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Mrs End-of-term Test

Duration : 2 hours Subject: English

Full name : ……………………………………………………………… N° : ….

The text:
1- Every year, millions of couples try to conceive a child. Unfortunately, many find that they
cannot. The process to find out how and why they have infertility issues can be long and
arduous. Before the birth of Louise Brown those women who were found to have Fallopian tube
blockages had no hope of becoming pregnant. Women with Fallopian tube blockages cannot
conceive because their eggs cannot travel through their Fallopian tubes to get fertilized.

2- Dr Patrick Steptoe, a gynecologist at Oldham General Hospital, and Dr Robert Edwards, a

physiologist at Cambridge University, had been actively working on finding an alternative solution
for conception since 1966.

3- Lesley and John Brown were a young couple from Bristol who had been unable to conceive
for a decade. Lesley Brown had blocked Fallopian tubes. Having gone from doctor to doctor for
help to no avail, she was referred to Dr Patrick Steptoe in 1976. On November 10, 1977, Lesley
Brown underwent the very experimental in vitro fertilization procedure.

4- Using a long, slender, self-lit probe called a «laparoscope », Dr Steptoe took an egg from one
of Lesley Brown’s ovaries and handed it to Dr Edwards then mixed Lesley’s egg with John’s
sperm. After the egg was fertilized, Dr Edwards placed it into a special solution that had been
created to nurture the egg as it began to divide.

5- Then, unlike all the other experimental in vitro fertilization pregnancies, Lesley passed week
after week and then month after month with no apparent problems. The world began to talk about
this amazing procedure. Nine days before her due date, Lesley developed toxemia (high blood
pressure). Dr Steptoe decided to deliver the baby early via Cesarean section.

6- At 11:47 p.m. on July 25, 1978, a five-pound 12-ounce baby girl was born. The baby girl
named Louise Joy Brown, had blue eyes and blond hair and seemed healthy. Still the medical
community and the world were preparing to watch Louise Brown to see if there were any
abnormalities that couldn’t be seen at birth. The process had been a success!
I- Reading Comprehension: (12 marks)
1- Read and provide a suitable title for the text. (1 mark)


2- Read and complete the table with information from the text. (3 marks)

Names Problem Solution Result

Lesley and ………………………. ………………………. …………………………………

………………………. ………………………. …………………………………

3- Read and correct the following statements with details from the text. (3marks)
a- Lesley and John had been childless for 5 years. (parag 3)


b- Louise Brown was the first test tube experience.(parag 5)


c- Louise Brown was born abnormal. (parag 6)


4- Tick the correct meaning of the following words: (2 marks)

a- to send.
- to conceive: (Para 1) means b- to save.
c- to produce.

a- inability to have children.

- infertility (Para 1) means: b- inability to have a test tube baby.
c- inability to bring up children.

5- What do the underlined words in the text refer to? (2 marks)

- it (Para 4) refers to …………………………………

- this amazing procedure (Para 5) refers to ………………………………………

6- Do you think that in vitro fertilization can provide a solution for infertile couples? Why
or why not? (1mark)

II- Language: (6 marks)
1) Put the words between parentheses in the right tense or form. (3 marks)

It is a well-known fact that we inherit physical traits from our parents. While everyone knew that
physical traits (inherit) …………………………………, it wasn’t until the twentieth century that inventors
discovered the biological key to this process: Finding DNA took almost 100 years. Now (science)
………………………………… are working to decode the DNA molecule. Just like many scientific
discoveries in the past, this decoding of human DNA will undoubtedly have an impact on our future in
ways that are almost (estimate) ………………………………… and unbelievable today. Understanding
DNA promises to give us a better (know) ………………………………… of human biology, new diagnostic
tests for certain hereditary diseases such as cerebral palsy, breast cancer and possibly (treat)
………………………………… or cures for diseases. It will also help companies to create drugs that match
a person’s genetic profile. However, there are many things that still will not be known once the 3.4
(billion) ………………………………… or so chemical units in human DNA are coded.

2) Complete the paragraph with 6 words from the box. There are 2 extra words. (3 marks)

injections / death / mile / tumors / miles / kidney / diabetes / therapy

She was told to take a trip, to do whatever made her happy. That is, after Ginger Empey, 50 years
old, got her affairs in order. Her cancer, detected in February 1995, had resulted in complete removal of a
breast, but the cancer had already spread to her ………………………….. . The cancer was so resistant to
chemotherapy that her doctors at the University of California at Los Angeles told her nothing could
prevent the golf-ball-sized ………………………….. in the ill organ from growing. She was told that a new
………………………….. was soon to be tested but that she was likely too close to …………………………..
to qualify for the trial. She was finally admitted into the phase III trial- the first of 469 women were patients
expected to die from their cancer within months. Empey made the 220-………………………….. round trip
every week from her Bakersfield home to receive ………………………….. . By Christmas, the date her
doctor had predicted she would be buried, she suddenly “felt like I had gotten my life back again.”

III- Writing: (12 marks)

1- Guided Writing: (4 marks)
Reinsert the missing parts to get a meaningful paragraph.
1/ was established in the United States
For many people today, it’s difficult to imagine life 2/ seem glued to their
without a cellular phone. Once the preserve of the phone
rich, they have now become …(1)... . The 3/ an indispensable
technology for cellular phones was patented in part of modern day life
1975 but it wasn’t until 1982 that the first 4/ offer the possibility of
commercial cell phone network …(2)… . Since that full Internet access
time, the cellular phone has changed from a bulky
machine, to something that …(3)… . The functions
5/ can fit into the palm of your hand

2- Free Writing: Essay: (8 marks)

‘Technology has turned our life upside down. It’s really a curse.’

This an article headline in a magazine. You decided to write an article in your school magazine as
a reply in which you prove that technology is rather a blessing.


Grading: content: …../2 coherence: …../1 fluency: …../1 grammar&vocab: …../2 sp&punc: ………../2

Good Luck

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