INVICTUS ApplicationForm Part B

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EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS LSI):

LSI V2.0 – 01.06.2022


What is the Application Form?

The Application Form is the template for EU grants applications; it must be submitted via the EU Funding & Tenders
Portal before the call deadline.
The Form consists of 2 parts:.
• Part A contains structured
ructured administrative information
• Part B is a narrative technical description of the project.
Part A is generated by the IT system. It is based on the information which you enter into the Portal Submission System
Part B needs to be uploaded as PDF (+ annexes) in the Submission System. The templates to use are available there.

How to prepare and submit it?

The Application Form must be prepared by the consortium and submitted by a representative. Once submitted, you will
receive a confirmation.
Character and page limits:
 page limit normally 40 pages for calls for low value grants (60 000 or below); 70 pages for all other calls
(unless otherwise provided for in the Call document
document/Programme Guide)
 supporting documents can be provided as an annex and do not count towards the page limit
 minimum font size — Arial 9 points
 page size: A4
 margins (top, bottom, left and right): at least 15 mm (not including headers & footers).
Please abide by the formatting rules. They are NOT a target! Keep your text as concise as possible. Do not use
hyperlinks to show information that is an essential part of your application.

If you attempt to upload an application that exceeds the specified limit, you will receive an automatic warning asking
you to shorten and re-upload
upload your application. For applications that are not shortened, the excess pages
pa will be made
invisible and thus disregarded by the evaluators.

Please do NOT delete any instructions in the document. The overall page limit has been raised to ensure
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EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS LSI): V2.0 – 01.06.2022


Part A of the Application Form must be filled out directly in the Portal Submission System screens.

EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS LSI): V2.0 – 01.06.2022


Part B of the Application Form must be downloaded from the Portal Submission System, completed and then assembled
and re-uploaded as PDF in the system. Page 1 with the grey IMPORTANT NOTICE box should be deleted before

Note: Please read carefully the conditions set out in the Call document/Programme Guide (for open calls: published on the
Portal).Pay particular attention to the award criteria; they explain how the application will be evaluated.


Project name: [Incorporating

Natural Values In Children and
Teenagers Under Sports]

Project acronym: [I.N.V.I.C.T.U.S.]

Coordinator contact: [Lucaci Ioana], [Asociatia Club Sportiv V.I.R.F. Alba Iulia]

ADMINISTRATIVE FORMS (PART A) ............................................................................................................................ 2
TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION (PART B) .......................................................................................................................... 3
COVER PAGE ............................................................................................................................................................. 3
PROJECT SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................................. 4
1. RELEVANCE ........................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Background and general objectives .................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Needs analysis and specific objectives ............................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Complementarity with other actions and innovation — European added value .................................................... 6
2. QUALITY ................................................................................................................................................................. 8
2.1 PROJECT DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION .................................................................................................... 8
2.1.1 Concept and methodology ............................................................................................................................... 8
2.1.2 Project management, quality assurance and monitoring and evaluation strategy ............................................. 9
2.1.3 Project teams, staff and experts ..................................................................................................................... 11
2.1.4 Cost effectiveness and financial management................................................................................................ 13
2.1.5 Risk management .......................................................................................................................................... 13
2.2 PARTNERSHIP AND COOPERATION ARRANGEMENTS .............................................................................. 14
2.2.1 Consortium set-up .......................................................................................................................................... 14
2.2.2 Consortium management and decision-making .............................................................................................. 15
3. IMPACT ................................................................................................................................................................. 16
3.1 Impact and ambition.......................................................................................................................................... 16
3.2 Communication, dissemination and visibility...................................................................................................... 17
3.3 Sustainability and continuation .......................................................................................................................... 18
4. WORK PLAN, WORK PACKAGES, ACTIVITIES, RESOURCES AND TIMING .................................................... 20
4.1 Work plan ......................................................................................................................................................... 20
4.2 Work packages, activities, resources and timing ............................................................................................... 21
Work Package 1 ............................................................................................................................................... 22
Work Package … ............................................................................................................................................. 31
Events and meetings ........................................................................................................................................ 31
Timetable ......................................................................................................................................................... 32
5. OTHER .................................................................................................................................................................. 35
5.1 Ethics ................................................................................................................................................................ 35

EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS LSI): V2.0 – 01.06.2022

5.2 Security............................................................................................................................................................. 35
6. DECLARATIONS ................................................................................................................................................... 35
ANNEXES ..................................................................................................................................................................... 36

#@PRJ-SUM-PS@# [This document is tagged. Do not delete the tags; they are needed for the processing.]


Project summary (in English)

See Abstract (Application Form Part A).



1.1 Background and general objectives

Background and general objectives

Please address all guiding points presented in the Call document/Programme Guide under the award criterion
Describe the background and rationale of the project.
How is the project relevant to the scope of the call? How does the project address the general objectives of the call?
What is the project’s contribution to the priorities of the call?

The initiator of the I.N.V.I.C.T.U.S. Project is the sports club V.I.R.F., from Alba Iulia (Romania), which
along with, JUDO SAN Trento (Italy) and JUDO PHOENIX Timisoara (Romania) and the Affiliated
partner “Cultural Association for Living History” Alba Iulia (Romania) aims to promote education in and
through sport, with special focus on judo skills development, with emphasis in stunt training. All partners
are sports clubs, with rich experience and notable achievements in judo. The sports club V.I.R.F. Alba
Iulia, through its members, enjoys wide appreciation in the field of reenactment shows, the gladiatorial
fights stages by athletes being appreciated both nationally and internationally. It’s been more than 10
years, since some of the members of the judo club V.I.R.F. from Alba Iulia, are part of the gladiators
team “ Ludus Apulensis” of “Cultural Association for Living History” Alba Iulia (Romania), and their
experience in the field is an important key of this project. During the time, they play different roles, as
gladiator fighters, romans soldiers, or war soldiers from different periodes of time, from Antique,
Medieval to World Wars.
“I.N.V.I.C.T.U.S.“ means “Incorporating Natural Values In Children and Teenagers Under Sports” and
has a dual purpose, both increasing performance in judo and developing sports skills in a career as an
actor, stuntman or a reenactor (the one who takes part in a historical reenactment – the repetition of an
earlier, usually historic event, as a performance or social event).
The word “ Invictus” means “unconquered”. It was chosen as an embodiment of the fighting spirit of the
gladiators, and what children can achieve based on “Never give up” philosophy of life, both
psychologically and physically.
This project addresses to children and teenagers between 8 and 18 years old, and seeks to promote
equal opportunities and access, inclusion and fairness across diverse backgrounds, in particular those
with fewer opportunities facing financial, social or cultural obstacles, supporting them in their personal
and professional development. “I.N.V.I.C.T.U.S.” Project strengthens its efforts to increase the
opportunities offered to more participants to high quality and inclusive trainings in judo and stunt areas.
As part of the European Union and facing the dynamically changing society, our children and teenagers
need to spend time in another country to learn, in order to be better equipped with the knowledge, skills
and competences, for their follow careers. Equally, the quality of coaching and staff, cooperation,
inclusion, creativity and innovation will improve by learning mobility, at the level of sport organisations.
The project also considers the digital transformation of the partners, being involved both coaches and
staff, as well as students. We will use the digital way as the main method of communication for joint
working sessions with project partners, for communicating project activities and disseminating project
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS LSI): V2.0 – 01.06.2022

results, for experiences exchange between clubs, coaches and students. Also, the creation of a web
page is being pursued, which will include the presentation portofolios of the beneficiaries from the target
group, as a digital profile. We will learn together to use digital technologies more effectively, in order to
benefit from the advantages of their use.
The main contribution of this project to the priorities of the call will be the increase of the employability
opportunities through sport. The volunteering programs that will follow this project, will represent the
basis through which the beneficiaries will gain the necessary experience to be qualified for careers in
which they will be able to capitalize on the acquired sports skills. Using the online methods of
disseminating project results and promoting their skills , it is easier to increase visibility of the athletes’

1.2 Needs analysis and specific objectives

Needs analysis and specific objectives

Please address the specific conditions/objectives set out in the Call document/ Programme Guide, if applicable.
Describe how the objectives of the project are based on a sound needs analysis in line with the specific objectives of
the call. What issue/challenge/gap does the project aim to address? The objectives should be clear, measureable,
realistic and achievable within the duration of the project. For each objective, define appropriate indicators for
measuring achievement (including a unit of measurement, baseline value and target value).
For low value grants (less or equal to 60.000 EUR), it is not necessary to describe sound needs analysis and to
define indicators for measuring achievement.

Our consortium consists of four small organisations from Romania and Italy, three judo clubs and one
reenactment association, without experience in the field of European funds. For all of us it represents
the first project of this kind in which we are involved. Both us, as organisations and our target groups
have few opportunities to travel in other country for learning and increasing the quality of our work, for
enabling transformation and change at individual and organisational level. Our first need and priority is
to make the first step for building the capacity of our organisations to work transnationally and across
two major sectors : judo and stunt.
Like any other project, when we thought about ours, we started from the needs we have, from our
problems, from our struggles. When you are a sports club from a small country, from a small town, the
main struggle you fight is survival. As a sports organisation, for most people, we are part of the
entertainment category, for spending free time and relaxation and this might be a barrier in the
development of the organisation, when the citizens have a low standard of living, low income or learners
who need to work to support themselves. The main problem of our organisations is financial and arise
mainly from the lack of consistency of participants in the classes. The second one is the poor
representation of sports activity in judo clubs, in general, due to the lack of diversity of finality points,
which means the diversity of benefits following the practice of this sport, compared to other sports. The
third problem that we have identified is the weak collaboration between judo clubs, on one hand, in
order to exchange experiences to improve teaching methods and increase the performance of both
teachers and athletes. And on the other hand, between judo clubs and other organisations like cultural,
entertainment, theatre and film organisations, acting schools or stunt schools.
The way children and teenagers spend their free time nowadays is very different from the way our
generations of adults used to spend it. This makes us try to understand them better, to understand how
they think, what they want and what motivates them. The opportunity to practice a sport and the
possibility of achieving sports performances are no longer enought to motivate them. Why? For the
simple reason that they have an alternative virtual world, where everything takes place at a very high
speed, including obtaining the desired results, always having the use of shortcuts at hand. The effort
required in the virtual world is much smaller and requires less time to be rewarded. Here, children can
become invincible and they can do incredible things through the games they play, and this motivates
them to spend as much time as possible in this alternative world. Also, the games have become
increasingly aggressive and this leads to an emotional desensitization of the children and can cause the
emergence of anti-social behaviours. Dojos, the training rooms for practicing any form of martial art,
especially judo, have always represented the place where children’s aggression was reoriented so that it
became a motivational force.
The idea of this project came from the desire to support children and teenagers who practice or want to
practice judo, in order to offer them the opportunity to use their sports skills throughout their lifes, both in
the development of a high-performance sports life, as well as the opportunity to apply these skills in a
career as an actor, stuntman or reenactor. In this sense, the specific objectives are :

EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS LSI): V2.0 – 01.06.2022

1. Implementing an effective, inclusive and integrated management system;

Indicator : Achieving the objectives proposed by the project.
2. Reducing the perception of discriminations in partner organizations, among children from
disadvantages categories;
Indicator : The percentage of children from disadvantaged backgrounds who felt discriminated
in classes.
Target value : to decrease by 25%.

3. Reducing the dropout rate in partner organizations;

Indicator : Dropout rate from the last year.
Target value : to decrease by 25%.

4. Increasing the number of students in partner judo clubs of this project;

Indicator : The number of new members registered in the last year
Target value : to increase by 15%

5. Increasing the training level of practitioners from partner judo clubs;

Indicator : The training level of students at the beginning of the project (betls)
Target value : obtaining a higher degree of belt.

6. Improving the performances of this project partners obtained in judo competitions;

Indicator 1 : The number of competitions in which judo clubs participated in 2022.
Target value : increasing the number of competitions they will participate in, by 20 % (not less
than 1 competition in addition)
Indicator 2: The number of children registered in competitions in 2022.
Target : increasing the number of children registered in competions by 15 %.
Indicator 3: The number of medals obtained in 2022 (regardless of the type – gold, silver or
Target : increasing the number of medals by 15%.

7. Developing trainers and students skills, from partner organisations, in the field of stunts and
reenactment (as gladiator fighters, romans soldiers, or soldiers from wars, from different
periodes of time, from Antique, Medieval to World Wars);
Indicator : The number of students and coaches who have taken a stunt course or participated
in re-enactment shows
Target value : increasing by 50%.

8. Improving the insertion of athletes in related volunteering activities (e.g. cultural, entertainment,
theatre and film organisations, reenacting organisations, acting schools or stunt schools)
Indicator : The number of athletes, from our target group, who participated in project related
volunteering activities.
Target value : minimum 15 athletes registered as volunteers in a project domain related

9. Increasing the visibility and notoriety among European related organizations (e.g. cultural,
entertainment, theatre and film organisations, reenacting organisations, acting or stunt schools)
Indicator : Creation of the website related to the project
Target value : link exchange with at least 10 sites from domains related to the project.


1.3 Complementarity with other actions and innovation — European added value

Complementarity with other actions and innovation

Explain how the project builds on the results of past activities carried out in the field, and describe its innovative
aspects (if any).
Explain how the activities are complementary to other activities carried out by other organisations (if applicable). Illustrate the
trans-national dimension of the project; its impact/interest in the EU area; possibility to use the results in other
countries, potential to develop cross-border cooperation among Programme countries and Partner countries, if
applicable, etc.

EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS LSI): V2.0 – 01.06.2022

The partners in the project are three judo clubs, recognized at the local level due to the performances of
the athletes. All sports club enjoy very well trained coaches, with decades of judo experience and
notable records achievements in national and international competitions.
The recognition in the judo area is doubled in the case of the sports club V.I.R.F. of more than 10 years
of activity in the “Ludus Apulensis” gladiator troupe, part of “Apulum Guard” reenactors troupe, of
“Cultural Association for Living History” Alba Iulia (Romania). The fight scenes, the carefully thought out
and realized choreographies of the reenactors involved, brought them recognition and appreciation both
at the national and European level, becoming over time, the central attraction of any reenactment show.
In recent years, both at the national, European and even international level, historical reenactment
shows and festivals have attracted an impressive number of spectators and participants, passionate
about this movement. Both in Romania and Italy, both countries having a rich history and at the same
time, a very close connection from an historical point of view, record from one year to the next, an
increase in the number of shows, festivals and private events on themes of historical reconstruction.
This phenomenon led to an increase in the number of reenactment groups and reenactors involved.
Also, the quality of the shows has increased a lot, and the gladiator fights require now a thorough
preparation to be held up to expectations. Although most of the events take place outdoors, in the warm
season, the training of the athletes takes place throughout the year. In order to remain attractive, the
choreoghrapy of the fights changes from one year to the next, adding more and more difficult and
spectacular elements, which manage to keep the audience in awe. A complex and complete show is
created, which combines elements of history, which are tried to be reconstructed as faithfully as
possible, with elements of acting, by transposing the fighters into the created characters and elements
of stunts, through which the fighters transform during the show into superhumans, capable of incredible
things. Children and adults alike live these moments with maximum intensity and wait for them every
For young people who are part of the reenactment organizations, these types of activities have both
psysical and psychological, educational and social benefits. They are involved in historical
reconstruction activities, having the opportunity to “live” events from the past, to identify with characters
discoverd in history books and museums. During the festivals, workshops are organized in which young
people are involved in creating their own clothes, carefully documented from the historical period in
question. Food from those times is prepared and a lifestyle led by the people of those times is
experienced. The young people involved develop feelings of belonging to the group, developing their
teamwork and communication skills, as well as positive social behaviours. Common objectives
determine the development of social relantionships based on mutual trust and collaboration.
Taking into account the scale taken by this reenactment movement, we find this project opportune,
which will be able to ensure, in a relatively short time, a generation of young people prepared at a high
level of performance, to participate in such shows, easily finding a place in any European or
international reenactment organization.
One of the most important features of these events, and also for our project, is the trans-national
dimension. The history of each nation is closely related to the histories of other peoples, both at the
European and international level. Regardless of the country where a reenactment festival takes place,
there is always a mix of characters or historical events that belong to at least two nations. The impact of
our project will be at European level, both thanks to our Romanian – Italian partnership and the
beneficiaries of this project, who come from the partner countries, but also due to the results of the
project. The expected results of this project refer to the acquisition of new skills for the beneficiaries of
the project, which they will be able to demonstrate in their carrers in different fields and at the European
or international level.
The innovative part of this project results from the double specialization of the direct beneficiaries, i.e.
the children and adolescents involved in this project. The new skills acquired from stunt training are
closely related to those of judo and are based on the sports skills developed within them. Also, the stunt
training will incorporate combat elements with various weapons, used by the gladiator reenactors during
the performances. It is the first action of this kind, at the level of judo clubs, from the partner countries,
through which children and coaches will benefit from specialized stunt training, with elements of
Due to the increasing demands for events of this kind, at the European level, and not only, we thought of
this project as a pilot project, through which we bring an alternative for the traning of specialized
reenactors for fight, which until now do not have an organized form of preparation for these shows.
Knowing the needs of the reenactment organizations, both at national and European level, we foresee
the development of this pilot project in large – scale cooperation / partnership projects, with a large
number of both judo clubs and reenactment associations and not only, and also with a larger number of
organizations from several EU countries. Thanks to the new skills learned in the program that we are
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS LSI): V2.0 – 01.06.2022

going to develop through this project, both in fighting and in the field of stunts, we consider that it will be
possible to diversify the partners, such as theatre and film shools, stunt shools, organizations from
cultural and entertainment fields.




2.1.1 Concept and methodology

Concept and methodology

Please address all guiding points presented in the Call document/Programme Guide under the award criterion
‘Quality of the project design and implementation’.
Outline the approach and methodology behind the project. Explain why they are the most suitable for achieving the
project’s objectives.

The project concept and working methodology are the result of partner organizations and target groups
needs analysis. The intertwining of the two goals of this project is not accidental, it is only the expression
of a natural symbiosis between judo and the manifestation of sport skills in the field of stunts,
materialized in a show of historical fight reconstruction. The philosophy behind judo, the training
methods, the results obtained through a long practice of this sport are the bases on which complex fight
scenes with stunt elements can be built. Our project strengthens its efforts to increase the opportunities
offered to more participants to high quality and inclusive trainings in judo and stunt areas, in order to
offer them the opportunity to use their sports skills throughout their lifes, both in the development of a
high-performance sports life, as well as the opportunity to apply these skills in a career as an actor,
stuntman or reenactor.
The specific objectives of the project can be achieved through a series of activities, which together form
the methodology by which this project will reach the desired results for its beneficiaries. The activities
are designed in an accessible and inlusive way, in order to be opened also for children with fewer
opportunities. Access to judo training will be free for all 30 beneficiaries of the project, in all partner judo
clubs, being subsidized by the project.
We chose a period of 14 months for the development and implementation of the project, considering it to
be the optimal period for achieving the proposed objectives. The project should start on Septembre 1,
2023 and be completed on Octombre 31, 2024. The project work plan consists 3 phases : preparation,
implementation and sharing project results. The preparation phase will last 2 months and is scheduled
to start on September 1, 2023.
The start date is important in terms of the selection of beneficiaries, because it overlaps with the
beginning of the new school year. This initial period is optimal, from a psychological point of view for
setting the personal objectives, and the 10-month deadline for achieving them (this is the period of time
allocated for judo courses and intensive training courses for judo and stunts) is suitable, from the point
of view of maintaining the appropriate degree of motivation for beneficiaries in our target group (from 8
to 18 years old). This represents the implementation phase and it will last from November 1, 2023, to
August 31, 2024.
Setting the final term of the project is also related to the culmination of our project, when the results of
the intensive work will materialize in the final performance held within the reenanctment event “Roman
Apulum Festival” Alba Iulia, in August 2024. The months of September and Octomber 2024 will be used
for the project results dissemination, final project evaluation and final writing reports. This will be the final
phase of our project and it will last from September 1, 2024, to Octomber 31, 2024.
The main activities in order to achieve the proposed objectives and obtain the expected results are
grouped into 3 work packages :
1. Project management and coordination :
1.1. Designing the work plan for the entire project implementation period
1.2. Planing the implementation stages of the project and detailing the activities for each stage
(a work methodology and a calendar regarding work sessions will be implemented –
frequency, duration, methods of monitoring the performance of tasks and evaluating their
1.3. Working sessions to establish the selection criteria of the beneficiaries
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS LSI): V2.0 – 01.06.2022

1.4. Selection of beneficiaries

1.5. Financial management and interships coordination
1.6. Working sessions in order to develop the program and conditions for the participation of
partners in carrying out training programs for beneficiaries
1.7. Establishing the calendar for training courses
1.8. Planning how to conduct the interships and their content (days, hours, number of training
sessions, setting objectives for each intership, clearly defining the elements to be learned)
1.9. Select the most suitable Erasmus+ online platforms (European School Education Platform,
EPALE, European Youth Portal, EU Youth Strategy Platform), as tools for preparation,
implementation and follow-up of the project activities
1.10. Project monitoring and evaluation
1.11. Writing progress reports
2. Developing and implementing the project
2.1. Ensuring acces for all beneficiaries to club training, throughout the project period (for about
10 months)
2.2. Intership number 1 for judo and fighting stunts – Trento, Italy – organizing sports club
“Judo San”
2.3. Intership number 2 for judo and fighting stunts– Timisoara, Romania – organizing sports
club “ Judo Phoenix”
2.4. Intership number 3 for other types of stunts – Alba Iulia, Romania – organizing sports club
2.5. Participation to “Roman Apulum Festival” Alba Iulia
3. Impact and dissemination
3.1. Evaluation of the activities and their impact at different levels
3.2. Developement, launch and promotion of the project website
3.3. Creation of presentation portofolios (the digital profile of students) for each beneficiary
3.4. Sharing and use the project’s results during the “Roman Apulum Festival” Alba Iulia
(presentation brochures will be included and distributed among the spectators)
3.5. Sharing the project’ activities and results within the participaning organizations (websites)
When we thought about this project, we took into account several aspects : what are our needs, what
we rely on (inputs), what are the expected results and what will be their impact at the level of our
organizations, of the target group, within the national and European related organizations level.
Relying on the experience of the partner organizations and their staff, in both areas of interest : judo and
stunts /reenactment fights, we consider that the proposed activities in the established time period will
lead us to the expected results and impact.
We tried to design a feasible, sustainable and at the same time, eco-friendy project. In this sens, all
combat equipment, costumes and exhibition or show weapons (LARP type), are made either from
recyclable materials or handmade. Most of the stunt / reenactment activities will take place outside, on
the one hand so that students can prepare for a reenactment show (which most of the time takes place
outside), and on the other hand, to use as few resources as possible.We are also determined to use as
few paper as possible for the management of our project. Will print only the necessary documents .
Our project, also incorporates the use of digital tools and learning methods to complement our psysical
activities and to improve the cooperation with partner organisations. All the project management and
coordination activities will take place online, using all the digital tools at our disposal. We will familiarize
ourselves with all Erasmus+ online platforms (European School Education Platform, EPALE, European
Youth Portal, EU Youth Strategy Platform), as tools for preparation, implementation and follow-up of the
project activities, in order to select the most suitable for the needs of our project.

2.1.2 Project management, quality assurance and monitoring and evaluation strategy

Project management, quality assurance and monitoring and evaluation strategy

Please address the specific conditions set out in the Call document/ Programme Guide.
Describe the measures foreseen to ensure that the project implementation is of high quality and completed in time.
Describe the methods to ensure good quality, monitoring, planning and control.
Describe the evaluation methods and indicators (quantitative and qualitative) to monitor and verify the outreach and
coverage of the activities and results (including unit of measurement, baseline and target values). The indicators
proposed to measure progress should be relevant, realistic and measurable.
For low value grants (less or equal to 60.000 EUR), it Is not necessary to describe evaluation methods and indicators
to monitor the outreach and coverage.

EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS LSI): V2.0 – 01.06.2022

Our project forseen a series of measures both to ensure the quality of the project implementation, and to
ensure that all the project activities will be carried out according to the schedule, so there will be no
problems regarding the project completion :
- All related activities to the project management and coordination, will be found in a calendar,
brought into attention of all partner organizations
- All joint online meetings regarding project activities will be scheduled in advance (7 days in
advance) and will be made known to all partners
- All joint meetings will be held with the participation of one member (minimum) from each
partner organization; the lack of representatives from a partner organization will lead to the
cancellation of the meeting and will be rescheduled for another time
- To ensure project transparency, all meeting reports will be sent to all partners
- The project management team is responsible for : coordination, implementation, evaluation and
dissemination of project results
- The management team is in charge of planning management activities, drafting related
documents and informing all partners
- The system of double checking will be used when writing the reports
Also, a series of measures will be taken in order to assure a high quality level, regarding the
implementation phase :
- A joint training program will be established for the judo courses, for the 10 months allocated for
the development of those sport skills
- The training program will include the weekly number of sessions, the number of hours per
session, the fighting techniques to be learned
- A monitoring and evaluation system of the new learned elements will be established; at least 2
intermediate verification phases will be established until the final degree exam
- The period of interships , as well as the student examination period will be established at the
beginning of the project, in the first joint meetting
- Each intership will be organised by the management team, being helped by the partner who
will host the event
- Each intership will include judo and stunt training for gladiator fights (with elements of
- The intensive stunt training will be organized and supervised by a professional stuntman
To ensure the expected impact and the successful dissemination of the project results, the taken
measures will be :
- Preparing the information disseminating process of the project, and start sharing for the 8
months of the project,
- Designing and advertising the related website of the project, the preparation of the
beneficiaries’ portofolios and the presentation brochures, will be carried out by a professional
subcontractor, in order to ensure a high level of quality
- To ensure the show choreography quality within the “Roman Apulum Festival”, we will be
supervised by a historical from the “Cultural Association for Living History” Alba Iulia
(Romania), which will ensure that the fighting techniques, costumes and weapons used, belong
to the recreated historical period
For every specific objective we established, we forsee an indicator and a target value :
1. Implementing an effective, inclusive and integrated management system;
Indicator : Achieving the objectives proposed by the project.
2. Reducing the perception of discriminations in partner organizations, among children from
disadvantages categories;
Indicator : The percentage of children from disadvantaged backgrounds who felt discriminated
in classes.
Target value : to decrease by 25%.

3. Reducing the dropout rate in partner organizations;

Indicator : Dropout rate from the last year.
Target value : to decrease by 25%.

4. Increasing the number of students in partner judo clubs of this project;

Indicator : The number of new members registered in the last year
Target value : to increase by 15%

5. Increasing the practitioners level training from judo partner clubs;

EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS LSI): V2.0 – 01.06.2022

Indicator : The training level of students in the beginning of the project (betls)
Target value : obtaining a higher degree of belt.

6. Improving the performances in judo competitions of the project partners;

Indicator 1 : The number of competitions in which judo clubs participated in 2022.
Target value : increasing the number of competitions they will participate in, by 20 % (not less
than 1 competition in addition)
Indicator 2: The number of children registered in competitions in 2022.
Target : increasing the number of children registered in competions by 15 %.
Indicator 3: The number of medals obtained in 2022 (regardless of the type – gold, silver or
Target : increasing the number of medals by 15%.

7. Developing trainers and students skills, from partner organisations, in the field of stunts and
reenactment (as gladiator fighters, romans soldiers, or soldiers from wars, from different
periodes of time, from Antique, Medieval to World Wars);
Indicator : The number of students and coaches who have taken a stunt course or participated
in reenactment shows
Target value : increasing by 50%.

8. Improving the insertion of athletes in related volunteering activities (e.g. cultural, entertainment,
theatre and film organisations, reenacting organisations, acting schools or stunt schools)
Indicator : The number of athletes, from our target group, who participated in project related
volunteering activities.
Target value : minimum 15 athletes registered as volunteers in a project domain related

9. Increasing the visibility and notoriety among European related organizations (e.g. cultural,
entertainment, theatre and film organisations, reenacting organisations, acting or stunt schools)
Indicator : Creation of the website related to the project
Target value : link exchange with at least 10 sites from domains related to the project.


2.1.3 Project teams, staff and experts

Project teams and staff

Describe the project teams and how they will work together to implement the project.
List the staff included in the project budget (budget category A) by function/profile (e.g. project manager, senior
expert/advisor/researcher, junior expert/advisor/researcher, trainers/teachers, technical personnel, administrative
personnel etc. and describe shortly their tasks. Provide CVs of all key actors (if required by the Call
document/Programme Guide).

Name and Organisation Role/tasks Professional profile and expertise


Lucaci Ioana Sports Club Coordinator / Experience both in the sports field and in the
V.I.R.F. Alba monitors the professional field.
Project Iulia implementati
Manager (Romania) on of the Professional profile : entrepreneur with management
project experience in private companies. Member of sports
club V.I.R.F., as karate and self-defence instructor.

Macinic Sports Club Project Experience both in judo and reenactment fields.
Ovidiu V.I.R.F. Alba adviser /
Gabriel Iulia participate in Founder of sports club V.I.R.F. and “Ludus Apulensis”
(Romania) the gladiator troupe, member of Cultural Association for
Administrativ implementati Living History, Alba Iulia for more than 10 years.
e personnel / on of the
Trainer Black belt holder and judo coach.
Trainer /

EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS LSI): V2.0 – 01.06.2022

teaches judo
and stunt

Macinic Sports Club Project Experience both in judo and reenactment fields.
Darius V.I.R.F. Alba adviser /
Emanuel Iulia participate in Founder of sports club V.I.R.F. and “Ludus Apulensis”
(Romania) the gladiator troupe, member of Cultural Association for
Advisor / implementati Living History, Alba Iulia, for more than 10 years.
Trainer on of the Black belt holder and judo coach.
Trainer /
teaches judo
and stunt

Ciungan Sports Club Trainer / Black belt holder and judo coach.
Adrian V.I.R.F. Alba teaches judo
Iulia and stunt
Trainer (Romania) training

Cutean Dan ASD JUDO Trainer / Founder of sports club “Judo San” Trento (Italy).
Ioan SAN Trento teaches judo
(Italy) Black belt holder and judo coach.
Jurca Phoenix Trainer / Founder of sports club “Judo Phoenix” Timisoara
Laurentiu Timisoara teaches judo (Romania)
Trainer (Romania) Black belt holder and judo coach.
Nicolae Association Project Member of the Romanian association of professional
Dreghiciu of adviser / stuntmen and President of the Alba Iulia regional
Professional participate in branch.
Advisor / the
Trainer Stuntmen Over 40 years of experience in the professional stunt
Alba Iulia implementati
on of the field.
Trainer /
stunt training
Zgarciu Liviu Association Project
for Living adviser /
Advisor provides Professional profile : employed as a museum historian
History Alba in Alba Iulia.
Iulia professional
(Romania) information Founder of Cultural Association for Living History Alba
in the field of Iulia and the organizer of the annual reenactment event
reenactment; “Apulum Roman Festival” in Alba Iulia, since 2012.
participate in

Outside resources (subcontracting, seconded staff, etc)

If you do not have all skills/resources in-house, describe how you intend to get them (contributions of members,

EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS LSI): V2.0 – 01.06.2022

partner organisations, subcontracting, etc).

If there is subcontracting, please also complete the table in section 4.

In our project we will use outside resources,as subcontractors. We will subcontract the following
services : web page creation and promotion services, portofolio creation services (foto & video),and
brochures creation services.


2.1.4 Cost effectiveness and financial management

Cost effectiveness and financial management (n/a for prefixed Lump Sum Grants)

Not applicable.


2.1.5 Risk management

Critical risks and risk management strategy

Describe critical risks, uncertainties or difficulties related to the implementation of your project, and your
measures/strategy for addressing them.
Indicate for each risk (in the description) the impact and the likelihood that the risk will materialise (high, medium,
low), even after taking into account the mitigating measures.
Note: Uncertainties and unexpected events occur in all organisations, even if very well-run. The risk analysis will help
you to predict issues that could delay or hinder project activities. A good risk management strategy is essential for
good project management.
For low value grants (less or equal to 60.000 EUR), it Is not necessary to present critical risks and risk management

Risk No Description Work package Proposed risk-mitigation measures


1.Poor Impact : difficulties in WP1 – Project Choosing another project

project achieving the objectives management manager from among the
management and completing the project and project management staff or
coorination delegating an project manager
Likelihood : medium assitent

2. Health Impact : at the level of WP1 – Project Delegating tasks to another staff
problems of reaching the expected management member or coach; selecting
staff results; at the level of work and another beneficiary on the
members, calendar, delays in carrying coorination vacant place, in case of health
coaches or out the scheduled activities problems that persist for a long
beneficiaries period of time, in case of
Likelihood : high beneficiaries

3.Communica Impact : endangers the WP1 – Project A mediator will be appointed to

tion problems partnership management resolve internal conflicts
between staff and
members or Likelihood : medium coorination

4.Difficulties Impact : difficulties in WP2 – Preventing measures will be

in achieving achieving the objectives Developing taken; an analysis system of
the target and completing the project and possible negative factors will be
values implementing created and will be implemented

EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS LSI): V2.0 – 01.06.2022

attached to Likelihood : medium the project for each objective we have in

the proposed this project

5.The Impact : decrease in the WP2 – Adapting the training program

performance involvement and motivation Developing to the target group
level level of the students and
established implementing
for judo and Likelihood : high the project
stunt training
is too high /
or too low

6.Low impact Impact : on the completion WP3 – Impact A detailed analysis will be done
of the project of the project and for monitoring the impact
dissemination throughout the results
Likelihood : medium dissemination period;
preventive and/or additional
measures will be taken to
increase the impact of the
project (online and offline

7.Students Impact : on the project WP3 – Impact Students will continue training
will not reach results and to increase their level of
the expected dissemination performance; additional classes
level of Likelihood : medium will be taken into consideration


2.2.1 Consortium set-up

Consortium cooperation and division of roles (if applicable)

Please address all guiding points presented in the Call document/Programme Guide under the award criterion
‘Quality of the partnership and the cooperation arrangements’.
Describe the participants (Beneficiaries, Affiliated Entities and Associated Partners, others, if any) and explain how
they will work together to implement the project. How will they bring together the necessary expertise? How will they
complement each other?
In what way does each of the participants contribute to the project? Show that each has a valid role and adequate
resources to fulfil that role.
Note: When building your consortium you should think of organisations that can help you reach objectives and solve

Our consortium consists of three Beneficiaries, sports club V.I.R.F., from Alba Iulia (Romania), JUDO
SAN Trento (Italy) and JUDO PHOENIX Timisoara (Romania) and an Affiliated Partner “Cultural
Association for Living History” Alba Iulia (Romania). All three Beneficiaries are judo clubs and the
Affiliated Partner is an reenactment association. Althought, we lack the experience in the field of
European funds, because all of us are newcomers and this is the first project of this kind, we hope that
the mix of participating organizations we made, will lead us to a successful project. All Beneficiaries are
jointly responsible for the technical implementation of the action and participate in obtaining the
expected results.
The coordinator of our consortium is the sports club V.I.R.F. from Alba Iulia (Romania). The coordinator
will represent the consortium in this project and will monitor that the action is implemented properly and
act as the intermediary for all communications between the consortium and the granting authority
(submits the project, requests and review any documents or information required and verify their quality
and completeness, submits the deliverables and reports, distribute the payments received from the
granting authority to the other beneficiaries). The coordinator is responsible for the management and
coordination of this project. Ms Lucaci Ioana is member of sports club V.I.R.F. and was appointed, as

EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS LSI): V2.0 – 01.06.2022

project manager, due to her experience both in the sports field and in the professional field.
Sports club V.I.R.F. is an association founded in 2008 and has judo as its main sports branch and has
three main coaches : Macinic Ovidiu Gabrieal, Macinic Darius Emanuel si Ciungan Adrian. All three of
them are also part of “Cultural Association for Living History” from Alba Iulia (Romania) as founders of
“Ludus Apulensis” gladiatorial troupe. They bring their expertise as renactors in this project and have a
direct contribution to its success, being one of the key resources for obtaining the desired results.
Another key resource of this project is represented by one of the famous Romanian stuntmen, Mr.
Nicolae Dreghiciu, who accepted the invitation to join this project, as an expert for the preparation and
implementation of the stunt program.
The other two judo clubs involved in this project, as Beneficiaries, bring the necessary competitive
experience to complete the activities, in order to achieve the proposed objectives. “Judo Phoenix”
Timisoara is the largest club in Romania and thanks to the results obtained in internal competitions, it is
on the top of the best clubs at national level. The one who laid the foundations of this club and is behind
the results of his students, is Mr. Jurca Laurentiu, who along with Mr. Cutean Dan Ioan, from “Judo San”
Trento (Italy) and the coaches from V.I.R.F. club, will be the trainers in this project. Participation of “Judo
San” in competitive activities is continuous over time as they participate in many regional level
competitions, in the qualifications and in the finals of National Championships of all the categories which
are the following: beginners, cadets, juniors, absolutes, seniors, University Championships and
international competitions, including the European Qualifying Circuit Round.
Mr. Cutean, from “Judo San” Trento is a Romanian settled in Italy for many years and has the
advantage of knowing both countries. He will bring his experience in our project and have an important
contribution, both in defining the common objectives and in the impact of this project at the European
All three beneficiary organizations of the project actively participate in achieving the project’s objectives.
They have different involvement degrees, depending on the objectives and related activities. Each
organization has a greater involvement or weight in achieving an objective, depending of its nature. For
example, the “V.I.R.F.” sports club is the coordinator of the consortium and its members have roles and
responsabilities in project management. Thus, it will have an more important role in achieving the
following ojectives : 1 - “Implementing an effective, inclusive and integrated management system” , , 8 -
“Improving the insertion of athletes in related volunteering activities”, 9- “Increasing the visibility and
notoriety among European related organizations”. Also, they will have a higher implication in achieving
the objective number 7 - “Developing trainers and students skills, from partner organisations, in the field
of stunts and reenactment”, because they have the necessary expertise in the field on reenactment
shows and they also have the conection with the professional stuntman, who will bring his expertise in
this project.
“Judo San” Trento and “Judo Phoenix” Timisoara will have an more important role in achieving the
following objectives : 5 - “Increasing the training level of practitioners from partner judo”; 6 - “Improving
the performances of this project partners obtained in judo competitions”, due to their higher
performances and better expertise in the field of judo training and competitions.
To achieve the following objectives, all partners will work together to implement a common strategy in
their organizations : 2 – “Reducing the perception of discriminations in partner organizations, among
children from disadvantages categories”, 3 – “Reducing the dropout rate in partner organizations “, 4 –
“Increasing the number of students in partner judo clubs of this project”.
All three interships schedualed will significantly contribute to strengthening our partnership, and will
bring added value to this project.

2.2.2 Consortium management and decision-making

Consortium management and decision-making (if applicable)

Explain the management structures and decision-making mechanisms within the consortium. Describe how decisions
will be taken and how regular and effective communication will be ensured. Describe methods to ensure planning and
Note: The concept (including organisational structure and decision-making mechanisms) must be adapted to the
complexity and scale of the project.

EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS LSI): V2.0 – 01.06.2022

Our consortium management structure have both vertically and horizontally development. The vertical
development reveales its self due to the coordinator role of sports club V.I.R.F., which will represent the
consortium in this project and will monitor that the action is implemented properly and act as the
intermediary for all communications between the consortium and the granting authority (submits the
project, requests and review any documents or information required and verify their quality and
completeness, submits the deliverables and reports, distribute the payments received from the granting
authority to the other beneficiaries).
The horizontal development refers to the collaboration between the project partners, the same level. All
decisions regarding the project implementation and sharing the results will be taken through the
participation of all the beneficiary organizations of the project. Taking into account the principale of
transparency in decision-making at the consortium level, all meetings, uploading documents and
communications will be done in one of the Zoom ot Teams system. For unofficial discussions, but in the
interest of all partners, in order to facilitate communication, an whatsapp group will also be made.
A regular and effective communication will be ensured, following a schedule established by mutual
agreement, which will involve meetings twice a month, or whenever necessary.
Decision – making mechanisms will follow a pre-defined structure :
1. A brief summary of the topics to be debated, in order to make a decision, will be made by the
project manager;
2. The proposal will be submitted to all partners, along with the proposed schedule for the the
online session
3. All partners will make the annotations considered necessary;
4. The decision will be taken during an online meeting, or offline by completing a questionnaire.
In order to ensure a good management plan, every beneficiay will have to write activity reports regarding
the implementation of the training program and the achievement of the performance indicators by the
target group beneficiaries. During the 10 months of judo training program, each partner will prepare 4
activity reports, as follows:
1. Activity report no 1 – at the beginning of the program (during the first month of training) – will
contain the names of the beneficiaries from the target group (with requested data from the
registration forms) and the training level (beginner, intermediate or advanced level)
2. Activity report no 2 – after 3 months of training – will contain the name of the student, learned
judo procedures and techniques, and execution level (high, medium, low)
3. Activity report no 3 – after 6 months of training – will contain the name of the student, learned
judo procedures and techniques, and execution level (high, medium, low)
4. Activity report no 4 – after 10 months of training and after taking the degree exam (for belt) –
will contain the name of the student, learned judo procedures and techniques, and execution
level (high, medium, low), and also the degree obtained after the examination.
Interships, as well as the student examination period will be scheduled at the beginning of the project, in
the first joint meeting. The decision regarding the two topics will be taken following the same pre-define
structure, mentioned above.
In the same way, decisions will be made for all project development stages, including the results
dissemination phase.


3.1 Impact and ambition

Impact and ambition

Please address each guiding points presented in the Call document/Programme Guide under the award criterion
Define the expected short, medium and long-term effects of the project. Who are the target groups? How will the
target groups benefit concretely from the project and what would change for them?

Due to the fact that this project was build on a detailed analysis of needs (both at level of organizations,
target groups, and related organizations), as well as the capacities of partner organizations involved in
the project, we expect effects in all three categories and in all three levels, short, medium and long-term.

EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS LSI): V2.0 – 01.06.2022

As regards the short-term effects at the level of the partner organizations, will be the improvement of
collaboration and communication skills at the organizational level, through the use of digital tools. The
interest increasing, towards the partner judo clubs, through the communities they belong to, could also
be considered a short-term effect of the project financed by the Erasmus+ program.

The target groups of our project include both direct and indirect beneficiaries. The category of direct
beneficiaries includes the coaches of the judo clubs involved in the project and a number of 30 children
and teenagers, aged between 8 and 18 years old, from all 3 partner judo clubs, thus : 20 beneficiaries
from sports club V.I.R.F. Alba Iulia , Romania , 5 beneficiaries from “Judo San” Trento, Italy and 5
beneficiaries from “Judo Phoenix” Timisoara, Romania. The indirect beneficiaries are represented by all
the registered members of the clubs, reenactment associations and all related organizations.
When we talk about the short-term effects at the individual level, of the direct beneficiaries, we will first
take into account the priority of inclusion and diversity that is the basis of the project. Ensuring non-
discriminatory access for all children will have a first positive effect on them, by increasing their self-
esteem and confidence in their own strengths. We expect that the short-term effects can be observed
right from the first part of the project’s implementation, manifested by an increased interest in
participating in judo classes. This will motivate them persevere in order to develop themselves at the
highest level. In the medium term, the expected effects are the increase of students psysical
performance,in terms of judo skills and the acquisition of new stunt skills. The medium-term effects will
be measurable at the end of the project and refer to the achievement of the targets assigned to the
indicators related to the proposed objectives.
The long-term effects take into account the sustenability component of the project, manifesting at the
individual level through the use of skills acquired during the project’s development period, in the long
term. As a possible long-term effect, we can consider involvement in volunteer actions in reenactment
associations or employment as an actor or stuntman. Also, the practice of judo at the performance level
and in the long term, can be considered possible effects of this project. We are very optimistic regarding
the improvement of the quality of life, of all the beneficiaries of this project, both on a physical,
psychological and social level.
Beneficiaries from the target group, will concretely benefit in this way :
- free acces to judo training, in all partner judo clubs, for a 10 months period
- the opportunity to pariticpate in interships with children and teenagers from another country
- the opportunity to connect to children and teenagers having same interests as they have
- the interships costs will mostly be supported by the project
- the opportunity to learn new stunt skills directly from the stunt and reenactment specialists
- at the end of the project, they will have the opportunity to register as volunteers in a
reenactment or related association
- at the end of the project, through the portofolios created, they will be able to promote
themselves, so that they can receive job offers in related fields.
The results of our project will be shared through the project website and also through every partner’s
websites. We will also use Erasmus+ online platforms (European School Education Platform, EPALE,
European Youth Portal, EU Youth Strategy Platform), as tools for sharing our results.
The impact of our project will be at European level, both thanks to our Romanian – Italian partnership
and the beneficiaries of this project, who come from the partner countries, but also due to the results of
the project. The expected results of this project refer to the acquisition of new skills for the beneficiaries
of the project, which they will be able to demonstrate in their carrers in different fields and at the
European or international level.


3.2 Communication, dissemination and visibility

Communication, dissemination and visibility of funding

Describe the communication and dissemination activities which are planned in order to promote the activities/results
and maximise the impact (to whom, which format, how many, etc.). Clarify how you will reach the target groups,
relevant stakeholders, policymakers and the general public and explain the choice of the dissemination channels.
Describe how the visibility of EU funding will be ensured.

Our communication and dissemination activities are :events, brochures, media relations, video / photos,
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS LSI): V2.0 – 01.06.2022

social media and websites.

“Roman Apulum Festival” is the event that we’ll use in order to disseminate our project results. A
number of 15 of our project’ beneficiaries, will perform in the show as gladiators. The numbers of
physical attendees on the event is usually over 100.000 people (from all over Europe). We estimate that
the indirect audience reach over 500.000 viewers (through all participants in the event).
For this event we’ll prepare a number of 10.000 brochures to make our project known. Also, during the
event, a professional photographer will take pictures and make videos for the beneficiaries. Those
materials will be included in each benerificy’ portofolio. They will also be published on our website and
all social media platforms. We will use all social media platforms for communication and disseminating
our project results. Accounts will be created for the project on all social media platforms, by the
subcontractor. He will be responsible for increasing the number of visitors, followers, fans, subscribers
(social media metrics and web analytics). He will also take care of the website and social media content
and posts.
The visibility of EU funding will be ensured by follows :
- project presentation through our website
- project presentation through brochures
- link exchange with minimum 10 related websites
- using Erasmus+ online platforms (European School Education Platform, EPALE, European
Youth Portal, EU Youth Strategy Platform)
We will reach the target groups, relevant stakeholders, policymakers and the general public by using a
targeted promotion, by using keywords, search engine optimization , email marketing.


3.3 Sustainability and continuation

Sustainability, long-term impact and continuation

Describe the follow-up of the project after the EU funding ends. How will the project impact be ensured and
What will need to be done? Which parts of the project should be continued or maintained? How will this be
achieved? Which resources will be necessary to continue the project? How will the results be used?
Are there any possible synergies/complementarities with other (EU funded) activities that can build on the project

Our project purpose is to make the first step for building the capacity of our organisations to work
transnationally and across two major sectors : judo and stunt. Both are internationally well – known
fields of activity. The experience of V.I.R.F. club members in the field of reenactment helped us to
connect those fields.
Taking into account the scale taken by the reenactment movement, both at national, European and
international level, we find this project opportune, which will be able to ensure, in a relatively short time,
a generation of young people prepared at a high level of performance, to participate in such shows,
easily finding a place in any European or international reenactment organization.
One of the most important features of these events, and also for our project, is the trans-national
dimension. The history of each nation is closely related to the histories of other peoples, both at the
European and international level. Regardless of the country where a reenactment festival takes place,
there is always a mix of characters or historical events that belong to at least two nations. The impact of
our project will be at European level, both thanks to our Romanian – Italian partnership and the
beneficiaries of this project, who come from the partner countries, but also due to the results of the
project. The expected results of this project refer to the acquisition of new skills for the beneficiaries of
the project, which they will be able to demonstrate in their carrers in different fields and at the European
or international level.
The innovative part of this project results from the double specialization of the direct beneficiaries, i.e.
the children and adolescents involved in this project. The new skills acquired from stunt training are
closely related to those of judo and are based on the sports skills developed within them. Also, the stunt
training will incorporate combat elements with various weapons, used by the gladiator reenactors during
the performances. It is the first action of this kind, at the level of judo clubs, from the partner countries,
through which children and coaches will benefit from specialized stunt training, with elements of

EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS LSI): V2.0 – 01.06.2022

Due to the increasing demands for reenactment events and stunt shows, at the European level, and not
only, we thought of this project as a pilot project, through which we bring an alternative for the traning of
specialized reenactors for fight, which until now do not have an organized form of preparation for these
shows. Knowing the needs of the reenactment organizations, both at national and European level, we
foresee the development of this pilot project in large – scale cooperation / partnership projects, with a
large number of both judo clubs and reenactment associations and not only, and also with a larger
number of organizations from several EU countries. Thanks to the new skills learned in the program that
we are going to develop through this project, both in fighting and in the field of stunts, we consider that it
will be possible to diversify the partners, such as theatre and film shools, stunt shools, organizations
from cultural and entertainment fields. We are very optimistic about the results of this project, which will
lead to an increased demand for future European partnerships.
The expected results of this project, a consolidates partnership between beneficiaries, the
transnationaly experience of working together , the new skills learned by the beneficiaries from the
target group, the connections made between children from different countries and backgrounds, the
opportunity having a double career for beneficiaries at European level, are only few reasons why we
got involved in this project and determinated to continue. This is only the beginning, as there are so
many things to do, which could increase the quality of life for children, teenagers and also adults.
Regarding our project, as follow-up after the EU funding ends, we have some objectives:
- to keep all beneficiaries from the target group registered in the judo clubs
- finding additional financing options for those who will not be able to afford to participate in
courses for financial reasons
- continuing to implement the new learned stunt skills in judo training
- providing support for our students in order to find volunteering or employment opportunities in
related fields
- we will continue looking for partnerships with organizations in related fields
Our project impact and sustenability will be ensured by developing the project webside and continuing
promoting the results both of our beneficiaries and project. The beneficiaries involvement in voluntary
activities will ensure the of the project results, by demonstrating the new skills acquired.
This project should continue with a larger number of beneficiaries and more clubs involved.
Partnerships with other stunt and reenactment associations should be developed. Work should be done
on the design of advantaged judo-stunt training programs ( through this project we pursued the design
of a program for beginner to intermediate level). We should also emphasize, in a future project, the
utilitarian nature of the training program (which will have different target groups).
We will continue to pursue funding opportunities to continue the work started through this project. We
are interested in developing this concept of judo-stunt training program (for dual carrer) at the European
level, by attracting as many partners as possible, from as many countries as possible.


EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS LSI): V2.0 – 01.06.2022



4.1 Work plan

Work plan
Provide a brief description of the overall structure of the work plan (list of work packages or graphical presentation (Pert chart or similar)).

Our project contains 3 work packages :

1. Project management and coordination :
1.1. Designing the work plan for the entire project implementation period
1.2. Planing the implementation stages of the project and detailing the activities for each stage (a work methodology and a calendar regarding work sessions will be
implemented – frequency, duration, methods of monitoring the performance of tasks and evaluating their quality)
1.3. Working sessions to establish the selection criteria of the beneficiaries
1.4. Selection of beneficiaries
1.5. Financial management and interships coordination
1.6. Working sessions in order to develop the program and conditions for the participation of partners in carrying out training programs for beneficiaries
1.7. Establishing the calendar for training courses
1.8. Planning how to conduct the interships and their content (days, hours, number of training sessions, setting objectives for each intership, clearly defining the
elements to be learned)
1.9. Select the most suitable Erasmus+ online platforms (European School Education Platform, EPALE, European Youth Portal, EU Youth Strategy Platform), as
tools for preparation, implementation and follow-up of the project activities
1.10. Project monitoring and evaluation
1.11. Writing progress reports
2. Developing and implementing the project
2.1. Ensuring acces for all beneficiaries to club training, throughout the project period (for about 10 months)
2.2. Intership number 1 for judo and fighting stunts – Trento, Italy – organizing sports club “Judo San”
2.3. Intership number 2 for judo and fighting stunts– Timisoara, Romania – organizing sports club “ Judo Phoenix”
2.4. Intership number 3 for other types of stunts – Alba Iulia, Romania – organizing sports club “V.I.R.F.”
2.5. Participation to “Roman Apulum Festival” Alba Iulia
3. Impact and dissemination
3.1. Evaluation of the activities and their impact at different levels
3.2. Developement, launch and promotion of the project website
3.3. Creation of presentation portofolios (the digital profile of students) for each beneficiary
3.4. Sharing and use the project’s results during the “Roman Apulum Festival” Alba Iulia (presentation brochures will be included and distributed among the
3.5. Sharing the project’ activities and results within the participaning organizations (websites)

EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS LSI): V2.0 – 01.06.2022

4.2 Work packages, activities, resources and timing


Work packages
This section concerns a detailed description of the project activities.
Group your activities into work packages. A work package means a major sub-division
sub of the project.. For each work package, enter an objective (expected outcome) and list the activities,
milestones and deliverables that belong to it. The grouping should be logical and guided by identifiable outputs.
Projects should normally have a minimum of 2 work packages. WP1 should cover the management and coordination activities (meetings, coordination, project monitoring and evaluation, financial
management, progress reports, etc) and all the activities which are cross-cutting
cross and therefore difficult to assign to another specific work package (do not try splitting these activities across
different work packages). WP2 and further WPs should be used for the other project activities. You can create as many work packages as needed by copying WP1. The last WP should be
dedicated to Impact and dissemination
For low value grants (less or equal to 60.000 EUR), it is possible to use a single work package for the entire project (WP1 with the project acronym as WP name).
Please refer to the Call Document/Programme Guide for specific requirements concerning the number and the typology of work packages.
Enter each activity/milestone/output/outcome/deliverable
/deliverable only once (under one work package).
Ensure consistence with the detailed budget table/calculator (if applicable) (n/a for prefixed Lump Sum Grants)

List the specific objectives to which the work package is linked.

Activities and division of work (WP description)

Provide a concise overview of the work (planned tasks). Be specific and give a short name and number for each task.
Show who is participating
g in each task: Coordinator (COO), and if applicable Beneficiaries (BEN), Affiliated Entities (AE), Associated Partners (AP) and others,
others indicating in bold the task leader.

Milestones and deliverables (outputs/outcomes)

Milestones are control points in the project that help to chart progress. They are not needed for ERASMUS LSI projects. You can leave the section on milestones empty.
Deliverables are project outputs which are submitted to show project progress (any format). Refer only to major outputs. Do not include minor sub-items
items, internal working papers, meeting minutes,
etc. Limit the number of deliverables to max 10-15
15 for the entire project. You may be asked to further reduce the number during grant preparation.
For deliverables
bles such as meetings, events, seminars, trainings, workshops, webinars, conferences, etc., enter each deliverable separately and provide the following in the 'Description' field:
invitation, agenda,, signed presence list, target group, number of estimated participants, duration of the event, report of the event, training material package, presentations, evaluation report,
feedback questionnaire.
For deliverables such as manuals, toolkits, guides, reports, leaflets, brochures, training materials etc.,
etc. add in the ‘Description’ field: format (electronic or printed), language(s), approximate number
of pages and estimated number of copies of publications (if any)..

EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS LSI): V2.0 – 01.06.2022

or each deliverable you will have to indicate a due month by when you commit to upload it in the Portal. The due month of the deliverable cannot be outside the duration of the work package and
must be in line with the timeline provided below. Month 1 marks the start of the project and all deadlines should be related to this starting date.
The labels used mean:
Public — fully open ( automatically posted online on the Project Results platforms)
Sensitive — limited under the conditions of the Grant Agreement
2015/444 For items classified under other rules
(e.g. national or international organisation), please select the equivalent EU classification level.

Work Package 1

Work Package 1: [Project management and coordination]

Duration: M1 – M14 Lead Beneficiary: Sports Club V.I.R.F. Alba Iulia


 Implementing an effective, inclusive and integrated management system

Activities and division of work (WP description)

Task No Task Name Description Participants In-kind Contributions and

(continuous Subcontracting
linked to Name Role (Yes/No and which)

T1.1 Designing the working plan It’s designed for the entire project “V.I.R.F.”Alba Iulia COO No
implementation period

T1.2 Planning the implementation stages of A work methodology and a calendar “V.I.R.F.”Alba Iulia COO No
the project and detailing the activities regarding work sessions will be implemented
for each stage – frequency, duration, methods of monitoring

EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS LSI): V2.0 – 01.06.2022

the performance of tasks and evaluating their


T1.3 Beneficiaries Selection Every partner will make a list of possible “V.I.R.F.”Alba Iulia COO No
candidates from the target group; the final list
will be made taking into account the priority of “Judo San” Trento BEN
inclusion and diversity “Judo Phoenix” BEN

T1.4 Financial management and interships The amounts established by the project will “V.I.R.F.”Alba Iulia COO No
coordination be allocated for the organization of the
established activities

T1.5 Working session A webinar session will be held in order to “V.I.R.F.”Alba Iulia COO No
develop the program and conditions for
partners participation in carrying out training “Judo San” Trento BEN
programs for beneficiaries; “Judo Phoenix” BEN
A calendar for training courses will be Timisoara

T1.6 Planning how to conduct the interships Days, hours, number of training sessions, “V.I.R.F.”Alba Iulia COO No
and their content setting objectives for each intership, clearly
defining the elements to be learned “Judo San” Trento BEN
“Judo Phoenix” BEN

T1.7 Select the most suitable Erasmus+ European School Education Platform, “V.I.R.F.”Alba Iulia COO No
online platforms as tools for EPALE, European Youth Portal, EU Youth
preparation, implementation and follow- Strategy Platform “Judo San” Trento BEN
up of the project activities “Judo Phoenix” BEN

T1.8 Project monitoring and evaluation “V.I.R.F.”Alba Iulia COO No

T1.9 Writing progress reports “V.I.R.F.”Alba Iulia COO No

EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS LSI): V2.0 – 01.06.2022

Milestones and deliverables (outputs/outcomes)

Milestone No Milestone Name Work Package Lead Beneficiary Description Due Date Means of Verification
(continuous numbering No (month number)
not linked to WP)

n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Deliverable No Deliverable Name Work Package Lead Beneficiary Type Dissemination Due Date Description
(continuous numbering No Level (month number) (including format and
linked to WP) language)

D1.1 Working agenda 1 “V.I.R.F.”Alba Iulia [DMP — Data [PU — Public] M2 Word document / English
for the project Management

D1.2 Online Working 1 “V.I.R.F.”Alba Iulia [DMP — Data [PU — Public] M2 Online calendar / English
sessions Management
Calendar Plan]
[SEN — Sensitive]
D1.3 Lists of 1 “V.I.R.F.”Alba Iulia [DMP — Data M3 Word document / English
beneficiaries Management
[SEN — Sensitive]
D1.4 Detailed budget 1 “V.I.R.F.”Alba Iulia [DMP — Data M3 Excel document /English
[PU — Public]
D1.5 Detailed training 1 “V.I.R.F.”Alba Iulia [DMP — Data M5 Word document / English
program and Management
training courses Plan]
[PU — Public]
D1.6 Detailed 1 “V.I.R.F.”Alba Iulia [DMP — Data M5 Word document / English

EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS LSI): V2.0 – 01.06.2022

interships Management
program Plan]
[PU — Public]
D1.7 Monitoring and 1 “V.I.R.F.”Alba Iulia [DMP — Data M6 Word document / English
evaluation guide Management
[PU — Public]
D1.8 Activity reports 1 “V.I.R.F.”Alba Iulia [R — Document, M3 -M14 Word document / English

Work Package 2: [Developing and implementing the project]

Duration: M3 – M12 Lead Beneficiary: Sports Club V.I.R.F. Alba Iulia


 Reducing the perception of discriminations in partner organizations, among children from disadvantages categories;
 Reducing the dropout rate in partner organizations;
 Increasing the number of students in partner judo clubs of this project;
 Increasing the training level of practitioners from partner judo clubs;
 Improving the performances of this project partners obtained in judo competitions;
 Developing trainers and students skills, from partner organisations, in the field of stunts and re-enactment

Activities and division of work (WP description)

Task No Task Name Description Participants In-kind Contributions and

(continuous Subcontracting
linked to Name Role (Yes/No and which)

EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS LSI): V2.0 – 01.06.2022

T2.1 Ensuring acces for all beneficiaries to Throughout the implementing period (for “V.I.R.F.”Alba Iulia COO No
club training about 10 months); a number of 30
subscriptions will be subsidized for a period of “Judo San” Trento BEN
10 months in the partner clubs “Judo Phoenix” BEN

T2.2 Organizing Intership number 1 Intership for judo and fighting stunts– “V.I.R.F.”Alba Iulia COO No
Timisoara, Romania – host sports club “ Judo
Phoenix” 7 days intership for all 20 “Judo San” Trento BEN
beneficiaries and 5 members of staff and “Judo Phoenix” BEN
coaches, from the guest clubs (with the Timisoara
participation of direct and indirect
beneficiaries from the host club).

T2.3 Organizing Intership number 2 Intership for judo and fighting stunts – Trento, “V.I.R.F.”Alba Iulia COO No
Italy – host sports club “Judo San”; 7 days
intership for all 20 beneficiaries and 5 “Judo San” Trento BEN
members of staff and coaches, from the guest “Judo Phoenix” BEN
clubs (with the participation of direct and Timisoara
indirect beneficiaries from the host club).

T2.4 Organizing Intership number 3 Interschip for other types of stunts – Alba “V.I.R.F.”Alba Iulia COO No
Iulia, Romania – host sports club “V.I.R.F.” 3
days intership for 6 coaches, from the guest “Judo San” Trento BEN
clubs (with the participation of direct “Judo Phoenix” BEN
beneficiaries, coaches and staff from the host Timisoara
club); this intership will be programmed
before the “Roman Apulum Festival” Alba

T2.5 Participating to “Roman Apulum The festival will last 3 days and all those “V.I.R.F.”Alba Iulia COO
Festival” Alba Iulia involved in intership number 3 will attend the
festival ( the 6 coaches, from the guest clubs, “Judo San” Trento BEN
and all direct beneficiaries and coaches from “Judo Phoenix” BEN
the host club). Timisoara
All those involved in the show will be “Cultural Association
registered as volunteers in “Cultural for Living History” Alba AE Yes / In-kind contributions
Association for Living History”, during the Iulia

EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS LSI): V2.0 – 01.06.2022


Milestones and deliverables (outputs/outcomes)

Milestone No Milestone Name Work Package Lead Beneficiary Description Due Date Means of Verification
(continuous numbering No (month number)
not linked to WP)

n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Deliverable No Deliverable Name Work Package Lead Beneficiary Type Dissemination Due Date Description
(continuous numbering No Level (month number) (including format and
linked to WP) language)

D2.1 Subscriptions to 2 “V.I.R.F.”Alba Iulia [R — Document, [PU — Public] M3-M12 Signed presence list
judo training report]
4 activity reports will be
written by each partner

D2.2 Intership no1 2 “Judo Phoenix” [R — Document, [PU — Public] M7 Number of estimated
Timisoara report] participants – 50 direct
(Romania) and indirect beneficiaries
Duration of the event – 7
Report of the event –
written by the host club
Training material
package -30 pieces
Feedback questionnaire
for coaches – 4 pieces;
for beneficiaries – 30
Word document / English

EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS LSI): V2.0 – 01.06.2022

D2.3 Intership no 2 2 “Judo San” Trento [R — Document, [PU — Public] M10 Number of estimated
(Italy) report] participants – 50 direct
and indirect beneficiaries
Duration of the event – 7
Report of the event –
written by the host club
Training material
package -30 pieces
Feedback questionnaire
for coaches – 4 pieces;
for beneficiaries – 30
Word document / English

D2.4 Intership no 3 2 “V.I.R.F.”Alba Iulia [R — Document, [PU — Public] M12 Number of estimated
report] participants – 30 direct
(Romania) and indirect beneficiaries
Duration of the event – 3
Report of the event –
written by the host club
Training material
package -30 pieces
Feedback questionnaire
for coaches –10 pieces;
for beneficiaries – 20
Word document / English

D2.5 Reenactment 2 “V.I.R.F.”Alba Iulia [DEM — [PU — Public] M12 Number of estimated
show Demonstrator, participants – 15
(Romania) pilot, prototype]
[DEC — Number of estimated
participants for the event

EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS LSI): V2.0 – 01.06.2022

Websites, patent - 100.000 people

filings, videos,
etc] Duration of the event – 3

Work Package 3: [Impact and dissemination]

Duration: M8 – M14 Lead Beneficiary: Sports Club V.I.R.F. Alba Iulia


 Improving the insertion of athletes in related volunteering activities

 Increasing the visibility and notoriety among European related organizations (e.g. cultural, entertainment, theatre and film organisations, reenacting organisations,
acting or stunt schools)

Activities and division of work (WP description)

Task No Task Name Description Participants In-kind Contributions and

(continuous Subcontracting
linked to Name Role (Yes/No and which)

T3.1 Evaluation of the activities and their At the end of the project, an extensive and “V.I.R.F.”Alba Iulia COO No
impact at different levels detailed analysis will be done

T3.2 Website development Developement, launch and promotion of the “V.I.R.F.”Alba Iulia COO Yes / Subcontracting
project website

EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS LSI): V2.0 – 01.06.2022

T3.3 Portofolios creation A foto / video portofolio will be created for “V.I.R.F.”Alba Iulia COO Yes / Subcontracting
every direct beneficiary from the project target
group; it will be a digital profile

T3.4 Sharing and use the project’s results Presentation brochures of the project will be “V.I.R.F.”Alba Iulia COO Yes / In-kind Contributions
during the “Roman Apulum Festival” included and distributed among the viewers
Alba Iulia

T3.5 Website promovation Sharing the project’ activities and results “V.I.R.F.”Alba Iulia COO Yes / Subcontracting

Milestones and deliverables (outputs/outcomes)

Milestone No Milestone Name Work Package Lead Beneficiary Description Due Date Means of Verification
(continuous numbering No (month number)
not linked to WP)

n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Deliverable No Deliverable Name Work Package Lead Beneficiary Type Dissemination Due Date Description
(continuous numbering No Level (month number) (including format and
linked to WP) language)

D1.1 Website 3 “V.I.R.F.”Alba Iulia [DEC — [PU — Public] M12 Project’ activities and
Websites, patent results
filings, videos,
etc] Beneficiaries portofolios
Minimum 10 links
exchange will be included
Presence on search

D1.2 Brochures 3 “V.I.R.F.”Alba Iulia [OTHER] [PU — Public] M12 10.000 pieces – Printed

EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS LSI): V2.0 – 01.06.2022

Distributed during the
“Roman Apulum Festival”
Alba Iulia

Estimated budget — Resources

For certain Lump Sum Grants, see detailed budget table/calculator (annex 1 to Part B; see Portal Reference Documents).

Work Package …

To insert work packages, copy WP1 as many times as necessary

Events and meetings

Events and meetings

This table is to be completed for events and meetings that have been mentioned as part of the activities in the work packages above
Give more details on the type, location, number of persons attending, etc.

Description Attendees
Event No
(continuous Participant
linked to WP) Name Type Area Location Duration Number

E1.1 “V.I.R.F.”Alba Iulia Intership for judo and Intership Judo and fighting stunts Timisoara, 7 days 20 direct beneficiaries
fighting stunts The stunt training will Romania and 5 members of staff
“Judo San” Trento incorporate combat and coaches, from the
“Judo Phoenix” elements with various guest clubs (with the
weapons, used by the participation for about 30

EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS LSI): V2.0 – 01.06.2022

Timisoara gladiator reenactors indirect beneficiaries

during the from the host club )

E1.2 “V.I.R.F.”Alba Iulia Intership for judo and Intership Judo and fighting stunts Trento, Italy 7 days 20 direct beneficiaries
fighting stunts The stunt training will and 5 members of staff
“Judo San” Trento incorporate combat and coaches, from the
“Judo Phoenix” elements with various guest clubs (with the
Timisoara weapons, used by the participation for about 30
gladiator reenactors indirect beneficiaries
during the from the host club )

E1.3 “V.I.R.F.”Alba Iulia Interschip for other Intership Stunts Alba Iulia, Romania 3 days 6 coaches, from the
types of stunts guest clubs (with the
“Judo San” Trento participation for about 20
“Judo Phoenix” direct beneficiaries,
Timisoara coaches and staff from
the host club)

E1.4 “V.I.R.F.”Alba Iulia Roman Apulum Event Reenactment show - Alba Iulia, Romania 3 days Number of estimated
Festival Historical participants from our
“Judo San” Trento reconstruction event target group – 15
“Judo Phoenix” beneficiaries;
Timisoara Number of estimated
“Cultural Association for participants for the
Living History” Alba Iulia event - 100.000 people


Timetable (projects up to 2 years)

Fill in cells in beige to show the duration of activities. Repeat lines/columns as necessary.
Note: Use the project month numbers instead of calendar months. Month 1 marks always the start of the project. In the timeline you should indicate the timing of each activity per WP.

EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS LSI): V2.0 – 01.06.2022


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Task 1.1 - Designing the

working plan

Task 1.2 - Planning the

implementation stages

Task 1.3 - Beneficiaries


Task 1.4 - Financial

management and
interships coordination

Task 1.5 – Working

session (online)

Task 1.6 - Planning how to

conduct the interships and
their content

Task 1.7 - Select the most

suitable Erasmus+ online

Task 1.8 - Project

monitoring and evaluation

Task 1.9 - Writing progress


Task 1.10 - Ensuring

acces for all beneficiaries

EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS LSI): V2.0 – 01.06.2022

to club training

Task 1.11 - Organizing

Intership number 1

Task 1.12 - Organizing

Intership number 2

Task 1.13 - Organizing

Intership number 3

Task 1.14 - Participating to

“Roman Apulum Festival”
Alba Iulia

Task 1.15 - Evaluation of

the activities and their
impact at different levels

Task 1.16 - Website


Task 1.17 - Portofolios


Task 1.18 - Sharing and

use the project’s results
during the festival

Task 1.19 - Website



EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS LSI):
LSI V2.0 – 01.06.2022



5.1 Ethics

Ethics (if applicable)

If the Call document/Programme
/Programme Guide contains a section on ethics, describe
escribe ethics issues that may arise during the
project implementation and the measures you intend to take to solve/avoid them.
Describe how you will ensure gender mainstreaming and children’
s rights in the project activities.

Insert text


5.2 Security


Not applicable.


Double funding

Information concerning other EU grants for this project

Please note that there is a strict proh
prohibition of double funding from the EU budget (except YES/NO
under EU Synergies actions).

We confirm that to our best knowledge neither the project as a whole nor any parts of it have Yes
benefitted from any other EU grant (including EU funding managed by authorities in EU
Member States or other funding bodies, e.g. Erasmus, EU Regional Funds, EU Agricultural
Funds, etc).. If NO, explain and provide details.

We confirm that to our best knowledge neither the project as a whole nor any parts of it are Yes
(nor will be) submitted for any other EU grant (including EU funding managed by authorities
in EU Member States or other funding bodies, e.g. Erasmus, EU Regional Funds, EU
Agricultural Funds, etc). If NO, explain and provide details.

Financial support to third parties (if applicable)

Not applicable.

Seal of Excellence (if applicable)

If provided in the Call document, proposals that pass the evaluation but are below the budget threshold (i.e. pass the
minimum thresholds but are e not ranked high enough to receive funding) will be awarded a Seal of Excellence.
In this context we may share information about your proposal with other EU or national funding bodies through the
Erasmus+ National Agencies.

Do you agree that your proposal (including proposal data and documentation) is shared with [YES]
other EU and national funding bodies to find funding under other schemes?


EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS LSI): V2.0 – 01.06.2022


Detailed budget table/Calculator (annex 1 to Part B) — mandatory for certain Lump Sum Grants (see Portal Reference
CVs (annex 2 to Part B) — mandatory, if required in the Call document/Programme Guide
Annual activity reports (annex 3 to Part B) — not applicable
List of previous projects (annex 4 to Part B) — mandatory, if required in the Call document/Programme Guide

Other annexes (annex 5 to Part B) — mandatory, if required in the Call document/Programme Guide

EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS LSI): V2.0 – 01.06.2022


List of previous projects

Please provide a list of your previous projects for the last 4 years.

Participant Project Reference No Period (start Role Amount Website (if any)
and Title, Funding and end date) (COO, (EUR)
programme BEN, AE,



1.0 25.02.2021 Initial version (new MFF).
2.0 01.06.2022 Consolidation, formatting and layout changes. Tags added.


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