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Syllabus Breakdown
All Subjects
(Pre Cambridge Class)


Compiled by:
Shahid Imran
Divisional Public School and
Intermediate College Lahore


1. Biology 5090 3

2. Chemistry 5070 9

3. Computer Science 2210 11

4. English Language 1123 15

5. Islamiyat 2058 17

6. Mathematics (Syllabus D) 4024 20

7. Pakistan Studies 2059 22

8. Physics
5054 26

9. First Language Urdu 3247 34



Calendar (Session 2023 – 2024)
11.1 Cell structure and function
1. Examine under the microscope, animal cells and plant cells
from any suitable locally available material, using an appropriate
temporary staining technique, such as methylene blue or iodine
2. Draw diagrams to represent observations of the animal and
1. Apr 10 to Apr 14 05 plant cells examined above
3. Identify on diagrams, photomicrographs or electron
micrographs, the ribosomes, mitochondria, nucleus, cytoplasm
and cell membrane in an animal cell
4. Identify on diagrams, photomicrographs or electron
micrographs, the ribosomes, mitochondria, chloroplasts,
nucleus, sap vacuole, cytoplasm, cell membrane and cellulose
cell wall in a plant cell
5. Describe the structure of a bacterial cell, limited to: ribosomes,
circular deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and plasmids, cytoplasm,
cell membrane and cell wall
6. Describe the functions of the above structures in animal, plant
and bacterial cells
1.2 Specialised cells, tissues and organs
2. Apr 17 to Apr 21 05 1. Understand that cells can become specialised and that their
structures are related to their specific functions, as illustrated by
examples covered in the syllabus
2. Understand the terms cell, tissue, organ, organ system and
organism as illustrated by examples covered in the syllabus
3. State and use the formula for magnification
magnification= image size/actual size
2.1 Concept and use of a classification system
1. Understand that organisms can be classified into groups by the
features they share
2. Describe a species as a group of organisms that can reproduce
to produce fertile offspring
3. Apr 24 to Apr 28 03
3. Describe the binomial system of naming species as an
internationally agreed system in which the scientific name of an
organism is made up of two parts showing the genus and species
4. Construct and use dichotomous keys based on identifiable
 Eid-ul-Fitr Holidays
2.2 Features of organisms
1. State the main features used to place all organisms into one
of the five kingdoms:
Animal, Plant, Fungus, Protoctist, Prokaryote
2. State the main features used to place organisms into groups
4. May 01 to May 05 04 within the animal kingdom, limited to:
(a) the main groups of vertebrates: mammals, birds, reptiles,
amphibians, fish
(b) the main groups of arthropods: myriapods, insects,
arachnids, crustaceans
 Labour day

3. State the main features used to place organisms into groups

within the plant kingdom, limited to ferns and flowering plants
(dicotyledons and monocotyledons)
4. Classify organisms using the features identified in 2.2.1, 2.2.2
5. May 08 to May 12 05 and 2.2.3
5. State the main features of viruses, limited to protein coat and
genetic material
6. Understand that viruses can only replicate in living cells
 Start of Class of CII
3.1 Diffusion and Osmosis
1. Describe the role of water as a solvent in organisms with
reference to digestion, excretion and transport
2. Understand that the energy for diffusion and osmosis comes from
the kinetic energy of random movement of molecules and ions
3. Understand diffusion as the net movement of molecules or ions
from a region of their higher concentration to a region of their lower
concentration (i.e. down a concentration gradient), as a result of
their random movement
4. Investigate the factors that influence diffusion, limited to: surface
area, temperature, concentration gradient and distance
6. May 15 to May 19 05
5. Understand osmosis as the net movement of water molecules
from a region of higher water potential to a region of lower water
potential, through a partially permeable membrane
6. Understand that plants are supported by the pressure of water
inside the cells pressing outwards on the cell wall
7. Describe the effects of osmosis on plant and animal tissues and
explain the importance of water potential gradient and osmosis in
the uptake and loss of water
8. Investigate and explain the effects on plant tissues of immersing
them in solutions of different concentrations, using the terms turgid,
turgor pressure, plasmolysis and flaccid
9. Investigate osmosis using materials such as dialysis tubing
3.2 Active transport
1. Understand active transport as the movement of molecules or
ions into or out of a cell through the cell membrane, from a region
of their lower concentration to a region of their higher concentration
7. May 22 to May 26 05
(i.e. against a concentration gradient), using energy released during
2. Explain the importance of active transport in ion uptake by root
hair cells
ATP Work
 Use and handling of a light microscope
 Prepare a temporary slide of plant cell (onion epidermis)
 Prepare a temporary slide of an animal cell
 Rules of drawing in ATP paper
 Draw and label a plant cell
 Draw and label an animal cell
 Draw an object e.g. a leaf, an insect, a fruit from given
specimen, photograph or photomicrograph
8. May 29 to Jun 02 05  Calculate magnification of your drawing
 Calculate magnification of given diagram
 Calculate actual size from magnification.
 Investigate the factors that influence diffusion, limited to:
surface area, temperature, concentration gradient and
 Investigate and explain the effects on plant tissues of
immersing them in solutions of different concentrations, using
the terms turgid, turgor pressure, plasmolysis and flaccid
 Investigate osmosis using materials such as dialysis tubing

9. Jun 05 to Aug 18  SUMMER VACATION

 First Terminal Examination for Classes I to IX, PCC, C-I from

10. Aug 21 to Aug 25 05 Aug. 24 to Sep. 08
 Regular Classes for Nur/ KG, X, C-II & XII

 First Terminal Examination for Classes I to IX, PCC, C-I from

11. Aug 28 to Sept 01 05 Aug. 24 to Sep. 08
 Regular Classes for Nur/ KG, X, C-II & XII

 First Terminal Examination for Classes I to IX, PCC, C-I from

12. Sept 04 to Sept 08 04 Aug. 24 to Sep. 08
 Regular Classes for Nur/ KG, X, C-II & XII
 20th Safar Local Holiday
4.1 Biological molecules
1. List the chemical elements that make up:
a) carbohydrates
13. Sept 11 to Sept 15 05
b) lipids (fats and oils)
c) proteins
d) DNA
 Start of XI Class
2. State that large molecules are made from smaller molecules,
limited to:
starch, cellulose and glycogen from glucose;
14. Sept 18 to Sept 22 05 proteins from amino acids;
lipids from fatty acids and glycerol;
DNA from nucleotides
 Parent Teacher Meeting Sep 23
ATP Work:
Describe and be able to do chemical tests for:
a) starch (iodine solution)
b) glucose and maltose (Benedict’s solution)
15. Sept 25 to Sept 29 04
c) protein (biuret test)
d) lipids (ethanol emulsion test)
 Eid e Milad –un – Nabi ‫ (ﷺ‬12th Rabi – ul – Awal)
5.1 Enzyme action
1. Describe a catalyst as a substance that increases the rate of a
chemical reaction and is not changed by the reaction
2. Describe enzymes as proteins that function as biological
16. Oct 02 to Oct 06 05 catalysts and are involved in all metabolic reactions
3. Explain enzyme action with reference to the substrate, active site,
enzyme-substrate complex, and product
4. Explain the specificity of enzymes in terms of the complementary
shape and fit of the active site with the substrate (‘lock and key’
5.2 Effects of temperature and pH
1. Understand that the progress of enzyme-catalysed reactions can
be followed by measuring the concentrations of reactants and
17. Oct 09 to Oct 13 05 2. Investigate and describe the effects of temperature and pH on
enzyme activity
3. Explain the effect of changes in temperature and pH on enzyme
activity in terms of kinetic energy, shape and fit, denaturation and
the frequency of effective collisions

6.1 Photosynthesis
1. Understand that photosynthesis is the process by which plants
make carbohydrates from raw materials using energy from light
2. State that chlorophyll is a green pigment that is found in
3. State that chlorophyll transfers light energy into chemical energy
18. Oct 16 to Oct 20 05 for the formation of glucose and other carbohydrates
4. Outline the subsequent use and storage of the carbohydrates
made in photosynthesis, limited to:
a. starch as an energy store
b. cellulose to build cell walls
c. glucose used in respiration to provide energy
d. sucrose for transport through the plant

5. State the word equation and balanced chemical equation for

6. Investigate the need for chlorophyll, light and carbon dioxide
for photosynthesis, using appropriate controls
7. Describe and explain the effect of varying light intensity,
carbon dioxide concentration and temperature on the rate of
19. Oct 23 to Oct 27 05 photosynthesis
8. Investigate the effect of varying light intensity, carbon dioxide
concentration and temperature on the rate of photosynthesis
using submerged aquatic plants and hydrogen carbonate
indicator solution
9. Identify and explain the limiting factors of photosynthesis in
different environmental conditions

20. Oct 30 to Nov 03 05 REVISION & TEST

 2nd Terminal Examination for All Classes I to VIII, PCC, C-I &
C-II and SEND UP for Classes IX & X from Nov 06 to Nov 24.
21. Nov 06 to Nov 10 04  Regular Classes for Nur, KG, XI & XII.
 9th November (Iqbal Day)

 2nd Terminal Examination for All Classes I to VIII, PCC, C-I &
22. Nov 13 to Nov 17 05 C-II and SEND UP for Classes IX & X from Nov 06 to Nov 24.
 Regular Classes for Nur, KG, XI & XII.

 2nd Terminal Examination for All Classes I to VIII, PCC, C-I &
23. Nov 20 to Nov 24 05 C-II and SEND UP for Classes IX & X from Nov 06 to Nov 24.
 Regular Classes for Nur, KG, XI & XII.
6.2 Leaf structure
24. Nov 27 to Dec 01 05 1. State that most leaves have a large surface area and are thin,
and explain how these features are adaptations for photosynthesis
2. Identify and label the cuticle, cellular and tissue structures of a
dicotyledonous leaf, as seen in diagrams or photomicrographs,
and explain how these structures are adaptations for
photosynthesis and gas exchange, limited to:
a. stomata and guard cells
b. spongy and palisade mesophyll cells
25. Dec 04 to Dec 08 05 c. air spaces
d. vascular bundles (xylem and phloem)
e. distribution of chloroplasts
f. upper and lower epidermis
 Parent Teacher Meeting Dec 09

6.3 Mineral nutrition

1. Explain the importance of nitrate ions for making amino acids,
required for the production of proteins
26. Dec 11 to Dec 15 05
2. Explain the importance of magnesium ions for making

ATP Work
 Draw cross section of carrot, carrot, tomato, cucumber,
banana from given photograph
 Draw longitudinal section of an apple, pear etc from given
 Draw a labelled diagram of leaf morphology
 Study model, chart or transverse section of dicot leaf
27. Dec 18 to Dec 22 05  Study of variegated leaves
 Testing a leaf for starch
 Investigate the need for chlorophyll, light and carbon dioxide
for photosynthesis, using appropriate controls
 Investigate the effect of varying light intensity, carbon dioxide
concentration and temperature on the rate of photosynthesis
using submerged aquatic plants and hydrogen carbonate
indicator solution

Dec 25, 2023 to

 Winter Holidays from 26 Dec 2023 to Jan 05, 2024
Jan 05, 2024  December 25 (Quaid-e-Azam Day)


7.1 Uptake and transport of water and ions
1. Relate the structure of root hair cells to their function of water and
ion uptake
2. Outline the pathway taken by water through the root, stem and
29. Jan 08 to Jan 12 05 leaf, limited to: root hair cells, root cortex cells, xylem and mesophyll
3. Investigate, using a suitable stain, the pathway of water in a cut
 SEND UP For College Classes
7.2 Transpiration and translocation
1. Describe transpiration as the loss of water vapour from leaves
2. Understand that water evaporates from the surfaces of the
mesophyll cells into air spaces and then diffuses out of the leaves
through the stomata as water vapour
30. Jan 15 to Jan 19 05 3. Explain:
(a) the effects of wind speed, and the variation of temperature,
humidity and light intensity on transpiration rate
(b) how wilting occurs
 Send up or College Classes
 Rehearsal Exam for Class Nur/KG Jan 15 to Jan 17
4. Investigate the effects of wind speed, light intensity and
temperature variation on transpiration rate
5. Explain the mechanism by which water moves upwards in the
xylem in terms of a transpiration pull that draws up a column of
water molecules, held together by forces of attraction between
31. Jan 22 to Jan 26 05 water molecules
6. Describe translocation as the movement of sucrose and amino
acids in the phloem from parts of plants that produce or release
them (sources) to parts of plants that use or store them (sinks)
 Rehearsal Exam. For Class X from Jan 22 to Feb 09

7. Identify the positions of tissues as seen in transverse sections of

non-woody dicotyledonous roots and stems, limited to: xylem,
phloem and cortex
8. State the functions of xylem as transport of water and mineral
ions, and support
9. Relate the structure of xylem vessels to their function, limited to:
32. Jan 29 to Feb 02 05 (a) thick walls with lignin (details of lignification are not required) (b)
no cell contents
(c) cells joined end-to-end with no cross walls to form a long
continuous tube

 Rehearsal Exam. For Class X from Jan 22 to Feb 09

ATP work
 Study of Simple and Ganong potometer
 Investigate, using a suitable stain, the pathway of water in a
cut stem
 Investigate the effects of wind speed, light intensity and
temperature variation on transpiration rate
33. Feb 05 to Feb 09 04  Identify the positions of tissues as seen in transverse sections
of non-woody dicotyledonous roots and stems, limited to:
xylem, phloem and cortex
 To observe models, charts or prepared slides under
microscope of T.S. of dicot root and stem

 Rehearsal Exam. For Class X from Jan 22 to Feb 09

 5th February (Kashmir Day)

34. Feb 12 to Feb 16 05 REVISION

 Fare Well of Class- X

35. Feb 19 to Feb 23 05
 Rehearsal Exam. For Class IX Feb 19 to Mar 08
 Rehearsal Exam. For Class IX Feb19 to Mar 08
36. Feb 26 to Mar 01 05  ANNUAL EXAMINATION for Class Nursery to VIII, PCC, C-I
& C-II (Mock) from Feb 26 to Mar 13.
 Rehearsal Exam. For Class IX Feb19 to Mar 08
37. Mar 04 to Mar 08 05  ANNUAL EXAMINATION for Class Nursery to VIII, PCC, C-I
& C-II (Mock) from Feb 26 to Mar 13.

38. Mar 11 to Mar 15 05  ANNUAL EXAMINATION for Class Nursery to VIII, PCC, C-I
& C-II (Mock) from Feb 26 to Mar 13.

39. Mar 18 to Mar 22 05  Result Preparation


40. Mar 25 to Mar 29 05
 Preparatory Holidays Mar 27 to Apr 05

41. Apr 01 to Apr 05 05  Preparatory Holidays Mar 27 to Apr 05

42. April 08, 2024  Start of New Session 2024


PCC (Chemistry) 2023-24 Syllabus

# Week Days Desc Description

1 Apr 10 to Apr 14 05 Unit# 4: The structure of atom [4.1 - 4.4]

2 Apr 17 to Apr 21 05 Unit#4: The structure of atom [4.5 + Exercise]

3 Apr 24 to Apr 28 03 Eid-ul-Fitr Holidays Unit#5: Elements, compounds and mixtures.

[5.1- 5.5 + Exercise]

4 May 01 to May 05 04 • Labour day Unit#6: Bonding and structure[6.1 - 6.3 ]

5 May 08 to May 12 05 Start of Class of CII Unit#6: Bonding and structure[6.4 - 6.7 ]

6 May 15 to May 19 05 • Start of Class – X Unit#6: Bonding and structure

[Exercise+ Unit#7(7.1- 7.3)]

7 May 22 to May 26 05 Unit#7: Chemical formulae and equations

[7.4 - 7.10+ Exercise+ past papers ]

8 May 29 to Jun 02 05 Past Papers and Revision

9 Jun 05 to Aug 18 SUMMER VACATION

10 Aug 21 to Aug 25 05 • First Terminal Exam.

for Classes I to IX, PCC, C-I from Aug. 24 to Sep. 08
11 Aug 28 to Sep 01 05 • Regular Classes for Nur/ KG, C-II, X & XII
• 20th Safar Local Holiday
12 Sep 04 to Sep 08 04

13 Sep 11 to Sep 15 5 • Start of XI Class Unit#2: Particles of matter[2.1- 2.3]

14 Sep 18 to Sep 22 5 • P/T Meeting Sep 23 Unit#2: Particles of matter

[2.4- Exercise+ Past Papers]

15 Sept 25 to Sept 29 4 • Eid e Milad –un – Nabi Unit#1: Experimental Chemistry+ Exercise

16 Oct 02 to Oct 06 5 Unit#3: Methods of Purification [3.1- 3.3]

17 Oct 09 to oct 13 5 Unit#3: Methods of Purification [Exercise+ Past papers]

18 Oct 16 to Oct 20 5

19 Oct 23 to Oct 27 5 Past Papers + Revision

20 Oct 30 to Nov 03 5

21 Nov 06 to Nov 10 4 • 2nd Terminal Examination for All Classes I to VIII, PCC, C-I & C-II
• SEND UP for Classes IX & X from Nov 06 to Nov 24.
• Regular Classes for Nur, KG, XI & XII.
22 Nov 13 to Nov 17 5 • 9th November (Iqbal Day)

23 Nov 20 to Nov 24 5

# Week Days Desc Description

24 Nov 27 to Dec 01 5 Unit#13: Acids and Bases [13.1- 13.5]

25 Dec 04 to dec 08 5 PT Meeting Dec 09 Unit#13: Acids and Bases [13.6- 13.8 + Exercise]

26 Dec 11 to Dec 15 5 Unit#14: Salts and identification of ions and gases [14.1- 14.3]

27 Dec 18 to Dec 22 5 Unit#14: Salts and identification of ions and gases [14.4- 14.6]

28 Dec 25,2023 to Jan 5 • Winter Holidays from 26 Dec 2023 to Jan 05, 2024
05, 2024 • December 25 (Quaid-e-Azam Day)

29 Jan 08 to Jan12 5 • SEND UP for Unit#14: Salts and identification of ions and gases
College Classes [Exercise + Past Papers]

30 Jan 15 to Jan 19 5 Past Papers + Revision

31 Jan 22 to Jan 26 5 Past Papers + Revision

32 Jan 29 to Feb 02 5 Past Papers + Revision

33 Feb 05 to Feb 09 4 • 5th February (Kashmir Day) Past Papers + Revision

34 Feb 12 to Feb 16 5 Farewell of Class- Past papers + Revision


35 Feb 19 to Feb 23 5 • Rehearsal Exam. For Class IX (Feb19 to Mar 08)

Past Papers + Revision

36 Feb 26 to Mar 01 5 • Rehearsal Exam. For Class IX Feb19 to Mar 08

• Annual Examination for Class Nursery to VIII, PCC, C-I & C-II( Mock-I)
37 Mar 04 to Mar 08 05 from Feb 26 to Mar 13.

38 Mar 11 to Mar 15 05

39 Mar 18 to Mar 22 05 Result Preparation

40 April 01 to April 05 05 • Preparatory Holidays Mar 27 to Apr 05

41 April 08, 2024 Start of New Session


PCC (Computer Science) 2023-24 Syllabus

# Week Days Description

1 Apr 10 to Apr 14 05 Chapter #1: DATA REPRESENTATION

1.1 Number Systems 1.1.1 Binary represents data Binary, Denary and
Hexadecimal Converting from binary to denary, activity 1.1 Converting
from denary to binary, activity 1.2

2 Apr 17 to Apr 21 05 1.1.2 The Hexadecimal System Converting from binary to hexadecimal,
Activity 1.3 Converting from hexadecimal to binary, activity 1.4
Converting from hexadecimal to denary, activity 1.5

3 Apr 24 to Apr 28 03 Eid-ul-Fitr Holidays Converting from denary to hexadecimal, activity

1.6 1.1.3 Use of Hexadecimal System Error

4 May 01 to May 05 04 • Labour day Media Access control (MAC) addresses •

Internet protocol (IP) addresses • Hyper Text
Markup Language (HTML) colour codes,
Activity 1.7

5 May 08 to May 12 05 Start of Class of CII 1.1.4 Addition of Binary numbers • Activity 1.8,
Activity 1.9, Activity 1.10 1.1.5 Logical Binary
Shifts • Examples 1 to 4, activity 1.11 1.1.6
Two’s complement (Binary numbers) •
Examples 1 to 4, activity 1.12

6 May 15 to May 19 05 Start of Class – X Writing negative binary numbers in two’s

complement format and converting to denary. •
Converting negative denary numbers into binary
numbers in two’s complement format •
Examples, activity 1.13, activity 1.14 1.2 Text,
Sound and Images 1.2.1. Character sets – ASCII
code and Unicode

7 May 22 to May 26 05 1.2.2. Representation of sound 1.2.3. Representation of (bitmap) images

1.3 Data Storage and File compression 1.3.1 Measurement of data
storage 1.3.2 Calculation of file size, examples 1 to 3, activity 1.16

8 May 29 to Jun 02 05 1.3.3 Data compression 1.3.4 Lossy and Lossless File compressions •
Lossy file compression • MPEG – 3 (MP3) and MPEG – 4 (MP4) •
Lossless file compression • Run – length encoding (RLE)

9 Jun 05 to Aug 18 SUMMER VACATION

10 Aug 21 to Aug 25 05 • Revision chapter # 1 (August 21,22,23)

First Terminal Examination for Classes I to IX, PCC, C-I
11 Aug 28 to Sep 01 05 from Aug. 24 to Sep. 08
• Regular Classes for Nur/ KG, X, C-II & XII
12 Sep 04 to Sep 08 04 • 20th Safar Local Holiday

# Week Days Description

13 Sep 11 to Sep 15 5 • Start of XI Class Chapter # 2 DATA TRANSMISSION

2.1 Types and Methods of Data Transmission
2.1.1 Data packets • Packet structure • Packet
switching, Activity 2.1 2.1.2 Data transmission
• Simplex, half duplex and full duplex
• Serial and parallel transmission, Activity 2.2

14 Sep 18 to Sep 22 5 • Parent Teacher Universal Serial Bus (Benefits and drawbacks,
Meeting Sep 23 Activity 2.3) 2.2 Methods of Error detection
2.2.1 The need to check for errors 2.2.2 Parity
checks, checksum and echo checks. Activity 2.4,
Activity 2.5, Activity 2.6 2.2.3 Check digits,
Activity 2.7

15 Sept 25 to Sept 29 4 • Eid e Milad –un – 2.2.4 Automatic Repeat Requests (ARQs) 2.3
Nabi ‫ﷺ‬ Symmetric and asymmetric encryption 2.3.1 The
(12th Rabi – ul – Awal) purpose of encryption 2.3.2 Symmetric and
asymmetric encryption Activity 2.8, 2.9

16 Oct 02 to Oct 06 5 Chapter # 3 HARDWARE

3.1 Computer architecture 3.1.1 The Central processing unit (CPU)
3.1.2 Von Neumann architecture • Components of the central
processing unit (CPU) • Arithmetic & Logic Unit (ALU), Control Unit
(CU), Registers, • System buses and memory

17 Oct 09 to oct 13 5 Fetch – Decode – Execute Cycle 3.1.3 Cores, cache and internal clock •
Activity 3.1 3.1.4 Instruction set 3.1.5 Embedded systems(benefits and

18 oct 16 to Oct 20 5 Examples of use of embedded systems • Motor vehicles • Set – top box
• Security systems • Lighting systems • Washing machines • Activity
3.2 3.2 Input and output devices 3.2.1 Input devices • Barcode scanners
(readers) • Quick response (QR) codes • Activity 3.3

19 Oct 23 to Oct 27 5 Input devices • Digital cameras • Keyboards • Microphones • Optical

mouse • 2D and 3D scanners • Touch Screens

20 Oct 30 to Nov 03 5 Revision chapter 2 and 3

21 Nov 06 to Nov 10 4 • 2nd Terminal Examination for All Classes I to VIII, PCC, C-I & C-II
and SEND UP for Classes IX & X from Nov 06 to Nov 24.
22 Nov 13 to Nov 17 5 • Regular Classes for Nur, KG, XI & XII.
• 9th November (Iqbal Day)
23 Nov 20 to Nov 24 5

24 Nov 27 to Dec 01 5 Chapter # 3 HARDWARE

3.2.2 Output devices • Actuators • Light projectors • Inkjet and laser
printers • 3D printers

# Week Days Description

25 Dec 04 to Dec 08 5 • Parent Teacher LED and LCD screens • (Loud) speakers •
Meeting Dec 09 Activity 3.3 3.2.3 Sensors • Monitoring
applications • Control applications

26 Dec 11 to Dec 15 5 3.3 Data Storage 3.3.1 Primary memory • Random Access Memory
(Dynamic RAM, Static RAM) • Read Only Memory • Example of an
Application • Activity 3.6 3.3.2 Secondary and off – line Storage

27 Dec 18 to Dec 22 5 3.3.3 Magnetic, Optical and Solid – State storage • Magnetic storage • Solid State
drive • Optical media 3.3.4 Virtual Memory 3.3.5 Cloud Storage • Data security
when using cloud storage • Potential data loss when using cloud storage • Activity
3.7 3.4 Network Hardware 3.4.1 Network Interface Card (NIC) 3.4.2 Media
Access Control (MAC) 3.4.3 Internet Protocol (IP) Address • Static and Dynamic
IP address 3.4.4 Routers • Activity 3.8

28 Dec 25, 2023 to Jan 5 • Winter Holidays from 26 Dec 2023 to Jan 05, 2024
05, 2024 • December 25 (Quaid-e-Azam Day)

29 Jan 08 to Jan12 5 • SEND UP for Chapter #4 Software 4.1 Types of Software and
College Classes Interrupts 4.1.1 System Software and
Application Software • General features of
System software • General features of
Application software • Examples of typical
application software • Example of typical system

30 Jan 15 to Jan 19 5 • SEND UP for Utility software (utilities) • virus checkers •

College Classes defragmentation software • disk contents
• Rehearsal Exam. analysis and repair • file compression and file
for Class Nur& KG management • back-up software • security •
Jan 15 to Jan 17 screen savers. 4.1.2 Operating Systems • Human
computer interface (HCI) • Memory
management • Security management

31 Jan 22 to Jan 26 5 • Rehearsal Exam. Operating Systems • Hardware peripheral

For Class X from management • File management • Interrupts •
Jan 22 to Feb 09 Platform for running of application software •
Multitasking • Management of user accounts
4.1.3 Running of an Application 4.1.4 Interrupts
• Activity 4.1

32 Jan 29 to Feb 02 5 • Rehearsal Exam. 4.2 Types of Programming Languages,

For Class X from Translators and Integrated Development
Jan 22 to Feb 09 Environments (IDEs) 4.2.1 High – Level
Languages and Low – Level Languages 4.2.2
Assembly Languages 4.2.3 Translators •
Compiler • Interpreter • Assembler 4.2.4
Advantages and disadvantages of compilers and

# Week Days Description

33 Feb 05 to Feb 09 4 • Rehearsal Exam. 4.2.5 Integrated Development Environment

For Class X from (IDE) • code editors • a translator • a runtime
Jan 22 to Feb 09 environment with a debugger • error diagnostics
• 5th February • auto-completion • auto-correction • an auto-
(Kashmir Day) documenter and pretty printing. Activity 4.2

34 Feb 12 to Feb 16 5 • Farewell of Class- X Revision chapters 1 and 2

35 Feb 19 to Feb 23 5 • Rehearsal Exam. Revision chapters 3 and 4

For Class IX
Feb19 to Mar 08

36 Feb 26 to Mar 01 5
• Rehearsal Exam. For Class IX Feb19 to Mar 08
37 Mar 04 to Mar 08 05 • Annual Examination for Class Nursery to VIII, PCC, C-I & C-II(
Mock-I) from Feb 26 to Mar 13.
38 Mar 11 to Mar 15 05

39 Mar 18 to Mar 22 05 Result Preparation

40 April 01 to April 05 05 • Preparatory Holidays Mar 27 to Apr 05

41 April 08, 2024 Start of New Session


PCC (English) 2023-24 syllabus

# Week Days Desc Description

1 Apr 10 to Apr 14 05 Unit 1 : Nouns (The Grammar Tree) Composition (Narrative)

2 Apr 17 to Apr 21 05 Unit 2: Pronouns (The Grammar Tree)

Reader: The Winters Tale (Tales from Shakespeare)

3 Apr 24 to Apr 28 03 • Eid-ul-Fitr Holidays Unit 3: Adjectives (The Grammar Tree)

Comprehension Practice
Unit 27 : The Secret Door

4 May 01 to May 05 04 • Labour day Unit 4 : Verbs (The Grammar Tree) Composition

5 May 08 to May 12 05 • Start of Class of CII Unit 5 : Subject Verb Agreement (The Grammar Tree)
Unit 30 : Writing a letter (The Grammar Tree) Informal

6 May 15 to May 19 05 • Start of Class – X Unit 8 : Adverbs (The Grammar Tree) Comprehension

7 May 22 to May 26 05 Composition (Narrative) Letter Writing : Informal Letter

8 May 29 to Jun 02 05 Composition (Descriptive, Narrative) Comprehension Practice

9 Jun 05 to Aug 18 SUMMER VACATION

10 Aug 21 to Aug 25 05 • Revision 21, 22, 23 August

• First Terminal Examination (Aug. 24 to Sep. 08) for Classes I to IX, PCC, C-I
11 Aug 28 to Sep 01 05 • Regular Classes for Nur/ KG, X, C-II & XII
• 20th Safar Local Holiday
12 Sep 04 to Sep 08 04

13 Sep 11 to Sep 15 5 • Start of XI Class Unit 6 : Non - Finite Verbs (The Grammar Tree) Letter
Writing : Formal Letter

14 Sep 18 to Sep 22 5 • PT Meeting Sep 23 Composition (Descriptive, Narrative)

15 Sept 25 to Sept 29 4 • Eid e Milad –un – Unit 7 : Modal Verbs (The Grammar Tree) Reader: The
Nabi (12th Rabi – ul – Awal) Tempest (Tales From Shakespeare)

16 Oct 02 to Oct 06 5 Unit 12 : Conjunctions (The Grammar Tree) Comprehension Practice

17 Oct 09 to oct 13 5 Composition (Narrative) Letter Writing : Formal Letter

18 oct 16 to Oct 20 5 Unit 13 : Active and Passive Voice (The Grammar Tree)

19 Oct 23 to Oct 27 5 Unit 18 : The Sentence (The Grammar Tree)


# Week Days Desc Description

20 Oct 30 to Nov 03 5 Composition (Narrative, Description)

21 Nov 06 to Nov 10 4
• 2nd Terminal Examination for All Classes I to VIII, PCC, C-I & C-II and
22 Nov 13 to Nov 17 5 SEND UP for Classes IX & X from Nov 06 to Nov 24.
• Regular Classes for Nur, KG, XI & XII.
• 9th November (Iqbal Day)
23 Nov 20 to Nov 24 5

24 Nov 27 to Dec 01 5 Unit 19 : Clauses (The Grammar Tree) Comprehension Practice

25 Dec 04 to dec 08 5 • P T Meeting Dec 09 Unit 17 : The Sentence (The Grammar Tree)

26 Dec 11 to Dec 15 5 Composition (Narrative, Descriptive) Reader : The Comedy of Errors (Tales
From Shakespeare)

27 Dec 18 to Dec 22 5 Unit 14 : Direct and Indirect Speech (The Grammar Tree)

28 Dec 25,2023 to Jan 5 • Winter Holidays from 26 Dec 2023 to Jan 05, 2024
05, 2024 • December 25 (Quaid-e-Azam Day)

29 Jan 08 to Jan12 5 • SEND UP for Unit 11 : The Determiners (The Grammar Tree)
College Classes Comprehension Practice
• Rehearsal Exam. for
30 Jan 15 to Jan 19 5 Class Nur& KG Jan Unit 20 : Sentence Construction and Synthesis (The
15 to Jan 17 Grammar Tree)

31 Jan 22 to Jan 26 5 • Rehearsal Exam. Conditional Sentences (The Grammar Tree)

For Class X from Jan
32 Jan 29 to Feb 02 5 22 to Feb 09 Punctuation (The Grammar Tree) Letter Writing
• 5th February
(Kashmir Day)
33 Feb 05 to Feb 09 4 Unit 9 : Prepositions (The Grammar Tree)

34 Feb 12 to Feb 16 5 • Farewell of Class- X Comprehension Practice

35 Feb 19 to Feb 23 5 • Rehearsal Exam. For Class IX Feb19 to Mar 08 Revision

36 Feb 26 to Mar 01 5
• Rehearsal Exam. For Class IX Feb19 to Mar 08
37 Mar 04 to Mar 08 05 • Annual Examination for Class Nursery to VIII, PCC, C-I & C-II( Mock-I)
from Feb 26 to Mar 13.
38 Mar 11 to Mar 15 05

39 Mar 18 to Mar 22 05 RESULT PREPARATION

40 April 01 to April 05 05 • Preparatory Holidays Mar 27 to Apr 05


Syllabus for Class: PCC (Islamiyat) 2023-24


1 Apr 10 to Apr 14 05 ARTICLES OF FAITH: Introduction

• Belief in Unity or Oneness of Allah, Shirk
• Belief in Angels

2 Apr 17 to Apr 21 05 • Belief in Revealed Books

• Hadith No.1, 2, 3, 4

3 Apr 24 to Apr 28 03 Eid-ul-Fitr Holidays

4 May 01 to May 05 04 • Labour day

• Hadith No.5
• History and Importance of Hadith
• Hadith and Sunnah
• Hadith-e-Qudsi and Hadith-e- Nabawi
• Relationship between Quran and Sunnah

5 May 08 to May 12 05 • Start of Class of CII

• Authentic or Sahih Hadith
• Approved or Hasan Hadith
• Weak or Zae’ef Hadith
• Fabricated Hadith

6 May 15 to May 19 05 • Start Of Class X

• Isnad • Matan • Muhaddithin

7 May 22 to May 26 05 FIVE PILLARS OF ISLAM

• Shahadat- Declaration of Faith
• Salat- Payer: Importance

8 May 29 to Jun 02 05 • Cleanliness- Method and Conditions

• Wuzu, Ghusl, Dry Ablution

9 Jun 05 to Aug 18 SUMMER VACATION

10 Aug 21 to Aug 25 05

11 Aug 28 to Sep 01 05 First Terminal Examination

20th Safar Local holiday
12 Sep 04 to Sep 08 04

13 Sep 11 to Sep 15 5 • COMPILATION OF AHADITH

• Transmission and Preservation during the Prophet’s (‫ )ﷺ‬Lifetime
• Collection and Compilation after the Prophet’s (‫ )ﷺ‬Death
• Sahih of Imam Bukhari
• Sahih of Imam Muslim
• Sunan of Abu Daud
• Jami of Tirmizi
• Sunan of Nasai
• Sunan of Ibn Majah


14 Sep 18 to Sep 22 5 Parent Teacher Meeting Sep 23

• Hadith Collections: Musnad and Musannaf
• Significance of Hadith in Thought and Action in Islam
• Use of Hadith in Legal Thinking
• Shia Compilation of Ahadith
• Conclusion of the Chapter

15 Sept 25 to Sept 29 4 Eid e Milad –un – Nabi (12th Rabi – ul – Awal)

• Hadith No. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

16 Oct 02 to Oct 06 5 RIGHTLY GUIDED KHALIFAS:

• Life before Khilafat • Election as Khalifa
• Difficulties

17 Oct 09 to Oct 13 5 • Major Events • Expedition to Syria

• Refusal to pay Zakat • Apostasy Movement
• False Prophets • Administration
• Character • Services

18 Oct 16 to Oct 20 5 • ARTICLES OF FAITH

• Belief in Prophethood • Belief in Life after death
• Jehad

19 Oct 23 to Oct 27 5 ARTICLES OF FAITH

• Allah’s Predestination and Decree
• Salat, Azan, Iqamat • Names and Times of Prayers

20 Oct 30 to Nov 03 5 Revision

21 Nov 06 to Nov 10 4

22 Nov 13 to Nov 17 5 Second Terminal Examination

9th November (Iqbal Day)
23 Nov 20 to Nov 24 5

24 Nov 27 to Dec 01 5 • Components of Prayer • Conditions of Prayer

• Method of Prayer • Postures of Prayer
• Delayed Prayer - Qaza • Combining Prayer-

25 Dec 04 to Dec 08 5 • Shortened Prayer- Qasr

• Friday Prayer
Parent Teacher Meeting Dec 09
• Eid Prayer
• Private Prayer- Du’a
• Mosque, Congregational Prayer

26 Dec 11 to Dec 15 5 • Hadith No.11, 12, 13, 14, 15

27 Dec 18 to Dec 22 5 PILLARS OF ISLAM

• Saum- Fasting: Importance
• Method and Conditions, Tarawih
• Zakat- Obligatory Charity: Importance
• Rate of Zakat, Distribution


28 Dec 25, 2023 to 5
Jan 05, 2024

29 Jan 08 to Jan12 5 SEND UP for College Classes

• Hajj- Pilgrimage: Importance
• Faraiz, Wajibat, Sunnats, Restrictions of Ihram
• Undesirable, permitted acts of Ihram
• Terms associated with Hajj
• Method of Umrah

30 Jan 15 to Jan 19 5 SEND UP for College Classes

• Rehearsal Exam. for Class Nur & KG Jan 15 to Jan 17,
• Hadith No.16, 17, 18, 19, 20

31 Jan 22 to Jan 26 5 Rehearsal Exam. For Class X from Jan 22 to Feb 09

• Life Before Khilafat • Wars with the Persians etc.
• Battle of Qadisiya etc. • Wars with the Byzantines
• Battle of Yarmuk

32 Jan 29 to Feb 02 5 Rehearsal Exam. For Class X from Jan 22 to Feb 09

• Fall of Jerusalem
• Conquest of Egypt
• Martyrdom
• Administration, Services to Islam
• Character

33 Feb 05 to Feb 09 4 Rehearsal Exam. For Class X from Jan 22 to Feb 09

5th February (Kashmir Day)
• Life before Khilafat
• Elections, Conquest in the East and the West
• Causes of the Revolt against Hazrat Usman (r.a)
• Charges against Hazrat Usman (r.a)

34 Feb 12 to Feb 16 5 Fare Well of Class - X

• Martyrdom of Hazrat Usman (r.a)
• Administration, Services, Character

35 Feb 19 to Feb 23 5 • Rehearsal Exam. For Class IX Feb19 to Mar 08


36 Feb 26 to Mar 01 5

37 Mar 04 to Mar 08 05 Annual Examination

38 Mar 11 to Mar 15 05

39 Mar 18 to Mar 22 05 Result Preparation

40 April 01 to April 05 05 Preparatory Holidays


Syllabus for class: PCC (Maths) 2023-24

# Week Days Description

1 Apr 10 to Apr 14 05 D2. Chap # 3 Expansion of Quadratic expressions

Ex: 3A

2 Apr 17 to Apr 21 05 Ex: 3B

3 Apr 24 to Apr 28 03 • Eid-ul-Fitr Holidays, Review Ex 3 Topical

4 May 01 to May 05 04 • Labour day

Chap# 4 Further Factorization of Algebraic Expressions Ex: 4A

5 May 08 to May 12 05 • Start of Class of CII, Ex: 4B

6 May 15 to May 19 05 • Start of Class – X, Ex: 4C , 4D

7 May 22 to May 26 05 Review Ex 4 Topical

8 May 29 to Jun 02 05 Chap # 2 Gradient of a Straight Line

Ex: 2A, 2B , 2C

9 Jun 05 to Aug 18 SUMMER VACATION

10 Aug 21 to Aug 25 05 • First Terminal Examination for Classes I to IX, PCC, C-I
from Aug. 24 to Sep. 08
11 Aug 28 to Sep 01 05 • Regular Classes for Nur/ KG, X, C-II & XII,Ex: 2C

12 Sep04 to Sep 08 04

13 Sep 11 to Sep 15 5 • Start of XI Class, Chap#2 Ex: 2D, 2E

14 Sep 18 to Sep 22 5 • Parent Teacher Meeting Sep 23, Ex: 2E, 2F

15 Sept 25 to Sept 29 4 • Eid e Milad –un – Nabi (12th Rabi – ul – Awal), Review 2 Topical

16 Oct 02 to Oct 06 5 Chap # 5 Quadratic Equations & Graphs Ex: 5A 5B

17 Oct 09 to oct 13 5 Ex: 5B, 5C

18 oct 16 to Oct 20 5 Ex: 5C , Review 5 Topical

19 Oct 23 to Oct 27 5 Chap#7 Relations & Functions Ex: 7A

20 Oct 30 to Nov 03 5 Review 7 Topical

21 Nov 06 to Nov 10 4 • 2nd Terminal Examination for All Classes I to VIII, PCC, C-I & C-
II and SEND UP for Classes IX & X from Nov 06 to Nov 24.
22 Nov 13 to Nov 17 5 • Regular Classes for Nur, KG, XI & XII. • 9th November (Iqbal Day)

23 Nov 20 to Nov 24 5

# Week Days Description

24 Nov 27 to Dec 01 5 Chap # 6 Ex: 6A, 6B

25 Dec 04 to dec 08 5 • Parent Teacher Meeting Dec09, Ex: 6B, 6C

26 Dec 11 to Dec 15 5 Ex: 6C , Review 6

27 Dec 18 to Dec 22 5 Review 6 Topical

28 Dec 25,2023 to WINTER VACATION

Jan 05, 2024

29 Jan 08 to Jan12 5 • SEND UP for College Classes, Chap # 8 Ex: 8A, 8B

30 Jan 15 to Jan 19 5 • SEND UP for College Classes

• Rehearsal Exam. for Class Nur& KG Jan 15 to Jan 17,
Ex: 8B, 8C

31 Jan 22 to Jan 26 5 • Rehearsal Exam. For Class X from Jan 22 to Feb 09,
Ex: 8C, Review 8 Topical

32 Jan 29 to Feb 02 5 • Rehearsal Exam. For Class X from Jan 22 to Feb 09,
Chap #12 Ex: 12A, 12B

33 Feb 05 to Feb 09 4 • Rehearsal Exam. For Class X from Jan 22 to Feb 09

• 5th February (Kashmir Day),
Ex:12B, 12C

34 Feb 12 to Feb 16 5 • Fare Well of Class- X,

Ex:12 C , 12D

35 Feb 19 to Feb 23 5 • Rehearsal Exam. For Class IX Feb19 to Mar 08,

Ex: 12D, Review 12 Topical

36 Feb 26 to Mar 01 5 • Rehearsal Exam. For Class IX Feb19 to Mar 08

• Annual Examination for Class Nursery to VIII, PCC, C-I & C-II( Mock-I)
37 Mar 04 to Mar 08 05 from Feb 26 to Mar 13.

38 Mar 11 to Mar 15 05

39 Mar 18 to Mar 22 05 RESULT PREPARATION


Syllabus for class: PCC (Pak Studies)

# Week Days Description

1 Apr 10 to Apr 14 05 HISTORY: Causes of the decline of the Mughal Empire.

GEOGRAPHY: Introduction. What is GEOGRAPHY?

2 Apr 17 to Apr 21 05 HISTORY: Shah Wali Ullah (His Work, biographical details, beliefs and
importance of his Work.)
GEOGRAPHY: Topography, Location of Pakistan. Importance of
Location of Pakistan and Revision.

3 Apr 24 to Apr 28 03 • Eid-ul-Fitr Holidays,

HISTORY: The Work of Syed Ahmad Shaheed Barailvi (Early life,
beliefs) Importance of Jihad Movement.
GEOGRAPHY: Unit-1: The Natural Topography. The Northern
Mountains. Assignment #1.

4 May 01 to May 05 04 • Labour day May 01

HISTORY: Work of Haji Shsriat Ullah and Mizn Mohsin-ud-din. Faraizi
Movement. Titu Mir Shaheed.
GEOGRAPHY: The Western Mountains, River, Valleys, Glaciers,
Drainage, Passes.

5 May 08 to May 12 05 • Start of Class of CII,

HISTORY: East India Company, British Colonial Rule, Bengal, War of
Plassey 1757, Annexation of Sindh 1843. Annexation of Punjab and
NWFP 1849.
GEOGRAPHY: Economic Activities. Environmental Issues.

6 May 15 to May 19 05 • Start of Class – X,

HISTORY: Doctrine of Lapse. War of Independence 1857 (Causes,
Events and Failure reasons)
GEOGRAPHY: The Balochistan Plateau. The Economy of Balochistan
Plateau. The Potwar Plateau. Assignment # 2.

7 May 22 to May 26 05 HISTORY Sir Syed Ahmad Khan (1817-1898) Early Life, beliefs, work,
Services, Aligarh Movement, Hindi - Urdu Controversy 1867 and Two
Nation Theory)
GEOGRAPHY: Deserts Upper and Lower Indus Plain.

8 May 29 to Jun 02 05 HISTORY: Revision and Tests.

GEOGRAPHY : Past Papers Question and Revision.

# Week Days Description

9 Jun 05 to Aug 18 SUMMER VACATION

10 Aug 21 to Aug 25 05 • First Terminal Examination for Classes I to IX, PCC, C-I from Aug.
24 to Sep. 08
11 Aug 28 to Sep 01 05 • Regular Classes for Nur/ KG, C-II, X& XII • 20th Safar Local Holiday,
First Terminal Examination
12 Sep04 to Sep 08 04

13 Sep 11 to Sep 15 5 • Start of XI Class,

HISTORY: The Regional Languages Urdu, Sindhi, Pashto, Balochi and
GROGRAPHY: Unit-2: Climate of Pakistan. Climatic Zones.
Distribution of Temp, Rainfall.

14 Sep 18 to Sep 22 5 • Parent Teacher Meeting Sep 23,

HISTORY: The Regional Languages of Pakistan.
GEOGRAPHY: Sources of Rainfall. Influences of Latitudes and
Longitudes on day length and Climate.

15 Sept 25 to Sept 29 4 • Eid e Milad –un – Nabi (12th Rabi – ul – Awal),

HISTORY: Partition of Bengal (1905). Simla Deputation (1906)
GEOGRAPHY: River, Flood, Drought. Influence of Climate (Benefits +

16 Oct 02 to Oct 06 5 HISTORY: All India Muslim League (1906) Causes and Objectives.
GEOGRAPHY: Effects of Climate on Life of the people. Natural

17 Oct 09 to oct 13 5 HISTORY: Minto-Morley Reforms (1909). Reversal of the Partition of

Bengal (1911)
GEOGRAPHY: Past papers Questions and revision.

18 oct 16 to Oct 20 5 HISTORY: Lucknow Pact (1916). Rowland Act (1919)

GEOGRAPHY: Ch#3 Natural Resources. River, Dams and barrages.

19 Oct 23 to Oct 27 5 HISTORY: Amritsar Massacre (1919). Revision Tests.

GEOGRAPHY: Irrigation System, Types. Water Logging and

20 Oct 30 to Nov 03 5 HISTORY: Revision and Tests.

GEOGRAPHY: Revision of Past Papers Questions.

# Week Days Description

21 Nov 06 to Nov 10 4 • 2nd Terminal Examination for All Classes I to VIII, PCC, C-I & C-II
and SEND UP for Classes IX & X from Nov 06 to Nov 24.
22 Nov 13 to Nov 17 5 • Regular Classes for Nur, KG, XI & XII. • 9th November (Iqbal Day),

23 Nov 20 to Nov 24 5

24 Nov 27 to Dec 01 5 HISTORY: Montague-Chelmsford Reforms (1919). Khilafat Movement

GEOGRAPHY: water Deficiency/ Water pollution. Water Resources and

25 Dec 04 to dec 08 5 • Parent Teacher Meeting Dec09,

HISTORY: Khilafat Movement (1919) Causes, Events, Failure reasons,
Non- Cooperation Movement, Hijrat Movement.
GEOGRAPHY: Unit-4: Forests. Types of Forests in Pakistan.
Importance/ Use of Forests.

26 Dec 11 to Dec 15 5 HISTORY: Delhi Proposals (1927). Simon Commission (1927).

GEOGRAPHY: Afforestation/Deforestation and solutions.

27 Dec 18 to Dec 22 5 HISTORY: Nehru Report (1928). 14 Points of Jinnah (1929).

GEOGRAPHY: Revision and Past papers Questions.

28 Dec 25,2023 to Jan 5 • Winter Holidays from 26 Dec 2023 to Jan 05, 2024
05, 2024 • December 25 (Quaid-e-Azam Day),

29 Jan 08 to Jan12 5 • SEND UP for College Classes,

HISTORY: Allama Iqbal and his famous Allahabad Address (1930).

30 Jan 15 to Jan 19 5 • SEND UP for College Classes

• Rehearsal Exam. for Class Nur & KG Jan 15 to Jan 17,
HISTORY: Revision and Tests
GEOGRAPHY: CH#5: Mineral Resources. Introduction. Mining

31 Jan 22 to Jan 26 5 • Rehearsal Exam. For Class X from Jan 22 to Feb 09,
HISTORY: Revision of Past Papers.
GEOGRAPHY: Types of Minerals. Mineral Resources.

32 Jan 29 to Feb 02 5 • Rehearsal Exam. For Class X from Jan 22 to Feb 09,
HISTORY: Revision and Tests.
GEOGRAPHY : Past Papers Questions

# Week Days Description

33 Feb 05 to Feb 09 4 • Rehearsal Exam. For Class X from Jan 22 to Feb 09

• 5th February (Kashmir Day),

34 Feb 12 to Feb 16 5 • Farewell of Class- X,

HISTORY: Tests and Revision of past papers.
GEOGRAPHY: Revision and Tests.

35 Feb 19 to Feb 23 5 • Rehearsal Exam. For Class IX Feb19 to Mar 08,

HISTORY: Revision of Past Papers.
GEOGRAPHY: Revision and Tests

36 Feb 26 to Mar 01 5 • Rehearsal Exam. For Class IX Feb19 to Mar 08

• Annual Examination for Class Nursery to VIII, PCC, C-I & C-II( Mock-
37 Mar 04 to Mar 08 05 I) from Feb 26 to Mar 13.

38 Mar 11 to Mar 15 05

39 Mar 18 to Mar 22 05 RESULT PREPARATION

40 April 01 to April 05 • Preparatory Holidays Mar 27 to Apr 05


41 April 08, 2024 Start of New Session



Calendar (Session 2023 – 2024)


REFERENCE BOOK.....Cambridge O Level Physics ( HODDER EDUCATION)


Unit 1.1
• Describe how to measure a variety of lengths with
1. Apr 10 to Apr 14 05 appropriate precision using tapes, rulers and
micrometers (including reading the scale on an analogue

Unit 1.1
• Describe how to use a measuring cylinder to measure the
volume of a liquid and to determine the volume
of a solid by displacement
2. Apr 17 to Apr 21 05 • Describe how to measure a variety of time intervals using
clocks and digital timers
• Determine an average value for a small distance and for a
short interval of time by measuring multiples
(including the period of oscillation of a pendulum)

Unit 1.1
• Understand that a scalar quantity has magnitude (size)
only and that a vector quantity has magnitude and
• Know that the following quantities are scalars: distance,
3. Apr 24 to Apr 28 03 speed, time, mass, energy and temperature
• Know that the following quantities are vectors:
displacement, force, weight, velocity, acceleration,
momentum, electric field strength and gravitational field
• Eid-ul-Fitr Holidays

Unit 1.3 Mass and weight

• State that mass is a measure of the quantity of matter in an
object at rest relative to the observer
4. May 01 to May 05 04 • State that the mass of an object resists change from its
state of rest or motion (inertia)
• Know that weights, and therefore masses, may be
compared using a beam balance or equal-arm balance
• Labour day
Unit 1.3
• Describe how to determine mass using an electronic
• Describe how to measure weight using a force meter
• Define gravitational field strength as force per unit mass;
recall and use the equation
gravitational field strength = weight
5. May 08 to May 12 05 mass
and know that this is equivalent to the acceleration of free fall
• State that a gravitational field is a region in which a mass
experiences a force due to gravitational attraction

• Start of Class of CII


Unit 1.4 Density

• Define density as mass per unit volume; recall and use the

Density =

6. May 15 to May 19 05
• Describe how to determine the density of a liquid, of a
regularly shaped solid and of an irregularly shaped
solid which sinks in a liquid (volume by displacement),
including appropriate calculations

• Start 0f Class – X
Unit 1.4

• Revision

7. May 22 to May 26 05

• Revision
8. May 29 to Jun 02 05

9. Jun 05 to Aug 18

• Summer vacation

10. Aug 21 to Aug 25 05

• First Terminal Examination for Classes I to IX, PCC, C-I from Aug.
24 to Sep. 08
• Regular Classes for Nur/ KG, X, C-II & XII

• First Terminal Examination for Classes I to IX, PCC, C-I from Aug.
11. Aug 28 to Sept 01 05 24 to Sep. 08
• Regular Classes for Nur/ KG, CII, X& XII

• First Terminal Examination for Classes I to IX, PCC, C-I from Aug.
12. Sept 04 to Sept 08 04 24 to Sep. 08
• Regular Classes for Nur/ KG, C-II, X& XII
• 20th Safar Local Holiday

Unit 1.2 Motion

• Define speed as distance travelled per unit time and define
velocity as change in displacement per unit time
• Recall and use the equation
speed = distance
• Recall and use the equation
average speed = total distance travelled
total time taken
13. Sept 11 to Sept 15 05 • Define acceleration as change in velocity per unit time;
recall and use the equation
acceleration = change in velocity
time taken
a = Δv
• State what is meant by, and describe examples of, uniform
acceleration and non-uniform acceleration
• Know that a deceleration is a negative acceleration and
use this in calculations

• Start of XI Class

Unit 1.2
• Sketch, plot and interpret distance–time and speed–time
• Determine from the shape of a distance–time graph when
an object is:
(a) at rest (c) accelerating
14. Sept 18 to Sept 22 05
(b) moving with constant speed (d) decelerating
• Determine from the shape of a speed–time graph when an
object is:
(a) at rest (b) moving with constant speed
(c) moving with constant acceleration
(d) moving with changing acceleration
Parent Teacher Meeting Sep 23

Unit 1.2
• State that the acceleration of free fall g for an object near
to the surface of the Earth is approximately
constant and is approximately 9.8 m / s2
• Calculate speed from the gradient of a distance–time
15. Sept 25 to Sept 29 04 graph
• Calculate the area under a speed–time graph to determine
the distance travelled for motion with constant
speed or constant acceleration
• Calculate acceleration from the gradient of a speed–time
• Eid e Milad –un – Nabi (S.A.W) (12th Rabi – ul – Awal)
Unit 1.5 Forces
Balanced and unbalanced forces
• Identify and use different types of force, including weight
(gravitational force), friction, drag, air resistance,
tension (elastic force), electrostatic force, magnetic force,
thrust (driving force) and contact force
• Identify forces acting on an object and draw free-body
diagram(s) representing the forces
• State Newton’s first law as ‘an object either remains at rest
or continues to move in a straight line at constant speed
unless acted on by a resultant force’
• State that a force may change the velocity of an object by
16. Oct 02 to Oct 06 05 changing its direction of motion or its speed
• Determine the resultant of two or more forces acting along
the same straight line
• Recall and use the equation
resultant force = mass × acceleration
F = ma
• 7State Newton’s third law as ‘when object A exerts a force
on object B, then object B exerts an equal and opposite
force on object A’
• Know that Newton’s third law describes pairs of forces of
the same type acting on different objects
• Determine, by calculation or graphically, the resultant of
two vectors at right angles
Unit 1.5
• Describe friction as a force that may impede motion and
produce heating
• Understand the motion of objects acted on by a constant
weight or driving force, with and without drag
17. Oct 09 to Oct 13 05 (including air resistance or resistance in a liquid)
• Explain how an object reaches terminal velocity
• Define the thinking distance, braking distance and stopping
distance of a moving vehicle
• Explain the factors that affect thinking and braking distance
including speed, tiredness, alcohol, drugs, load,
tyre surface and road conditions
Unit 1.5
Elastic deformation
• Know that forces may produce a change in size and shape
of an object
• Define the spring constant as force per unit extension;
recall and use the equation
spring constant = force
18. Oct 16 to Oct 20 05 k=F
• Sketch, plot and interpret load–extension graphs for an
elastic solid and describe the associated experimental
• Define and use the term ‘limit of proportionality’ for a load–
extension graph and identify this point on the
graph (an understanding of the elastic limit is not required)
Unit 1.5
Circular motion
• Describe, qualitatively, motion in a circular path due to a
force perpendicular to the motion as:
(a) speed increases if force increases, with mass and
radius constant
(b) radius decreases if force increases, with mass and
19. Oct 23 to Oct 27 05
speed constant
(c) an increased mass requires an increased force to keep
speed and radius constant
( F = mv2 is not required)
Unit 1.5
Turning effect of forces
• Describe the moment of a force as a measure of its turning
effect and give everyday examples
• Define the moment of a force as
moment = force × perpendicular distance from the pivot;
recall and use this equation
• State and use the principle of moments for an object in
20. Oct 30 to Nov 03 05 equilibrium
• Describe an experiment to verify the principle of moments

Centre of gravity
• State what is meant by centre of gravity
• Describe how to determine the position of the centre of
gravity of a plane lamina using a plumb line
• Describe, qualitatively, the effect of the position of the
centre of gravity on the stability of simple objects

21. Nov 06 to Nov 10 04

• 2nd Terminal Examination for All Classes I to VIII, PCC, C-I & C-II
and SEND UP for Classes IX & X from Nov 06 to Nov 24.
• Regular Classes for Nur, KG, XI & XII.
• 9th November (Iqbal Day)

22. Nov 13 to Nov 17 05

• 2nd Terminal Examination for All Classes I to VIII, PCC, C-I & C-II
and SEND UP for Classes IX & X from Nov 06 to Nov 24.
• Regular Classes for Nur, KG, XI & XII.

23. Nov 20 to Nov 24 05

• 2nd Terminal Examination for All Classes I to VIII, PCC, C-I & C-II
and SEND UP for Classes IX & X from Nov 06 to Nov 24.
• Regular Classes for Nur, KG, XI & XII.

Unit 1.6
• Define momentum as mass × velocity; recall and use the
p = mv
• Define impulse as force × time for which force acts; recall
and use the equation
impulse = F∆t = ∆(mv)
24. Nov 27 to Dec 01 05 • Apply the principle of the conservation of momentum to
solve simple problems in one dimension
• Define resultant force as the change in momentum per unit
time; recall and use the equation
resultant force = change in momentum
time taken



Unit 1.7 Energy, work and power

• State that energy may be stored as kinetic, gravitational
potential, chemical, elastic (strain), nuclear,
electrostatic and internal (thermal)
• Describe how energy is transferred between stores during
events and processes, including examples of transfer by
25. Dec 04 to Dec 08 05 forces (mechanical work done), electrical currents
(electrical work done), heating, and by electromagnetic,
sound and other waves
• Know the principle of the conservation of energy and apply
this principle to the transfer of energy between stores
during events and processes
• Parent Teacher Meeting Dec09
Unit 1.7
• Recall and use the equation for kinetic energy
Ek = mv2
26. Dec 11 to Dec 15 05
• Recall and use the equation for the change in gravitational
potential energy
∆Ep = mg∆h
Unit 1.7
• Recall and use the equation
work done = force × distance moved in the direction of the force
W = Fd

Energy resources
• List renewable and non-renewable energy sources
• Describe how useful energy may be obtained, or electrical
power generated, from:
(a) chemical energy stored in fossil fuels
27. Dec 18 to Dec 22 05 (b) (b) chemical energy stored in biofuels
(c) hydroelectric resources
(d) solar radiation
(e) nuclear fuel
(f) geothermal resources
(g) wind
(h) tides
(i) waves in the sea
including references to a boiler, turbine and generator where
they are used
• Describe advantages and disadvantages of each method
limited to whether it is renewable, when and whether it is
available, and its impact on the environment

Dec 25,2023 to Jan 05,

28. 05 • Winter Holidays from 26 Dec 2022 to Jan 05, 2024
• December 25 (Quaid-e-Azam Day)
Unit 1.7
• Define efficiency as:
(a) (%) efficiency = (x 100%)

(b) (%) efficiency = ( x 100%)

29. Jan 08 to Jan 12 05 and recall and use these equations

• SEND UP for College Classes


Unit 1.7
• 1Define power as work done per unit time and also as
energy transferred per unit time; recall and use the
(a) power =

30. Jan 15 to Jan 19 05 P=

(b) power =


• SEND UP for College Classes

• Rehearsal Exam. for Class Nur& KG Jan 15 to Jan 17
Unit 1.8
• Define pressure as force per unit area; recall and use the
pressure =

31. Jan 22 to Jan 26 05 p=

• Describe how pressure varies with force and area in the

context of everyday examples
• State that the pressure at a surface produces a force in a
direction at right angles to the surface and describe an
experiment to show this

• Rehearsal Exam. For Class X from Jan 22 to Feb 09

Unit 1.8
• Describe how the height of a liquid column in a liquid
barometer may be used to determine the atmospheric
• Describe, quantitatively, how the pressure beneath the
surface of a liquid changes with depth and density
32. Jan 29 to Feb 02 05 of the liquid
• Recall and use the equation for the change in pressure
beneath the surface of a liquid
change in pressure = density × gravitational field strength × change in height
Δp = ρgΔh

• Rehearsal Exam. For Class X from Jan 22 to Feb 09

• Revision
33. Feb 05 to Feb 09 04 • Tests

• Rehearsal Exam. For Class X from Jan 22 to Feb 09

• 5th February (Kashmir Day)

• Revision
• Tests
34. Feb 12 to Feb 16 05

• Fare Well of Class- X


35. Feb 19 to Feb 23 05 • Revision

• Tests

• Rehearsal Exam. For Class IX Feb 19 to Mar 08

36. Feb 26 to Mar 01 05

• Rehearsal Exam. For Class IX Feb19 to Mar 08
• Annual Examination for Class Nursery to VIII, PCC, C-I & C-II(
Mock-I) from Feb 26 to Mar 13.
• Rehearsal Exam. For Class IX Feb19 to Mar 08
37. Mar 04 to Mar 08 05 • Annual Examination for Class Nursery to VIII, PCC, C-I & C-II(
Mock-I) from Feb 26 to Mar 13.

• Annual Examination for Class Nursery to VIII, PCC, C-I & C-II(
38. Mar 11 to Mar 15 05 Mock-I) from Feb 26 to Mar 13.

39. Mar 18 to Mar 22 05 • Result Preparation

• Announcement of Result Mar 25 & Mar 26
40. Mar 25 to Mar 29 05
• Preparatory Holidays Mar 27 to Apr 05
41. Apr 01 to Apr 05 05 • Preparatory Holidays Mar 27 to Apr 05

42. April 08, 2024 • Start of New Session



Calendar (Session 2023 – 2024)



‫ج‬ ‫ا ز‬ ‫آرام و ن۔‬

1. Apr 10 to Apr 14 05
‫رف‬ !"

‫ رت۔‬$ % ‫آرام و ن۔ '&آت‬

2. Apr 17 to Apr 21 05 ‫)ہ‬+ٔ ,$ ‫ ی‬. / 0$12

‫رف‬ ‫ رت‬$ % 3456

089‫ رت ۔‬$ % 3456

‫۔ رف‬:;< = ‫"?> ن‬
3. Apr 24 to Apr 28 03
‫ ن‬/$ ‫ @۔‬AB ‫ م‬CD‫ا‬
 Eid-ul-Fitr Holidays
@ AB &EF G &HI JL‫ن۔‬
K >?"
4. May 01 to May 05 04 ‫ ن‬/$ ‫ = ۔۔۔۔۔۔‬MNOK 5PK ‫ رک‬K MR S MT &EF 3VU ‫ دن‬X ‫"?> ن ۔ا‬
 Labour day
Y , Z[\] ‫۔ ا_^ ف‬3` Y , ‫س‬C9
5. May 08 to May 12 05 Z[b X ‫ & ا‬$Ecd /$ ‫ ر ۔‬e7 ‫ ا‬3456 ‫ ۔‬f‫ ا‬g 3` ‫رف۔‬ &h 7
 Start of Class of CII
Z[b X ‫ & ا‬$Ecd /$ Y , ‫س‬C9

‫ ر‬e7 ‫ ا‬3456
6. May 15 to May 19 05 3` ‫ اﻻت‬j ‫ ی‬. /

‫ رت‬$ % 3456
 Start Of Class – X

‫)ہ‬+ٔ ,$ ‫ ی‬. / ‫ س‬$ k‫ ا‬Mlm ‫ان د‬

7. May 22 to May 26 05
‫ س‬$ k‫&ی ا‬E7 n 089 ‫رف۔‬

‫ اﻻت‬j ‫ ی‬. / Y , ‫س‬C9

8. May 29 to Jun 02 05 ‫ @ رف‬AB ‫"?> ن‬

‫& ۔۔۔۔‬EF G ‫ م‬o" :pq‫ ر‬X ‫ا‬

9. Jun 05 to Aug 18 SUMMER VACATION

10. Aug 21 to Aug 25 05 ‫&ائ‬s‫د‬U
 First Terminal Examination for Classes I to IX, PCC, C-I
11. Aug 28 to Sept 01 05 from Aug. 24 to Sep. 08
 Regular Classes for Nur/ KG, C-II, X& XII
12. Sept 04 to Sept 08 04  20Safar Local Holiday

‫رف‬ ‫ل‬uh
‫ ل‬$ v‫ ا‬wxy ‫ ت‬Suh

13. Sept 11 to Sept 15 05

‫رف‬ &h 7
f‫ ا‬g ‫ل‬uh
 Start of XI Class
‫ ر‬e7 ‫ ا‬3456

14. Sept 18 to Sept 22 05 ‫ ت‬z {| G ‫&ی‬h 7 G ‫ ل‬$ v‫ ا‬wxy

‫ اﻻت‬j ‫ ی‬. /
 Parent Teacher Meeting Sep 23
‫)ہ‬+ٔ ,$ ‫ ی‬. / ‫ س‬$ k‫ ا‬Mlm ‫ان د‬
ٔ „
‫ ن‬/$ ‫ _} = ۔۔۔۔‬MR ~ • €$ • $‚‫ ۔‬f ƒ$ q$ :… † I G ‫وس‬JK+ M‡ MNqK $ f‫۔ˆ&ار‬
7 ‫"?> ن‬
15. Sept 25 to Sept 29 04
:‰ g G Š‫"?> ن ۔ا‬
‫ ن رف‬, ‹Œ‫ˆ& ا‬
 Eid e Milad –un – Nabi (12th Rabi – ul – Awal)

:‰ g G Š‫ ا‬0$12
16. Oct 02 to Oct 06 05 ‫ رت‬$ % ‫'&آت‬
‫ اﻻت‬j ‫ ی‬. /
089 ‫ رت‬$ % 3456

‫•&ی‬Ž $| &Ec• ‫۔‬:•‫ آد‬3`

17. Oct 09 to Oct 13 05 ‫رف‬ &h 7
‫ ر‬e7 ‫ ا‬3456 ‫ ۔‬f‫ ا‬g 3`
‫ ت‬z {| G ‫&ی‬h 7 G ‫•&ی‬Ž $| &Ec•
:•‫ آد‬3`
18. Oct 16 to Oct 20 05
‫ اﻻت‬j ‫ ی‬. /

:‘’ “ 3” ‹Œ‫ رش۔ ا‬oe 0$12

19. Oct 23 to Oct 27 05
‫ رت‬$ % ‫'&آت‬
‫رف‬ !"
:‘’ “ 3” ‹Œ‫ رش۔ ا‬oe 0$12
20. Oct 30 to Nov 03 05
‫ اﻻت‬j ‫ ی‬. / ‫رف۔‬
21. Nov 06 to Nov 10 04  2 Terminal Examination for All Classes I to VIII, PCC,
C-I & C-II and SEND UP for Classes IX & X from Nov
22. Nov 13 to Nov 17 05
06 to Nov 24.
23. Nov 20 to Nov 24 05
 Regular Classes for Nur, KG, XI & XII.
 9th November (Iqbal Day)
–— 7 Z˜‫–و‬K+ ‫ ت ۔‬Suh
24. Nov 27 to Dec 01 05 ‫رف‬ ‫&ہ‬h 7
f‫ ا‬g ‫ل‬uh.

–— 7 Z˜‫–و‬K+ ‫ ت‬Suh

25. Dec 04 to Dec 08 05 ‫ ر‬e7 ‫ ا‬3456

‫ ت‬z {| G ‫&ی‬h 7 G –— 7 Z˜‫–و‬K+
 Parent Teacher Meeting Dec09
–— 7 Z˜‫–و‬+K ‫ ت‬Suh
26. Dec 11 to Dec 15 05
‫ اﻻت‬j ‫ ی‬. /

› /$ ‫&زا '&‚™ ﷲ‬š ‫ ن۔‬ƒOŠ‫ ا‬0$12

27. Dec 18 to Dec 22 05 ‫رف‬ !"

‫ ت‬z {| G –+&•q G › /$ ‫&زا '&‚™ ﷲ‬š ‫ رت ۔‬$ % ‫'&آت‬

Dec 25, 2023 to  December 25 (Quaid-e-Azam Day)

28. 05
Jan 05, 2024  Winter Holidays from 26 Dec 2023 to Jan 05, 2024

‫)ہ‬+ٔ ,$ ‫ ی‬. / ‫ س‬$ k‫ ا‬Mlm ‫ان د‬

‫ ن‬ƒOŠ‫ ا‬0$12
29. Jan 08 to Jan 12 05
‫ اﻻت‬j ‫ ی‬. /
 SEND UP for College Classes

‫ رت‬$ % 3456
30. Jan 15 to Jan 19 05 ‫ ن‬ƒOŠ‫ ا‬0$12 ‫ اﻻت‬j ‫ ی‬. /
 SEND UP for College Classes
 Rehearsal Exam. for Class Nur & KG Jan 15 to Jan 17
‫ت‬ ‫ ر‬,K /$ Y , ‫س‬C9 ‫۔‬3`
31. Jan 22 to Jan 26 05
f‫ ا‬g 3`
 Rehearsal Exam. For Class X from Jan 22 to Feb 09
Y , ‫س‬C9 3`

32. Jan 29 to Feb 02 05 ‫ اﻻت‬j ‫ ی‬. /

‫ ن‬ƒOŠ‫ ا‬0$12 f‫&ا‬s‫د‬U
 Rehearsal Exam. For Class X from Jan 22 to Feb 09
&E7 n wž| f‫&ا‬s‫د‬U
‫آرام و ن‬
33. Feb 05 to Feb 09 04 ‫ رش‬oe
 Rehearsal Exam. For Class X from Jan 22 to Feb 09
 5th February (Kashmir Day)

3` wž| f‫&ا‬s‫د‬U

34. Feb 12 to Feb 16 05 Y , ‫س‬C9 ‫۔‬:•‫آد‬

 Fare Well of Class- X
‫ل‬uh wž| f‫&ا‬s‫د‬U
–— 7 Z˜‫–و‬+K ‫ ل۔‬$ v‫ ا‬wx
‫)ہ‬+ٔ ,$ ‫ ی‬. / ‫ س‬$ k‫ ا‬Mlm ‫ان د‬
35. Feb 19 to Feb 23 05

 Rehearsal Exam. For Class IX Feb 19 to Mar 08

 Rehearsal Exam. For Class IX Feb19 to Mar 08
36. Feb 26 to Mar 01 05  Annual Examination for Class Nursery to VIII, PCC, C-I & C-II(
Mock-I) from Feb 26 to Mar 13.
 Rehearsal Exam. For Class IX Feb19 to Mar 08
37. Mar 04 to Mar 08 05  Annual Examination for Class Nursery to VIII, PCC, C-I & C-II(
Mock-I) from Feb 26 to Mar 13.

 Annual Examination for Class Nursery to VIII, PCC, C-I & C-II(
38. Mar 11 to Mar 15 05
Mock-I) from Feb 26 to Mar 13.

39. Mar 18 to Mar 22 05  Result Preparation

 Announcement of Result Mar 25 & Mar 26

40. Mar 25 to Mar 29 05
 Preparatory Holidays Mar 27 to Apr 05
41. Apr 01 to Apr 05 05  Preparatory Holidays Mar 27 to Apr 05

42. April 08, 2024  Start of New Session

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