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Area of development 1: Cognitive Development

Cognitive Development Issue – Difficulty communicating

Theorist A: Vygotsky

Vygotsky says that culture plays an important role in developing children’s mental capabilities

such as reasoning and speech. He also states that adults can improve their children’s cognitive

growth by intermingling with them during challenging and important activities. He also states

that culture helps children to engage in silent inner speech which allow them to talk to

themselves. A key milestone in helping children improve how they communicate to help them

improve their cognitive abilities. This requires that a more knowledgeable person is present.

Area of development 2: Emotional Development

Emotional Development Issue – Managing emotions

Theorist A: Erikson

Erikson believes that children aged between three to five years often make an effort to try

developing empathy and managing emotions. Kids in the childhood stage struggle with

balancing between initiative and guilt. These children develop guilt when faced with failure or

critics. An important milestone in achieving emotional development is making sure kids have a

virtue of purpose. With this, children will learn how and when to direct their emotions.

Theorist B: Wallon

Wallon’s theory of emotional development states that children in the childhood phase often

strive to develop their personalities. As a result, when in this phase, adult should make sure that

they their children get enough affection and attention to help them comprehend their emotions,

and most importantly, who they are. According to Wallon, a critical milestone in assisting

children attain emotional development is by parents creating attachments with their kids. This

will make it easy for the children to open up about their emotions, problems, or anything about

themselves. When children open up to their parents or caregivers without any issue, the

caregivers get an easy time to give the right advice.

Area of development 3: Physical Development

Physical Development Issue – Developmental delays

Theorist A: Gesell

Gessell states that children’s development varies with respect to factors such as family

background, parenting styles, environment, cultural influences, and health conditions. He also

noted that development is a lifetime process that takes time. A critical milestone in achieving

physical development as noted by Gesell is recognizing that all children develop and grow

differently at their own rate or pace. Parents or guardians should always be available to support

this process so that children growth healthy without any health or physical conditions that impact

on their general wellbeing.

Theorist B: Froebel

Froebel states that children gain a lot when they involve themselves in self-directed activities. On

the same note, the people kids engage with are so critical to their learning and development.

Froebel also states that kids apprehend their surroundings when they are directly involved with

it. As a result, a critical milestone in dealing with developmental delays is to promote quality

education to parents on how they can support the physical development of their children. For

instance, care givers can be encouraged to involve their children in pretend plays.

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