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Training of Trainers

Professor Santosh Rangnekar

Department of Management Studies
Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee
Lecture 1 - Introduction to Training – 1

We will talk about this particular course on Training of Trainers. This course is designed
especially for those who are in the profession of training either for the Industry or for the
Academia. All of us know that is in the era of technology it becomes very important that we
develop human capital for the organization, for the institute and for the nation and vis-a-vis
we can say about that is for the global level. So, this particular course has been designed how
we can conduct the training programmes that is training techniques and tools which are to be
used for the MDPs and FDPs.

Similarly, before this particular phase we will talk about identifying the training needs that is
what are the training needs and how to identify the training needs in an organization and
introduction of the training. First, I will discuss today in this particular session which will talk
about that is the what is the training, its needs, its importance and how we can enhance our
Manpower, Skills, Knowledge, Attitude, Ability so that we can develop the human capital.
Now, here first I would like to share with you the formula of success.

(Refer Slide Time: 2:10)

Whenever we talk about the success,

S= A×M×0
What is A? , What is M? And what is O?


A = Ability

M = Motivation

O = Opportunity

Whenever you want to make a successful training programs first we have to identify those
who are the trainees what type of ability they require. To understand the ability one should
interact with the participants and to know about the JD that is Job Description, what is the Job
description? Job description will give us that is what type of ability an individual and
employee has to develop.

Normally, if we refer this particular ability, first one is that is the job ability or what is called
is technical skills. Technical skills means it is not related to the technology only, it is related
to the job that one should have that particular skill of the, what type of the job he has to do.
Second, is those who are expert in their jobs but they are not successful. Why they are not
successful? Because they are not having another very important skill that is HR skills, you
will find there are the number of leaders those who are very strong in their job knowledge,
they are very competent but they are not successful because they are not able to get work
done from the people those who are working with them and for this purpose a team building
skills, leadership skills, motivational skills, conflict handling skills, all these skills, stress
management skills, emotional intelligence, spirituality, all these skills, these are all are the
HR skills, interpersonal skills.

If the person is very strong in the HR skills also in addition to the job knowledge, so we can
understand that is the job knowledge cannot be replaced but that is only job knowledge is not
enough, that has to be supported by the HR skills. Further, research has been done and it has
been found that is in addition to the job knowledge, HR skills, there is a third skill and that is
the Conceptual skills.

Conceptual skills means whatever the job person is doing he should be very clear that what
he is contributing and where this particular this job will be connected with the another job in
the organization and ultimately what type of products or services are to be developed. Once
the conceptual skills are strong, HR skills are strong and then job analytical skill, job
description skills, job knowledge is there then definitely that person we will say that he is an
able person and he has developed that particular ability.

To develop this ability there is a role of a trainer. Trainer has to develop this particular type
of the abilities, he has to understand whether it is required the job skills, whether it is required
the HR skills, whether it is required the conceptual skills, analytical skills are there. A lot of
work has been done. Further in this one more nowadays and one more skill has been added
and that is designing skill or creativity or creative skills, so therefore in that case it becomes
very important that is the person is creative, we understand that whatever theoretical
knowledge will be imparted that will not be enough unless and until it is not skilfully
practiced at the workplace.

To practice at the workplace it becomes very important that is in every organization there is a
particular culture, in every organization there is a particular system, procedure and the way of
working and trainer has to train those employees those who are the trainees in a way that if
they find the situation is different in the given situation then they have to be more creative
and more adaptive, more flexible and this type of the skills are also required and therefore
when we talk about the training then the training is very much important to make the success
in the case of the ability of an individual.

The another aspect which is called the M, M is motivation, unless and until we will not be
having that particular motivation it will be difficult that is the how a person will perform at
the workplace. To perform at the workplace it becomes very important that is the employee,
those who are performing in an excellent way, in a star way then they are supposed to be
highly motivated.

We will talk in this course about the motivation also, that is how to enhance the willingness
or motivation and before the enhancing the motivation level of the participant or trainer
himself has to be very highly motivated. So, therefore to conduct a training programme this
particular motivation is also very important. How we can develop that motivation? What type
of motivation is there? What are the various motivation? How we can overcome those
motivational barriers and that we will discuss. But what is required for a trainer to conduct a
training program?
An opportunity, O is for the opportunity, unless and until one does not have that particular
opportunity he cannot deliver or develop that particular training program. So, it becomes very
important that is the, it is a combination for a,

S= A×M×O.

The point which is to be noted is that is here is the multiplication, it is not addition, so any
factor if I am at 0 the overall success will be 0. So, Dear friends, it becomes very important
that is develop the ability, develop the motivation and then getting the opportunity that
becomes very important to conduct a successful training program.
(Refer Slide Time: 9:46)

Now here I would like to take the 1st slide just by the quotation, what do you understand by
reading this particular quotation? You will understand that is it is not an employee is not only
for doing a particular job, he can add the value, value addition to the job can be done if his
brain has been used and not only the hands. When we talk about only the hands it means that
limited job opportunities for the performance.

If a person wants to develop a very high level of the performance ability then in that case he
has to be very much situational, that is he has as in a given situation should be allowed to
work and when we talk about the managerial functions; planning, organising, delegating, so
when we talk about the use of brain at the workplace it means that in addition to the
decentralisation because when you do this decentralisation it means that only organisational
structures that is only you are talking about the hands but when we are supposed to talk about
the brain of the employees, how to be more creative, in a given situation allow to do the
work, creating that culture and that is the important of the HRD, human resource
development or training and development.

That is the employees are allowed to use their brain and that is if you if an employee uses his
brain, it is what? No, nothing, you are not you have to pay any additional, right it is already
encompasses in his perks but there are certain organisations when they find that is the
employees are using their brain then definitely they are giving more incentives as a part of
their variable pay is there.
This type of the HR culture that has to be developed, many a times it is developed during the
orientation program, that this is whenever there is an orientation program and during
orientation program it has been mentioned when I was in the Shri Ram group I know that is
in the beginning itself it was told that is it is very important for HR department to enhance the
freedom, freedom at work so that they can make the best use of their brain at the workplace is
there and that is why I have taken this particular concept, that is whenever we talk about the
what assets do you have in an organization and then the importance are normally whenever
we talk about the assets we talk about the budget.

(Refer Slide Time: 12:15)

But it is true budget has to be there but what is important is that, that is the employee should
be self-motivated and that is only possible when they are having the interest. If they are
having the interest in their workplace and interest means motivated, motivation is there. If
that motivation is there, interest is there then definitely that arousing that interest at the
workplace, making a feeling of a family at the organization and that type of interest is
developed then definitely the person will be not sleeping but that he will be contributing.

Next is the values, what type of the value systems are there? We know that is the personality,
there are different types of personalities and if the personalities they are having the value
system to hard work, to contribute, to having the affection to the organization, belongingness
to the organisation, if these type of values are there, there is a job involvement, employee
engagement, job enrichment, all these types of the value system are there in an organization
then that organization will be a great workplace rather than just only a good workplace will
be there.
(Refer Slide Time: 13:41)

What is the role of a trainer? Trainer’s role is that is these skills job skills, HR skills, already I
mention about the different types of the skills, those skills imbibing those values,
organisational values, developing the interest and then if this combination is there then
definitely the human resource that will convert into the human capital. So what is required is
that is we should not sleep on these assets, these assets are provided employees are provided
and every employee has given by this particular type of the skills, values, interest and
naturally by the budget is there. What a trainer does? So we will now talk about the role of
the trainer, the first is we have to understand who are the stakeholders?

(Refer Slide Time: 14:31)

Days have gone when we were talking about the external stakeholders only, we were talking
about the customers, and we were talking about the suppliers but in addition to this now we
have to also take care of the internal customers and internal customers are our internal
employees are there. Trainer should educate, trainer should train to the employees to
understand that is they are working in an overall society. Society is also a stakeholder and
every pin and point of the society and they are the stakeholders, so what is required? That is
employee has to manage all the stakeholders. A trainer that he should make awareness about
the stakeholders and should train about that is the how stakeholders are to be managed.

(Refer Slide Time: 15:29)

Now the 2nd picture, build the teams to leverage diversity, now we know that is these type of
the meetings, whenever the organization is conducting the different types of meetings then
that require an experienced leader. A leader who is aware of the different strength,
weaknesses, opportunities, threats, different types of situations, IR situations, HR situations
then all this type of interactions when he is already having then he will be able to address that
team’s competency because enhancing the individual’s competency is fine but whenever we
talk about the organization, Organization should know that is how to enhance the team
competency. And we are aware that is many organizations or some of the departments in any
one organization that they are not able to leverage the team efficiency.

Team efficiency is much more, for example whenever we talk about the forming of the team,
how do we form the team? And whenever there is a team is formed all or most of them are
competent persons, so there will be this storming, so after the forming there has to be the
storming session. But, in a good organisation the storming that goes the minimum time, it
does not take much time, so what a storming does? Forming storming creates the norming,
norms are created, that is the….

(Refer Slide Time: 17:12)

These different members they learn from each other that is how they will work together and
then they will come out with the common solution, they will come out with the more
efficiency is then. There will be the certain personalities, it has been mentioned here that is a
system’s wizard, system’s wizard means somebody will say, no we cannot play with the
system, if you are suggesting any solution that the solution has to be within system, that is
true but when you talk about the definition of management, the definition of management is
balancing the imbalances. What does it mean?

It means that there within the system even if you are having a short of resources you are
supposed to develop that particular type of the system where you can manage the imbalances
and the trainer that he has to develop those managerial skills, as I mentioned that is the
planning, organising, directing, leading and controlling, these are the functions of a manager.
So an experienced leader here, he should be able to find out if there is a system wizard
employee how to handle that particular employee.

Another employee is that is the effective communicator, we should train a leader in such a
way that is the how to develop that particular effective communicator in the organization, the
trainer builds the team by identifying that is the effective communication practices. The 3rd
one is that is there will be the person who will be creative ingenious; the creative ingenious
person may have the opinion different than whatever the traditional or conventional ways are

And then in that case it becomes very important that is this creative and genius, this type of
the people they have to be handled differently because they are stars of the organizations and
many times they suggest a particular solution, a particular idea and if that idea is very useful
to the organization and that can make the sustainable and the growth of the organization, so
that is build the team to have a creative ingenious people.

(Refer Slide Time: 19:41)

Then there will be the different minded analyst also, so therefore nowadays we will find in
the era of the Internet that is we have a lot of data but when we have to convert the data, data
into information, information into knowledge, knowledge and wisdom and wisdom into truth,
this is the pyramid. If we have to convert that particular pyramid then you should be a strong
analyst, especially for the management jobs nowadays the two jobs are very prominent. One
is that is the analyst’s job and other is consultant’s job, they are highly in demand.

Then those who…Whenever there is a data, how effectively they analyse that particular data?
But analysis of data is just a part, what is important is after analysing the data what is the
discussion. What is the output of that particular analysis? How you connect that output with
the current situation? And therefore this type of analyst are also required in a strong team.
Then practical organiser, thanks to the technology, technology many a times give the
solutions which may not be practical, so then what to do?
So they are required to be certain employees those who will be able to make the practically
organising whatever the solutions which are coming out through the system wizard’s
questions or the effective communicator, experienced leader, creative genius, then detail
minded Analyst and all these hot trades are also required in the trainer to build the teams to
leverage the diversity and then practical approach also. What is right what is wrong, what is
applicable, what is not applicable that he should understand.

And finally the risk taker, because the training is provided for the future requirement and
whenever we talk about future there is a risk and one should be risk taker. We have to also
understand the differentiation between the risk and gambling, so here I am suggesting the risk
and not the gambling and therefore in that case one should be able to take the risk and then
build the teams with this all type of personality traits are there.

(Refer Slide Time: 22:20)

Then role of a trainer is to manage communication which already I have mentioned, that is
effective communicator and then whatever he is communicating that should be clear, easy
and one should be able to understand what type of program is given. Like here you will find
cartoon has been given transfer skills, I am not sure I want to know how to use the fax and
therefore in that case many people they may be provided the resources but they may not be
competent enough how to make the use of it and then once you give them the training they
will become efficient.
So the trainer, when we talk about the role of a trainer, role of a trainer is to manage the
stakeholders, build a team to leverage the diversity, manage communication and transfer the
skills for the employees for the purpose the training program has been provided.

(Refer Slide Time: 23:15)

So what is primary goal of a training? The primary goal of a training is to help users move
from confusion and no acceptance through the communication to ownership and a high
acceptance level. Like many a times employees are not realizing the importance of training,
what they understand is that they are confused, they are not very clear that is why I am
getting this type of the training, what is the use of the training and in that case trainer should
ensure that this type of the training which has been provided to the that is the importance,
need and importance of training that should be very clear in the beginning itself.

For example, this particular type of course which I am offering, this course is helpful for the
trainers so that they will understand how to design identify the training needs, how to design
the training program, how to execute the training program, how to evaluate training programs
and how to make the best training program at their workplace. And therefore in that case this
is through communication, however through communication I would like to add one more
terminology here and that is the pedagogy, that is through pedagogy that is a teaching
methodologies, different types of teaching methodologies which further we will be
discussing, that communication process has to be used.

For example, it can be the case studies, this can be the business games, this can be the
exercises, this can be the statistical data collection and analysis, research method and through
this way we can make them clear their confusion and make them to ownership. The employee
engagement is very important if there is ownership is there amongst the employees, if the
employees are having this particular type of this engagement, that is commitment and that is
ownership. Unless and until that feeling of ownership is not there amongst the employees
then employees will not be able to make the proper transfer of that particular skills.

We have to develop that ownership, this organization is your family you are a part of this
family, you are amongst one of the, one amongst all of us, so therefore this type of feeling is
very important. And then when this type of notion is there that is I am the member of this
particular family, of this organization which the trainer makes the miracle happens and then
in that case high acceptance level will be there. For high acceptance level vigour is required,
according to Schaufeli vigour is required, absorption is required and dedication is required.

Nowadays, there is a lot of demand of the training programs to enhance the employee
engagement. Trainer should be able to develop that particular type of the vigour, that
particular type of the energy, that particular type of commitment that is yes I have to do, now
however there are different ways of working work from home, work away from home, away
from the workplace but at work, so these type of concepts are already there but ultimately
commitment is required. If commitment is not there in employees at the workplace there will
not be a reasonable output. Employees away from the workplace but at work and there is no
commitment, again there will be no output of the performance.

(Refer Slide Time: 27:18)

So what is required? Trainer has to develop the ownership, that commitment that level of
acceptance at the workplace so that employee gives more than 100 percent and then he gives
voluntarily. It is not because of the fear of punishment or fear of losing the job but this type
of acceptance, this type of the worship, this type of the commitment that he never realises that
he …There is no feeling, I am working for others, I am working for myself, I am working for
developing myself, I am working for the excellence of myself and therefore if this mindset is
there, those organisations will be definitely a very successful organizations. Whatever I was
talking about that was not only for the good workplace but that was for a great workplace.

(Refer Slide Time: 28:15)

What a trainer does? A trainer, he is not only creating a good workplace but he is creating
such a workplace where people want to work. I understand the practical aspect also that even
if…Because I have 11 years of the industry experience, so I know that is the how people
work in industries, so they may go for the betterment of this particular looking for the better
opportunities, they may go but they will not forget their past organizations. They will be in
connect with their past organizations because everybody has a freedom to go further for his
progress but the connectivity, the relationship with the past organization is the same.

So therefore in that case that…and if there is no connect then that is not a great workplace.
The great workplace is that, as I mentioned about how it is the commitment, loyalty, how
about the relationship, how about after leaving the organization also people are connected and
those type of the places are called great workplace.
(Refer Slide Time: 29:29)

So now we will talk about what is a great workplace, when people they trust, it is not the
culture when they are out from that particular place that is they have fear that what will
happen when I am not there. Now in that case that even if they are not at the workplace they
are having the trust to have with their superior, colleagues and subordinates. They have pride
in what you do, so it is the question not that is whether you are in the top management or
middle management or in the lower management cadre but it is the feeling is there that is
whatever I am doing I am doing the best, I am doing in the great workplace, I am working in
this organization.

So whenever a person introduces himself and before saying his name he says I am working in
this particular organization that means that he is having the pride in for that particular
organization and therefore it becomes very important that is the person connect, the industry
connect, the emotions connect that becomes very important whenever we talk about the pride
in what you do. Now whenever when we talk about that is the enjoy the people you work
with, so it becomes very important that is the workplace is a place of joy.

I am enjoying that particular workplace, I am talking about that particular workplace, I am

sharing my experiences with that particular workplace, I feel pride in saying that I am
working in this workplace, I am also having the trust with the people those who are working
there, so you see that is the happiness index of that particular employee is very high. And if
this type of the workplace and most of the employees, most of the employees when they say
that this is a great workplace, I love to work here and then in that case you will find that is the
trainer, trainer’s role is that he creates that great workplace.
How this great workplace is to be created and how the training can impart this type of the
culture that we will talk about into the next session, so thank you very much.
Training of Trainers
Professor Santosh Rangnekar
Department of Management Studies
Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee
Lecture 2 - Introduction to Training – II

So, in first session we have discussed about that is what is the difference between the good
workplace and the great workplace and then I mentioned that I will talk today in the second
session that is how to create the good, convert the good workplace to the great workplace.
Now you see that that is there are the relationship keys between the management, job and
with the employees and the other employees are there.

(Refer Slide Time: 1:00)

So, when we talk about the great workplace, what is the great management? As I mentioned
about any management which is giving the freedom, flexibility and create a very wide canvas
for their performance it is not restricted that is the that you have to do this much only, how
you have dared to go to the another place, how you have dared to do these things which you
are not supposed to do, then if in whatever has been done is for the betterment of the
organization and with the very fine intentions, management is a great management.

Another important aspect of the management is, the great management is managing the
resources. When a management is having that dream but not having the finance…if there is
no finance but the dream is there and then pursuing that particular dream with the belief that
is the yes, the finance will be managed. What I want to say is that management who is
visionary, that management who is having the very strong leadership styles, that management
who is having the commitment towards the running the business, who is having a very great
picture, global level picture of the business and that is the great management is there.

Great management is that management who is concerned with the employees, who is
concerned with the society, who is concerned with the environment, who is concerned with
the culture and therefore their practices, their policies, their strategies, all objectives, goals,
all are towards the one dimensions and that is the anyhow we have to fulfil that dream and
dream of not only of the management, here the management means each and every
stakeholder of that organization. When all are synchronising to fulfil that particular dream
then we will talk about that is that management is a great place work of the management is

Second aspect which I would like to take that is about the job, now it is a million dollar
question that is what academic background the participant is having , the employees is having
and what type of assignments are to be given to that particular employee? I would like to add
one more dimensions here that is what type of the assignment he wants to do, now in the
good workplace for which he is appointed and he has given that particular task he is also
happy, management is also happy, he is doing well but it is not a great workplace because
then his colourful personality that has not been really utilised, he has not challenged himself,
so what type of job one can believe I can do this particular job?

22 years back, I was into the industry and Since last 22 years I am into the academics and that
time I was allowed by the Raymond Groups to be associated with the academic institutes and
then the academy institutes they have realised my potential as a trainer, as a teacher and still I
am in connect with all my bosses because they have identified that is what type of the
personality individual is having and what type of the training programmes he can conduct,
giving those opportunity for conducting those training programs, being an academician to
interact with the students, interact with the faculties, interact with the industry’s people and
therefore the job was not restricted just only for the HR department, job was the open for me
for doing the multiple functions.

I understand that many organizations having the vertical silos, those silos are like for example
there time office is there or there is labor office is there, IR is there and there is the HR
department and there is a potential and performance appraisal section is there, there is L&D,
and learning and development is there which is specifically. What I understand is a person
who wants to be a trainer and maybe restricted to the HR areas then in that case he should
know all the functions as mentioned by the ASTD model, American Society for Training and
Development model that is the all HR functions.

You cannot be the successful in HR unless and until you are not aware about what are the
recruitment strategies of the organization, what type of the jobs are to be performed in our
organization? Number of jobs, hundreds of the jobs, thousands of the job styles are there.
What jobs are to be performed, it is not only the purview of the Recruitment and Selection
Department in section, it is also to be seen by Learning and Development organization that
what type of thorough knowledge is there?

Any section cannot isolate with the IR industrial relations. No, no, it is also has to know that
is the what type of the labour laws are there, what type of rules and regulations are there and
how the unions are to be handled and how the communication with the other stakeholders of
the society and what type of the research is going on in HR? What will be the HR? A trainer
should be very much aware that is he after 10 years what will be the HR scenario. Nowadays
everybody is talking about the robotics and they are saying artificial intelligence and
therefore they are talking about that is the future organizations that is they will have less
manpower and more machineries.

Then what will be the role of HR in that case? What type of training is required? Now you
see that is I would like to take the example of SBI, State Bank of India. I remember, when the
first-time computers were introduced in State Bank of India and there were a lot of positions
was there because it was the false notion that introduction of the technology that will create
more opportunities for the technical jobs and less opportunities for the manual jobs and less
manpower will be required and this type of confusion was there. But now we see almost after
30 years the SBI and then we find that is they have moved not only in the Internet banking
but they have moved into the mobile banking, they have moved from WWW to WWWW,
World Wide Wireless Web they have worked and the business has expanded.

So, with the change and the use of the technology, the jobs then employee has to see that is
the if he is multi skilled, multi-dimensional, so he should not be disappointed that I have
taken for this particular job and then why I have been asked to do another job. Many a times
young people especially, they find this type of problems that is the no, no, no, I have this
finance specialisation why am I asked to work in the marketing, why I am in the marketing,
why I am into the HR and like? Therefore, in the beginning they should be consoled, they
should be talked by the trainers, HR departments, learning and development departments and
they should talk about what is the job.

So, therefore in that case the job is that is if they are management graduates they can handle
number of jobs. They can perform efficiently and effectively in other areas also because their
core competency and that is the managerial effectiveness ME is there. So, the relationship of
this employee with the job that should not be a fixed, that should be flexible, that should be
variable, that should be adaptable and that is the productive. So actually this is Mott’s model,
Mott’s model talks about that is whenever we talk about the jobs and efficiency of a
managerial effectiveness then there are 3 factors, that is to be flexible, to be adaptive and to
be productive, an employee requires all this.

(Refer Slide Time: 10:52)

And therefore you will find that these employees, the relationship with the management and
with the job, with the job it should be positive, it should be cohesive relationship. Every day
he should love to do the job, one should love to do the job. One should not avoid the job at
the workplace and when we talk about great workplace they create with the help of trainers,
trainers are so important, they create that particular style of the job relationship, employee’s
relationship with the job that is I love my job, he is enthusiastic to do the job, he is very
positive and affectionate towards the job, he is not doing the job for bread-and-butter but it is
a way of life.

He wants to do a particular job because that particular style of the life he wants to lead and
that is why he is in that particular job. It is not by compulsion it is by choice and when this
type of feelings and environment is there then definitely that workplace will be the great
workplace will be there.

The third aspect that is very, very important and that is the relationship with the other
employees. Like, we know what the personality is, so personality is the way the person reacts
and interacts, Stephen P. Robbins’ book everybody knows about that in OB. Now, in that
particular relationship with the other employees, the person will come across different types
of the employees. My one Ph.D. scholar Vaneet Kashyap now he is the assistant professor in
IIT, Tirupati, earlier he was in IIM, Sirmaur and now he talks about that is the servant
leadership. The relationship when we talk about with the other employees, the first and
foremost concept is how do you serve others? The other employees.

Whenever, there are different types of personalities are there and when you have to interact
with that personalities, some personalities may like to be supportive, some personalities will
like to be autocratic styled, some personalities will be mixing styles, some personalities will
be reserved style, so everybody because the personality depends on heredity environment and
situation and that is why we find that even twins are having the different personality.

So in that case it becomes very , very important that is the what type of personality he has
developed, born and brought up in to the what type of environment. Because when we talk
about specially in India then we understand that is there are different social environments are
there, different culture is there, different practices are there, we are having the unity in
diversity and when such different diversified cultures are there then different practices will be
there, not only the practices, different values and beliefs will be there. If different values,
beliefs and practices are there then definitely the person will like to follow and expect that
other person should also follow the same values and belief. But is it practically possible?

It is not practically possible, so therefore in that case it becomes very important that when we
are interacting with the other employees we have the due respect for them, so relationship
with the other employees at a great workplace, everybody respect others. In the culture there
is no leg pulling, there is no backbiting, there is not cutthroat competition like this that is the
no, I have to go ahead and other person has…no, it is a teambuilding, they all are working
together. And if this type of relationship is there with the other employees that workplace will
be a motivating workplace, a great workplace will be there because with the colleagues, with
the superiors, with subordinates good relationship is there. And if there is not a good
relationship there will be stress, there will be worries and the performance will be affected.
So, for a great workplace it becomes very, very important that is we are having that particular
style which will be developing to have a very supportive management, the job matching with
the personalities and the personalities of the other employees is matching with the
employee’s expectation. Or, if employee finds difficulty in matching that type of the
environment, he has been trained by the trainer how he can be well connect with the other
employees, how he can develop the job satisfaction because job satisfaction is also having the
two dimensions.

One is Job Centricity and Job Involvement, Job Centricity means that is the concentration on
the job. You will be surprised to know many employees those who are very much having
high job centricity but they may not be having job involvement dear friends. So, they are
doing their jobs but there is no involvement, emotional connect is not there.

So therefore the job satisfaction is there because of the job centricity, job concentration. One
of my Ph.D. scholars has done this particular research. Dr. Shyam Narayan’s work is on this
only job satisfaction and therefore in that case you will find that is the, what is the job
centricity, job concentration and then what is the job involvement. If both are high then job
satisfaction is there and if job satisfaction is there employee Retention will be high, employee
turnover will be low.

So, therefore this at great workplace the relationship of the employees with the management,
with job, with other employees is highly positive and the role of a trainer is to create great
workplace, by imbibing the value systems which the employee will be able to love job,
follow the management guidelines and having good relationship with the other employees
and this way you will find a great workplace can be created.
(Refer Slide Time: 18:17)

So, I talk about the trust the people you work for with all the employees. You have pride
already I have mentioned and already….Early I have mentioned about that is the workplace is
the joy, right. Coming, not coming late, not feeling demotivated, not feeling frustrated to
come at the workplace rather eager, anxiety and very positive emotions are there, yes I have
to go, just like a player who wants to enter into a playground, similarly an employee wants to
enter into the organization to enjoy the work with the people they are working with.

(Refer Slide Time: 19:01)

Now, here I would like to mention certain dimensions of the great workplace, the first
dimension is that is whenever we talk about that is the credibility. What is credibility? In the
credibility development and the trust development, how it pays out in the workplace?
Communications are open and accessible. There is no hesitation, there is no barrier, there is
open door policy, one can go and talk to his boss ‘I am not able to understand this or I am
feeling weak in this particular area, how you can help me?’

What type of training I should take? And that is a frequent communication is there between
the superior and subordinates and whenever there is a frequent communication between the
superior and subordinates and then most of the problems will be resolved because the
communication is open. So any problem is there, okay let me talk to my boss, I will just talk
to my boss and problem will be solved, I am not having any fear that is what boss will say,
‘tum ko itna bhi nahi aata hai’, you do not know this much, no nothing is like there and
therefore the trust is there and communications are open.

Second, Important aspect is and that is the competence in coordinating human and material
resources. What trainer has to do, develop that competency amongst the employees, what
type of competency? In coordination, in coordination the most important part is that is the
synergy has to be developed. Unless and until you do not develop that synergy there will be
no coordination and therefore in that case that synergy amongst the employees, that particular
coordination amongst the employees and amongst the human beings that is becoming very,
very important.

So if any problem is there, just you can contact and then you can get solved, just you can
coordinate, you can help, you can ask for help, you can provide help and that type of
environment is there at the great workplace is there. Another, aspect is mentioned about the
material resources, material resources that is especially nowadays when we talk about that is
the use of technology or technological gadgets. So, therefore if these type of gadgets or
resources are there then definitely in that case you will find that is amongst the employees the
credibility is very, very high. Third and very important aspect and credibility that is integrity
in carrying out vision with consistency, wonderful point is there.

Now you see that is the, as I mentioned dream jobs, dream organisation, dream workplace
that is a great workplace but that particular vision is consistent, unless and until there is no
consistency in practising we cannot achieve the goal. And, this consistency means years to
get that, maybe decades. If you want to achieve the excellence, if you want to make the best
of our use of resources, if you want to do the best we have to integrate our vision with
For few days, for few years I am having that dream and then some partially the dream has
been achieved and then I enjoy, I say relax okay fine done of the work, nothing is done,
nothing is done. To do that it becomes very, very important that there is a consistency and
that consistency it goes up to the end. If the person is able to maintain that consistency and
then he will be able to get that credibility that is what type of the great work is there.

Now the role of the workplace, I have mentioned in the previous slide that is the
management, the role of that particular workplace that is this integrity, that consistency
definitely it cannot be one-sided. Consistency to perform it cannot be only from the part of
the employees but consistency is required, support of that consistency, work environment of
that consistency is also required by the industries and now in that case only this can be
happen. Now, you see as I mentioned respect and regards, this is very, very fine
characteristics of a great workplace, How do you communicate with others?

How do you communicate with the outsiders? How do you communicate with your superiors,
subordinates, colleagues? Not in their presence, in their absence, in their absence if you show
the, your communication reflects the respect for them, nothing like can be like that. Always
they are talking good about what supportive professional development and show
appreciation, very nice point is there.

Now, you see that whenever we talk about this particular professionalism, this particular
professionalism that is the how do you appreciate? Everybody is having the strengths and
plus points, everybody is having weaknesses too that I understand but what is most important
is that is the whether do you have that particular professional development that you
appreciate the positive points of others, dear friends? It is an art, is an art of appreciation and
one can have that art of appreciation only when he is having a very, very positive attitude, he
believes that…we have read number of stories of Akbar and Birbal and then we understand
that this from those stories that is the appreciation is a miracle mantra.

Whenever we respect… Appreciation is a sort of showing respect in others, so whenever we

are having that particular respect, whenever we are having that particular appreciation for
others and as I mentioned not only in the presence but in absence to, in the presence also we
have to appreciate because unless and until we will not express our appreciation how the
person will come to know but it is not only just in the presence of the person but he comes to
know that no, my colleague is…role of a colleague or role of a boss that is he talks good
about me and then that is the true wording for him.
What trainer has to require..? Trainer has to develop that particular training program which
will be best only on appreciation dear friends, to learn how to appreciate. If an organization
which creates this type of the culture, environment and training programs and train the mind-
set of the people that is you have to appreciate others, you have talk about the positivity of
the other people and then maybe you can see the miracles in the superior and subordinates
relationship. If superior is appreciating the subordinate’s skills, knowledge, his attitude,
definitely he will have the high moral.

If the subordinate is talking in absence of the boss that my boss is very good, is very nice and
when the boss will come to know, you can understand the miracle impact that is what type of
feeling will be there. So therefore in that case that type of respect and appreciation is to be
there. Now, second point is collaborate with employees in the relevant decisions, here it is
very, very important that is collective wisdom. In a great workplace it is always collective
wisdom, it is not what I think is the right that is the right, he is always in contact with other
surrounding people that is the employees. That is, I am planning to do this, what is your
opinion? Is it good or not? If it is good, why so?

Even if he is saying good ask why? And if he says no it is not good then also take information
that what improvement is required to do that. So, therefore in that case collaborate with the
employees and in the relevant decisions it becomes very-very important.

I remember number of case studies here, that is whenever we decide the pay, earlier in our
time 30 years back it was the fixed pay structure was there but now I find that they talk about
the variable pay, variable pay it is a very, very relevant decisions, it is a bouquet, that is the
person is not only chose the whatever is given to him, he can articulate, he can design his
own pay structure. And if this type of the freedom is given that is this will be the cost, CTC
cost to company, now you design, this much will be the fix you can design, this will be the
variable it will be designed and mutual discussion with the boss and superior and then they
find that yes, the relevant decisions is a collective decision.

It is not going to increase the cost but it will be give a totally a different flavour and in this
flavour the employee will decide that is what sort of that particular collective wisdom that
they have to consider. Care for employees as individuals with the personal lives, this is very
important, I remember and you must have read also Dr. Kalam’s book, that leadership style
and that they talk about that is how the care for employees is to be taken. A great workplace,
if we ask the feedback of many people who have worked with Dr. Kalam and always the one
the reference is always there which talks about how caring he was, it was not only at the
workplace that he is providing resources and asking for the performance and this and that,
that is also okay but the point is how much personal caring you are taking of that particular
employee, right? And it is not artificial, it is by heart.

People are smart enough to judge whether my boss is having…my organization, my great
workplace is really caring for me or not, if they are caring they will take corrective actions
not the punishment, they will always ask no, no this is going wrong, you do like this, no you
do not do like this, otherwise this will happen. And therefore any problem, any help and
therefore in that case you will find that is in the respect when we talk about then it becomes
very, very important that is how caring are you at your workplace is there.

Dear friends, the caring and appreciations from this particular block if you see, that is the
collective wisdom is also professionally okay but what I find is that is the appreciation and
caring, these two values when we talk about the respect that will reflect at great workplace.
Third is very mechanical point but yes, very important, that is the fairness is there, right. It is
a tendency of human being to compare with others. One may be happy but he finds that the
other who is having low potential and he is getting more he will be unhappy though he was
earlier happy without knowing this.

So equity, a great workplace provides the equity, balanced treatment for all in terms of
rewards. It is not like this that somebody is getting more and somebody…it is not on the
whims of the boss that is to whom he is sharing the rewards, he is sharing the reward on the
basis of the competency, on the basis of merit, on the basis of performance of the employees
prior to this what type of performance they have done. It is on the basis of the behaviour, it is
on the basis of the attitude, it is on the basis of the value system right and when all are same,
the equal rewards are to be there.

So, equity is subjective to certain benchmark in practices, that is true but all are to be
evaluated and to be examined. Second is impartiality, this is also for creating a culture of the
great workplace a very, very important part is there. Absence of favouritism in hiring and
promotions because I love and like somebody and therefore that person is deserving the
promotion, that should not be there. It has to be corrected that is the person is getting this
because of his merit, because of his competency, because of his concern to the organization.
Always in decision-making it is not what is for me, it is what is for the organization and the
organization is also equally concerned.
What is for the organization but what is for the employee and when there is a match there is a
great workplace. Justice, lack of discrimination process for appeals right, so always there
should be scope. IR also, industrial relations because for 6 years I was a labour officer, so
therefore I understand that is the process for appeals are always to be available and because
this gives an opportunity for the justice and when it is endorsed means justice is correct.
Therefore, it becomes very,very important that is at workplace for the fairness has to be there
and that fairness will be possible only if there is an environment of justice, that everybody
gets justice here, if you are deserving yes then you will get it, there is no doubt.

The seniors when they talk about the juniors in the coffee shops then they will say if you are
deserving in this organization nobody will stop you, you will get it and that type of feeling
will be there at the great workplace is there. Another important aspect is the pride, pride of
working like when we say I am working in this particular institute, I am working in this
particular organization and feeling the pride about it and then definitely in that case that
becomes very,very important aspects is there.

Like, in personal job individual contributions that are recognised, that is the matter of the
pride that is yes I did it, everybody is doing but I did it differently, everybody is doing but I
did it in a special way, then definitely in that case that type of the personal jobs individual’s
contribution and that is having the high recognition at the great workplace is there.

In good workplace there will be the reward and just mentioning the your payslip or it will be
notion only that is you have done a good job, that is not enough but here it will be recognised
as an individual’s contribution. So, identity to an employee, at great workplace what it
provides? Identity, it does not stop only by giving the rewards but it gives the identity who
are the pillars of this, who are the knowledge workers in this organization, who are the blue
eyed employees in this organization, who are the top performers, who are the best employee
in this organization and therefore in that case you will find that is the individual’s
contributions will be there.

In work produced by one’s team or work group that will also give the pride. Like, especially
in IT industries you find there are different projects are there, even manufacturing is also
there, so there are different projects are there. Frequency in IT industry it is more that is there
are different projects are there, now if there are different projects then they are very,very
important projects, high-profile projects are there and are you a member or team of that
particular project and that is becoming very,very important.
That is recognition, that I am working in this project under this leadership and that leader is
known in the organization for the great achievements, then definitely in that case we will say
that yes that is becoming a matter of pride for an individual, Right? So therefore it is the,
what makes a person in the organization….what type of the team or work group he is
working and that will become very, very important.

In the pride you will find the organization’s products standing in the community, right?
Whatever the organization’s products and standing is in the community is there that is what
the reflection is? Which division you are? What type of impression you are having? That will
also give you a particular feeling and that particular sense of achievement. That is, I am
achieving this particular type of the community is there.

Then the Camaraderie, now ability to be oneself, right? Now you see everybody wants to be
oneself, how he has to be the oneself, he wants to prove his himself like I was mentioning
about the identity and to prove that I am able, I am able to do this particular job in the
organisation and in the organisation whenever this type of problems are there the first name
will be oh, you go and ask X because he has proved his ability to be oneself. That is,
whenever there will be the problem, X is able to solve this type of problem is there and then
that is a recognition.

Second is socially, friendly and welcoming atmosphere, this becomes very, very important
that is how employees they are socially recognised. When you go out in the society with the
relatives, with friends and then they say that oh, he is the employee of that organization and
they we welcome you and then you can see that appreciation, that respect, that regards, that
pride in the eyes of others, that is oh, he is my relative and he is working there in that
particular organization, that is a great workplace is there.

So, whenever if the society recognises any organization as a great workplace and those
because of those practices and these practices are developed with the help of trainers. So,
trainer’s role is to create that great workplace with the help of supporting employees to
develop those types of practices. Finally, I would like to mention about the sense of family or
a team. Already also, earlier also I have mentioned, that is I will give more weightage to
sense of family, dear friends. A team is there, team word is I feel personally it is more
professional connotation.
But when we talk about the family it is personal is there. So, that involvement, that
motivation, that commitment, that affection, that accepting those challenges, attitude, that
sharing of the resources, that caring which is to be taken care of, that integrity and that is true
for ever consistency. If these type of dimensions are there then definitely in that case the
dimensions of the great workplace with this credibility, respect, fairness, pride, the
camaraderie, then all these concepts with all these practices and the role of the trainer will be
to develop these practices.

And if he becomes successful then he will be able to convert the good workplace into the
great workplace to work. So, I think that this is enough that is how these different dimensions
that pays out in the workplace and how a trainer can convert a good workplace into the great
workplace. Thank you.
Training of Trainers
Professor Santosh Rangnekar
Department of Management Studies
Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee
Lecture 03 - Introduction to Training-III

Now, I will discuss with you the Introduction to Training - Part 3. It becomes very, very
important that is we technically understand the definition of training, challenges in training,
training and education, methods of training needs and rest of the topics but in part 3, first I
would like to go with the training system.

(Refer Slide Time: 0:56)

In the training system, the Needs Assessment, that becomes very, very important. Now, how
to make the need assessments? You see, it also depends on the life cycle of the organization.
If it is at embryonic stage , then the expectancy of the performance of these employees that
will be different. Second phase of the life cycle of an organization and that is about the
growth. When an organization is a growing organization that time we have to see that is the,
what type of the training programs for the competency development that will be required.

The third point, which is very, very interesting that is the maturity. If organization at the
maturity level, Do you think any type of training is required? Yes ! Then what type of the HR
skills that will make the future of the organization and manpower management, that type of
skills is required. And fourth one is that is declining stage. If the organization is declining,
then what type of the training needs will be there and training programs are to be announced?
For example, Whenever we are talking about this particular type of the training programs, in
this Needs Assessment, if it is at the embryonic stage then at the embryonic stage the
contribution to that idea of that entrepreneur or that management, larger enterprises or the
medium enterprises or small and micro enterprises if they are at the embryonic stage then that
type of the project handling skills that becomes very, very important for particular
organization is there.

Whenever we talk about the growth stage then the training identifying needs will be related to
the expansion of the business, because as we grow and the growth is there of the products or
services then our manpower should be able to fulfill that particular demand in the market. It
is very interesting some organizations they go on the path of the growth but because of their
incapability or incompetency they are not able to match that demand and the services are
spoiled, feedback is bad and as a result organizations are not able to survive or not becoming

Why it has happened so? Because organization was not ready. To make the ready the
organization at that particular stage of the growth , from embryonic to that growth stage it
becomes very important that is the organizations are able to develop those competencies
which will be required at the time of the fulfillment of the demands of the stakeholders
because now it is a growing organization and reaching to the growth stage. So, definitely the
needs will be different. To fulfill those needs the manpower has to be trained and therefore
the need assessment at the growth stage that will be totally different.

Third important point is, that is about the maturity stage of the organization that is how
organization is able to meet the demands. Demands of what? Now what are the options? Is it
to be allowed to organization to get matured or it is required to develop the new products , or
it is required to make the run in whatever the stage it is? Now if we decide that the
organization has to sustain and grow and the visionary leader, management is able to see that
is now, this particular business is going to be towards the maturity, then at the time of the
growth stage the training programs are to be provided which will fulfill the future needs and
create new products and developments and services.

But, unfortunately it has been seen that is, the many organizations are not proactive. They do
not train and develop their employees and what they do? They are making this type of the
preparation at the maturity stage but they do not have enough time in their hands because
they were not proactive, now they are reactive. But when they are reactive they are not able
to sustain and as a result of which you will find that is the organization is going towards the
declining stage.

The vision of the organization that plays a very very important role in need assessment. The
key decision-makers, they should be very clear at least for the next five years what phase of
the organization of life cycle is going to continue and how they are going to face this
particular organization? How they are going to develop the manpower for this particular
organization for the next 5 years and that will give the clear picture.

So the objective, the goals, the strategies, the policies, the procedures, the roles and that will
give a clear indication to a trainer that is the, what type of the training needs are there? And if
this type of training needs are there then they have to design the training program

Now, if we go for the Training objectives then we will find that is the Training objectives that
which are supposed to be developed on basis of the needs, they are to be very much realistic
but because of the social, political, economical, legal and technological aspects this type of
the objectives are required to be changed. Is the organization in a position to reframe and
continue.. Not to stop.. Is able to reframe and continue their objectives, that has to be taken
care of.

Simple example is, that is organization’s training objective is to develop the certain number
of the manpower in a certain skills in certain projects. But after 2 years they find that is the
demand of that project is becoming obsolete. Demand of that particular skill is going to be
the obsolete for which they were developing the training. Now what to do? Is that training
wasted? Or that training can be made useful for the other integrated objectives? And here
reframing of the integrated objectives, that becomes very, very important.

If an organization is smart enough to develop the training objectives and then after these
training objectives they are able to develop and implement them in a restructured way that
becomes very-very important. Planning is not an obsolete function, planning for the training
for next five years is not an obsolete function, that can be designed but we have to design in
such a way that if there is a dispelled approach, there is a social, political, economical, legal
and technological changes are there, we are able to reframe these standing objectives.

And then we are able to implement them in a proper way, that connectivity that should not be
lost. And therefore in that case that is design the training objectives keeping in mind the
vision of the organization, the future line of action of the organization but with the flexibility
is to be there. Now comes the very, very important part that is the implementation.

Actually in this particular course, the core heart of this particular course is, and that is,
Training Techniques and Tools that is, what are the different training techniques and tools are
available, which I will be discussing further in this particular course. That is the, how to
implement those objectives and those training programs? If appropriate pedagogy is used, the
learning will be very, very strong.

So, therefore in that case if the process of learning has to be adopt, we have to understand
how we are going to make the implementation of whatever the training objectives which we
have designed. The last stage of the training system is, that is okay we have done that
particular training program but is that has been the effective or not? And it is the evaluation
of the training program which is very, very critical.

However nowadays there are certain training software's are available, there are certain
methods are there, certain exercises are there which will determine whether the training was,
the evaluation was, is proper or not? Recently we will find the training programs which are
more towards the soft skills, then evaluation of those particular training programs that
becomes very ,very difficult.

If it is based on any quantitative basis then definitely we can make the evaluation more
objectively. But when it becomes the evaluation of training program based on the soft skills
or based on the subjectivity then definitely it becomes a big challenge that how to go for this
type of the training programs. Now, I would like to take an example. Example of that is how
the training system works and how to identify the training needs.
(Refer Slide Time: 12:48)

First is, what is the Present job? What is the Next job which the person is going to adopt in a
natural process? And what is the future? Because if everything goes smooth then naturally it
is expected that the person has to be trained for the next job. He should be able to perform his
next job just like a promotion means. We talk about the promotion that will be his next job
but it is not always necessary it will be promotion.

If it is a job rotation and then he has to go into the another job then also he is supposed to be
trained, so that is why the word has been used in the next job and not used the word that is for
the higher position. Now in the present job what is important is what is his actual
performance and what is the required performance is there? Many times on the basis of the
CV, on the basis of the interview the candidate is selected for the present job.

But when actually he starts delivering that particular present job, then he may find difficulty
because he may not have handled those jobs earlier. The present job is also new for him or
present job is he has handled earlier but in different culture. Present job he has handled in the
different environment. Present job he has handled with the different resources and therefore
in that case , the when there is a question of the performance of the present job, actual
performance and the required performance there may be the difference.

And if there is a difference, you have to identify the gap. Somebody is very good to do in the
manual jobs, somebody is very good to do the technological jobs, somebody is very good into
coordinating these jobs, somebody is very good doing the job as an individual. Somebody is
very good to do the job in a team and therefore in that case that gap has to be identified where
he is lacking.

And if the needs are identified, how needs are to be identified? by performance review. He is
supervisor, in many organizations nowadays it is quarterly, at the end of the year that concept
has gone, so the preferable is that is the quarterly. After every 3 months, there is a discussion
between the superior and the subordinate and they talk about whether the present job has
been done efficiently or not, present job has been performed as per the expectation or not.

If it is not performed as per the expectations, why not? The gap, what was his need?
Sometimes, it is just need of the resources, sometimes it requires individual skills also that he
is not able but nothing wrong in that, everybody is not perfect but we have to try to make him
perfect and therefore in that case those whatever the needs are identified that has to be
identified as a individual training needs.

Here we are talking about individuals. Sometimes, now come to the Next job, the person is
capable for the present competency and then he requires the, there is a required competency.
So , from the level I to level II are from the X job to the Y job, he is competent enough, that
is why he has been transferred there. So sometimes it is a promotion, sometimes it is a
transfer and if the transfer is there then present competency is there.

And if the present competency is there then he is required to develop for the required
competency. He has to be developed for the required competency. For the required
competency again what is his present competency and what will be the future job and what
will be the next job or the required competency and that gap has to be identified by the
potential review?

Now, here you will find there are two points there, one is in the present job that is the
performance review and the next job you will find that is the potential review. What he is
capable of? Whenever we talk about the potential that is what capability does he have? If the
person is having the ability to do, his potential will be high.

So, therefore that particular potential, that review has to be very thoroughly and
systematically is to be done by the organization. An organization if is capable to identify the
potential employees, employees with the jobs which they can do in future, that potential they
have, they are the assets. They are the assets for the organization. An organization should not
lose those assets.
And therefore in that case this particular gap which they have identified, right? And
identifying the potential. How to identify the potential? The potential or ability can be
identified by giving him chance to perform. Nothing on the documents, but it is in field, at
actuals that whether the person is capable of doing that particular job or not. And in that case
it comes his ability to do, his competency to do, his knowledge level to do, his skills
developed to do, right?

If he is able to do that then definitely we will have his potential and that will be a treasure
that is yes, this employee can do this particular type of the knowledge and skills. Whether it
is a performance appraisal or it is a potential appraisal the individual training needs are
identified. Now , we will like to take the Future jobs. As I mentioned that is, the time is
coming of the AI, artificial intelligence.

If this type of environment is coming then the new competency required by changed
technology and methods. So, therefore in that case the trainer, the trainer is required to be a
good change agent. Not only to learn but he should be also able to make an employee to
unlearn because of the past habits one may not be able to perform in a better way for the
future jobs. Simple example is keeping away from the use of computers.

A very simple example, if a person keeps himself away from the use of the computers he will
not be able to perform the future jobs. Whether it is analytical jobs, it is a consultant’s job or
simply it is a simple managerial job, for all this purpose the best use of the computers that he
has to learn and he has to understand, he has to develop and not only that how he is able to
run the computers but how to make the best use of that particular knowledge in the screening
of the data, information, knowledge, wisdom.

So, therefore in that case the changed technology and methods they are required to be
understood by the employee. Nowadays, the research input is becoming very, very important.
So, therefore, if new competency has to be developed then there has to be a requirement of
the new technology and methods are to be developed and which can be with the help of only
the facilitators or the trainers those on the job training only, it cannot be the off-the-job
training, on-the-job training will be more supportive as compared to off-the-job training is
then. However , the certain support 20 percent, 25 percent support of off-the-job training can
be provided, it depends on the type of the training, type of the job which employee is required
to perform.
Now, these additional needs that will be identified by the top management because the top
management knows about the future jobs. Nobody knows about the Future jobs. The future
jobs means that is organization’s future planning. What type of the planning organization is
going to do that has to be seen. If that is required then definitely they should be able to go,
further identify that particular type of the top management’s planning.

The vision of the top management, goals of the top management, what type of the
diversification of the business maybe there. If there is a diversification of the business then
that is also to be understood what top management is planning and that has to be shared. The
vision has to be shared. Many organizations are not able to compete because their top
management does not share the vision.

They are not very sure, one day sudden announcement will be there but for that particular job
the time was not given to prepare then there will be the turbulence. So therefore in that case
these particular additional needs identified by the top management, this particular job that has
to be required, that has to be identified and these, the Present job, the Next job, the Future
jobs from the performance appraisal, from the potential appraisal, from identifying their
needs of the top management and that will give you the Enterprise Training Plan.

The training plan will cover on-the-job training, it will cover internal and external training
and all this exercise is done for the development of the organization or organization
development is there. So therefore, the change management that becomes very, very
important. How we develop that particular type of the training programs, additional needs
and the enterprise training plan, on-the-job training, internal and external training and
organization development, that we have to see that is how we can develop.
(Refer Slide Time: 23:43)

Now , whenever we develop the training and development strategies, there are three types of
the training and development strategies: Cognitive, Behavioral and Emotional. What are
these training of the cognitive, what is behavioral and what is emotional?

(Refer Slide Time: 24:05)

Now you see the cognitive means possible training will be culture specific training, that is the
traditions, history, culture and customs of that particular organization. I would like to take the
example of the very old industry that is of the textile industry. So the culture of the textile
industry is totally different than the automobile industry. The way the functions, the way the
dependency of the inter-department is there, the way the manpower is available, the way the
operations are there, naturally they have to be different.

If they are different then definitely in that case their history will be different. For example,
when we talk about the Messer's Binny & Co. Ltd in the that Messer's Binny and Co. Ltd the
way of working, the Hukumchand mill textile industry the way of working, the Mafatlal
Group way of working, then definitely these are the traditional organizations which we were
having the different type of the working system.

And work culture will be more manual, work culture will be more dependency on each other,
work culture will be making the use of the old technology and if this is a system then
definitely that has to be having the different language course. The code of the language that is
required to be different, if that language course is different one has to learn, one has to

So whenever we are talking about saying the Jaatu employee, Jaatu employee means the
permanent employee, Baatlivala employee that is a temporary employee, right? So, therefore
in that case that particular language course that has to be learned and the person who is
working in that environment, that culture he has to understand, the local language. Second is
very, very important and that is emotional.

Emotional is uneasiness. How the uneasiness is there? Now uneasiness can be because of the
social skills training focusing on new and unclear and intercultural situations are there. It is
very important, when a person works from the one organization to the another organization
the social environment keeps on changing. And if the social environment keeps on changing,
it is emotionally affected.

If we talk about the Daniel Goleman, then Daniel Goleman talks about that is the how that
Self-Awareness, Self-Regulations, Empathy, Motivation and Social skills, these are the 5
factors which are developing the emotional intelligence. If we want to develop that emotional
intelligence and when there is a social skill is the parameter, then we have to give that social

How that social environment can be given? A feeling of that society, a simple example is of
the food. If the food is there of their social environment, the person feels that yes, he is a part
of that society. So many a times in the organizations you will find that is, they are having
different types of food systems and then the persons those who are coming from the different
background, they adopt that particular food and they feel homely and therefore that emotional
support is given by the organizations are there.

Next one is the prejudices, that is the many people are coming with the biases, prejudice and
then they say, that is okay it has happened into the last organization and same thing may
happen into this organization also. And therefore many unlearned practices also are to be
taught. Training programs are required to unlearn, it is not only, training is not only for the
learning but training is also for the unlearning.

What is unlearning? Unlearning bad practices, Unlearn the incompetency, unlearn the
unpunctuality and we have to unlearn the culture which is adopted or acceptable basically in
that particular organization. Now many organizations are not worried about that is what type
of the dress you are coming with. But many organizations are concerned that what type of
dress you are coming with.

Now, therefore that freedom of (dress) dressing, right? That can be also a part of the
emotional part and therefore in that case this type of the prejudices are that, that has to be
avoided. And, that can become to the, that is the coaching may be clarifying. What type of
training technique is to be used? The training technique is to be used that is the coaching, if
the coaching training technique is used then definitely in that case the person will be able to
remove his prejudices, to remove his biasness and then he will be part of that particular
organization or the family is there.

Third aspect in the emotional is that is the sensitivity. People are very, very sensitive, some
are sensitive in the way they talk, they respect each other. I have mentioned in my
introduction part one, that is the respect and that respect part comes under the
communications skill course, how do you communicate? How do you respond? How do you

And then if you are able to make a proper communication, that is you are able to listen others,
active listening is there. Then there are the body languages, verbal and non-verbal cues are
there which talks about that is the really you feel concerned for that employee or not or you
are ignoring that employee or you are not giving the due importance to that employee. If this
type of the practices are there, that will make the emotional disturbances.

So, emotional support is to be there, then this type of the training program is to be provided
that will make to understand the verbal and non-verbal cues are there. The third part which is
in the emotional component is there and that is about the empathy. Daniel Goleman has
mentioned the five dimensions as I have mentioned and one of them is that is the empathy is

How much you are concerned with others? Are you concerned with others? Are you having
that type of the relationship with others, that is they feel yes he is having the soft corner for
me. He understands me, he will listen me, he will take care of me and therefore in that case at
workplace if there is somebody maybe the boss or maybe the concerned person who you will
be talking about, this particular concern for the employees that sensitivity show, reflection of
the sensitivity show, reflection of whatever verbal and non-verbal cues are there, reflection of
that whatever type of the understanding is there, if it is there then definitely in that case the
organization, that emotional component that will be taken care of.

Can we develop this above training? Yes, we can give the situations and then ask them that is
in a given situation what type of the empathy or reflection is to be there?

The last part and that is the behavioral part and that is the Culture Assimilator. So , nowadays
it is becoming very common that is the outbound trainings are there and then there are picnics
are there, there are the cultural functions are there, festivals are there, making everybody to
celebrate at the workplace and then they making the joy at workplace, making the
understanding at the workplace.

Now many organizations are starting about with other dances in the organization at
workplace itself, already there are many gyms are there, there are food courts are there, they
are having the social gatherings are there, more and more space, right? Especially, for the
service industries.

And then you will find that is they are more open and they are more flexible, they are more
cohesive, they are more social, they are more eventful, Right? So that they develop this
particular type of this culture assimilator is there. So, cross-cultural functions are there, cross-
cultural interactions are there and the people understand each other’s culture is there.

So whenever we talk about possible training, the cognitive, emotional and behavioral, we find
that culture specific training, language understanding, removing the uneasiness at the
workplace, making more and more social skills training focus on the new, unclear and
intercultural situations, avoiding the prejudices, clearing the biases and making them, then the
coaching that has to be clarifying them themselves, then the sensitivity training is there,
communication skills course are there, active listening, verbal and non-verbal cues are there,
concern for others through empathy is there and finally the culture assimilated is there.

If this type of the possible trainings are provided then definitely that organization will be
more of a great workplace, more adaptive, more flexible and a place to love work with that
particular organization. So here I conclude the Introduction to the Training Part 3, thank you.
Training of Trainers
Professor Santosh Rangnekar
Department of Management Studies
Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee
Lecture 04 - Introduction to Training - IV

Now, I will start the lecture for Introduction to Training, Part 4 in which basically we will
understand the difference between the Training, Education, Development and learners that is
the whole learners they learn and principles of learning is applicable. Now, what we
understand by the training? The process of the providing employees with the specific skills or
helping them to correct deficiency is in their performance.

(Refer Slide Time: 0:59)

So therefore either it is the beginning stage of a learner that is, what he wants to learn and
then specific skills have to be provided to him, so he learns to specific skills. Or helping them
to correct the deficiencies that is if in the present job, as I have mentioned in the session 3,
that if there is a present job is there, there is a next level job and there is a future job and if
this type of the issues are there then definitely in that case the person requires certain more
knowledge, skill, attitude and habits.

And then for that purpose they will require to correct the deficiencies and if these deficiencies
are to be corrected that is only possible if we provide them the training. Training sometimes
is taken as similar to the development, in what context? That is it provides new skills for the
employees, so naturally there is a development of the employee. Keeps the employee up-to-
date with changes in the field like specially in the case of technology development,
technology management, making the new technology or buying the technology, how to
evaluate the technology, how to learn the technology, how to forecast the technology and
then all these things are to be developed with the help of the training programs are there.

If, we talk about the present job then its aim is to improve the efficiency of the employee,
right? Nowadays when we talk the Six Sigma concepts, we want to make the best product,
best services then definitely in that case it becomes important to improve the efficiency of the
employees, and can be external or the in-house development and therefore sometimes it is
required at the own host organization, sometimes it is required at the client’s place also and
therefore it will be that is the, how this particular type possibility of the development is there?

(Refer Slide Time: 3:16)

If we see the concept-wise the training it is job specific skills required, it is the knowledge is
required, attitude is required, values are required and orientation is required.

However, in the further classes I will also mention a development of the model that talks
about knowledge, attitude, skill and habits also. That is the particular job that requires a
particular habit. If you have that particular habit only in that case you can develop that
particular type of the aspects of the training is there.

Now what is education? Institutional process in formal qualifications or major contributor to

personal development, character, culture, aspiration and achievement is there. So, therefore
question arises that it is not only the institutional process and formal qualifications rather than
it is the major contributor to the personal development, right? And then education that
develops the individuals person’s, education also develops the character, education also helps
to adapt the culture.

It also helps the aspiration and achievement in the life the person is having and for that
purpose he is required further education, if he is properly educated than definitely he can be
developed. Then direct and indirect enhancement of knowledge and ability is there. In that
case definitely there will be a possibility of, total possibility of the enhancement of the
knowledge and ability it has to be there.

If person is educated, education facilitated to him with the enhancement it will be maybe the,
it is directly when we talk about through the qualifications or it can be through the process
also and therefore in that case his knowledge and ability has been developed.

Now, Development it is the primary process that is in the case of the primary process positive
or negative development process. Individual and organizations can be there, adaptation can
be there; become more complex, elaborated, settled, aware, differentiated and autonomous
child that can be also part of the development.

(Refer Slide Time: 5:37)

Now, as we were given the earlier definitions, one more aspect of the training is operational
competence. In operational competence whatever the job is to be done by the individual
aggregate of his knowledge, understanding skills and personal orientation in a situation at a
standard level of performance that is also very much important are required is there.
So therefore whenever we talk about what is training, in the training we talk about that is it
has to provide this particular organizational competence is to be there. Second is, what
product service, procedural and system knowledge is adopted by that particular during the
training is there.

Now the training is given for that particular product development is there, if there is a
particular development process then definitely in that case also the person can enhance that
particular skill and develop a product more efficiently, more effectively, more qualitatively or
it can be a new product development also, so that is also possible. If it is a service then also
the training provides, how to provide the better services? Whenever we talk about the service
industries and then in service industries also, the better services are provided.

Sometimes we talk about the procedural and system knowledge training that is the one
particular procedure is to be followed, for example ISO 9000, if you want to develop the
product in ISO 9000 process then definitely that has to be the procedural has to be there.
Sometimes, it is a system knowledge that is developing that particular system and then it has
to be developed in such a way that is a person is more perfect in system development.

He is better, better into development of the systems and therefore in that case it becomes
very, very important that is the system development will be there. Now, whenever we talk
about the task and situation specific then it has to be there that is to reduce double-sided and
stapled photocopying is there. And, here you will find that is whatever the task is there it
should not be having the multiple tasking unless and until it is very essential that task is to be

Once we provide that particular training, that skill is there, the person may make the best use
of the training and reduce the multiple tasking system which was not essential. It can also
help, the double-sided and stapled photocopying is there, this type of these photo skills are
also that can be developed. So, therefore in that case the person can be one effective.

Second is aircraft emergency landing is one example has been given. Recruitment
interviewing that is also the skill which is required, that situation specific training will be
given. Then goldstone removal is given. The goldstone removal that can be also the particular
skill that can be developed and desert survival that is also there. For all this purpose we are
having the different business games also and the case studies.
And with the help of the business games and case studies in the session of technique and
tools I will be discussing. It means that open and closed competencies plus pre- and co-
requisites that is to be provided into the training. If we provide this type of the training then
definitely the person will be more efficient and effective is there.

(Refer Slide Time: 9:03)

Now, what are the benefits of the education is there? Open capacities may include the task
specific is there. So therefore does it open the task specific? Yes. It opens a task specific is
there. So open capacities are developed by the particular individual and as a result of which
through the education we can develop the capacities of the individual to perform, ability to
perform. Another benefit of education is that is knowledge.

Yes, whenever we go through the formal education system or even informal education
system, we find that the person is able to enhance his knowledge level, knowledge level 1
came, 2 came, 3 came, 4 came, 5, highest level of knowledge that can be achieved. Earlier I
have mentioned that is when you enhance the knowledge then the data, information,
knowledge, knowledge into wisdom.

So therefore in that case the wisdom will be there. Through education it is expected because
you are enhancing the knowledge, your decision-making process that will be supported by
your wisdom. And, therefore if the wisdom is supported, education system is there then
definitely that will be more in demand, more useful and more beneficial to the individual.
This can be related to the physical, it can be related to the conceptual, it can be related to the
procedural and it can be related to the social knowledge and therefore in that case different
types of knowledge and skills and capacity development that can be enhanced.

Now what is most important? And that is the personal orientation. Education gives you a
vision. Education gives us the particular orientation to grow, growth, to contribute to the
society, to enhance the individual’s ability and competencies, to make the wise decisions. All
these aspects they are supported by the education.

The next benefit of the education is that is, it trains us to make the analysis, it helps us to
develop the problem-solving, it helps us bridging the concepts in practice because like for
example professional courses. In professional courses like MBA, MBA is one side giving you
the knowledge while the other side through the summer training, winter training, all these
type of training programs they are making, they are bringing in concepts and practices also.

So education is more powerful, more stronger instrument in developing the concepts. Does it
provide the standards and level of performance? Yes, it provides the standards and level of
performance also. Enhances the standards and level of performance is there. It asks us to do
the performance in a systematic way and in a better way. It also develops the level of
products, services, procedural and system know-how.

Most of the technologies, right? Most of the jobs they are depending on, not on the man who
is standing behind machine, it is the know-how level of that particular man. You can get the
best work done from that particular machine if you are better into the know-how system. If
you are better into the know-how system you can develop that particular skills.
(Refer Slide Time: 12:28)

Now the part 2 in the education system is how it is developed. When we talk about the course
curriculum development, recently I have taken one project from the ICSSR which is talking
about the Management Education in Technical Institutes. And in this particular project we are
developing the course curriculum which will be specified. All of you must be knowing that is
the management education and the technical institutes like the IITs, NIITs, NITI, and IIITM.

So they are having the different course curriculum and that making them the more enabled
technology oriented managers. So this technology management course design that curriculum
and the schools and university’s level of the quality that will make a difference that is how
the education has been provided. Basic fundamental of the providing education is developing
the citizenship. Citizenship for the country and citizenship for the organizational also. And
that is for the organizational citizenship behavior, OCB is there.

If we talk about the OCB organization citizenship behavior, what is citizenship? Citizenship
means, when we talk about citizenship we talk about the duties and rights. Fundamental
rights and fundamental duties. Most of us may be aware about our fundamental rights but
may not be all fundamental duties, right?

So, Education educates us to make the aware about not only about our rights but also about
our duties. When we talk about the OCB, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, in
Organizational Citizenship Behavior it is the fundamental rights and fundamental duties to be
followed in the charter of that particular organization. If you are working into the
organization X then your citizenship behavior is different, it is supposed to be different, and it
is expected to be different.

When you are working into the organization Y of the different management, then definitely
the citizenship behavior is expected to be different. Your fundamental rights would be
different, the fundamental duties expected fundamental duties that will be different and
therefore what makes the education? Education educates us to know in the X organization
what the fundamental duty is and in the Y organization what is the fundamental duty, what is
the difference is there? Similarly for the rights also.

So therefore education makes us the more successful by knowing about the citizenship
behavior. Second aspect of the education is for the occupational success. For example, when
we talk about the management education, in management education there are different
specializations: finance, marketing, HR, operations, IT and therefore whatever the occupation
you adapt? , that is why even the experienced people that come to study these business
management courses because they understand that is this type of management education that
will enhance their occupational success.

It will increase their competency, it will increase their output and therefore in that case that
occupational success, for occupational success also education plays a very, very important
role. Education not only the professionally but also enhances the personal development in
life. And, therefore in that case the personal development of an individual if he is highly
educated, we can say that he is highly educated.

However, this is also true that is the not necessarily highly educated person will be highly
learned but this is expected that is the highly educated person will be highly learned also and
then he will lead his life. And if person is educated, his lifestyle and way to look towards the
lifestyle, that will be totally different. Who provides the education? We know that is the
School, College, Universities, Communities or the Adult Education is there.

And therefore this type of the evening classes are there for to educate. So, therefore this type
of the proudh shiksha and all, that is there. Or public attitudes the revalue of education. Now
many a times there are criticisms for the education that is the person is educated but not
learned as I mentioned. And if this type of the public reaction is there, so one has to see into
the course curriculum. Is the course curriculum not properly designed? Is the course
curriculum not properly structured? If it is so then in that case there is a need for change,
because we cannot undermine the education but we can understand the difference between
the educational contents and the practical requirement.

And if there is a wide gap then education will not be useful, so therefore it is not that the
education is not useful, it is whatever the knowledge has been imbibed in that particular
learner, that particular learner is not able to develop that particular skills which knowledge
that is required to be performed at the workplace or in the society even. May not be at the
workplace but at the society because educated person should contribute towards the society

Many a times education also help in the government, in the functioning of the government, in
developing the systems, procedures or helping to the employer in the industries and also able
to fulfill his individual responsibility, more specifically, more objectively, more purposefully.
Education is not an ending process. Education is lifelong learning, right? So the person can
be educated at whatever age, it does not depend on the age and person can get educated with
further period of his life also.

So whenever we talk about these particular learning process, the responsiveness is concerned,
the reactions is concerned and rights are concerned, 3 R are concerned, we will talk about that
is how access to learning is there. So, it is a scientific and philosophical rigor. Education
gives you a temperament, a scientific temperament is there. What is a scientific
temperament? That is a logic-based temperament is there.

Whatever you will do, you will follow. If a person is educated he will do any particular act,
his decision-making process, his participation in the society that will make a scientific and
philosophical rigor will be there. He will not do which is not required, he will not do which
will damage the society and therefore in that case there will be a scientific and philosophical
rigor will be there whenever there will be the proper education, appropriate education is

Education is critically evaluation. It helps us to evaluate any concept. Critically means it does
not mean the criticism. Critically means that to understand like for example we teach about
the SWOT analysis, strength, weakness, opportunities and threats. The SWOT is also a
critical method. It helps us, an individual, that is to identify what is right, what is wrong, what
is good, what is bad, what is strength, what is weakness and it also informs us about the
The positivity of the future like opportunities or negativity of the future that is about the
threats, what threats are coming? So therefore an education provides at the capability to make
the critical evaluation. Education also helps us to develop the complex synthesis. The
complex synthesis is that, that is the, if there are so many dimensions and all the points are to
be connected and network is to be created and then an educated person will be with his
competency, with his education will be able to develop that complex synthesis also.

That is he will not leave any knot unconnected. So therefore in that case it becomes very,
very important that is the education develops us to connect, connect with the society, connect
with the people, connect with the organization, and connect with the environment, right? So,
therefore in that case that complex synthesis that he can develop, educated person can
develop. If somebody asks that is why you have done so and then he will be, an educated
person will be able to tell analytical explanation.

(Refer Slide Time: 21:20)

Education helps us to make the proper analysis and giving the right explanation on the basis
of that analysis is there because his mind is trained that is how to approach to the problem. If
there is a problem then what assumptions he is supposed to make and on basis of the
assumptions he has to work on that.

Whatever the results are there, analytical results are there, he will make the explanations for
that. So, therefore in that case a particular person, an educated person he is strong enough to
make the analytical explanations. Similarly, educated person will be having the technical
application. Technical application means that is a person is able to make the use of the

If the technological use is there then definitely in that case he will be developing himself that
what? Analytical problems, he will be able to identify the use of the technology and then
making the complex synthesis he will be developing the critical evaluation, all these aspects
will be there and then technical applications will be there.

Now, a person will be also, educated person will be also able to make the contextual
understanding. It is a wonderful point that is if the understanding is required, an educated
person will be able to understand in what context this particular output is there. Connecting
these particular context, making the implication of the, understanding the implication of this
context, then whatever decision is there, what will be the impact of that particular decision in
that context?

Therefore this type of the contextual understanding that will be developed by the particular
individual. So in the case of the educated person it will be descriptive knowledge. It will not
only subjective, that is he is restricted. It will be always descriptive knowledge he will be
developing, he will be connecting the different areas, he will be multi-skilled, he will be
multi-dimensional, he will be more explanatory and therefore this will be making the
descriptive knowledge. As a result of which he will be able to categorization.

There are different categories are there whether the managerial, technological or techno-
managerial, all these aspects that the person will be able to develop. And as a result of which
an educated person will be having the categorization, so he will be more reactive, responsive
and reply full for the scientific philosophical rigor, critical evaluation, complex synthesis,
analytical explanations, technical applications, contextual understanding, educated person
and descriptive knowledge under categorization that access to learning will be there.
(Refer Slide Time: 24:17)

Now, the next part comes that is the Training and Development. So after the business,
training then education and now we will talk about the training and development, right? So,
whenever we are talking about the program and task focused learning is there, right? So,
therefore already the basic skills are known, so person is trained. But the development needs
of the employees that is the, what type of the individual or the group is required to develop?

It has to be, point number 2 has to be connect with the point number 1. That is whatever is a
program and task focused learning is there it depends on what? It depends on the future jobs.
Whatever the future jobs are needed, on basis of that this development needs of the
employees for the group and individual that will be developed.

If that is applicable then definitely there will be technical and Management development in
the organization. If manpower of the organization, human resource of the organization that is
properly trained, properly developed, so then definitely in that case that particular
organization that has to be technically and managerially has to be developed. Then, it will be
self-managed learning and career management, a wonderful point.

That is this type of the business training and development that will help the managing the
self, the self-management training will be there. Like, I was talking about the emotional
intelligence, Daniel Goleman that is self-awareness and self-regulation. So, if that type of
understanding is there then definitely the person will be able to manage himself very well. It
is expected because he is trained, he is educated, he is in the path of development and
therefore it is expected that he will manage himself very well.

And not only in the personal life but it also will be helping into the career management, that
is for this professional growth, professional development, professional understanding and
then in that case it should be very much clear that is the self-management learning and the
career management both aspects will go with the development is there. And with the period
of time the person will go ahead in the career, he will achieve the high positions, high respect,
and high recognition.

There is one more terminology here and that is of the learning organizations. Now you see
that is with the, as I mentioned social, political, economical, legal, technological environment
keeps on changing. Organizations have to respond that. If organizations have to respond that,
organizations themselves have to learn, that is what is going on and that is called the learning

Learning organizations, the keep always an eye on the society. The keep on understanding of
the law, they keep on understanding of the environment and then accordingly they change
themselves. Earlier many organizations they were not very proactive. Now many
organizations are becoming proactive because they are getting educated and developed. Now
many organizations they are learning that is if you want to make the growth in the business
market, you have to adapt the technology.

Many organizations are learning that is the professional requirement of the manpower is very
much essential. If you do not have the professional then it will take time to give the results, so
therefore in that case these learning organizations that becomes very, very important. Another
aspect is the knowledge management. What is knowledge management? According to the
Wendi, Ruth there are 7 steps in the knowledge management.

How do you get? How do you use? How do you learn? How do you contribute? How you
build and sustain? How do you assess and how do you divest? These are the 7 points are there
in the knowledge management. So therefore in that case, the source, get means source, how
do you get that particular knowledge? What is a source of your knowledge? If the source of
your knowledge is very, very strong, very much authenticate, very much fruitful, very much
realistic then definitely you will get the best training, education and development coaching.
Second is, are you getting an opportunity to use it? Because one may be very highly qualified
and trained and skilled a lot but is he getting the opportunity to use it? And then if he is using
it, is he learning from that? Step number 3, that is if you are making an experience, are you
learning from your experience? If you are learning from your experience you are the learned

Then whatever you learn, you do not restrict to yourself in the organization, you contribute.
You contribute to your colleagues, you contribute to your subordinates and as a result of
which the whole organization that is the learning organization and this learning organization
is becoming the knowledge-based organization. If you contribute, the organization builds and
sustains on that particular aspect.

That is, if that organization is contributing then that organization will be making
the…building and sustainability is there. And if they are building and sustainable then
definitely they are making a long life, so therefore build and sustain is there but how long it
will continue? Then in knowledge management you have to make the assessment.
Assessment periodically, time to time, and it depends on the life cycle of the product and then
you have to understand that is the, again you have to get, use, learn and contribute, build and
sustain and then again assess.

And then finally on these cycles they will make the, divest to the society. So, you will be
making it useful to the society. So, all these education, training and development, they make
the learning organizations, the make the learning society also and then they make the use of
the principles of the knowledge management.

In this slide the last point is organization culture and HRM levers for change. Examples are
shifts in attitudes and the beliefs is there. Now the organization culture. We know that is
Professor Uday Parikh has given OCTAPACE, so therefore whatever type of the openness
you are having, whatever type of the confrontation is there in the organization, whatever type
of the authenticity is there, whatever type of the trust is there, so trust is becoming very, very

Is the organization proactive? Is there an authority? Is the organization research oriented, is it

experimental? So therefore, in that case in this type of the organization culture and HRM
levers for the change that is shifts in attitude and beliefs as well as in the behavior that
becomes very, very important. All these practices that will make an organization more
skillful, more knowledgeable and more developed will be there.
(Refer Slide Time: 31:15)

So from these training objectives to the effective learning, through the training, learning,
education and then we talk about what are the learning principles, this is very, very important.
Whether it is a training, development or it is education this particular learning principles are
to be adopted for making the more and more soundful this particular training, education and

First is participation. Whether it is a training or education or it is development practices, what

is required is the participation of the employees, participation of the people, and participation
of the society is becoming very, very important. Unless and until there is not enough
participation then they will not be any chance that is the any society will grow. So what
makes it important is that is the how to encourage the participation?

If we really want to build the nation, we want to build the society, it is the encouraging of the
participation that becomes very, very important. Otherwise, many segments and the pockets
of the society that will not be developed. So it becomes important that is the society, and it is
applicable for the organizations also. In organizations there are the different departments,
sections, segments of the group and culture and therefore all are supposed to develop that
particular participation at their workplace.

More participative they are, they will be more fruitful and better organizations, better society,
and better nation will be there. Second is, it should not be only once in a time, it is a
continuous process and therefore that has to be the repetition. Repetition of the learning
process that has to be there. Unless and until whatever we have learned we do not repeat it, it
will not be long-lasting.

However, learning itself means that is, once we learn we do not forget but if we do not
exercise for the longtime then the efficiency and effectiveness will not be there. What is
important is that, that is in case of the learning principles it is very, very important that , the
we are repetitive in nature and when we are repetitive in nature then definitely we will be
able to grow.

Whatever we are learning, the criticism after training, education, learning and development
processes, and that is, do they have the relevance or not? If they have the relevance, then
nothing like that. So therefore in that case it becomes very, very important that is the course
curriculum designing, the subject making, this all that the trainer has to be very, very careful
about the identifying the training needs and designing the training programs. And if they are
able to make the relevance of their training concepts, training programs to the organization, to
the society that will be more in demand.

In the training program, education and development program, the most important point is that
is the transference. Transference means that is the, whatever is required are they able to
transfer or they are not able to transfer? If whatever learning is there through the education,
through the training, through the development and if we are having that, able to transfer that
particular knowledge that will be the best output of that particular training program or that
particular concept or implementation or development of the society is there.

Unless and until the transference is not there then there will be no use of this particular
learning process. Finally, is there that is the learning, as I mentioned, is a continuous process.
So unless and until there is not a feedback then definitely then we will not be able to
understand that is the, what sort of requirement was there and that has been fulfilled, the
requirement of the trainings are not.
(Refer Slide Time: 35:51)

Now finally in this particular module I would like to, before concluding I would like to take
these concepts, that is there are different types of learners: Warrior, sage, sleeper and
adventurous. Here the emergent score is that is the low and high and this is planned low and
high is there. So therefore, if it is the emergent and planned is low and low it is a sleeper, it is
self-explanatory. If the emergent is high and the planned is low it is adventurer. If the learner
is the, planned is high but the emergent is low, he is a warrior, then it is sage.

(Refer Slide Time: 36:21)

So, I would like to conclude with these definitions. Who is the sleeper? Sleepers are who
show little initiatives or the response to their experiences, like if you remember in the module
1, I have shown the slide in which the values, attitude of the person is sleeping, right? So
therefore he will be the sleeper. Sleeper means they are not taking initiative and not
responding to their experiences and therefore there is no gain.

There are the warriors who plan their experiences but tend not to learn from them, right? So
therefore they are going through the different experiences, they go, and come across different
experiences but they are not learning from them. The adventurers, those who respond to and
learn from the opportunities, right? They tend to come their way but they tend not to create
opportunities for themselves.

So, therefore they are not making their own efforts but whatever comes in their way, then
definitely they are making the, they avail the opportunity and learn from the opportunities.
But unfortunate part is they do not create their own opportunities. And finally sages, who
both plan and learn from their experiences. And therefore in case of, that is their emergent
also high and their planned is also high and this type of the learners they are the best learners.

I am sure that those who opted for this particular program of TOT, they comes under the
sages, those who both plan and learn from their experiences and they will learn out of this
particular module also. So, this is all about the particular module, module 4 and 1 end here.
Thank you.

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