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MTRX Coin White paper V2


Grow with our community of like-minded individuals

and learn about cryptocurrency, financial freedom,

and beyond through MTRX Academy.




Join the MTRX community and gain the
Discover how to create financial security, start

knowledge and skills you need to succeed in

your own business, and cultivate a wealth-

the world of crypto and beyond with our

driven mindset with MTRX's expert-led

online academy courses.
Words from Founder
The creation of MTRX was driven by a passion to give individuals a path to financial

freedom. Understanding the importance of education, community, and stability in

cryptocurrency, the founder aimed to create a coin that fulfilled all of these needs.

The creation of MTRX was inspired by a

desire to empower individuals with the tools

and resources they need to achieve

financial freedom. The founder recognized

that in the ever-evolving world of

cryptocurrency, education, community

support, and stability were critical factors in

success. With this in mind, MTRX was

crafted to be more than just another

cryptocurrency, but a complete ecosystem

for individuals looking to secure their

financial future.

The founder understood the importance of a

balanced tokenomics model and so the

MTRX coin was designed with 3% liquidity,

3% marketing, and 2% development. This

structure helps to create a stable price for

the coin and provide a foundation for

continued growth and development of the

MTRX community. By joining the MTRX

community, individuals gain access to

educational resources, a supportive network

of like-minded individuals, and a secure and

stable coin for their investments.

MTRX was created with a single goal in mind

- to give individuals a path to financial

freedom. With its comprehensive approach,

MTRX offers a unique opportunity for

individuals to take control of their financial

future and secure their place in the world of

3% Liquidity
MTRX tokenomics

Development allocates 3% to liquidity,

ensuring stable price and

market demand.
3% Marketing
MTRX tokenomics allocate

3% to marketing,

supporting growth and

increasing brand


2% Development
MTRX tokenomics allocate

Marketing 2% to development,

3% ensuring constant

improvement and


Tokenomics break down

The tokenomics of MTRX includes a 3% allocation for liquidity, aimed at maintaining a stable price for the

cryptocurrency. This allocation helps to ensure a balanced supply and demand, reducing the risk of price

volatility and allowing users to feel more confident in their investments. The liquidity pool is managed

carefully to support the stability and growth of MTRX, making it a solid choice for crypto enthusiasts

looking for a reliable and profitable investment.

MTRX tokenomics allocates 3% to marketing, promoting growth and adoption of the cryptocurrency.

Effective marketing strategies drive awareness and investment in MTRX, increasing value for token


At the heart of MTRX tokenomics is a system of allocation

MTRX prioritizes development with

2% of its tokenomics allocated to

that is designed to support both liquidity and growth. A

fund ongoing tech advancements

portion of each MTRX token is set aside for liquidity,

and growth.
which helps to maintain a stable price for the coin.

Another portion is allocated to marketing and

development, which allows the MTRX team to continue

promoting and improving the coin.

1 1. Need for a Unified Social Platform in the Crypto Ecosystem
2. Unique Features and Offerings of the MTRX Platform

Social Platform

2 1. Features: Timeline, Boards, Groups, and User Profiles

2. Encouraging User Interaction and Content Creation through

Community and Networking Features

3 1. User-Created Groups and AMA Sessions

2. Voice Chats and Video Calls
3. Trending on the Platform and Gaining Followers

Crypto Project Promotion

4 1. Toplist Section for Free Advertising
2. Paid Advertising Spots and Options

MTRX Academy

5 1. Educational Topics: Mindset, Business, Crypto, Software

Development, Social Circle, Relationships, and Networking
2. Learning Resources and Course Structure

Play2Earn Game

6 1. Overview and Mechanics

2. Earning MTRX and Connecting with Other Players
3. Attracting a New Audience to the MTRX Platform

Blockchain Development

7 1. Rationale and Objectives

2. Technical Specifications and Features
3. Roadmap and Development Timeline

Additional Tools and Services

1. Swap
2. Bridge
3. Explorer
4. Launchpad

Conclusion and Future Prospects

9 1. Summary of Key Offerings
2. Long-Term Vision and Growth Strategy
The rapid growth and adoption of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology have
given rise to a diverse and fragmented landscape of platforms, tools, and services. As the
crypto ecosystem continues to expand, there is a pressing need for a unified social
platform that brings together enthusiasts, investors, and professionals to engage, learn,
and grow. The MTRX platform, founded by a team of three experienced entrepreneurs
and friends, aims to address this need by offering a comprehensive suite of features and
functionalities designed to foster collaboration, learning, and networking.

Need for a Unified Social Platform in the Crypto

As the crypto ecosystem continues to grow in complexity, new and seasoned participants
alike face the challenge of navigating a multitude of platforms, resources, and communities.
This fragmentation often leads to missed opportunities, limited access to valuable
information, and reduced potential for collaboration. Recognising these challenges, the
MTRX platform seeks to provide a single destination for users to connect, discuss, learn, and
collaborate on topics related to cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology, and beyond.

Unique Features and Offerings of the MTRX Platform

The MTRX platform is designed to cater to the diverse needs and interests of the crypto
community by providing a range of features and services, including:

A social platform with a timeline, boards, groups, and the ability for users to follow each
other and view their holdings and NFTs
A play2earn game that allows players to earn MTRX tokens and connect with others
An educational academy offering courses on mindset, business, crypto, software
development, social circle, relationships, and networking
A promotional platform for crypto projects to advertise their offerings, both freely and
through paid spots
The MTRX team comprises three real-life friends with successful business backgrounds,
each bringing unique expertise to the project:

Jordy, with experience in SaaS Employee Scheduling Software

Ivo, a seasoned e-commerce entrepreneur
Robbin, an expert in Forex and Crypto trading

Together, the team leverages their diverse skillsets to build a platform that addresses
the challenges faced by the growing crypto ecosystem and empowers users to succeed
in their individual and collective endeavors.
Social platform
The MTRX social platform aims to create an engaging and interactive space for users
with diverse interests and backgrounds to come together and share their knowledge,
experiences, and insights about cryptocurrencies, blockchain, and other related topics.
The platform is designed with a variety of features that facilitate seamless
communication, collaboration, and learning.

Features: Timeline, Boards, Groups, and User Profiles

Timeline: The timeline serves as the central hub of the platform, displaying the latest
content and updates from users and groups that a user follows. This feature allows users
to stay informed and engaged with the community in real-time.

Boards: Boards act as dedicated spaces for discussing specific topics or themes, making
it easier for users to find and engage with content that aligns with their interests. Users
can create and join boards, contribute to discussions, and collaborate with like-minded

Groups: The platform allows users to create and join groups, which can be centered
around a particular theme, project, or interest. Within groups, members can share
updates, discuss ideas, and organize events, such as AMA sessions, voice chats, and
video calls. By offering these features, the platform fosters a sense of community and
encourages users to connect with others who share their passions.

User Profiles: Each user on the MTRX platform has a customizable profile that displays
their personal information, interests, holdings, NFTs, and activity on the platform. By
allowing users to follow each other, the platform promotes networking and helps users
discover new connections in the crypto space.

Encouraging User Interaction and Content Creation

through Rewards
To incentivize active participation and high-quality content creation, the MTRX platform
offers a rewards system that distributes tokens to users based on their contributions and
engagement. By rewarding users for posting valuable content, engaging in discussions, and
sharing insights, the platform encourages a vibrant and supportive community that fosters
learning and growth. Additionally, this rewards system can help attract new users to the
platform, further expanding the MTRX network and enhancing its value for all participants.
Community and Networking
The MTRX platform places a strong emphasis on fostering a sense of community and
facilitating networking among its users. By offering various features that encourage
interaction, collaboration, and engagement, the platform aims to create a vibrant and
supportive environment where users can learn, grow, and succeed together.

User-Created Groups and AMA Sessions

Users on the MTRX platform can create and join groups centered around specific themes,
projects, or interests. These groups serve as hubs for sharing updates, discussing ideas, and
organising events. One such event format is the Ask Me Anything (AMA) session, where
group members can engage in open and candid conversations with experts, project leaders,
or influencers. These sessions provide valuable insights and information while promoting a
sense of openness and accessibility within the community.

Voice Chats and Video Calls

The platform supports real-time communication through voice chats and video calls,
enabling users to engage in more personal and direct interactions with their peers. By
offering these communication tools, MTRX encourages users to build stronger connections,
exchange ideas, and collaborate more effectively.

Trending on the Platform and Gaining Followers

Users and groups that consistently create high-quality content and generate engagement
have the opportunity to trend on the MTRX platform, increasing their visibility and attracting
more followers. By showcasing the most popular and influential members of the community,
the platform incentivises users to actively contribute and share their knowledge and
expertise. This, in turn, helps create a dynamic, informative, and inspiring environment
where users can learn from one another and expand their networks in the crypto space.
Crypto Project Promotion
In order to support the growth and development of the broader crypto community, the
MTRX platform provides opportunities for projects to promote their offerings and gain
exposure. This includes both free and paid advertising options, catering to projects of
various sizes and budgets.

Toplist Section for Free Advertising

The MTRX platform features a toplist section where crypto projects can advertise their
products and services for free. This allows new and emerging projects to gain visibility and
attract potential users, investors, and collaborators. By offering a dedicated space for free
advertising, MTRX helps level the playing field for smaller projects that may not have
significant marketing budgets and encourages innovation and growth within the crypto

Paid Advertising Spots and Options

In addition to the toplist section for free advertising, the MTRX platform also offers paid
advertising spots that allow projects to further enhance their visibility and reach. These paid
advertising options include banner ads, sponsored content, and featured listings, among
others. By offering a range of advertising solutions, the MTRX platform enables projects to
tailor their promotional efforts to their unique needs and objectives.

By providing these promotional opportunities, MTRX not only helps individual projects
succeed but also fosters a vibrant and diverse crypto ecosystem that benefits all users and
MTRX Academy
Recognising the importance of continuous learning and personal growth in the ever-
evolving crypto landscape, the MTRX platform offers an educational component called
the MTRX Academy. The academy covers a wide range of topics, providing users with the
resources and knowledge they need to succeed in various aspects of their personal and
professional lives.

Educational Topics: Mindset, Business, Crypto, Software

Development, Social Circle, Relationships, and
The MTRX Academy offers courses on an array of subjects that cater to diverse interests and
skill levels. The topics covered include:

Mindset: Courses on personal development, goal setting, and cultivating a growth

mindset to help users achieve success and overcome obstacles
Business: Lessons on entrepreneurship, marketing, finance, and other essential aspects
of running a successful business
Crypto: Comprehensive educational resources on cryptocurrencies, blockchain
technology, investment strategies, and industry trends
Software Development: Courses on programming, web development, app creation, and
other aspects of software development, catering to both beginners and experienced
Social Circle: Lessons on building and maintaining a strong social network, effective
communication, and forming meaningful connections
Relationships: Guidance on nurturing healthy personal relationships, conflict resolution,
and maintaining work-life balance
Networking: Strategies and tips for effective networking in the crypto space and beyond,
fostering connections and collaborations that lead to new opportunities
Learning Resources and Course Structure
The MTRX Academy offers a variety of learning resources, including video lectures,
interactive exercises, quizzes, and supplementary materials. The courses are designed to be
accessible, engaging, and informative, allowing users to learn at their own pace and apply
their newly acquired knowledge to real-life situations.

Each course follows a structured format, with a clear learning path and objectives. Users can
track their progress, review completed lessons, and test their understanding through
assessments and quizzes. By providing a comprehensive and organized approach to
learning, the MTRX Academy empowers users to acquire new skills and knowledge,
equipping them to thrive in the dynamic and competitive crypto ecosystem.
Play2Earn Game
The MTRX platform expands its offerings by incorporating a play2earn game that not
only entertains users but also provides opportunities to earn MTRX tokens and connect
with fellow players. The game combines various mechanics, fostering a diverse and
engaging gaming experience while appealing to a wider audience.

Overview and Mechanics

The play2earn game on the MTRX platform offers an immersive online experience where
players can level up, participate in minigames, connect with others, engage in combat, trade
with fellow players, defeat NPCs, and unlock achievements. The game is designed to cater to
a wide range of interests and playing styles, ensuring that users can find activities that align
with their preferences and expertise.

Some of the key mechanics in the game include:

Leveling up: As players progress through the game, they can level up their characters
and unlock new abilities, items, and challenges.
Minigames: The game offers a variety of minigames that cater to different interests and
skill levels, providing a fun way to spend time and earn rewards.
Combat and NPC killing: Players can engage in combat with other players or NPCs,
offering a competitive aspect to the game.
Trading: Users can trade items and resources with fellow players, fostering collaboration
and economic interaction within the game.
Achievements: The game features a range of achievements that players can unlock,
offering additional incentives for engagement and progress.

Earning MTRX and Connecting with Other Players

Players have multiple opportunities to earn MTRX tokens while playing the game. By leveling
up, completing achievements, and gathering resources, users can accumulate tokens that
can be utilized within the MTRX ecosystem. The game also encourages social interaction by
allowing players to connect with others, form alliances, and collaborate on challenges,
fostering a sense of community within the platform.
Attracting a New Audience to the MTRX Platform
By offering an engaging play2earn game, the MTRX platform aims to attract a new audience
that may not have been previously involved in the crypto space. As players become more
invested in the game and its rewards, they are more likely to explore other aspects of the
MTRX platform, such as its social and educational features. This increased interest and
participation can help expand the MTRX community, ultimately enhancing the platform's
value and appeal to a broader range of users.
Blockchain Development
As part of its long-term vision, the MTRX platform plans to develop its own blockchain to
further enhance its offerings and capabilities. By creating a custom blockchain, MTRX
aims to provide a more secure, scalable, and efficient foundation for its diverse array of
features and services.

Rationale and Objectives

Developing a proprietary blockchain allows MTRX to address specific challenges and
requirements unique to its platform. This includes optimizing transaction throughput,
lowering fees, and ensuring the highest levels of security and decentralization. By designing
a blockchain tailored to its needs, MTRX can better support the various components of its
ecosystem, including the social platform, play2earn game, academy, and promotional

Technical Specifications and Features

While the exact technical specifications and features of the MTRX blockchain will be
determined during the development process, some potential characteristics may include:
High transaction throughput: To support the platform's diverse offerings and large user
base, the blockchain will be designed to handle a high volume of transactions with
minimal delays.
Low fees: By optimising the blockchain's resource usage and consensus mechanism,
MTRX aims to offer low transaction fees, making the platform more accessible and
affordable for users.
Security and decentralisation: The MTRX blockchain will prioritise security and
decentralisation to protect user assets and ensure the platform's long-term stability and
Interoperability: To enable seamless integration with other blockchains and systems, the
MTRX blockchain may incorporate features that facilitate cross-chain communication
and collaboration.

Roadmap and Development Timeline

The development of the MTRX blockchain will be a complex and iterative process, involving
extensive research, prototyping, and testing. A detailed roadmap and development timeline
will be established as the project progresses, with key milestones and targets outlined to
guide the team's efforts and keep the community informed. By sharing regular updates and
engaging in open dialogue with users, MTRX aims to maintain transparency and
accountability throughout the blockchain development process.
Additional Tools and Services
To further enhance the MTRX ecosystem and provide users with a comprehensive suite
of tools and services, the platform plans to develop a range of additional offerings. These
tools aim to simplify and streamline various aspects of the crypto experience, making it
more accessible and convenient for users of all skill levels.

The MTRX Swap will be a decentralized exchange (DEX) that allows users to seamlessly trade
cryptocurrencies and tokens within the MTRX ecosystem. By offering a user-friendly and
secure trading platform, MTRX aims to facilitate easier access to digital assets and promote
increased liquidity within the network.

The MTRX Bridge will enable cross-chain interoperability, allowing users to easily transfer
assets between different blockchains. By simplifying the process of moving assets between
networks, the MTRX Bridge will help promote greater connectivity and collaboration within
the broader crypto ecosystem.

The MTRX Explorer will be a powerful and intuitive blockchain explorer designed specifically
for the MTRX network. This tool will allow users to search and analyze transactions,
addresses, and other on-chain data in a user-friendly and accessible format. By providing a
reliable and comprehensive resource for blockchain data, the MTRX Explorer will help users
better understand and engage with the platform's underlying technology.

The MTRX Launchpad will serve as a platform for the incubation and launch of new crypto
projects and tokens within the MTRX ecosystem. By providing resources, guidance, and
exposure, the MTRX Launchpad will support the growth of promising projects and help foster
innovation within the community. Through this initiative, MTRX aims to attract and nurture
the next generation of transformative crypto projects, further solidifying its role as a leading
player in the digital asset space.
Conclusion and Future
As the MTRX platform continues to evolve and expand, it seeks to establish itself as a
comprehensive and innovative hub for the crypto community. By offering a diverse array
of tools, services, and opportunities, MTRX aims to empower users and drive the industry

Summary of Key Offerings

The MTRX platform encompasses a wide range of features and initiatives designed to cater
to the needs of its users and foster a vibrant and collaborative ecosystem. Key offerings

A social platform with a timeline, boards, groups, and user profiles for networking and
A play2earn game that allows players to earn MTRX tokens and connect with others
An educational academy offering courses on mindset, business, crypto, software
development, social circle, relationships, and networking
Promotional opportunities for crypto projects, including free advertising and paid options
Community and networking features, such as user-created groups, AMA sessions, voice
chats, and video calls
The development of a custom blockchain tailored to the platform's needs
Additional tools and services, including MTRX Swap, MTRX Bridge, MTRX Explorer, and
MTRX Launchpad
Long-Term Vision and Growth Strategy
The long-term vision for MTRX is to become an integral part of the global crypto ecosystem,
providing a versatile and accessible platform that caters to users of all backgrounds and
experience levels. By continually refining its offerings and exploring new opportunities for
growth, MTRX aims to stay at the forefront of innovation and set new standards for what a
crypto platform can achieve.

Key components of the platform's growth strategy include:

Expanding the platform's user base through targeted marketing, partnerships, and
community engagement
Continually refining and enhancing existing offerings based on user feedback and
industry trends
Exploring and implementing new features and services that address emerging needs and
opportunities within the crypto space
Fostering a strong and supportive community that encourages collaboration, innovation,
and shared success

By staying true to its core values and pursuing ambitious goals, MTRX is poised to make a
lasting and meaningful impact on the global crypto landscape.

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