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Oct 20 2022
Yg harus ada di surat
1. Receiver (to/dear)
2. Messange
3. Sender ( yours trutly/best

Nov 17 2022
Me study animal story or fabel
Me,friend and my teacher play guess
I so happy to study in a day
10 kosa kata
B.inggris Arti
1. Walking sedang berjalan
2. Fell jatuh
3. Help Tolong
4. Watching menonton
5. Trouble masalah
6. Save menyimpan
7. Climbed memanjat
8. Saw gergaji
9. Sitting duduk
10. Heel tumit

Chpter 4
1.Apple: Apel
2. Pineapple: Nanas
3. Mango: Mangga
4. Guava: Jambu biji/jambu batu
5. Pomegranate: Buah delima
6. Banana: Pisang
7. Watermelon: Semangka
8. Dragon fruit: Buah Naga
9. Avocado: Alpukat


Seller: welcome,Can I help you?

Buyer:Sure,I want some oranges
Seller :how many kilos of oranges do you want?
Buyer: I want 10 kilos of oranges
Seller:wait for a while.I will take it
Buyer: ok
Seller: these are the oranges
Buyer: how much are the orange?
Seller:the oranges are one hudred thousand
Buyer:here is the money
Seller:thank you.dont forget to come back


1. Turn off the light when leaving the room

2. Turn off the faucet while brushing your


3. Use a skateboard, bicycle or walk when

traveling to places that are not far away.
4. Unplug the cable or cellphone charger after

5. Dispose of trash in its place

6. Avoid using plastic cutlery that is only used


7. Use a food container that can be used


8. Donate toys that are not used to others

9. Avoid using plastic bags when shopping at

supermarkets, get used to bringing your own

10. Get used to using public transportation

such as trains or buses

1. tanaman : plant
2. air : water
3. bersih : clean
4. bibit : seeds
5. bunga : flower
6. rumput : grass
7. pohon : tree
8. serangga : insect
9. hujan : rain
10. indah : beautifull
11. hijau : green
12. cantik : pretty
13. semak semak : bush
14. kursi : chair
15. pengunjung : visitor
16. kupu-kupu : butterfly
17. tukang kebun : gardener
18. pemotong rumput : lawn mower
19. sejuk : cool
20. kepompong : cocoon
21.Aluminium : aliminium
22.sterofrom : sterofrom
23.cup : cup
24.bottle : botol
25.plastic : plastik
26.dusbint : tong sampah
27.animal : hewan
28.truck : truk
29.sea : pantai
30.beach : laut
31.paper : kertas
32.paper bag : paper bag
33.polusion : polusi
34.leaf : daun
35.caleng : kaleng

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