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Greetings in the US tend to be more informal and come with a handshake.

Americans are friendly and

smile a lot. They are often quickly on a first-name basis, so be prepared for them to share their first
name and use yours. People in the US tend to be positive and friendly and may vigorously shake your
hand, and even put their hand on your back or hold your arm. And maintaining eye contact while talking
is the norm in the US.

Though you will often hear, “How are you?” or “How are you doing today?”, Americans are generally not
really asking you how you are so you aren’t expected to answer in detail. A simple, “Fine, thanks” or
“I’m doing well” should suffice. They may also say, “See you soon!” or “See you later!” when you are
parting. These are common phrases and don’t literally mean they will see you soon.

Mentoin about a meeting

Most meetings will start with a very short amount of social chat as people settle down. This can
transition quite abruptly to business. If you are the host, you will be expected to draw the warmup to an
end and introduce the topic.

In a negotiation, both sides will expect to move from their initial position towards a mutually beneficial
compromise. All present will expect to contribute and take an active part in conversations and a good
chair will ensure all are heard.

Business cards are always exchanged informally.

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