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United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural MEDIA AND INFORMATION

Organization (UNESCO)
MEDIA AND INFORMATION LITERACY - physical objects used to communicate
with, or the mass communication
- defined as the knowledge and skills required
through physical objects such as radio,
to find, analyze, critically evaluate and
television, computers, or film.
generate information in various media and
- source of credible information
- there is an editorial process
COMMUNICATION - editorial accountability can be
attributed to an organization
- the act or process of using words, sounds,
signs, or behaviors to express or exchange
information or to express your ideas, CATEGORIES OF MEDIA
thoughts, feelings, etc., to someone else.
1. Modality
TWO BASIC TYPES OF COMMUNICATION - Text, audio, video, graphics, animation
2. Format
1. Non-Verbal - Digital or Analog
- Signs 3. Ways of Transmitting
- Symbols - Electromagnetic or radio waves, light
- Colors waves
- Gestures 4. Mass Media Form
- body language - TV, radio, print, Internet, telephone, or
- facial expressions mobile
2. Verbal
- Written - literacy is equivalent to a skill; in
general terms
COMMUNICATION MODELS - ability to identify, understand,
interpret, create, communicate, and
compute, using printed and written
1. Transmission Models materials associated with varying
- defines communication as the process of contexts. (UNESCO)
transmission of message as intended by
the source  MEDIA LITERACY
a. Lasswell’s Communication Model - ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and
b. Shannon and Weaver's create media in a variety of forms.
Communication Model - aims to empower citizens by providing
(see last page for illustrations) them with the competencies
(knowledge and skills) necessary to
2. Expressive Model engage with traditional media and new
- happens due to the need to share technologies.
understanding and emotions.
3. Publicity Model - ability to recognize when information
- communication as the process of is needed, and to locate, evaluate, and
influencing the mind of others through effectively communicate information in
messages. its various formats.
4. Reception Model
- the communication is an open process  TECHNOLOGY LITERACY
- messages sent and received are open to - Ability of an individual, either working
various interpretations based on context independently or with others, to
and the culture of the receiver.

responsibly, appropriately, and - Making fun of certain characters even

effectively use technological tools. though those characters are not
- Using these tools an individual can presented as foils in their shows
access, manage, integrate, evaluate,
create and communicate information. 5. Intensive Development
- Strongly motivated to seek out
 MEDIA AND INFORMATION LITERACY information on certain topics
- essential skills and competencies that - Developing a detailed set of
allow individuals to engage with media information on particular topics
and other information providers (sports, politics, etc.)
effectively, as well as develop critical - Has high awareness of utility of
thinking and life-long learning skills to information and quick facility in
socialize and become active citizens. processing information judged to be

TYPOLOGY OF MEDIA 6. Experiential Exploring

- Seeking out different forms of content
and narratives
1. Acquiring Fundamentals
- Focusing on searching for surprises
- Learning that there are human beings
and new emotional, moral, and
and other physical things apart from
aesthetic reactions
one’s self; these things look different
and serve different functions
7. Critical Appreciation
- Learn the meaning of facial expression - Developing very broad and detailed
natural sounds understanding of the historical,
- Recognize shapes, form, size, color, economic, political, and artistic
movement, and spatial relations contexts of message systems
- Ability to construct a summary
2. Language Acquisition judgment about the overall strengths
- Recognize speech sounds and attach and weaknesses of a message
meaning to them
- Be able to reproduce speech sounds 8. Social Responsibility
- Orient to visual and audio media - Taking a moral stand that certain
- Make emotional and behavior messages are more constructive for
responses to music and sounds society than others
- Recognize certain characters in visual - Recognizing that one’s own individual
media and follow their movement decisions affect society – no matter
how minutely
3. Narrative Acquisition - Recognizing that there are some
- Developing understanding of actions an individual can take to make
differences between: a constructive impact on society
o Fiction vs. nonfiction
o Ads vs. entertainment
o Real vs. make-believe
- Understanding how to connect plot

4. Developing Skepticism
- Discounting claims made in ads
- Sharpening differences between likes
and dislikes for shows, characters,
and actions

A. Lasswell’s Communication Model

B. Shannon and Weaver's Communication


THE EVOLUTION OF TRADITIONAL TO NEW - The Internet paved the way for faster
MEDIA communication and the creation of
the social network.
Over the years, media forms and the technology that
- People advanced the use of
come with them have evolved dramatically.
microelectronics with the invention
These advancements have significant effects in our of personal computers, mobile
society. devices, and wearable technology.
- Voice, image, sound and data are
- We are now living in the information
1. Society is driven by changes in media and age.
communication technology.
2. Society adapts to advances in technology, thus, TRADITIONAL VS NEW MEDIA
changing cultural, political, and even historical
aspects of that society.
 Traditional Media
3. Social change is typically associated with
- one-directional
technological advancement.
- media experience is limited, and the
4. As technology stabilizes, users and consumers
sense receptors used are very specific
adapt their behavior to the features and
(i.e., print media requires sense of
perceived benefits of this technology, oftentimes
sight, radio requires sense of hearing,
making people overly reliant to technology.
and television and film require both.)
EVOLUTION OF MEDIA - still prevalent despite the emergence
of new media.

 Pre-Industrial Age (Before 1700s)  New Media

- People discovered fire, developed - Experience is more interactive.
paper from plants, and forged - The audiences are more involved and
weapons and tools with stone, can send feedback simultaneously.
bronze, copper and iron. - viewed as an addition rather than a
replacement for old media.
 Industrial Age (1700s-1930s)
- People used the power of steam, MAIN CATEGORIES OF NEW MEDIA
developed machine tools, established
iron production, and the
1. Interpersonal Communication Media
manufacturing of various products
- Examples are telephones,
(including books through the printing
smartphones, and other devices that
enables the user to call and send
messages like SMS, email, and instant
 Electronic Age (1930s-1980s)
messages (IM).
- The invention of the transistor
ushered in the electronic age. People
2. Interactive Play Media
harnessed the power of transistors
- Video games are interactive type of
that led to the transistor radio,
media. This includes virtual and
electronic circuits, and the early
augmented reality (VR and AR).
computers. In this age, long distance
communication became more
3. Information Search Media
- The World Wide Web is a source of
vast collection of information that can
 Information Age (1990s-2000s)
be accessed in real-time despite the
geographical location.

4. Collective Participatory Media 3. Libertarian

- refers to the use of the Internet for - free from any authority or any control
sharing and exchanging information, or censorship
ideas, and experiences and - people are more than enough to find
developing active personal and judge good ideas from bad
relationships. because people are rational.
- press should not restrict anything,
even a negative content may give
knowledge and can help make better
1. Channel decision during worst situations.
- Provides opportunities for people to
communicate, share ideas, speculate, 4. Social Responsibility
tell stories and give information. - allows free press without any
2. Monitoring censorship but at the same time the
- media informs citizens of what is content of the press should be
happening around them. discussed in public panel and media
3. Watchdog should accept any obligation from
- Exposes corrupt practices of the public interference or professional
government and the private sector. self-regulations or both.
- Guarantees free and fair election - gives total media freedom in one
4. Resource Center hand but the external controls in
- Acts as a gateway of information for other hand.
the society’s consumption.
- Keeper of memories of the
community, preserver of heritage and MEDIA REGULATION IN THE PHILIPPINES
source of academic knowledge.
 National Telecommunications Commission
A love-hate relationship. - powers of the NTC are limited to the
allocation of frequencies to television
NORMATIVE THEORIES OF THE PRESS and radio stations, and do not extend
to supervision over content.
 Movie and Television Review and
1. Authoritarian Classification Board (MTRCB)
- All forms of communications are - National agency mandated to
under the control of the government. supervise and regulate the republic
- press is an instrument to enhance the exhibition of motion pictures,
ruler’s power in the country. television programs, publicity
- government has all the rights to materials under a regulatory
restrict/censor any sensitive issue framework guided by the
from press to maintain peace and constitutional norms of respect to the
security in the nation. dignity of the person.
 The Philippine Journalist’s Code of Ethics
2. Soviet Media  Philippine Daily Inquirer Manual of Editorial
- government controls the total media Policies
and communication to serve working  Kapisanan ng mga Brodkaster ng Pilipinas
classes and their interests. (KBP)
- state puts an end to private
ownership of the press and other
- Also called as Communist Media.

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