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Nama : Nike Fadilah Putri, Disha Firnatha

NIM/Kelas : 2110231048, 2110231049/A

Mata Kuliah : Material Development

Analytical Exposition Text

1. Definition of Analytical Exposition Text
Analytical Exposition text is a text which discuss about something that happen
in society. The writers give their opinion about the phenomena that will be discussed.
The topic should be related to the recent and important problems happen and need to
be explored. Furthermore, Kartini and Farikah (2015:556) states that analytical
exposition presents information, ideas or issues to inform and to persuade the reader
or listener. So, analytical exposition provides the writer’s opinion about something
that happens in the society. Sometimes analytical exposition text found in the
scientific article, journal, magazine, etc.
2. The purpose of Analytical Exposition Text
The purpose of analytical exposition text is to persuade the reader with the
writer’s opinion about an issue. Analytical exposition text was given the arguments
about the topic that happen recently. But you need to know that analytical exposition
doesn’t try to change our point of view. This text pure only the arguments of the
3. Structure Analytical Exposition Text
In writing analytical exposition text, the writer must follow the generic
structure of this text. Refnaldi (2010:217) states the generic structure of analytical
exposition text. It consists of thesis, arguments, writer’s reiteration.

a. Thesis is a statement of the write’s position about a topic that will be

discussed and tells what the writer is focusing on. This can be found in the
first paragraph.

b. Then, the following paragraph is the supporting points that support the
thesis statement. The writer supports the thesis statement by putting the
arguments about the topic.

c. Then, the last part is writer’s reiteration which reinforces the thesis
statement in the first paragraph.
4. Language Features of Analytical Exposition Text

Here are the language features starting to write the text:

a. Using simple present tense

b. Using several words to express the feeling or thinking of the writer for example,
experience, feel, know, realize, sense, think, etc.

c. Using connective words. The use of connective words is for adding information
(and, moreover, in addition, and also); contrasting information (but, however, and
even though); and causality or show cause-effect (because, therefore, thus,
consequently, despite, due to, for that reason, etc.)

5. Example of Analytical Exposition Text

The Important of Having Breakfast (Title)

In a busy morning, people tent to skip their breakfast. Actually, there are many
benefits of having breakfast. Here are two reasons why it is important. (Thesis)

Having breakfast helps us feel more focused for the coming way. When we study at
school and didn’t have breakfast before, we will more likely to not focus during the
lesson. There’s nothing worse than being constantly aware that you are hungry and
counting the minutes until lunchtime. Having breakfast in the morning not only fuels
the essential energy to function and focus better on tasks, so we can concentrate more.

Having breakfast will also control our appetite. If we don’t eat breakfast, we are much
more likely to end up snacking throughout the morning, which cold pile up the
unhealthy calories! Stay away from overly-refined snacks with added sugar, so if you
do feel like snacking, have some slices of fruits. (Argument)

The two reasons above, to help us feel more focused and to control our appetite are
only some of many reasons out there on why having breakfast is important. There are
indeed many other benefits of having breakfast. (Reiteration)

Kartini and Farikah. (2015). Analysis of Theme of the Analytical Exposition TextsWritten by
the Third Semester Students of English Department of Tidar University. International
Journal of English and Education. Volume: 4, Issue: 3.

Priyana, J. (2008). Interlanguage English for Seniour High School Students XI. Jakarta:
Departemen Pendidikan Nasional

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