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Old Question Solution

Saturday, August 12, 2023 12:09 PM

2076 Bhadra
1. Write down the steps to be following for power system stability analysis by
Runge-Kutta 4th order method. [8]
Let us again consider the same general form of a differential equation as in equation
dy/dx = f(x, y); y(xo) = yo; (6.38)
Again, the meanings of different notations used in equation (6.38) are same as those
in equation (6.28). In RK 4 th order method, the value y1 (corresponding to x = xo + h)
is calculated as;
y1 = yo + h/6 (k1 + 2k2 + 2k3 + k4) (6.39)
In equation (6.39),
k1 = hf(xo, yo) (6.40)
k2 = hf (xo + h/2 , yo + k1 2 ) (6.41)
k3 = hf (xo + h/2 , yo + k2 2 ) (6.42)
k4 = hf (xo + h, yo + k3) (6.43)
Now, for solving the transient stability problem with RK 4 th order method, let us
again assume that the value of δi and ωi (i = 1, 2,⋯⋯ m) are known at t = to (denoted
as δio and ωio respectively). Moreover, the values of Pei are also assumed to be
known (calculated utilizing the values of δio). From these initial values, the procedure
of calculation of δi1 and ωi1 (values of δi and ωi at t = to + ∆t) is as follows.

Calculation of Second estimate of the derivatives

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Calculation of Second estimate of the derivatives

Calculation of fourth estimate of the derivatives:

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2076 Bhadra
Briefly explain about the main steps required for power system expansion planning? [6]
Power system expansion planning is a crucial process for ensuring the reliable and cost
effective growth of an electrical grid to meet future demand while maintaining system
security. The main steps involved in power system expansion planning are as follows:
1. Load Forecasting: Predict future electricity demand based on historical data,
economic trends, population growth, and other relevant factors.
2. Generation Capacity Assessment: Evaluate the existing and planned generation
capacity to ensure it meets the projected demand.
3. Transmission Network Analysis: Examine the capacity and performance of the
transmission network to identify potential bottlenecks or limitations.
4. Generation and Transmission Expansion Scenarios: Develop different expansion
scenarios considering various factors such as technology options, environmental
regulations, fuel costs, and generation mix.
5. Economic Evaluation: Quantify the costs and benefits of each expansion scenario,
including capital investments, operating and maintenance costs, fuel cost,
environmental impacts, and potential revenue streams.
6. Risk Assessment and Reliability Analysis: Evaluate the reliability and security of the
power system under different expansion scenarios, considering factors like outage
probabilities, voltage stability, and system resilience.
7. Environmental and Regulatory Considerations: Consider environmental regulations,
emissions limits, and sustainability goals when selecting expansion options.
8. Stakeholder Engagement: Involve relevant stakeholders, including government
agencies, utilities, regulators, environmental organizations, and local communities,
in the planning process to gather input, address concerns, and ensure a well-

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in the planning process to gather input, address concerns, and ensure a well-
informed decision-making process.
9. Decision-Making and Implementation: Based on the evaluation of various expansion
scenarios, select the most suitable option that meets the criteria of reliability, cost-
effectiveness, and sustainability.
10. Monitoring and Adaptation: Continuously monitor the power system's performance
and compare it with the planned expansion outcomes.
These steps collectively guide power system expansion planning to achieve a balanced and
optimized approach to accommodate future electricity demand while ensuring system
reliability, economic viability, and environmental sustainability.

2076 Bhadra
6. What is a DC power flow? How is it carried out? Where do the results of DC load
flow find applications? [6]
DC power flow, also known as DC load flow or DC load flow analysis, is a simplified
method used to analyze and compute the steady-state power flow in a direct current (DC)
electrical network. In DC power flow analysis, apart from using the FDLF decoupled
relation between ∆𝑃 and ∆𝜃, several other simplifying assumptions are also taken as
a) The system is lossless (accounting reactance, neglecting resistance)
b) Rated voltage at each bus i.e. 1.0 p.u.
c) For any line 'm-n', the angular difference between its terminal buses is quite small
hence 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃 ≈ cos 𝜃 and sin(θ − θ ) ≈ 𝜃 − 𝜃 rad (as 𝜃 − 𝜃 ≈ 0)
With these assumptions, the power flow over a line becomes,
𝑃 = ⎯⎯⎯ sin 𝜃 − 𝜃 ≈ ⎯⎯ (𝜃 − 𝜃 ) (p.u.)
𝐼 = ⎯⎯⎯ 𝜃 − 𝜃
With the utilization of above two relations, DC load flow is carried out following FDLF

DC load flow find applications mainly in line outage distribution factor (LODF) while
doing sensitivity analysis of a power system network.

2076 Bhadra
7. What are the applications of GOSF and LOSF in contingency analysis of a power
system? Explain.
GOSF stands for generator outage sensitivity factor and LOSF stands for line outage
sensitivity factor. They are used to measure the impact of a contingency (such as a
generator or a line outage) on the power flow and voltage of a power system. GOSF
indicates how much power is transferred from one generator to another after a
generator outage, while LOSF indicates how much power is transferred from one line
to another after a line outage. They are useful for contingency analysis because they
can help identify the most critical contingencies and the best remedial actions to
maintain the system security.

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