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Teacher: Ichrak galay, Abouzid Abdel-hakim Class level: 2nd year bac

Textbook: Gateway 2 English Class size:

Unit 6: Humor Lesson type: Functions
Title: Agreeing and disagreeing School: Mohamed 6 high school

Class period : 55 mins Date : 08/02/2023

 Objective: by the end of the lesson, students should be able to students will be able toexpress their
opinion, and agree or disagree.
 Material(s): worksheets and BB.

Time Procedures Techniques

5 Warm-up
minutes -T greets SS. Greeting
-T writes the date on the BB.
- T presents a riddle of circles

20 Presentation:
minutes - T distributes a dialogue and asks SS to read it and get its main idea. Setting the
Dialogue scene

AHMED: I guess that teenagers are more motivated than the elderly. What do you
think? Dialogue
SALMA: Well…yes that’s my opinion too.
AHMED: but for me, the elderly are more concentrated. How do you feel about that?
SALMA: I would say the exact opposite.

-T asks SS to look at the dialogue again and answer the following questions:
-T: What is AHMED asking for?
-SS: Asking for opinion.
-T: Good, how did you know? Which expression did he use? Q/A
-SS: “What do you think?”
-T: Excellent.
-T: What is SALMA’s response/opinion?
-SS: “That’s my opinion too.”
-T: Good.
-T asks SS to read the dialogues on the paper and find the targeted expressions
-T draws a chart on the BB.
Asking for opinion Giving opinion agreeing disagreeing
- What do you - I think (don’t) -I agree with you -I don't think so.
think…….? That… 100 percent. -(strong) No way.
- What/ who do you - In my -I couldn't agree with
believe……..? opinion…….. -I'm afraid I
you more. disagree.
- What is your view - In my
about…….? mind…………. -That's so true. -(strong) I totally Eliciting
- Do you think - For me…………… -That's for sure. disagree.
that…….? - It seems to me that -You're absolutely -I beg to differ.
- In your opinion, ……………. right.
what/who/where/wh - I believe that…… -(strong) I'd say the
y……? - As far as I am -Absolutely. exact opposite.
-As far as you’re concerned…….. -That's exactly how I -Not necessarily.
concerned, - I feel strongly that feel. -That's not always
what/where…….? ……………….. true.
- How do you feel I would say that…
about……? I feel that….
-T provides more expressions.
-T fills in the chart.
Checking comprehension
-T writes on the BB and asks SS to match the following:
How do you find the elderly? Giving opinion
agreed agreeing
I think that they are old fashioned. Asking about opinion

Practice1: match the sentences with their functions. Completion
Practice2: expressing the same idea in a different way. Drills
20 Practice3: conversations completion Matching
minutes Expressing the
same idea

15 Exploitation:
minutes T does not intervene unless SS need help in word finding difficulty.
Issue 1: You are in Morocco Mall to buy something.
S1: ………………………………………………………………………
S1: ………………………………………………………………………
S2: ………………………………………………………………………
 Instead the students do not like the first issue the T can suggest these ones:
Issue 2.Youths and involvement in politics. Role play
Issue 3: youths and fashion.
Issue 4: youths and voluntary work.

-SS come to the BB and present their dialogues.

-T asks SS to copy the lesson.

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