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The elements in which the last electron enters the outermost s-orbital are
called s-block elements. s-block has two groups (1 and 2).

o Group 1 elements are called alkali metals. They form hydroxides by

reacting with water that is strongly alkaline in nature and hence are
regarded as alkali metals.
o Whereas Group 2 elements are called alkaline earth metals. The
oxides and hydroxides of these metals are alkaline in nature and exist
in earth crust and hence are regarded as alkaline earth metals.
Diagonal Relationship
o The similarity in the properties of definite pairs of diagonally adjacent
elements in the second and third periods of the periodic table is
called diagonal relationship.
o In s-block elements Lithium is the first element of group 1 whereas
Beryllium is the first elementsof Group 2.
o Some of their properties do not match with the properties exhibited
by other elements of their group.
o Instead their properties resemble the properties of the second
element of the following group due to the similarity in ionic sizes and
/orcharge/radius ratio of the elements.
o Consequently lithium and magnesium have similar properties
whereas Beryllium and Aluminium exhibit similar properties.
o This relation is called diagonal relationship.

Similarity of lithium with magnesium

o Lithium and magnesium have similar atomic and ionic radii and hence
exhibit similar properties.
Atomic radii
Li = 152 pm,
Mg = 160 pm;

Ionic radii
Li+ = 76 pm,
Mg2+= 72 pm.

o Both the elements are harder and lighter than the other elements.
o Both of them react slowly with

o The oxides and hydroxides of both the elements are less soluble.

o The hydroxides of both the elements decompose on heating.

o Both the elements form nitrides by combining directly with nitrogen.

6 Li+ N2 (g) = 2 Li3N

3 Mg(s) + N2 (g) = Mg3N2(s)
o Both Li2O and MgO do not produce their superoxide by combining with
excess oxygen.
o Chlorides of both lithium (LiCl) and magnesium (MgCl 2) are soluble in
ethanol, are deliquescent and crystallize as hydrates.
Similarity of beryllium and aluminium
o The charge/radius ratio of Be2+ ion is nearly the same as that of the
Al3+ ion and hence exhibit similar properties.

o Both remains unaffected by acids due to the presence of an oxide

film on the metallic surface.
o Hydroxide of both the elements dissolves in excess of alkali to
produce beryllate ion[Be (OH)4]2– and aluminate ion [Al(OH)4]–
o Chlorides of both the elements are soluble in organic solvents and act
as strong Lewis acids
o The ions of both the elements have strong tendency to form
complexes like BeF42–, AlF63–.
Electronic configuration of alkali metals
o The alkali metals have one loosely held valence electronns 1.
o They easily lose the loosely held electron and give M+ ions thereby are
the most electropositive metals.
Atomic and Ionic Radii of alkali metals
o In Group 1 the atom of the atomic and ionic radii increases down the
o Increase in atomic number increases the size of the atom of the
Ionization Enthalpy and Hydration Enthalpy of alkali metals
o Ionization energy is the quantity of energy required to remove loosely
bound electron from an atom.
o Down the group ionization enthalpies of alkali metals decreases.
o Increase in atomic number increases the size of the element which in
turn outweighs increasing nuclear charge. Therefore the outermost
electron experiences strong screening effect from the nuclear charge.
o The energy released as a result of the formation of new bonds
between ions and water molecules is called hydration enthalpy.
o In alkali metals the hydration enthalpies decreases with the increase
in ionic sizes.
Li+> Na+ > K+ > Rb+ > Cs+
Physical Properties of alkali metals
o Alkali metals appears silvery white, soft and.

o They have low density due to their large size which goes on
increasingdown the group.
o The melting and boiling point of the alkali metals are low.
o This shows that they have weak metallic bonding.
o There is a weak bonding due to thepresence of only a single valence
o These metals impart colour when exposed to oxidizing flame due to
the excitation of the outermost electron to a higher energy level and
then return to their ground state by emitting radiation.

Chemical Properties of alkali metals

(i) Reactivity towards air
Alkali metals get tarnished in the presence of dry air due to the formation of
their respective oxides.

The metallic oxide so formed further reacts with moisture to form hydroxides.

The alkali metals burn vigorously in oxygen and form their respective oxides.

4Li + O2 --> 2Li2O (Oxide)

(ii) Reactivity towards water:

The alkali metals react with water and forms hydroxide and dihydrogen.

Lithium due to its small size and very high hydration energy does not react with
water vigorously even though it has most negative E0 value.
But on the other hand sodium do reacts with water vigorously even though it
has least negative E0 value.
(iii) Reactivity towards dihydrogen
The alkali metals react with dihydrogen at about 673K (lithium at 1073K) and
form hydrides.

2M + H2 --> 2M+H-
(iv) Reactivity towards halogens
The alkali metals react vigorously with halogens and form ionic halides, M +X–
(v) Reducing nature
The alkali metals are strong reducing agents.

Lithium is the most powerful and sodium is the least powerful.

(vi) Solutions in liquid ammonia

The alkali metals dissolve in liquid ammonia and impart a deep blue colour to
the solutions. The colour in the solution nature is due to the ammoniated
electron which absorbs the energy in the visible region of light and imparts the
blue colour to the solution.

The solutions are paramagnetic and liberate hydrogen on standing which in

turn results in the formation of amide.

The blue colour in concentrated solution changes to bronze colour and

becomes diamagnetic.
Anomalous properties of lithium
Anomalous behaviour of an element refers to the deviation of the properties
and behaviour of an element from its usual or normal behaviour.

It is due to the following reasons:

(i) Exceptionally small size of its atom and ion

(ii) High polarizing power

The anomalous behaviour of lithium is as follows:

o Lithium is harder than other metals of the respective group.

o It has higher Melting and boiling point than other metals

o It is least reactive.

o It is strongestreducing agent.

o Unlike other metals LiCl is deliquescent and exist as LiCl.2H 2

o Li+ ion polarizes water molecules readily than other alkali metals of
the respective group and hence the lithium salts attracts the water
molecules and it exists as water of crystallization (2H 2O). As the
polarizing power decreases with the increasing size of the ions the
other alkali metal ions usually form anhydrous salts.
o Lithium does not form ethynide on reacting with Ethyne.

o Heating lithium nitrate results in the production of lithium oxide, Li 2

4LiNO3 --> 2Li2O + 4NO2 + O2
Lithium nitrate Lithium oxide
o Heating nitrates of other alkali metal results in the decomposition of
the nitrate leading to the production of their corresponding nitrite.
2NaNO3 --> 2NaNO2 + O2
Sodium nitrate Sodium nitrite

Washing Soda
o The chemical name of washing soda is Sodium Carbonate
o It is a whitecrystalline solid existing as dehydrate (Na 2CO310H2O).
o On application of heat decahydrate loses water of crystallizationand
form monohydrate which becomes completely anhydrous at a
temperature above 373K and forms white powder called soda ash.
Na2CO3.10H2O --> Na2CO3.H2O + 9H2O
(Sodium carbonate decahydrate)

Na2CO3.H2O ---> Na2CO3 + H2O

(Sodium carbonate monohydrate)

o It is used for softening of water, laundering, cleaning, manufacture of

glass,soap, borax, paper, paints and textile
o It is also extensively used as laboratory reagent.

Preparation of washing soda by solvay’s process

o The Solvay process is extensively used for industrial preparation of
sodium carbonate (soda ash). The process is named after Ernest
Solvay who developed the process during the 1860s.
o Carbon dioxide reacts with the dissolved ammonia to form
ammonium carbonate followed by ammonium hydrogen carbonate.
2NH3 +H2O + CO2 ---> (NH4)2CO3
(Ammonia) (Ammonium Carbonate)

(NH4)2CO3 + H2O + CO2 --> NH4HCO3

(Ammonium Carbonate) (Ammonium hydrogen carbonate)
NH4HCO3 + NaCl --> NH4Cl + NaHCO3

Sodium hydrogen carbonate crystal separates. These are heated to give

sodium carbonate.

2 NaHCO3 --> Na2CO3 + CO2 + H2O

But this process cannot be used to prepare potassium due to the high solubility
of potassium bicarbonate and hence difficult to be precipitated by adding
ammonium bicarbonate to a saturated solution of potassium

Sodium chloride

o Chemical formula of sodium chloride is NaCl.

o Preparation of sodium chloride:

Sodium chloride is derived by mining the deposits and crystallization of brine

solution. Brine solution is produced as a result of the dissolution of deposits in
water. It contains sodium sulphate, calcium sulphate. Calcium chloride and
magnesium chloride being deliquescent exist as impurities in brine solution.
Evaporation of brine solution is followed by formation of crystals containing
the impurities. Filtration of this solution by adding small amount of water
followed by saturation of solution with hydrogen chloride gas gives pure
sodium chloride.

o It melts at 1081K.
o It is used as a common or table salt.

o It is also used for the preparation of Na2O2, NaOH and Na2CO3.

Caustic Soda
o The chemical name of caustic soda is Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH).
o It is a white, translucent solid that melts at 591 K.
o It readily dissolves in water and gives a strong alkaline solution.

o The crystals of sodium hydroxide are deliquescent.

o It reacts with CO2 in the atmosphere to form Na2CO3.

2NaOH + CO2 --> Na2CO3 + H2O
o It is used in manufacturing of soap,paper, pure fats and oils and
artificial silk.
o A wide variety of chemicals are produced using NaOH.

o It is also used in the refining of petroleum and purification of bauxite.

It is also used to manufacture laboratory reagent

Preparation of Caustic soda

o It is commercially prepared by electrolysis of sodium chloride in
Castner-Kellner cell.

o Brine solution is first electrolyzed.

o Mercury is made the cathode.
o Carbon is made the anode.
o Sodium metal gets discharged at cathode.
o This discharged sodium combines with mercury and forms sodium
o Chlorinegas is evolved at the anode.

o The amalgam then reacts with water and produces sodium hydroxide
and hydrogen gas.
2Na-amalgam + 2H2O --> 2NaOH+ 2Hg +H2
Baking Soda
o The chemical name of baking soda is Sodium Hydrogencarbonate

o It exists as a white crystalline powder.

o It is used in baking industry because on application of heat it
decomposes and produces bubbles of carbon dioxide thereby making
cakes or pastries light and fluffy.

o It is also used as a mildantiseptic to treat skin infections.

o It is also used in fire extinguishers
o It is prepared by saturating with ammonia and passing CO2 into the
Nacl + H2O + CO2 + NH3 --> NH4Cl + NaHCO3
Ammonium Chloride Sodium hydrogen carbonate
Sodium Hydrogencarbonate is lesssoluble and hence separates out.

Electronic Configuration of alkaline earth metal

The general electron configuration of all alkaline earth metals is ns2.
These elements have two valence electrons in the outermost s sublevel.

Atomic and Ionic Radii of alkaline earth metal

o The atomic and ionic radii of the alkaline earth metals are smaller
than alkali metals due to the increased nuclearcharge in these
o Theatomic and ionic radii increase with increase in atomic number
within a group.
Ionization Enthalpy of alkaline earth metal
o Ionization energy is the quantity of energy required to remove loosely
bound electron from an atom.
o They have low ionization enthalpies due to fairly large size of the
o Ionization enthalpy decreases with the increase in atomic size down
the group.

o The first ionization enthalpy of these metals is higher than

corresponding alkali metals due to the small size of these elements
compared to the corresponding alkali metals.
o The second ionization enthalpy of these metals is lower than
corresponding alkali metals.

Hydration Enthalpy of alkaline earth metal

o The energy released as a result of the formation of new bonds
between ions and water molecules is called hydration enthalpy.
o Hydration enthalpiesof alkaline earth metal ions decrease with the
increasing ionic size down the group.
o Hydration enthalpies of alkaline earthmetal ions are larger than those
of alkali metal
o MgCl2 and CaCl2 exist as hydrates in the form of MgCl 2.6H2O and
CaCl2 6H2O.
Physical Properties of alkaline earth metal
o The alkaline earth metals are silverywhite, soft and lustrous.

o But they are somewhat harder than alkali metals.

o Beryllium andmagnesium are greyish in colour.

o Melting and boiling points of these metalsare higher than

corresponding alkali metal.
o They have low ionizationenthalpy which makes them strongly
electropositive that increasesdown the group from Be to Ba.
o When exposed to flame calcium, strontium and barium imparts brick
red, crimson and apple green colours
o They impart characteristic colour due to excitation of electrons to
higher energy levels and then dropping back to the ground state.
o But Beryllium and magnesium do not impart colour due to their very
small size.
o The elements emit this energy in the form of visible light.

o They have high electrical and thermal conductivities.

o Chemical Properties of alkaline earth metal

o (i) Reactivity towards air and water
o Beryllium and magnesium are kinetically inert to oxygen and water due to
an oxide film on their surface.

o Powdered beryllium burns brilliantly on ignition in air to give BeO and


o Magnesium is more electropositive and burns with dazzling brilliance in

air to give MgO and Mg3N2.
o Calcium, strontium and barium react with water and air.

o (ii) Reactivity towards the halogens
o They combine with halogen to form halides.

o M+ X2 --> MX2
o (iii) Reactivity towards hydrogen
o Alkaline earth metals elements except beryllium combine with hydrogen
upon heating to form their hydrides.
o But BeH2 can be prepared by following process too.
o 2BeCl2 +LiAlH4 --> 2BeH2 +LiCl + AlCl3
o (iv) Reactivity towards acids
o They readily react with acids liberating dihydrogen.

o M +2HCl --> MCl2 + H2

o (vi) Solutions in liquid ammonia
o Dissolve in liquid ammonia to give deep blue black solutions forming
ammoniated ions.

o M + (x+y) NH3 --> [M (NH3) x] 2+ + 2[e (NH3) y]-

Anomalous behaviour of beryllium
o Anomalous behaviour of an element refers to the deviation of the
properties and behaviour of an element from its usual or normal

oBeryllium has small atomic and ionic size.

o The high ionization enthalpy andsmall size of alkaline earth metals
results in the formation of covalent compounds that are easy to
o The coordination number of beryllium is not greater than 4 due to the
presence of four electrons in the valence shell.
o The oxide and hydroxide of beryllium are amphoteric in nature.

Quick Lime
o The chemical name of Quick Lime is Calcium Oxide (CaO).
o It is a white amorphous solid.
o The melting point of CaO is 2870 K.

o It absorbs moisture and carbon dioxide when exposed to atmosphere.

o It is used in manufacturing industry to manufacture cement, dye

stuffs and sodium carbonate.
o It is also used for the purification of sugar.

o It is prepared byheating limestone (CaCO3) in a kiln at a temperature

of 1070-1270 K.
CaCO3 <--> CaO + CO2
o Addition of water to CaO results in slaking of lime.

o Slaking of Quick lime with sodaresults solid soda lime.

o CaO being a basic oxide combines with acidic oxides at high

CaO + SiO2 --> CaSiO3

6CaO + P4O10 --> 2Ca3 (PO4)2
Slaked lime
o The chemical name of slaked lime is Calcium Hydroxide Ca (OH) 2.

o It is a white amorphous powder sparingly soluble in water.

o Passing carbon dioxide throughaqueoussolution of Ca(OH) 2 lime
water it turns milky due to the formation of calcium carbonate.
Ca (OH) 2 + CO2 --> CaCO3 + H2O
Lime Calcium Carbonate
o Passing excess of carbon dioxide dissolves theprecipitate to form
CaCO3+ CO2 + H2O --> Ca (HCO3)2
Calcium Carbonate Calcium hydrogen carbonate

Ca(OH)2 is extensively used in the preparation of mortar, for white wash, glass
making and also in tanning industry.
Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3)
o It is a white fluffy powder that is insoluble in water and gets
decomposed followed by the release of carbon-dioxide on heating to
1200 K.
CaCO3 + 1200k --> CaO + CO2
CaCO3 + 2HCl --> CaCl2 + H2O + CO2
CaCO3 + H2SO4 --> CaSO4 + H2O + CO2

o It is prepared by passing carbon dioxidethrough slaked lime.

Ca(OH)2 + CO2 --> CaCO3 + H2O
(Calcium Hydroxide)

o It can also be prepared by the addition ofsodium carbonate to

calcium chloride.
CaCl2 + Na2CO3 --> CaCO3 + NaCl

o It is sued to manufacture of quick lime.

o It is used as a flux in combination with magnesiumcarbonatein the
extraction ofmetals such as iron.
o It is also used as anantacid, mild abrasive in tooth paste and chewing

Plaster of Paris
The chemical name of Plaster of Paris is Calcium Sulphate (CaSO 4·½ H2O)).
It is obtained by heating the gypsum, CaSO4·2H2O, to 393 K.
2(CaSO4·2H2O) --> 2(CaSO4).H2O + 3H2O
It forms a plastic mass on addition of water which further gets hardened within
5-15 minutes.

It is extensively used in manufacturing decorating pieces, in repairing fractured

bones or sprains.

o Combination of CaO with clay containing silica, SiO 2 along with the
oxides of aluminium, iron and magnesium leads to the formation of

Composition of Portland cement

o CaO = 50-60%;

o SiO2 = 20-25%;
o Al2O3 = 5-10%;

o MgO = 2-3%;

o Fe2O3 = 1-2%
o SO3 = 1-2%.
Strong heating of clay andlime results in their fusion followed by the formation
of cement clinker which is then mixed with 2-3% by weight of
gypsum(CaSO42H2O). This leads to the formation of cement.
o Important ingredients of Cement:
Dicalcium silicate (Ca2SiO4) = 26%,
Tricalcium silicate (Ca3SiO5) = 51%
Tricalcium aluminate (Ca3Al2O6) = 11%
o Settling of cement:
Addition of water to cement hydrates the molecules of the constituents.
Gypsum is added in order to slow down the process of setting of the cement to
make it get hardened.

o It is used to prepare concrete in plastering and constructingbridges,

dams and buildings.
Uses of s-block elements
o Many alloys are created using lithium.

o Lithium in combination with aluminium it is used in making


o Lithium in combination with magnesium it is used to make armour

o Lithium is used in making electrochemical cells.
o Caesium is used to make photoelectric cells due to lower ionization
enthalpy than that of lithium.
o Many fertilizers are manufactured using potassium
o Sodium in its liquid state is used as a coolant infirm breeder nuclear
o Beryllium is used for creating alloys.
o Beryllium in combination with copper is sued to create strong springs.
o Beryllium is used for making windows ofX-ray tubes.

o Magnesium in combination with aluminium is used to make

o Magnesium is also used in flash powders and bulbs.

o Antacid used to get relief from acidity is a suspension of magnesium

hydroxide in water.
o Calcium is used in the extraction of metals from their respective
o Radium being a radioactive metal is used in radiotherapy.

Biological importance of s-block elements

o Sodium ions are found in the blood plasma and in the interstitial fluid
surroundingthe cells.
o They stimulate the nerve signals and also regulate the flow of water
across cell membranes. It also transports the sugars and amino acids
into cells.

o A potassium ion activates many enzymes within the cell fluids and
also oxidizes glucose to produce ATP.
o Enzymes utilizing ATP requires magnesium as co-factor.
o The pigment responsible for absorption of light by the leaves during
photosynthesis is chlorophyll which contains magnesium.
o In human body calcium is present in bones and teeth.

o It plays a crucial role in neuromuscular function,interneuronal

transmission, cell membraneintegrity and blood coagulation.
o The calciumconcentration in plasma is maintained by the hormones
namely, calcitonin and parathyroid.

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