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Tag Questions Test Exercises - Multiple Choice Questions With Answers -

Advanced Level 42

1. Neither of the workers was happy with the new

legislation, ? 6. As far as I know Jim, and according to what his mum
told about him, he hates football and never plays it,
A) wasn't they ?
B) weren't they
A) didn't he
C) did they
B) will he
D) didn't they
C) does he
E) were they
D) didn't she
E) don't I

2. Tom, the Browns' only son, died in a terrible accident

last year. Before that event, however, the family
used to be very cheerful people, , dad? 7. You really think that those over there are our new
teacher's kids, ? But, they aren't because he
A) hadn't they isn't married yet.
B) didn't they
A) isn't it
C) weren't they
B) don't you
D) didn't he
C) aren't they
E) wasn't it
D) do you
E) isn't he

3. That is very important for him, ?

A) isn't it 8. They had to provide some evidence to the court to

B) isn't that clear him of the accusation, ?
C) is it A) wouldn't they
D) is that B) hadn't he
E) isn't this C) didn't he
D) hadn't they
E) didn't they

4. Everybody should visit Goreme, ?

A) should they
B) should he 9. Just because the teacher of math has strict rules in
class, everybody dislikes him too much, ?
C) shouldn't they
D) should we A) aren't they
E) shouldn't we B) isn't it
C) doesn't it
D) do they
E) don't they
5. Tomorrow, instead of going to Madrid with my boss, I
am going to London, ? So, is everything arranged
properly there?

A) am n't I
B) aren't I
C) don't I
D) won't I
E) am I

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Tag Questions Test Exercises - Multiple Choice Questions With Answers -
Advanced Level 42
10. A: What an exhausting day it was! I had better go 14. I assume the books you gave will be helpful
to sleep right now, ? B: Yes, of course. Anyway, I despite the fact that there are plenty of similar
have already prepared the room for you. books, ?

A) didn't you A) do you

B) should I B) won't they
C) mustn't you C) didn't you
D) hadn't I D) are there
E) wasn't it E) isn't there

11. It is breaking news. Something bad must have 15. One of the things I used to do was breaking ice
happened at the airport. Pass the remote control to floes in the stream, ?
me, ?
A) didn't it
A) isn't it B) wasn't it
B) didn't you C) weren't they
C) aren't I D) isn't it
D) will you E) wouldn't it
E) shall we

16. I suppose they won't come in time for the lunch,

12. I guess my brother didn't like the way his wife ?
behaved in front of many people, ? Because he
takes her words personally. A) won't they
B) aren't I
A) wasn't he
C) don't I
B) don't I
D) will they
C) did he
E) do you
D) didn't she
E) does he

17. He said the teacher ought to give the instructions

more clearly, ?
13. Nobody in the family believes Carl has paid the
heating bill, ? So, he needs some time to A) did he
prove himself to be reliable. B) oughtn't he
A) do they C) didn't he
B) has he D) hasn't he
C) doesn't he E) ought not they
D) won't they
E) did they

18. He hard for the exam, didn't he?

A) didn't study
B) studied
C) studies
D) had studied
E) doesn't study

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Tag Questions Test Exercises - Multiple Choice Questions With Answers -
Advanced Level 42
19. He the car he damaged repaired, won't he?

A) will have
B) would have
21. They will be coming in an hour, so I have got
C) had to prepare something for dinner, ?
D) has
A) haven't I
E) is having
B) don't I
C) shouldn't we
D) won't they
E) aren't they
20. It would have been a more tactful decision to leave
them alone when they told us to have a break, ?

A) shouldn't we
B) didn't they
C) wouldn't it
D) hasn't it
E) wouldn't they

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Tag Questions Test Exercises - Multiple Choice Questions With Answers -
Advanced Level 42

Answer Key:

1: E
12: C
2: B
13: A
3: A
14: B
4: C
15: B
5: B
16: D
6: C
17: C
7: B
18: B
8: E
19: A
9: E
20: C
10: D
21: A
11: D

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