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point reyes

pattern by Elizabeth Doherty

Sparrow by Quince and Co,
100% Organic Linen, 168 yd [155 m] per 50 g skein
MC: Port
5 (6, 7, 7, 8, 9, 9, 10, 11, 12) skeins; or
810 (910, 1020, 1170, 1260, 1380, 1490, 1620, 1750, 1860) yds
[740 (840, 930, 1070, 1150, 1260, 1360, 1480, 1600, 1700) m]
fingering weight yarn.
CC: Truffle
1 (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2) skeins; or
80 (90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 150, 160, 170, 180) yds
[70 (80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 140, 140, 150, 160) m] fingering
weight yarn.

US 1 [2.25 mm] circ, 24" [60 cm] long or longer
US 2 [2.75 mm] circ, 24" [60 cm] long or longer
US 3 [3.25 mm] circ, 24" [60 cm] long or longer
US 7 [4.5 mm], any length, for hem bind-off
Use circs or dpns according to your preference for
working small circumferences in the round.
US 0 [2 mm] circ, 24" [60 cm] long, for picking up stitches
US 1 [2.25 mm] needles
US 2 [2.75 mm] needles
point reyes US 5 [3.75 mm], any length, for cuff bind-off
A timeless beach classic knit in linen, Point Reyes is the Neckband
perfect knit for a summer day. The fitted garter bodice US 0 [2 mm] circ, 24" [60 cm] long or longer,
transitions to a soft and flattering A-line silhouette. for picking up stitches
Contrasting lateral braids at the back shoulders add US 2 [2.75 mm] circ, 24" [60 cm] long
structure and visual interest, while the I-cord neckband,
faux side seams, and split garter hem provide an elegant Adjust needle size if necessary to obtain gauge.
and simple finish.
Top down design and asymmetrical armhole shaping • Stitch markers, both locking and fixed-ring,
with set in sleeves make for a fabulous fit. Point Reyes including 1 unique for beginning of round
easily adapts to cooler days when knit in a wool blend. • Yarn needle
•  Waste yarn of a similar weight
Garment circumference at bust
29¼ (32¼, 35¼, 38¼, 41¼, 44¼, 47, 50, 53, 56)" Gauge
[74.5 (82, 89.5, 97, 104.5, 112, 119.5, 127, 134.5, 142) cm] 27 sts and 44 rows = 4" [10 cm] in garter stitch
In the pattern, garment sizes are referred to as sizes 1–10. on US 2 [2.75 mm] needles, after washing and drying.

Suggested ease at bust: -2 to +1" [-5 to +2.5 cm] 27 sts and 38 rows = 4” [10 cm] in stockinette
on US 2 [2.75 mm] needles, after washing and drying.
Sample shown in 32¼" [82 cm] size, worn with 1¼" [3 cm]
of negative ease at bust. 25 sts and 34 rows = 4” [10 cm] in stockinette
on US 3 [3.25 mm] needles, after washing and drying.

2  point reyes © 2017 Elizabeth Doherty. All rights reserved. For personal use only.  (V07.24.17)
Garter stitch Cast on 36 sts and work garter stitch for 60
rows. Bind off all stitches. See note below on finished
and working gauges.
Soak swatch, squeeze out excess moisture, then dry in
the dryer. Repeat soaking/drying process at least two
more times to obtain final fabric and gauge.

Working with linen For tips and advice on working with
Sparrow, see this blog post.
Finished gauge vs working gauge The gauge for garter
stitch fabric will be quite different before and after
washing and drying, so it's helpful to keep track of the
pre- and post-washing gauges. Download the Point
Reyes Worksheet here.
Row gauge considerations If your swatch shows your row
gauge to be different from the pattern's stated gauge,
you will need to make a row gauge adjustment in order
to keep the armholes the correct depth. A handy row
gauge adjuster spreadsheet can be downloaded from
the Blue Bee Studio website to help with this. Once
you have determined how many rows fewer (or more) of needle. Tails will be at left. Yarn markers will stay in
you will work to maintain your armhole depth, you'll place until shoulder stitches are picked up.
make the adjustment to the part of the armhole that is
Slip the first 24 (24, 24, 27, 27, 27, 30, 30, 33, 33) sts un-
worked straight. The pattern will indicate where to make
worked to right needle. Join MC.
this adjustment.
Fitting Point Reyes Because garter stitch has a lot of later- Shape back shoulders
al stretch to it, a small amount of negative ease at the Short Row 1: (RS) K35 (39, 43, 41, 45, 49, 49, 53, 51, 55), w&t;
full bust is recommended. (WS) k35 (39, 43, 41, 45, 49, 49, 53, 51, 55), w&t.
Selvedge stitches When working the bodice flat, the first Short Row 2: (RS) Knit to prev wrap, knit wrapped st, k2,
and last stitch of each row is worked in stockinette (knit w&t; (WS) knit to prev wrap, knit wrapped st, k2, w&t.
on the right side and purled on the wrong side). Rep Short Row 2 until 2 sts remain unworked after final
wrap at each end of needle.
Next row: (RS) Knit to end.
Next row: P1, knit to last st, p1.

BACK Continue back

With US 2 [2.75 mm] circ and MC, cast on 83 (87, 91, 95, 99, Row 1: Knit.
103, 109, 113, 117, 121) sts using the long tail cast-on. Break Row 2: P1, knit to last st, p1.
yarn, and temporarily knot tails together to keep the last
Rep these two rows until 31 (30, 28, 30, 30, 30, 30, 31, 33, 33)
stitch firm.
garter ridges have been worked from cast-on edge,
Tie a piece of waste yarn over the cast-on edge (not over counting from center back.
needle) 24 (24, 24, 27, 27, 27, 30, 30, 33, 33) sts from each
Note: If you are making a row gauge adjustment, add or
end of needle. Turn work, and slide stitches to right end
subtract pairs of rows in this section.

© 2017 Elizabeth Doherty. All rights reserved. For personal use only.  (V07.24.17) point reyes  3
Shape back underarms
Increases are made by working yarnovers on RS rows,
then closing them on the following WS rows by knitting
checking the bodice fit
them through the back loop. Take care to keep yarn- Because garter stitch can change so radically
overs as small as possible. between the working gauge and the finished
gauge, it's a good idea to check the fit of your
Row 1 inc row: (RS) K2, yo, knit to last 2 sts, yo, k2—2 sts
finished bodice before moving on to the skirt.
Row 2: P1, k1, k1-tbl, knit to last 3 sts, k1-tbl, k1, p1. To do this, wash and block the garter bodice as
follows: On both front and back, once you've
Rep these two rows 2 (3, 5, 5, 6, 8, 9, 9, 10, 11) more
reached the desired depth, knit one more row
times—89 (95, 103, 107, 113, 121, 129, 133, 139, 145) sts.
in waste yarn, then bind off all sts. Soak piece
Stockinette selvedge is complete. With RS facing, tie in warm water. Roll in towel to get out as much
yarn markers to the first and last stitches of the garter water as possible, then dry flat, pinning piece to
ridge just worked. These markers will stay in place until open the garter ridges and elongate bodice.
the sleeve stitches are picked up.
When the piece is dry, gently pin the sides to-
gether and try it on. Remember that the weight
Continue underarm shaping
of the skirt will help to lower the transition line
Row 1: (RS) Using the cable cast-on, CO 2 sts, knit to end.
between the garter bodice and the skirt. Adjust
Row 2: Rep Row 1. bodice depth, if needed.
Size 1, skip to 'All sizes'.
Remaining sizes:
Row 3: Cable CO – (2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3) sts, knit to end. Break yarn, leaving a 20" [50 cm] tail for seaming. Slip
stitches to waste yarn holder, or follow instructions
Row 4: Rep Row 3.
above for blocking work and checking fit.
Sizes 2 and 3 skip to 'All sizes'.
Remaining sizes: FRONT
Row 5: Cable CO – (–, –, 3, 4, 4, 5, 3, 4, 4) sts, knit to end. Pick up for left shoulder
Row 6: Rep Row 5. Position back with RS facing, and cast-on edge at top.
Sizes 4, 5, 6, and 7, skip to 'All sizes'. With US 1 [2.25 mm] circ and using CC, pick up and knit
Remaining sizes: 23 (23, 23, 26, 26, 26, 29, 29, 32, 32) sts along the left side
of cast-on edge, between yarn marker and left edge of
Row 7: Cable CO – (–, –, –, –, –, –, 4, 4, 5) sts, knit to end.
piece, inserting needle under both legs of each cast-on
Row 8: Rep Row 7. stitch. Remove yarn marker.
All sizes:
Next row: (RS) Cable CO 3 (3, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7, 8) sts, knit to Braid
end—96 (106, 116, 126, 135, 144, 154, 163, 172, 181) sts. A lateral braid is worked, adding structure to the shoul-
Next row: Cable CO 4 (4, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9) sts, knit to der line. Keep yarnovers as small as possible.
end—100 (110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190) sts. Set-up row: (WS) Knit.
Turn work to RS. Clip a locking stitch marker to final Row 1: (RS) Yo, k2tog-tbl, * sl st back to left needle, yo,
stitch of the ridge just worked. k2tog-tbl; rep from * to end.
Break CC. Without turning work, slide stitches to right
Continue bodice
end of needle, ready to work a RS row.
Work even in garter stitch until 52 (55, 56, 63, 66, 70, 73, 76,
80, 83) garter ridges have been worked from back neck. Change to US 2 [2.75 mm] circ. Join MC.
End having worked a WS row. There will be 17 (19, 20, 24, Row 2: (RS) K-tbl to end.
26, 28, 30, 31, 32, 34) ridges below underarm, including
Row 3: P1, knit to last st, p1.
marked ridge. Remove marker.

4  point reyes © 2017 Elizabeth Doherty. All rights reserved. For personal use only.  (V07.24.17)
Shape shoulder and back neck edge
Row 1 dec row: (RS) K2, ssk, knit to last 4 sts, k2tog,
k2—2 sts decreased, 21 (21, 21, 24, 24, 24, 27, 27, 30, 30) sts.
Row 2: P1, knit to last st, p1.
Rep these two rows 2 more times—17 (17, 17, 20, 20, 20, 23,
23, 26, 26) sts.
Next row shoulder dec row: (RS) Knit to last 4 sts, k2tog,
k2—1 st decreased, 16 (16, 16, 19, 19, 19, 22, 22, 25, 25) sts.
Next row: P1, knit to last st, p1.
Rep these two rows 0 (0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2) more
times—16 (16, 16, 18, 18, 18, 20, 20, 23, 23) sts.
Work even, maintaining single selvedge stitch in stock-
inette, until there are 15 (15, 17, 17, 17, 17, 19, 19, 21, 21) garter
ridges after braid. End having worked a WS row.

Shape left front neck edge

Row 1 inc row: (RS) K2, yo, knit to end—1 st increased,
17 (17, 17, 19, 19, 19, 21, 21, 24, 24) sts.
Row 2: P1, knit to last 3 sts, k1-tbl, k1, p1.
Rep Rows 1 and 2 two more times—19 (19, 19, 21, 21, 21, 23,
23, 26, 26) sts.
Break yarn, leaving an 8" [20 cm] tail. Slip stitches to holder.
Work even, maintaining single selvedge stitch in stock-
Pick up for right shoulder inette, until there are 15 (15, 17, 17, 17, 17, 19, 19, 21, 21) garter
With US 1 [2.25 mm] circ and using CC, pick up and knit ridges after braid. End having worked a WS row.
23 (23, 23, 26, 26, 26, 29, 29, 32, 32) sts along the right side
of cast-on edge, between right edge of piece and yarn Shape right front neck edge
marker, inserting needle under both legs of each cast- Row 1 inc row: (RS) Knit to last 2 sts, yo, k2—1 st in-
on stitch. Remove marker. creased, 17 (17, 17, 19, 19, 19, 21, 21, 24, 24) sts.
Row 2: P1, k1, k1-tbl, knit to last st, p1.
Lateral braid
Following instructions for left shoulder, work Set-up row Rep Rows 1 and 2 two more times—19 (19, 19, 21, 21, 21, 23,
and Rows 1–3 of braid. 23, 26, 26) sts.
Do not break yarn.
Shape shoulder and back neck edge
Row 1 dec row: (RS) K2, ssk, knit to last 4 sts, k2tog, Join fronts
k2—2 sts decreased, 21 (21, 21, 24, 24, 24, 27, 27, 30, 30) sts. With RS facing, return 19 (19, 19, 21, 21, 21, 23, 23, 26, 26) held
Row 2: P1, knit to last st, p1. left front stitches to to left end of circ holding right front.
Rep these two rows 2 more times—17 (17, 17, 20, 20, 20, 23, Right front: (RS) Knit to end of right front, pm, turn work
23, 26, 26) sts. to WS and loosely CO 38 (42, 46, 44, 48, 52, 52, 56, 54,
Next row shoulder dec row: (RS) K2, ssk, knit to end—1 st 58) sts using the purled cable cast-on method. Turn
decreased, 16 (16, 16, 19, 19, 19, 22, 22, 25, 25) sts. work back to RS.

Next row: P1, knit to last st, p1. Left front: (RS) With yarn in back, slip last stitch cast on
to needle holding left front sts, pm on right needle, knit
Rep these two rows 0 (0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2) more
last stitch cast on together with first left front st, knit to
times—16 (16, 16, 18, 18, 18, 20, 20, 23, 23) sts.
end—75 (79, 83, 85, 89, 93, 97, 101, 105, 109) sts.

© 2017 Elizabeth Doherty. All rights reserved. For personal use only.  (V07.24.17) point reyes  5
Shape left neckline Row 4: Rep Row 3.
Begin working pairs of short rows to curve and lower Sizes 1 and 2, skip to 'All sizes'.
the neckline. Begin on WS at left armhole edge. Remaining sizes:
Short Row 1: (WS) P1, knit to marker, sl m, k2, w&t; Row 5: Cable CO – (–, 4, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 5) sts, knit to end.
(RS) knit to end. Row 6: Rep Row 5.
Short Row 2: (WS) P1, knit to marker, sl m, k4, w&t;
Size 3, skip to 'All sizes'.
(RS) knit to end.
Remaining sizes:
Short Row 3: (WS) P1, knit to marker, sl m, k7, w&t; Row 7: Cable CO – (–, –, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6) sts, knit to end.
(RS) knit to end.
Row 8: Rep Row 7.
Short Row 4: (WS) P1, knit to marker, sl m, k10 (11, 11, 11, 11, 12,
12, 12, 12, 12). Sizes 4, 5, and 6, skip to 'All sizes'.
Remaining sizes:
Wrap next st, but do not turn work. Break yarn, leaving
Row 9: Cable CO – (–, –, –, –, –, 5, 5, 6, 7) sts, knit to end.
an 8" [20 cm] tail. Make sure that tail is on WS of work,
then slip the next 24 (27, 31, 29, 33, 36, 36, 40, 38, 42) stitch- Row 10: Rep Row 9.
es to right needle. Two stitches remain before marker. All sizes:
Rejoin yarn. Next row: (RS) Cable CO 3 (3, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7, 8) sts, knit to
end—96 (106, 116, 126, 135, 144, 154, 163, 172, 181) sts.
Shape right front neckline
Next row: Cable CO 4 (4, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9) sts, knit to
Short Row 1: (WS) Knit to last st, p1.
end—100 (110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190) sts.
Short Row 2: (RS) Knit to marker, sl m, k4, w&t;
Clip a locking stitch marker to final stitch of the row just
(WS) knit to last st, p1.
Short Row 3: (RS) Knit to marker, sl m, k7, w&t;
(WS) knit to last st, p1. Continue bodice
Short Row 4: (RS) Knit to marker, sl m, k10 (11, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, Work even in garter stitch until 17 (19, 20, 24, 26, 28, 30, 31,
12, 12, 12), w&t; (WS) knit to last st, p1. 32, 34) garter ridges have been worked below underarm,
including marked ridge. Remove locking marker.
Continue front
Work even, maintaining single selvedge stitch in stocki- See note on blocking work and checking fit.
nette, until 35 (34, 37, 38, 38, 40, 43, 45, 46, 47) garter ridges
have been worked from edge of braid. Remove markers SKIRT
as you come to them. Join front and back
Return 100 (110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190) sts held
Shape front underarms
for back to longest US 2 [2.75 mm] circ. With RS facing,
Row 1 inc row: (RS) K2, yo, knit to last 2 sts, yo, k2—2 sts slip the first 3 front stitches to right needle. Place unique
increased. marker for beginning of round.
Row 2: P1, k1, k1-tbl, knit to last 3 sts, k1-tbl, k1, p1.
Rnd 1: (RS) Knit across front to last 3 sts, pm, k2, k2tog,
Rep these two rows 2 (4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6) more joining last st from front and first st from back, k2, pm,
times—81 (89, 93, 95, 101, 105, 109, 113, 119, 123) sts. knit across back to last 3 sts, pm k2, k2tog, joining last st
Stockinette selvedge is complete. With RS facing, tie from back and first slipped st from front, k2—198 (218,
yarn markers to the first and last stitches of the garter 238, 258, 278, 298, 318, 338, 358, 378) sts on needle.
ridge just worked. These markers will stay in place until Rnd 2: * Knit to marker, sl m, p2, sl 1 wyib, p2, sl m;
the sleeve stitches are picked up. rep from * to end.
Rnd 3: Knit.
Continue underarm shaping
Rnd 4: * Knit to marker, sl m, p2, sl 1 wyib, p2, sl m;
Row 1: (RS) Using the cable cast-on, CO 3 sts, knit to end.
rep from * to end.
Row 2: Rep Row 1.
Rnds 5–8: Rep Rnds 3 and 4.
Row 3: Cable CO 3 (4, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4) sts, knit to end.

6  point reyes © 2017 Elizabeth Doherty. All rights reserved. For personal use only.  (V07.24.17)
Change to US 3 [3.25 mm] circ.
Rnds 9–10: Rep Rnds 3 and 4.

Begin body stripes

Drop MC, but do not break; carry MC inside of work.
CC will be broken for each stripe.
Rnd 1: Join CC, and knit.
Rnd 2: With CC, * knit to marker, sl m, p2, sl 1 wyib, p2,
sl m; rep from * to end. Break CC.
Rnd 3: With MC, knit.
Rnd 4: With MC, * knit to marker, sl m, p2, sl 1 wyib, p2,
sl m; rep from * to end.
Rnds 5–12: Rep Rnds 3 and 4.
Work Rnds 1–5 once more.

Begin A-line increases

Next rnd inc rnd: With MC, *k2, RLI, knit to 2 sts before
marker, LLI, k2, sl m, p2, sl 1 wyib, p2, sl m; rep from * to end.
Continue in established striping pattern, working inc rnd
every 12th rnd two more times, then every 6th rnd
4 (4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5) times—226 (246, 266, 290, 310, 330,
350, 370, 390, 410) sts
Work even in garter stitch until 5 garter ridges have
Sizes 4–10, skip to 'All sizes' been worked. End having worked a WS row.
Sizes 1, 2 and 3 only:
After final increase rnd, continue through Rnd 12 of Change to US 7 [4.5 mm] needle.
current stripe repeat. Loosely bind off all sts knitwise. Break yarn.

All sizes: Front hem

Work Rnds 1–11 one time without increasing. Turn work to WS and attach yarn. Work as for back hem.
Change to US 2 [2.75 mm] circ.
Last rnd: Knit.
Note: To keep the join between body and sleeve firm,
HEM pick up the sleeve stitches using US 0 [2 mm] needles,
Begin working back and forth in rows. Front hem stitch- then transfer them to US 2 [2.75 mm] needles before
es will rest on needle while back hem is worked. beginning to work sleeve cap.

Slip last 2 stitches worked back to left needle and pm to When picking up perpendicular to the garter ridges,
separate back hem stitches from front. Turn work to WS. pick up in the trough between each ridge, making sure
Strand yarn loosely across WS of piece. to insert needle tip under both legs of the selvedge
stitch. At the underarm, where stitches have been
Back hem cast on horizontally, stitches are picked up at a rate of
Set-up row: K2, pass first stitch over second to bind off approximately 1 for 1.
one stitch, then k1, remove marker, knit to next marker, Starting at the front edge of braid, count 12 (12, 14, 14, 16,
remove marker, k2, turn work. 16, 18, 18, 20, 20) garter ridges toward the front of armhole
Next row: (RS) Knit. and clip a locking stitch marker through the garter ridge.
You will also have a yarn marker at each end of the
underarm cast-on stitches.

© 2017 Elizabeth Doherty. All rights reserved. For personal use only.  (V07.24.17) point reyes  7
Right sleeve pick-up Armhole back: Pick up and knit 1 st in the center of the
With MC, begin picking up stitches left of braid. braid, then pick up and knit 26 (26, 26, 27, 28, 30, 30, 31, 33,
34) more sts up to yarn marker, pm;
Upper armhole: Working just inside the column of knit
sts on the edge of armhole, pick up and knit 12 (12, 14, 14, Underarm: Pick up and knit 5 (7, 7, 11, 13, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21) sts
16, 16, 18, 18, 20, 20) sts up to locking marker; before underarm seam, place unique marker for begin-
ning of round, pick up and knit 9 (10, 12, 16, 19, 21, 25, 28,
Armhole front: Pick up and knit 26 (27, 28, 29, 28, 30, 31, 33,
29, 33) sts up to next yarn marker, pm;
33, 34) sts up to yarn marker, pm on needle;
Armhole front: Pick up and knit 26 (27, 28, 29, 28, 30, 31, 33,
Underarm: Pick up and knit 9 (10, 12, 16, 19, 21, 25, 28, 29,
33, 34) more sts—79 (83, 88, 98, 105, 111, 120, 128, 135, 143) sts.
33) sts before underarm seam, place unique marker for
beginning of round, pick up and knit 5 (7, 7, 11, 13, 13, 15, 17, Shape upper cap
19, 21) sts up to next yarn marker, pm; Remove locking marker from upper cap, and clip it
Armhole back: Pick up and knit 26 (26, 26, 27, 28, 30, 30, 31, 9 (9, 9, 9, 11, 11, 11, 11, 13, 13) sts above the front armhole
33, 34) sts, then pick up and knit 1 more st in the center marker. Locking marker will indicate starting point for
of the braid—79 (83, 88, 98, 105, 111, 120, 128, 135, 143) sts. sleeve decreases.
Skip to 'Shape upper cap' Sleeves are worked in stockinette stitch in MC, and are
shaped with short rows. Short row wraps are not picked
Left sleeve pick-up up; they are left in place and the wrapped stitch is
With MC, begin picking up at locking marker. worked normally.
Upper armhole: Working just inside the column of knit Increases are made to the upper cap in the first short
sts on the edge of armhole, pick up and knit 12 (12, 14, 14, row to add a little more fabric to accomodate the shoul-
16, 16, 18, 18, 20, 20) sts up to braid; der curve.

8  point reyes © 2017 Elizabeth Doherty. All rights reserved. For personal use only.  (V07.24.17)
Short Row 1 inc row: (RS) K2, [kfb, k1] 5 (5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, Rnd 4 dec rnd: K1, ssk, knit to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1—2 sts
9, 9) times, w&t; (WS) p17 (17, 20, 20, 23, 23, 26, 26, 29, 29), decreased, 70 (74, 80, 90, 96, 102, 112, 120, 126, 134) sts.
w&t—84 (88, 94, 104, 112, 118, 128, 136, 144, 152) sts. Work Rnd 4 dec rnd every 22 (22, 22, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24)
Short Row 2: (RS) Knit to prev wrap, knit wrapped st, sl 1 rnds 2 more times—66 (70, 76, 86, 92, 98, 108, 116, 122, 130) sts.
wyif, creating a float of yarn on the public side of slipped
st; shift yarn to back, slip next st to right needle, bring CUFF
yarn to front, slip stitch back, shift yarn to back, turn work; Work even until sleeve reaches 5½ (5¾, 5¾, 6, 6, 6, 6,
(WS) purl to prev wrap, purl wrapped st, sl 1 wyib, creating 6¼, 6¼, 6¼)" [14 (14.5, 14.5, 15, 15, 15, 15, 16, 16, 16) cm], or
float on public side; bring yarn to front, slip next st, shift ¾" [2 cm] above the elbow crease.
yarn to back, slip st back, bring yarn to front, turn work.
Change to US 1 [2.25 mm] needle.
Rep Short Row 2 twice more.
Rnd 1: Knit.
Shape mid cap Rnd 2: Purl.
Next short row: (RS) Knit to prev wrap, knit wrapped st, Rep these two rnds until 5 garter ridges have been
w&t; (WS) purl to prev wrap, purl wrapped st, w&t. worked. End having worked a purl round.
Rep this row, working back and forth to build the sleeve Change to US 5 [3.75 mm] needle.
cap, until stitch that precedes locking stitch marker on
front of armhole has been wrapped. Remove locking Loosely bind off all sts knitwise. Break yarn.
marker, and complete short row.
Shape lower cap Position work with RS facing. Starting at the front edge
Next short row: (RS) Knit to prev wrap, knit wrapped st, of braid, count down 18 (18, 20, 20, 20, 20, 22, 22, 24, 24)
then wrap the next 2 sts together & turn; (WS) purl to garter ridges along right neckline edge and place a lock-
prev wrap, purl wrapped st, then wrap the next 2 sts ing stitch marker in the garter ridge. Repeat for left side.
together & turn.
Next short row dec row: (RS) Knit to twin-wrapped sts,
knit sts tog as one st, wrap the next 2 sts together &
turn; (WS) purl to twin-wrapped sts, purl sts tog as one
st, wrap the next 2 sts together & turn—2 sts decreased.
Rep this short row 3 (3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5) more times,
removing side markers as you come to them.
Next short row dec row: (RS) Knit to twin-wrapped sts,
knit sts tog as one st, wrap next single st & turn; (WS)
purl to twin-wrapped sts, purl sts tog as one st, wrap
next single st & turn—74 (78, 84, 94, 100, 106, 116, 124,
130, 138) sts.
Last row dec row: (RS) Knit to prev wrapped st, k2tog-tbl
with next st, knit to beginning of round marker—
73 (77, 83, 93, 99, 105, 115, 123, 129, 137) sts.

Work sleeve in the round

Change to preferred needle style for small circumference
knitting when necessary.
Rnd 1 dec rnd: Knit to 1 st before remaining wrap,
knit st tog with remaining wrapped st, knit to end of
round—72 (76, 82, 92, 98, 104, 114, 122, 128, 136) sts.
Rnds 2–3: Knit.

© 2017 Elizabeth Doherty. All rights reserved. For personal use only.  (V07.24.17) point reyes  9
Begin neckband pick-up at right side of back neck. er, remove marker, k2 (2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2, 2), [kfb, k2] 6 (6, 7, 7,
Stitches are picked up at a rate of 1 for 1 along the back 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8) times, knit to end—126 (134, 148, 144, 152, 160,
neck and front neckline. Along the vertical sides of neck- 166, 174, 174, 182) sts.
line, 1 stitch is picked up in the trough between each Turn work to RS.
garter ridge. For the braid, pick up 1 stitch in the row
closest to the back neck, and one stitch in the center of Bind-off row: (RS) CO 4 sts to left needle using the
the braid. knitted cast-on. K3, k2tog-tbl with st from body, * sl 4 sts
back to LH needle, pull yarn firmly across back of work,
With US 0 [2 mm] circ and CC, starting just left of braid, k3, k2tog-tbl; rep from * until all sts have been worked.
pick up and knit 35 (39, 43, 41, 45, 49, 49, 53, 51, 55) sts along Sl 4 sts back to left needle, k2tog, then bind off remain-
back neck, pick up and knit 2 sts in braid, pick up and ing sts.
knit 18 (18, 20, 20, 20, 20, 22, 22, 24, 24) sts along left side
Break yarn and pull through last st. Thread tail onto yarn
of neck edge up to locking marker, remove marker and
needle, and sew ends of I-cord edging together.
place on needle; pick up and knit 39 (43, 47, 45, 49, 53, 53,
57, 55, 59) sts along front neckline up to locking marker, FINISHING
remove marker and place on needle; pick up and knit 18
Weave in all remaining ends. Soak sweater in lukewarm
(18, 20, 20, 20, 20, 22, 22, 24, 24) sts along right side of neck
water with a little wool wash for 20 minutes. Remove
edge, then pick up and knit 2 more sts in braid, pm for
excess water by rolling sweater in a towel, then place in
beginning of round—114 (122, 134, 130, 138, 146, 150, 158,
dryer on low to dry. Repeat soaking and drying process to
158, 166) sts.
soften fabric.
With RS facing, slip first stitch to right needle. Bring yarn
to front between needles, return slipped stitch to left
needle. Turn to work to WS.
Change to US 2 [2.75 mm] circ.
Row 1 inc row: (WS) [K2, kfb] 6 (6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8) times,
k2 (2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2, 2), remove marker, knit to next mark-

10  point reyes © 2017 Elizabeth Doherty. All rights reserved. For personal use only.  (V07.24.17)
special stitches and techniques
cast ons short row shaping
Cable cast-on: Insert right needle tip between the first Wrap and turn (w&t) on right side of fabric: Bring the yarn
two stitches on left hand needle, wrap yarn as if to knit, to the front of work between the needles. Slip the next
pull loop through and place on left needle tip to form a stitch to the right-hand needle; move the yarn to the
new stitch—1 stitch cast on. back of the work, wrapping yarn in front of stitch. Slip
Purled cable cast-on: With yarn in front, insert right stitch back to the left-hand needle. Turn and work the
needle tip between the first two stitches on left hand next row.
needle, wrap yarn as if to purl, pull loop through and Wrap and turn (w&t) on wrong side of fabric: Move the
place on left needle tip to form a new stitch—1 stitch yarn to the back of the work between the needles. Slip
cast on. the next stitch to the right-hand needle and bring the
yarn to the front of the work, wrapping yarn behind
stitch. Slip stitch back to left-hand needle. Turn and work
If you have a lot of stitches to cast on, you may find it
the next row.
easier to use a crochet hook to pull the stitches through.
Working short rows in garter stitch: Wraps are not picked
A video tutorial on working the cable cast-on can be up in garter, they are left in place and the stitch is
found here. worked normally.
Picking up wraps on right side of fabric: Insert the right
needle tip into the wrap from below, front to back, then
Right Lifted Increase (RLI): With right-hand needle, pick into the stitch that it wraps, and knit the two together,
up the right leg of the stitch below the next stitch on making sure wrap falls to the wrong side of the work.
left-hand needle, place on left-hand needle and knit—1
Picking up wraps on wrong side of fabric: Insert the right
stitch increased.
needle tip into the wrap from below, back to front, lifting
Left Lifted Increase (LLI): With left-hand needle, pick up it over the stitch that it wraps, and purl the two together,
the left leg of the stitch two stitches below the stitch making sure wrap falls to the wrong side of work.
just worked on your right-hand needle and knit—1 stitch
Note: The operation 'pick up wrap' includes the working
of the wrapped stitch. If the instructions say to, 'pick up
A video tutorial on working the right and left lifted wrap, k2', you will be working 3 stitches further than the
increases can be found here. previous row.
Yarnover (yo): Bring yarn between needles to the front,
then over right-hand needle to back, ready to knit the lateral braid
next stitch—1 stitch increased. A video tutorial on working the lateral braid can be
found here.
Knit 2 together (k2tog): Knit the next two stitches to-
gether—1 stitch decreased (right-slanting).
Knit 2 together through the back loops (k2tog-tbl):
Knit the next two stitches together through the back
loops—1 stitch decreased (left-slanting).
Slip, slip, knit (ssk): Slip two stitches individually as if to
knit, then knit those two stitches together through the
back loops—1 stitch decreased (left-slanting).

© 2017 Elizabeth Doherty. All rights reserved. For personal use only.  (V07.24.17) point reyes  11
5¾ (6¼, 7, 6¾, 7¼, 7¾, 7¾, 8½, 8¼, 8¾)"
[14.5 (16, 17.5, 17, 18.5, 20, 20, 21.5, 20.5, 22) cm]

12 (12½, 13¼, 13¾, 14¼, 15, 15¾, 16½, 17, 17¾)"

[30.5 (32, 33.5, 35, 36.5, 38, 40.5, 42, 43.5, 45) cm]
3¾ (3¾, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4½, 4½)"
[9.5 (9.5, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10.5, 10.5, 11.5, 11.5) cm]

10¼ (11, 11¾, 13¼, 14¼, 15, 16½, 17¾, 18¾, 19¾)"
[26.5 (28, 30, 34, 36, 38.5, 42, 45, 47.5, 50.5) cm]
7 (7¼, 7½, 8, 8¼, 8½, 9, 9½, 9¾, 10)"
[18 (18.5, 19.5, 20.5, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 25.5) cm]

29¼ (32¼, 35¼, 38¼, 41¼, 44¼, 47, 50, 53, 56)"
[74.5 (82, 89.5, 97, 104.5, 112, 119.5, 127, 134.5, 142) cm]

9¾ (10¼, 11¼, 12¾, 13¾, 14½, 16, 17¼, 18, 19¼)"

[25 (26.5, 28.5, 32.5, 34.5, 37, 40.5, 43.5, 46, 49) cm]
21½ (22¼, 23, 24, 24¼, 25, 25½, 26, 26¾, 27)"
[54.5 (56.5, 58.5, 61, 61.5, 64, 65, 66, 68, 68.5) cm]

6¼ (6½, 6½, 6¾, 6¾, 6¾, 6¾, 7, 7, 7)"

[16 (16.5, 16.5, 17, 17, 17, 17, 18, 18, 18) cm]

36¼ (39¼, 42½, 46½, 49½, 52¾, 56, 59¼, 62½, 65½)"
[92 (100, 108, 118, 126, 134, 142, 150.5, 158.5, 166.5) cm]

CC contrast color LLI left lifted increase sl slip
CO cast on MC main color sl m slip marker
circ circular mm millimeter(s) ssk slip, slip, knit
cm centimeter(s) m marker st(s) stitch(es)
dec decrease p purl tbl through the back loop
g grams pm place marker tog together
inc increase rep repeat w&t wrap and turn
k knit RLI right lifted increase WS wrong side
k2tog knit 2 stitches together rnd(s) round(s) yd yard(s)
kfb knit front and back RS right side yo yarn over

12  point reyes © 2017 Elizabeth Doherty. All rights reserved. For personal use only.  (V07.24.17)

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