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Primary 5
Second Term
Name: ---------------------------------------------------------

Class: ----------------------------------------------------------
Unit Lesson Topic page
Unit One: 1. Friction 3
Friction 2. Friction Application 12

Unit Two: 1. Circulatory system 19

2. Excretory System 32

1. Soil components 40
Unit Three:
2. Types and properties of Soil 46
The Soil
3. Soil pollution 51

Unit One
Friction Force

Lesson One

The Friction force:
The force that exists between two surfaces and affects the
movement in the opposite direction.

 Friction occurs when two surfaces touch each other.

 The friction works in the opposite direction to movement.



Activity (1): The effect of Friction force on the moving object:

 What happens when you stop pedaling during the movement of
your bike?
The speed of bicycle decreases
gradually until it stops

The effect of the friction force is in the
opposite direction to the direction of

The friction between the bicycle tires and the ground

Activity (2): The Friction and roughness of surface:
 What happens when you roll a small ball on rough surface (sand)
and smooth surface (ceramic)?
The ball travels for longer
distance on the class room
floor (smooth surface)

1. The friction force depends on the type of the material
2. The friction increase with increasing the roughness

Give reasons for:

 Stopping of the body during its motion.
Because of the friction force
 The ball moves on a ceramic floor for longer distance.
Because the friction decreases on smooth surface

Activity (3): The Friction and inclination:

 What happens when increase the inclination of an object?
The cube on the higher column and more tilted wooden bar will slide

The inclination
decrease the friction

The direction of the friction force is upwards and the direction of the
movement is downwards

Activity (4): The Friction and surface area:
 What happens when we increase surface area (larger object)?
The crushed paper falls faster than the flat paper

Increasing surface
area increase the

Give reason for:

 The crushed paper falls faster than flat paper
Because the friction decrease with small surface area

Important Notes:
Difference between Moving Object and Stopping object
 When the object stops
The friction force is more than the movement force

 When the object speeds up

The movement force is more than the friction force

 When the object moves a constant (the same) speed

The movement force equals the friction force

 The factors affecting friction force:
1- Surface roughness.
(When roughness increase, friction increase)
[Direct Relation]
- Smooth surface has less friction
- Rough surface has more friction

2- Surface area of the object

(When surface area increase, friction increase)
[Direct relation]
- Large surface area produce more friction
- Small surface area produce less friction

3- Inclination of the surface.

(When the inclination increase, the friction decrease)
[Direct relation]
- The more inclined surface produce less friction
- The less inclined surface produce more friction

4. The speed of the body

(When the speed increase, the friction force increases)
[Direct relation]

Advantages of the Friction:

1. Help us to lighten the matches
2. It helps in moving and stopping cars or bicycles
3. Help us to walk and run and run
4. Help us to control the car speed and direction

Give Reason for:

 Help us to walk and run and run
Bec, it Prevent us to slip down
 The car movement need a friction force
To control the speed and the direction of the moving car

Disadvantages of Friction:
 The friction damage the internal parts of machines. (Give Reason)
Because the friction raise the temperature of internal parts and
damage it

Ways of decreasing the friction:

1. Lubricants:
Substance form a thin layer between the internal parts of machine
to separate them

Grease Oil

2. Ball bearings:
Small metallic balls with smooth surface
between the surfaces of the internal moving
parts of the machine

Give Reason:
 Lubricants are put in the internal parts of machines
To decrease the friction force between the internal

 Ball bearing is put between the parts of machines

To decrease the friction force

Life application on the friction force:

Rubber Tires.
Some accidents happens on the road when it is
raining ….
What do you think the reason is?

Give Reason for:

 We can’t control the cars on wet road

Because the water decrease the friction between the road and the
car tires

 The car tires has grooves and narrow channels… (G.R)

To prevent water from staying between tires and the road

 Car tires should be replaced when grooves disappear… (G.R)

- Because the grooves squeeze the water out and increase the
What happens when?
 The car moves slowly on wet roads
The car tires squeeze water out, so the driver can control the car

 The car moves so fast on wet roads

The tires can’t squeeze the water out, so the drivers can’t control
the car

Exercises on lesson one

A. Choose the correct answer:

1. The friction force works in the --------------- direction of the moving
a) Same b) Opposite
c) fixed d) inclined

2. Technicians use ----------------------- to decrease the effect of the

a) Water b) Sand
c) glue d) ball bearings

3. The Friction force ---------------------- the temperature between the

parts of the machines.
a) Increase b) Decrease
c) Still d) has no effect

4. The Friction force ---------------------- when the surface area of a

moving object increase
a) increase b) decrease
c) still d) has no effect

5. Ball bearing decrease the Friction force because they have ----
a) Large surface b) Small surface
c) Smooth surface d) Rough surface

6. The grooves and narrow channels of the car tires squeeze the
water out to ------------- the friction force
a) decrease b) increase
c) keep d) no effect

7. The object moves in a constant speed when the friction force is -

------------ the movement force
a) More than b) The same as
c) less than d) (a) and (b)

B. Complete the following statements:
1. The force that slows down the objects motion is called ------------
2. The direction of the friction force is always ---------------------- the
force that causes the movement.
3. We can use ---------------------- or ---------------------- to decrease the
friction force between the internal moving parts of machines.
4. Increasing the inclination of a surface ---------------------- friction
5. When the object moves in a constant speed, then the friction force
----------------------- the movement force
6. ---------------------------- is used to decrease the effect of friction
force between the internal moving parts of machines
7. The friction force has an effect in the opposite direction of
8. ------------------------------ increases by increasing the surface area of
moving object
9. The value of ------------------------- between two surfaces depends on
the type of material of both surfaces
10. The grooves and narrow channels in the car tires ---------------------
the water to increase --------------------- and control the car motion

C. Write the scientific term:

1. The force that arises when 2 objects touches each other and
opposes the movement force [ --------------------------- ]
2. The friction force of a static object [ --------------------------- ]
3. Small metallic balls are used to decrease the friction force
between the internal parts of machine [ ----------------------------]
4. A force that slows down the moving object and has its effect in
the opposite direction of the object’s movement
5. A set of small balls with smooth surfaces is put between the
internal moving parts of machines [-----------------------------]

D. Give Reason:
1. The bike slows down when you stop pedaling.
2. The sliding on a smooth surface is easier than on a rough surface.
3. Lubricants are used in the internal moving parts of machines.
4. Friction between internal parts of machines damage it.
5. Ball bearing is used to decrease the friction force of internal parts
of machines.
6. The car tires should be replaced from time to time

Q5: What happens if?

1. There is no friction force between your shoes and the ground.

2. The grooves of the tires disappear


3. The moving car speeds so fast.


Lesson two
Friction Applications and Technology
The friction force is not only between solids, but also in air and water.

Types of friction
1. Friction between two solid objects [we studied in lesson 1]
2. Friction between a solid object and air [Air resistance]
3. Friction between a solid object and water [Water resistance]

 Friction between solid object and air [Air Resistance]

- Air resistance
The friction force by solid object moving through air

Air resistance Air Resistance

has an opposite
direction to
movement force
Movement Force

The factors affecting air resistance:

1. The speed of the object: [direct relation]
- By increasing the speed of the body, air resistance increases
- By decreasing the speed of the body, air resistance decreases

2. The surface area of object: [direct relation]

- By increasing surface area of the body, air resistance increases
- By decreasing surface area of the body, air resistance decreases

Life application:
1. Birds - Trains - Cars - Rockets and planes must be designed in
streamline shape (Give Reason)
To decrease the air resistance

2. The birds stretch their wings to land (Give Reason)

To increase the air resistance and land slowly

3. The parachutists open their parachute on landing (Give Reason)

To increase the air resistance and land safely

4. Reducing the fuel consumption

When the cars moves so fast, the air resistance increase so the
car need more fuel to overcome the air resistance

Give Reason for:

 Drivers shouldn’t increase the speed to a certain limit
To decrease the air resistance and consumption of fuel

 Friction between solid object and water [water Resistance]

- Water resistance
The friction force by solid object moving through water

Water resistance Water Resistance

has an opposite
direction to
movement force
Movement Force

The factors affecting air resistance:

1. The speed of the object: [direct relation]
- By increasing the speed of the body, water resistance increases
- By decreasing the speed of the body, water resistance decreases

2. The surface area of object: [direct relation]

- By increasing surface area, water resistance increases
- By decreasing surface area, water resistance decreases

Life application:
 Dolphins – Fish – Ships - Boats and Submarines must be designed in
streamline shape (Give Reason)
To decrease the water resistance

Exercise on lesson Two
Q1: Choose the correct answer:
1. The resistance which affects a body moving in the air is called ------
a) Water b) Air
c) Sand d) has no effect

2. The friction force depends on the ------------- of the body.

a) Length b) Volume
c) Density d) has no effect

3. A car moves properly, due to the friction of the tire with the -------
a) Car body b) Ground
c) Air d) Water

4. the birds stretch their wings on landing, to --------------- the air

a) decrease b) increase
c) keep d) no effect

5. The air resistance works in the ------------- direction of motion

a) opposite b) no
c) same d) all

6. The water resistance ------------- when the speed of the ship

a) Increases b) Decrease
c) Still the same d) no effect

7. The drivers keep the speed in certain limit to ------------- the fuel
a) increase b) stop
c) decrease d) double

8. The streamline shape ------------- the water/air resistance

a) Increase b) invert
c) Decrease d) Maximize

Q2: Complete the following statements:
1. The friction force between the object and the water is called
2. Trains and planes are designed in ------------------------------ shapes
to ---------------------- the friction force.
3. As the area of the surface exposed to air is large, the friction force
is ----------------------------
4. When the effect of air resistance equals the force that moves the
car, the car moves at ----------------------- speed.
5. When an object moves so fast in water, the friction force between-
-------------------------- and object -------------------------
6. The friction force between air and the object that moves through
is called ----------------------------------

Q3: Give Reason:

1. Birds stretch their wings on landing
2. The drivers shouldn’t increase the speed into certain limit
3. Parachutist opens his parachute on landing.
4. Trains and planes are designed in streamline shape.
5. The parachutists open the parachute on landing

Q4: What happens if?
4. There is no friction force between your shoes and the ground.
5. Car drivers increase the speed of their cars.
6. The parachutist doesn’t open the parachute on landing.

Q5: put (x) or (√) and correct the wrong one:

1. The moving car is affected by air resistance in the same direction
of the movement [ ]

2. The air resistance decreases when the car moves so fast [ ]


3. When the friction force between the air and a car is equal to the
movement force , the car moves at a constant velocity [ ]

4. The relationship between the surface area of object and the air
resistance of its movement is an inverse relationship [ ]

5. When the parachutist opens his parachute, the friction force

[ ]

Unit Two

Circulatory System and

Urinary System

Lesson One
The Human Circulatory System
Circulatory System:
It is the system which carries the digested food, oxygen to all body
cells and carries Carbon dioxide, wastes away from body cells

 The circulatory system consists of: heart, blood vessels and blood.

1. The heart:
 It's a muscular hollow organ, about your fist in size.
 It's located within the chest cavity between the lungs. It is made
of a strong tissue called cardiac muscle.
 The function: Heart beats pump the blood to all body parts.

Structure of the Heart:

Left Atrium

Right Atrium


Left Ventricle

Right Ventricle Septum

 There are two sides, right side & left side which are separated by
a muscular wall called Septum
 It is composed of four chambers which are always full of blood
and connected with blood vessels.
- The upper chambers are called atriums
- The lower chambers are called ventricles
- The atrium receive blood while the ventricle pump blood.

Give Reason for

 There is a valve between each atrium and ventricle
To allow blood to flow in one direction from atrium to ventricle

 The muscle of left ventricle is thicker than Right atrium

Because it pumps the blood to all body parts

 The two sides of the heart are separated by Septum

To prevent mixing the blood in both sides of the heart

2. The blood vessels:
 They are long tubes connected to the heart where the blood

 They are (Arteries – Veins – Blood vessels)

Arteries Veins
 They have thick walls.  They have thin walls.
 They emerge (come out) from  They begin at the body cells and
the two ventricles open in two atria
 They carry the blood from the  They carry the blood from the
heart to all body parts. body to the heart.
 Example: Aorta  Example: Vena cava
Pulmonary artery Pulmonary veins
 They are connected to Ventricle  They are connected to atrium

 All Arteries carry blood rich in  All veins carry blood rich in
oxygen except Pulmonary artery carbon dioxide except Pulmonary

 Arteries end with capillaries  Veins start with capillaries

Blood capillaries
A network of tiny blood vessels with very thin walls around the cells
which connect arteries to veins

Give Reason:
 Blood capillaries have thin walls
 To allow exchange of food, wastes
and gases

3. The blood:
It is a red liquid that carry all substances around the body cells
 The function of the blood:
1) It transfer materials to the body cells
2) It keeps the temperature of the body
3) It fights microbes

Structure of the blood

Red blood cells White blood cells Platelets Plasma


They are red cells They are white They are It's a yellow
without nuclei cells of different small sized watery fluid
forms fragments

Function: Function: Function: Function:

They carry They attack and It coagulates Carry the
oxygen from the destroy microbes the blood food and
lungs to all body inside the body. (forming wastes.
cells and carry blood clots) -RBC's, WBC's
carbon dioxide So, help in and platelets
from the body healing float in the
cells to lungs. wounds plasma

Give reasons for
 Blood platelets are very important
Because they help in healing wounds by forming blood clot
 The blood is a liquid
Because of plasma which is a watery fluid
 When the wound is exposed to the air it forms blood clot to stop
bleeding and help in healing wounds.

Blood circulation:
It is the path of blood throughout the body

Types of Blood Circulation:

1) Minor Blood Circulation: (Pulmonary Circuit)
The blood circulation between heart and lungs
2) Major blood circulation: (Systemic Circuit)
The blood circulation between heart and body parts

The Pathway of Blood:

4) The blood rich in Oxygen returns to left atrium

through Pulmonary Vein

3) The right
5) The blood
ventricle pumps
flows to left
the blood to
lungs through
artery to
exchange O2
with CO2.

6) The left
2) The blood flows
pumps the
to right
blood to
through valve.

1) The blood rich in 7) The Aorta gives

carbon-dioxide the oxygen-rich
comes from body blood to all the
cells to right atrium
body cells.
through vena cava.

 Blood vessels connected to the heart:
Blood Vessel Carry the blood
From To
1. Vena cava Body cells Right atrium
(deoxygenated blood)
2. Pulmonary artery Right ventricle Lungs
(deoxygenated blood)
3. pulmonary veins Left atrium Left ventricle
(oxygenated blood)
4. Aorta Left ventricle Body cells
(oxygenated blood)

The Pulse and Heart beats:

 The Pulse:
The number of heart beats per minute

Activity (1): To know how to measure your heart beats:

 What happens when you put your hand on your wrist?
- You feel the pulse in your wrist
- The heart beats in your arteries
causes the pulse in your wrist

- The pulse of normal person is about

70 heart beat a minute

Activity (2): To prove that heartbeats increase with exercising:

 What happens when you do more exercises?

-The rate of heart beats increase
-Exercises increase the heart beats. (Give Reason)
To supply the body cells with oxygen and food
needed for energy

- The Pulse increase in activities and decrease in rest

How to you keep your circulatory system healthy?

1) Decrease eating fats and salty food.

2) Eat fresh vegetables rich in iron. (G.R) To avoid Anemia

3) Clean the wounds instantly. (G.R) To avoid infection of diseases

4) Avoid smoking and smokers. (G.R) Because it harms the heart

5) Drink suitable amounts of water. (G.R) To activate blood circulation

6) Avoid accidents and infection. (G.R) Because it harm the blood

7) Physical exercises. (G.R) To strengthen your Heart Muscle

Exercise on lesson One
Q1: Choose the correct answer:
1. The -------------------- carry oxygenated blood.
a) Left atrium b) Right ventricle
c) Right atrium d) Left ventricle

2. The -------------------- carry the oxygenated blood to all body cells.

a) aorta b) pulmonary vein
c) Pulmonary artery d) vena cava

3. The --------------- is found between every atrium and ventricle.

a) Septum b) Valve
c) vein d) artery

4. When the blood is exposed to the air, a bloody ------------ is formed.

a) Clot b) Layer
c) platelet d) skin

5. Blood vessel which carry blood from the heart are the -------------
a) Artery b) blood capillaries
c) vein d) Skin

6. Blood components which are responsible for attacking microbes

are ---------------------
a) white blood cells b) blood platelets
c) plasma d) red blood cells

7. All arteries carry oxygenate blood except ----------------- artery

a) Pulmonary b) Vena cava
c) Aorta d) Hepatic

8. Blood circulation between the heart and lungs is ----------------

blood circulation
a) Pulmonary b) Minor
c) Systemic d) (a) and (b)

Q2: Write the scientific term:
1. The system responsible for transferring the food particles,
wastes, oxygen and carbon dioxide through the body
[ ---------------------- ]
2. A muscular organ, about the size of the fist and located in the
chest cavity [ ---------------------- ]
3. The two lower chambers of the heart [ ---------------------- ]
4. The two upper chambers of the heart [ ---------------------- ]
5. The vessels that carries blood from the heart. [ ---------------------- ]
6. The vessels transport blood to the heart. [ ---------------------- ]
7. The artery that carries blood rich in carbon dioxide
[ ---------------------- ]
8. The vein that carries blood rich in oxygen [ ---------------------- ]
9. The network of pipelines that extend all over the body cells
[ ---------------------- ]
10. The cells in the blood that attack microbes. [ ---------------------- ]
11. A yellow fluid in which the blood cells floats and keeps the body
temperature constant. [ ---------------------- ]
12. They help in healing the wounds. [ ---------------------- ]
13. The flowing of blood between the heart and the lungs
[ ----------------------- ]
14. The blood circulation between the heart and all body parts
[ ----------------------- ]
15. The number of heart beats in one minute [ ----------------------- ]

Q3: Complete the following:
1. Heart is located in the ----------------------------- between the 2 lungs
2. Heart beats cause ------------------------- to all body parts
3. Hearts consists of 4 chambers filled with ------------------------- and
connected with -------------------------
4. Blood flows inside pipelines called ------------------------------
5. Blood vessels that emerge from the heart are called ------------------
6. The ---------------- blood cells carry the oxygen and carbon dioxide
7. --------------------------- keeps the body temperature constant
8. Blood platelets form ------------------- which help in healing wound
9. Left ventricle pushes the blood into the ----------------------------------
10. The ------------------------- atrium receives the blood from all body
parts except the lungs
11. The deoxygenated blood coming from the body cells enters the
----------------------- through the -------------------------- veins.
12. The left atrium of the heart receives the oxygenated blood
through the ------------------------- vein
13. The left ventricle pushes the blood through the ----------------------,
then the blood travels to all body cells where it delivers Oxygen

Q4: Give reason:

1. The two sides of heart are separated by septum
2. Heart contain valves

3. Blood flows in one direction only inside the heart
4. Blood capillaries have thin wall
5. Blood platelets coagulates the blood (clotting) on wounding
6. The walls of the arteries are thick
7. It is necessary to keep exercising
8. We must avoid Smoking and smokers
7. It is important to avoid exposure to infection and accidents

Q5. What happens if?

1. There is no valves in the heart
2. There is no septum
3. You didn’t clean your wound

Q6: Write the name the labels:

1. ------------------------------------------
2. ------------------------------------------
3. ------------------------------------------
4. ------------------------------------------
5. ------------------------------------------
6. ------------------------------------------

What is the function of the following?

1. Part Number 2: ---------------------------------------------------------------

2. Part Number 6: ---------------------------------------------------------------

Lesson Two
The Excretion and Human urinary System
 What happens after we eat the food?
a) The digested food move all body cells to burn it and get
energy beside some wastes known as execratory materials
b) The indigested food is stored in the large intestine till it
passes out the body and known as solid waste

Solid wastes Excretory materials

They are the indigested food They are materials produced

stored in the large intestine till it from burning food in body
passes out of the body cells.

They are: They are:

Solid wastes Carbon dioxide
Water vapor
Uric acid
Excess salt
Excess water

Expelled by Expelled by
Anus Excretory organs

Give reasons:
 Solid wastes are not excretory materials
Because it is the indigested food stored in large intestine

The process of getting rid of wastes produced by the breaking down of
food in the cells

The Excretory

Excretory materials
They are materials produced from burning food in body cells.

Carbon dioxide –  Produced during burning of digested

food by to produce energy
Water Vapor
 Expelled through Lungs by the
Exhalation process

Nitrogen wastes  Produced during the breaking down of

[Urea - Uric acid] protein
 Expelled through kidneys

Excess salts – - Expelled through the kidney and skin

Excess water

The Urinary system
 Urinary system is located in the abdominal cavity
 Function: filter the blood from Nitrogenous wastes

 Aorta artery:
 Vena cava Vein:
Carries clean Carries blood
blood to the rich in wastes
heart to Kidneys

The Urinary System Description Function

The two Kidneys - Bean shaped organs.
- Located on both sides of the backbone.
Filter the blood from Nitrogenous wastes

The two ureters - Tubes extend from Carry urine from the
kidneys kidneys to bladder.

The urinary bladder - Balloon like muscular It stores the urine till
sac. it goes out of the
Urethra - Tube extend from the Allow the urine to
urinary bladder get out the body

The Skin
The skin expel the excess salt and water in the form of urine
 Sweat glands:
Special organs in the skin gets rid of excess salts and water in
the form of Sweat
Give Reason
 We urinates less in summer than in winter.
Because the sweat increases in summer

Allow Sweat to get out the body

Filter the blood from sweat

How can you keep your urinary system healthy?

1. Drink enough water daily especially in summer
2. Eat large amounts of vegetables & fruits
3. Don’t eat large amounts of salt
4. Don't keep the urine in the bladder for a long time. (Give Reason)
Because it affect the function of kidney
5. Don't swim in the irrigation canals. (Give Reason)
To avoid the bilharzias and bloody urine

Exercise on lesson two

Q1: Choose the correct answer:

1. The urinary system contains --------------------

a) 2 kidneys b) 2 limbs
c) 2 lungs d) 2 urinary bladder

2. The urinary system found in the ----------------------

a) Abdominal cavity b) Chest cavity
c) Pelvic cavity d) Below stomach

3. The -------------------------- carry the urine to the bladder.

a) 2 ureters b) 2 limbs
c) 2 kidneys d) 2 urethra

4. Carbon dioxide and water vapor are released by the --------------

a) 2 kidneys b) Anus
c) 2 lungs d) skin

5. the vena cava vein that leaves the kidney carry -------------------
a) pure blood b) rich in urea
c) blood rich in wastes d) excess salt

6. The blood that carry harmful wastes enters the kidneys through
the -------------------
a) Vena cava vein b) Pulmonary artery
c) Pulmonary vein d) Aorta artery

7. The sweat gets out the body through ---------------- in the skin
a) Pores b) salivary gland
c) Sweat glands d) Hair follicle

8. The urination in winter time is -------------------- summer

a) more than b) equal
c) less than d) variable with

Q2: Complete the following:
1. The main organs of the urinary system are the ------------------------
2. The kidney excretes the wastes dissolved in water in the form of -
3. Human body get rids of the urine through the ---------------------
and gets ride of the ---------------------- through sweat glands.
4. The -------------------------- carry the urine from the kidneys to the
-------------------------- which is a muscular bag
5. Urine consists of ----------------, ------------------ and excess salt
dissolved in water
6. Blood containing waste materials enters the kidneys through
-------------------------- and leaves it through -------------------------
that carry pure blood to the heart.

Q3: write the scientific term:

1. A group of organs that clean the body from the wastes and
harmful substances [ ----------------------------- ]
2. The system that filter blood from excess salt, urea, uric acid
[ ----------------------------- ]
3. The two organs which excrete carbon dioxide and excess water in
the form of vapor [ ----------------------------- ]
4. The fluid which the kidneys produced and contains harmful
substances (urea and uric acid) [ ----------------------------- ]
5. The narrow tube which connects with the kidney and urine
passes through it [ ----------------------------- ]
6. The organ in skin that help in excretion of sweat
[ ----------------------------- ]

Q4: Give reason:

1. The solid wastes are not from the excretory materials.

2. If the two kidneys are damaged, the person will die.

3. Skin is one of the excretory organs


4. A sweat has a salty taste


5. Man urinates in winter more than summer


Q5: What happens if?

1. The urinary bladder keeps urine for a long periods.


2. Swimming in the irrigation canals

3. The sweat glands is damaged

Unit Three

The Soil

Lesson One

The Soil

A thin non-compacted upper layer covers the earth's crus

Activity (1): To illustrate the soil components:

What happens when you shake a tube filled with soil mixed with water
and let it to settle?
- The large particles will settle
down and the fine particles
stay up
- The soil has many components
such as air, water, clay, sand,
silt, gravels and Humus
(organic material)

The soil is made up of:

- Air - Rock pieces
- Organic material or Humus - Water
The Humus:
Black layer of decayed remains of animals and plants that add
nutrients to the soil

Give Reason
 There many different types of soil, differ in texture and color
Because they differ in minerals and rock types and dead remains.

 How soil is formed?

1. Rocks break down into
smaller pieces along the
time by the effect of the
wind and water.

2. These rock pieces mix with

decayed materials of dead animals and plants to form the soil.

How was Egypt's soil formed?

1. The origin of Egypt s soil is the rocks of the Ethiopian plateau
exposed for several factors such as heat, wind, rains, and water.
2. Rocks were broken into small pieces
3. The water carried these particles to Nile River
4. They deposited through years as layers of clay and silt.

What is the importance of soil?

Soil is very important to plants, animals and human. (Give Reason)
1. Important for plant growth
2. Important for making food for animals and humans
3. Provide home for some living organisms

Soil layers and composition
The soil composed of more than one layer, each layer has its own
properties and structure

Top soil layer

Lower soil layer

Rocky layer

Soil Layers
Top soil layers 1. Clay
2. Sand and gravels
3. Humus
4. Roots of plants
5. Leaves of plants
6. Insects: Earthworms, ants, spiders
7. Small pieces of rocks

Lower soil layers Don’t have much humus

Rocky layers No humus but only rock masses

 Soil and living organisms:
1. Animals such as earth worms and spiders dig tunnels in the soil
to make their homes.
- The tunnels are important for the soil. (Give Reason) allow
air, water and nutrients to pass easily through the soil.
2. Animals’ dead bodies also add nutrients to the soil (Humus).
3. Plant leaves and other parts fall to the soil, they decay and form
4. The top soil layers contain roots, animals and humus.
5. Rocky layers don’t have much humus but rock masses
6. Roots of plants are important to the soil ….. (G.R) because:
a. They hold the plant in the soil.
b. They protect the soil from erosion quickly.
c. Roots of some plants add nutrients to the soil.

Exercise on Lesson One
Q1: Choose the correct answer:
1. The soil is produced by breaking down the ----------------------
a) Sand b) rocks c) clay

2. The humus found at the ---------------------- of the soil.

a) Middle b) top c) depth

3. The --------------------- is the layer that is formed of the decayed

a) Humus b) silt c) gravel

4. The soil is important for ----------------------

a) Animals b) plants c) all previous

5. The roots hold the ------------------------- to stay still.

a) Soil b) pant c) insects

6. Plants absorbs water and minerals form the ----------------------

a) Air b) soil c) plant

Q2: Complete the following:

1. the soil contains gravels produced from breaking down of ----------
2. the main soil components are -----------------------, ----------------------
and ------------------- beside the water
3. The ------------------- is a thin non compacted superficial layer
which covers the earth's --------------------
4. Water and -------------------- breaks down rocks into small pieces
5. The decayed organisms mixed in soil is called ------------------------
6. The --------------------- add nutrients to the -------------------
7. The origin of Egyptian soil is the rocks of the ---------------------------

Q3: Write the scientific term:
1. A thin non-compacted layer covers the earth's crust
[ ------------------------------- ]
2. It's the dark upper layer component of the soil.
[ ------------------------------- ]
3. The source of the Egyptian soil [ ------------------------------- ]

Q4: Give reason:

1. Plant roots are very important to soil.

2. Soil is very important to plants.

3. Tunnels are important for the soil
4. There are many types of soils different in textures and colors

Q5: What happens if?

1. There is no Humus.
2. There is no living organisms in the soil

Lesson Two
Types and properties of soil
There are Three Types of soil:
1) Clay soil
It is composed mainly of clay and silt particles and
small amount of sand particles and humus
- Fine particles
- Dark color
2) Sand soil
It is composed mainly of sand particles, a small
amount of clay and silt particles and rarely
contains humus
- Large particles
- Yellow color
3) Silt soil
It is composed of a mixture of gravel sand, clay,
silt and more humus
- Large and Fine particles
- Brown color

Some activities to illustrate the properties of soil

- Aeration - Compactness
- Fertility - Drainage and Water absorption

Activity (1): To illustrate the compactness of soil:

What happens you try to crush dry soil?
- The clay is crushed harder than silt than sand
- The compactness of soil
depends on the particle size

Activity (2): To illustrate aeration and water absorption:
What happens to water level in the 3 tubes?
- The water rises in sand to higher
level than silt than clay
- The water absorption and aeration
depends on the presence of air
between the soil particles

Activity (3): to illustrate drainage:

What happens to the water in the funnel?
- The water drains quickly in sand
than silt than clay
- The water drainage depends on the
space between the soil particles

Activity (4): To illustrate fertility:

What happen when you try to cultivate plants in different soil?
- The silt soil is the most suitable
for cultivation
- The fertility of the soil
depends on the amount of humus

Comparing the properties of different types of soil:
Properties Sand soil Clay soil Silt soil
Composition Sand and Clay and silt Clay, gravel, sand,
gravels silt and Humus
Fertility Less Fertile Fertile High fertility

Color Yellow Dark Grey

Size of particles Large Small Medium

Aeration Good Poor Medium

Compactness Weak Hard Medium

Water absorption Low High Medium

Drainage of water Fast Slow Medium
Holding of water Less More Medium

Give reason for:

- The silt soil is the most fertile
Because it contains a large amount of humus
- The silt soil is the most suitable for cultivation
Because it the highest fertile with medium aeration and drainage
- Sand soil is good aerated with fast drainage of water
Because the spaces between sand particles are large
- Clay soil is poor aerated with poor drainage of water
Because the spaces between clay particles are small

Some plants that grow in different soils:

Clay soil Sand soil Silt soil
1. Cotton 1. Potatoes 1. Lemon
2. Rice 2. Sweet potatoes 2. Oranges
3. Sugarcane 3. Peanut 3. Strawberry
4. Wheat 4. cactus 4. pomegranate
5. Vegetables

Exercise on lesson Two
Q1: Choose the correct answer:
1. The particles size of clay soil is -------------------------
a) tiny b) medium c) large

2. The most suitable soil for cultivation is -------------------------

a) Sand b) Clay c) Silt

3. The sand soil ------------------- water more than other types of soil.
a) Drains b) Holds c) Retains

4. The color of silt soil is ----------------------

a) Yellow b) Grey c) dark

5. The compactness of sand soil is ----------------------

a) Weak b) Strong c) medium

6. Potato grows efficiently in ---------------------- soil.

a) Clay b) Sand c) silt

7. The aeration of sand soil is ----------------------

a) Poor b) Good c) medium

8. The compactness of clay soil is ----------------------

d) High e) Low f) medium

9. The sand soil is ----------------------

a) High fertile b) Less fertile c) Fertile

10. The strawberry grows in ---------------------- soil

a) Silt b) Clay c) sand

11. The rice grows in ---------------------- soil

a) Silt b) Clay c) sand

Q2: Give Reason:
1. Silt is the most suitable soil for cultivation.

2. Silt soil is highly fertile.


3. Sand soil is high aerated.


Q3: Complete the following:

1. --------------------- Soil holds more water, while ------------------------
soil holds less water.
2. Silt soil contains ---------------------, ----------------------, -----------------
and ----------------------------
3. Silt soil is used to grow ------------------------, --------------------------
and ------------------------------
4. Clay soil is used to grow ----------------------------, ---------------------
and -------------------------
5. Sand soil is used to grow ------------------------, ------------------------
and --------------------------
6. The compactness of -------------------------- soil is high, while that of
------------------------------ soil is very weak.

Q3: put ( x ) or ( √ ):
1. Wheat plant grows in sand soil [ ]
2. The spaces between the particles of clay soil are large [ ]
3. Cactus plants are seen in sand soil [ ]
4. Silt soil contains gravel, clay, sand and humus [ ]
5. Sand soil is more compacted that silt [ ]

Lesson three
Soil protection and pollution
Change in the environment that harms living organisms.

 The materials that cause this pollution are known as pollutants.

Examples of Soil Pollutants:

1. Chemical pesticides:
- Chemical pesticides are used to kill pests that attack plants.
- Some pesticides had bad effect. (Give Reason)
Bec, it passes to the plant and harms the human health and
animals feed on it

2. Chemical fertilizers:
- Chemical fertilizers are used to increase the fertility of soil.
- Using chemical fertilizers causes soil pollution. (Give Reason)
Bec, it causes
a. Death of organisms live in the soil.
b. Passing fertilizers to plants and harms human health

3. Industrial wastes:
- Industrial wastes coming from factories pollute air and water.
- When pollutants mix with water it form acidic rain, this
increases soil acidity and dissolve the salts needed for plants

4. Increasing soil salinity:

- Spacing periods of irrigation harm soil. (Give Reason)
Bec, it increases salinity and causes death of plants

- Raising level of ground-water harm soil. (Give Reason)

Bec, it increases salinity and causes death of plants

 How to protect soil from pollution:
1. Use natural enemies instead of pesticides
Natural enemies: insects that helps to kill pest of crops

2. Use natural fertilizers instead of chemical fertilizers.

3. Improving the drainage of agricultural land.
4. Build the factories far from the farmlands.
5. Treatment of factory wastes.
6. Regulate the irrigation to protect it from drying
7. Recycle the agricultural wastes to useful materials.

Treatment of factory wastes Improve the drainage of soil

Decrease using Chemical fertilizers

Exercise on lesson Three
Q1: Choose the correct answer:
1. One of the sources of pollution is ------------------------
a) Salts b) Fertilizers c) pesticides

2. Soil pollution causes -------------------- of plants and animal groups.

a) Appearance b) disappearance c) d) nothing

3. Adding --------------------------to the soil protects it from pollution.

a) Natural fertilizers b) Chemical fertilizers c) seeds

4. spacing the irrigation periods ------------------ the salinity of soil

a) increase b) decrease c) don’t affect

5. Raising of water level of ground water in the soil, ---------------------

the salinity of soil
a) increase b) decrease c) don’t affect

6. Using natural fertilizers leads to …………………

a) increase b) decrease c) increase salinity
fertility fertility

7. Using chemical fertilizers leads to ------------------

a) decrease b) decrease c) death of organisms
fertility salinity

8. The industrial wastes leads to ------------------- of soil

a) decrease b) decrease c) decrease salinity
acidity acidity

9. Natural enemies are used instead of -------------------

a) Chemical b) Chemical c) Soil salinity
fertilizers pesticides

Q2: write the scientific term:
1. It's any change in the environment that disturbs its natural
balance and harms its living organisms.
[ ------------------------------ ]
2. Chemical substances used to kill pests of crops
[ ------------------------------ ]
3. Small insects can help in getting rid of pests of crops
[ ------------------------------ ]

Q3: Complete the following table with proper statements:

Harms of soil pollution Ways of protection
1) Soil salinity 1) ---------------------------------------------------------
2) Chemical pesticides 2) ---------------------------------------------------------
3) Chemical fertilizers
3) ---------------------------------------------------------
4) Industrial wastes
4) ---------------------------------------------------------

Q4: put (x) or (√):

1. Adding natural fertilizers leads to soil pollution [ ]
2. Soil pollution causes disappearance of plans and animals [ ]
3. Using insecticides to control agricultural pests protect the soil
from pollution [ ]
4. Pollution is a change in the environment that disturbs its balance
[ ]
5. Spacing periods of irrigation leads to increase the salinity [ ]


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