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ELK Asia Pacific Journals – Special Issue

ISBN: 978-81-930411-1-6


Dr. Syed Mujahid

Faculty of English,
V.S. University P.G. Centre,
Kavali. A.P.


Language is a means of communicating thoughts, feelings, and ideas by human beings. It is a skill that can be
learnt by an individual, not simply by knowing but by experiencing it. In the recent years, the shift of focus from
the teaching of language as a system to the teaching of language as communication has brought the four
language skills viz., listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Among the four skills, Listening is one of the most
important skills in learning a language. It is the mother of all skills. It is a verbal skill which requires
thoughtful, constructive, purposeful, and critical powers of mind. It is a process of receiving, interpreting and
reacting to the messages received from the communication sender. It is an important skill and must be learnt
and taught carefully.

The aim of the present paper is to focus on the importance of listening skill in improving communication skills.
The paper also discusses various types of listening skills in detail. It also provides some activities through
which one may improve ones listening skills.

Key words: Language, communication, listening, speaking, hearing, active listening.

Language is a means of taught carefully. Listening is always

communicating thoughts, feelings, and purposeful.
ideas by human beings. It is a skill that can
be learnt by an individual, not simply by “God gave us two ears and one
knowing but by experiencing it. In the mouth, so we ought to listen twice
recent years, the shift of focus from the as much as we speak.”
teaching of language as a system to the →
teaching of language as communication Epictetus, who is
has brought the four language skills viz., a Greek Stoic Philosopher. (55-135
listening, speaking, reading, and writing.Of A.D).
these four skills, listening is considered to “First listen, my friend, and then
be a basic skill of learning a language. It is you may shriek and bluster.”
a process of receiving, interpreting and (Aristophanes).
reacting to the messages received from the
communication sender. Listening is the “Speech is difficult, but Silence is
mother of all language skills. It is an impossible”. The Chinese sage who made
important skill and must be learnt and this profound statement hundreds of years
ELK Asia Pacific Journals – Special Issue
ISBN: 978-81-930411-1-6

ago knew very well the pivotal role of

listening in making communication During the past two decades,
effective. communication and proficiency oriented
approaches to language teaching have
‘Listening’ helps to build trust and placed an increasing importance on the
enables self-disclosure. Jesus frequently development of listening skills. Even the
finalized his teaching of truth with “Let the recent experiments have proved that
one who has ears to hear, hear”. In this listening is an important skill associated
manner, he suggested that the listener must with comprehension of ideas and
become involved if a hearing is to truly take acceptance or rejection of messages. Jane
place. In the Old Testament, when given Willis (1981) points out that,
opportunity to request anything of God,
Solomon asked for a listening heart. He Listening is receptive rather
wanted to hear with the inner ear. Though than productive, but it is an
this word is usually translated equally important skill.
“understanding or discerning”, the Hebrew Students need to learn how
literally means “hearing”. God granted to listen and to get the
Solomon a wise and listening heart, made chance to listen to different
competent to hear with the inner ear and types of English, so they will
discern wisdom in ruling his people. be able to listen with
Listening is the most powerful tool understanding to spoken
of communication. Listening is the first step English outside the
to comprehension. People listen more than classroom. (134).
they speak, read or write. Rankin (1929)
gives the following statistics about the time In the present context of advanced
spent by adults in different occupations on communication technology, we frequently
the four functions of language: Listening resort to oral and aural communication for
45%, Speaking 30%, Reading 16%, and most transactions. We use the telephone,
Writing 9%. A study conducted by Barker, the mobile phone, voice mail, video
Edwards, Gaines, Gladney, and Holley conferencing, electronic chat and several
(1980) confirmed that, students in colleges other means to supplement face-to-face
and schools listen and write more than conversation. In these and more, listening
others as the following figures show: determines the usefulness or futility of
Listening 53%, Speaking 16%, Reading feedback, according to whether it is good
17%, and Writing 14%. Listening and or bad listening.
speaking are interdependent but without
effective listening, speaking cannot I. Listening vs Hearing :
contribute to meaningful, and mutually There is a clear distinction between
supportive, human communication. ‘listening’ and ‘hearing’. How many times
ELK Asia Pacific Journals – Special Issue
ISBN: 978-81-930411-1-6

we have shouted at our children or

subordinates saying “Are you listening?” 1. Factors related to the Listener :
We never use the word ‘hearing’. The  Interest in a topic – It increases the
process of listening is both a physical and a listener’s comprehension, the listener
mental act that involves both the ears and may tune out topics that are not of
the mind. Listening is also a bigger canvas interest.
as it consists of receiving information,  The content of the topic – The extent
editing and storing it, trying to build a of listening increases when the content
gestalt, recalling associated information of the message is familiar, and easy to
from your experience and then giving comprehend. The extent of listening
feedback. This feedback may consist of a decreases when the content has
response or may be just the storage of the unfamiliar vocabulary, or for which the
information. It also includes the ability to listener does not have much background
grasp fully what someone is saying in knowledge.
words. We pay conscious attention and  Negotiation skills – Further, the ability
efforts when we listen. A good listener to use negotiation skills, such as asking
learns a language more effectively and for clarification, repetition or definition
efficiently. Listening with a purpose results of points hasn't understood enables to
in better comprehension and retention. On the listener to make sense of the
the other hand, hearing is simply the act of information.
perceiving sound by the ear. It is just a 2. Factors related to the Speaker :
physical act. If one is not hearing-  Language forms – The voice of words,
impaired, hearing simply happens. When and the form of language used, also
we ‘hear’ we do not pay much attention. have a bearing on the listening process.
We may hear any sound consciously or The extent to which the speaker uses
unconsciously and forget it soon. There is colloquial language, and reduced forms
no communication without listening. impacts comprehension. The more
Hence, listening is said to be a basic skill exposure the listener has to them, the
in the process of learning a language. greater will be the ability to
II. Factors affecting the Listening  Style – A speaker’s pace of delivery,
Process : and the frequency and extent of
There are several factors affect the hesitations affect the listening process.
listening process. These factors may be  Speech habits – The speaker can be
broadly divided into : better understood, if the listener is
 Factors related to the listener. aware of the corrections, and use of
 Factors related to the speaker. rephrasing (“Well…I mean…That
 Visual support that is…”) employed by the speaker. The
accompanies the message. speech habits of the speaker act as clues
ELK Asia Pacific Journals – Special Issue
ISBN: 978-81-930411-1-6

to interpreting what the speaker actually details, examples, and illustrations.

means to say. There is no ‘selective dismissal’ of any
3. Visual Support : part of the oral message.
 Visual support used by the speaker can As an attentive listening is
increase comprehension if the listener is interactive and productive, facilitating
able to correctly interpret it. proper interaction and more effective
 Visual support includes videos, listener-speaker relationships, it
pictures, diagrams, gestures, facial requires conscious effort on the part of
expressions and body language. the listener and demands concentration,
involvement, and responsibility. Some
III. Types of Listening : other examples of attentive listening
Listening may be classified into the include listening to administrative
following various types on the basis of instructions, formal conversational
purpose and output. interaction, suggestions, requests,
 Superficial Listening : In this type of important telephone calls, and so on.
listening the listener has little awareness  Content Listening : Listening for
of the content of what is being said. The information about a business activity is
output in this type of listening is zero essential to make it successful. This
because the listener tends to ignore the type of listening is crucial to the
message, and is not able to concentrate introduction of new products, plans,
on the theme, main points, and administrative procedures, welfare
supporting details of the message. schemes, business expansions and many
 Appreciative listening : The main others. Inadequate and wrong
purpose of appreciative listening is to understanding may result, if listening is
get enjoyment and aesthetic pleasure. not effective.
Examples include listening to  Discriminative Listening : This is
entertaining stories, jokes, anecdotes, essential to the right understanding of
listen to a comedian, musician or an oral report, plea or complaint. The
entertainer and so on. listener should discriminate between
 Active listening : Active listening is truth and error by distinguishing what is
also known as ‘intensive listening’ or said from what is not said, real estate of
‘attentive listening’, with total attention things from overestimation and a
given to the speaker and his message. It transparent speaker from one who
is basically attentive and intelligent misleads.
listening in situations such as group  Critical Listening : This is also a form
discussions, meeting, job interviews, of ‘discriminative listening’. It is also
and so on. The listener pays attention to known as ‘evaluative listening’. This is
all parts of the message, that is, the context-free and applies to one who
central idea, main points, supporting listens to any speaker. A critical listener
ELK Asia Pacific Journals – Special Issue
ISBN: 978-81-930411-1-6

grasps the main focus of a speech, its

essential ideas and purpose. He or she IV. The Listening Process :
weighs and evaluates what is spoken Listening like other skills, should be
from the point of view of logic, context, understood as a process. It is ultimately the
contribution or otherwise, relevance and teacher, who creates opportunities for
overall quality. The speaker’s students to practice listening, by engaging
intentions, motives and credibility are them into activities. The purpose behind
also analysed. Listening to debriefing, such activities is to understand how much
after the execution of a business students register and how they react to
strategy, presentation of proposals by them in the different phases of the listening
others for investment, etc., require process. These three phases are – pre-
critical listening. listening, while-listening, and post-
The main purpose of ‘critical listening – help the teachers and students
listening’ or ‘evaluative listening’ is to to involve themselves in meaningful
evaluate the content of the oral message listening activities.
to select appropriate information. The  Pre-listening, during which the students
output could be an oral response, or are set to prepare to listen.
summarizing and recalling information  While listening, during which they are
at a later stage.Examples include set to focus their attention on the
listening to structured talks, classroom listening text and guide the
lectures, workshops, seminars, and so development of their understanding of
forth. it.
 Empathic Listening : This has  Post-listening, during which the
psychological therapeutic value. A students are set to integrate what they
relaxed and reassuring atmosphere is have learnt from the text into their
necessary to make the speaker feel existing knowledge.
confident while he or she is tensed. a) Pre-listening : There are certain goals
Empathetic listening is listening not that should be achieved before students
only to what the speaker is saying, but attempt to listen to any text. These are
also to how he/she is saying, that is, motivation, contextualization, and
his/her feelings, emotions, and state of preparation.
mind. The listener has to understand  Motivation
and respond to the affective signals that It is enormously important that
the speaker might make, and has to be before listening students are
alert to the speaker’s implied meaning, motivated to listen, so one should try
intention, and attitude. Moreover, to select a text that they will find
he/she has to understand and interpret interesting and then design tasks that
non-verbal clues and the body language will arouse the students’ interest and
of the speaker. curiosity.
ELK Asia Pacific Journals – Special Issue
ISBN: 978-81-930411-1-6

 Contextualization Ideally the listening tasks that are

When one listens in our everyday designed for them should guide them
lives one hears language within its through the text and should be graded
natural environment, and that so that the first listening task they do
environment gives us a huge amount is quite easy and helps them to get a
of information about the linguistic general understanding of the text.
content one is likely to hear. Sometimes a single question at this
Listening to a tape recording in a stage will be enough, not putting the
classroom is a very natural process. students under too much pressure.
The text has been taken from its The second task for the second time
original environment and tasks are to students listen should demand a
be designed to help students to greater and more detailed
contextualize the listening and access understanding of the text. Make sure
their existing knowledge and that the task doesn’t demand too
expectations to help them understand much of a response. Writing long
the text. responses as they listen can be very
 Preparation demanding and is a separate skill in
To do the task students are set while itself, so keep the tasks to single
they listen there could be specific words, ticking or some sort of
vocabulary or expressions that graphical response.
students will need. It’s vital that we The third listening task could just
cover this before they start to listen be a matter of checking their own
as we want the challenge within the answers from the second task or
lesson to be an act of listening not of could lead students towards some
understanding what they have to do. more subtle interpretations of the
b) While listening : text.
When something is listened in Listening to a foreign language is a
everyday lives, it is done for a very intensive and demanding
reason. Students too need a reason to activity and for this reason it’s very
listen that will focus their attention. important that the students should
For the students to really develop have ‘breathing’ or ‘thinking’ space
their listening skills they will need to between listening. The students are
listen a number of times – three or asked to compare their answers
four usually work quite well – as it is between listening as this gives them
found that many students when they the chance not only to have a break
listen to a text for the first time they from the listening, but also to check
are nervous and have to tune in to the their understanding with a peer and
accents and the speed at which the so reconsider before listening again.
people are speaking.
ELK Asia Pacific Journals – Special Issue
ISBN: 978-81-930411-1-6

c) Post-listening : There are two

common forms that post-listening tasks V. Obstacles to Effective Listening :
can take. These are reactions to the There are certain barriers in listening,
content of the text, and analysis of the to make listening effectively, we need
linguistic features used to express the to overcome the obstacles in the way.
content. Few of them are :
 Reaction to the text  Psychological Ear Muffs : It is a
Of these two, tasks that focus state of split attention, and half
students’ reaction to the content are listening where full attention and
most important. Again, this is clear understanding are necessary.
something that has naturally done  Distraction of Mind : Control and
in our everyday lives. Because we screen out of distractions is very
listen for a reason, there is important. The distractions can be
generally a following reaction. This external, internal, physical or
could be discussed as a response to mental. While listening to a speaker
what has been heard – do they on a particular subject, thinking on
agree or disagree or even believe some other irrelevant and unwanted
what they have heard? – or it matter is a distraction.
could be some kind of reuse of the  Lack of interest : Showing lack of
information they have heard. interest to the speaker’s content is
 Analysis of language another form of barrier to effective
The second of these two post- listening.
listening task types involves  Conflict of the attitudes and values
focusing students on the linguistic of the listener with those of the
features of the text. This is speaker.
important in terms of developing  Closed mindedness of the listener.
their knowledge of language, but  Noise : Noise is anything that
less so in terms of developing hangs like a cloud over the entire
students’ listening skills. It could communication network.
take the form of an analysis of verb  Status : Listeners’ status
forms from a script of the listening consciousness, especially when the
text or vocabulary or collocation listener is superior and the speaker
work. This is a good time to do is subordinate.
focused work as the students have  The mental argument with the
already developed an speaker before comprehending the
understanding of the text and so total message.
will find dealing with the forms  Wrong perception of the message.
that express those meaning much
 Listeners’ inadequate knowledge of
the language used by the speaker.
ELK Asia Pacific Journals – Special Issue
ISBN: 978-81-930411-1-6

 Misunderstanding of correct means you are not focusing on

pronunciation. content.
 Lack of Vocabulary – difficulty to  Avoid emotional involvement –
understand the new terms. When you are emotionally occupied
in listening, you are likely to hear
VI. Strategies to Improve the Listening what you want to hear, and not what
Skills : is actually being said.
The following are some of the
suggestions which will improve the To conclude, we may say that listening is
listening skills. an important component of
 Be Prepared to Listen - What is communication. However, for effective
most important is the willingness to listening one has to work consistently and
listen and understand what the cohesively to learn how to listen
speaker is trying to say. You cannot effectively and also to interpret and infer
fully hear the speaker’s point of view the meaning rightly by decoding the
or process information when you message.
argue mentally, or judge what is
being said before it is completed. References
Listen with an open mind. An open [1] Aslam, Mohammad. Teaching of
mind is a mind that is receiving and English. New Delhi : Cambridge
listening to information. University Press India Private Limited,
 Maintain eye and face contact with 2009. Print.
the speaker – Look at the speaker. [2] Barker, L., Edwards, R., Gaines, C.,
Our eyes can pickup non-verbal Gladney, K., & Holley, F. “An
signals that all people send out when investigation of proportional time spent
they are speaking. Moreover, eye in various communication activities by
contact keeps pupil focused on the college students”. Journal of Applied
task at hand, and keeps them Communication Research. 8, 101-110.
involved in the subject. Our faces 1980. Print.
contain most of the receptive
[3] Kaushik, Sharda, & Bindu Bajwa. A
equipment in our bodies. So it is only
Handbook of Teaching English. New
natural that we should tilt our faces
Delhi : Orient Blackswan Private
towards the channel of information.
Limited, 2009. Print.
 Focus on content, not delivery - Pay
attention to the content rather than [4] Rankin, P. ‘Listening ability’.
the mannerisms of the speaker. For Proceedings of the Ohio State
example, if your are counting the Educational Conference. Columbus,
number of times the speaker clears OH : Ohio State University Press.
his throat or says a particular word, it 1929. Print.
ELK Asia Pacific Journals – Special Issue
ISBN: 978-81-930411-1-6

[5] Saraswathi, V. English Language

Teaching: Principles and Practice.
Chennai : Orient Longman Private
Limited, 2004. Print.
[6] Willis. Jane. Teaching English through
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Longman Group Pvt. Ltd. 1981. Print.

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