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1. external carotid artery and branches ( superior thyroid artery, facial artery,
lingual artery, posterior auricular a., occipital a., ascending pharyngeal a.)
2. internal carotid artery
3. common carotid artery
4. brachiocephalic trunk
5. external jugular vein
6. internal jugular vein
7. subclavian artery
8. subclavian vein
9. venous angle
10. brachiocephalic vein
11. larynx
 thyroid cartilage
 cricoid cartilage
 epiglottis
 vestibular fold
 vocal fold
 glottic part ( laryngeal ventricle)
 cricothyroid muscle
 posterior cricoarytenoid muscle

12. thyroid gland- right and left lobe, isthmus

13. trachea, tracheal bifurcation
14. pharynx
15. piriform recess of the pharynx
16. subclavian artery and vein
17. suprahyoid muscles:
 mylohyoid m.
 digastric m.
18. infrahyoid muscles
 sternohyoid
 thyrohyoid
 sternothyroid

19. vagus nerve

20. phrenic nerve
21. accessory nerve
22. hypoglossal nerve
23. ansa cervicalis
24. superficial muscles of the neck
 platysma
 sternocleidomastoid
25. deep muscle
 anterior, middle, posterior scaleni
1. the heart
 right ventricle
 left ventricle
 right auricle
 left auricle
 left chamber
 right chamber
 papillary muscle
 tricuspid valve
 mitral valve
 chordae tendinae
2. coronary veins
 coronary sinus
3. coronary arteries
 right coronary a.
 left coronary a.
 anterior interventricular a.
 posterior interventricular a.
 circumflex a.
4. branches of the aortic arch
 brachiocephalink trunk
 left common carotid
 left subclavian
5. right lung
 superior, middle, inferior lobe
 horizontal fissure, oblique fissure
 hilum
6. left lung
 superior, inferior lobe
 oblique fissure
 hilum
7. internal thoracic artery
8. muscles of the thorax
 pectoralis major
 pectoralis minor
 diaphragm
 transversus thoracis
9. phrenic nerve
10. trachea
11. esophagus

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