AMREEN of Assignment 6

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Record a Macro to format the table of any size, with proper Number Formatting

And Profit , Profit % calculation

All amounts are in millions.
Sales = (Quantity*Unit Price)
Profit = (Quantity*Product Margin)-Shipping Cost

Row ID Order PrioriQuantity orderedUnit Price Shipping Co

20847 High 4 2.8400000 0.9300000
20228 Not Specified 12 500.9800000 26.0000000
21776 Critical 22 9.4800000 7.2900000
24844 Medium 16 78.6900000 19.9900000
24846 Medium 7 3.2800000 2.3100000
24847 Medium 4 3.2800000 4.2000000
24848 Medium 4 3.5800000 1.6300000
18181 Critical 7 4.4200000 4.9900000
20925 Medium 10 35.9400000 6.6600000
26267 High 6 2.9800000 1.5800000
26268 High 10 115.9900000 2.5000000
23890 High 17 26.4800000 6.9300000
24063 Not Specified 18 12.9900000 9.4400000
5890 High 70 26.4800000 6.9300000
6062 Not Specified 58 5.0000000 3.3900000
6063 Not Specified 71 12.9900000 9.4400000
20631 High 1 55.4800000 14.3000000
20632 High 1 1.6800000 1.5700000
23967 Not Specified 12 4.1400000 6.6000000
23509 High 13 34.9900000 7.7300000
23612 High 2 17.9800000 8.5100000
23278 Medium 8 125.9900000 7.6900000
19355 Low 22 205.9900000 8.9900000
23654 Not Specified 13 4.2400000 5.4100000
23655 Not Specified 18 2.9400000 0.7000000
25933 High 6 99.9900000 19.9900000
20697 Medium 6 115.9900000 2.5000000
20698 Medium 1 3502.1400000 8.7300000
22890 High 17 175.9900000 5.7900000
25354 High 20 155.0600000 1.4900000
21017 Not Specified 17 5.9800000 0.7000000
21019 Not Specified 3 29.1400000 5.1500000
23274 Low 17 3.6900000 4.8600000
ber Formatting Note: Assign a Macro as a 'Command' into the 'Custom Tab'

Sales amount Product Margin per Profit

12.2900000 0.5400000 1.2300000
6037.7600000 0.6000000 -18.8000000
215.8500000 0.4500000 2.6100000
1279.0300000 0.4300000 -13.1100000
25.2700000 0.5600000 1.6100000
17.3200000 0.5600000 -1.9600000
15.9500000 0.3600000 -0.1900000
35.9300000 0.3800000 -2.3300000
366.0600000 0.4000000 -2.6600000
19.4600000 0.3900000 0.7600000
1162.4000000 0.5500000 3.0000000
457.0900000 0.4900000 1.4000000
243.2600000 0.3900000 -2.4200000
1860.5300000 0.4900000 27.3700000
293.3900000 0.3700000 18.0700000
931.7300000 0.3900000 18.2500000
69.7800000 0.3700000 -13.9300000
3.2500000 0.5900000 -0.9800000
56.2800000 0.4900000 -0.7200000
462.6000000 0.5900000 -0.0600000
44.4700000 0.4000000 -7.7100000
1015.6100000 0.5900000 -2.9700000
4540.7700000 0.5600000 3.3300000
60.5300000 0.3500000 -0.8600000
53.6200000 0.5800000 9.7400000
619.9300000 0.5200000 -16.8700000
698.4400000 0.5700000 0.9200000
3510.8700000 0.5700000 -8.1600000
2997.6200000 0.3600000 0.3300000
3102.6900000 0.3800000 6.1100000
102.3600000 0.5600000 8.8200000
92.5700000 0.3600000 -4.0700000
67.5900000 0.3800000 1.6000000

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