Assessment 2, Section 2, Q1 - Audit Report

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Audit Report

David Moripi
David Moripi
Certificate IV in Business
BSBWRT411 - Write complex documents PROJECT
Section 2: Performance Activity, Question 1
Final Copy

Terms of Reference
Term Definition according to context of WHSMS Auditing
WHSMS Is the abbreviation of Work Health and Safety Management
System which refer to system that is designed to manage safety
risk in the workplace by reducing risk to a level that is as low as is
reasonably practicable or ALARP to prevent people getting hurt.
Data Relevance Data collected that is accurate and unambiguous, free from error
and free from bias which can be measured consistently, making it
comparable both over time and across organisation and its also
clearly defined, easily understood and readily interpreted by users.
Data Validity Data collected those measures what it purports to measure which
has statistical validity: the data logically captures what the
description says it captures and is generally accepted as fit for
purpose i.e., seen as fair by staff and managers.
WHS Conformance The act of complying to WHS policies and procedures, standards
or laws in the workplace.

Executive Summary
Cool Heads Airconditioning Pty Ltd is committed to ensuring its WHSMS reflects the WHS
legislative framework requirements as well as other relevant legislation to State and Federal
Government with the aim of achieving an evolving and robustly safe and healthy conditions
in the workplace for its users.
This report serves to highlight an important step taken to honour this commitment by
monitoring the conformance of its WHSMS to ISO 45001:2018 which involves the
engagement of a certified external auditor: Safety Auditor Solution (SAS) to justify a thorough
approach to the matter at hand.

David Moripi
Certificate IV in Business
BSBWRT411 - Write complex documents PROJECT
Section 2: Performance Activity, Question 1
Final Copy

1. Introduction
This audit report is about ISO 45001:2018 Compliance Monitoring at Cool Heads
Airconditioning Pty Ltd specifically focusing on its WHSMS which involved auditing
to be conducted by the engagement of a certified external auditor.

The audit process was thorough outlining stringent plan (Attached A: Audit Plan)
covering objectives, scope, roles and responsibilities of both parties, procedures, and a
combination of quantitative and qualitative data gathering and analysis methods. This
audit process was conducted from October 26th - 29th, 2021 at the Cool Head’s Pty
Ltd.’s worksite.

2. Aim
The aim of this report is to communicate to the management of the company and its
stakeholders to provide an update on what has been undertaken, what has been
uncovered and how we might have an insight into going about our improvements with
WHSMS and its practices in the workplace.

3. Methodology
The gathering of auditing data was done following the acquisition and reviewing of
relevant WHS documents, conducting on-site observation and a series of interviews
with key personnel in the workplace.

3.1 WHS Records

WHS records involved the reviewing of evidences such as WHS policies and
procedures, safety tools and forms, codes of practices, contractual agreements, etc.
These records have been reviewed against benchmarking requirements according
to the appropriate applied standard and good practices.

3.2 Observations
The auditors conducted walk around inspection and took closer look on the how
the company manages its safety practices on-site as well as asking questions as to
random workers on-site to gain an understanding between correlation of the
WHSMS and the its implementation.

3.3 Interviews
The auditors conducted a series of interviews (Attachment B: Interview Questions)
involving key personnel in the workplace such as the CEO, managers, contractors
and the workers with the use of customized questionnaires developed for each to
effectively abstract a clear picture with regards to their experience and
understanding and what the audit aims to achieve.

David Moripi
Certificate IV in Business
BSBWRT411 - Write complex documents PROJECT
Section 2: Performance Activity, Question 1
Final Copy

All data collected by the audit team had undergone a thorough data processing to
ensure an accurate analysis of what is intended to be achieved in the result based on
its relevance and validity.



4. Results/Finding

Planning Identification of
Hazards, Assessment &…
Legal & Other

Objectives & Targets

81% 75% 80% 75%
OHS Management Plans 73%

Structure & Responsibility

Training & Competency

Communication & Reporting


Document & Data Control

with regards to ISO 45001:2018. Refer to Attachment C: Audit Checklist Tool

Hazard Identification,
Assessment and Control
100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Summary of Scores

Emergency Preparedness &



Monitoring & Measurement


Incident Investigation,

Corrective & Preventive…

Records & Records


Management Review

75% 81%
Below is a statistical representation of the results uncovered from the audit analysis to WHSMS and show the level of conformance it has
5. Discussion
With respect to benchmarking requirements, the results have pointed out that more
than half of the company’s WHSMS elements have been fully compliant to ISO
45001:2018 whilst 4/17 are in conformance just above the 80% mark whilst the rest
falls between the range 0f 70% and 80% conformance rating. The overall compliance
of the WHSMS performance is an average total score of 81%.

6. Conclusion
Based on the audit results uncovered and discussed in this report, it can be concluded
that the WHSMS of Cool Head Airconditioning Pty Ltd is compliant to the
requirements of the ISO 45001:2018 at great extent however there still room for

7. Recommendation
The audit team has recommended that careful consideration is given to corrective
actions outlined in the audit tool checklist to address the inconsistencies that were
identified in the areas of concern within WHSMS and therefore, a thorough
assessment can be conducted for each action in order to determine their level of
priority and respond accordingly in due course to ensure its overall conformance level
is progressing positively towards achieving its WHS objectives and goals.

8. Attachments
8.1 Attachment A: WHSMS Audit plan
8.2 Attachment B: WHSMS Audit Interview Questions
8.3 Attachment C: WHSMS Audit Checklist Tool

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