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Designer drugs (DD) are functional or structural analogues of legally controlled substances, which are chemically

modified to mimic the pharmacological effects of the original drug. Since the emergence of designer drugs, their
numbers have been constantly increasing. Designer drugs include synthetic opioids, cannabinoids, marijuana,
ecstacy, crystal meth and several others. ( Beebe DK, Walley E. Substance abuse: the designer drugs. Am Fam
Physician. 1991;43(5):1689-1698.) These drugs fall into different categories according their mechanism of actions,
the main of which are stimulants, sedatives and cannabinoids. Knowing the exact mechanism of each drug is
important in the management of intoxication, which could be life threatening. ( Luethi D, Liechti ME. Designer
drugs: mechanism of action and adverse effects [published correction appears in Arch Toxicol. 2022
May;96(5):1489]. Arch Toxicol. 2020;94(4):1085-1133. doi:10.1007/s00204-020-02693-7 )

Objective: The aim of this survey is to evaluate the knowledge and familiarity of medical students at Cairo
University, with different types of designer drugs, and their awareness against their behavioral, psychological and
physical adverse effects, and to assess their general attitude and perception towards different DD.

‫وهللا قلبي سقط‬

‫رجعوها لو تعرفوا‬ 
General characteristics of participants
         A total of 486 students with a mean age of 21±2 in the college of medicine, Kasr Al Ainy - Cairo
university filled the questionnaire. The majority of the participants were males  (291) (59.88%).
About 48.97% of the participants were fourth and fifth year medical students, 21.4% in the first
year and less than 0.5% in the internship .The demographic data of the participants are presented
in table (1). 

Gender N%

  Male 291 (59.88%)

  Female 195 (40.12%)

Year N% Age (mean ±SD)

First year 104(21.4%) 22 ±1

Second year 28( 5.76%) 18 ±1

Third year 88(18.11%) 21 ±1

Fourth year 124(25.52%) 20 ±1

Fifth year 114(23.45%) 23 ±1

Sixth year 26(5.35%) 20 ±1

Internship 2 (0.41%) <25

Total 486 21 ±2

Level of participants knowledge 
          Most of the participants reported their knowledge of synthetic marijuana (N=396, 81.48%)
and Strox (N=341, 70.16%). The main source of knowledge was social media’s several platforms, (N
=331, 68.11%), while healthcare providers and educational lectures were the least reported
sources of knowledge. About 20% of the participants reported that they have dealt with someone
who uses designer drugs. Different values of responders are presented in table (2).

Designer drug Familiarity

Strox 341 

voodoo 178(36.63%)

Ecstasy 199 (40.95%)

Crystal meth 270 (55.56%)

Flakka 136 (27.98%)

Marijuana 396 (81.48%)

Others 110 (22.63%)

Source of knowledge N%

Social media ( Twitter/facebook/whatsapp) 331 (68.11%)

Traditional media( TV/Radio/Newspapers) 238 (48.97%)

From people( Family/friends/Neighbors) 271 (55.76%)

From health care providers ( physicians/Pharmacists/Nurses…) 115 (23.66%)

Educational and awareness lectures 157 (32.3%)

Previous dealing with a someone who takes  Designer Drugs N%

Yes 96 (19.75%)

No 330 (67.9%)

I don’t know 60 (12.35%)

         Regarding the level of knowledge about designer drugs, more than 90% of the
participants( were aware of the behavioural and physical adverse effects caused by designer drugs,
and about 93% reported that it can lead to death.However, only 51% know that it is herbal
substances . In addition, more than two thirds of the participants reported that DD are more potent
than cannabis/hashish. We found that nearly 70% of the students are aware of the pharmacological
effects of the DD, but only 47% know that insecticides are used in the manufacture of these drugs.
The overview of the statement knowledge is presented in table (3) 

Level of perception of the participants  

      The vast majority of the participants (more than 90%) had similar perceptions towards designer
drugs in regards to the religious, social and legal points of view, where they all agreed on it being
prohibited by religion, law, and socially unacceptable behaviour. Furthermore, most participants
believe that social media has an important role in spreading awareness on the adverse effects of the
use of designer drugs. However, there’s a noticeable difference in perception among participants on
whether social media could play a role in increasing designer drugs use by indirectly promoting
them. Moreover, about two thirds of the participants 65.84% of participants do not consider
designer drugs use as freedom of choice of an individual. 

Statement Correct answer False answer N

N% %

1 Designer Drugs are herbal substances. 248 (51.03%) 238 (48.98)

2 2.Designer Drugs are drugs of pharmacological effect. 340 (69.96%) 164(30.04%)

3 Insecticides are used in manufacturing Designer Drugs 230 (47.33%) 217 (52.67)

4 Designer Drugs are more potent than cannabis/ 338 (69.55%) 148 (30.45)
5 Designer Drugs products are cheap. 214 (44.03%) 272 (55.96)

6 Designer Drugs may cause death. 453 (93.21%) 33 (6.79)

7 Designer Drugs may cause behavioural changes. 470 (96.71%) 16 (3.29%)

8 Designer Drugs may cause health problems. 460 (94.65%) 26 (5.35%)

9 Designer Drugs are hard to detect in blood or urine 66 (13.58%) 420 (86.42)

1 Marketed products containing Designer Drugs are 218 (44.86%) 268 (55.14%)
0 constantly changing.

Perceptions of designer drugs use Agree % Neutral% Disagree%

Taking designer drugs is considered a behaviour 448 30 (6.17%) 8 (1.65%)

banned by religion. (92.18%)

Taking designer drugs is considered a behaviour 454 23 (4.73%) 9 (1.85%

rejected by social norms. (93.42%)

Taking designer drugs is considered a behaviour 454 21 (4.32%) 11 (2.27%)

banned by law. (93.42%)

Taking designer drugs is considered a freedom of 85 81 (16.67%) 320

choice for the individual. (17.49%) (65.84%)

The media reports on designer drugs increase people’s 180 135 171
curiosity to attempt taking designer drugs. (37.04%) (27.78%) (35.19%)

Social media can be utilized to spread awareness on the 91.77% 5.56% 2.67%
risks of taking designer drugs.

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