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ADMN 1030: Introduction to Health Care Delivery Systems

Assignment #2 (Current Events Assignment): Worth 20%

Student Name: Balraj singh Student #: 8940255

Full Name of Article: Ambulance use in Ontario has grown far faster than population, study


Source of Article (Where You Found It): CBC News

Link to Article:


Date of Article: August-19- 2022

APA Reference:

CBC/Radio Canada. (2022, August 19). Ontario ambulance use spiked even before

pandemic. New research say it is “unsustainable” / CBC news.

Article Summary: (200-250 words)

According to the findings of a study that was carried out in Ontario and conducted by

academics from McMaster University in Hamilton, the usage of ambulances in the province

has dramatically grown in the years leading up to pandemic. Researches found a 38.3%

increase in ambulance-transported patients to emergency rooms between 2010 and 2019,

four times higher than the province’s population growth of 9.6%.

Submitted by-Balraj Singh Student ID-8940255 Submitted to- Saeedeh Akram

Researchers warn that Ontario’s current ambulance system may not be sustainable due to

high wait times and “level zero” incidents. This is due to patient perceptions, superior in-

hospital treatment, and inadequate understanding of alternative healthcare services.

Challenges in primary health care, lack of timely access, and a sense of superiority in in-

hospital care contribute to this issue. The research suggests allowing paramedics to

transport patient to facilities beyond emergency rooms, overcoming barriers to accessing

other healthcare systems. 

According to the results of the survey, there has been an increase in demand for the usage

of ambulances throughout all areas of Ontario and across all ages categories. It was shown

that person between the ages of 18 and 39 and the largest rate of development in their

usage age of ambulances.  

Researchers addresses non-emergency patient diversion from overload emergency rooms

and suggest alternative healthcare destinations then like urgent care clinics or journalized

medicine clinics for less urgent patients.

Unit 1:

Model The system that provides healthcare or the many facts of wellbeing are not

of brought up in this article in any direct way. On the other hand, based on the

Healthc knowledge that is currently accessible, I am able to offer a broad discussion in

are and these subjects.


Submitted by-Balraj Singh Student ID-8940255 Submitted to- Saeedeh Akram

It is clear from the article that the present model emergency department transports

in Onterio is being questioned as a result of the growing demand for ambulance

services. This is obvious due to the fact that the article discusses the model.

According to finding of the research, the current paradigm may not be viable in

long run. This suggests that the current program for the delivery of healthcare in

Ontario may need to be reevaluated, and maybe modified, in order to satisfy the

increased demand for emergency services and reduce pressure on hospital

emergency departments.

Dimensi Although the article does not directly address the many facets of wellness, it does

on of make a point to emphasise the significance of holistic health and well-being. The

wellnes rise in the usage of ambulance and the need for emergency services may be

s and caused by a number of different causes, including challenges encountered while

why? attempting to get access to primary health care and lack of familiarity with

alternate form of medical treatment. This indicates that there may be some room

for improvement in terms of addressing the general wellbeing of people, especially

with regard to timely access to treatment and understanding of the many

healthcare alternatives that are accessible.

Unit 2:

Two Access to Primary Health care: Access to primary Health care is one of the most

DOH important components of the healthcare system and has the potential to have a

which substantial influence on the demand for ambulance services. According to the

correlat information provided in the article, issues is gaining access to primary healthcare

e to C/E may be contributing factor in the rising demand for ambulance service in Ontario.

Submitted by-Balraj Singh Student ID-8940255 Submitted to- Saeedeh Akram

with Individuals who are having difficulty acquiring timely treatment from Primary

explana Health care providers. Such as family physicians or primary care clinics may turn

tions to calling an ambulance as a way of gaining access to rapid care to address their

medical needs. Patients may experience this when they cannot schedule

appointments with primary care doctor or feel their illness requires immediate

medical treatment. For example, if a person has symptoms, they need but cannot

book an appointment, they may call an ambulance. Additionally, those without a

primary careful physician or having difficulty locating one may rely on emergency

services as their Primary health source.t

Increasing access to basic medical care is one way to assist address the factors

that are behind the growing demand for ambulance services. If individuals are

provided with timely access to primary care services, such as appointments the

same day or the following day, extended clinic hours, or the option to use

telemedicine, they are more likely to seek appropriate care from primary care

providers rather than relying on ambulances and emergency department for non-

emergency situations. This can be accomplished by ensuring that individuals have

timely access to primary care services.

2. Lack of Awareness of other Health care services: The article also emphasises

the lack of awareness of alternative health care services as a variable leading to

higher ambulance usage. This is one of the factors that contributes to increasing

ambulance use. It is possible that a large number of people are unaware of or do

not have knowledge on non-emergency healthcare choices outside of hospital

emergency rooms. Due to lack of information, some people may call for an

Submitted by-Balraj Singh Student ID-8940255 Submitted to- Saeedeh Akram

ambulance even though their medical requirements are not considered to be an

emergency, which contributes to the demand on emergency services. Individuals

may be transferred to more appropriate levels of treatment by teaching the public

about the available healthcare services and giving information about urgent care

clinics, walk-in services. For instance, if people are informed about the services

offered at urgent care clinics and realise that their illness can be appropriately

treated at such facilities, they may choose to go to urgent care clinics for treatment

rather than depending on ambulances or emergency rooms to provide them with

medical attention in an emergency situation.

Increasing awareness may be accomplished via a variety of methods, such as

public awareness campaigns, community outreach programmers, and cooperative

efforts between emergency services, primary care physicians, and other medical

institutions. Individuals are able to make educated choices regarding the most

acceptable care setting for their medical requirements when there is promotion of

the availability of alternative healthcare services and the advantages of the

services. This help reduce the dependence on ambulances and emergency rooms

for circumstances that are not considered to be emergencies.

Addressing the factors that determine access to primary health care and raising

knowledge of alternative health-care options in Ontario is one way to assist offset

the growing demand for ambulance services in that province. Individuals may be

redirected to more appropriate levels of treatment by improving access to primary

care and educating the public about alternative healthcare. This reduces the

burden on emergency services and ensures that resources for actual crises are

Submitted by-Balraj Singh Student ID-8940255 Submitted to- Saeedeh Akram


Unit 3:

1 CHA “public administration” which refers to the necessity that healthcare services be

criterion administered by a public body on a non-profit basis is one of the requirements

related outlined in Canada Health Act. This criterion is significant in comprehending the

to CE function of public that administration in the provision of emergency medical

with services in regard to the issue that has been given to you, which is the growing

explana usage ambulances in the province of Ontario. The article draws attention to the

tion increasing demand for ambulance in the province of Ontario, as well as the

pressure that this demand places on emergency rooms. This circumstance draws

attention to the need for efficient administration and coordination of ambulance

services by a public body in order to provide equal access to resources and

ensure that they are used in an appropriate manner. Ambulance services in

Ontario are primarily run by local or regional governments, public health

organisations, or public hospital authorities in the framework of the province’s

system of public administration. These organisations are accountable for the

management and coordination of ambulance operations, the provision of

dispatching services, and the supervision of the administration of emergency

medical treatment. The public administration component guarantees that the

ambulance services are organised, controlled, and provided in a way that places a

higher priority on the health and safety of the general public than on the

motivations of private businesses to maximise profits.

Submitted by-Balraj Singh Student ID-8940255 Submitted to- Saeedeh Akram

In the CHA, the criteria of public administration are to guarantee that ambulance

services are responsible, transparent, and focused on serving the requirements of

the people in terms of medical treatment. This involves the efficient distribution of

available resources, the proper triage and transportation of patients, and the

coordination of efforts with other healthcare professionals and emergency

departments. Ambulance services may offer a full and integrated emergency

medical response by adhering to the idea of public administration, which allows

them to collaborate with other components of the healthcare system, such as

primary care providers and hospitals. This criterion helps ensuring that ambulance

services are connected with the larger aims of the healthcare system, which

include the effective utilisation of resources, the timely access to treatment, and

the equitable distribution of services.

Unit 4:

2 According to the information presented in the article, the following are two services

possibl or treatments that might potentially be connected to the issue of rising ambulance

e usage in Ontario:


s/treatm 1. Urgent Care Clinics: Urgent care clinics provide medical treatments for non-life-

ents threatening problems that need rapid attention but are not serious enough to

related justify a visit to the emergency department. Patients who visit an urgent care clinic

to your do not need to be admitted to the hospital. These clinics are intended to provide

topic prompt medical assistance for problems such as minor accidents, infections, or

Submitted by-Balraj Singh Student ID-8940255 Submitted to- Saeedeh Akram

with diseases that need rapid attention but do not constitute medical emergencies. In

identific connection with the subject matter, the demand for ambulance services may be

ation of lowered if there were a greater emphasis placed on the use of urgent care clinics

type of rather than emergency rooms for the treatment of non-urgent conditions. When

service people have access to urgent care clinics, rather than having to depend on

and ambulances or emergency rooms for treatment, they are able to get the proper

eligibilit care for their medical requirements.


Service Types and Prices: Urgent care clinics can be categorized based on their

location and healthcare system. Some clinics in Ontario may operate as uninsured

services, requiring patients to pay out of pocket for treatments. Private insurance

plans and extended health care services may also be available. The cost of

treatment varies based on clinic structure, treatments, and individual health

insurance coverage.

2. Services of Telemedicine: Telemedicine refers to the practise of using

technology to give medical treatment to patients in a distant location. This practise

enables patients to communicate with their healthcare professionals through video

calls or phone conversations. In the event that a patient's illness does not need

immediate attention, telemedicine services are able to provide medical guidance,

diagnosis, and treatment suggestions.

With regard to the subject matter at hand, the provision of telemedicine services

has the potential to contribute to the alleviation of the growing need for ambulance

Submitted by-Balraj Singh Student ID-8940255 Submitted to- Saeedeh Akram

services by making it possible for patients to obtain medical advice and treatment

without having to physically visit an emergency room. Telemedicine allows people

to have their medical issues addressed, get the right direction, and maybe prevent

the need for an ambulance transfer or a visit to the emergency room.

Service Types and Prices: Telemedicine services can be categorized by provider,

consultation type, and associated costs. In Ontario, the Ontario Health Insurance

Plan (OHIP) may cover some telemedicine services, but not all. Some providers

may offer extended medical care or supplementary services. People may need to

pay for telemedicine consultations out of personal funds or private insurance


The particular cost that consumers would incur for telemedicine services would be

determined by a number of variables including the fees charged by the provider,

the individual's unique healthcare plan, and insurance coverage.

Unit 5:

Explain According to the findings of the research that were cited in the article, the number

one of patients transported by ambulance to emergency departments saw a 38.3%

aspect rise during the ten-year period from 2010 to 2019. This rise in the requirement for

of ambulance services may result in increased expenses due to the increased

econom number of employees, pieces of equipment, and infrastructure that are required to

ic costs handle the additional job.


to your The burden that is placed on emergency departments as a result of the increasing

Submitted by-Balraj Singh Student ID-8940255 Submitted to- Saeedeh Akram

current usage of ambulances may lead to higher wait times and congestion, both of which

event, can have an impact on the economy. Delays in getting proper treatment and

providin lengthy stays in emergency departments may result in reduced efficiency and

g productivity, not only for persons seeking care but also for the healthcare

statistic personnel who are providing it. According to a study that was released in 2018 by

s (must the Auditor General of Ontario, the cost of providing ambulance services in the

have province has been steadily increasing over the last several years. According to the

referen findings of the study, the overall cost of land ambulance services skyrocketed from

ce for $576 million in 2008 to $993 million in 2017. This is a considerable increase in

this) expenditures over the course of the last 10 years.

Unit 6:

Identify The increasing use of ambulances in Ontario falls under healthcare law, which

how governs the delivery, management, and regulation of healthcare services.

your Healthcare legislation establishes rules, regulations, patient safety, and duties for

assigne healthcare professionals, patients, and stakeholders.

d topic 1. Regulatory of emergency medical services: Emergency medical services

corresp are governed by healthcare legislation, which also establishes guidelines

onds to and requirements for their delivery, including ambulance services. These

one rules control things like licensure requirements, equipment standards,

area of personnel needs, response times, and care quality. The delivery of

Submitted by-Balraj Singh Student ID-8940255 Submitted to- Saeedeh Akram

law and ambulance services to people in need is made safe and efficient by abiding

explain by these laws.


2. Medical responsibility and Negligence: Healthcare law tackles questions of

medical responsibility and negligence in the context of ambulance services.

Any injury to the patient may be the result of the failure of an ambulance

provider or healthcare professional to perform emergency medical services

to the required quality of care. Errors that result in unfavourable results or

further injury to the patient include those that occur during patient

evaluation, treatment, or transportation.

3. Patient Rights and Consent: Patient rights are covered by healthcare

legislation when it comes to emergency medical assistance. It includes the

right to informed consent, which makes sure that patients are given

pertinent information regarding their health, treatment alternatives, risks,

and advantages. Before performing medical procedures or transferring

patients to a medical institution, ambulance providers must first receive

proper consent from patients or their designated representatives.

4. Patient privacy and confidentiality: It is another aspect of healthcare

regulation that has an impact on ambulance services. When providing care

and providing transportation, ambulance providers are accountable for

protecting the privacy and confidentiality of patient information. This

includes abiding by privacy rules, such as the Personal Health Information

Submitted by-Balraj Singh Student ID-8940255 Submitted to- Saeedeh Akram

Protection Act (PHIPA), which controls the gathering, using, and disclosing

of personal health information in Ontario.

In conclusion, as it concerns the regulation of emergency medical services,

medical responsibility, patient rights, and privacy, the subject of rising ambulance

usage in Ontario pertains to healthcare law. These legal considerations support

the rights of patients and the effective and safe provision of ambulance services.

Unit 1 Blodgett, J. M., Robertson, D. J., Pennington, E., Ratcliffe, D., & Rockwood, K.

Referen (2021, January 6). Alternatives to direct emergency department conveyance

ces of ambulance patients: A scoping review of the evidence - scandinavian

journal of trauma, resuscitation and emergency medicine. BioMed Central.

Booker, M. J., Purdy, S., Barnes, R., & Shaw, A. R. G. (2019, October 10).

Ambulance use for “primary care” problems: An ethnographic study of

seeking and providing help in a UK ambulance service. BMJ open.

Unit 2 (PDF) increasing utilisation of emergency ambulances - researchgate. (n.d.-b).


ces ergency_ambulances

Unit 3 Research publications. The Canada Health Act: An Overview. (n.d.).

Submitted by-Balraj Singh Student ID-8940255 Submitted to- Saeedeh Akram


ces 201954E

Unit 4 Blodgett, J. M., Robertson, D. J., Pennington, E., Ratcliffe, D., & Rockwood, K.

Referen (2021b, January 6). Alternatives to direct emergency department

ces conveyance of ambulance patients: A scoping review of the evidence.

Scandinavian journal of trauma, resuscitation and emergency medicine.

Unit 5 K;, A. E. Z. P. (n.d.). Drivers of increasing emergency ambulance demand.

Referen Prehospital emergency care.


Unit 6 Patient care and transportation standards - ministère de la santé et ... (n.d.).


ces patient_care_trans_standards_v2.3.pdf?subject=Patient%20Care%20and


Submitted by-Balraj Singh Student ID-8940255 Submitted to- Saeedeh Akram

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