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The lecture or seminar is a key aspect of learning for almost all university
students. Even in these days of high technology and online learning these real-
time, face-to-face gatherings are still very common. While often it’s the
(1)__professor_____ or tutor in charge of delivering the information, sometimes
are also given responsibility to lead a seminar or give a mini-lecture. Here aresome
tips on how to do this more effectively.
 some tips on how to do this more effectively. If you have a lot to say, consider
asking a (2)_______ to distribute (3)
 If you have a lot to say, consider asking a (2)_coordinator______ to distribute
(3)__handout_______with extra notes that people can take home with them.
 If there a (4)_________speaker? In many group discussions, one speaker leads
 If there a (4)__nominated_______speaker? In many group discussions, one speaker
leads the talk. However, this should not exclude individual
 Are there (6)___________for the seminar clear? If they are not, the audience
 Are there (6)___objectives________for the seminar clear? If they are not, the
audience may be left trying to (7)__figure out______ the purpose of the meeting.
 Avoid a long slide show. Too much info can come across as (8)_______ and
 Avoid a long slide show. Too much info can come across as (8)__chaotic_____ and
overload people. Feature only the most important info.
 Minimize the chance of interruptions. Ask the audience to mute their phones
 Minimize the chance of interruptions. Ask the audience to mute their phones and
allocate a set time - usually at the end for questions.

Meeting 2
3 What three interruptions occur at the beginning of the second meeting?
- don’t have handout
- in the wrong group
- ??
4 How does the speaker suggest splitting the workload?
- they divide the work into 3 sections, 2 people take a section each
Meeting 3
5 What benefits to joining the society does the speaker talk about?
- is a great way to integrate into campus life, make new friends, meet other people
with similar interest
- great for your future, help your speaking and presentation skills…
6 What does the “open door” policy mean?

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