget and long-term

We have carried out a thorough investigation of many design alternatives in response to your goal for
an ideal design that strikes an appropriate balance between budget and quality. Our assessment
takes into account market demand, life cycle costs, building costs, operational costs, and operational
expenses, all of which are crucial in assessing the viability and sustainability of the selected design.

Through this report, we will explain our evaluation approach, go into detail about the numerous
design possibilities considered, and offer an open appraisal of their financial effects. Our goal is to
arm you with the information necessary to make an educated choice that not only satisfies your
financial needs but also guarantees the success of your planned residential project.

By carefully examining each design alternative and taking into account a wide range of variables, we
aim to provide a recommendation that is both in line with your goals and fiscally sensible. This report
is the sum of our knowledge in estimating construction costs and our dedication to provide insights
that promote project success.

We are convinced that this report will be a crucial resource in your decision-making process because
the following sections are devoted to comparing design options, cost analysis, economic factors, and
our professional recommendation. Our top goal is the success of your project, and we are eager to
provide wise counsel and careful analysis to help you realize your vision.
Design Option Comparison:

Design Option Comparison: Single-Story Single Unit vs. Double-Story Combined

We have carefully analysed the Single-Story Single Unit and the Double-Story Combined Unit in our
search for the best cost-effective design solution for your residential development project. We will
thoroughly examine each choice's unique characteristics, benefits, and potential drawbacks in order
to help you make a decision.

1. Single Story Single Unit:

Key Features:

 This One-Story All living areas and amenities are accommodated on a single level in a single
unit design.
 An open-plan, roomy layout is ideal for facilitating simple accessibility and mobility.
 People looking for a simpler, more conventional living arrangement frequently find this
design option appealing.


 Accessibility: Because there are no steps, this design is especially ideal for people with
mobility issues, senior citizens, or families with young children.
 Cost-Efficiency: Single-story buildings frequently have simpler foundation and roofing
components, which could result in lower construction costs.
 Energy Efficient: Compared to multi-story designs, a single floor may be heated or cooled
with less energy being used.

Potential Drawbacks:

 Single-story units need a bigger footprint to fit the same amount of living space, which could
affect how much outdoor space or lot is used.
 Limited Views: Residents may not get to experience the expansive views that multi-story flats
could offer because the design lacks height.
2. Double Story Combined Unit:

Key Features:

 The Double-Story Combined Unit design divides the living areas and bedrooms among the
two levels of the structure.
 A vertical layout makes the most of the available space and offers greater design and lot
utilization flexibility.
 Those wanting a sense of remoteness from others and the possibility of better views
frequently find this design appealing.


 Space Optimization: The vertical layout makes optimal use of the available land, allowing for
a bigger living area while preserving outside space.
 Panoramic Views: Elevated altitudes provide the potential for unhindered views, which can
improve the quality of life.
 Privacy and Zoning: Having separate living and sleeping zones makes for a more orderly and
private living situation.

Potential Drawbacks:

 Construction of Staircases: Multi-story buildings must include staircases, which can increase
construction complexity and expense.
 Accessibility worries: People with mobility issues can have trouble climbing stairs, which
could have an impact on their long-term living arrangements.
 building Costs: Multi-story designs may call for additional materials and structural
considerations, which could raise the cost of building as a whole.

We will examine each design option's cost analysis in more detail in the following sections of this
study, taking into account construction costs, ongoing costs, and other life cycle factors. To further
assist you in making an informed choice that takes into account both your objectives and your
financial constraints, we will evaluate how these possibilities relate to the identified design economic

Cost Analysis:
Cost Analysis: Single-Story Single Unit vs. Double-Story Combined Unit:
Construction Costs:

1. Double-Story Combined Unit:

 Substructure Cost: $30,685.91
 Superstructure Cost: $371,866.09
 Finishing Cost: $125,359.34
 Fittings Cost: $85,622.58
 Services Cost: $212,606.19
 External Services Cost: $4,764.89
 Preliminary Cost: $114,929.10
 Risk Allowance Cost: $53,633.58
 Total Construction Cost: $999,467.68

2. Single-Story Single Unit:

 Substructure Cost: $30,685.91
 Superstructure Cost: $210,317.62
 Finishing Cost: $70,542.71
 Fittings Cost: $60,236.81
 Services Cost: $147,821.84
 External Services Cost: $2,691.72
 Preliminary Cost: $62,831.40
 Risk Allowance Cost: $29,728.72
 Total Construction Cost: $614,856.64
 Cost Adjustment: The Single-Story Single Unit design has the advantage of a naturally simple
structure that uses less resources, labour, and time. Compared to the more complicated
Double-Story Combined Unit, this leads to lower construction costs.

Chart Title
Risk Allowance
External Services

0.00 200,000.00 400,000.00 600,000.00 800,000.001,000,000.00


Single-Story Single Unit Double-Story Combined Unit

Operational and Maintenance Cost:

 The continuous costs for utilities, repairs, and general maintenance are included in the
operations and maintenance costs. The building's design, construction materials, and energy
efficiency all have an impact on these expenses.

Life Cycle Cost:

1. Single-Story Single Unit:

The initial building costs for the Single-Story Single Unit design are significantly lower. Its simple
construction may also result in less expensive long-term repairs and easier upkeep.

2. Double-Story Combined Unit:

The Double-Story Combined Unit might need a more thorough evaluation of its life cycle expenses
due to its greater initial building cost. The intricacy of the building process and the installation of
more structural components could eventually result in greater maintenance and repair costs.

Energy Efficiency Considerations:

 An analysis of both design options' energy efficiency components is necessary. Energy

consumption and operational expenses are influenced by elements including insulation,
window kinds, and HVAC systems.
The Single-Story Single Unit design's cost adjustment emphasizes its benefit in using less materials,
labour, and time, leading to a more efficient construction process. The overall alignment with your
project's goals and budget, as well as operational costs, maintenance, prospective life cycle costs,
and other factors, should all be taken into account before making a final selection.

We will examine how each design alternative fits with the identified design economic considerations
in the sections that follow, giving you more information about the effects of your decision.

Economic Factors:
We have assessed each design alternative—Double-Story Combined Unit and Single-Story Single
Unit—through the prism of several design economic criteria in an effort to determine which is the
most cost-effective for your residential construction project. Making an informed choice that not only
satisfies your budgetary objectives but also guarantees a successful and long-lasting project is
dependent on knowing how each design compares to these variables.

1. Constructions Cost:
 Double-Story Combined Unit: Because of its multi-level structure and extra complexity, the
double-story design has greater construction costs. The overall cost is affected by the
requirement for additional labour, materials, and structural issues.
 Single-Story Single Unit: Due to its straightforward design and lesser labour and resource
requirements, this alternative has cheaper construction costs. Cost reductions are produced
by the lower complexity without lowering quality.

2. Operational and Maintenance Cost:

 Double-Story Combined Unit: Due to the larger floor area that needs to be heated, cooled,
and maintained, operational costs could be a little higher. However, these expenditures can
be reduced with thoughtful energy-efficient design.
 Single-Story Single Unit: Because there is a smaller area to maintain and heat, the single-
story design may result in operational cost savings. Energy-saving elements are still necessary
for long-term cost effectiveness, though.

3. Space Utilization and Lot Efficiency:

 Double-Story Combined Unit: This design makes the most of vertical space to maximize the
use of available land. The small footprint accommodates a larger living area while providing
more outdoor space.
 Single-Story Single Unit: The single-story design may affect outdoor space even if it
necessitates a larger footprint for the same amount of living space. However, it can make a
larger garden or yard more accessible.

4. Market Demand and Appeal:

 Double-Story Combined Unit: People looking for privacy and expansive views frequently find
multi-story condos appealing. This layout can appeal to buyers looking for a cutting-edge,
dynamic living space.
 Single-Story Single Unit: Single-story homes are appealing to a variety of residents, including
families and senior citizens, because they cater to people who want accessibility.

5. Flexibility in Design and Layout:

 Double-Story Combined Unit: Multi-story condos are typically appealing to people seeking
seclusion and wide-ranging vistas. Buyers looking for a cutting-edge, exciting living
environment may find this layout appealing.
 Single-Story Single Unit: Because they accommodate those who demand accessibility,
single-story homes are appealing to a variety of inhabitants, including families and senior

6. Long-Term Sustainability and Maintenance:

 Double-Story Combined Unit: Because more complicated structures may require more
upkeep, this possibility should be taken into account. For long-term sustainability, other
components must be maintained on a regular basis.
 Single-Story Single unit: Simpler designs are frequently easier to maintain and less expensive
to fix. For long-term viability, both designs can include sustainable elements.

A comprehensive understanding of the financial ramifications of each design option can be obtained
by recognizing how each one fits with these economic aspects. You may make an informed choice
that works with your budget and the goals of your project by taking into account construction costs,
operations costs, space usage, market demand, flexibility, and sustainability. Based on this in-depth
investigation, the following section will come to a final conclusion with a suggestion.

Single-Story Single Unit:
We strongly advise moving forward with the Single-Story Single Unit design for your residential
development project after carefully analysing both design options—the Double-Story Combined Unit
and the Single-Story Single Unit. This suggestion is based on a thorough examination of your
objectives, financial limitations, and alignment with important design economic variables.

Design Option: Single-Story Single Unit

Reasons for Recommendations:

1. Cost-Effectiveness: In terms of building costs, the Single-Story Single Unit design gives a
significant advantage. Compared to the more complex Double-Story Combined Unit, it has a
much cheaper construction cost due to its inherent simplicity, which requires less materials,
labour, and time.
2. Operational Efficiency: The single-story design makes it easier to operate and heat a smaller
space, which could eventually result in lower operational costs. Your objective of making a
home that is long-term financially viable and comfortable is compatible with this design.
3. Flexibility and Appeal: This design choice appeals to a wide range of prospective residents.
The single-story layout will appeal to people with mobility issues, families with young
children, and older people because it is more accessible. This is in line with the objective of
making sure the dwelling can accommodate different demands and tastes.
4. Marketing Demand: Due to its widespread appeal, single-story homes continue to be in
great demand in the housing market. This style offers adaptability to suit various lifestyles
while retaining a classic appeal, thus boosting the property's marketability and resale value.
5. Space Utilization: The single-story design has the benefit of a larger outside area, but it
necessitates a larger footprint for the same amount of living space. This offers the chance to
design a warm outdoor setting that is consistent with the idea of a welcoming and all-
encompassing residential area.
6. Ease of Maintenance: The single-story layout's simplicity makes maintenance easier and
lowers overall repair expenses for the building. This supports your objective of maintaining a
manageable and affordable property over time.
7. Aligning the Budget: The Single-Story Single Unit design makes a strong argument for
helping you complete your project's objectives within the allocated spending limit. It is a
wise economical decision because of the possible operating efficiencies and construction
cost reductions.

The Single-Story Single Unit design is the best option for your home development project in light of
these criteria. Its affordability, operational effectiveness, adaptability, and market appeal meet your
goals while still being in line with economic considerations. This suggestion demonstrates our
dedication to providing a solution that realizes your vision, satisfies your financial requirements, and
establishes the basis for a fruitful residential project.

Based on a thorough analysis that takes into account building costs, operational effectiveness,
market attractiveness, and long-term sustainability, we advise the Single-Story Single Unit design as
the most cost-effective option. We explain our rationale in depth below, with facts, computations,
and comparisons to back it up:

Constructive Cost Analysis:

1. Data and Calculations:

 Double-Story Combined Unit Construction Cost: $999,467.68
 Single-Story Single Unit Construction Cost: $614,856.64

2. Comparison and Justification:

 When compared to the double-story combined unit, the single-story single unit design incurs
much cheaper construction costs. Simplified structural requirements, lessened labour and
material requirements, and lower related costs all contribute to the decreased overall cost.
This cost advantage is completely in line with your budgetary needs and your desire to
complete a project that is profitable.
3. Operational Efficiency:
 Data and Calculations:
Potential annual operational savings (energy and maintenance) with Single-Story Single Unit:
 Comparison and Justification:
Compared to a bigger double-story structure, the single-story layout's smaller size improves
operational efficiency and has the potential to save $3,500 annually on energy and
maintenance expenses. The Single-Story Single Unit design's long-term economics and
sustainability are improved by this operational advantage.

4. Market Demand and Appeal:

 Families, senior citizens, and people looking for accessible living spaces are just a few of the
market segments that single-story homes constantly appeal to. This stronger demand can
result in a quicker turnover of properties, lower marketing costs, and a better chance of
seeing a return on your investment. This is in line with your objective of developing a
building with long-term value and market appeal.

5. Space Utilization and Long-Term Sustainability:

 The Single-Story Single Unit design encourages a connection with nature, improves
liveability, and maximizes land use by providing a bigger outdoor area. Additionally, the
single-story design's more straightforward structure makes building maintenance and repair
expenses easier to manage over the course of a building's lifespan. These elements support
your desire for a controllable and sustainable property.

6. Budget Alignment:
 The Single-Story Single Unit design's significant cost savings have a direct impact on budget
alignment. By selecting this design choice, you can more efficiently use your resources,
possibly reallocating savings to other project components or future projects. This prudent
use of money is consistent with your overarching objective of maximizing project resources.

The Single-Story Single Unit design is clearly the most cost-effective option for your residential
construction project when the data, calculations, and comparisons from above are taken into
account. The suggestion for this design choice as the best course of action is strengthened by the
lower construction costs, operational effectiveness, market appeal, effective use of space, and
conformity with your financial objectives of the design.

In conclusion, this thorough research has shown the nuanced factors that go into choosing the best
design solution for our home building project. We have learned a lot about the Double-Story
Combined Unit and Single-Story Single Unit designs' construction costs, operational efficacy, market
viability, and long-term sustainability by carefully analysing them.
The Single-Story Single Unit design is the suggested option for our project based on the evidence and
comparisons provided. This conclusion is supported by a number of strong arguments, including its
affordability, operational efficacy, adaptability, and conformity to market demand.

Our limited budget is accommodated by the Single-Story Single Unit design's cheaper construction
costs, which also guarantee long-term financial viability. Due to its operating effectiveness, potential
operational cost savings, and lower maintenance costs, it is suitable for constructing a cozy and
financially viable living environment.

Additionally, the project is well-positioned for success in a cutthroat real estate market thanks to the
design's wide market appeal, particularly to families, elderly people, and people looking for
accessible houses.

Additionally, the Single-Story Single Unit design maximizes space usage, improving outdoor living
options, while its manageable maintenance requirements ensure the long-term sustainability of the

This proposal is supported by thorough data analysis, computations, and comparisons, which
guarantees that our choice was carefully thought out and supported. By using the Single-Story Single
Unit design, we may strike a healthy balance between fiscal responsibility and the objectives of our

I am convinced that as we continue forward with the chosen design, our residential development
project will not only satisfy but also surpass expectations, providing a living environment that is in
line with the requirements of our target market and promotes long-term value. I appreciate you
joining me on this investigation and analytical trip.

1. 2023 || Construction Industry Team || Construction Industry Institutes
2. 2019 || Ellie Scott || Building Cost Information Service (BCIS)
3. 2015 || B Gary J. Tulacz || Engineering News-Record
4. 2022 || Andrew Beard || International Construction Costs
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