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OM ... OM ... OM ...

Let us thank the Lord for the prasad we are about to be given sometimes 3 times or
5 times a day, even when we are not hungry.

Let this prasad nourish our body, mind and intellect and with that nourished body,
mind and intellect, let us do service to the country of ours in a mighty way as per
Guru ajna.

Let us pray that this prasad makes us more humble, more humane, more giving,
more forgiving, more loving and compassionate.

Let us pray for our anna-daatas, the farmers for getting the right price for their
produce so that the farmers suicides are no more.

We pray for our selfless service people in the army, navy, air-force, CRPF and
police. Let them and their families be well provided for. Let the borders be sealed,
so that unnecessary death of our people is avoided.

We pray that every district gets 2,000 large one acre ponds, so that water problem
of every district is permanently solved.

We pray for this country Barahin, its rulers and its citizens. Let them prosper and
prosper more. Let us be honest and significant contributors to the society and this
place, as long as we stay here.

We pray for Param Pujya Guruji and Guru Mata’s 120 years of long life and good
health so that they can continue to guide us on the spiritual path for a long time to
come and they can see the successful completion of all projects like, Nivritti
Gurukul, Bhagavad Gita distribution, etc. benefitting hundreds of millions of good
poor people of our country.
Let us also pray for the Corona Virus to be contained at the earliest.

We pray for those, who are affected to be quickly taken into the fold of the Lord
for quick recovery.

We pray for the virus to be tackled with the right medication, so that it will never
come back into humanity again.

We pray for the medical fraternity and the sevaks who are providing selfless
service at this time of need to stay protected from the virus and are kept in good

We pray that those on the Spiritual path are also not affected by the virus so that
they continue to progress in this path and serve the world at this time of need.  

We pray for the government to come up with the mighty plan to support and
protect the poorest of the poor fighting both hunger and the virus.

We also pray, whatever benefit from today’s satsang, let it be offered to our desh
and dharma and at the feet of Param Pujya Guruji and Guru Mata.

Thathastu! Thathastu! !Thathastu

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