STD 8 Sound Notes

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A. Fill in the blanks
i. Time period ii. Decrease iii. Larger iv. Timbre
B. Answer the following
i. The loudness of a sound depends on
a. Amplitude of sound wave
b. Distance between the listener and the source
c. Area of the vibrating body
ii. The sound of a whistle will have a higher pitch.
iii. Frequency is the number of oscillations completed by a wave in one second whereas pitch is the
sensation of frequency of a sound wave on our ears.
iv. The quality of sound or timbre distinguishes two notes of the same pitch (or frequency) and
loudness (or amplitude) produced by different bodies.


The pitch of a sound is inversely proportional to the length of the vibrating body. As a nail is
hammered into the wall, its length keeps on decreasing. So, the pitch of the sound increases as
the length of the nail hammered into the wall decreases.

A. Tick the most appropriate answer.
1. d
2. a
5. c
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. decreases
2. pitch
6. 10 dB to 180 dB
7. 80 dB
8. health problems
C. Write true or false. Correct the false statements.
1. False. A sound with higher amplitude is a loud sound whereas a sound with lower
amplitude is a soft sound.
3. True.
7. False. Sounds above 80 dB can cause noise pollution and are harmful.
D. Match the columns.
4. b
5. e
E. Define the terms.
1. Amplitude : The maximum displacement of a wave on either side of its mean position is
known as its amplitude.
2. Frequency : Frequency of a wave is the number of oscillations completed by it in one
3. Time period : It is the time taken by a wave to complete one oscillation.
4. Loudness : It is the characteristic of sound which distinguishes a feeble sound from a
loud one of the same frequency.
5. Pitch : The characteristic of sound that differentiates a shrill sound from a hoarse sound
is called pitch.
6. Timbre : The quality of sound or timbre distinguishes two notes of the same pitch and
loudness produced by different bodies.
F. Answer in short.
1. Three characteristics of sound are loudness or intensity, pitch and quality or timbre.
2. The characteristic of sound that differentiates a shrill sound from a hoarse sound is
called pitch. It is the sensation of frequency of a sound wave on our ears.
3. Loudness and amplitude are directly proportional to one another. Higher the amplitude,
louder is the sound.
Loudness Pitch
It is the characteristic of sound which The characteristic of sound that
distinguishes a feeble sound from a differentiates a shrill sound from a
loud one of the same frequency. hoarse sound is called pitch.
It depends on the amplitude of the It depends on the frequency of the
sound. sound.

8. The unit of loudness is decibel (dB). Human ears can pick up sound from 10 dB to
180 dB. A sound between 50 dB and 60 dB is considered normal. Sounds up to 80 dB
can be tolerated. Sounds above 80 dB can have harmful effects.
9. A sound above 90 dB causes health problems like (a) feeling of annoyance,
aggression, anxiety and stress (b) high blood pressure and heart problems.
G. Answer the following in detail.
1. The maximum displacement of a wave on either side of its mean position is known as
its amplitude. Time period is the time taken by a wave to complete one oscillation.
Frequency of a wave is the number of oscillations completed by it in one second.
The relation between time period and frequency of a wave can be expressed as :
2. The loudness of a sound depends on
i. Amplitude – higher the amplitude of a sound wave, higher is its loudness.
ii. Distance between the source of a sound and the listener – loudness of a
sound increases with decrease in the distance between the listener and the
iii. Area of the vibrating body – Loudness of a sound increases with an increase
in the area of the vibrating body.
3. Pitch is the characteristic of sound that differentiates a shrill sound from a hoarse sound.
It is the sensation of frequency of a sound wave on our ears. Timbre is the quality of
sound or timbre distinguishes two notes of the same pitch and loudness produced by
different bodies. Loudness is the characteristic of sound which distinguishes a feeble
sound from a loud one of the same frequency. It is the amount of sound energy received
by a unit area per second.
H. Answer the questions based on the waveforms :
1. Fig 1 and Fig 2
2. Fig 2 and Fig 3
3. Fig 1
4. Fig 3


2. The loudness or intensity of a sound is measured in decibels (dB). So, a sound of higher
decibel will be perceived to be a louder sound. This shows that the sound of 60 dB, 100
Hz is louder than the sound of 45 dB, 700 Hz.
4. It is advised not to use earphones at loud volumes because sounds above 80 dB can
have harmful effects. It may cause many health problems such as (a) feeling of
annoyance, aggression, anxiety and stress (b) high blood pressure and heart problems
(c) headache, sleep disturbances, loss of hearing etc.
5. Loudness is the amount of sound energy received by a unit area per second. Loudness
depends on its amplitude. Higher the amplitude, louder is the sound. As the amplitude
of a wave is directly related to the energy it carries, we can say that greater the energy
carried by a wave, louder is the sound produced.

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