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s6 or
cOa xgn o6ruc DlcH vU KHUNG
No: Hpt p/pU R/ cON/22/ 1,6 56: Hpt p/pU R/ CoN/22/ L6

This Addendum No. 01 to the Master Service

Contract Phu luc s6 0t cria Hop Dbng Dich Vr; Khung niry (,,phu
(the "Addendum,,) is made and entered into on Lsc") dugc lap vi kV vio ngiy 01./06/2023 bdi vi giira:
01./06/2023 by and between:


cONG ry c6 eHAN KHU cONG NGHlep nAt pxOrue
Dqidien b&i : Ong Hyacinthe Cloarec, Thtra rly
Represented by: Mr. Hyacinthe Cloarec, Authorized
by quyEn Tdng Giiim Ddc
General Director
Dia chi : Tbng 4, khu vdn phdng Harbour
Address : 4th Floor, Harbour View Office Tower, s6 tz trbn phri, phrrdng M6y Td, Quan Ng6 QuyEn,
12fran Phu Street, May To Ward, Ngo euyen District, Phdng
Hai Phong
thoai : 0225 3836 169
56 atiCn
Tel :0225 3836 1G9 Md sd thud : 0200788973
Tax Code :0200788973 sau ddy dugc goi lA DEEP C,
hereinafter referred to as DEEp C

cONG Ty rNHH DAo rAo vA ricH Hqp cONG NGHE
Represented by: Mr. Do euant Anh, Director Dai dien bdi : O6 euang Anh, Gidm D6c
Address : No.24, Doan Ket lane, Thanh Toan Dia chi : 56 24, ng6 Doin Kdt, khu dan cr,/
residential, Vinh Khe hamlet, An Dong commune, An Thanh Toin, th6n Wnh Kh6, xd An Dbng, Huyqn An
Duong District, Hai phong city, Viet Nam Durdng, thirnh ph6 Hii phong.
Tel : 0225 3691 496 Sd cfiQn thoqi : 0225 3691,496
Tax code : 0201873815 Me s6 thu6 : 0201873815
Account No. : VND 8g6gg5gg-ACB bank, Duyen Hai Tii khoin s6
: VND 88G88588 - Ngdn hing TM
Chdu, chi nhdnh Duy6n Hii
hereinafter referred to as Contractor. sau d6y dtrgc goi ld NhA Thhu.
ln this Addendum, C and Contractor shall be Trong PhU LUc niy, DEEp C vi Nhi Thhu sau
d6y d
hereinafter referred individually as the ,,party,, and ggi ri6ng li mQt "BOn"
vi goi chung li ,,Cdc 86n,,.
collectively as the "parties,,.
The Parties refer to the Master Service Contract No Cdc B6n dE
cap d6n Hgp Dbng Dich Vu Khung s6
HPIP/PUR/CON/22/1,6 dated O1l05 /2022 between the HPIP/PUR/CON/22/L6
ki ngiry O1.|OS/2O22 giira Ciic
Parties for Service of cable system (the ,,Contract,,). Bdn vE Dich vu H9 th6ng cdp (,,Hqp Obng,,).

The Parties hereby agree to amend and supplement the

'i s0a ddi vi bd sung Hgp Dbng
Cdc Bdn theo d6y dbng
Contract as follows: nhur sau:

ARTICLE 1. CONTENTS OF AMENDMENT srEu r. NOr ouNc sun o6r. e6 suNc

1,.1,. The Parties agree to extend the Contract until 1.1. Cdc B6n rfbng gia hqn Hgp Dbng
'i tdi ngiy
01./06/2024. 07/0612024.
2.1. Capitalized terms used in the Addendum, unless
2.1.. Cdc thu6t ng0 vidt hoa drrgc s& dr;ng trong phu
otherwise defined in this Addendum, shall have
Lqc niy sE c6 ri nghTa nhrr dtrqc cfinh nghla trong
the same meaning as given to them in the Hgp Dbng trir khidugc dinh nghTa khdc ditai phu
Lqc niy.
2.2. This Addendum shall come into force from its
2.2. Phu Luc niy c6 hi€u tUc kd ttr ngiry kri vi ti mgt
signing date and shallform an integral part of the
phhn kh6ng tdch rdi cia Hgp Dbng.
2.3. This Addendum amends and supplements the
2.3. Phu Luc niy srla ddiv) bd sung cho Hop Dbng v)
Contract and shall, together with the Contract,
be dugc q9c
sE uuqrc
se vi gtat
dgc va giai tntch
thich cung
cirng voi Hqp D6ng$rr
vdi Hgp Dbng\hu
read and construed as one document. The word
mQt tii liqu thdng nhdt. Tir ,,Hgp D6ng,, b{G\,
"Contract" whenever appearing in the Contract
khi nio xudt hi6n trong Hgp Dbng sE OrrOq f{O\\
shall for all purposes refer to the Contract as li dE cap tdi Hqp Dbng dtrsc sl?a ddi, bd,dEFh; jl
amended by this Addendum.
Phu Luc niy. IJNG
2.4. Except as expressly amended by this Addendum, 2.4. Trtr cdc ngi dung drroc sfra ddi, b6 sung
the Contract shall remain in full force. ln the 16 rdng b&i phq Luc niy, Hgp Dbng
event of any conflict between the terms of the
nguyEn hi€u lrtc. Trong trudng hop c6 su m6u
Contract and this Addendum, this Addendum
thuSn giira cdc quy dinh trong Hgp Dbng vi trong
shall prevail.
Phu Lr,rc niy, phu Lr,rc niy sE dugc uu ti6n dp
2.5. This Addendum is made in two (2) copies in 2.5. Phu Luc niy drrgc tQp thinh hai (02) bin song
bilingual of English and Vietnamese. Each party ngf bing ti6ng Anh vir ti6ng ViCt. M6i B6n s6 giir
shall keep one original copy. ln the event of any
mQt b6n gdc. Trong tnrdng hgp c6 m6u thuin
discrepancy, the English version shall prevail. gi0a hai ng6n ngU, ngi dung ti6ng Anh s6 duOc
rru ti6n dp dUng.

eHs DEEP C For and on behalf of CONTRACTOR

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