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A man has shared his experience of 36 years in 4 major
organizations. He has discussed 10 major personal and technical cases encountered in his
career span.
Case 1: A production store was falsely claimed by a major company for auction of a gyroscopic
control system. It used commendation by pentagon for reevaluation. As the air force system
had witnessed major suppliers' names on plates been produced there. A company can
subcontract equipment between subassemblies and larger products. As a result, the original
review stood because the gyro unit had an isolated subcontractor and supply number.
The second case states that the engineer’s idea of altering UL unit assembly was not funded by
a production plant that consisted of 60 engineers and technicians, although he did convince his
unit manager and area manager. As a result, the manager and engineer took a leap in the dark
for man hours. Ultimately the HI Pot test was reduced from 8hours to just 20 minutes. This was
an outstanding performance for which the engineer was awarded a special merit pay of 10%.
This accounted for the “end justifying the means.”
The third case cited a highly qualified engineer who examined two aspects in his biannual
training session I.e.: designing complex office equipment and floor performance issues. One
thing that bothered him was the performance assumption to which he was challenged and was
warned to keep aside as it was not his headache. As an aftermath, he dug into the roots of the
issue and produced the flaw of the machine that cost millions of company’s budgets. He was
bestowed a special merit pay of 10% for making major design changes in the design phase at
that point.
The fourth case disclosed that the management had to focus on the status meetings as because
the art production yield was so small that the supplier was unable to keep balance of
production capability and proposed production at current and forecasted yields. This put down
the management into a critical issue about delaying product introduction in the market. This
resulted in a reduction of costs as the yield increased due to the internal collaboration and
breakthrough approach of tech engineers by developing an alternative production technique.
The fifth case declares that a company is indulged in a situation where a foreign division
program denies funding an equipment development program whose manager took the
calculated risk upon himself. The foreign division asked for the equipment and yet the test
pieces were not designed and debugged which could take 1 year for each. This resulted in the
utilization of PERT techniques by taking top ranked people and software engineers to
successfully plan, track and deliver the equipment on time and it was successful.
In the 6th case, a team of technical design team that had to appear in the annual AL association
competition, were curious to elect the distributor of cash award prior to submitting the entry.
The prototype to be submitted was designed and manufactured by many personnels. As an
outcome, the entry became the double winner as a corporate management, and the cash prize
was given to local united way. For this, the team was invited for a luncheon by the company.
The 7th case cites a personal, moral, and ethical business issue, that two engineers submitted
false TADA for two double bedrooms, as they could live in one. On investigation by the design
manager, it was revealed by the supplier that the visit to his plant was postponed as there was
another company there. The manager then confronted his engineer about the shit, which he
admitted and resigned at the spot though he was married. As an upshot, the engineer was fired
circumventing termination. A matter of fact was That they even did not get another job and
ultimately filed up a claim for firing benefits on which the state and personnel took a great
8th business ethical case states that, an acting manager, who set some strict rules upon the
sponsoring suppliers, faced an issue of resistance by an engineer who bargain about his other
peers at other product programs who were sent on many paid trips by sponsors. As an
aftermath, a record was set as the company funded for lunches and tea breaks in its cafeteria
and auditorium. This allowed day-long meetings and revealed the loyalty of personnel towards
the organization.
9th business ethical problem states that, A military engineer claims to eliminate the bases used
with the gyroscope as they are integrated on the modern planes. His suggestion was put
forward and was enforced too. The annual expenditure for suggestions is 100,000 dollars per
year. For this the engineer is invited to dinner at the officer's club and gets motivated while
shaving in the morning.
The 10th ethical issue is about a burden held on a faculty member of an engineering college, for
not paying enough time to research for a project, as he is engaged in working somewhere else
which pays him 25 times that of his project working wages. He is burdened with giving output
2.5 times that of the required. As a result, the faulty member continues to give extra workshops
as he has no other choice else, he would be terminated.
This concludes that engineers have far reaching impact over society, as they will face such
ethical dilemmas and confront them in an efficient way. The minute transgressions can lead to
vast ones. They should be aware of each step they take whether it is beneficial for society or
not. The ethics cannon should be focused from first to the last day of graduation.

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