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an Ontario @ Residential Tenancy Agreement (Standard Form of Lease) Note This tenancy agreement (or lease) is required for tenancies entered into on March 1, 2024 of later. It does not apply to care homes, sites in mobile home parks and land lease communities, most social housing, certain other special tenancies OF ‘co-operative housing (see Part A of General Information), Residential tenancies in Ontario are governed by the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006. This agreement cannot take away a right fr responsibilty under the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006, Under tne Ontario Human Righls Code, everyone has he ng fo equal etment in housing without esemination + arassment All sections ofthis agreement are mandatory and cannot be changed. 1. Parties to the Agreement Residential Tenancy Agreement betwee Landlord(s) 1. Landlord's Legal Name 2241149 Ontario Inc. Note: ‘See Part B in General Information and Tenant(s) 1. Last Name First Name Prajapati [Shweta 2 LastName First Nave Prajapati |Ashvinkumar Last Name First Name 4 LastName = Fist Name 2. Rental Unit “The landlord wil rent tothe tenant the rental unit at. Unit (eg., unit or basement unt) |street Number | Street Name i 257 _|Mohawk Road East ‘ciyiTown Province Postal Code Hamilton Ontario [Loans ‘Number of vehicle parking spaces and description (e.g. indoor/outdoor, location) One outdoor Parking Spot Marked # 1 (Or as allocated by the Landlord) The rental unis @ unit in @ condominium (Yes [No ifyes, the tenant agrees to comply with the condominium declaration, by-laws and rules, as provided by the landlord, ‘3. Contact Information ‘Address for Giving Notices or Documents to the Landlord Uni |stetNumber [Street Name PO Box is | Mays Crescent City/Town Province [Postal Code/ZIP Code Waterdown Ontan Lse-0Ge Both the landlord and tenant agree to receive notices and documents by email, where allowed by the Landlord and Tenant Board's Rules of Procedure, Yes [No yes, provide email addresses ‘The landlord is providing phone andior email contact information for emergencies or day-o-day communications: [yes Ono Iyes, provide information: (905) 541 - 5536 Note: See Part B and E in General Information 4, Term of Tenancy Agreement This tenancy starts on; 2023/01/01 _ Daie (ryyyimimlaay This tenancy agreement is fr: (select an option below and iin details as needed) a fixed length ofime ending on. 2023/12/31 Date (yyyyimmn'ég) [a monthly tenancy [other (such as daily, weekly, please specify): The tren doe rohave tomo out ond oft em, Se Parts Cane D in Gener ration, ccna (2 wens 1 other (eg, weekty) ) The tenant will pay the following rent Base rent forthe rental unit $1,349.00 Parking (if applicable) Ae iso oe Other services and utities (speci if applicable): Hydro (As per unit Hydro Meter) Total Rent (Lawful Rent) ‘This isthe lawful rent forthe uni, subject to any rent increases allowed under the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006. For ‘example, the landlord and tenant may agree to @ seasonal rent increase for addtional services of air conditioning ora block heater plug-in. This amount does not include any rent discounts (see Section 7 and Part G in General Information), ©) Rents payable to: 2241149 Ontario Inc 4). Rent willbe paid using the folowing methods: ‘Cheques % aa Note: ‘The tenant cannot be required to pay rent by post-dated cheques or automatic payments, but can choose to do 60 ©) Ifthe fist rental period (e.9., month) is 8 partial period, the tenant wil pay a partial rent of $ on ~—__. This pata rent covers the ena af th unt tom © Date nna Date avy) Dale pny) 4) tne tenant's cheque is retumed because of non-suficient funds (NSF), the tenant wil have to pay the andiors administration charge of § 20.00 plus any NSF charges made by the landlor's bank Note: ‘The landlor's administration charge fran NSF cheque cannot be more than $20.00 | 6. Services and Utes \ ‘The following services are included in the lawful rent forthe rental unt, as specified Gas Lives ‘Airconditioning Cres ‘Additonal storage space es [No On-Site Launcty fes [No [No Charge Guest Paring [Yes (2) No [] No Charge (]Pay Per use other [yes (No other Des [No Other Ces no Provide details about services ost any additional services if needed (itnecessary add addtional pages): ‘Tenants pay their own Hydro as per Unit Hydro Meter save cao Papel ‘The following utities are the responsibilty of Etecticity [Landlord [Tenant Heat [Z]Landiord [Tenant Water Landlord] Tenant Iv the tenant is responsible for any utes, provide details ofthe arrangement, e.g. tenant sets up account with and pays the uly provider, tenant pays a portion of the utility costs (if necessary add additional pages): ‘Tenant is required to have the electric utility account in their name and pay for their own usage for the duration of their tenancy. 7. Rent Discounts ‘Select one: ([Z) There is no rent discount 1 The lawl rent willbe discounted as follows: Provide description of rent discount (if necessary add adeltonal pages) Note: ‘See Part G in General information for what types of discounts are allowed 8, Rent Deposit Select one [JA tent deposit is not required ‘The tenant will pay a rent depostt of § ‘Tris can only be applied to the rent forthe last rental period ofthe tenancy. Note: ‘This amount cannot be more than one month's rent or the rent for one rental period (e.g., one week in a weekly tenancy), Viechever is less. This cannot be used as a damage deposit. The landlord must pay the tenant interest on the rent deposit every year. See Part H in General information 8. Key Deposit Select one. CA key depostis not require, 1 The tenant wil pay a refundable key deposit ofS to.cover the cost of pacing the Keys, remote entry devices or card they are not returned tothe landlord al the end ofthe tenancy. 2 refundable key deposits required, provide description and number of keys, access cards and remole entry devices Note ‘The key deposit cannot be more than the expected replacement cost, See Part H in General Information. 10. Smoking Under provincial law, smoking isnot allowed in any indoor common areas ofthe building, The tenant agrees to these additional rules on smoking: Select one. CNone [Z) Smoking rules Provide description of smoking rules (f necessary add additional pages): ‘Smoking of any substance shall be prohibited in all enclosed areas of the premises. This includes, but is not limited to, the common areas, individual apartments, hallways, stars, elevators any other enclosed area ‘Smoking of any tobacco products, marijuana, andior is derivatives shall be prohibited in all enclosed areas of the premises, as well all common areas of the building, and outdoor areas of the building including the parking lot Note: In making and enforcing smoking rule, the landlord must follow the Ontario Human Rights Code. See Parts M and S in General Information, 11, Tenant's Insurance Select one [[] There are no tenant insurance requirements 7] The tenant must have habilty insurance a lltimes. Ifthe landlord asks for proof of coverage, the tenant must provide it Itis up tothe tenant to get contents insurance they want it. 12, Changes to the Rental Unit “The tenant may instal decorative lems, Such as pictures or window coverings. Ths i subject fo any reasonable restrictions set out in the acitional terms under Section 15. ‘The tenant cannot make other changes tothe rental unt without the landlords permission. 13, Maintenance and Repairs ‘The lanalord must keep the rental unit and property in good repair and comply with al health, safely and maintenance standards. ‘The tenant must repair or pay for any undue damage tothe rental unt or property caused by the wilful or negligent conduct of the tenant, the tenant's quest or another person who lives inthe rental unit. ‘The tenant is responsible for ordinary cleanliness of the rental unit, except for any cleaning the landlord agreed to do. Note: ‘See Part J in General Information 14, Assignment and Subletting ‘The tenant may assign or sublet the rental uni to ancther person only withthe consent ofthe landlord. The landlord cannot atbitrarly or unreasonably withhold consent to a sublet or potential assignee. Note: ‘There are additional rules if the tenant wants to assign or sublet the rental unit. See Part P in General Information 18, Additional Terms Landlords and tenants can agree to additional terms. Examples may include terms tha + Require the landlord to make changes tothe unit before the tenant moves in, and ‘Provide rules for use of common spaces andlor amenities, ‘These addtional terms should be written in plan language and clearly set out what the landlord or tenant must or must not do to comply with the term, If typed, the additional terms should be ina font size that isa least 10 points. [An adaitional term cannot take away @ right or responsibilty under the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006. Ifa term conflicts with the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006 or any other terms set out in this form, the term is void (not valid or legally binding) and it cannot be enforced. Some examples of void and unenforceable terms include those thet: + Do not allow pets (however, the landlord can require the tenant to comply with condominium rules, which may prohibit certain pets) + Do not allow guests, rcommates, any additional occupants + Require the tenant to pay deposits, fees or penalies that are not permitted under the Residential Tenancies Act 2008 (e4., damage or pet deposits, interest on rent arrears), and ‘+ Require the tenant to pay for all or part ofthe repairs that are the responsibilty of the landlord ‘See General Information fr mare details ‘Te landlord and tenant may want to get legal advice before agreeing to any addtional terms. Select one 1] There are no adkitional terms o {Z) Ths tenancy agreement incudes an attachment with aditona terms tha the landlord and tenant agreed to 16. Changes to this Agreement ‘After this agreement is signed, i can be changed only if the landlord and tenant agree tothe changes in wring Note: ‘The Residential Tenancies Act, 2006 allows some rent increases and requires some rent reductions without agreement between the landlord and tenant. See Part | in General Information 17. Signatures By signing this agreement the landlord(s) and the tenant(s) agree to folow its terms. The landlords) or tenant(s) can sign this lease electronically if they both agree. Unless otherwise agreed inthe additional terms under Section 15, if there is more than one tenant, each tenant is responsible for alltenant obligations under this agreement, including the fll amount of rent. Landlord(s): . Name signa ) Date (yyyyimeida) z . 4 2241149 Ontario Ine ee _[mearnane rete) Name [Signature [Date (yyyyimmidd) Mrs. Shweta Prajapati 2ozair2i2 Name [Signature [Date (yyvyimmidd) eto Mr Ashvnkurar Prjapat 4 ozean2 ! Slide Assan Name Signature Date yvyimmiay Name [Signature ‘Date (yyyy/mmnidd) Note: Allo the landlords and tenants listed onthe first page in Section 1 (Parties tothe Agreement) must sign here. The landlord must ‘ive a copy of this agreement tothe tenant within 24 days after the tenant signs i

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