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Republic of the Philippines


San Isidro Campus, San Isidro, Nueva Ecija, Philippines
Submitted by: Arianne Y. Dela Pesa

Year & section: BSE-3A (General Science)

Subject title: Thermodynamics (SES 15)

Submitted to: Prof. Maricar H. Sison.Ph.D

Activity 5

Directions: Complete the table shown below by giving the proper conversion.

°C K °F
Degree Celsius Kelvin Degree Fahrenheit
30°C 303.15 K 86°F

100°C 373.15 K 212°F

-18.15°C 255 K -0.67°F

-273.15°C 0K -459.67°F

-35°C 238.15 K -31°F

Directions: Explain your answer briefly.

1. Distinguish the difference between heat capacity and specific heat capacity of a

Heat capacity is an intrinsic physical property of a substance that measures the amount of
heat required to change that substance’s temperature by a given amount. In the International
System of Units (SI), heat capacity is expressed in units of joules per kelvin. Heat capacity is
an extensive property, meaning that it is dependent upon the size/mass of the sample. For
instance, a sample containing twice the amount of substance as another sample would require
twice the amount of heat energy (Q) to achieve the same change in temperature as that
required to change the temperature of the first sample. Heat Capacity can be defined using
this equation:

C = ∆Q / ∆T,

Δ Q is the amount of heat added
Republic of the Philippines
San Isidro Campus, San Isidro, Nueva Ecija, Philippines
C is the Specific HEAT
Δ T is the change in temperature.

On the other hand, specific heat capacity is the measure of the heat energy required to raise
the temperature of a given quantity of a substance by one kelvin. Latent heat of melting
describes the amount of heat required to melt a solid. When a solid is undergoing melting, the
temperature basically remains constant until the entire solid is molten.

Then again, "explicit heat" sounds like heat capacity regarding definition; however the
previous alludes to the required heat to change the temperature of a solitary unit of a
substance's mass by one degree. It utilizes vitality/mass/degree units. C = J/kg, K. In here,
the kg (kilogram) is the unit of mass remembered for the condition.

Regarding physical properties, "heat capacity" is the broad variable on the grounds that the
amount of a specific issue is straightforwardly corresponding to its heat capacity. This
implies the greater the issue, the greater is its subsequent heat capacity (for example 2x
matter gives you 2 x heat capacities). Paradoxically, "explicit heat" is an escalated variable,
which implies a credit having a place with a particular substance and not to any issue by and
large. This makes it more helpful for researchers and different experts to do tests utilizing the
concentrated variable. According to SI units, the recipe for heat capacity is C = Q/∆T while
for explicit heat it is C = J/kg, K.

The specific heat is very much similar to the heat capacity as both of them involves in
bringing one unit of temperature increase in a body, although it gets different with the latter
as it has an additional variable, „Mass‟ to be kept noticed while noticing that one unit of rise
in temperature. The specific heat of water is 4.186 Jg-1oC-1, in easy words we can say that to
make the increase of 1 oC in 1 gram of water we require 4.186 Joule heat energy. The
relationship between heat and temperature can be expressed as:

Q= cm ∆T,

Q is Heat Added
C is Specific Heat
∆T is change in temperature

The relationship doesn’t remain valid when a phase change is encountered, means conversion
of water into gaseous state (boiling point) or when the ice converts into liquid state (melting
point. It is because the heat removed or added during the phase change does not bring change
in the temperature. When it is about theoretical or lab work, specific heat is used rather than
heat capacity as it also measures the mass of the substance or the object.

2. Explain the latent heat of fusion in relation to molecular behavior.

Republic of the Philippines
San Isidro Campus, San Isidro, Nueva Ecija, Philippines
Latent heat in terms of molecular behaviour

Latent heat energy is absorbed or given out while a substance undergoes state change. The
average kinetic energy of the molecules does not change so that the temperature remains

 During melting, heat absorbed by the solid is used to break the inter-molecular bonds
between the molecules of solid substance.

 During vapourization, heat absorbed by the liquid is used to break the inter-molecular
bonds completely between the molecules of liquid substance.

Latent heat of a substance is the amount of energy absorbed or released by the substance
during a change in its physical state that occurs without changing its temperature.

 SI unit of latent heat is the joule (J).

 The latent heat associated with melting a solid or freezing a liquid is called the latent
heat of fusion (Lf); that associated with vapourizing a liquid or a solid or condensing a
vapour is called the latent heat of vaporization (Lv).

Specific latent heat of fusion

Specific latent heat of fusion, lf, of a substance is defined as the amount of heat required to
change a unit mass of the substance from solid to liquid state, without any change in the

 SI unit of specific latent heat of fusion, lf, is joule per kilogram (Jkg-1)

 Q=mlf, where
Q = amount of thermal energy absorbed or released
m = mass of substace
lf = specific latent heat of fusion.

Specific latent heat of vapourization

Specific latent heat of vapourization, lv, of a substance is defined as the amount of heat
required to change unit mass of the substance from liquid state to gas state without a
temperature change.

 SI unit of specific latent heat of vapourization, lv, of a substance is joule per

kilogram (Jkg-1)

 Q=mlv , where
Q = amount of thermal energy absorbed or released
m = mass of substace
Republic of the Philippines
San Isidro Campus, San Isidro, Nueva Ecija, Philippines
lf = specific latent heat of vapourization.

3. Discuss the similarities and differences between boiling and evaporation.

Evaporation is the process where liquid gets converted into vapour. A simple example to
understand Evaporation is when water gets evaporated from the soil by the heating effect of
the sun; it is referred to as Evaporation. Boiling, on the other hand, refers to the process of
heating up a liquid where the temperature of the liquid being heated up is greater than the
boiling point of the substance. The major key difference to be noted between Evaporation and
boiling is that of the occurrence, Evaporation occurs only on the surface of the liquid whereas
Boiling occurs over the large mass of the liquid.

The microscopic difference between evaporation and boiling is as follows:

In boiling, the motion of particles is increased and this force separates the particles apart from
each other. The temperature is uniform and the boiling also occurs throughout.

In evaporation the movement of the particles is not the same. Few particles move at slower
speed and few particles move at an higher speed. The surface particles are held in place by
the particles beneath the surface layer and the particles in the middle layer is held by the
forces acting on the sides of the container. The particles on the surface can break easily from
the liquid.

 Similarities between Evaporation and Boiling in terms of “Transformation”

Both results in change of phase from liquid to gaseous phase. Evaporation is similar to
boiling because they are both the changing of a liquid into a gas, whether it's rapidly or
slowly. They are both the state change from a liquid to a gas

 Similarities between Evaporation and Boiling in terms of “ Energy”

Both require energy

Usually thermal, but other forms of energy can also be used in order to increase the kinetic
energy of the molecules, in order to make them evaporate or boil.

 Similarities between Evaporation and Boiling in terms of “ External Conditions”

Both depend on external conditions

Both the rate of evaporation and the critical boiling temperature highly depend on the
surrounding air pressure, humidity and temperature of both the air and liquid.

4. On a clear, calm night, the temperature of the surface of the sea falls
slowly that the temperature of the nearby beach sand. Explain this
Republic of the Philippines
San Isidro Campus, San Isidro, Nueva Ecija, Philippines
Specific heat is the key. Specific heat is how much heat energy is needed raise the
temperature of a substance. Water has a very high specific heat. That means it needs to
absorb a lot of energy before its temperature changes. Sand and asphalt, on the other
hand, have lower specific heats. This means that their temperatures change more quickly.
When the summer sun shines down on them, they quickly become hot. This property of
water is one reason why states on the coast and in the center of the United States can differ so
much in temperature patterns. A Midwest state, such as Nebraska, will have colder winters
and hotter summers than Oregon, which has a higher latitude but has the Pacific Ocean

5. Explain why condensation is a warning process.

Condensation is the route by which water vapor in the air is changed into liquid water. In
other words, the water in the air, a gas identified as water vapor, from your hot shower cooled
when it met the surface of the cold mirror. This cause the water vapor to condense, or turn
into its liquid form. You observe it as moisture or beads of water and fog that has formed on
the mirror. Condensation is crucial to the water cycle because it is responsible for the
formation of clouds. These clouds can produce precipitation, which is the primary route for
water to return to the Earth's surface within the water cycle. Condensation is the opposite of

Condensation is a warning process because it releases energy to atmosphere that causes its
temperature to increase. When condensation occurs, water vapour condenses from gas into

Let‟s say window condensation can be a warning sign. It may mean that excessive
indoor humidity could be doing unseen damage to other parts of your home.


Difference Between Evaporation and Boiling | Difference


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