28 September 2011

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Myross Bush School

Find out more at www.myrossbush.school.nz

the scoop

SEP 28


Forbes, Oscar and Ben helping each other create WOW night movies about their science experiment.

Dear Parents

night as we celebrate the learning, and the presentation of that learning, on the big screen! This event is another example of the importance the school places on celebrating our student's learning. Next year we are planning a traditional on stage production and we'll also be incorporating this into our inquiry programme. We hope that'll you'll support this initiative and join us on what promises to be a colourful and exciting night! Regards,

Next week is the last week of term with Wednesday being the day of our showcase event at the Civic. There has been a lot of activity throughout the term with the students and the teachers working hard to get their item ready for our Civic event - which this year is called the Myross Media Awards! Each term our inquiry - or enriching curriculum work - with the students has an 'action' which gives an authentic reason for that period of work. This term our science inquiry was introduced with the intended action being the showcase of our children's learning in our annual Civic Theatre appearance, with the overall winner of the Myross Media Award Mac also be entered as an

entry from our school in the National New Zealand Made Awards Media competition, in the documentary section. The sharing of our science discovery also gave us a great context to share the learning journey that the children and staff have been on in integrating ICT tools and skills into our programme and in showcasing our children through a different medium - still 'on stage' but by sharing the different classes and group entries on the big screen. Our Year 6's still have the main role to play as in other years as our presenters and production crew. They will be running the show on the

Tim Lovelock

Kia tu Pakari

From strong foundations we grow and stand tall together

Lily, Angus, Oliver and Eilish reading a book about Orangutans . we are loving being in our flash new classroom this week.

Baby Sitter Available: Ex student, reliable. Ph Makaela 2157922 Gladstone Tyres & Mags: Get the school rewarded - $5 back to the school on every tyre purchase drop a copy of your invoice into the school. Southland Society of Model Engineers: is holding its annual main fundraising event, The Great Little Train Show. The show is on the 22/23 of October at 10am each day in our Surrey Park club grounds and will feature outside train rides, model train displays, radio controlled boats and cars along with retailers and static displays. Children $2, Adults (over 15) $5, Family $10

School News:
Book Amnesty: (by Wed 5th Oct): So that we can refill the reading boxes (no questions asked). Our books are very valuable so we would appreciate a prompt return. All library and reading books at your place can be sent to school by next Wednesday for our stocktake. Ask your children to check out under their beds, in cupboards etc. If books are damaged we ask that they not be repaired at home. We have special book tape to do this, thank you. Vizi Safety Vests: Yesterday 5 children got off the bus without their vest on. These are to be worn for safety reasons and we ask that to help us keep your children safe on the way to and from school by ensuring vests are on before leaving home. Unfortunately we will have to charge out for missing vests. Please check at the office for your vest number. Lost Property: Please check the lost property over the next week as all unclaimed items will be washed and taken to the local charity shop. (including the one rugby boot!) If anyone is able to help with this please contact the office. Thank you.

Un-Assembly: Parents are welcome to come and see what is happening in the classrooms from 2.15pm.

Board of Trustees Election

Nominations are invited for the election of 2 parent representatives to the board of trustees. A nomination form and a copy of this notice has been sent to all eligible voters. Additional nomination forms can be obtained from the school office. Nominations close at noon on 4 November 2011 and may be accompanied by a candidates statement. The voting roll is open for inspection at the school and can be viewed between 8.30am to 1.00pm. There will also be a list of candidates names, as they come to hand, for inspection at the school. The poll closes at noon on 18 November 2011. Signed Cristy Henderson & Irene Tresidder Returning Officers

Myross Bush Landcare Group: Sunday 2nd Oct, 2pm, entrance at Caugheys, 42 Simon Road. We need your help to continue eradicating pest plants in Kerrs Bush. We are all set for an afternoon of drilling and filling, lopping and pasting! We have some equipment coming from Environment South, and expert instruction we just need more helpers. While we have some equipment, please bring loppers, secateurs, and heavy duty gloves. Any queries, please call Barbara on 230 4243, or Nan 230 4141.

DAVID WHITE BUILDING Experienced Qualied Builder of: New Homes Residential Extensions and Renovations Farm Sheds etc... Phone 0274351490 or A/H 2304984

Liz Miller, Invercargills very own Dream Weaver Storyteller was at school today courtesy of the ILT.

Week 9 Term 3
Room 1 have been videoing our learning to show off what we know about how change happens using a basic scientific process predict, test, observe and discover. We are looking forward to presenting it to you next Wednesday night. We are using the last 2 weeks of term to investigate 'bugs' and will come home with all sorts of interesting facts on this topic. All children have reading and spelling homework daily. Just focus on 5 or 6 tricky words from the spelling lists by practicing them in the spelling notebooks. Most children have basic facts homework - I suggest 5 a night to spread it across the week. Thanks for your support. Room 2 children have been great scientists, making up their own experiments, predicting what would happen and seeing if they were right. We had great fun filming our explorations and we are looking forward to our Myross Bush Media Awards! We enjoyed listening to Liz Miller the storyteller today. It's interesting to see the difference between reading a story and telling a story. Thank you for all the boxes that have come to school. The children are loving making creations in their spare time! Certificates : Ethan Mitchell, Scott Hoffmanwelcome to school! Room 6 Well done to Georgia, who won our rugby sweepstake this week, only 3 points off the actual score. Oliver P and Jack were 2nd and 3rd respectively. We have started a geometry unit this week and the children will be learning about line symmetry, translation and tessellation. Our poetry is going well and everyone has completed a haiku poem and a cinquan, with some great language being used. We are moving rooms on Friday afternoon and would love some help. If you are at a loose end and feel like lending a hand come along to 'Room 6 Rocks' from around 2pm on Friday. Room 7 are adjusting to our new surroundings this week in the staffroom! Exciting to see the old Room 7 getting work done to it already. We are busy creating our "WOW" Night imovies and learning about all the awesome new features we can use to wow our family and friends who come to see our work. Room 7 can't wait to see you all there next Wednesday.

Room 3 are all having fun practising our plays. We are learning to stay in character by using a special voice and making movements that match the character we are playing. We are filming lots of our science and drama and hope to perform our plays for Room 4. Certificates: Mackenzie Robinson, Summer Gibbs

Room 8 have been working really hard on getting some robust science understanding into their documentaries for next Wednesday. We are at the end of our inquiry cycle and are very pleased with how they are coming together. They have done a great job at involving sound, transitions, effects and captions to help explain their information about how the matter changes. The year 6's found out which roles they will be taking on the night, too. Some will be the hosts, presenters, back stage technicians and on the sound and video desks. I hope you will help them practice their parts over the weekend. It's very exciting! Check out our school newsletter in colour at: www.myrossbush.school.nz Please Note: In order to see the correct webpage this is the only address that should show in the address line.

Room 4 The term is fast disappearing. We have had a great time finding about matter and are looking forward to sharing our film with you next week. We have a lot of mud in the school grounds and the children seem to be very good at finding it! It would be helpful if your child had a change of clothes in their bag. Today we enjoyed having Liz, who is a storyteller at our school. Enjoy your week Evelyn.

Sports Notices:
Hockey MB Champs v Makarewa Wolves Won 4-0 in play offs for 7th place out of 14 teams. A great game by all team members. Thank you to all the parents for your support thoughout the season. Philippa Horton

Room 5 Today we were very lucky to have Miss Miller the amazing storyteller and her two dogs Candy and Bonney. Katie - I liked the story of Jack and the Haunted house. It kept you listening, thinking about what will happen next. Thomas - I liked the story of Jack and the haunted house because parts of a body came down the chimney. Ben Mc - Jack and the haunted house was a good story. If I was Jack I would spend my gold on a flight to Australia to buy a surfboard. Certificates: Emily Hay, Corbin Fraser, Cassandra Gray, Ollie Polaschek

FOS Book Week

All orders are completed and are at the office awaiting collection ASAP please.

from the classroom

5th (Wed) WOW night at Civic Theatre starting at 6pm

7th (Mon) Pet Day

19th (Mon) End of Term 4

Updated 28th September 2011

7th (Fri) End of Term 3

22nd-25th (Tues - Fri) Year 6 Camp

24th (Mon) Labour Day (no school)

25th (Tues) Term 4 begins

27th (Thurs) Class Photos


To boo k for the your tickets the Civ WOW night at ic Wedne next sday.

Dont forget ...

2012 Term Dates

Term 1 Wednesday 1 February to Thursday 5th April (Easter) Term 2 23 April to 29th June Term 3 16 July to 28 September Term 4 15 October to 17th December

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