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a) The following questions are based on the preparation of Ammonia gas by heating Ammonium salt
with an alkali in the laboratory:
1) Write the chemical equation for the above preparation.
2NH4Cl + Ca (OH)2 → CaCl2 + 2H2O + 2NH3

2)State why ammonia is not prepared from NH4NO3 & NaOH. NH4NO3 is explosive in nature. NaOH is a
deliquescent alkali.

3) Name the drying agent used in the process.

Quick lime [CaO]

4) Name the drying agents not used & explain why they are not used?
The drying agents not used are conc. H2SO4, P2O5 & fused CaCl2. These drying agents are not used as
they are acidic in nature and react with basic ammonia gas.

4) How ammonia gas is collected? Why?

Ammonia gas is collected by downward displacement of air as it is lighter than air.

5) Explain why Ammonia gas is not collected over water.

Ammonia gas is highly soluble in water.

b) The questions below are related to an industrial preparation of ammonia gas.

1) Name the process.
Haber’s process.

2) Write the chemical equation for the reaction and mention the conditions required for the

N2 + 3H2 2NH3

Catalyst – Finely divided Iron (Fe),

Promoter – Molybdenum (Mo)

Temp – 450 – 500 0c, Pressure – 200 – 900 atmospheres

c) state your observations for the following: -

1. Ammonia gas is burnt in an atmosphere of oxygen (absence of a catalyst)

Burns with a Greenish yellow flame.

2. Glass rod dipped in ammonium hydroxide is brought near the mouth of conc. HCl acid bottle.
Dense white fumes of NH4Cl is formed.

3. Excess of Ammonium hydroxide is passed through aqueous solution of Lead nitrate.

Chalky white precipitate appears which is insoluble in excess of ammonium hydroxide.

4. Ammonium hydroxide solution is passed through Copper II sulphate solution.

Pale blue ppt of Cu (OH)2 is formed which is soluble / dissolves in excess of Ammonium hydroxide to
form deep blue / inky blue solution.

5. Ammonium hydroxide is added to Ferric chloride solution.

Reddish brown ppt of Fe (OH)3 is formed which is insoluble in excess of ammonium hydroxide

6. Ammonium hydroxide solution is added to Ferrous sulphate solution.

Dirty green precipitate of FeSO4 is formed which is insoluble in excess of Ammonium hydroxide

7. Ammonium hydroxide is added to Zinc sulphate solution.

White gelatinous ppt of Zn (OH) 2 is formed which is soluble in excess of ammonium hydroxide

8. Ammonia is passed through Nesseler’s reagent.

The colourless Nesseler’s reagent turns Brown.

9. Ammonia is passed over heated CuO.

The black CuO changes to (reduces) Reddish / Brownish Pink coloured copper metal.

10. Ammonia passed over heated PbO .

The buff yellow (Pale/dull yellow) PbO changes (reduced) to greyish metallic lead.
11. Ammonia is burnt in oxygen in presence of heated catalyst Platinum.
The colourless NO is formed which on further oxidation gives reddish brown NO2 gas.

12. Ammonia is passed through red litmus solution.

The red litmus solution changes from red to blue colour.

13. Ammonia is passed through Phenolphthalein solution.

The colourless phenolphthalein changes to pink.

14. Ammonia is passed through Methyl orange solution.

The orange coloured methyl orange solution changes to yellow.

C) Give reasons for the following: -

1. An aqueous solution of ammonia acts a weak base. Ammonia in aqueous solution undergoes partial
dissociation to give hydroxyl ions [ OH ]1- in low concentrations.

2.Finely divided iron catalyst does not affect the percentage yield of ammonia in Haber’s process.
Since Iron is a catalyst it only accelerates the reaction and does not take part in the reaction.

3. Ammonium salts are formed when ammonia reacts with dilute acids in the gaseous or aq.
Ammonia being a weak base accepts protons [H+ ions] to form
Ammonium ions. NH3 + H1+ NH41+
Therefore, it reacts with acids neutralizing them to form ammonium salts.

4. Aqueous solution of Lead nitrate and Zinc nitrate can be distinguished by using an aqueous
solution of Ammonia.
An aqueous solution of ammonia with lead nitrate solution gives chalky white ppt which is insoluble in
excess of NH4OH, whereas aqueous solution of ammonia with zinc nitrate gives gelatinous white ppt
which is soluble in excess of NH4OH.

5. Aqueous solution of ammonia [NH4OH] is used for identifying cations.

Aqueous solution of ammonia reacts with metallic salt solutions to give insoluble precipitates of the
respective metallic hydroxides which vary in colour and solubility in excess of NH 4OH. Hence it is used
in qualitative analysis for identifying positive radicals or ions.

d) Write chemical equations for the following conversions: -

1. Chlorine reacts with excess of Ammonia.
8NH3 + 3Cl2 → 6NH4Cl + N2

2. Ammonia reacts with excess of Chlorine

NH3 + 3Cl2 → 3HCl + NCl 3

3. Action of warm water on Magnesium nitride. Mg N

3 2 + 6H2O → 3Mg (OH)2 + 2NH3

4. Catalytic oxidation of Ammonia

4NH3 + 5O2 → 4NO + 6H2O +

5. Reduction of hot copper II oxide to copper by ammonia. 2NH 3 + 3CuO → 3Cu + 3H 2O +


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